r !, TUiiOAV, MAV 10, ion THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLi, OHJCOON ffl HIHUHSBHIHUIil gilll 'uniLnlBRsnnnnfl HMuir BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ MPtt.' tBannnnnnnnnnnnnnnl BannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnaTOiMv ijfr-iannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: BennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBB- .i. ' ifl. Bannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl Bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm3tMi'-r -csp. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnai BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsTCBBBBBBBBBBB7;'-''' y. sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnUV6BnnK .annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl ainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnra " Bannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnan "7 J. D. Witt, witness circuit rourt J.20 , L. U Low, witness circuit court 2,20 Stella Low, poor farm nurse C. E.' Brown, witness circuit 'A. A. Mehaffey, refund of taxes.. coutt 2.20 Roberts Hutu, supplies veer C. E. Drown, witness circuit ' tilTU -- ........... court 6.29 Worden Mercantile Co., supplies J. F. Matvirc, juror circuit cert r. a MarfcwareK, no(Iwmi tract . 267.00 80.00 8.86 Water Vales, repairs oa Rat tie snake point road ................ Wm. Uhrmann, supplies countr roads, 1916 ............ Big Basin Lumber Co., supplies countr roada, 1916 . Frank Corpenlng, auppllea coun ty roada, 1916 ........ 43.(4 31.19 1 4.20 10.40 10.40 11.40 14.00 II ruin Jorgonscn, witness circuit court E. M. llubb, witness circuit court C. 0. Merrill, Witness circuit court . V. T. Adnran, witness circuit court . Howard Painter, witness circuit court Don J. Zumwnlt, witness cir cuit court . 18.20 Andrew Kuclinc, witness cir cuit court 27.60 J. fl, rnttornon, witness circuit court 22.40 II. II. Hamilton, witness circuit court . Wnsb Adnnt'i, witness circuit court , V II. Todd. witness circuit county poor S. It. Oardnfr, auppllea couaty C. A. Haydca. tax collection ..... C. A. Haydeo, work on county plat book .................................... J. M. Fountain, salary janitor .... Warrta Hunt, salary health of- Qoo. H. Merrymao, iasaae ea- 20.00 16.00, 60.00 4117 tJH 31.90 2.69 10.00 23.60 Jan. M. Kyle of'Umatlllncounly, can- nut position wiui nunot to himself und .iiiitn for tho republican nomination Midi Auction to thu pt-npli No bolter mull ttiun Mr Mi'lcdiil Ach K)l- cimld poHHlbly bo 12 61 . (or I'ubtlc Bcrvlco Commissioner from Ibe Eastern Oregon district, Is away in tbe lend In tho present surface indl cation, It Is confidently assorted by. hit friends that ho will set iiHjnitny voir In the counties south of thu llluc Mountains uh uny ono of tho other (he candidates, and west of Umatilla coun ty be will run far ahead of nny other nuta on tho ticket, while In Umntlllu county no wm pon ns uig pm-ceiiingiM ,., ltM 0UulllfH M ovor lue e0un. of the republican voto us did Judo ()y 1(4 W(, ,,,,,, (irjM. vom BUd KDl Bean when ho run for the Hupr'ino ,,,,,,,, ,,, unit...! States government Court. . piry cur uuyu enough coal to make In nmldiiK tests for the foundations of (i new liulldlni; nt Washington, I). C, thi'io wmi Hunk Into the ground a con (.icto t'llo Hlxtocii lncbc lu diameter ud xlxt) feel lone, -tho InrgoHt tbnt r wnu mndv. 18.20 18.20 21.40 21.60 28.60 2.80 21.20 Thin In an Impoitani oftlcu, mid It trill be n great ndvantniw to Knitern Oregon to have a man nswell quail- ted and capable ny Mr. Kyl nn tho, board. Mr. Kyle baa boon u big shlppor for the Unt twenty-five years In Oregon, ind thoroughly understands the needs and requirement of both thu shipper sod the producer. He Is n level-headed business man, and will fill this Import- Sanitary Refrigerators Odorless White Knatnolcd Lined, wlib best known sys'tom of refrigera tion und Insulation. Ask for demon itratlon No trouble. 15-41 WILLISJOHN8TONB CO. Wood KLAII, 1.1MH AND BODY Hawed to naj length. Our liest block wood ie delivered direct from sheds, aad U always dry. One load will convince you. KLAMATH.FUEL CO. O. I'eytoa, Her. Vhomm 187 HEADACH E n NEURALGIA PI Ott a 10 cent package of Dr. Jamea' Headache Powtlera and don't inffer. When jour head nchen )ou simply jmt hao relief ir you will g" wild. Its ncollcn to suffer when jou can Wis a remedy like Dr. James' Hcud whs Powders and relievo the piilu and wrnlgla at enve. Bend aoineono to l" 'nig store now for n l'' "nrkngo r. JameK' Hoadaih wdors. Hum suffer! In a few m feel flno liesdsulm Muialgla pain. III. vlltS OU gdllU- 110 UIOI court T. M. Dtirhntn. wltnenH circuit court 22.40 O. Ileal, wltneHS circuit court .r. 34.00 Mrs. O. Ilenl, witness circuit court 24.00. K. II, Henry, witness circuit I court 18.201 J M. Holman, wltnosH circuit couit 18.20 Henry Stout, witness circuit court C-irl Whltlock, witness circuit com t Mrs. A. 7.. 1. Tvctmoe, witness circuit court Auncs Itltchson, wltneaa circuit court 1 21.60 Loroy I), itltchson, wltneaa cir cuit court -................ J. O. Swindler, witness circuit court . ...... Wnrtcn C. Hunt, wltneaa cir cuit court . (Juy O. Hunter, witness circuit court Lisle Hunter, witness circuit court - 19.60 c. a. Wlnnnn, witness circuit court . 22.00 Carrie Kitchen, witness circuit court 16.20 Alrnonta Kitchen, witness cir cuit court , .... . 10.20 V. V. Whltlatch, witness cir cuit court 21.00 Jim Norton, witness circuit court .. 16.60 P. It. Merrill, witness circuit court LI ......... 6.40 Mrs. V. If. Todd, witness cir cuit court '....,..-.-. .... - 21.60 James Lyons, witness circuit Another good one on Eleventh street, I mnk xin,," this side of canal, for $850. . cult court - 31-80 Three ulu lots on Johnson avenue'""- j. u. swiuuier. wiuivu , .,.. " circuit court . .. . .-. for 350 cash. . MrH ,yd,a j,,, wUnw. cr. A fine building site in Hot Springs cult court .... Addition for $525. William Teeman. wltneaa circuit ft--. i.ll.e CI kJaaln 11 I COUIT ... . . t . mm mm mm.mwm Pee Chllcotc, 633 Main. Harvey B. jthoads, witness c I cult court .L.......-.... COUNTY COURT PROCEEOINOS J. V. Tdorjey, wlUMM Circuit March, 1916, Term court ...... a. z. i. Tveuaoe, witness circuit I rntirt ! araination Kred Noel, meals circuit court It. It Hamilton, insane exaav Inatlon ....... . C. C. Low, stamps, etc, tax col- iMrllon 18.20 Link River Blectrlc Co., repairs j court bouee 23.60 o, c. Lorenz, repairs court I houis 14.39- 13.8S 11.88 30.45 6.00 2.60 7.60 C2.60 I. ti pile r tnllo Hiiuarn and ton feet high. LOTS A good one In Mills Addition at $176,' on easy terms JO 0.00 6.00 20.00 10.00 6.0 19.00 6.60 6.0 6.00 6.00 6.843 5.00 10.84) 15.00 6.00 22.00 18.00 HI... .. II. ttt.l.t.s i.lnltitu li'siial llfiUUA1 i 1.111111 on by tlu court and the clerk instruct- poney Jobneon. witness circuit cd to draw warrants on tho respective , ?urt, ""7"""".:"'",V:,":JV fi.,,.1- r,.r ii... mmiuniH nilowcd re- Jobn Lowht, wltneaa circuit '""" OAMfl .ipei-tlvely, to-wlt: General Fund Ncttlo Wnllun, widow's pen sion 32-60 a, in M Hhtdlcr. widow's Don iu.uv Juror circuit McLiuio, widow's pen- 2G.00 10.00 25.00 blon Mary wloh Dorthn C Douelson, widow's pension Altlm Uaulul, widow's pension. Uoso i:. Kcusce, widow's pen sion -- Ulla I), llurkhnrt, widow's pen sion Tonn Hilton, widow's pension.... Cathorluu Tull, widow's pen sion Kosu Oodaid. widow's pension.. Lnuia i:. Mndlson, widow's pon- HlOII r-r. Carile Mnu Mnlor, widow's pen sion Mary C. Morsor. willow's pen sion Lconu C. Ady, widow's ponsion.. Clara llnutii, uld county poor.... Huldnh Smith, uld county poor.. Addle Graham, aid county poor Mary Kuccrn, nld county poor.... llurthii Hill, nld county poor .... Ktito Taylor, uld county poor .... Mis. A. Kos, uld county poor .... Mnry M Liberty, nld county poor August Llgbertt, labor on court ImiiHO crounds J. S. Ilnhuurn, labor on court houso grounds L26 Alien nuuenn, sorvlces circuit court clerk - - 3-00 Jniiies Mooie, witness circuit .milt " court F E. Ankeny, court ................. . -.. Frank Frekee, Juror circuit court .........;- ......... T. M. Cunnlnihom. Juror circuit court ....,...Jt.,.........MM.... -P. W. Sneer, Juror circuit ' bUUt w .......m- 17.60 'Chas. Polndexter, Juror circuit nico court ...,...... - Ed BJoomlnicamp, Juror circuit 25 00 1 court a..m.....-m------ i Oscar L. Carter, juror circuit 10.00 1 courl .--- 10.00 ' I,'retl Steeman. court ............ j. H. Hessla. juror circuit court 8. E. Icenblce, juror circuit court juror circuit 10.00 17.&0 17.60 26.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 1.26 l OaP IIIwlHibsvioreI I To claanw the acalp, remove dandruff dW)notehfah4th-ttHiriutone. Stunt to five new life to the hair-tdds I the tttmdtive glosa. Fifty cent tht botih. HtaaValHaVaVaBaPTlaVaSaflaaVBaVaWaa' nwiwoft mm W'lT KUWm FALLS OREGON thS I WHKRK FlMITICULAft Edrt Frank Armatoag, Juror circuit court , L. W. Copelaat). jmw circuit COUrt ,...,,...MMMMMMMMM 3. p. Short, juror circuit court Chas. I. Roberta. Juror circuit COUlt ,...lIH,lMHI.H.HNimmWHH W. O. Keffer. juror circuit court , Jesse N. Drew, Juror circuit court ...,.,.............. T. It. Patteraoa, Juror circuit court ..............--.. . A. l). Libbey, Juror circuit court A. W. Southertaad, juror circuit court - t--- - A.S. Bennett, juror circuit court C. M. Klrkpatrick. Juror circuit court .WMM............-.-.- --- J. L. Gordon. JUror circuit court Edward It. freuer. juror circuit COUrt HtHIMMNMNNMMMMm 11. 11. Van Sickle, juror circuit. COUrt WH.Ht"'MWiMtHW"t B. W. Short. Juror circuit court. H. P. Dow, Juror circuit court .... F. w. Broadsword, juror circuit 1 court ...w.m.... --." Frank Denton, Juror clraalt 1 court .',.--. . .... K. W. Roberta, Juror circuit court .M............... -. ---..... H. Engle, Juror circuit court . Oscar Bunch, Juror circuit court ' Kd Hoyt, Juror circuit court ...... C C. Bropny, juror circuit court Geo. T. Sly, Juror circuit court. iT.milu nrannan. (uror Circuit court - R. A. Moon. Juror circuit court .. C. I. Wlnnek, juror circuit court Jeff Klrkpatrick. .jaror circuit Fred Looslty, Jww drtuit COUrt ,IMMMWIWMMW Frank Bunw, (jaror circuit court .. T !! '",,m K. Loosley, Juror eircutt court-.. Marvin Croaa, jwar circuit court ..,. j i O. L. Shell. Juror circuit aourt. R. V. Baa. juror clrcult.eourC .... Dan Doten, Juror circuit court .. C. 8nowKOoae, Juror circuit COUkt IIMIIIIMHHIMHIHMHIUMNMI Ben Kema, juror clwttlt.aaurt .. Frank Nelson. Juror circuit court m m Champ MoCoUua. Juror elreUU court ' --" Dave Noah, juror circuit apart.. Roaa W. Waley. Juror aireult court 88.00 16.30 81.40 23.20 16.80 6.20 9.20 10.40 44.60 4L40 86.00 3.20 13.00 32.00 t.M 3.30 Of.70 46.40 6.80 8.00 16.00 46.00 39.60 14.80 80.00 80.40 66.00 14.80 44.60 7.80 SJt ; 16,40 66.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 38,00 10.80 10,00 10.60 38.00 10.W 10,00 0.60 aoo 3.00 3,80 3t40 4.40 4.40 6.00 88.44) 10.00 88.00 Bumiuaba Adding Machine Co., auppllea couaty oBces ............ Busbona Co., supplies county of fices ..................... Olasa ft Prttdhomme Co., aup pllea county offices ... ... Buabong Co., supplies county of- Roberta Haaka, auppllea court bouee ... Don J. Zumwalt, services dis trict attorney ...... J. & Voee, witaeee Juatlce court A. O. Clements, additional coun ty aouaty Joe H. Foster, additional county QOHBty IUy h. . XoMaaoa, addltloaal couaty aouaty ...... Jean Salt, addltloaal county B9UB17 T. A. Treleor, addltloaal county bounty ........... J. L. Bailey, additional 'county bounty ......... j..... D. Campbell, additional couaty bounty ...... ........... F. O. Brown, additional county bounty .. .... J. W. Adklna, addltloaal county bounty T. J. Lyon, additional county bounty ....... .. .. Jim Dedemoa, additional county bounty .. . A. A. Philip, additional county bounty ..................... James Cousin, additional county bounty . .. Chaa. Forsland. additional coun ty bounty John Jackson, additional county bounty . ... George T. Sly, additional county bounty .... A. A. Whltlatch. additional coun ty bounty . -... b.w Jim Dedemo8,.addltlonal county bounty . - .. 6-00 John Jackaoa, addltloaal county bouaty 20.00 Ray L. B. Robinson, addltloaal ceuatytbeaaty 36.00 O. W. llerlae,.addlUoaal county .bounty ....-. 6.00 Geo. F. Wright, addltloaal coua ty bounty .- 6.00 Sol. Dewey Jr.,, additional coun ty bounty JLJZHZ 6.00 H. L. Royae, additional county bounty 10.00 W. B. Sauhdera. additional coun ty bouaty -.-.. 6.09 Peter Glean, addltloaal county bounty L. 60.00 Jonah Sparks, additional county bounty 76.00 Frank Hoover, addltloaal county bounty 76.00 T. J. Lyon, additional county bounty. ,.-. 10.00 J. W. Davidson, additional coun ty bounty 66.00 F. AwaWaa,,aadifioaai .county bounty .... W. W. Fordney, additional coun ty bouaty D. R. Doten, additional county aouaty I... ..! O. W.. Harris, addltloaal county bounty ... ... C. P. Triplett, aditfoaal;coaatjr bounty .,,.., , ,n, Jamea Howell, addltloaal county bounty .... .. OrastFoHch. addltlaaal .aaty VOUAty .W.WHt.ltWHWtlW.t-I.WW.... WlUlam .Planer, ,, addltloaal . couaty bounty . . S. V.-Moody, addltloaal eeaaty bouaty Martin Bros., auppllea county roada, 1915 . .................. O. K. Transfer Co.. auppllea county roada, 1916 2.00 O. K. Blacksmith flhon. sunnlles . - 1 couaty roada, 1916 . WOO o. K. Blacksmith Shop, supplies 60.00 county roads, 1916 ..... .'..-.. 'A. 8tltner, 1916 maintenance .... 64) JS Roberta L Haaka, supplies 1 couaty roada, 1916 . 6.00 Ben Faus, supplies county , roads, 1916 8.00 234.00 wm. Parker, 1916 maintenance.. Frank Lowery; 1916 malnte- C.00 nance ....... . .... James Bell, 1916 maintenance .... 10.66 Geo. Wilson, 1916 maintenance.. Calvin Hasklnn, 191C malnte- 17.66 1 nance -. (Jerome Whitney, 1916 malnte- 1.80 nance j Clyde Crabtree, 1916 mainte- 441.00 ' nance . . j James Hammond, 1916 malnte- 22.31 1 nance ,. rha. Llnzl, 1916 maintenance .. 4.08 R- I- Davidson, 1916 malnte- I nance .. . 65.94 Roy W. Sly, 1916 maintenance.... I Ed Kelley, 1916 maintenance .... 28.10 O. W. Sly, 1916 maintenance .... R. A. Moon, 1916 maintenance ... 20.00 Fred Arington, 1916 mainte nance R. Cox, 1916 maintenance 56.26 Paul Herzog, 1916 maintenance. 51.2! J. Rosenberger, 1916 mainte nance . ..... G. North, 1916 maintenance A. Kruger, 1916 maintenance .... H. Graham, 1916 maintenance .. A. Fischer, 1916 maintenance .... B. Graham, 1916 maintenance ... B. North, 1916 maintenance . Ed Plngre, 1916 maintenance .... Wm. Uhrmann. 1916 mainte nance 140.00 nance R. Cox, 1916 maintenance .. . 6.00ijflPk L01 P. Herzog. 1916 maintenance J. Rosenberger. 1916 mainte nance . B. North, 1916 maintenance A. Kruger, 1916 maintenance .... B. Graham. 1916 maintenance 'H. Graham. 1916 maintenance ... G.00 ! B. Graham, 1916 maintenance .... Wm. Uhrmann, 1916 mainte nance .. . James Shyben. 1916 mainte nance . . . Bruce Gaddls, 1916 mainte nance . 8. B. Low. 1916 maintenance Benson Dixon, 1916 maintenance Walter Calkins, 1916 mainte nance . John McClure, 1916 maintenance Wane Kennedy. 1916 mainte nance Jack Sohrikoff, 1916 mainte nance -.- . ......-.... Wallls Shortkoff. 1916 mainte nance ... Wallls Shorikoff, 1916 mainte nance Frank Sohrikoff, 1916 mainte nance A FIW fttAtONt WHY VOU SHpULO VOTI FOR Chtuieft B. Moore RIPUBLICAN CANOIOATK FOR Secretary of State FIRST He ia an experienced and aueceeaful aueineee man. SECOND He will conduct the office art aueineee ,Uiiee. THIRD HE It A REAL REPUBLICAN. FOURTH He will net run hie office ae an adjunct te the democratic party. FIFTH Veur vote will elect him en May Itth. ,' fa , n. 1 ii 30.00 30.00 15.00 12.50 22.50 16.00' 6.00 46.25 60.00 47.60 10.00 40.00! 105.00 114.371 Earl Arnold, 1916 maintenance .. Burt E. Hawkins. 1916 mainte nance ................ Burt E. Hawkins, 1916 mainte nance .......... T. E. Griffith, 1916 maintenance.. Everett Griffith, 1916 malnte- tiAfirn 11..J. nUffith 1AK main AnfttiAA 191 9R ','u5 ' " '"v . ju.uu Frank Griffith, 1916 mainte- 5-00 1 nance . e-5 Mr. Lester, 1916 maintenance ... 16.25 Perry Robinson. 1916 mainte nance . ... - R. C. Short. 1916 maintenance , T. Anderson, 1916 maintenance. Peter Bour. 1916 maintenance .. J. W. KIncade. 1916 mainte nance ..... M. L. Miller, 1916 maintenance. 8. B. Low, 1916 maintenance ... R P. Short. 1916 maintenance .. 3.76. R ( Shnrt. 1918 maintenance .. 37.60 Burton Green, 1916 maintenance HK - Anderson. 1916 maintenance. 76.25 M. Anderson, 1916 maintenance ' 75.00 jx. Anderson, 1916 maintenance.. Ray Anderson, 1916 malnte- TI7 I InVTn isi I1C. R UUI tl SORE, TIRED M 21.251 5.00, 16.26 151.26 170 6.00 2.60 9.37 70 75.00 21J5 10.63 3L25 31.87 46.G3 C8K TIZ- FOR AOHINO, BTJ8U4- ixo, puffed. up nan CORNS OR OALLOCtat AHV. JnrV Ixiran. 1916 maintenance .. 20.00 It, Anderson. 1916 maintenance. Peter Bour, 1916 maintenance . I D. R. Price, 1916 maintenance .. oaten jaeeKer, jig uuumc- nance Earl Rightmler. 1916 mainte nance . .. Samuel Dixon. 1916 mainte nance .. J. W. KIncade. 1916 mainte nance 6.00 10.00 2.60 2.60 1.85 5J)0 48.76 36.26 10.00 4645 26.87 68.60 6L26 28.75 18.76 83.75 ArcaieiWimer, addltloaal, ooua- y oousij ......-..,... F, B. White. addiUoaal oouaty bouaty . F. R. Starr, addltloaal oouaty E. H. StawartraoaTuoaalcouaty bouaty ,,i m,,,!-.-,,-. Robert Lytle. addltloaal aouaty eott&iy yss Ray L. B. Roaiaaoa.- adsMtloaal county bouaty . - L. A. Rloaarasoa.; 44Uical couaty.bouaty .u James Beli; addltiaaal .oouaty y hauntr i - . . ... Geo. W. NobKaddioaal,coua. IV oovaijr .... P. & Metacheabaeher. aaoitloa al couaty.bouaty ....- ' D. JrPuckett, additional couaty bouaty ........-........-.. 8aaa Kock. addlUaaal couaty bounty ..- "............... T. D. Stllee, addltloaal oouaty bounty .................. C. C. Low, board of priaoaora ... A. R- Wilson, salary tax collec- (40tB " ee .eee Dorothy Weeks, salary tax col- C. A. Hay4cu, overtime tax col- lecvios Pioneer Prlatary, arlailac "dec- llOPOt MM QoMea Rule j Store, eualie couaty poor ...... ............ Golden Rule Store, euM- POO? WUT8i wwwtHtmiii Mrs. Z. A. twatmaa,c,aart of Cofer Broe. repaira to court 0)UO HlltWmWMHIfWtHHmilWIIM Haaaah B.tWeJea.1 aid, aouaty POOP HHWWH'" HtlWIM I Elisabeth Scanloa. u .aouaty poor .H ,..................m...m. CaJHe Bardia. aid oouaty poor.... Road Clalma Southern Paeiac Co.. repaira oa Bittle Saake Folat road ..i.. gettaorafaclaoCo.ReaalraoB Rattle taake Folat root R. Sallch. 1916 maintenance .... Tnhn TtvAm 191C mslntinan!e .. .1. 22'M. Byera. 1916 maintenance 101-fS; Frank Corpenlng. 1916 malnte- 60.83 nance , ,. , Fred Smith, 1916 maintenance .. 2: .2 ' Burt 8tiles, 1916 maintenance 37-B0 1 A. H. Newton, 1916 maintenance Tom Newton, 1916 maintenance 28.75 w, A. Turner, 1916 maintenance .. ., ' J- C. Wright, 1916 maintenance. 3L85 Levi Ward, 1916 maintenance Robert Williams, 1916-malnte- 3L87 nance ', .,, ....'.J. L. F. WlUiame, 1916 malnte- 16.87 j nanra . 46.25 38.7S Ifaavrt TO Vm TCP" TX h Good-bye. sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet; tender feet, tired feat. Good-bye, come, calloueea, bualOM and raw spots. No mora ahoe tlfat, neaa, no more limping with paia or si" 8S idrawlB P your face la agoay. "Tto'" . X59 la magical, acta right of. "Tit" drawn out all tho poisonous exudaUoaa, 63.20 j which puff up thefoot. Use "Tia" 27.60! 1L36 39.37 3.76 36.36 26.87 16J5 3.75 30.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 16.00 10.09 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 60.00 5.00 6.00 IMt 6.00 6.00 6.00 OtlO 80.00 84.00 31.10 3.48 4S.M 47.00 3.71 ti.lv 16.00 18.00 940 Nick Hozln, 1916 maintenance... Nick Hozln, 1916 maintenance.. John P. Sohrikoff, 1916 mainte nance .-. ... Mr. Lester. 1916 maintenance ... John Manning, 1916 mainte nance Jack Logan, 1916 maintenance. Ben Southwell. 1916 mainte nance . D.TL Price, 1916 maintenance ... O. Meeker, 1916 maintenance .... G. Meeker, 1916 maintenance ... O. Meeker, 1916 maintenance ... Ray, Anderson, 1916 mainte nance Sam Dixon, 1916 maintenance ... E. L.-Rlghtmelr. 1916 mainte nance . Ed Propat, 1916 maintenance D. Anderson, 1916 maintenance. Mlron Anderson, 1916 mainte nance A. P. Green, 1916 maintenance .. B. W. Short. 1916 maintenance .. John Lovelady. 1916 mainte nance .. Ed Propat, 1916 maintenance ... W. C. Burk. 1916 maintenance .. 1W. C. Burk, 1916 maintenance .. Tom Dixon. 1B16 maintenance ... Ivan Icenblce, 1916 maintenance iuo.ev .. . i Frank Irwin, 1916 maintenance;. fMZ'J. W. Arnold. 1916 maintenance.. JO-". Junes Stevens. 1916 malate- 2L72 n.BM, - in. 68.12 6.00 Geo. Wilson, 1916 maintenance. H. E. Wilson. 1916 maintenance C. W. Baley. 1916 maintenance . J. W. Caaey, 1916 maintenance . W. Patterson, 1916 maintenance Frank Morris, 1916 maintenance EVanlr Wni-rla 191C TnalntnnanpM ,HI.H. C. Lender. 1916 maintenance I'll Jy Falrclo, 1916 maintenance .. 7-X C. Bowman. 1916 maintenance .. 1Q.V0 p n Ttrvnnt iQlfi maintenance.. P. J. Oerges. 1916 maintenance .. B. G. Terry. 1916 maintenance G. W. Hicks, 1916 maintenance ..- H. C. Lemler, 1916. maintenance H. C. Lemler, 1916 maintenance T. E. Griffith, 1916 maintenance Joe Wright. 1916 maintenance . L. D. Ward, 1916 maintenance .. W. A. Turner, 1916 maintenance John Hnanlcutt. 1916 -mainte nance .... . ., 36.00 1 J. A. Faircio. I9ie maintenance, ts.ve and wear smaller shoes. Una "Tia"; and forget your foot misery. Ah if how comfortable your foot foal. i Oct a 35-eeat box of (Tia" aow at any durggist'a oriopartaaoat ator Don't auter. Have good foot, daA feet, feet that aever awoll, aorar harti aever get tired. A yoar'a foot coeai fort guaranteed or moaey rotaaaoti -AdT. I NO CHANCE TO LOSE 11.25 26.26 10.00 18.75 37.75 10.00 6.87 11.35 11.25 25.00 135.00 20.00 Frank Gray, 1916 maintenance . 14.00 Frank Oray, 1916 maintenance ,. 30.00 Sam Dilllnger. 1916 mainte nance .. .. . - 73.76 A. L. Hatch, 1916 maintenance .. 48.50 Shan Dixon, 1916 maintenance . 45.00 T.y Breltensteln, 1916 mainte nance 5135 Air. Varner, 1916 maintenance .. 86.00 John Float, 1916 maintenance .... 10.00 John Float, -1916 maintenance ... 33.75 Tom Lovelady, 1916 auOnte- nance ......-.,......... f.vu Tom Lovelady. 1916 mainte nance ......................."... 7.60 , Tom Lovelady. 1916 malnte- ' nance ,............. ....... tkso Chaa. Eyanekoff, 1916 malnte- nance ........... .... ..... 107.60 Mike Pudoff, 1916 maintenance. 118.76 Nick Evanekoff, 1916 malnte- 'j nance ............................-.. 80.00 8am Varner, 1916 maintenance.. 6.85 Joe Tremble, 1916 maintenance.. 103.18 Wither Eastwood. 1916 mainte nance ................................ 18.76 Charley Llnzl, 1916 mainte nance ......................... ......... 26.87 Jamea Hull. 1916 auOateaaaee 18.f Samuel Miller, iie maiaie- nance .v . aamuBi Mlllor. 1916 mainte nance .WI M. Sllvkotf. 1916 maintenance .. ei.zo Elmer Martin, 1916 malateaaaco 76.00 Frank Inln. 1916 maintenance .. iub.ua; A. N. Baker, 1916 maintenance ., 28.26 A. N. Baker, 1916 maintenance .. 48.75 A. F. Hall, 1916 maintenance ... 76.00 Thomas Treioar. loia maiaie- BcV&CO ..! " Steve Treioar, 1916 malnte- RaeaAOO mnintMMiwMMwmmMi Fiank Eglea, 1916 malateaanoe. jay Faircio. iis maiaieaaac H. o. Nuaier. m aiaietaaaeo h A. tohrikot, 111! atainte- QHfiCO Alex Sohrlkof. 1916 aulato- naCo Mi Nick Sohrlkof. 1916 jaalato- EsftftGO MM Cheater Simmers, 1916 -atalate- aaaee 1 Sam Varner. 1916 maintenance. T T. DIt.lmUr 101A mnlnta. " nance LZZZL LLl L 25-001 Vera inland, 1916 maintenance ??? Ellis Ireland. 1116 maintenance.. 5.00 n-hni ' Knrtna. 1S1R - malnte- I nance - !a. H. Newton, 1916 mainte nance Jack Tatlok, 1916 maintenance. T. H. Brown. 1916 maintenance. F. P. Corpenlng, 1916 mainte nance - F. R. Morris. 1916 maintenance. J. B. Casey, 1916 maintenance .. E. R. C. Williams. 1916 aaalate nance .... ..-......-. M. W. Coeeboom, 1916 aaalate- nance ..I. .'. . R. V.'Ess, 1916 maintenance 1 Frank Oray. 1916 maintenance 10.00 46.85 15.00 16.00 3L25. 7.60 2.60 11.35 .-.-.k. 8.76 If 11.25 GRAND !- k PRIZE 10.00 2a 16.00 .0 zammm 17.60 .vD - jarToiMMi n-,5iBH no saaaaaaaaaa-rei s t.i.s. EfaWDLrV Oaaaaaaa' 18.75 EaaaaaTlj W WJMS 37.60 M i.v:;v., I L PRMEaaw If you trade here,5 aa we alwaya try to give value re ceived for tho, money expended. OUR i i,Ct 48.76 7.60 10.00 37.60 38,50 U6 26.25 30.00 11.25 15.00 6L36 61.86 68.36 liraTin T wmwi U AY f MUST WIN your approbatioi after yoa reeeivo delivery. Oaf plan ia to aatiafy s. "-customers, dlsapolat. not Seeseri GETZ Woof Phone T n22 Main Strttk 4 v rt 76.81 M.TC 13.75 157.60 68.76 ' 1 180.62 Lewla Dixon. 1911 maiatoaanee. 84.10rD.A.Roao,lflf: 1S.M 70.00 t49 i i$4- H'-r H t v R. WALLACE SILVER THE LAUREL Dattcrn 1 In 1835 R. WALLACE " Silver PUtc that ReaUU Wear" beautiful in dv sign perfect in work- mansnipr highest. in to give satis factory serv ice in any household. Naw U Ifca. TdaSi 6sBbbbbbbbbV CaaSm aad teTthe 1 at) er vlagra delightful a TWJcHittis 4- r w t 1 " " .'?' ?3 3-1 W 1 "Jstjy,--? I 5 1 ! Jx-. -v T&fr N1! .r- ,H ?; 'M M Wl ' 'n o Nk, n'l J .i tn j5 K : ,! Vf 1 vJ-sf.l ',. a .'t.i " ... (t-vj. m '.?,a a ' 'A jr?a! X'J n?" (V- an" v "mm'mmmT!'A- "'T'.4aii , ' K 'WrjA,?,-i,v. l JtjM (SHEbaSx! UV Tnn" wnuu i i