: - 1?? iaitfttttuj BraUi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ft KLAMATH FALL' OFFICIAL NEWSPAP1 ! yj&l Tnth Year Ne. ,H KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916 ' l' Mat nv nmi Tl M ROOSEVELT MEN READY TO MAKE BOOM FOR T. R. JUDGE HUQHIt IS STILL THE BIO MYSTERY COREY MAY BE COMMISSIONER NEW RETURNS FROM EAOTERN OREQON CUT DOWN WRIQHT'8 LEAD GOVERNOR WILL AP. POINT WINNER TO BOARD New York's Great Preparedness Parade Passing Reviewing Stand Mayor John Purroy Mltchttl Oarural, Leonard Wood Landilldt of Oregon Votes Fails to Bring Commtnl From Jutllct, Whole Only Statement It a Denial of Story Thai He Will Support Roosevelt. With Convantlon Approaching, the Intereet Awakens. t tilted l'rr-H Service WASHINGTON, I). C. Mh- 22. Ito fcnlnc tu n atory prlntod this mom liu: tu the effect that Justice Huglicd favors Itoonevelt'a candidacy, Uughci' arcu-tary today aald: ' "Mr. Hughes doea not rocognlzu nucIi Iriespoualble ruinors." The Orciton return, overwhelmingly In favor of Hughes, did not cxclto thu Justice, who la being no clone))' watch ed. 111m aecretary announced Hint ap parently Hughe waa not Interfiled I'nlted I'rcas Sen-Ice CHICAGO, May S3 Chairman llllllu of the republican national commlttoo !h now on hlii way here to take charge of arrangementa for tbo convent Ion. See retary Iteynolda Maya there will bo 11 content In all Texaa dlatrlcta except two. From New York It la reported thtit rrgular republican are opening boad-, quartern for a Roosevelt boom. Tbt-Bii are former Taft men, and not pt ogres rives, Thla faction will noon more to ChlcHito. It la expected that tho Col-, onl will aoon make a whirlwind tour of the Middle Wast. i:ai,i:m, .My :2.-. n. n. i .,. tlll """"I'm: Minted that In- coiinldui hit Ihih utoIvimI tlm iiumlnatloii ti publK. roiiiiiilHHloiior ficiin Custom Oregon over IM Wright, who t., Satin day III" plurality h now :;oo, anil pokslbly limy ho 1,000, as fSiiinl, I.alcw aim Wheeler count le, (,0, W,C, ,t.tulllM hid meiigie, urn i-Hpccinlly strong fur I'oMiy. iicctmllni; to ta-atteiud returns received. Governor Wlthycombo has promised to appoint tlm man receiving tho Cast em Oregon nomination an Hiiccessur to Clyde Allcljlaon. who resigns from tlm cominlKRlon June 1st, to take olllco with tlm lutoratnto rommcrco ilom- llllHfllOll CLUB TO HEAR COURT'S PLANS MEETING OF THE COMMERCIAL CLUB TOMORROW NIGHT TO BE OF GREAT INTEREST PROFESS. OR BOWMAN WILL TALK Owing to tho nttendanco expected, ti morrow night's monthly member', meeting of thu Klamath Commercial W. C. T. U. Matt Tho regular meeting of tho W. C. T. U. will be held at tho homo of Mm. n. 8. Orlgnby, 102S Jefferson street, to morrow at 2: SO p. m. ' Club will bo held at the city hall. All, whether member of tho club or not, jitre Invited to nttond, mi tills prom' , l"es to be n most Interesting session. ! An Illustrated lecturo on "Current ' KvcntH" will bu clven by Principal C. ' It llowmnu of tho high Bchool. This - m will be Illustrated with vlowa of lato Moving Agriculturist's Office. j happenings throuehout tho world. County Agriculturist II. noland In addition, County Judgo Hankn Olalsycr thla week will move hla office! will toll of tho pluns of tho county from Ita present location to tho quar- court for tho coming year. I.ocni men tern In tho Loomla building formerly will alno tnlk, with a view to bringing occupied by the Klamath Water Users About bettor support for movements Association. I for tho general good. Trial of Dr. Waite Draws Crowds to Court Room BBBBBBBBBBB M -BLlal'BaBBBW - - gflflgggggggH if BBBBBBBBBBBbIbbIbbIbI ,T .ILHiiBilHBfeBlBBBWBBBX. laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL BbYbbVBbwT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW BaV. BbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbIbIbbbbbB SBBBBBBaHLlBBBS'aBBBBBBBBH l BbJbBbVBbV .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiBHB WbbbbbBbbbbbWbbbbbbI B BS-tIBBSBKSBBBKKSEnJimBBtm '2IFSHfiMKfltfHHHHBBBg4yHH feMtBBBBBHaaafcaBBBBBBBB BSFQkSJ&JiJB .StP y jZz3f -rtjr $$y '-aBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB IaalE3nvP &40BBJk3l't .Ti f'BBB Verdun Fight in Fourth Month; Other War News United l'reaa Service - . LONDON, Mar 22. An Exchange PARIS, May 23. It in announced telegraph from Madrid nays the paper ' that French counter attacks have driv- there declare King Alfonso la likely to en tho Germans from positions along initiate peace negotiations. He will both banks of the Meuse. In a re- first sound the peace sentiment la tk newal of the Verdun fighting, tbo Ger- belligerent countries, and If the reaulu man Assaults were repulsed. , nr satisfactory, wilt send two Spanlak Heavy fighting continues. Today "talesmen to the belligerent capitate marks tbo beginning of the fourth t0 work out tnc plans. month of the campaign for Verdun. On '' the cast bank of the Meuse the French captured the German trenches adjoin Ing the village of Vaux. COI'ENHAOEN, May 22 Stockholm 'ays violent cannonading was heard in the Baltic off Dalamar yesterday. It Is thought that the German and Rus- Hlan fleets may be engaged. ' CIJRLIN, May 22. It is officially ad mitted that the French have gained a foothold on the quarry' south of Ha'ud romont, on the east bank of the Meuse. Thl.4 follows three attack. . It Is claimed that the Germans have captured several lines of British posi tions southwest of GIvenchy, on a front of one and a third miles. I'ARIS. May 22. Permlore Ilriande told the Russian Duma delegation but week that "Peace will not come ac cept through a decisive victory." SCHOOL BEGINS JUNE 12 SPLENDID STAFF SECURED FOR TRAINING OF KLAMATH COUN TY TEACHERS MRS. FULKCR SON TO BE HERE AGAIN VIENNA, May 22. Today's official statement says: "The Italian defeat on the South Tyrol front Is steadily growing more 12th. serious. An attack by our Cratz corps 25th. The Klamath county teachers' ana-' mer training school will beein June It will be in session until June Thla promises to' be well, at- on the plateau of Tavaromne was most tended this year, judging from the la successful, the enemy being driven 'qulriea received by County Superln from the whole position. Our troops tendent Fred Peterson. captured 23,883 men. Including 482 George A. Briscoe, superintendent officers. Over 100 cannon were also of the. Ashland schools, will it eoa captured." jnected with the summer school ihla Massing their troops heavily In year. He Is a graduate of the UliTer Southero Tyrol, the Italians are mak-jslty of Oregon, haa been for four roars -ing desperate, v nauccertssji)eila)jBeBat ot srJaasaTraaaaMsaBter 'tempts to stem the Austrian Invasion; and 1 considered one of the Ieadteg Each Italian 'onslaught la being re-, educators of Oregon. Mr. Brtacee wtU Mote than 140,000 marched In New York's great preparedneaa parade Saturday, May 13. That means more than one-fourth of the entire voting population of the city thought ao much ot preparedness that they were willing to make this demonstration for It. It was said to have been the largest parade ever known In the history of na tion. General Wood was hailed as one of the heroes of the dajr- United Press Service NEW YORK, May IL With tho opening of the trial of young Dr. Arthur Warren Walte here today on he charge ot poisoning bis millionaire t'arentaln-law, Mr. and Mrs. John a 1'eck of Grand Rapids, Mich., thoro toxins to pour Into the dry records of ho New York supreme court one of me moat sensational aad astounding Stories of fnrtnna kiiBtlns I11ll fn I uurdrr, Intrigue and decentlon that has ever bees disclosed, as the alleged ! tccord of one aata. The trial Is proceeding with record "Peed, as the jury waa completed with in three hours after court commenced. Justice Spearn aaya the trial will bo ompleted within ten days. The aUte will attempt to prove that the slender, nattily attired, amlllng youth who alta quietly before a long tftble la thla drab and ailent court room, deliberately wooed and married lra Peck with the preconceived In tention of murdering her, her father and mother aad any other persons it tuight be necesiary to murder in order that he might get posieiilon of the reck millions. Tho state will Intro duro evidence to prove that Walte, urn-rled to Clara Peck and having Mm. JUtabeth Horton aa hla "studio com (anion" la a big New York hotel, actu ally did get Mr. and Mr. Peck to New York on a vtalt and murder them by Poiionlag them with arseaio. That he sot hla wife to wlU her estate to him odd was pianalag her murder as the third of thu series in hlB alleged fichemu to got tho Peck millions. And that after murdering his moth er-in-law and engineering the crema tion of hor body to prevent tho discov ery of tho causo ot hor death, ho bribed a Now York undertaker with $9,000 to sweur that arsenic was used In tho fluid employed in tho embalm ing of his father-In-law'H body. With his wlfo turned against him and prosocutlng hor suit for divorce, and Margaret Horton, hla "atudlo com panion," fresh from tho triumphs of a viuxlnvlllo cngugoment won aa a ro- suit of tho publicity sho gained from her iiHrioclntlon with him, Walte face? hi: fight against tho oloctrio chair without tho support of olthor the wo man ho married or tho woman he squandered his money on. While bo lay on a cot. In Bellevue houpital, recovering from the effects of poisons ho had takon In an attempt to dio after the poisoning of bis father in law was discovered, Walte told kov ot nl iitorles of how It had all happened. Chlet nmong thoso was the fable of tho ''Man from Egypt." Thin mjatorlous and sinister spirit. Walte Is i-ald to hao assured District Attorney Swann, wns with him nlht and day, goading him on to evil deeds. Nameless and Intangible, and po.v smscd ot tho fiendish rcsourcetulnoqa or ten thousand devils, tho "Man fr.m Egj pi" noror has boon found. Nor la ho cxpoctod to be. Another story Judge Swann reported MRS. LUBKEASKS FOR AJIVORCE SUIT FILED ALLEGES CRUELTY, AND RESTORATION OF FORMER NAME AND EQUITY IN PROPER TY ASKED COWBOYS ROPE A REAL LIVE BEAR i Alleging cruel and inhuman meut, Anna Lubko has filed a ault for divorce against William Lubko. W. H. A. ltennor Is attorney for tbo plaintiff. In tho complaint, filed In the circuit court, Mrs. Lubko cites several Inci dents of alleged cruelty, and says tho defendant was wont to fly Into a rage of passion, and beat her. She asks to bo allowed to resume her former name, Anna Stankcy, and asks a share of the defendant's property. ! foregone conclusion with two men In the field from Klamath, aa the upper counties have over 1,200 republican votes more than Klamath and Lake combined. Elder carried Klamath county by a good majority. Forbes carried Lake county, and Burdlck carried Crook. Grant and Jefferabn. Smith waa aec- ond In Klamath, but ran ahead of E1-. der In Lake, Crook. Oram and Jeffer-' son. Returns from Crescent, which were , brought In late Saturday evening gave ' , Forbes 36, Smith 30, Burdlck 13 and i Elder 1 ', Incomplete returns from the other, treat- onnntlaa a fnllnin- . .. .... .... . i - -T---. ., me cowooys on we riicniorK ranca i Lake county Forbes 348. Burdlck , be0W MatIn Hvened things up some- ivs, smiia ici, suaer iwi. wnat a few day8 ag0 Dy jacing and Grant county-Burdlck 333. Forbes j bringing In alive a bear, according to xaj, mim iuj, siaer s. Crook county Burdlck 860, Forbes 764. Smith 363, Bder 338. Jefferson county Burdlck S.Forbes 54, Smith 33. Elder ST. PITCHFORK RANCH HANDS HAVE A LIVELY TIME WITH BRUIN, AND BEAR STEAKS ARE EN JOYED BY ALL pulsed, according to official advices. It is believed that King Emmanuel of Italy Is now at the front He haa or dered the Austrian driven from Ital ian soil at any coat , i t - ROME, May 22. Berne dispatches cay the Austrian lost 20,000 men In the first three days of the Tyrol offen- jsive. The hospitals at Trent are j crowded with wounded. j The Austrian crown prince Is dl- I'rcctlng the campaign against VIcenza. General Cadorna, the Italian army chief, has gone to the Trentino front i Further retirements by the Italians -are officially admitted. There is con fidence, however, that the Austrian offensive la spent v have charge of method work for upjae'r frmdes and school admlnlstratlea. The primary work will again bej In charge of Mrs. Mamie L. Fulkersoa of Salem. Mrs. Fulkersoa was. bent in 1916, and. needs no utrodawtlemlto Klamath county teacher. Woodmen to Meet The regular meeting of Woodmen of the World will be Tuesday evening. Important business will be attended to at this time. Meyers Gees 8outh. Charlea N. Meyers leaves ia the morning ror Pacific Grove, where ike will care for his wife's grave, fon Memorial Day. and attend to boalneeV i a King City Visiters. ) Mr and Mrs. Lea.- Hobbles ot King City; Calif., arrived la Klamath Falls FORES BURDICK ARE SUCCESSFUL KLAMATH COUNTY WILL BE WITHOUT REPRESENTATION IN THE LOWER HOU8B AT SALEM NEXT YEAR - Saturday night for a short visit Mr. and Mrs.' Hobblea have visited this section before, and are -greatly pleased with the Klamath country, aapfaylag their Intention of locating here aaowld the proper opening appear. Will C. Dalton, who, with hi wife and sons, was in from the ranch Saturday. The bear put up a game fight, but the boys with lariats were too much for him. As a result, the Dalton ranch people have been eating bear steaks hero of lato. Williams la Out E. R. C. William, the Klamath coun ty rancher whose life was almost, de spaired of a few "weeks ago, Is again proving the old. adage that "you cant keep a good man down," aad waa In town Saturday, apparently- well -re- covered. I Concluded on Page 8 Klamath county for the next two yearn will bo without a representative in tho lower house of the legislature, as Denton Burdlck and Vernon A. Forbes, both of Crook county, re- icolvcd tbo republican nomination at Friday's election, i Although the complete returns are not all In from tho flvo countle In the 'district, the lead of the two Crook I county men Is sufficient to assure them of the nomination, Thla was almost a IPIcard Is Released. , Henry Plcard, arrested with George Weatherman oa a bootlegging charge, haa been released upoa.hu own recog nisance, pending trial of the case. Weatherman, who escaped from' the FORD PICNIC IS A JOY FOR MANY SPINKS' BEAUTIFUL SPRING CREEK CAMP 18 CROWDED WITH AUTO PARTIES, AND PRO GRAM 18 ENJOYED BY ALL There was a most successful reunion of the "Ford Family" yesterday at Splnks' Camp on Spring Creek, and List of Pupils Passing 8th Grade Examination i Following are the Klamath county ; District No. 3, Beswlck, Califorala Eighth grade pupils who successfully . WHHam M. Raymond, passed the state teat, aad are there-1 District No. 5, Dairy Harold Brown, fore eligible to enter any high school : j District No. 5, Dairy lone Wekh. School District No. 1, Klamath Falls ! District No. 6, Merrill Vleva E. -Katharine Mable Upp, Margaret A, Moore. Upp, Richard Riggs, Elisabeth Luak.j District No. 6, Merrill Mary D. Leda E. Harvey, -Miriam D. Martin, 'oiacomtaL Marguerite Whltcomb, Viola Demuth, ' District No. 6, Merrill Hale H. Aa- uertna owen, carmei Miller, Clarence iderson. i Well. Raymond Harlan. Roy McNeill, Charlea Donelsoa, Wilford Brookfleld, Sidney Lusk; Bernard Hacklaad, Frank St. Laurent, Hattle Hall, Cleetua Lock wood, Edith Anna Montellus, LeRoy Glenger, Charles Yadon, John Emly -District No. Moon.- District No. 7, Ft, P. Jackson. 7, Ft. Klaaaata Lore, Klasaata WUbir -4. District No. 7, Ft Klamath Mil Brewer. Wallan, William Keeaee, Garret Koaop , District No. Paul Franklin, Dwight Owes, Dorothy R. Savage. 7, Ft. Klamath Mildred Sanderson, Elisabeth Lenore Cress, ' .District No. 7, Ft, klejnatK BdKh Calvin F. Peyton, Jean V. Perry, John Eva Copeland. L. Elliott, Stuart Frakes, Wllda Smiths , District No. 7, Edith May Sing, Josephine McClaln. rick Gordon. Lulu Unkeaback. WllUam Kenneth Fords of every vintage since George Biehn started importing them were on hand, with a load of joyous picnickers. Over two hundred people were regis-'Haines, Lola Josephine tered, and as there were many who Anna Laura Hacklaad. failed to do ao before leaving, it la Thomas, Bertha Nltschelm, BalUe Owens, Myler Calkins, Ellenor M. Tor rey, Constance L. Miller, Esther Jaae Chltwood. No. I, city jaii. u auii twnj. 8afe to say there were close to sev J enty machines at the picnic. New Manager Arrive. in order to have his camp preaeat- Sam Bresler,.tha aew manager of,We. R. C. Spink and hU employes tha- Klamath FaMs Paekiag eempaay, have been working bard the last few arrived test alga frost Baa Fraaeiscol to begta hla datiea .hata.-.- ' Coatlaued oa Page 4 No. s, Bonanta Beralee District Horn. Dlatrict Rueck. District Na 3, Boaanu laet KU-i gor. Dlstrkt Na S. let Harris. Na 3, Bonanza Aaaa Vie- Dlatrict ett. District Na Cormlek. DUtrict No. Cormlek. District No. Andersos. ' ptKtarkfei 1 1 '. -. M -" ." Kea-Gua4eJPat-?A;;;- 8, KeaeTiaapW. A J -'ara 'aaaV'-' &EV2& iitoii, y- J-wav:.i sna''r Xtft eae Haaai' iraharlairV . ,-2:v'f-jLi;y'i.f,:vi am ( DUtrict Na. I. Ubr-amUk'Ommm': . i -V ' 77T. Z "w --' VL,;ii,'i . ..'.-. ' a -. mm . "A'-J' - ' .4 T Dtatriet No. t, District Na. I, Las teH-, ;--i3 4. 1. st t ' ''LagaSi'' JUiifJ- r 'J. rL "J 4 .1 X 'AiW 'r.fcYfar- .&. AZ . . vfc-r i '..i i. re '. i'WCS'I s ..?- , - .vuv JtSml, J,r?-.