iV- f if A v.: ?. ,.'", ' , t&h?&- .h J ' - '7iSri -' j. Rp-.' , x Stye uihw - fffnriTif "V jW$P7 , . KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,t KLAMATH K v OFFICIAL NIWtPAPBIt ' tmmJmmAmmmimtmJH Tenth Year Je. MW KLAMATH FALL. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1916 . 1 PHea F Oea t VM:-fMx Pi- Hrralfi VILLA SUB HI EF SLAIN IN FIGHT WITH AMfRtCANS ATTACK ON ENGINEER PARTY 18 REPULSED Csndslarle cVvantes, .Said to th Moil Dangerous Man In Mexico, Outside ef Villa, and Leadsr for Vil la In Many Raids, ,je Shot at Me Leads a ana', at Vllllstas Against Mtn Working Reads United Press Service NAMIQUIPA. May l&-(vla courier and wireless). -Caadelarlo Cervantes, leader of the Mexican bandits In thin Hcctlon, mad on of 'Villa's riant hnnd men, waa killed today In a brunh with Atuorlcan troop south of Ijih Crucox. Twenty bandits under Cervantcx at tempted to rush a party or engineer corpM attached, wbo were at work re pairing road. Three Americans wore, wounded and one of these, Lance Car iwral Marksbury, died later. Cervantes was shot by the engiuei-nt. Otbor troopa were sent In purxuli of the bandits, and two other MexIcaiiH were killed. JlFIGHTING AT United Pre' Service WA81IINOTON, D. C, Jlny 20. Advice from General PorxhlnK nny Cervantes haa been positively Idontl fled. He i considered tho most dan. gerous baadlf In Mexico ouuido of Villa, and be waa one of Villa' lead er In the Columbus raid. CHANCE FOR OUR SPUO MERCHANTS KLAMATH FARMERS HAVE AN OP PORTUNITV TO SUBMIT BIOS ON POTATOES FOR USE AT INDIAN SCHOOL V l''? aW 'i Vf: 'wtt' PdalBBnvBH'f fesBBBYBBBBL'ZsVrAaBBBBBV.s'a kubEE'1 wPHk frSMfcf"- aLBLLm bLLbH a r9BBBaH u Mathl YgSBKSBBBBBB) vA"eV' ffistessmY leimm yv, xxA Igsssavr sbBsbbR'I''' m SBBBsmartf H ; gsBBawre"r''t aSHRafVaHggif , sgiXRikgsHrlfcP 1 aKa;BBBBW23 bVMMMMMMMMM m; IN SEE-: t'lilli-il frt-HH Service 1'AUIS. May 26. Today' munlquc announce that the French Imvo repulned violent Pennaa attack mi I lie went bank of the Meuae a4 miriliwesi or Verdun. In a aawahlac 'omiter Attack, the French atoo re Tiiiluioil the trencM near TkUuuaoat firm lost to the Germans' yeaterday. In. nearby flKhtlnic, the Preach atoo ndvitnced. Hnnd Kremade w eficfitlvely. Weft or the Mcuho the Oerawu Onlted .Preai Service . com-. I'AlliaV My 24. WllUam Thaw, an Amerlea iirlBtor with the French army, waawoaaded when, In an en WiKoiWeiit 'fUk QeraMU aeroplaae. HI ttachtiawaj dowked 1 ?! tliiuc (o pour n raklnK ftra fill aloa inn rrnncii ironi. iniH is ewvecwilT United I're Service YJJeNkAMay 26.-The war oce aiuMMee4ttc4ay that the Auatrians have eAiMtirei e luilan poalUona. at cUeaa,, twety-me mile north of VI- j, tkla cUi: ire was made after a t GUVNEMKRL A call for bid for ftvcUonn or po lutoe to, be uaed at tbo Klamath Awncy Indian boarding school ha been Uxued by W. B. Freer, auperln tendont of th Klamath Ileaervatlon. The potato are to be delivered on or about September , aad bid will bo opened at ,10 a. in., June 19. Old mtut be mailed to Mr. Freer ai the Aieacy, wko will also furnish further iBforraatloa It requested. Tho bidder is Instructed to specify the variety offered. The potatoes must bo Hacked aad well packed for ship Merit, must be sound, food keepers nd not lesa than two Inches In dt nmeter. , Will PreaeM at Swan Lake After spending a few days visit in lii city, with f Heads, Rev. W. F. Oloekner left for Swan Lake this af ternoon, where he will' bold service on Sunday, returning the early part f be week. ThlH In what Herbert Corey, the fnmoiiH war corretipondcntr perhapa" tho bcHt American observer of the Ruropcan wnr, wrote, sorao weeks ago, about Cuyncmor, tbo first photo of whom I shown here. If you lived In Franco you would know who Ouynomor I. Tho picture of thl nlendcr boy from collcgo Is In tho UlUHtratcd mncnzlnes and in the column of tho dully paper and In the windows of tho ohopsi. Ho I tho mot celebrated airman In Franco unloea tho most celebrated airman in Franco I Navarro. Thoro I tho Navarre ,HchooI of thought nnd tho Quynemor hcholl of thought along the boulovnrds. Partisan of tho two waggle tholr hnnd bunlly at each other and shout and close tho argument by drinking a health to tho pair. e Guyncmer was tho first French alp man to bring down flvo onemlcs. His Bcore now touches eight, and he has dono it all In four months. Navarre Imh also brought down eight German fliers, according to ono count. An other method of computation only al lows htm crodlt for sovon. It is this that give riso to tho drinking shop dobatos over tho pair. It I astonish InK how much energy can bo wasted over tho Interpretation of facts, which novo boen sot forth In tho official com munique. An ovldcnco of tho Htand- j Ing of tho pair is that the rule of i anonymity Iihr bcon waived by tho censor for both. Franco Is following their fight for supremacy with almost breathloH Interest. A now Philippine railway line, to tap ono of tho richest Btigar districts in tho Inlands, Is being projocted by Filipino capitalist!! and BUgar planters. Train to Leave Earlier, i - -.kTK Starting Next Sunday Uocinaing Sunday moralag the pa nenger trala leavtag for mala line con nections at Weed will leave Klamath Poll at 1:19 jaatead of at 10 ojclock RH at present. Positive information t0 thia e has beea received by Aont Brows iae'lvtaera Paclle. . Tn If- es'eieek;deHriire waa made jwaslble ay 'iivjgtrttrala' operated, ouring ue bpoaHloa period. Now, wwev.r, the extra trains are to be continued, aid .the train will leave (run iirnnml TlitnA Unn'a trill mmA t I I ' hloaitV thfilfl itir hlttl court. , ' Aa a .reealt, the Austrian have A'fTeiman artillery attack is being UrTve.sWdje (ato the Italian frost directed ngalnRt Hill No. 30. This U believed to be a prelude to yet nmithcr attempt to ntonri this position. The German gain yesterday have. nirmm! the French to the real fieri (jUHncijH of the Verdun situation. 2! If Impossible to estimate the .ohHiv, Mnny wounded men are lying on the slope of Dead Man's Hilt, and their companion are powerless to rescue them. ' Following tbyi, says the report, there t'nlteil I'resH Service wilt be a colossal simultaneous smash MIMtKIN. May 2C The Germans ad against the Austrlans and Geramns. vanced to tho northwest of Verdun i Huge forces of French. Italians, thl morning, crossing. the ravine near ( English, aad .Serbian troopa are con Douaumont and repulsing the French ; centrated at Saloalka, apparently south of that village; awattiag tint elgaal to strike. iran w jr a Mi RAGING UNABATED . , ? . n - SAW FASHION' j Just a Question of Veracity X'siiedtpar Service , ROMHijMay 2. It U reported here dous fltaash to eliminate- the Turks anbX.Bulga'm from the war, and thus make a stroke toward peace. Heavy blow are to be struck by the allies from Salonika to Mesopo- ARRAN6EMENTS ASHLANO RODEO ABOUT COMPLETE! TO BE WHALER COMMITTER IN CHARQI OF DECORATION DAV CELEBRATION MAKINQ- STRENUOUS EFFORTS FOR BANKER AFFAIR horo, ot.8:20 In ordof' to" connect at Weed with northbound train No, 16. Another change to become effective next wook will bo a trl-weckly train hervlco to Mevn. At presont the north- j bound train only goos to Chlloqum, The pelican Day Lumber company recently took over about 11,000,000 feetjof timber at Meva, and this is now being logged. The trip to Meva will be made principally to get the cars u'f 'logs for delivery at Pelican Preparations are maturing for the Decoration Day program. The various lodge are expected to participate, to gether with the Ladles Relief Cora, O. A It, veterans of all wars, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Olrls, and varioua civic organisations. Preparations in dicate that the parade, which will form on Main street opposite the court house at 9:30 a. m. will be the great- est pageant that has ever been staged in Klamath Fails. Beginning at 3:30 p. m. the following program will be rendered In the court bouse square, provided the day la pleasant; otherwise. In the opera house, tbo band playing a selection to announce the beginning: Invocation Rev. J. W. Jenkins Male Quartette ............-.... .... "We Garland Their Graves" Messrs. Mason, Walton, Wlrts, Haydon Lincoln's Gettysburg Address .. , , J:... Wayne vKeesee Solo L, -......--. ...."Those EndeVrlng Young Charma" Mrs. A J. Voye Reading. ."The Blvouao of the Dead" Miss Hasel Fry Quartette :. "Old Folks' Medley" Mosdames Henry, Voye, Daniel aad McCarthy , Memorial Address...JIon. B. L. BUlott Reading "The Blue and the Oray" Miss Bdna Wella America" '. By All Led by Mayor J. B. Mason Benediction ..... Rev, B. C. Rlckarda Superintendent Dunbar, assisted by. various teachers', will have charge of the school section of the parade aad It is hoped that practically all the pupil of the various schools will par ticipate and be well supplied with flowers and flte- - KLAMATH COUNTY WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED, ACCORD INO TO MEN WHO ARE WORK- INQ UP INTEREST HERE saafaaaaaaBsTTrfaaaTMsft 'W0PPM0MM$$m flBasBaaaaaaaaHHaaaaV llnMwk aMBaaaaaaaaaaSPff?BV iMif(WM .JsBaBaBaBaiaavRPlW'figBBBaaBv fcMtilJ.fetSIPll Warn, WSHt3SiM4W. gBHEai f-'f aaaaaaamlaaBaBiaaaaaaaaaaitW aamfffifff- "ituumMr i gaaaaafisasaaaaaaa ' -5"asBtssw:Bi 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBkaaBBBBSXR I -.blEBBPJ WMWmm mmm W ' 1 S"i I-fsavsaHgaBi mV?V?'Sr if ft "iKBal 7Tt - ti a TIttV .'' itfTr "'r ?W&&7rS & saaa m&?& BbibbbHB saar5'''i''..wtif JsbbbVbbbw "' ZC A'J " ? ' .-) t KaaaaaatssHBaswSgp"r;a BjBJKyiX'f7rsiiitr''x ROAD CREWS ARE NUW UN KM i .i - " r . . . $ l i . ': t-a b fi.Sr fA-' IRK IN SOUNTI ROAD TO STATE LINE IMPROVED IS " ! Jffuf mvrf. AS fr ,i m Men' and Teams Are Repairing Place Near the Ageney, and taier'if;! n win wn utwn me -wewerievgyi K Read Frem Sawmill t CnrtefrjLsrl 1 ParK'Llne-eunty. R.d PeeW y, 'bciyiOraded. $m& r - -,;.w3t-i. Witn.a view to puttiak thM rMde'Jifl condition Before the-' heavy eaaaaar' "foi cususvncea, usr ewaarr a baa-several crews at work la diaTeeiatt parts of the couaty. As-feat 'ae'eaw ijmu in uavjieo; isv crews moTf:rls;-'.vi another.- '. T -' ,-l r .several men are now egeed?aviM; "the .California line. Tale is fr'fd f.uie uB roans mea ey ratruu eeav'i', .1 ink; to see Crater Lake, asd tha' aa4 la being 'cleaned, graded .aadf aaJiidiS , up, with some special efforts at-TeBey?..? 'Vft - a ;crew u now at work oataeaTJeftt- ' (ath-Port Klamath road, giving attorn jim.i w uB.oaa suvccb or roea aear the Agency. This stretch is betagre- built-wlth clay aad gravel. aadvwttt soon, b la tiptop conditio. y-'W) After the work near the Agency Is " -rflnlshed .'.this rcrew .. wfll aametasnuM -, ... i . " nMl.. v.,.. -a ... : ".."..' w t.r . tl"' B,H .". agvwaweawioB to the tkn mOmd'et-r - -- - -- &l fl. 1 the; 'Utter A Barns sawatUl aad'-.tlie'l H ' i'iis."i:t 4i."Xi..ri- -..-. -.-fl jwluJbe 'pat la ftnndttteev for aws arnl i," eara.of evea; the joweat xlearaaea.V,-.! .i Awf- 9 i 'rtTmP mmJliL. Ik. , wsmrv ,- mm i to Pelican City-haa Jaat sr' Heted.- Tale wfll cosuuet with m4 - (of the. toaaek- road ImiR n,ln i'malr f Ik.' aad wfll sake It C. S. Thompson, chairman of the ex-, cently made public a letter, written : the. esaployea of the PelteeaCi aW- l ' . . . . . .k ".M ' -.- - " . r. the AmerimlonNOveaMr' WM'OyKeeAantumi'inllle'to 'reach Kkunatt) Falk at all T.Jln A MaV . an. k. .IJ.'.i: --.' it , ' ' k i ' letter to ""'w m' " . ium oi uie year. "Tho secretary or the navy :baa' WILSONS CLOSE SOCTAL stated that his aide for opesationa filed SEASON WITH GARDEN PARTY this letter with the chief clerk. ofOhe, ftSsfel k-'el Sil Srl LOCAL WOMAN IS HIBHLV HONORED . If Klamath county la aot well repre sented at the big Rogue Rlvor Round- Up In Ashland July 3, 4 and 6. it will not be on account of lack of eCort oa the. part of Dr. J. L. Helms and M.. E. Hanley. wbo have beea over here from the valley, in toe laterekta of the cele bration. ' They have visited every part of. the Klamath couatry, distributing literature and talklag up the celebra tion, and they have aaaurancea that there will be many automobiles of Klamath people romping across Jhe hills for Ashland early. In July. The Ashland' celebration la given to observe the dedication of the mineral springs project. Incidentally, it la a mineral water Jubilee, Fourth of July celebration 'aad real old wild West show rolled Into one, Special rates have beea granted from all dt rectiona by the taftroae, and; the town will be crowded with visitors. Several carloads' of ateera aad bronchos belonging to the Pendleton Rouad-Up have beea aecured for the Ashland affair, and there will also be many Pendleton ladjaaa aad cowboys tljere. The roping, riding, bulldoging and other stunts are free to all, and Klamath county couatr vaqueroa will of course take a proaUaeat part and the prominent prises. Arrangements are aow" being made to have a Klamath- eouaty string matched against a Peadtetoa etring la a cowboys' relay raeeC C. V, SaelUag and Dan Liskey, wae aad opposing atrlngs of- horses dsriag the rodeo here, are consldertas nteklag a atriag out of. both buachea aad seadiag then over with Liskey aa traiaer and rider. , The. many friends of Mrs, Robert B. NVattenburg'were highly gratlied to hear that the brand Assembly of tat Rebekah Degree, I.O.O'. T., la aeaaiM'oresep, aad the at Rossburg has aoaored her fey eject- parity Rebekah ing her as, president. Up frem Merrill Mr. aad Mrs. J. Freak Adaau aad sua Mania are ia from Merrill for a short visit. by-the degree, la the Jurisdletlea of BMere ef tree N feel alafely elated at the chooelaS of oae of their This Is the. highest honor coaferred I meeabers for the ogeaeV ecutlre committee of Defense Society, has sent a President Wilson regarding Rear- Admiral Bradley A. Flake and the secretary of the navy. These are the opcningparagraphs : "The American Defense Society de sires to call your attention to an un fortunate situation. Aa the result ofltary of the nary-as the latter waa;. a request from the United States sen-' standing at his desk in the naVy de nte,.tbe secretary of the navy has re-lpartmeat, aad he read It carefully.'' navy department and did not shew: it United .Press-Service to the secretary. Admiral Flake stated.; WASHINGTON, D. C, May H, that hefhanded the lotter to the s'ecre-' Tho beautiful lawn of the White' Koaoe. JITNEY DRIVER'S BODY UNEARTHED BATTERED REMAINS OF MAN WHO drove murderer to woman's home Aear Portland found in the brush Palm to Move ?- " The quarters in the' Jacobs building I just vacated by the Klamath Hardware company are now being retlnted'aad rearranged for occupancy by the Palm Cigar Store and pool room. Now that the bowling season la closed, McDon ough ft Dale will, close the alleys Tf or the summersand move to a location on Main street The alleys are "to be reopeaed la the .fall. - PORTLAND. May 26. The body of Fred Rtstman, the missing jitney driver who drove a strange man to the Gore homestead near Sherwood the' night Mrs. Helen Jennings waa murdered there, was found yesterday. The body was discovered hidden In the brush two miles from the house where Mrs. Jennings was murdered aa she slept. ' The death of Riatman waa evident ly due to a blow on the head, as the skull was battered.- But the discovery of RIstman's body throws no light oa the Identity of the murderer. May 16, a stranger hired Riatman, a Portland jltneyman, to drive him to Sherwood, seventeen miles from Portland. Rlstraan never returned. Search was Instituted, and Rtstmaa'a automobile, covered with blood, was found near the home of Mrs. Jennings, and Mrs. Jennings was found murder ed In her bed, a sledge hammer being used to kill her. A quarter of a mile from the' road the searchers found Rlatmaa'a hat, a lap robe and pieces of his shirt, all saturated with blood. Since thea, posses have been making search for the auteUfa body. " Bennett Thompson, an ex-convkt, who has beea arrested aa a auaaeet, deatea hie guilt, aad offers to areve i alibi. Bo far, ao formal charge has beea feted ageiast hiav today was, the scene of a garden aartyl1' tnnAjkrAA hw --- - - - nHj " aa'.V . son to 'several aaadred totsaMilasaaty.il guests, as the Mai formal -faaiosiofl the social aeaaaa of lMB-ieta t a'"TT'l executive aaatudon. ' -" jS i 'sis ' It V9 hvllllaMf aAlal ..! . 'Q'l .. ..., .vuw ww, awii- ed br thu ukudim nt h tai-'-.'. S ciety Vomea of; the nation aa :m of the nnltont il tka int 'ui ' thelatfd. ' ' , Justices of the, supreme oottrt,aad. uieir wves. leading nemaera of eea- nl cress and irmv anil iun nSHnr -" 'H tended. The marlno haurf hIsWa .iaw'i Si ing the afUrnooo. -4 $ KlamathLumberOutlook JEstslHTfc Rra'WV I II III I ? bTk - " WW ,- i. ill SBSStS-SSf naaaBBSBBBBBSBasaaaiaisassasBsaasMM VWViBffk U if Haa KUasath Fall any reason to look for Increased lumber activity within the next year? u ,-, Judging from the' aettoaa of F. Hill Hunter, manager of the Saw Mill ;a- gineering A Construction company, there ia reason- to think ao. .. . .: i Mr. uunter naa charge of ue de signing and rebuilding of the Pelican Bay Lumber company'a plant He also built the sawmUl of the Klamath Manufacturing company. Recently he completed; that plaaiag mills of the Weed Lumber coeaaaay- He tea build er of mills aad factories, aad therefore Is confidentially advised ef prooesota for mill location aad oaeaJaga fey luaafeermea seeklag figures oa aew plants. ' js- Mr, Huater, be it kaowa. ha ehaaged the permanent addrese of Ue Saw km Bstataeerlag ft. CoaatnW ttoa company ta sTJaaaU Falls; Ore gon. -This Indicates that fee har:good reaeoa to expect swea werk: aera.' The .comaaajr aaa leaaed! Uie .llaatt; Ug room la ue PaaaaU Devslof meat company ouuetag. oae4 '. iWtJ - ' jlVJg 1 '- "1, i?& draftsman aew employed, JMJ$ uuuuicr is ezpociea irosa uaieafo aa, si a few days. - S- tt S? . .Already the. emapaay. tapreaaeias to draw plana for, a four-beM'sawasttl;. for a weH known lumber esouMtkii 31 These nlans are said ta ha "asrisii - ...... rr i7SAT-r.i.i, in case of a fire." but maay of'tfea;-". ... -"" wuiviwww.. I.T,'..! IVI Mr. blunter has Just returned tsasaUv?! m 'a trln n Piivah.' 1fAaAlkt.Ka. DmAUaJ ll ',' ywww;tKi-iiiiiprw Contralla aad other 1 He states that both r aad ptae aavf ; Slumped IS per Mbevsawesi this drop the price -efpsae. m; feettar. thsn it was lest year, and ta WfSSsf ' that KlaataU, eewty-s IMddS a oatt pyro41 hasseea ereaie t .inear peopie appaaroweaasw The.atae meai 'Uve..;iao;eaM i gliim: OwiE"lt"'itM' "j r amJ'Z. the irtmmttmk. Waad.fw ptow.;pr9Mi,i lurcrswrnsee n0M to Safer asejla awafstariavf m Mm I so Kiamau eaa asaaaet aaa Uea ftrmaaea BMB aafej aoldaaaa'snaaa hsaaa. -j.i -V' w . . -M