tTTT '.IX, "-11: v,i -. ,-" V"X lj lEmmtraj Herald MHMBMII 7, KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWlPAPER KLAMATH VALLfe r Vr y OFFICIAL MXWtPAMte ' Wi 'fcfrgH-, ... Ttnth Ysr Ne. J.0BI KLAMATH FALLS, OKKQON, TUESDAY, MAX 30, 1916 PrtmPty sl ; . VIOLENT TEU10N OFFENSIVE 6ET8 FRENCH TRENCHES FRINCH CLAIM TO HAVE REQAIN. 10 GROUND President Wilson's Secretary and Publicity Agent fighting Around Cumleree and Along the Mslse U Still Intense Frtnch Hurled luk From Read Connietlng Cumleree and Nearby Villages ltl. lans Art Icing Forced Back by the Austrian Advance. United Preea Service PARIS, May 30. It la officially an nounced that the Germans, by n power ful aasault, drove the French from South Bethlncourt to. Cumlerex. Tim calm, however, did not exceed 120 yard. The Oerranna also attacked between Dead Man's Hill and Cumlcrca. KUe where In the fighting northwest of Verdun the Teuton attacks were huc cesufully repulsed. The Oermans are now atrlklng noutli. ward against the vlllago of Cumlero and the highway connecting II with Ene. In this way they are attempt ,tay to xqueexe the French out of the whole region between Dead Man's Mill and the Mount, and thus force u con oral French retirement to Clmnmy lirldge. Following a day of bombardment wrst of C,umicrri, the, Germans thin morning launched a now division, Jum arrived, against the village. Assaults of Intense fury were launched on tho eautern slog of Dead Man's Hill. They collapsed under French Ore, and the Ovrmans also lost heavily In. Cauretto woods. VIF.NNA, May 30. Tho Italians nn preparing to evacuate Anlago, the largest Italian town threatened by the Aiutrlaaa sine they started their of fensive against Italy. Aslngo is twenty-two mile fros Vicenaa, tho goal of tbe Austrian offensive. It Is officially announced that, Austria has also crossed the Asso valloy. near Roana. Tola force threatens to sur round the Italians The Italian troops are vainly trying to stop the advance. . . i . " ''imtmmmmmmmmmmW IfiWii :f , if9sSSSSS4 1 ' 't;V' ' v.MV'gggHsXpJ .4sSSSSk . Wi'lVtn. ? ifi 'JtJtWymffifiExvA tSSSSP? '''f'vvv-SHfiiSMS "ifi -1 , iiiWfi)''4BSSSSSSSsV Jak aW4;' aggggggggggggggB MSmMaHLfega ' -dBSSSSSSSSSSSl , SSSSSSSSSSSSS'gaSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ 1 "SSSSSSSSSSSSFaaaaaVBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs jKVSSSSSSSSSjMMgfi'jfSSSSS) SSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ .iaxeaaaaaaaaaaax slggggaMEilMAsW . tH ssVaBKMsm' VmMW sWsHfigggL J IsSSSSSSSSSsH 'ff BSMsBwlliSM'' fgggggggggggggggH SSfef$igSSSM '' Vv; 4ssssssssssssl -'gggMiaSSSSsl' V:gggggggggggggggggfl ' SSSSSKiLxiaSaiaSSSSSB, &iV'4ggggggggggggggggggggl oaaaaanSBs? 'BjaaTaenaaaaaaa Plyct aeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxa . lalalalaVKftsSinBSSB SSSSSSSSSSSSl . SSSSSSBJiusSSBSHaSSSSSSSSSSSSJ BSSSSSBaBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ i BSSSSSBBgaSSSSSSSSSSlSSgBiiBiiBiiBiiBiiBI aiSSSSHVSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBI r gggggtfiBHsBsggggggggggggga "T sssv -sssssssssssssssssssssssll t- iallllllllSlith?'aallllllllllllllllllllllHI R f ' '"' gnSSr ' W''llgalalalalalaH I BBSgV (' ;--'-"'KL'aggggaWE8algaaBI" IKXP9Pni "'-' IggailailawSPSffiTBalawB Wm&& -;iM v.Psssssssjlicasj SSSflS .xfcVL ?r' Piy5iSSH3K39BSlB )&Xal,Zn. 3sat;caUaJMV)ua:ltifc gggggfMHHSaaSSSSVHgl ROOSEVELT OPENS CAMPAIGN TODAY; SCORES PACIFISM BIO OVATION tlVEN BY THI BT. COUIS PUBLIC ' RESTA LEADS AT END OF 75 LAPS IN MOTOR EVENT INDIANAPOLIS CLASSIC IS BIO EVINT In Addition to Hit Keynote Speech, the Celenel Makes a Sliert Talk fer Pre aarepaiaa When Scheel CMWsm I Storm Hla Hotel, Deneunclng These . Who Weld hlBafy" the United State. i The rush of work by the reclaasaUe service last spring; to ealarg la hurry the GriStth lateral, la to he dupll-. cated this, year to a eertala exteat A end In the run, With Chevrolet, an .rush order for the completion of a tat- Puegeot Makes an Average of Eighty- Seven Miles an Hour Altken Old "Come-Back," In Third Place. Twenty-One Cars Started In the Big Sweepstakes Race. United Pree Service ; BT. LOUIS. May 30. Before tbous anda of people, Roosevelt this after- United Press Service) ' INDIANAPOLIS, May 30 At the end ef the 75th lap of the 300 mile noon opened Us whirlwind speaklag International sweepstakes race today, tour in an address la' which In scored " ". . ' P" . .averaging S7 miles an hour, those opposing proper prepared. L MtkM, 4rMnn . p,ugtotf and outlined hto. views ot today prokvjo,, an- Chevrolet. In a Prentenae, leaas. ;was third. Thousands Used th atreett hatweam the sUtion and Roosevelt's hotel, audi INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY. May they cheered wildly. The Cotoael stood '30. The interest of the bit; crowd all- tag grandstand, bleachers and Infield in hla auto th entire dlntanee. wavlnc . . . ,. at tttA .lUMtwIir tAt-n trtAmir m9tmm-A In dreuAd i (am Md attempted come-back of Louis oreaseo in scars aao p. -t ti snn anfrivftto. numki stripe, massed to front of th, hotel of thfl fam0Uf tefJa and saas the aatioaal aathaas.. The- ,,. ,, Z 1 ion.- r- his. soft hat Forty girta tat, with twenty-eight other world- J famous' speed devils, faced th starter Colonel addressed that brieftr; urgiag: preparedaesa to avert warr saying: "I nav ao rear USX wasav U ap- i tha aixth annual International peal come Asaeriea. will not hav sweepstakes 300-mile dash over th brave son ready and anxious to serye Ipedway of vitrified brick, her. but lass anxious tail there should, Chevrolet's two team' suites have be no UMloaa Mcaaiiaa-waCTOIedtteg ore noi praraa. -. an spoa. whUe Mrtag a toartajcear oneay oa "MMeuttH.r wsesscisi at'a.gaail'a pace-ra.-the Wtecoasia re-tho- Who ly pat" a? atat Olg:;iAalMtyr run flvw men am. and .Uk . i -h.' " : : m tl -- -.-.i- tt Mosby.Romantic Raider, Answers Final Summons uncn aanavp.,.- s - rBmsdled'atConmarwiei a t Five thousand peop la claawrad forar of hto IBeBot lms Chevroletraloae .'..Hpcech at the- hotL- sad.Roosavalt- reasiliis-to uphohU th honor of the 4 made, tha addraaa lroas.4wiadew: osv Threes Muakter of. other daya; 'the aeooad Soar. - ' t- I Cherrolet nominated-three cara for i His addTemwwjcoaeedcdlr-thaCol-'the Memorial Day classte, all of hi Joseph Tumulty Frederick W. 8ttekman .jo"el,,,keJr,,ote for-thet 11 caaipaign. own design and construction and bear- , S- , ,.. t. r Ih'ltiia covered vrythlng from pra- lng th name of Frontenac. The mc- . i . n.,h, urn,... 'i,Jsrdness:to,th tarUf.-' Primarily. It tors are of aluminum, and will develop This photograph of Joseph Tumulty. ..ccretary to President Wilson. J of 125 hor-epower. The fulcen Juki outoido tlio executive omcea on the Whlto House grounds mlutaty..ottn, huaiaaaa. world, of the cars are exceptionally light, tipping other day it shows him talking to Frederick Steckman. who has Just Men .pirtt.-of.the heart, of th soaL. It was the scales at 1,750 pounds. -appointed publicity "Bent for tho national democratic, committee. an indictment of American defenseless-! Following tbe 1910 Vanderbillt cup tieSS.,or Henry ora 'ailSOUga not Dymw me -eu vauuerum. to wuco name), by unmistakable lafaraae, of bis car ran wild and kUled his me- the administration's "lofty, words" and Ichanlc, the veteran retired from th "mean -actions" of social-oppression, jgame, but Its lure brought him back. He -begged hla auditors to-work for a, Chevrolet returned in 1914. driving In navy -.."second in th Hat ' of world the tortuous Cactus Derby in which menta," and for an army of 150,-, Barney Oldfleld won the title of the ANOTHER HORRY JOD TO START aaaassBsaat S RECLAMATION SERVICE TO PUT ON AS MANY TEAMS AS POSSI BLE ON TULE LAKE LATERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK , i. k. . . ' '3' , , nrninTrn idmii ucniiiicu mmD. in itnunnm Siting ia nimiiRni mr- KLAMATH f All ? rnmmmtrmM Main wnM m mwwMWIwiv rn-mwm wVMnw"VH :a.' -" t . PBATURI "i Scheel Children and Priti tselelaa 'if,- March In '-SiP flvCwMNvn pP ;sry, Where Oravaa Ar Jitdf Mlett Pay lMm to the Beys f Slxty-On bt In Park Taaf. A fitting observance Day Is belag held In of the Republic, Sprague Chapter Wo man's Relief Corps, veteraaa of atkar n mv m;9. BaslSMBaCW EryJC hi&B3&F;t& of Masflal ' - . xi msaiBtB' rails r- i .1.-JC f" tH'. X eral ayatem at Tule Lake baa been re ceived, and all (the teams possible ar wanted by the service at once. Part of th work is to be don by force account Other parts will be tot in smalUcontracta. Bids oa the con tract work will be opened at 10 o'clock Monday'mornlag at th service build-ias- y During this Job $30,000 la money will" Members of Sprague Post, Oraad be distributed in Klamath county. ,Tae won u to be completed July l. ; t Th lateral avateaa U to a haltt alon tha reclaimed Tale Lake land. war8 ana PUDUC spiniea on the north shore, between Merrill combined to pay honor to tea aaMeafa end Italia. The ownera of land there "roee, wno nave aaswerea revesiss aa recently sent a petition to Washington, reaIm beJr01' urging the construction of these lat- J two hundred school chlldteav erals. but before this reached Washing- UIC v ocoui. memeer oi tae xw Ion, a special agent of the reclamation "" napier ana veteran .trear eearice visited the Tule Lake country. CP1B w premiaestipaws aa conferred with Project Manager Camp, e Procession, which waa ale Joined and ordered the laterals contracted aa W on ot "to-obi noon aa Boaaikte. h citizens. Captain O..C. AlPlsaats,. I Bring Hla Wife. Oeorge N. Hammond, who has made. w nawe UHaww apoear i. or- aw. t.1 -eiM f m ! m Ammm S.m ."- "' Y mmty - W"-!.!! WVwutt. Is h tnAm VSri Ma-4. Mwkla ! Mil.- taJt V la m. T f . m " ukmv ui mm ivnm savsw nv mm m . was grand marshal, with W. A. DshsW. ;W: Frank Araat and R. H. Deabar aa 'JM.Iak mamtiatn Writltaam afclr ?' wno as a ooy waa a meaaser ox uapuca Applegate's troop ot rough rider aa4 4 companled by Mrs. trip. niMBJaVWIll OB , f again under his old commander, that time aa; stwtarJ., bearer. ' , Those who ilea at aea fox taetraa- Btr high acheef. letrtaai i rnrtlamt- TUara. "aeat JaUhaV. by ta Cett and: Post, and sowars wre aeattarad aa-the The lag memory. moved to tte cesBStsry. 'waeai-taf.xai-'' V :n il court. aott to trie e t taat saa-'wm-iu.i i..i ...mi.;.- -fc..."- 0,.ww-..w - - . -" ' - -T "T-. -"- norteacbi and noma were oaaerved. Tha nerad. broke-rank there to allow the anearav IVI M UK) limt Upon the return of. the veteraaa they MISSION TALKS ARE: I NSPIRING MAN WHO SHARED WITH "JEB" 8TUART THE CREDIT FOR CONFEDERACY'S- BRILLIANT AND DARING CAVALRV ACHIEVE. MENTS, 01 ES TODAY AT THE NOME OP HIS DAUOHTER IN WASHINGTON Uulted Tress Service j WA8HINOTON, May 30.-Coloncl Jorp Mesby, eraaaUer and leader of "Mosby's Raider," the South' great- j est cavalry command In tho Civil War, j died here today. He haa been sinking ' rapidly of late, and hla death was ex pected. Colonel Moeby, the sponsor of "Mos by'H Men," and on of tbe last of the' j.t. . . . .. ... i uasning Bgurea or th civil war, was l-red both by North and South al Uoh he had sissy enemlos In both Hetloss. He waa the originator of the Mosby m viy "MaaBaA t a nBJwMsiajEBKasHSBHi aaaiii 'NtaHria'PJBjBvaBeaHl BaaaPJt'' Ev i . tv aaal FATHER OJtEILLY'8 8ERMONS AT SACRED HEART CHURCH TOUCH UPON MATTERS OF VITAL TEREST TO ALL .., IN. armaments,' 000 men regulars, with universal ser vice and training among the citizenry: he urged leaders "absolutely national master driver of the world. The shortening of the Indianapolis race from 600 to 300 miles Increased In spirit" at Washington; demanded a; rather than decreased its popularity. nation which stood for the principles of .social and industrial justice." ap proved a protective tariff; asked abo- '- l(tlon of child labor; Insisted upon rag- Colonel John Mosby . ulatlon of, both business and: of labor .and urged;soelal and ecoaeaalcjustlee. 7 '.The Colonel minced no words In at- A'.Hcilert of moeilngs or unusual in-tacking pacificists. Ona definition was, terem are bolng held at Sacred Heart "Merely the tool ot the sensual mater-1 church this week by Rev. P. J. O'RalUy. iallstwho has no Uatfwtos- shrtv-j S. J. of Portland, who Is conducting .... d ... mortaB. ,-4 mont . .' . e Il" " " - ' wcek'H mission. This mission is large '.nuking, and In th poUetea of th cash ly for tho spiritual uplift of th Cath-j register and the stock ticker." and th life of fatted ease. "False' prophets." he. dubbed the op ponents of preparednees, and "foolish apostles, and their doctrine "sloth ful, lasy optimism." He vitrotically as sailed the Wilson administration for not taking a stand which as said waa demanded by treaties to mitigate the horrors -of. war, aad take-action whoa Belgium was orcrraa. 1 "Thls;ls on of th great yeari ef decision. in our national history," a declared. 'The way ia whieh We sow decldewlUlargely dtrmla whether w ar togo forward la rtghteottsaes and power or backward ia degradatioa and-weakness. W are face to face with elemeatal faeto of right and wrong, ot force or feebleness. Accord ing to tha spirit la whieh we faee thea From FertrCeuatry; Wiluaw'8kcai who. baa-a ranch on!. the Upper Marsh. Is a county seat vtoj 'ik the local clergymen; were, g .of the Relief Corps at a dinner. TUa waa'lfideedon of the moCeJoyabto Mr. and Mr. F. O. Bunting and MIs'featurC8 ot aie g& talk Ruby Bunting, all of Lakevtow. are reg-drlted to memories of the WlMras. Istered at the HalL j vicksburg, Gfettysburgr'BuU' Run. aad Ray Freuer la in today from Bonanxa on a business trip. j other sanguinary fields, the eye of the. 1 u : .Continued oa Paae:t ollc congregation, but the meetings are open to nil, and ns the talks are large ly on general lines, the. non-Catholics attending And much inspiration from tho splendid treatment Father O'Reilly gives his arguments. No attempt Is made to Induce those attending to accept the faith, but, any question regarding tho faith or teach; Ings ot tbe Catholic church will be ex plained in full, with no obUgatlon being placed upon the Inquirer. s As his name suggest Father O'Reil ly does not come from any of th. races fighting around Vicenza, and his discourses are further proof ot this oa account of tho Coltlo humor interpo lated at times to make an explanation universally comprehensible. And like tho rest ot bis race, tbe speaxer is pee- The prizes the twenty-nine drivers compete for amount to 130.000 In cash with three Intermediate trophies and $13,000 to the winner. Today's race win be unique In that no former winner on the Indianapolis Speedway will be represented among the drivers. Barney Oldfleld, the father ot Amer ican auto racing, will pilot a Delage. "It I win today this will be my last race," said oidneid, just Decora tae race started. Favored next to Oldfleld is Dario Resta, th greatest European driver. Speedway tans remember the great race Resta drove last year, when he pushed De Palma to a record-breaking speed to win. Third favorite ia Josef Christlaens, who while not so well known as Resta or Oldfleld, did 10 miles an hour on the Brooklaada track. Oil "Anderson, winner of the 1115 Sheepahead Bay race, is another driver who will be watched. Eddie ODonnell baa shown by bis two 300-mlte victories on the Pacific Coast this season that he is a contender. Altken aad Ruckea backer are also expected to place la the monty. That the 300-mile record would b broken waa a practically unanimous prediction Just before th big race started. Then and Now-a Verbal Painting of This Basin '-: sessed of a most wonderful conuaaad facte and-govern ear settee, we shall miouch ut tho Mosby plantation nt tn.ll..., .a . ... -I-I..J . '..-. ..... Vlnrlnln r:..? :"!?: "rBjir..rr: rr.rr sr r: -rzw' w..t..r .,. w -"-- B.u - aaaauaa uiau avaiws iiHrii iiu niia wweaa - hundred. Bo dangerous D t0. the grnduateij from tho University of Vlr te;ms to bring out the elevating trend-ahall aajoy a grawiac Battoaal Ufa. or of lilo thought. Furthermore, be is ajt a Magrlag aatleaal deeay. poHscssed of unusual deuvery. ..pjrat and forelnest, friads, I ask Services are hold every evening, at you to beware of the fate profaeta, 7; 30 at tho ehurch. In addition, there both th prophet ef aordtd ajaUrlal la n mass and abort Instruction St law aad. prophet of that allly att' 1 1 i ummi MMMMMum v aw . - a jh Hiuiiaiiaetj anatiaai Ml w ,V:M4kd't. by Ilosby'. wit., daughterot Judge Beverly Clarke, wnoja m zZwttZLSZZJZZLZ .the euttowry order cancelled. " " Z ti. ffaslangl "as fssi I aaarrted life pWyl concluded on Page 8 ( , .1 ,vmmmmmwwm9 North that h waa declared an outlaw, fcmw a full-flodgod lawyer at 19-in so daaJefl the right of surrender at 1552. Thrco ycaw spent at hln parents f d of the wr. , home pallod on him, nd be started tho CavalnunM ...,h,4 i MAahv tn iti-ui'ilco of law In 1855. Soon there- 'he Virginia mouaUlas until General aftor ho married Miss Paulino Clarke, The following la the Monthly News ( Instead of a sagebrush Plata 1 .looked, , r-etter issued for its clients by the out over what seemed eae big '". Klamath Development eoainanv for the tara d0tted here and there with faf: coming month. It was written by E. a iS! Tl"?. 1 SIU wuo) saaAvWSaaaat UD SSaaaaaaeeabaaaBa aaaaaal Hall, manager of the White Pelican vflr,i.i diM nt th. -- f . .. . .. "- w. BaTaeaHBBaBBre , Ml hotel and the Hotel Hail: reclamaUon service. To the .. . . . . triotr.oth Walla Ika aa.U. is, Nearly evanrone naa neara aome- - r . ,- w 1 1 -, , -w, a . ..- ... -w tinlldlnoa ahowlaa. ham. muUk. t taaV iuuik o uur rauuren in imm - .-- - "-. . s. country, either it Umber. Its farming rew: J yd. the amok .of aaaj. lands, its hunting and ashing resorts. "'"'" "" " TwsrW'w or IU Crater Lake. But after Wl,taal'WP'W$ wonder if those who have not been ; "" """ aw".,am, e wmtm .i...iu .nta v. .. Ui. onment of the nmnira Tnlhaaailai lifUSVX NUSU WU IW HUVUI IVllJJI - ' - 1 know what we have done la the last few year. L.lvi,.'.L ." sa:,BaiBVi m nmnlng in lone tanxenU.-tbaVblsM. aw the Southern Pacllc a U .eataereagfj; v s- f r. .. mu ..,..!.. '" Biarabea of the Lower along th. bale of siuM Wml?.:- f:inw . Mv f n.ti aw. .M-iwe " w woaingac a of th mountain, and after som good progresa. O shooting turned to come dowa, 'aad' a. law vum aa. nain.a. Mm mam . a.'.- .v.. . mmv at lain, w aaajaj. ayi,i VWMM .. W ATC1 WIIBl MW ' -. i,: '.. " . ' -. n.- f i.j .u j.j..i .icKoanng. popuiauoa, were..,wnsaa .em .i . ..,. . ui f ,.WJ-i1J Alt a-ai-iiUti. .rmLML rama before me. u nwinuH rw rellmedaiid dltflh -"-.--'-" .-...-. m-i To the north the . ,k . IZ-ZLa'TST.V town of Klamath Fall, ttmltrr BERLIN, May . It ia oaetally an nounced that the Oermans have won fresh victories aloag both banks of the Meiise, Oa the west baak of'tae river thy captured Freneh poalUoaa ia Ca ailerea aad CorbMux wood, lavriaea iagi.l4tee, Oa th aat baak they advaaoed la' Talaaseat forest Allen VMta. A. O. Ajias ia ever treat .1 Ant. Vl..k . WUU. .-' against th hills; just toyoad. th Ua- 7i7iMtrigs Mgebrush plala. dotted here and therel' , &! with a settler's eaMa; farther to the XaEE J!H ZTlTT .. tv. .. hi.. . .nU'ii'"ev"-', iW siaaBPRt apa saaaas). TSZflJSZ! Jtttrvs st. iw3i faVWSJB WJSHmS WSjBajT tvej Vwwjbbsbc gA AfaA Mdaaj ejaMgaab sBBakBSBteaaBaexgBBBW aueaaaaBBW' asaaa vn vauavaa AviaiB aaawavuavavi m ..ammrmM r - ., ." .. "." -r . - . TT:aeaL walla iath laaaa kdaatea asa 1 wita ite "' mi aerea or - -- - --, i. , 7 fw It waa a beautiful picture of aa uaeo-' 5Jff iS22?2li2SS5 vleped eaaaira. Last fall 1 waa hunting again at' the bae of 8tukl Mountaln, aad agala followed a covy of aaail to the esse of the aaate eaayoa. At tM toe ef tae. rids 1 taraei te oek aaaia at tse'm. tare gassrs SM. 4US what a oaaiewi who are ralaiag aasreda af of riila and ilvsstsak Ssr the of the Pa4S'OeaaL- v. nv e as tTsaatWi Mg iKSMBt, v-teeay.., tt i V,4l -l 'HeA.slvif-j. ii lyf tmtfr ,.-v -j.. - .