The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1916, Image 1

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Sty? iEurnmg Herald
i""J! f " l!8Pnilitfli9IBH
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Ttnth Year No. 2,MS
Price Five CoMe $
REPUBLICAN NOMINEES-Clrcult judgt, 0. V. Kuykendall; prosscut.
Ing attorney, Joseph S. Kant; ahtrlff C. C. Low; county dark, C. O. OaLap;
county commlaalanar, Thaddeue 0. MoHattan; treaiurtr, Oeorge A. Haydon;
county aasessor, C. Auatln Hayden; auparlnttndant of schools, Mlaa Edna
Wtlli, county eurveyor, E. . Hanry; circuit court clerk, Clwde K. Bran.
tUnburg; ceronar, Dr. A. A. Soulej constable, Llnkvllle dlatrlct, J. M. Holman.
With practically all of the return """
on the county offices received, the- nom- H'owbakcr 20, Frnkcti 3, Qowen 10,
limtloiiH are certain aa sot forth nbovo. IIB" "' M,w 1S' Mcanpr 6. Mooro G,
New Service
U'hM row returns arc outstanding will
not affect tha vote to any material ex.
nut The volta for each of tho con
icstcd offlcaa follew:
Kukcndall 891, Onelll 071, Wiley
Klder 180, 8inlth 676, liunllck 670,
I'urbea SSI.
Kent II!, Morryman 740, Irwin 400.
Low 684, Brewbaker 466, lUtnaby
34S. Moore 341, Oowon 370. Meaner 80,
Hull 76, Frakes 36.
ItoUp 1,231: Cowley 766.
Mcllnttnn 69S HagelNtcin 499.
Kueck 401; Tower 386.
Ilnxlon 1,348; Mehaffey 633
Hayden 617: Potcrson 663; Tipton
4S3: Slough 343.
Wells 1,172, Applegate 891
Hanry 1,070. Browa 176
Praclnct one
Kuykcndall 107. Onallt 31. Wlloy II.
liunllck 66, Elder CO, Forte 67.
Smith 83.
Irwin 23, Kent 61, Morryman 66.
Brewbaker 20. Frakes 2, Qowen 14.
HaU 3, Low 31, Moon 43, Kamsby 30.
Cowley 39. DeLap Iff.
lUvoliteln 43, McIIattan 36. Reuck
31, Ti.wer 47.
Hadoo 101, Mehaffey 31.
!Uden 46. Peterson 33, Slough 33,
Tipton 30.
Applegate , Walla 81.
nrown 61, Henry 71.
(tollman 60, Oweaa SI.
actual Precinct
Kuykendall 11, OmUI SI. WUty 16.
Durdlck 16, hader 60, Forbes 19.
Smith 69.
Irwin 13. Krat 71, Marryauui 27.
Drewbaker II, Frakee 6, Oowen 13, '
Hall 3, Uw 47. Meaner 8, Mooro 19,
Itamsby 17.
Cowley 31, DeLap 92.
Hagelsteln 30, McHattan 63, Rueck
11, Towar 21.
Hayden 74, Mehaffey 38. ;
Hayden 49. Peteraon 17, Slough 22.1
Tipton 29.
Applegate 31, Welle 90.
Brown 43, Hoary 71.
Holman 81. Owena ST.
Third Precinct
Kuykendall 74. Onelll II. Wlloy 20.
Burdlck II, Elder 41, rorbei 46,
Smith 64.
Irwin II, Kent El, Morrymaa 81.
Brewbaker 23. Frakes 1, Qowen 1C,
Hall 2, Low SO, Moaner S, Moore 9,
Kamaby 16.
Cowley 22, DeLap 92.
HageUteln 23, McaHttan 48, Rueck
18, Tower 18.
Haydon 74. Mehaffey 31.
Haydon 37. Peteraon 80, Slough 26,
Tipton 16.
Applegate 37. Walla 71.
Drown 41, Hoiry 13.
Holman 31, Owtna 28.
Fourth Preelnet
Kuykendall 17, Onelll SI, Wiley 29.
Durdlck 30. Elder 41, Forbes 60,
Smith 66.
Itainxby 38.
Ilaitclflteln 37, McHattan 47, Itueck
19, Tower 16.
Haydon 81, Mehaffey 33.
Hayden 63, I'etorson 34, Slough 20,
Tipton 18.
Applegate 42, Wells 88
Drown CO, Henry C8
Holman CO, Owen 23
Fifth Precinct "
Kukemlt.ll 67. Onelll 43. Wiley 28.
lltmllclc 45, Klder GS, Forben 40,
Kmlth C4
Irwin 17, Kent CO, Morryman C8. i
Drcwbnkvr 30, Frakes 3, Qowen 10,1
Hall 0, Low 33, Mennor 9, Mooro 21,
Itamitby 26.
Cowliiy 63, Detail "3. I
HnRolHtcIn 3S. McHattan C3. Rueck
20, Towor 21.
H(i) don 87, Mehaffoy 37.
Hayden 48, Peterson 36, Slough 16,'
Tipton 28.
Applcgato 72. Wells 67
nrown G2, Henry 77.
Holman 39, Owena 38
Sixth Precinct
Kuykendall 43. Onelll 19, Wiley 30.
liunllck 24, Klder 42. Forbes 31.
Smith 31.
Irwin 9, Kent It, Merrymau 37.
ft-....,......... S..... A -tt a w .
iin-wuiiKrr .1, uuwcn o, nut B. uiw
20, McKner 3, Moore 22, lUmaby 9.
Cowley 66, Dctap 4C. ,
HagcUtoln 18, McHattan 36. Rueck
1G, Tower 1C.
Haydon 63, Mehaffey 31.
Hayden 23, Peterson 32, Slough 12,
Tipton 24.
Applegmto 60, Wells 46,
Drown 42, Henry 42.
Holman 28, Drown 23.
8evt nth Precinct
Kuykcndall C2. Onelll 68. Wiley 61. ;
Durdlck 43, Elder 83, Forbes 66, i
Smith 62.
Irwin 26, Kent 69, Morryman 83.
Drewbaker 68, Qowen 16, Low 43,
Mesner 6, Moore 19, IUmaby 19.
Cowley 73, DeLap 98.
HaRolstcin 36, McaHttan 76, Rueck
24, Tower 26. i
Haydon 94, Mohaffoy 63.
AND BENNETT IN da Ann at wit nrmniv urm
duahu; uLtun, YviiHini rim
Ed Wright of Union county, whola
leading the Eastern Oregon dlatrlct In
the contest for public service commie-
i loner.
-" . v
t Uayden 61, Peterson 46, Slough
Tipton 38.
. Applcgato 81, Wells 89.
' Drown 63, Henry 101.
I Holman 44, Owena 60.
Eighth Preolnct
I Kuykcndall 19, Onelll 23. Wiley 12.
Durdlck 17, Elder 27, Forbes 11,
, Smith 19.
Irwin 10, Kent 10, Morryman 30.
Diowbakor 22, Frakes 1, Qowen 7,
Hall 5, Low 10, Mesner 1, Moore 7.
Itamsby 2.
Cowley 21, Dotau 29.
Hagelsteln 22, McHattan 10, Rueck
7, Tower 11.
Haydon 33, Mehaffey 16.
Haydon 11. Peterson 11, Slough 14,
Tipton 14.
Applegate 29, Wells 24.
Brown 17, Henry 20.
Holman 16, Owena 18.
Ford and Wilson Are the
Targets for T.Rs Attack
DETROIT, May S0Ib a apaaoh here
lut night, Colonel Rooaeralt denounc
ed Henyr Ford'a paeilolau and crit
icized WlUon for ate "make believe
Preparedness." He also critlciied In
flucntlal aarnana (or approving tha
Plana of Qemun-AnerloM paollaU,
with tho Idea of keeping America un
prepared while maintaining Germany's
Ford, mm the Colonel, la like the
twiaa of tae JUToUUomarr Uawa, and
the "coarhMH Wt
"Ultra paclOstB have made a great
showing principally becauae there baa
been no real, no resolute opposition to
them. Although our government rep
resentative have been 96 per cent fee
ble, ultra-pacifists have demanded 100
per cent of futility and feebleness."
Roosevelt advecated:
"Competene men at the head of the
navy, a regular army of a quarter of a
million, universal military training, in
dustrial preparedness and tho aboli
tion of tho fcypkoa."
Ninth Precinct
Ku kcmlull 21, Onolll 63. Wiley 30.
Durdlck 42, Klder 66, Forbes 26,
Smith 22.
Irwin 35. Kent 29, Merry man 37.
Drewbaker 31, Frakes 4, Oowen 12,
llnll 4, Low 20, Mesner 3, Moore 16,
ltnmxby 23.
Cowley 63, DeLap 43.
HaKelsleln 17. McHattan 38, Rueck
11, Tower 33.
Haxdon 76, Mehaffey 27.
Ha den 19, Peterson 22, Slough 24,
Tipton 36.
Applegate 32, Wells 76
Drown 47, Henry 69.
Holman 28, Owena 48.
Tenth Precinct
Kuykcndall 17, Onelll 22. Wiley 8,
, Durdlck 13. Elder 11. Forbes
Smith If.
Irwin 9. Kent 11. Morrymaa 24.
Drewbaker I, Oowen 12. Hall 3. Low
1 24, Moore 2, Ramaby 2.
1 Cowley 10, DeLap 31.
HageUteln 14. IfcHattan 14. Rueck
4, Tower 3. - -I
Haydon 14. MehaaTey 17.
i Hayden 6, Peteraoa 6..gloagJ 14.
Applegate 30. Wells 14.
Brown 10, Henry 30.
Holman 11, Owena 11.
Kuykendall 14, Onelll 26, Wiley 28.
Durdlck 21, Elder 68, Forbes 16.
Smith 13.
Irwin 20. Kent 30, Morrymaa 22.
Drewbaker 28, Oowen 7, Low 10.
Meaner 2, Moore 9. Ramaby 19.
Cowley 38, DeLap 31.
HageUteln 4, McHattan 16. Rueck
12, Tower 36.
Haydon 41. Mehaffey 22.
Hayden 7. Peteraon 32, Slough 4,
Tipton 36.
Applegate 11. WelU 63.
Brown 43, Henry SO.
Kukendall 23, Onelll 34, Wiley 14.
Durdlck -2S, Elder 36. Forfcea SI,
Smith 16.
Irwin 27, Kent 26, Morryman 16.
Drewbaker 19, Oowen 8, Low 14,
cMsner 1, Moore IS, Ramaby 19.
Cowley 23, DeLap 44. '
HageUteln IS, McHattan 32, Rueck
11, Tower 6.
Haydon 49, Mahaffey IS.
Hayden 23, Peteraon 16. Slough 16,
Tipton 13.
Applegate 22. WelU 41.
Drown 42, Henry 87.
Tula Lake
Kuykendall 43. OnelU 61, Wiley 8.
Durdlck 33, Elder 48, Forbes If,
Smith 31.
Irwin 31, Kent 29, Morrymaa 30.
Drewbaker 18, Qowen 13, Hall 2,
t Low 28, Meanerf (i, Moore 17, Ramaby
1 Cowley 39, DeLau 67.
I HageUteln 33, McHattan 88, Rueck
1 8, Tower 29.
I Haydon 64. MebaSey 26.
I Hayden 31. Peteraon 26, Slough 8,
Tipton SI.
Applegate 46, WelU 61.
Kuykendall 20, Onelll 10, Wiley 3.
Durdlck 10, Klder 17. Forbes 10,
Smith 9.
Irwin 7, Kent 13, Morrymaa IS.
Drewbaker 7, Oowen 1, Low 4, Mea
ner 6, Mooro f, Ramaby 5.
Cowley f, DeLap II.
Hagelsteln I, McHattan 4, Reuck 1,
Towor SI.
Burrel Short's Run Throughout the
County Wjis Phenomenal Defeat of
Captain Lee for Renomlnation as As
tetaor Came aa a Surprise to Many.
Results of the Democratic Primaries
Sheriff, Oeerge Humphrey; commis
sioner, urrell W. Short; assessor,
Jaaper Bennett; county clerk. Burt C.
Hawkins; circuit-court dark, George
Chattaln- Uruir Carl WUhltlx.!.'.
Justice of th peace, Llnkvllle district,
Charles Oravss.
Ooattssod oa Page 4
Tho result In the democratic con
tests yesterday, so far as received, are:
Humphrey 366, Hunsaker 284, Mad
dox, 102. Oarteil 77.
Short 624, Welch 182.
Dennett 415. 316.
The democratic returns by precinct, i
i-o far as received, follew: ,
Precinct One
(lartell 1, Humphrey 31, Hunsaker t
19, Maddox .'
Short 44, Welch 11.
Dennett 33. Loo 20.
Troelnct Two
Oarteil 3, Humphrey 13, Hunsaker
15, Maddox 6.
Short SS. Welch 3.
Bennett If . Leo 23.
Preolnct Three
..Humphrey it. Hunsaker 20. Mad
dox 2. '
Short 40, Welch S.
Bennett 14. L4 26.
Praclnct Pour
Oarteil 2. Humphrey 19, Hunsaker
18. Maastax 7.
Snort 36. Welch 6.
Bennett 29. Loo 14.
Precinct five i
Oarteil 9, Humphrey 31. Hunsaker 9, ,
Maddox 6.
Short 44. Welch 7.
Bennett 40, Leo 14.
Preolnct Six
Oarteil 3, Humphrey 24, Hunsaker
16. Maddox 6.
Short 37. Welch 6.
Bennett S3, Loo 14. '
1 Preelnet Seven
Oarteil 1, Humphrey 24, Hunsaker
19. Maddox 7.
Short 40, Welch 7. -Bennett
27, Lee 24.
Preelnet Eight
.Humphrey 13, HtiaBaxeri.
Short 15, Welch 1
Bennett 7, Loo 7.
Preelnet Nine
Humphrey 16, Hunsaker 5, Mad
dox 10.
Short 22, Welch 7.
Bennett 23, Loo 9.
Preolnct Ten
Oarteil 2, Humphrey S, Hunsaker 1.
Short 11. Welca S.
Bennett 6, Loo -
Oarteil 7, Humphrey 14. Hunsaker
10, Maddox IS. ""
Short 34, Weleh 7.
Bennett II, Loo 84.
Loot River
Oarteil 1, Humphrey 1, Huaaaker 11,
Maddox S.
Short II, Welea-lt,
Bennett 17. Leo 14.
Oarteil 4, Humphrey I, Huaaaker 7,
Maddox 9.
Short 25, Welch 3.
Bennett 14, Lew IS,
Oarteil 4, Humphrey S, Huaaaker 7,
Maddox L
Short 6. Welch 14. j
Bennett 7. Loo IS. I
Oarteil S. Hamabroy II, Huaaaker!
7, Maddox L "I
Short f , Welch IS. , ,
Bennett 19, Leo IS.
Ptavsw -Oarteil
S, Humphrey 1 4. Huaaaker 6,'
Maddox L
Short IS, WeleavS.
Besaett 6, Leo f. N .
(UrteU is; MamihnrM. Muaaakor
. - 1
aaxoaa fi i KMfmf("f t "TbMMiI 1 "aaxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoaal Laxoxl
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aaiBamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamaMS mamamamammaiBmi
' Pat McArthur Is Assured of the Re
publican Conoreaalon Nomination In
the Third District With Lafferty a
Cood 8eeonc Butchell Wins Easily n
Over Public Service Commissioner
Campbell. ' -
irmir.l I'ress Service
POUTLAND. Mav 20.RtarpfnMi
' all over the state up to 2 o'clock today
'clvo Justice Charles- Hughes more
votes as presidential nominee than all
, of the other contestants combined. At "
2:15 the standing was:
Hughe 12,082, Cummtngs 6.001, Bur
'ton 2,421, Itoosevelt-66.
Owing to the length of the ballot the
returns are slower than usual at tbk
primary. It Is estimated that 180.090
es were cast. Evidently the repub
lican "silent vote" favored Hughes.
' Ren S. Olcotl defeated Moores for
he republican nomination as aocre
t tary of state by a substantial majority,
i Upturns at 2 o'clock this aftoraooa
from twenty-flve counties gives Moores
10,683. Olcott U.676.
, E1 Wright of Union county baa ap-
parently won the public setr.'ce Oeoa-
misstonershlp for the Baatera OrSfaa7,
IdlKtrtrt on, hla in iiuiaiad. ?C
-.i.. . . ,,,..,., iwmw
ru!louKh.andCorey are
Short 32, Welch 20.
Dennett 37, Lee 22.
Pine Drove
Cartell 2, Humphrey 18, Hunsaker
1', Maddox 3.
Short 25. Welch 2.
Bennett 11, Lee 14.
Humphrey 5, Hunsaker 2.
8hort 6, Welch 2.
Bennett 3, Lee 4.
Tule Lake
Oarteil 2, Humphrey 12, Hunsaker
12, Maddox 3.
Short 28.
Bennett 8, Loo 16.
Oarteil 3. Humphrey 7, Hunsaker 6,
Maddox 11.
Short 22. Welch 4.
Bennett 11, Loo 16.
Poo Valley .
Oarteil 2, Humphre"
Maddox 2.
Short 16. Welch 13.
Dennett 11, Lee 8.
- -a-T"1 "
, - In the Western district. Bateaetl eo
jiiy defeated CampheM, Iik boat
C X. McArthur waa reaomlaatest for
ranaress In the third district T a Sort j '
ras a close tecoad and UtUoteht a
poor third. '
i The following civil service oxaaalaa
jtions are anneunced: Jane 7 for
. farm keeper, engineer aad sawyer for
IndUn service, physical moratory help
Jer, junior chemist in radio activity.
, June 7 and 8 Mining draftsman, aid.
Coast and goedetlc survey. June IS
i Specialist In storage, expert radio aid.
JDUNSMUIR AND KLAMATH FALLS eooks and bakers for Indian aorrioo,
assistant in transportation. Further
information regarding these examina
tions can be obtained by appHeattoa
at the
Tomorrow's game will be a hum
dinger. With the weather forecast
for tomorrow reading bright and clear
, in Klamath; darx and cloudy in Duns-
,mulr, the home boys have ribbed a
deal whereby it will be Impossible for
12, Hunsaker 1, Dunsmuir to win this game. The rea
son for this will be the presence of oae
Bigbee and eight trusty wlelders of
the ash.
Sprague River
3, Humphrey 10,
Short 30, Welch 8.
Bennett 21. Lee 21.
Lanaell Valley
Gartell 5, Humphrey 7, Hunsaker 10,
Maddox 3.
Short 20, Welch 5.
Bennett 9. Leo 16.
kartell 5, Humphrey 1,
Short 3. Welch 1.
Bennett 1. Lee 6.
Oarteil 2, Humphrey 12, Hunsaker 1,
, Maddox 2. .
I Short 16, Welch 13.
I Bennett 11, Leo 8.
I Swan
Humphrey 2, Hunsaker 2, -Short
3. Welch 1.
Bennett S, Loo 8.
Klamath Lake
Humphrey 1, Huaaaker S,
Short 4, Wokh 1.
Dennett 0, Leo 4.
t Fans need not be afraid of being
Hunsaker ' dry, as the concession for pop and oth
'or life-saving drinks is to be let by
Manager Watts and President Carna
I ban of the Baseball Association. Bids
' will be considered at once.
. The combined value of the goULaU-
er, copper and zinc produced at mtaia
in Tennessee In 1115 waa twice) that of
the 1114 output
shortstop, Bowden third base, Johaaea,
Palmer and Alton la tho ontflold.
A wire was received this aftoraooa
from Russell Thompson stating that1 ho
would not be able to report to the
locals at this time. Aa a eoaaesaoaeo
the lineup will be the same aa but
Sunday, but Big Dick Nelson baa bfaa
offered a place with the home "wreak
ing crow." Tale iaformatlaa wlUho
welcome to tho fans,, as Nolaoa waa"'
one of tho beat of last year' ohaaaatvi
His school work will keep aim fraoa
reporting for a week, but hla -'----
; Tomorrow U tho flrat real game of 1 experience on tho Oregoa Vanity
the season. It will be close. makes him tho logical cbetee for tho
The line-up Is aa follews: Bigbee; team, aa he will ho able to pitch 'at
J pitcher. Clarke catcher, Thompson trst least one game daring tho coatiag
. base, Greenwood second base, Maker series oa July 3, 8, 4, 6,, i
Pendleton Girl Is Queen
of Fiesta; Waive Is Maid
R Maddox 6
ti 't
in 1916 there were produced In South
Carolina 113.11 ouaeca of gold and S
ounces of allver, whoso total value waa
13,793. The placer mtaoa produced
111! ouacoa'of gold aad tho deep aitace
17LS0 ouacea of gold aad all tho aUvor.
Herald Special Service
PORTLAND, May 30, Mtoa Muriel
Sating of Pendleton waa elected Qaaca
jof the Portland Xoao Festival whoa tho
, votee were counted' this morning. ,, ,
Mow Waive Jacobs, who aauhed
seveath, will be a maid of hoaor, with
tho following girls, who finished la the
order named:
Lilliaa HeadricksoB, PorUaad; atea
aor Jaeksoa, MeMiaaviUo, Bom rjptc-
& r "I. . fytJiW
Oregoa City;
Portlaad; jdel vaac.rawaaf
dred Purr. VaaaeuTar WaahJJ?f
Taytor. Pwtbiad; JaweM (OwaiL Jaa.; :
-Each of the towaa; agJWSs ;af Ma
land faraieaiag a maid
goat ia tho.aaftdo;
to ko coaatraotod br ahs
cemmlttoo aJoaar aaea .;
-. a . . - r. i-t-t f k pu.
., -,- -i Ijr is i rif"-
s mtn
.4?A V'.
tV-., 'kKji
rfWeai amwat.a .,
Mi ' aaaaa aaa ''in
t 4d5t?l