:v; - " TMB 1VENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ATUHQAV, MAY fr (i BaMwki Hardware Ctapuy A PEW OF THE GOODS WE SELL otonulno Kdlaen Madsa Lamps Iltetrlc Cooking and Heating Dovleea Hot Point Vmvffl Cleaners Ksstman KODAKS and Promo Camera Tennis Racketa and Tennlo Balls Everything for Baseball V Spaldlhg'a Sporting Geede Fiehlng Tackla Pocket and Tabla Cutlery Cut Glass, tha Vary Beet Quality Community Silverware Havlland China and Crockary Ce! ,011 and Oaaollna Staves The Wood Savers MAJESTIC RANGES QUICK MEAL RANGES COLES AIRTIGHT HEATING STOVES Tha Wood Savera LINOLEUM la All Grades and at Right Prices PAINTS AND OILS CHI-NAMEL The woman's friend, the best for your furniture, your floors and general work aboat tie tease. Paint yoor automobile yourself with CHI-NAMEL -Ante Colon. Makes H look like a new car. A Complete Line ef .MECHANICS TOOLS Simende Creee Cut Saws, Lee gars Tools and the beet brands ef Belting anil Mill Supplies. FARM MACHINERY Agents Klamath County John Deere of Mollne, III. Mowers, Binders, flakes. Stack ere, Plewa, Harrows, Grain Drills, Manure Spreaders, Head ers, Chatham the Mill that cleana the grain. DELAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS Get the Cream WAGONS Studebaker, Schuttlar, John Deere the wagon built for hard service, the best ironed wagon en the market, For cash ws will sell you a Wagon for less money than any o$her dealer In Klam ath Palls." ' WE INSTALL PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS AND IRRIGATING PLANTS Cither Clsctrlc or Gasoline Pow er. Let us figure on one for you. Agents for BYRON JACKSON CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS AND GENERAL ELECTRIC MOTORS 'everything In PLUMBING GOODS Pipe Fittings, Iron and Steal Horse Shoes, Blacksmiths Coal. Louden Hay Toole, Jackson Porks, Wire Cable, Pulleys of all kinds, Hay Forks, Rope and Water Bags Baldwin Hardware Goapany Established 1175 Klamath Falls TbsHousc of Quality OaWTDALB Stare Foster aiade a trip to nth Falls Friday with a toad ef weed and a can of Soae of ear aetghbors atteaded the commencement exercises of tbe high school at Klamath Palls Friday sight Will Lambert of Round Lake made a business trip to Aspen Mountain Friday. Spud slanting la about all over la this neck of the woods. Wro. Hoag hauled a toad of nay for Mr. Scott Friday from oat la Us valley. C. O. Hunt moved Robert OrlaWs household goods from Lens Lake to Klamath Falls Saturday. A Rare Opportunity Our floor space is too valuable to be chocked full with smart, high class, over-stuffed furniture, that sella only occasionally, even In tbe great marts like Boston, New York and Dorris. Mrs. Homemaker, we are golat to make room for goods that sell every day In the year, and we are going to give you tbe chance to help make tab) room for us. You cant buy all of It at this great sacrifice, but Just enough, regardless of cost, to make room to turn around In. For one weak you can bay: I special made. Over-stuffed; Tapestry Davenport, with 'mattress. 155. Regular price S86. 1 special made Overstuffed extra large Settee, la mahogany. No. 1 Spanish leather, $65. Regular price SS7.50V 1 special made Over-etuffed extra large ' roomy rocker, . mahogany finish, No. 1 'Spanish leather, f 4S.6S. Reg ular price tM.50. Large roomy arm chair W match, 938.60. Regular price $aLS0. 27-tf WILLI&JOHNSTONK CO. , Eight reels Sunday night. Orpheus, U cents. ' Thla la the heme ef all of the Xtna companies. Chiteete, S33 Main. IC TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Five passenger bile cheap for cash. Bee Chlkote. XML COOK Lady cook wasted. Apply to C D. Wilson, Klamath Falls, Ore- JT4t WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at 362 Tenth st zMt HOUSTON'S MrtTtftlihsi Awsfwwts HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER "PLAYING DEAD" Five Reel Vitagraph Comedy FeWrbjg Ma AND MRS. SIDNEY DREW ' THC POLICE DOG OM THC WIRE - Bray Cartoon Sunday "THE MUMMY AND THB ( MING BIRD" Five-Reel Paramount HUM TEMPLE THEATER Saturday 'The Last Adventure," Three Reel Kssaaay ' "Her Bad Quarter ef an Hour," , One Reel Vitagraph "Paths News." "Mary Page," Two Reel Essaaay "Tha Record Run," One Real Kalenv, "Freddy's Last Bean," One Reel Vitagraph "Pathe News." "' Always lt MATUTEB DAILY AT Big) ALL UCKJflED nO-TOBS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Msrrlil, Ore. MOTION PICTCBa- WaWmHOAYN AHa S4TfJBf Society Continued from pace I the following neighbors being hidden: Mrs. B. STOrlgsby, Mrs. Henry Ortrnes, Mrs. O. 8. Brown. Mrs. Losler, Mrs. J. a Mason. Mrs. George Chamber. lain and Mrs. Chaitos J. Roberta. Needlework was Indulged In daring tbe afternoon, and retreeameata were served. Thrusday and Friday afternoons. Mrs. Underwood entertained at sards, the guests being Mrs. W1U H. Mason, Mrs. Earl Whltlock. Mrs. F. English. Mrs. Charles McQowen, Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mrs. John J. Parker. Mrs. Richard E. Smith, Mrs. Oscar Shiva, Mrs. Charles L Roberta. Mrs. Elbert B. Hall. Mrs. Ore FiUpatrick, Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. Fred Cofer, Mrs. L. G. VanBellen, Mrs. George H. Merryman, Mrs. Charles J.Roberts, Mrs. C. C. Hogue, Mrs. Emmett E. Magee, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. C E. Wheeler, Mrs. Warren Hunt, Mrs. Carl A. Platb, Mrs. E. W. Oowea Sr.. Mrs. O. A. Krause, Mrs. Merrill of Iielolt. Kla.. Mrs. William M. Duncan, Mrs. Louis Gerber, Mrs. Wesley O. Smith. Mrs. Will W. Baldwin Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Mrs. E. R. Rsames. Mrs. Robert A. Johnson, Mrs. Fred If. Mills, Mrs. Charles F. Stone, Mrs. Charles W. Eberiela, Mrs. George Watts. Mrs. Silas Obenchaln, Mrs. Jos. S. Kent, Mrs. W. P. Johnson, Mrs. Les lie Rogers, Miss Maud Baldwin. Mrs. Charles L Roberts and Mrs. Richard E. Smith were the prise winners the first day, and card honors Friday went to Mrs. Zumwalt and Mrs. Obenchaln. Mrs. J. C. Brockenbroagb has re turned from a sojourn of several months In the Middle Weet. where she visited relatives. e The recital held in Merrill on Mon day evening. May II, by Mrs. M. Ola- comlnl, was attended by 'Merrill and Klamath Falls music lovers. Tha re cital was' held In the opera house and the room waa packed, many being un able to find aeats. The following pro gram was splendidly rendered: Large , , Handel Miss Vivian Patterson a Twas April s Nana b I'm Longing Fo You Jane Hathaway Mrs. V. Serenade T. Motschenkacher Schubert Miss Vivian Patterson a Gypsy Love Song Victor Herbert b.Four Leaf Clover .,, - C Whitney Combs . Ray P. Burke Bubbling Spring RIvi King Miss Vivian Patterson . A Love Note James H. Rogers Mrs. V. T. Motacbenbacber Eri King Lixat Miss VMsa Patterson INTERMISSION a' What tbe Chimney Sang Gertrude Grtawold b Ever a Song Somewhere . Aabford Mr. Burke Raindrop Prelude Chopin Mlaa Patterson a Raft Song Sunset on the Allegheny m Nevln b.The Mammy's Song , Jsmes R. Gillette Mrs. Motecbenbacher Lust Lwhastranm Miss Patterson Goodbye . Tee- Mr. Burke Hungarian Polka r. Alfoldy Mlaa Patterson Mrs. Thomas Martin was hostess at the last meeting of Grace Episcopal Guild. The ladles present spent a high ly enjoyable afternoon. ' Mrs. William M. Duncan U hostess to the Auction Bridge Club this after noon, entertaining at the home of Mrs. O. A. Krause. Mrs. 3. C. Broken- brougb, Miss Coral Carter and Mrs. W. H. Merrill are guests. In addition to the club members, Mrs. Louis Ger ber, Mrs. L. F. Wiliete, Mrs.-E. W. Gowen. Mrs. Fred J. Williams. Mrs. Silas Obenchaln, Mrs. Charles I. Rob erts, Mrs, Oscar Solve, Mrs. George Watts, Mrs. G. A. Krause, Mrs. William Hum and Mrs. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J, Martin pleas antly entertained at a dinner party at their new residence last night, Tbe guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schal- lock, Mr. and and Mrs. ' Earl Whit- iocx, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. un derwood and Mrs. W. R. Bridgeford. Several of the grade school teach ers were tbe guests of Mrs. Joseph P,.. Brett at a buffet luncheon at her Sixth street home Saturday afternoon. American Beauty roses were need In tba decorative scheme, and after tha splendid repast the afternoon was hap pily spent In playing novel sjaatss. At When you want sate Ursa, sse as. We are ia the tire business. Auto Tire C. Ready Complete STILTS DRYGOODS CO. " WHERE THE LADIES SHOP " -snmaaJgmgm-gs.asma-M - " - a---"ai""a-----i Off to Get Votes for Women s eaa-NnuBBBnv-BSnM lilfSBMr5aBB " "- '"'" XmsBBBBBBBBBS-BT ? -ir-- df rjeM!bBr'rtf J I Aaanl aaaaaaaaa- I jWmBEfi$ j JaKI 9 C . . . - M,i ., L-a-a-a-a-a-R.-!- 5 4vJtOi BnBliAtSPlm?-Bh', ----rRv'xaBnannBnnam --yjrrfi ,f tH- r iw7'n-an-rKwtj:w' -' . , jt zrFCiTrKtUm t.-.,s - - -.- -. ... 'tt m ...,' ;fiFmi .nrm --amHsssBBBBBBBBBBBfemnBBsn v 't vvirBTVla.TnMnmHni Wf&HI&mmSfBBkXKSnSSSStMJ'tMn '--i f .. i ' VJanBnl 'Jj7avwlaaai 1 Figgiii'a eTissn-Wmn-a-li V iilTlliTiB-Bl Mnsss1iTT1iiaTnWf sneVliiBnBBBWnBBll BfsBP9e?fefsBBamnBBBBB PliaB-nnBBBBnlBB FamB-la-SB-a-a-a-a-a-K LJBmlKBlmJ 'SJ iB IBn-B-HB-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-aV a aEBBBKagHB)BBBBBtM lKneSS!WWnl aV nnPJHBHnnBaBjAT2'ioij; tlHsvr7B :BB'JjaPwlFlnreBBBfl lv?!-Maa-a-a-a-BB-a Miss Nell Rlchardeen Mrs. Alice Snltzer Burke and Miss Nell Richardson, two well known suf fragettes, are booked for a Journey of 10,000 miles in a little yellow car to stir up "Votes for Women." Leav ing New York, they will head for New Orleans, and go on through the South west to Los Angeles and up the Pa cific coast to 8aa Francisco and Be- An unusually good comedy attrac tion will be seen at tba Star tonight, when Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Drew will be seen in a good five-reel Vitagraph tending were Mrs. Harold Lincoln, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Georgia Porter, Miss Alice Peel, Miss Raehael Mannemaa, Miss Lean sHoecher, Miss Ada Bottle, Miss Gertrude Beeley, Mlaa Alice Blackford, Miss Edna Watts. Miss Augusta Parker. w Moving Pictures enssssssssMBm BBBBBBBSSn-R-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB annnnnnnnnnnvMaBASS9UBen&:essBnnnnnnnnvsnB en BBBBBBBBBBVa BBBBBBBBBBBBB SS-BnmSBBjSsimaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ mLmmm.',wyfrm.'AT. iasji-y'ia---g,ai for the June We are exceptionally well prepared to please the. bride in the selec tion of her trousseau for this important event. We are showing the new Taffeta De Lion, which is really the correct material this year for the bride's gown. In white and all the fashionable eve ning shades. Stock of Laces Ms&xmiunxzimmwM?xmwmmmam .- f- Mre. Alice Snltzer Burke attic. They start back by way of Min neapolis, Chicago and Detroit They will try to arouse" tho suffra gettes over tbe country to the import ance of the "Walkless Parade," which Is to take place In St. Louis when tbe democratic national convention meets. Tbe automobile Itself is calculated to create a favorable Impression comedy entitled, "Playing Dead." This production by Richard Harding Davis will find Mr. and Mrs. Drew in one of tbelr best comedies in which they ttre known as the Incomparable pair. One of Bray's cartoon pictures, "The Police Dog on the Wire," will also be shown, making this evening one of nothing but fun. Tenth episode of Graft at Orpheus Sunday and Monday nights, 10c. ej Chlleete collects rents and locks af. ter property ef all kinds, H an Ssrsa reels tonight, Orpheus, 10c. and Beautiful whercver.il goosf It ia a gorgeous yel low, with white allp covers, doors of "campaign blue," boasts pocket vases of nowers, yellow flag sticks and "Votes for Women" bannsrs and a , chenty American eagle on the radiator. "The trunks contain an assortment of tools, suffrage literature, reception gowns and food tablets. Town Topics In From Rim Rock. Frank Grohs mado a flying trip to tho county seat from the Rim Roek ranch. Frank reports a splendid rata for his section this week. Back to the Ranch. Mr. and Mix. Levi McDonald and , daughter, Joanna, left this morning for lg show tonight, Orpheus, 10c i N-I-nff' Bride ttd-f ) their ranch home In LsateU Valley af ter apeadlag aome Use la the eeutr seat Prem lttabtrt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Braet at Pituburg. Pa., are here to eajey the Klamath fishing. Miss fteea Better. MIm Esther Rees, who aadernaBl sn operation far appcadlclue at BUs burn hospital this week, is, her I friends will bn glad to lean, i lag splendidly. Services at Spring Lake. A r liclotu servlco will be coac-etad 1 n( .SprltiK tkv school house at s, m.- tomorrow. Elder A. Cheyoe will liver tbe sermon and conduct ta Mr vicea. ORPHEUS THEATER Saturday Only "A Quiet tittle Supper fr FuV Neater Comedy "Universal Animated Weekly," "Hearts That Are Human," Three-Reel "As Fate Decides," Drama One-Reel Drama 'The Out ef -eve," ADMISSION 10 CINTS Sunday and Msnday These Kids and Cupid," One-Reel Naator Coawjdy "The Harbor Transporutlen Tre-V Graft, 10th BpUode King Bsggot in "Wen with a Makeup," One-Reel Imp Comedy-Draau 'The Jitney Driver's Roman" ' One-Reel Joker Comedy "Through Flames to Love," Two-Heel Imp Feature "Entravanganet," Mold Heal Treat ADMISSION 10 CINTS rr' TkeSWrtiWeSsew nro ofuncommon excellence aM. superiority. They are ud the best materials, generously cut and faultlcMly'esslgned. U them by all mean if "' ta m-v atvi. Leak tha new aeea-, wear' pyeraUo. t it Is a winner. K. i tMD-sriTi-vesiS er m aaaT-Lannnr am SafirBU LJ W