.wwsssi'iji '.; v v '.V ()" K& "7WaBHfflM9B- vr.-7!s e, ii'TwtB-cijjfl'i 1 r. .y WHJPS r'twc i-waiii, '(i,SrWJK .k.tCi5f f 'iV3-'-'. i,','1?".. ..:& '&&. fW J& t',-, '"" ? -?'-':" -"T-ain'Vjw '.-'F ",x ;.,. Lm-. .'J 1 kit-':'. .Jti'ii.i Jli.. JMAWaCi; 3PJ?3P& 5 . , Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j n .as !&.& KLAMATH PALL Ttv 5l OI'FICTAL NEWtPAPaWt . . vv n Tnth YeaiwNe. t,M7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916 ' V'2 H PWS, Wl fti''- r, VJTuwsifU' ''SBjnww -,. -Y'-fi 'rmtgf (, ;W. . -"'.. ; WmiOTK!ISyte85RviSv!?TiiHl -'MaBSJ ,;' - . ; wm$$m .... - - ft ;? .. I'm iwr s American Soldiers Poisoned by Mexicans! lirMinfl'll'l!! rrhrrfc -. ... .. -.-,-,---, -n ir.r-.nnni----- - . " ,uuvlajv''1'''''1 .. -,- J.-.rii-ir - Austro-Italian Fight Draws Attention as Verdun Battle Rages wwvwvwww, . ,wsw . ...M.i.l. .,...W,,.WMW((,,,. r.---ii-i--i-imi-u-l.-rinrL-i.rLrLvuxruu-L--L-uL.uij ,l ,- ' Aged Guerilla Chief Is III I'nltcU Press 8orvlC(! UEHLIN, May 19 Vk'iinn unnouucon tlmt the AuttrUiu are coittlnuliiK tbulr drive tliraudU Houthorn Tyrol, uml lie. vi' captured nuvernl liiiportunt posl Hon". Tlioy bvo taken olglitoon Ital ian cannon and machlnn nunn Italian reports of enonnoua Austrluti lomcii are denied. Vienna claim tko Atutrlan have conquered tho frontier between the Aatlco and I.nno vnllryH, nluiiH, liiMt nlKlit occuplvd u miiall , rrencli position on Hill No. 287. tin; attack wan ropulsed, French 0r mid tliily luillliie I'oi It wIukh of tbi- iid - nco, vltli only thu center gulnliii: Mlnlater of Flnunco Jtlbot annnuiu-ud In I hi) cluiuibur of deputluM Hint llio rnnch budget for tho third quarter of HiIh yenr oxeceds a billion and a bnlf ilollarH, Ho naked Immodlnto Increaro or dutlcn on vartouM commodltios in oi dor to meet the war expense. United l'res Servlco AMSTERDAM. May 18. Three hun dred thousand Austrian alonx a 3C utile front In Tyrolese Alps are atrlk Iok a terrlflc blow at the Italians. Ber lin experts Intimate Austria contom plates an Invasion of Northern Italy. florae denies the Vienna claim of the capture of Zegnatorla, Tho losses alonx this front have been enormous, MARSHALL BREAKS: INTO BIG WEEKLY HirKrVrrrrrrrrrrHrU rHBl rrRo.tSHNSiBPwl rl-H SrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrHrUrrrrrH mmmBfmw.m&A&i,xx-zxx3M ELECTION DAY 18 VERY QUIET AND ORDERLY NO FIQHTINO AT THI POLLS RI-' PORTED TODAY ' ; Home for Aged, and Woman Accused of Poisoning . . Light Vet. Cast This Forenoon, ut I With One of the Most Perfect May I Dsys Imaginable, the Women, Dress. J ed in Their Bummer Raiment, Turn ' Out This Afternoon Mecea and j Sugar Bowl to Plash Returns. j I YOUTH WHO SUCCEEDED FRED DUNBAR ON HERALD STAFF Colonel John S. Mosby Colonel John S. Mosby, the famous Kuerllln chief in the Civil War, Is HI In Washington, and relatives fear for j ....... .v ubs yevu tr, viuiluvaB MKBIV in mo capuai, wnere ne nas uvea ror many years. LAST FALL HAS 8T0RY IN SAT. URDAY EVENINO P08T United Press 8ervlce HOME, May II. It is learned that Queen Helena and Princesses Jolanda and Mafalda narrowly escaped death when Austrian aviators attacked tholr train near Venice. A bomb exploded near the train, and the passengers Tlmt Edison Marshall Is succeedlnc were panicky until calmed by the 'In his chosen fluid, fiction writing, Is queen. ovlncod by his story, "The Missing " ln w snowerea wiin peBOVentoon. In tho Snturdnv Evonlnir Pout this week. Many wrltors have at riven for yenrs to "break Into" this, nhrapnel from the anti-aircraft guns. It Is believed that aples informed the aviators of the royal train' approach. the most widely road publication in Amerlcn, and Marshall's success In Mich a tihnrt time Is tho cituso of grat ification among his friends. Marshall was connected with the Herald lntit fall, after Fred Dunbar re- United Press Service PAIU8, May II. The French cap tured n small German fort on tho northenfit of Hill No. 304 Wednesday. Near Hill 287 they also captured n dermnn trench, killing or capturing nit 0. ,. occupants. ,cIoMN, ,hB Word.H ,,arat San ine uennans maan noavy assauus all of Wednesday in an effort to cap-1 lure the French redoubt In Avocourtl Wood. There have been strong dor- man night attacks northwest of Vor- SUNDRY CIVIL BIllJEPORTEO PROVISION MADE FOR POST. OFFICE SITE FOR ROSEIURQ AND PORTLAND GOVERNMENT MAY MAKE OWN EQUIPMENT With the finest weather Imaginable tn draw out the people, Klamath coun ty people this year cast a heavy vote. I This forenoon there wan an extremely light vote, but on this balmy afternoon Milady, with her housework finished, donned her raiment, called up hubby. and the two went to the polls together. to mark their ballots. There waa aa utter absence of wran gling and dispute today. In fact, the quietude and lack of excitement made the day like unto a Memorial Day lay- I off. , The polls cloee'at o'clock this eve ning. Then the night boards will be gin tbe counting. Returns will be flashed tonight by the Mecca and the Sugar Bowl from a lantern to a screen 'stretched on tbe Peoples Market build ing across the street from these live establishments. The Herald has arranged for com plete returns from' every precinct, and these will be given in tomorrow's is sue. In addition, the United Press will send the Herald a special service on the renulta all over tbe state. H5irB(ArBrjrji tmmatmim -'W I , &1 J0& " ,E riTfffffwM i r trrHrlrnnnS'nnnnnnnVr WnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrnnnnnnnnnnnnrrirrK'FVrmi nnnnnnT r . 'Wiy ' -. h BSnnnnnw'?'S-i "v. d innnnnnnnntrV' 3? s rsnnnnnnnnwSs 4.v'rw'; - m 3 HUKfT 'v? ?vt h rnrSSSBBBMMrnRnrv' ' Jfi. HrrrrrrHTJIsirjrjirirHrjrBrHmrnF v i'u irvll . MANY MEN SICK, IS REPORT FROM IHEFRONTTOOHY i SEVERAL MEXICANS ARRESTED IN SOUTH Cowboys at Hearst Ranoh SaieVte Hve A tucked and Killed VllllsUs. .RrMa, ment of Cavalry Returns Frem Mex ico and Encamps at Columbus, Oms ing a Belief That Withdrawal le Un-v der Way. ii.AnYt.ARcv,.ie . This picture shows the Archer home for the aged at Wlndson, Conn., where many aged persons have mysteriously died, and Mrs. Archer-Qllllgaa, man ager, who is now under arrest on" a cbarga or murder. The bodies of sev eral have been exhumed, and State's Attorney Alcorn says traces of poison were, found in their viscera. He has said he may bring several charges'. of murder. The inmates paid $1,000 to be taken care of during the remainder of their lives. ' MOVIE MACHINE TWO PROGRESS SHOWN! T HOUSAND United Press Service COLUMBUS, May II. A answer of American soldiers In Mexico bare been sickened in the past few days, u4 It is suspected that Mexicans sM Uses poisoned food. Several arrests have been made, and aa InvesUaatiea ie ai der way. "The roads to the fronrare beeoav ing Impassable. f An unsigned wireless frees the treat said sixteen VllUstaa were killed and many were captured whoa tweaty-lve tcowboysfroHi UeHesraaakV tacked the bandits south of i i a iijutreat vi inui7 unm crsrai i . . nmninrn oriiTi tU8- wHooa, HIHIIBhr.X tM I ately prepare camp J. V. HOUSTON'S LATEST ACQUI8I. KLAMATH FALLS WOMEN TION, A WORLD' 8 FAIR WINNER, IS SHOWN WITH THE FIRST MA CHINE IN KLAMATH ARE I Officers refused to discuss the sabre. Jit Is believed to be the forerunner of. ' a general withdrawal. WASHINGTON, D.'C, May II. The i hmiRrA rrfMiiihllrfiAna fan.vtir tha damA.1 turniHl I to .tin the University, and be- crftU , and knJcked QUt) foro Phil Sinuotl had successfully ,. nvttrnmnn, ..,... . Tnn... ,.. fc wm . tv - . i j u , nmy jyutvurrrv viw- wibcu. iiu uitiiiu inline mcuua uciv mi, that time. In addition to IiIh latest story, Mar shall liu.s hnd several stories printed dun. Avlatortt on both side nro busy. French aviators dropped eighty bombs on Meti. Oorman Infantry led by two dlvl- In Munsoy publlratlons. In From Merrill. Will W. Adams of Merrill was Thursday visitor In tho county Beat. High School Seniors Are Now Perspiring Real Gore Perturbation, mental dlsauict and A few iiIkUIs before, nocturnal raid- real downright worrying havo swept i ora broko In tho high school, and tak- tho Senior class of the Klamath coun ty high school this week, and the ox cltemont baa also affected all of the other classes. It might also bo stated (bat at present tho numerical strength r tho class at diploma distributing time cannot be estimated. Four members of tbe Senior class "re under consideration by school and peaco officers at present, and it is not known whether they will graduate, let another la est of tat etty, art r Rardlng the reason for this rumors, thoorleH and deductions galore are flit 'ng about tbe school. The four boys were arrested by tbB Pollco a few nights ago for breaking in 'the school house at night. It da- Wops that their purpose was the un- wilng of the Senior penant on tho nwtalf crownlag the building, but r. ,,c caught them after they oroke u, nA th, 0UtaMM tBt4r oue ' still a matter of doubt. Ing nil of tw books out of all the dosks In thu assembly room, piled them up In one conglomerate mass. As a result, about an hour's time was con mimed tlui following morning In HtralnlilenliiK out tho books, and many theslH, notPH, etc., which wore of groat value to tho students, in addition to some money and trlnketc, were hope- losHly lost, and cannot bo replaced Tho sundry civil bill has been re ported to the house. The total appro priation provided for la $117,009,000. Some of the items follew: Panama canal, 14,600,000; armories, arsenals, etc. (including facilities for manufacturing field artillery pieces at tho Rock Island arsenal), $4,470,000; Government Alaskan railroad, $6,140, 000. The bill also provides for numer ous postofflco sides, Including $416,000 for Portland and $40,000 for Roseburg. Oregon. The California Debris Commission gets $16,000. 6ERMANS ASKED TO BE SQUARE arMraaaeaaal AMBA88ADOR ISSUES NOTICE TO CONSULS, TELLING THEM TO SHOW COUNTRYMEN 'TIS THEIR DUTY TO OiBY U. S. SECOND NIGHT S SHOW ALSO 6000 PERFORMANCE WAS EVEN BET TER THAN THE FIRST NIQHT. CANDIDATES WERE INTRO DUCED AT FINISH I An interesting exhibit was given In j the Star theater lobby yesterday, when I John V. Houston displayed his latest ! acquisition for perfect projection, the 'latest model Powers motion picture 'machine. This machine was used at the Liberal Arts building at the Pan- ama-Paclflc International Kxpohltlon f for demonstrations, and It Is the ma- which Powers received WASHINGTON, D. C, May As this can only be classed as van-.Count von Bernstorff, German ambas dnllHii), Instead of a humorous prank, sador, has Issued a statesaeat aa to- tho nollco mado an investigation. It lews: Is not thought that tbe soniors nau anything to do with tho book stacking, but thoy mode tholr entronco to hoist their flag at an oxtremoly Inopportune time. Thero has been much bating of late among tbe high school students. As a result, the police and high school offi cials aro making a thorough Investi gation, and there may be some serious developments at no late date. "As a consequence of several cases lately, Instructions have been sent to nil German consuls in the United States to strongly impress upon Ger man citltens that it Is their duty to scrupulously obey the laws of the states wherela they nsMs.n Berlin will take energeUo steps to show America that Oeraaay Is aet re sponsible for any recent neutrality law violations in America. Last night's production of "A Night In Bohemia" for the aUks proved equal ly aa successful as the Erst Bight's show; In fact, the second production was much smoother, aad the large audience was more generous la Its en couragement of the amateurs by giv ing applause. An added feature of last night's show was the preseaUag of the can didates. All of the oaadldatoa present were invited to come oa the stage, and they were all introduced, aad heartily applauded by their supporters. At the conclusion of the show, the mem bers of the cast enjoyed a dancing par ty, the Peerless oraaeatra famishing music. i RufuH K. Love, who produced tbe . . big musical spectacle, la habit warmly II. congratulated upon hla starts. -Be staged a most exeeUeat show, aad handled the big east splendidly. Mr. Love has been here before with aa Elks' show, and If he produces another here he can be assured of still bigger houses. HARD AT WORK FOR RELIEF.OF , UnUed Press Service ' WOUNDED 80LDIER8 MORE WASHINGTON, May II. Reporting .through General Funston regardlag WILLING WORKERS NEEDED . j Captain Langnorn's engagement with ; the Glenn Springs raiders. Colonel 81b- i (ley failed to substantiate the earlier The local branch of the Allied Belief reports teUlng of six VllUstaa aeiag Committee finished the shipment of killed -and 75 captured. Sibley's .re- 2,000 bandages to San Francisco head- P" told of only two aeiag woaaded I quarters, to be forwarded from there and captured. to the French, German and English i .Counsel Letcher and other Aaaarieaa armies. More will be sent later. , consuls in Northern Mexico are la coa- Although the attendance has not ference at El Paso. They will five been as large at these meetings as It General Funston all the available la- could have been, all of the workers have been diligently engagd. An in- chine upon first prize. Shown with the new machine waa the first motion nlcture machine over brought to Klamath county, bought by! day afternoons, Houston In 1901. The comparison be tween the two, and the one bought in 1906, also shown, was real interesting. This Is the eleventh motion picture machine Houston has purchased, In bis efforts to give Klamath Falls the ater goers the beat in projection, and with Lester Terwllliger in charge of the operating room, Javee thinks he haa reached perfection or will when the alterations to the operating room are completed. Then the public Is in vited to visit the operating room and see just how pictures are shown. vitation is issued to all women wish ing to help this humanitarian cause to be present at the Bolvin building, Main, near Sixth, on Tuesday and Frl- formation about Mexican affairs. ' Some believe this conference may change the policy in Mexico. The state department, however, denies tale. Rev. E. C. Richards last night ad dressed the graduating classes at Mer rill, the commencement exercises be ing held at the Merrill opera house. There was one graduate from the high school and five from the eighth grade. To Discuss Expo Palaces. , The Study Department of the Wo man's Library Club will meet at the library, tomorrow afternoon at S:4t. The topic or discussion will be "The Architecture of the World's Fair Buildings." Miss Faye Hogue will, lead. All interested are cordially la vited to attend thai meeting. . enansaltes Here. fc Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Patterson of Bo naata era oouaty east vlattsn. Fort Man Visits. J, S, Glover came aewa yesterday from Fart "Klamath aa a hastaesa trip. PEACE NOTE MAY 8E HEARD SOON COMING SPEECH BY WISON SB. This Is Positively Your Last Chance to Help Her Have you cast those votes for Waive Jacobs yet? You have until 11 o'clock this evening to do so, as the contest for queen of the Portland Rose Fes tival cloaea at midnight, and all money FORE LEAGUE for ENFORCED ceived for votes must be telegrapned PEACE IS AWAITED WITH GREAT, to the committee by that Ume, or the j votes do not count Get in touch im mediately wltli Secretary Fred Fleet . of the Klamath Commercial Club, Or ' Miss Waive Jacobs, and your Votes 'will he forwarded la time to insure WA8HINOTON.D.C. May ll.-The, their receipt la proper time la Fart- preside w sxpeciea u aoiuy un INTEREST United Press Service t, Coatlaued oa Page 4 A change etaaaac elaee yattaraay, has been made la the son, the McMlnnville girl, who waa av " last place, has jumped to-the lead, moving all others dowa a aetea. S&' -ine stanaiag aa aguree taw ing, follews: Eleanor Jackson, McMinartUe.al.lf7.-,; IK " ' iP$ Mabel Oilman. Portland, l,l,47, . '; Mlldren Pepp. Vancouver, 1,TH,41I. Llllan Hendrlckaea, ForUnaeV JM' Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls, .M.- Muriel Sallag. Peeaietoa. lJfmjHm& Ml hiuk 'BfcrrrMv-TaaSM'.S'i'i&l,r ' Louise TayTer. Ila'MiMsWiMi JeweU Carroll, PeHhHii, m'& Rose MTptegrert , Ofa 1 tlaV m