. i.ji,-V i .iSf "" 'VM-'-' t J ' tV- . ,& 7 ; jm J lje iEtrcttmg Herald . .ta',':'s!a KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAlttft ':r if' . .'?! 18 ' , rTO&m. .. ' w . , . ..'rrtJL ' Tenth YeslwNe. 004 . .Fimr' -ST KLAMATH FALLS, O N, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916 '."C-HifJ , ., Ml T n i. iii ii ' ; , ' ri FRENCH ADVANCE INTO CUMIERES IN FIERCE FIGHT ARTILLERY It AQAIN ROARINQ AROUND VERDUN aerman Report Admit French Enter ed VIIUh During Hat right, Rut Alt Oeelare That tht French Wert Completely Driven Out -Attacks Art Maalt n Tranehaa Adjoining tha Town of Deuament. United Preee Service PARIS, May 17. Tht French have captured a large portloa ot tha vil lage of Cumleres, alac mllea north' west of Vardua, after heavy fighting. The Germane countered desperately, but the French retalaad the eastern part of the village, and also several Ueramn tranches to the northwest. Bast of tha Muaae the Oormans at tacked the trenchee adjoining Duoa mont. They were repulsed. Artillery la active north of Verdun. United t'res Service UBKLW, May 17. Tho French pen etrated Cumleres during furious light log aatthwaet of Verdun, but were drive ant "J!" HILL IS VERY LOW TODAY OESPITE OPTIMISTIC REPORTS, SPECIALISTS ARC RUSHED TO HIS BEDSIDE V SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE United Preea Service ST. PAUL. May S7. Members of the Hill fatally and their physician ad mitted today that Dr. Was. Mayo, auy operate oa tha Anancler. It la possible that It may be necessary to open an Intestinal carbuncle. Tha financier passed a fine night, and his son said this morning' that bis condition la mvi serious. United Presa Service KOCHMft. Mian., May S7.-Tha ' Mayo bretfeera, speclalUU. are hurry ing towaral St. Paul in a special train. House Is Jammed When Seniors Get Diplomas Scores -of people were turned away last night, on account of tha enormity of tha crowd attending thehlgh school commencement exercises, held at tho Houston opera house. The theater waa packed to ita utatoat capacity, and many atood la tha theater and in the lobby ottUlda. Tha graduating exerclxes worn well worth attending. Theass reeelvlni; final recognition at the bands of the high Behoof authorities last night has been notable Ml through school for Kcholaatle athletic and foroimlc activi ties, and all at the.seaiors hay hoaU of frtenda hare, who ware eager to at tend last slght'a program. Twenty-eight atudeaU received dlplostu. last night. These ware Wayne Ktea, Charles Dorr, Ida Tbomaa, Lawrence Motscbanbacher. Harriet flak, Violet Drehr, Waive Draw, AdataMe Schubert, Lucelle Wal (Iron, Mary McCornack, Maud Miller. Antes PoUvVa, Horteaae Hogue, Kathryn McAsdrawa, Margaret Dow Use. IteUla SUUer, Louiae PJgga, Joe An, Rtk Ball. AuaUa Ohs, OcUtU U"Laa, Hatel Pry, Verae MeCleUaa. DsJWra, Parts Dow, Myrtle , ChaHiiaUi and .VlaaU Deary. WAITE CONVICTED : OF POISON PLOTS WILL RE 0ENTEN0EO TO ELEC. TRIC CHAIR THUR8DAY AD. MITTED TO JURY HE INTEND. ED TO POISON HIS WIFE Unite-, 1'ii'nh Hrlri! NEW YOItK, May i7.-Aftr a Mhort dellbfiutlon, tliu jury nt 2:i0 this af tcmooii returned it vcnllct convicting Dr. Warren Arthur Wnlto of the mur der of IiIm futhorlii-law and mother-in-law, wealthy rmtldentH of Mlchltpin. lie Is mjionmI to huvu doiui mo In nti ef fort to ct tbolr fortuno. Wnltv will be Hcntencod Thursday to death In the electric chair. He re ceived the verdict calmly, but bis father colliipited and wopL On crona examination yesterday Wnlle admitted that ho had considered klllliiK hlrt wife alno. Asked if he be lieved hlniKvlf crazy, ho said no, but admitted Maying that "A man from KsVl'l" controlled him. Throe alienists In their teMimony Hinted that Walto war sane, hut probably not entirely noimal, Walto Mild tin never denied hlx guilt nnil did not want to make a defense. BLOODED DURHAMS ARE SHIPPED HERE CARLOAO OF CHOICE STOCK IS ROUQHT IN BY KLAMATH STOCKMEN CATTLE WILL ON EXHIBITION SOON A carload of the best Durham bulls ruied on the Pacific Coast will be re ceived here' Wednesday by local stock- imen, buying as Horton ft Co. There will be forty head in the shipment, all 'thoroughbred Durham yearlinga. Too stock will be hold at the rail way stockyards one day to allow Klam ath stock raisers and ranchers an op portunity to inspect the new arrivals. Tho cattle will then be sold, with a lew to Improving the Durham hards of the county. Tho yearlings' were all purchased from J. E. Montgomery of Davis, Yolo county. Montgomery has long been California's leading Durham breeder, and has won prises at all fairs and ex positions. Dr. DeDusk of tho University of Oregon faculty delivered the principal addroan, and he urged more attention to vocational training throughout the high uchool period, advising students to select the lino of work, for wnicn ihHV are nhyicaly and mentally fitted, and to purHUo their studies with this end In vie. The necessity or giving attention to physical condition at all times, and especially In high school years, was dwelt upon. The program ronderod follews: Olonwood March ...a R. D. Hall High School Orchestra aii Hall Sweet Spring .0. A. Veaxle Beautiful Moonlight 8. CHovor High School Chorus Los Revel de Clel Charles Arthur , High School Orchestra tnn.atinn nnv. E. C. Richards Hftintfttorv Margaret Dowllng Address "Tho Qualities ot Leader ship" ,.v Dr. DCBUSK Emerald Overturo P. J. McQlashan High School Orchestra Valedictory Hasal Pry Presentation of Diplomas Judge D. V. Kuykendall Benediction .'.. Rev, J. W. Jesklsa Women in the Bait and Boys on theCoast Are for Preparedness Iji iiji , i i ,ft$ jmmmmmjmmmmitmmmmi mmmunlmmmmmgmm WLLLLWLLKLLLWyffWLw'i mM9lWdBKM mUmfmmmmmLmmmwmmUimWmmffttf jt ff yikmmv & vfr aaLSaPaBmQaaCBBBBBBBK & LLLLLLLLLwEBkLLLwUmWlLL at Mhi'Wail' L' Qev.A tV tC f T'3FTy m-3mWm1mwf aaV KBiaBaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaWaBaWfc'S "''JTSfe-V'il- tfcaaaMK. , ilBiinininininininin9illlll Tho upper phetograph shows the women who; mive Joined the Chevy reviewed by President and Mrs. Wllaon the other day." They are learning Play. , 7 V . The lower picture shows school picture shows aehoolboys of 8an Pranciscoat a bralaiaf -given' the radtaaeattof-mSllarV Jaihra.C, '- - v - bbys haver been -given1 GRADUATES WILL - BE THE GUESTS ALUMNI OF HIGH SCHOOL WILL HOLD BANQUET, RECEPTION AND DANCING PARTY T0NIGHT1 FOR SENIORS AND FACULTY The graduating class of the high school will be welcomed Into the Alum ni Association of the local' school tonight at the Moose- ball. A com mittee has been appointed to arrange for entertainment,' speeches and light refreshments, and later in the eve- nine thoso who wish to will dance. ! The graduates, members of the high school board, past and present mem bora of tho faculty of tho high school, and former instructors will be the guests of the association at this time. WOMEN PREPARE TO HELP IN WAR 1 ' OJM MOVEMENT IS STARTED FOR 'A STANDING ARMY OF WOMBN.TO TAKE OVER ! NATION'S INDUS TRIAL WORK WHEN NEEDED United Press Service ' NEW YORK. May 17, Thirty thon sand leading American club women representing two million other women in the United Sthtea, got together at today's aeBSJon of the National Feder ation convention to consider plana for tho formation of a gigantic standing army that will do Industrial work to time of peace and be Instantly avail able in time of war.. Thla Is Conser vation Day at tha convention. The speakers have expert knowl edge ot their subjects. Tha depart ment of tha Interior la represented- boys of fan. ftaacuco at a traialaur Vwo hundred tieketa have been ueaed J for tha luncheon; price $1.59. Smaller coaforoaoaa' wis bohaaloavl other days, theae to be aanouncodMn the future. An' exhibit of each ot tho eight divisions ot tho work ot tha conservation department haa been pro vided by the federal government and: by organixationa ot national repute.! These are In, charge of Miss Mlra L. Dock; Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman ia chairman of this department AT SACRED HEART REV. O'REILLY. ST' J, WILL CON DUCT 8PICIAL SERVICES AT CATHOLIC CHURCH ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND - A week'a mission is to Be held at Sacred Heart .church, beginning at High Mass at 10:39 tomorrow. Rav. P. J. O'Reilly S. J.. of Portland will conduct tho services," to which the public la cordially invited. Servicea wlU.be held at 7:10 every evening, with a. mission sermon. In addition there will be the following sen ices every day: (a m.. mass and ahort instruction; 8 ;a.' m., mass and sermon; 4 p. m., iaatractlons ' for children. Kills Wife, Child and Self United Press Service SALEM, May 27. While tepmorar- ily insane, William Patterson, a tobac conist, this morning shot and killed his wife and 8-year-old daughter aa they I !. tx Ik.l. -, -J-.- IV. k..U ivyh uv M,w wvat utuf lav uava yard and fed the cbtckeaa, returned to the house, dlarobed and want to hod and then shot himself la tho temple. He died three hours later. The Pat tersons formerly Uvad la' San Fran cisco. Indian OMelala Viatt. J. M. Bedford' and J. down from tho Aaoy. H. StuU are Pram Salem. W. A. Wilcox ot Saleaa ia a ssaot at theflotel HalL MISSION BEGINS Chas, Washington, Camp, which was the part In warfare that women may camp .at Manxanita. Hundreds of camp, at ' ''----- TEACHERS NAMED FOR NEXT TERM i- BOARD OF -EDUCATION HAS ABOUT COMPLETED IT8 LIST OF ; EDUCATORS TWO YET TO FINALLY CHOSEN BE' : The board of education haa practto - ally decided upon all the teachers for the Klamath Falls grade schools next year. A manual training Instructor ana one graue leacner ere yet to oe chosen. There Is much gratification over the appointment of Mrs. Josephine Shaw as a teacher. Prior to her marriage she was a member ot the teaching staff, and since her recent bereave ment all her property Interests, etc., are here, and aa a taxpayer she ia help ing support the local schools. The selections made by the board follew: , 'Central School August Parker, principal; Ethel Gross, grade eight; Gertrude Seeley, grade seven; Mary Rieth, grade five; Pearl Talley, grade four; Lena Stoecker, grade throe; Rachel Manneman, grade two; Maude Goeller, grade one; Golden Lincoln, grade one. . Riverside School Mary Stewart, principal and grade, eight; Hasel Har denbrook, grade seven; ' Zoe Chase, grade six; Agnes' Swpboda, grade five; Josephine Van Riper, grade four; Laura Bice, grade three; Lulu Wattaav burg. grade two; Helen Paxoa, grade one." , Mills School Nellie MoAndrawa. principal and grades five and six; Josephine Shaw, grades throe and four; Gertrude Parker, grades one and two. ' Pelican Bay City School T. A. Bar ton, principal and grades tvo, slxaav- en. ana eight; Agnea Barton, gradaa one, two, three and four., Special departments Music. Bdna Miller; domestic science and art, Clara Elmer. Down Prom Pert . Lindsay C. Slsemore, a wall known realdaat of tho Wood River Valley, la Is from the Fort oa,baaUaaaa. . a " .. . :" rsv: Larsu ih mm eiaraaar m..aiBt aaaves an as ai " Saml aTm-aVar maT B '' v aB'BBBl mm m I I . m fJ afe. awl A. 0 ..! I m. J J m AV. m WaaF BkaVa. JaaWaV JBT BaaV ,..' I OVERSHADOWING TOD AY'S WAR NEWS rrr ? : , $ it r United Press Service s COPSNHAOKN. May 27. Ambassa dor Gerard expects peace) Brepoeale to assume a definite form soon, according to the Munich Zeltung's correepondeat He has written his paper as follews: t "A a result of her understanding, with Germany over the submarine s tlvltles. America occupied as entirely free position In this matter. An early peace la aa important to tha aevtral nations as to the belligerenta." y l United Preas Service i, VIENNA, May 27. It la reliably ce-1 ported tha France only Is obstructlaig early peace. Englaad. it la aadar stood, U willing to quit without launching an offensive in tho weaL France, however, desires a supreme military test She has fears thai Oar- many may not relinquish Northern 1 France In the final settlement K United Press Service ' i WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Ben- jamth Ide Wheeler, president of Lelaad 'tSanford University, addressing the ' National League to Enforce Peace, to day, said that the Increaalag pride C Cuts Out Smoking -' I ATLANTIC CITY. May 27. Tho .,.. zwm .,,-! next year at Dauas, Texas. Koaem jtlons won adopted recommending Uat mlnlstera abstain from the use of 'to bacco. r .. Taft to Suppart Raeeevelt , WASHINGTON. D. O. May. Xt.M (was reported at repablican heedSaar Iters today that ez-Preaideatt TaR; kn taouaeeel that he woeM anpport Sooae- 'vat' te -j When asked abeat the roauuv Talt: ht wosail- make no Young Richardson Arrive. Harry Richardson of. the Bonboaiere lis giving oat real see-gars today in honor of the birth of a daughter to be and Mrs. Richardson yesterday'. I Some Haul at That. ', ,- , Sheriff C. C. Low and Patrolman 'Holman lata yesterday, stopped oaLtha L,nk tar bWomi aato retaTnaas Irom "Wis, ana rauovea uoa aua; local ChlBoao. of a two-gaUom deeal- J011 whaaitoy, teat saarta ac4seor and a few Saaka of other akjawrev Hogs Are Shipped. Louis Oerber shipped two carloadji or hogs this week to Portland, .tha shipment comprised 200 head. .Fred Stakel also snipped during the week, 8;adln& a carload Tharaday to Swsn ston ft Co. LONDON. May 27. General Max well, told Premier Aaqulth that Jere miah Lynch, the American, waa aeea wearing a rebel uniform at the SlnnJ. Fein headquartera during the. revolt Lynch dpea not deny participating la the rebellion, according to tho. foreign offlce. Parade and It. Here on the Natal Day Klamath Falls Is to be well repre seatad at tho his three-day celebra tion at Aaalaad. but tha poeplo who atay at homo hare will alao ho eater taiaed oa the Fourth. Tho plana start ed a ahort time ago by aoaaa of tha merchanta outside the Bualaaaa MaavV Association are progreaslns alcely;."'-1 The chief feature of tho obaarvaaoo wlU ot eourae ho tho haaohaii Daka Kuahaoa'a aU-atar Ssai .haa haaa alaaaJ am. 'aal tho looato la iti-wmmm, tho boot am tho' ooadt sea, la aw aawv JcIt4M Wl m .? a- ... .a l .i aaU.-- U "v.fi Ua lbo. irnuua auLxcm BaiTBjrnu psMsjv , mb Linflpjuoa ottowrr . $i tft'jLKmsm it wwae aae aatamv aanveaw aamw ajar- . TTnnailiTainr Tlianai lam laiai aataflUMaBassi siaSw B19BI..IS3 ZPei UJ T9MSI IJM INSBl l .iiii..AM.j.a .. jms fii.t.w "- -" m tuasti m. w nMWTnimnn "? jraro.woria ycc, mmm !; ,y m..,iaw Etmrtitftmm war. am -amra a awaited with Interest by mmtmi ae'- weil.aa .by AaMriea., . rt$jm a " . i3l , ')' United Press Service KWASHlNOTON, D. C IT JT ei-j'-j to learned that General rnaataa ha traeted General ParsalaSito i Oeneral Gavlra at Namlflfa that disease a aettleaaent of tha situation. Pershing haa not?to discuss wlthdriawal, hat to aeav flnaBh lata to co-oparauom. -." - ,;s ueiHjrmi rwiuuimj wmumimm . mw ;: caa' convince Gavlra that' actsal eeof " ' efatlon caaiorever aanlhlhUe thchaavV dluv In Northern Maateo. Z , h,!--'. ' o ; United Frees Service WASHINGTON. D. C., May WWM llara Howard Taft.a Germn Aaakaav sador BernatoraT today, and whenthair conversation reached the bjmtlcav of5" peace moves, Beraatorit remarked, "It ' ,"la' about time." w lal IkH II II I all alllHIl I W: aVraVIIVIall llaalllalt iiitmuninL uununi .1IAV it PROGRAM IS NEXT K i .' ?,v WaB?ahiaaaBVah ! a-aemaVSaeaV kataaJlBBB tsl B.esrvwsiftBm mi rwmwm srvvvwvaki r1ca.a MOHMOW 'AlCWrPATIIttTIie: yWv 'NATURE; AND SMOULO MrAT. TENDED BY ALL' '''- ' 5 ' a , " 'H t ie)BrieL.eaNKS-)SBmTseM ww. sw; ji opera hoase. aa a prelude to tho Me-! ' I ti rjy observaaee. The program : for i, tomorrow la far a noavaeetariaa. t patriotic observance, and tho arranga-.' I ments are la charge of the O.- A. X, and Women's Raltet Corps. " - " "The exerdaea begin at 9 o'elook., All-j I are Invited. esneclaJlr tha ehaaaama fcm-. '-'ffnPi. Father Marshall wiU, deal vor-tho. ; rcemorlal addraaa. Tho precram to'the',, order of arraageaaeat, foUewa: '' f . J .Invocation Rev. 9. C; 'Rieharda'' r' Quartet4."America, so sSdrvaaalvjtsaf. Meurs. McFarrin aad-Moaaahaav bacher, Mrs. Motacheabaehor aad? ,' (f"Ulm Parker." -" '' .v' ' Scriptural Heading Rev. Jeeaia ' ;i.- lf Memorial Sermon Rev. Pathair :; Marshall t&rt ' America" Aadianoe Ura rtalaa mlamiaaa. ' i' ." v. wpwi a 1 1 a H ..iv' 1 vBenedlctkm RaviChaa. T. 'fi'FMl rv VefVgifr,i Seme Cut-Uaa. ft H. H;.Kdmonda.of the oltjber coi company, la ! fmm tka mUta Olene. He aaya tho mill .to imwhag aa4Vl .rrr JT JP".9 .' 7-t ;C fl 35.000 .feet ot lumber a day. ploying sixty Ball Games ti wws;t' M& ItiA Aii'j-i 2r JvW- outside of waviHweav i there wlU he eawltatiiaat taaValt The bail saM wM be haed J)kf anas, on tM roarth wofs an' autonMU.aaradirwa pnzes.. lor. v ina , aaat,' oaoaaanoa rTaair arlh tlui'ai i'mwyaMlia fc-TTTir ",.".T7"--W ". r- " u! eaaooi eaiwrea or auaaaaa aerfeat;amrw;waah - Oh-.taajeveahaiaitawl S wwo be Wi aaaa'HiU'atti mmA .awmim rr- i?rsin& Ath.K in W JSj.iftJVl; ,twmwmmr.'r- mmm-wmwd wWtfWmai ffMMHtr 5?J XI w btt 1 '5 '.H c vfrn ..-l i j ". A'-.KI v,l f'K'l m . mi M Pf