c C-, K 4nr. 5Jj lummn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'KLAMATH FALLT ! itfifjt- OFFICIAL NEWiFAWU ft l f Tenth Year No. 3,001 -" vl' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916 Fife ffv CANVASS SHOWS CLOSE RACE OVER LEE BEATEN BY ONLY TWENTY ONE VOTES Official Cinvatilng Board Flnlihes In Work, Showing the Exact Btandlng of Each of the Candidates (or State and County Office on Democrat and Republican Tickets Only Two Dull, mooters Voted. ACCOIllllIC tO till) OmClllI CAIIVUHH of iln primary vote, completed yester ilny nf III noon by County Cleik I)nl.np, Juittke 12. W. (iowen mill Justice of lliu Peace Hall of Bonanza, there wore only twenty-one votes between Captain J. I'. I.cc unil Jasper Uonnott la their mco for assessor, which won won by Dennett. Only two progressive votes were cast nt thu election, Tlio canvass brines a new candidate into tho race, an G. P. (Kip) Vnn Hfcier im nominated for county treasurer on tho democrat ticket by voters writ ing IiIh iinine In thu blank space. Miss I'll mi Wells' democratic friends gave bore thu ilcmocrntlc an well an tho re- publican nomination lor school super intendent by writing Iter nnmo In, and i:. II. Henry Ih thu nominee of two pnrtlcH In the nnmo manner The Klumntb county votu follows' Republican Ticket Delegates ut large: Ackcrson G81; Iloyd 810, Dulmut fiTC, Cameron 69U; Cnrey 740; Case 157; Fulton 376; Hawkins 293; Peter on 189; Spencer 19G: Warren 03; Worsloy 192. Second district deleft en: llrooke KOI; Purges 096; Pollard GOG. President; Burton 372; Cummins 142; HtiRlioa 688. Vlco prealdent: Webster 870. Presidential docters: Butler 112G; Cotlcll 1006; Ivanhoo 473: Kendy712; MncMahon 7C7: North 867; Wilson 903. Congressman. Slnnott 994. Dairy and food commissiener: Mlcklo 1182. Supremo court Justices: Uonnett 1134; Mooro 1026. Secretary of state: Moo res 580; 01 rott 1031. Public service commissiener: Corey 7GI; Kylo US; McCulloch 282; Husk r3; Servlco 134; Wright 134. Circuit Judge t Kuykcndnll 9C:i; Onclll 704; Wlloy 428. Senater: Thompson 1383. Iteprcscntatlvu: Durdlck 641; El der 970; Forbes 67C: Smith 787. Prosecuting atterney: Irwin, 426; Kent 849; Morryman 7C1. Sherirf: llrowbnkor 4S9; Prakes 29; Cowen 241; HMI 72; Low 605; Mea nor 80; Mooro 3G3; Rnmaby 371. County clerk: Cowley 793; DeLup 1278. Commissioner; Hngolstoln 621; Mcllnttan 664; Hueck 431; Towor 373. Treasurer: tlaydon 1398; Mouatroy S4. ASSESSORSHIP Graduates to Receive Diplomas Friday Night The four years of atudy and toll at tho high school on the part of tho pres ent senior class will be brought to a happy termination Friday night, when tho commencement oxorclsoa of Klam uth county high school will be hold, and tho graduates will be glvon tholr diplomas, Tho exerolaes will be held at Hous ton's opera bouae. All are Invited to ultond. Dr. DeBuak, a member of tho faculty of the University of Oregon and said lo be one of the moat brilliant apeak or connected with that Institution, will give the principal address. . Ills lols is, "The Qualities of Leador hip," . la eddltic, the high lohool orches Countess a Suicide lril1i i vs:4 A Mrs. Joseph E. Moward ronnurly Countess dn Ilcntifort I .Mrs. Joseph B. Howard. dauKhter of M. 11. Kllgallen, it nillllonalro or I Chicago, unit formerly tho Countess j do Ilcntifort, shot herself to death In I on Omaha hotel tho other day because aim was Jealous of nor husband. Ho ) was an actor on tho Orplicunt circuit. Assesser: Hayilcn 611; Peterson 575: Slough 358; Tipton 150.' School superintendent : Applegiite 937; Wells 1210 Circuit court clerk Urandenburg 1439. Surveyor. Iliown,921; Henry 1118. Coroner. Dr. Soulo ICC". CenMable: Holmnn 403; Owens SCO Democrat Ticket Delegates at large: Armllago 498; Hennett IS2, Crawford 454; Holllstor 2C7; Morgan 371; Morrow 171; O'Hellley SG; Tomllson 97. Second district dnlogates- Dlggs 297; Holmes 152; King 215. Peter fon 1S6; Worden 203. President: Wilson CS-1 Vice president- Major 191: Marshall 472 Circuit Judge: Oroesbcck 609. State senater: Dnltfwln 602. Itepresentntlve: Hyndmnn 455. Pro.ierutlng atterney: Duncan 613. Sheriff: (Jartrell 88; Humphroy SKI ; Htmsaker 281; Mnddox 101. County Clerk- Hawkins 624. Commissioner Short C52; Welch 164. Assesser: Hennett 425; Leo 404. School superintendent; Rdnn Wells, 107. Treasurer (J. P Van Itlpor 52;-Oeo. A. Ilnyilon IC. Survoyor K 11. Henry G2; Fred Ilrown 10. Circuit court clerk: Chastnln 700. Coroner' Whltloclc 653. A very favorable condition of affairs In thu llanlc of China Is roporlcd as n result of n recent Investigation. Tho orgnnlmtlon on Western lines seems to have been eminently satisfactory, for tlio bank haa n 100 per cent roscrve r.galnst Itu paper Issue, besides over $3,000,000 In cash, tra and aloe club will participate, and tho program to bo rondored follews: Glcnwood March R- D. Hall High School Orchostra All Hull Sweot Spring O. A. Vcazlo Itouutlful Moonlight , S. Qlovor Illgli School Chorus Los rtovoa do Clol Chnrlea Arthur High School Orchestra Invocation Itov. B. C. Richards Salutatory Margaret Dowllng Address "Tho Qunlltloa of Leader ship" Dr. DoBuslt Kmorald Ovorturo P. J. McQlashan High School Orchostra Vnlodlotory nzel Fry Preaentntlon of Dlplomus Judgo D. V. Kuykendall Benediction Rev, J. W. Jenkins I I Mexicans Are Again Activi PEACE RUMORS IN THE AIR; WILSON PREPARES SPEECH VON BEULOW MAY BE SENT TO AMERICA Report Regarding German Prince la, However, Uncorroberated Qerman Socialist Leader 8aya, Either Wllaon or Taft Will Be Acceptable aa a Peacemaker Wllton'a Note Ik Re celved at the Vatican United Press Service LONDON, May 24. An Exchange correspondent declares that be baa learned upon good authority that Prince von Beulow, ex-chancellor of Ciermuny and former ambassador to Italy, will becomo German ambassador to America. The American embassy corps from Germany will be complete ly rearranged. This statement Is not corroberated from other sources. If it is true, it probably means thai Germany expects a move for early peace. Prince von Uculow ho. been connected with other peace moves. 1'nltod Picss Sen Ice WASHINGTON, D. C. May 24. President Wilson is now at work pre paring his peace address to be de livered Saturday before the League for Knforccd Peace. Pressure Is be ing brought to have Wilson at this time outline n definite peace plan. The statement of Premier Brlando of Franco to a delegation from the Russian duma indicates that the allies do not dcslro to talk peace now. Wil son will no doubt take this Into con sideration whon ho makes his address Saturday. Tho president will probably content lilmsolf -with notifying the world that the United States Is ready to open the channels for peace talk whenever the belligerents are ready. t ItOME, May 24. President Wilson's reply to Pope Benedict's peace mea aago reached the Vatican today. By CARL ACKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) BERLIN, Phillip Sch'ledemann, the socialist leader, declares that either Wilson or Taft will be acceptable to German socialists as one of the peace makers. YELLOW JACKET MINE IS AFIRE FAMOUS NEVADA PRODUCER HAS FIRE ON 1400 FOOT LCVKL, AND SEVERAL MINERS ARE BELIEV ED DEAD United Press Service - CARSON CITY, Nevada, May 24. Fire broke out thla morning on the 1400-foot level of the Yellow Jacket mluo at Virginia City. Twenty-six miners escaped. The bodies of two wen recovered, and two others, missing, are believed to be dead. Business Men' Meeting' Thoro will be a meeting of the Busi ness Mens Association at the city hall at 8 o'clock thla evening. As matters of considerable Importance are to be considered, President W. J. Roberta requests that all members attend. , From Yalnax Dan Wann is down from Yalnax on a business trip. But Now She's in rJBJ Bg4BBaVBBaBaBasVvJsaiBiBaVBilBV Jbm ft t 'SasKSiO! 'FM s 'SBflm. m aaLHaaaHHaLHi MrWMmtmtmm I EsasHasisisiBS'V MWlmA lEsaWfagflT -' i'ClM lEHaliaHrW ''ISgM li'asaHsHBHI ' wmWM mmmiKm?&:?. mmmmmm HB Tjfflr ". wTZTtiD EBsBsHiKiBamBvlr'Y. ? BBBnasHBHsBBBBl lBKBKiJaEB sawfe . HaWBg4BBar9 S EasaasaHLwBaH 1 4g4BsBalBBsWB,Sl if BgBBBBBBBJsagBBBBlgm. -'!t--ySLwSiiiie?i3sMKi!w' EgagagtBBBBBBBamS ,iKzfmPM iawiEaBBBBB s tal BBBBBBBBBBBBBrVjBfBBBBWBHgaVaBBBBBBv Mi ES BmEEEEEEEBEEEElBBBBBBBBBBEEEECi l A)'V4 gEIEaBEScgSEIEEi fii EEEfijBBBBBBBBBBBBlg4BBBBBBBBBmB H I aBBBBBHLaBBBBLaBBBBBBBBK'iElgBH H SBBBBBBBBBBBBLaBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf l ijEEEEEEEaBBBHB W ElijBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVilllBBBBBBBBBBBVK l LbbbbbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPb ESJMESJESJEBJESJESJESJECiSteyS m EjBjBJBBJBaaajBBBBBBBBBJHBBBBBBBBBBBJBB BBBaVBBBBVBHBVBaaBHBBSBBVB I Countess Marklevlcz This photograph of Countess Mark levlcz helping the poor of Dublin to feed themselves was taken some time before the abortive rebellion in which she led a company of Sinn Felncrs through the streets of the Irish capi tal The countess Is an Irish woman, the wife of a Polish artist.' She has since been tried and sentenced to penal servitude for life. PRESIDENCY BEE COST HIM A DIME OREGON MAN WHO SOUGHT PRE8 V IDENTIAL PREFERENCE UNTIL HUGHE8 ENTERED RACE FILE8 HIS STATEMENT United Press Service SALEM,- Ore.. May 24. It cost Charles E. Lockwood just ten cents to run for president of the United States, according to bis official statement of expenditures and contributions on file In the secretary of state's office today. , Lockwood withdrew from the pri maries when he learned that Charles B. Hughes, justice of the supreme court, would be a candidate. Hero is his expense acceunt: April 16 Wasted two-cent stamp trying to get support of the edi tor of a Portland newspaper 03 April 18 Used two-cent stamp re plying to Seattle newspaper's re quest for picture and life sketch 02 April 19 Spent two cents for stamp on letter to John Kendrick Bangs, humorist, enlisting bis support aa a spellbinder In my behalf -02 April 20 Spent two cents for post age on letter soliciting endorse ment of Kentucky Kllck .. .-.02 April 21 Borrowed two-cent stamp for letter to Secretary of State Olcott withdrawing my candidacy In favor of Justice Charles B. Hughes M0S ! ew Total expenditures 10 Receipts and Contributions April IS Received from Al Lam bert, voluntary contribution for campaign fund .......10 Balance . ..... . ......Nothiag Prison tor Lite JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES Justice of tho peace and. constable nominations follew: Linkvllle district Republican: E. W. Gowen, justice of the peace: J. M. Holman, constable. Demecrat: Chaa. Graves, justice of the peace; Fred Morley, constable. Odell district Republican: W. C. Speddon, justice of the peace; Jan. Shanks, constable. Demecrat: J. W. Elklns, justice of the'' peace; O". W. Anderson, constable. Plevna district Republican: H. Snowgoose, justice of the peace; C. J. McCoIlum, constable. Demecrat: R. C. Vincent, justice of the peace; C. J. McCoIlum, constable. Poe Valloy district Republican: Dr. Bankero, justice of the peace; 3. B. Casey, constable. Democrat': Same men. Hlldebrand district Republican: W. F. Wilkinson, Justice of the peace; constable, tie between Chas. Burgdorff and E. P. Peel. Demecrat: W. F. Wilkinson, justice of the peace. Klamath Lake district Republican: Mrs. H. F. Davis, justice of the peace; Jos. Blair, oonstable. Demecrat: jus tice, tie between M. H. Wampler and Judd Short; constable. H. W. Peel Lost River district Republican: J. T, Bradley, justice of the peace. Demecrat: F. W. Broadsword, Justice of the peace; K. I. Bold, constable. Dairy district Republican: B. Mi Hall, justice of the peace; A. L. A. L. Michael, constable. Demecrat: Same men. Wood River district Republican: D. H. Wlmer, justice of iht peace; Joe Vose, constable. Demecrat: Same men. Langell Valley district Republican: W. W. Fordney, justice of the peace; tie between Eugene Wllkerson and H. O. Sbldler for constable. Demo crft: W. W. Fordney, justice of the peace; D. Bussey, constable. Tule Lake district Republican: George Offleld, justice of the peace; J. F. Kamarad, constable. Demecrat: M. M. Stastnsy, justice ot tho peaoe; J. r. Kamarad, eetuUMe. CARR ANZ ADMINISTRATION ANOTHER LETTER United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. May 24. Another note from Carranz is now on its way to the administration, iris not expected that this will make-demands for the immediate withdrawal of the' American forces, but it la thought that it will contain urgent suggestions that this be done, and; a statement that Mexico will resent the sending of a second American expedi tion south of the Illo Grande. ' If Carranza can convince America I that his Mexican forces are large 'enough to patrol the border country and preserve order, the American forces will be withdrawn. Officials all believe Carranza Is friendly. Thirty thousand Mexican troops, or 10,000 more than Obregon promised to distribute, are moving northward from Saltlllo, Du'rango and elsewhere, according to state department In formation. " ' War Bulletins United Press Service PARIS, May 24. The war offlce ad mits that the Germans this afternoon penetrated Gumleres village, ?nlne miles northwest ot Verdun, afterte'r riflc onslaughts on the west bank of the Mouse, and that they also took the French trench west ot the village and gained a foothold in a few trench es east of Fort Douaumont Elsewhere, says the war offlce, the violent German assaults along both banks of the Meuse-and the Cham pagne were successfully repulsed. Since Sunday the Germans have been attacking with 60,000 men. French advices declare that the French have inflicted enormous loases upon the en- The struggle all along the Verdun front continues. In many places there Is hand-to-hand fighting. Last night 80,000 Germans assaulted the French positions on Dead Man's Hill. United press. Service " ' BERLIN. May 24. It is officially, an nounced that the.British attacked the Germans near Glveachy, Hulluch and at Blalssvllle. Southwest of Glvenchy a few Britons entered the German trenches, but they were Immediately slaughtered. AU other British attacks were an nihilated. ' -The Germans, have recaptured ground near Douauomat, capturing 600 Frenchmen. Orindale - Plevna Folks a Will Have With the regular exeettlve but a tew daya off, and the quarterly meeting a week from today, reeidenta of Plevna, Orindale and Round Lake who comprise the membership of the Southwest Klamath Farmers Develop ment League, are preparing far. busy times. This organisation formed to work for the food of the dis trict, and It Is already making tavtai. finance felt. i .i The. meeting o the executive koajft wiu m mm swtnrday anaraooet at the otto ot Cotwty Artelturiit K. A SENDS Officials indicate that the ! , of Mexican troops reported is vastly more' than needed In the pursuit of bandits. , General Trevlno'a command now tow artillery. These Mexican forcee .now outnumber the American troopo in Mexico. t .General Funston today wired War Secretary Baker that he haa heard rumors to the effect that thenaUvaa of Madera have been instructed to rise against the Americans. COLUMBUS. N. M., May 24.-43ea-eral.Terahlng la sending scouting ex: pedltlbns south from his advanced base after the Vllllata bands who are trail ing the retiring expedition. Reports from the soath are that peons are being conscripted Into the, Vlllista ranks upon promise that they. will share In the loot captured. ,, C. ' . i i ,i K m United Press Service PBTROORAD. May 24. The yieU " here of Albert Thomas, French iahv later ,of munitions, indicates that France Is helping Russia la solving munitions problems. The Hudson Bay Trading company has placed at the' disposal of the allies sixty vessels, and tlje'se will be used In the Archangel t trade, .for supplying Russia's vletnal f and munitions needs from America and ' Canada. I United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 14. Consul Skinner at London cables that a submarine shelled and sank the Ital ian bark Ermlba Sarrona, enroute to Baltimore. The crew were saved. United Press Service ROME, May 24. There is In some quarters that Italy war upon Germany, followtnt the pnh Ucatlon of reports of Kaiser WUhtam'h visit to the Austro-ItaUaa front, and rumors that German troops will au the Austrian offensive. -.- i .. " '- n irvin nranN i i Harold Morlne is a county as:vjfe:( iter from the Clover Leaf City today. Thimble Club Meeting ,. The Women ot Woodcraft "Twlibie Club will meet at 1:10 tosaorrow aftat noon at the boaaa of Mra. Hanks. Big Picnic '. .m pm Hi ,. ', JTJMBJW Roland, Glalsyer. ar? Supposed to time. ha ptaBat;ikt4 ,.m- ext Wadneaday the retah wiutt, Mm niuWanJ1v -"v- ----' rib 1 . 'J be-Ta bit and all'reelaaats ofiha .wt tvamben of t leaie w sat, . 4 J dia-'k-ti;k-ee ai4t. 1 r. paan4.1sr:4M' L Wr""flBBBSWeBBBBaaBM i SBBBBRBV . far tne ntsKaai bmbmbk aw aa. Mt'mummm'A mw-Mmi " 'rwWft.A VaO.W?- 3' -i n -. ,i :W . . i 4'- ,:t 3