w 6 ,-.,-.? KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' f-.-.,IFi . .r KLAMATH 3X i'& jiJ . OFFICIAL MVWlMMr ' w" "-t:. afi -- - " .- jsjtia - -,-.- t , y.'-f . - r'.li M"' Ttnth Year No. 8,M KLAMATH FALL!, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY IS, 1916 t)'.t PrlM Five Cents yi HEARINGS IN THE i RATE CASE CLOSE AND MEN RETURN POWER COMPANY OIVKN TIME TO Fltt A P.IIF stalwart of ouGuardfNuY Bulletins Car eful, Now! City Attorney Oroosbeck Reached Htrt tast Night, and Others Will Bt Her Tonight Shoots li Impcetlno Fire Apparatus at Different Towns Betwssn Here and Portland Ruling It Mad. I'liy Attorney Hollo C. Orocsbcck. who conducted tbe city's complaint hcnlnNt tbo California-Oregon Power company's rotes before (be Public 8tr v!n ('(immlHNlon, returned Inst night twin Salem, where the flnnl heurlngx with hold. Ooorgn J. Wnllnn. Chits. J IVrKiiton iiml other nlteudlni: will to home tonlKbt. All of the testimony linn now liccu Mibmltted In (In cam. both sides rout ine. The comntlHKlon gave the power cutiipnny until July 1 In which to flli Iia 1,1 iff on the IpkuI points at Ihmip. und the city wan given twcnl ilnyc ilicii'altci' In which to answer. In tln meantime, the case Ih nailer ctiimlilorution by the comniloHlou, the otliei points being taken up. Tint hearings were both formal and tit for mal, Iho formal hearing being hold at 8.11cm, and the Informal at tlit com mUiilonV office In Portland. Dm Ins the bearings Iho comntlssloii iuIi-iI from the bench that all utilities rauNt dollver service at the property ovm-r'4 Um. Heretofore some of tho water consumers have Installed pipe lines from the company's main to their own property. Councilman It J. Sheets, who wan u wltucs for the city, la making Investi gation of Are apparatus In other cities. and went as far north as Seattle. In Pidwn n few days ago the Amorlcnn laPrnncc company gavo a demonstra tion with a combination truck for tho benefit of the Klamath Palls people. Shre th will visit the Ashland and Mod fori) departments before returning. 5B9 I YJmm';:mmW '- jnikLHi ; ,r 'mmMmmM ' JHiglaLaHI aVaftfeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafll iV'atggigiggBgigiBHI vLwmKi 'it. gigigWLV 3a" &W& BbYBbTv af9gl r$i " - sVw8aaaBnkaH W1 . : ElmWmM 4 3Mwl2&8SB. LONDON, May 18. Tbo ParU cor-! It shall kt unlawful for any oerson rcxpondent of the Chronicle asserts 'at any BUM) in the day of election to that 300,000 Germans have been killed; ask, solicit, or In any manner try to i.ti.l wounded during the Verdun cam- Indue or aeniuade any voter on such 1'iilKti. He nlso claims severe losses election day to vote for or refrain from In Hie prelude to the German offensive ' voting for any candidate, or the can iifcalnut ItlKa, with only a thin lino of JdldaUs or ticket of any political party 'l.-nnnnii left nloiiR the Ilusslan front 'or organisation, or any measure sub' "The lonK ;vnded destiny is at last) mltud to iho people, and upon convlc- IokIiik In on the Germans," he says. I tion theroof no shall bo punished by Twenty tliounnnd Turks have been! fin of nt loss than flvs dollars nor tl'llli.lrtiwn fmi.i Ia ll.l,ul. .. A...I .A AI.AK Jt ft-..-i .,f. m . ' ............. ,umi iiiu uimnu iiuni earn, mun tnan in nungrin agiiars ior ine nf KutKIAmnrn, apparently to meet ' first offense, and for tho second and tli ItiiHxInn advance toward Daxdad. 'each subSMUOnt offonso, occurrlna on . w w Enemies Ever, but Friends Always TIih TurkH nro recruiting tho native tillx-mni'ii In that section. .iav; Iti'prcHcntntlvo William A. Itoden lM-rK of KiiMt St. I.oiiIk wiih cnUKhl by ' Aft.. ..... .. .JlAff..... .1..AI J ft-. - shall b punlshod by fin as aforesaid, j or by imprisonment In tho county Jail UKIttlN, May 18. it is announced j for not ls than five nor more than Hint Hie French attack on tbo southern thirty day, or by both such fine and Mope of Hill No. 304 broke under close j Imprisonment Section 3618, U O. L. ranee German artillery fire. Heavy ,. . ... . . . , . " nrtlllPrylnB continued all night along' U f ",wful for any aerson both banks of the Mouse. t0 "'' y r damage (dwe te attendsVice at the polls, or in PAULS, May 18-lennany ha failed 1 ,,U?'i"' ' Ut tht " In nn attempt to advance her llnesl!?B,1t,f";, or fpom " " northwest of Ventun. near rwftnH u.n. ! " Prsen snail pay for personal sor- Hill, by n Krenade assault. v,e .Prf0Mn X J caucus, primary, convention, or any election, for any purpose connected i therewith, tending in any way, direct- ly or Indirectly; xo afToct the result thereof, except for the hiring of per- sons whose eeie duty is to act as chat j lengers and watch the count of official ' ballots. No person shall buy, sell, give ' or provide arty political badge, button j or other Inalgna to be worn at or I about the polls on the. day of election, and no such political badge, button or other Inslgna ettal! be worn at er about the polls en any election day. Section SS16. U O. L. VIKNNA, May 18. Tho Austrlans, 1 Ih olllelally iinnounced, nro contin uing tlielr offensive around Trentlno. They have driven the Italians from Im portant pnHltloiiH, n nd have Itnprlxnned 0.200 mon. LONDON, May IS. it l announced Hint Ilrltlxh destroyers und monitors cnKtiKcd German destroyers off the nelfilan coast yesterday. Tho Germans withdrew nfter n hort flRht. HKItLIN, May 18 Austria has hand- pliotoraplier In Washington In cA tho neu,ral Pwer a "e declaring tin I.Ih UHunl flKlitliiK. tiKurcfislvo mood. I r,cveM Persons. .Including three worn He Is one of the mnlwarts of tbo old r"' P011'1 ,n the sinking of the Aus trian Kicnmer nuoroviK in tno Adri atic. The vessel was sunk May t, two r.mird In (lie putty, nnd ho is going to bo heard from nt tbo Chicago convention, COMBINED CHOIR WILL BE FORMED torpedoes being fired nt It. The first struck the steamer, mid the other one Htruck one of the lifeboats. Austria stiles this attack an "International murder." She denies the Italian. claim that the vessel was n munitions car-rler. ALL MU8ICIAN8 OF THE CITY ARK INVITED TO ATTEND BIO RE HERSAL AT PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH TOMORROW TORD PICNIC TO BE BIG AFFAIR EX- FINLEY TO TAKE AND SHOW FILMS William L. Plnley, state biologist, will arrive In Klamath Falls about Mny 24, to take motion pictures of bird life for tho State Fish and Game Com minion's educational campaign. He will spend several days here. On tho night of May z7th. Flnjey will 'bow the other films of bird and an IroM life, and will lecture these. This meeting will be held at Houston's op era bouse, and will be of great Inter Mt to all. While here, Mr. Flnley will also ad dreH the school children on bird and animal life subjects. OVER TWO HUNDRED AUT08 PECTED TO TURN OUT FOR GEORGE BIEHN'S ANNUAL TREAT FOR "LIZZIE" OWNER6 A special invitation is being extend ed to tho members of all tho church choirs of tho city and to members of any other mimical organizations of the city to meet for n combined choir re hearsal tomorrow evening at 7:15, at Iho Presbyterian church to prepare fnnelnl tmiMlf fnr llm iinlnn rhiirrh service to be hold In tho opcm taouao'W" a Ford-and they are legion on Sunday evening. , "u Klamath County-Is rnak- This Is to t.o tho baccalaureate set-, ln,s p,om, lK "eBd LhefBrt T vice for the Kniduntlng class of the,p'cn,c' t0 ,ven b core 'hn' hi.h UM.n,.i , Mr vwn x,,ph. I the man who has made hundreds hap- enbncbcr, tho musical director, Is nnx camp on Sprtag Creek, and there will be over 200 Ford cars thereeach car rying a Mg party of Ford boosters. This Is the second annual picnic giv en Dy Biesa, aaa it promises to be a hummer. Jest to sbow how little Ford owners care about the Jests di rected at their vehicles, a prize will be given for. the. host Ford Joke. .Ford owners, and owners of Qaktaad cars are asked to take luncneona and friends. A start will be saade from the Ford parage at 7 o'cleck: Suday morning. At 2:30 a program of races, etc., will be held, and during the day thirty Ave gallons' of ice cream will be given out. to the guests by the hnatUag host, Mr. Blehn. M HBaHgsBgplS Kfi?4'- y9' t f0ff ', ' 'tfX, MjRk Z'vs z'fy ByAwiBBBBBBK jaBBBBBM ii'ft J' sjBjaH f V"-? .!a ' r?' B'HnrftH BI66ER NAVY AND DISARMAMfNTARf BOTH SUPPORTED E I HOUSE NAVAL COMMITTEE ! PORT UNIQUE RE. 'Republican Members Wore Solid Against the Program as Arranged, and Will Bring In Minority Report. Committee Favors Expenditure of , Nearly Two Hundred Mlllllen en Naval Vessel Construction at Once. Ex-Speaker Joseph G. Cannon .Speaker Champ Clark Rebekahs Tonight Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will meet in regular session tonight -'There will be Initiation, and all aaewbers are re quested to turn out Visiting Rebekahs cordially invited. In There will be u woeful lack of "tin" Klamath Falls Sunday, for every Ions to meet 'nil of those, pcoplo bo longing to thoso organizations and any other 'who hava had some experience In doing chorus work to prepare for this occasion. his distribution of this much Joked, but nevertheless ex ticmely popular car through Klamath. This picnic will bo held at Spink's Up From. Merrill. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams and ton JftUrUn, .P., a -McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Daltoh were among the Merrill' and Malln people here for the Elks show last night When the' bouse of representatives party, hut Champ Clark is not nhl held its little eelel-atlon of the Flgb- enough to have seen the Democratic tioth hirthda .r Uncle Joe, no one party bom. They have fought each tooU a f::oalei 1 at crest than Speaker other in the house for more than a Clf.ilc. t.'nrlc Joe and Champ Clark t quarter of a century. But never has ure ulil nirn now. Uncle Joe was at- there been a time when they were not it li nt the birth -i the rcpub'lcan 'personal friends: " H. 6. WILSON TO A NEW STATION INDIAN SERVICE MAN Witt KNOWN HERE, GOES TO A BIT TER P08ITION IN OMAHA C. E. COE IS HIS 8UCCESSOR sweeping, in character, the dlatrictfor ' merly adnunlaterad.hr Mr. WOsseinow being; almost evenly divided. The ln .spectlon work will be conducted by L. J A. Dorrington, who receives the title ot special agent and whose headquar ters will be at San Francisco. Mr. Coe, the superintendent will have the administration of the finances and oth er matters, which will be handled from this city. Mr. Wilson, until the Inaug uration of the new system, acted as WASHINGTON, ,D. C, May 18. The house committee on naval affairs today" adopted n big navy program for one year. Simultaneously, the committee went on record as In favor of universal ''.sarmament 'The report tendered today urges the president to do everything In his power to bring about the settlement of International disputes by arbitration. The program adopted by tbe com-, mitfee provides for the expenditure of $180,000,000 on fleet construction. Tbe number of ships recommended by Dan iels, In every class, have been in creased. ' The report as prepared provides for five" battle cruisers, four scout cruos ers, ten destroyers and twenty sub marines. The battle cruisers are to have a speed of thirty-five knots an hoar. Four of the destroyers are to he built on the Pacific Coast . The republican members of the com mbttee voted solidly .against the-pr gram. They will, return a minority report To Chlloquln. Charles B. Otey left today, tor Neva, above Chlloquln, to begin logging op erations for the Pelican' Bay Lumber company. He will nave a crew of about thirty-live men. Finleys Here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloss Flnley were up front Merrill yesterday to attend to business matters, and to attend "A Night in Bohemia." Rose Queen's Float; Let's Put a Klamath Girl on It Rose Queen Boosters, Get Busy or Shell Lose Are you anxious to sue Klamath Mis represented at the Portland Rose atlval by the queen, king, and a hllai Klamath float? If so, get busy IMMEDIATELY, as the contest closes Jomorrow at midnight. This Is pos 'lively your last chance to help MIsh vlvo Jacobs, and If you do not rally 0 hor "upport. ah la nearly certain J lose, after making a game struggle r several weeks. KHni FntnttMi. Knoene. 1.101.492. trlends of Miss Jacobs are getting Loulso Taylor, Portland, 1,033.607. 'wy today, and as a result, bar aland-1 Jewell Carroll, Portland, 980,861. "W wll be boosted. But still more ; Muriel Baling. Pendleton, 554,076. "" be done, aa at present Miss , Rose Uptegrove, Oregon City, 490,488 "cobs ii fourth, landslides for other! Eleanor Jackson, MoMlnnrllle, 487.818, I tnudldiitcH putting them ahead of her. The standing, as telegraphed from Portland to tho Herald todny Is ns follews: Mildred Pegs, Vancouver. Wash., 1,- 400,410. Maudo Oilman, Portland, 1,461,107. Lillian Hendrlcksen, Portland, 1,898.- 181. Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls, 1,313,- S23. '"SW.jv'r-" !'", .ftWi'VL1" fc gTs .afforflK. BSBsBTaTBBaTBBPgsgsTs BeToToToToff laflBBsBsBBaHlglilhSHBi BBBaaaaat - - JflBEsiMMplF i gfBBBesaH BBBnBaBaBaBalingiSsi'Bil BaTBTBTBTBTBTjPBSPffHHilBgcSlR BgSTBBSTBKnivf SSJT ' bsVeBBsTBBsTBBsast BBilBBBBBBBBEESfMMMk, MkiLBSHiJviiBBBaaBBaB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF?iBPeawB4S BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMkf&s;. ;7yi.SJ HBBJ; VJI anMHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSB K&QMIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ , aimHr The following. frrom the Roaeburg Review will be of great interest In Klamath ceunty: According to Information received at tbe local Indian agency, C. E. Coo, for merly connected with the Indian ser vice' at Salt River, Arlsona, will reach Roseburg soon and will at once relieve K, O. Wilson, who has order to pro ceed to take charge of a new appoint ment in the;East Owing to the recent changes 'made by the heads of the de partment at Washington, however, Mr. foe's position here will be that ot local superintendent, while Mr. Wilson was formerly supervisor as well as super-, Intendent for a district comprising most of the territory on the Pacific Coast Mr. Coe will make this city bis permanent home. - - ' Mr. Wilson will Tetaln his supervls-J or's duties for at least two weeks be-, fore leaving, and will then go direct; to Omaha, Neb., where he will prob ably establish his headquarters for his . new district. He, will have the posi tion of supervisor for the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Okla Farm Credit BUI Is Passed by House WASHINGTON. D.C.. May, 18. The Class rural credits bill providing for a federal, farm loa-i lio rd and a Bye -ma of twelve land bunks passed the hotiso by a vote of 29S t. .10. A similar ita.-h. ooui supervisor ana supennienaenr. u aire;tdy has passed tho senate, nu.1 and had charge of all the territory now u differences probably will bp work, embraced In the two districts. , 'ed out soon In conference. Little opposition was encountered by Fort People Visit the; bUL Under its terms. the land Miss Lelah Parks and Miss Evelyt bank would lend money to farmers at Merrill, teachers at the Fort school. not more than Per cent Interest James Pelton. Alfred B. Castel. Charles . tnu !1 associations, mortgages Curns and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoyt 1 runnua iro nve to tnirty-six yean, were among the Fort Klamath people 'I'ne mortgages would be used as the Isiting Klamath Falls yesterday. I ba8te ,or ,nn ,oaa bomd , . ' There are many differences between . the senate and house bills to be ad- From Odessa. Mr: and Mrs. J. J. Nlcolle were' in from Odessa yesterday. Mr. Nlcolle is one of the Arm of Nlcolle Bros., who have the contract' for logging the Lamm Lumber company's timber. justed. The senat masur would vcap-. ,lialize each farm loan bank at $500.-' 000: the house's, at 8750,009. The sen ate would authorize loan associations Continued on Page 4 'Night in Bohemia' Shows Klamath Talent Is Great , y W. o. 8. "A Night in Bohemia." presented - iucter a retired actor by the name of J Edmund Keene, who Is a good Elk and .a. thnrnilch HAhamlin AKa.... !. last evening at the opera house for the uon for thi rtimmi. . m , have been made than In Phil J. Sln- i, .,. .i 1. -in.. !-. 1 '". v. cikh, uiiiir.r me aoio ai . notr. wnosn bandiina-. nt t noi-t ant because of the extensive oil lnte " rect,on of Ruf us K wU1 ,onK , brouKht Mm much praise from the Cr tftAmo Phla la' nno g9 iVta lirAal an ' most'rennonslhh, uoervlacm.hlM In.80601 ot Klamath Falls Lodge Nb, . . .... .1 IZ47. II. I .'.1. .ii,i.i.k i..., J;noMA.kiA ui.n.. ' remembered as one of the moat sue- audience. His nnnamnt nsn nnrt wi to the Indian lands. cessful and pleasant ot these annual delivery would have been a credit to a ' UFTH.irH uivftn nv rnan kibtb ivmhm . iAMM .....KA .u i .-.- 1 Mr. Wilson's salary will be increased iL" 'V" T ZT'. " Z0"?-T.: with hi new noalHon and tk chan . --."- """--" """" ""-"H " nucaingnara, a "UHlceraiH. ' - cianv ror DreBenution hv RUra iIm i.n, .. tk. - - .'vu. Is. considered a promotion due to hlaBfft. ah' HoM, " :'Tr: 7" 'TV'! 1 "..' , .! ir SlS !---- fviiuiij mo uuui me iinri. n wh nsn M'sBWt:,d9 M vj. ; Aiil seniority in. the service. tm IntlVUtllftflrm 9 MlimeMiio oMUlllAliM vb.JL -.- J 1. .-li a av'a e- --... i ""wwhvm wo nHwviww BvwiniiivB lu luu utiri,. cuiu il wu fari4nWiHi.Bsmc.BiBB t On account of bis long residence in and musical number.. k. MmaaA ., a,. .mE - --J II : -...I. - s a' ---. -- wmm-m ' msv -. 1 11 ej -- - -lhAT A UIVIUU Bull IUB sUJCUIUUlalLiaB DC l-BSell In hA anAN .. 1..J. t. ... Jl..'.'. ' a.....i e. .. , . - - . i'r-' . rtTLl 4o uwiiiuK uniuun ma bbuuihuch jjubiit BBTJinntoBi '.tbbbbi ibubbii !.& noAMAnlii skfAt mamIamu M4kia . 1 . r , w v.-fv.v h tmiviw wow iu- was tnrown into convulaonn of mirth 'nf .a At,,M Munarfv . . .1 ..- , n... , ..I "7 -." "I-.-- - w-- icrcwi. in iuo oiic, atr, wiisob is not over the antlea of thn llttla tota. whit' wall h.nrilaH fcv T.irf rW .A m&tX anxious to leave this city, although bla , heid the center of the staae. and were! he aot won n.M h. .h.raa h ai, HP&i ' 1 -" - " ' - w -T-..-- . -.!..": J' -.. '.,., eeaspaay, -vW;m ri position is greatly bettered transfer. He hopes that he will he . .. 1 ey me , supported by the bla ensemble chorus of nearly elthiv doobIb. The "Kid. , u, rwnni 10 uregon in a row dies," without' raonus, aner tooatng aner matters in not be considered we new district which are said to need showed both training, and ting opening for the real flay, , The story has for its principal char evenly with the Irish eon. Mis, tionbf "She Had Such BeaaUful -,!!' S5Y.1 -?JV1 'inunedlato attenUoa. Other changes In the administra tion of the local territory are also SSL. aa J ,, whom an Elks show .can .brought down, the house, and w -het- . a real, success, ; ter than some .of the ''tl'iatoanM e; l, ! : natural talent and fc4..tb other ar'UiUi ' ifSt" K -. ; their featare waa a. lt-f , Mrs, Phil Sinnott adl ftaaatli -lStls ., S& ' I '' wi.it. intiy,r. ',--. -.'' T I - . . ' ' . ! II ". -wf , Contlnned osi PmM-A?r?. , w,; i'.bS .' ..-. n, oY 7 -'--...mi: . . ,t : ! . i - 'fci- ix, '1. : ., ,....", -t