The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 16, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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For Assessor
f the ftepubUeaa Voters ot BOamath
ftieay ot this week U PRIMARY
JKJKTION DAY. The peace u4
prosperity ot Klamath county tor the
V aest taw yean will ba greatly atectea
ay the aort ot service the county re
ceives at the Was of iU assessor.
It aomlaated and elected I shall use
my utmost andearor to make an
ath county. Such an assessment aa I
propose should lower our tax rata, and
stake our county a mora Inviting place
for home seekers and Investors.
I pledge to the peeple: ALL OF MY
15-41 W. & SLOUGH.
(Paid Advertisement)
A toed lot and fair S-room house for
$400, on easy tertna.
toed 4-reom heme, nicely furnished,
twe big Iota, all for tSSO, cash.
Three-ream heuae with aeme furni
ture, three hlocka from Main; only
MM, en easy terms:
Nlee 4-reom bungalow, with bath,
only three block from Main. Price
SljNO; terms, tea Chllooto, SS3 Main
Any candidate ot any political party
la cordially extended the privilege ot
addressing the people from the plat
Harm where I speak In this campaign,
frtf C.M.ONEILL.
Remember the Ford Picnic Sunday,
May Slat OEOROE BIEHN. 13-t
Five acre tracts near Falls, en good
read, MO to MO per acre.
Nice level 20 acre tract cloae to
Fall. Frlce $1,000, on eaay terms.
One ef the beet 4t7a In the valley, 7
mllee from Falls; partly Improved;
erne alfalfa. Cheap at 99J000; half
A Una 70 acre partly Improved Irri
gated tract at M0Q.
A well Improved M acre Irrigated
tract for M.OS0.
Farms and stock ranches of all eisee
In all parts of the county. Informa
tion cheerfully furnished- Chlleete,
SMMaln. 11
Hcraltfs Classified Advs.
ostaaaae sue printed at the nta of
Site eante a Una, Invariable an ad-
Hereafter BO
will be accepted
coatpanlod by the cash.
FOR 8ALB Studebaker "25," 6 pas
senger automobile, In good condition,
cheap for cash. SeeChllcote. S
FOR SALE CHEAP Camera. 81nnott
nt Herald office.
FOR SALE The two-story brick store
building with full size basement,
known aa the Lamb block; located la
the heart of the business district In
Klamath Falls, Ore. Not less than
15,000 cash, balance, terms. Would
take In exchange some good farm land
aa part ef the purchase price. For far
ther particulars, address D. A. Lamb,
Agnew, Calif. 11-f t
FOR SALE Ten Holsteln cows with
young ealvea; also three yearling
heifers. Apply Wood River Creamery,
Fort Klamath. Ore. 18-6t
MONEY TO LOAN At per cent
Arthna R. Wilson, 617 Main. Ix-tf
1,000 TO LOAN on Poe Valley land; "i
per cent A. A. Bellman 80s. It
PAINT Not at war prices, but below
eeat, at Big Basin Lumber company.
107. lt-tf
FOR RENT New modern bungalow.
Inquire SIS Jefferson. " - 11-ft
LOST Watch with circular engrav
ing oa baek,"Hutaff, Dunsmulr, CaL"
Liberal reward to anyone that will
''leave It at F. M. Upp'a Jewelry tore.
Lest oa Friday la railroad yard or
track between here and Wordea. 18-St
D. r. M. WHITS
aTffa, BAR, MOSS a
The Evening Herald
W. O. SMITH Editor
PnMtahAd dallv axeaat Sunday at
The Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath rails, at no roana auwei.
Pntui i tha nratoMe at Klam
ath Falls. Oregon, for traasmlsakm
through the malU aa oeeoad-claaa
Subscription terms by small to any
nAArMut in ttm United States:
One year ''JJ
One month
THAT a man Is not appreciated at
home Is too often the casei but In
the case of Vernon A. Forbes, present
representative of this district. It is de
lightfully different. A delegation ot
twelve prominent men ot Crook county, '
each a delegate from some commercial
club or other development organisa
tion, visited Klamath Falls today, and
they put In some earnest and moat af
fective work for this progressive Bend
Klamath Falls is not the only town
they have visited. They are making
an automobile tour of the entire Twenty-First
District meeting all ot the
voters, and speaking ot Forbes and his
splendid capabilities all of the time.
They are reminding the voters ot the
untiring efforts Forbes has put forth at
the past two sessions ot the legislature
for the benefit ot Central Oregon, and
the recalling ot his splendid work is
enough to convince even the most
skeptical that at such a time aa this,
with Central Oregon oa the era of rail
road and irrigation development, it la
folly to handicap the inarch of prog
ress by any but the best representa
tion at the coming assembly.
And why are these representatives
working for Forbear Because of poli
tics T
The commercial clubs of Central and
Southern Oregon are for development,
not poljtical, purposes, and the cam
paign for Forbea Is made in the inter
ests of Central Oregon's future. The
Clubs realize the necessity of having
an aggressive, resourceful man on the
job to safeguard the interests of Crook,
Grant, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake
counties, and they are out to ooost
these counties by working for the re
election ot one of the most brilliant
members of the past two legislative
Klamath county's future is closely
linked with the other counties of the
district, especially with Lake and
Crook, whose interests, like oure, de
pend much upon favorable legislation
within the next few years. We all
know Forbes has proven himself capa
ble, so why experiment at this time, by
i choosing a man who la aa yet an un
known quantity, so far as his ability to
serve the district at Salem is con
PRESIDENT WIL80N has made a
personal appeal for the aid of
business men In taking an industrial
Inventory to be used In the organiza
tion ot the Industrial resources for the
public service in national defense,
This recalls his address at the Jeffer-
Json Day banquet in 1BU, la which he
"Now, suppose we put the shoe on
the other foot and Invite the gentle-
'men who want business let alone to
let .politics alone. -I for my part agree
.to withdraw from troubling business
li Dusiness wiu wiinaraw irom irouo-
linr politics."
As election day approaches It is
wonderful to behold the enlightenment
which pours Into (be Wllsoaion mind.
It will be interesting to note bow the
steel plants will respond to this re
quest. In view of the President's ap
proval of the plan of government own
ership ot armament plants.
.. Scattered Shots .'.
THIS MAN E. FUhency, seems to
be the most popular man in the race.
Every candidate swears he Is for him
and his running mate, E. Conomy.
AND WE DARE SAY those Waco
people who burned a negro to death
yesterday really say that the European
war is terrible.
candidate for queen of the Rose fes
IF THB BRITISH attorneys' state
menu are given full credit, Sir Soger
Casement, and not the kaiser, must be
the brains of dig teutonic
THf BLKS MAY seed the money,
but considering the present price of
eggs, they nicked a rather unfavorable
time, from the actors' standpoiat, for
perpftraUag a noma taleat shew.
For Circuit Judge
1). V. Kuykendall.
Wilson S. Wiley
C. M. OneilL
For District Attorney j
Joseph 8. Kent.
Harold C Merrymaa.
For Repreoentatlvc
Vernon A. Forbea of Bead.
Albert E. Elder of Klamath Falls.
Wesley O. Smith of Klamath Falls.
For Circuit Court Clerk
C. K. Brandenburg.
For Sheriff
C. C. Low.
R. R. Brewbaker
Carey M. Ramsby.
William Hall.
James B. Moore.
Wm. C. Messner.
R W. Oowen.
Frank N. Frakes.
For County Clerk
C. R. Do Lap.
R. C. Cowley.
For Asseaeor
C. Austin Haydea.
Fred Peterson.
John Y. Tipton.
For County Treasurer
George A. Haydon
A. A. Mehaffey. .
For School Superintendent
Bessie I. Applegate
Edna I. Wells.
General Scatt Presents His Report to
the War Department, and Adminis
tration la Still Hopeful of Bringing
About a Satisfactory Adjustment ef
Affairs With the Carranta Govern
United Press Service
May 6. A platoon of American troops
under command of Lieutenant George
Patton killed "three Mexicans when
they attacked the Rubio ranch Sunday
night None of the Americana were lav
iurwL . ... -..
The dead included 'Julio caraeaee.
one of the Villista captains.
United Press Service
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 6. Gen
eral Scott has present Secretary ot
War Baker with Information which
will be helpful In guiding the future
American course In Mexico. He stated
that while General Obregon refused to
put his promise of co-operation la
writing, he offered assistance which
will be helpful if there la ao outbreak
by detached Carranta garrisons.
As a result of Scott's report; the' ad
ministration ia very optimistic regard
ing the settlement ot the Mexican dim-
For County Assessor
INDEPENDENT No strings tied to
me by either politician's or speculators.
(Paid Advertisement)
Electrical devices connected with aa
advertising mirror cause advertise'
meats to mysteriously appear ea Its
surface aad obscure the teetaree off
persons looking at it
sf,hi eBBBBBBBBBnism?Mepsmmmm
' LaaaaaBtBaaaaaaai
''''' aEjBSjEjEjEk, '?P?&iiBeeeeeeeei
S , fi meaeeaMSsiiiilPBaeeeeeem1
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa ' S, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWBaaaaaa -BiiiiH
Per Surveyor
B. B. Henry.
F. o. Brown.
For Commissioner
John Hegetateln.
Jacob Rueck.
R. W. Tower.
Far Coroner
Dr. A. A. Soule.
Per Circuit Judge
Rollo C. Qroesbeck.
For District Attorney
W. M. Duncan.
Per Representative
Fred W. Hyndman.
For Circuit Court Clerk
George Chaatala.
For Sheriff
George L. Humphrey.
R. B. Huasaker.
J. A. Maddox.
J. T. OartrelL
. For County Clerk
Burt B. Hawkins.
Per Assises r
Jasper Bennett.
J. P. Lee.
For Commissioner
Burrell Short.
William L. Welch. .
For Coroner
Earl Whltkxk.
(Paid Advertising)
E. W. Oowen, present Justice ot the
peace, Linkvllle district, candidate for
sheriff in the republican primaries.
His statement: When I waa sheriff a
few years ago, I stated 1 would make
a complete aad effective enforcement
of the law, with ao interest to serve
but that of the public, and after I waa
elected and qualified, did rigidly en
deavor to talflU that promise, aad my
record aa sheriff of Klamath couaty
la an opea book and bears me oat
And if nominated and elected my for
mer platform will be my guide la ofloa.
My personal attitude ia oae averse
to anything which might be termed
of a spectacular nature. .1 do not de
sire to arrest any individual without
due cause, or for the sake of such
notoriety to the. office aa might arise.
On tho other hand, necessity arising,
absolutely no favoritism, may be ex
pected. I am for a strict enforcement
of the' law, but I am opposed to nay
absurd technicality which would per
mit harrassment ot aay individual
lacking Influence and meaaa ot defease
poMessed by others. Prosecution for
the sake ot merely making a record
for conviction has, to my mind, been
one of the greatest fallaclee la con
nection with the police power. I de
Hire to guard against injustice as well
aa to serve justice, and to that end I
shall continue to observe the strict
spirit of the law, regnnaleaa of those
whom It may effect My platform la as
If I am nominated aad elected I wllL
during my term ot office, construe my
oath of office to meaa a complete aad
efficient enforcement of the lew.
I wiU have ao Uterest to serve but
the public Interest
I will give the protection of my of
fice to all persoas, aad all classes
I will personally conduct my
with strict regard to enenomy.
I will at all times serve all oSMal
papers with promptaess. i
I will give all prfJbeera ia my cus
tody humane treatmeat, wholesome
food and cleaa quarters.
Paid Advertisement
Treasurer's Notice
There aro funds 'in the couaty treas
ury for the redemption of all Klamath
county warrants protested oa er be
foifl Juno 30, 1911. '
Interest will cease from this date.
Dated at Klamath Fals, Oregon, this
12th day of May, 1916.
lt-3t Oeuaty Treasurer.
Executors Notice ef Piling ef Pinal Ac
count and Report
Ia the County Court ef the State of
Oregon, for Klamath Couaty
In the Matter of the BsUte ef Cfees.
S.' Moore; Deeeasad.
Notice Is hereby gtroa that we have
filed our inal aeooaat aad report aa
executors ot the mat win aad testa
ment ot the said Chas.' 8. Moore, de
ceased, aad the above eaUtted eeatt
bum fixed upoa 16 eeMck to the fere
aooa of tab lfth day ef Jaae,- ae the
time,' aad taeeetaaty eeirt ream to
(be court house to the ttty ef KUmath
where nay person or persons may pre
teat any objections and exception to
anything therein contained or to any
lost will aad testament, anu ai sucn
time aad place the said court will
Anally settle said account and report.
This notice Is published pursuant to
in order ot the above entitled court
made oa the 20th day of April, A. D.
1916, aad the first publication Is inntlo
In the Evening Horald on the SSIh
day or April. A. D. 1916. x
Executors of the Last W1H and Testa-'
ment ot Chas. 8. Moore, Deceased.
To the Stockholders of the Klatnnthi
Water Users Association
You and each ot ou uro heieby1
notified and will take netice: That tho
annual meeting of Iho stocKholilore of
tht Klamath Water User Association.'
n corporation, pursuant to aectloiHj
one (1) and two (2) of nrtlclo two (2) '
ot tho by-lawH of tho said association,
will be held In tho Houston ovorni
house, In the city ot Klamath Faux,
KUmath county, state of Oregon, Fri
day, the 2nd day ot Juno, 1916, at thu
hour of 3 o'clock p. in.
You will take notice that at said
mooting a board of directors will bo
elected for the ensuing year, and there
will also be transacted such other busi
ness as may regularly come before aalil
meeting, and in particular there will
be submitted for your acceptance or
rejection the following resolution, to
wit: Be It Resolved by the Stockholders
of tho Klamath Water Users Associa
tion, In Annual Meeting Aaaembled,
this 2nd day of June, 1916: That tho
Honorable Secretary ot the Interior
be and hereby Is requested to deslg
nste and appoint, under auch rules and
lobulations aa bo may prescribe, and
under the provisions set out In Circu
lar Letter No. 600, dated June 4, 1916,
r.nd approved by the Honorable Secre
tary ot the Interior May 18, 1915, the
Klamath Water Users Association, a
corporation, heretofore approved by
tho Interior Department, aa the fiscal
agent of the United States of America
for the Klamath Irrigation project,
Oregon-California, said association to
perform tho duties of such fiscal agent
under Federal statutea and rules and
regulations made and adopted there
Done and dated at Klamath Falls
OrnKon, this 24th day ot April, 1916.
(8eal) ASSOCIATION, a corporation.
By JOHN IRWIN, Vice President
By .ALBERT B ELDER, Secretary.
No. 864 Law
In the Circuit Court ot the Bute ot
Oregon, for the County of Klam
,ath. The Klamath Development Co , a cor
poration, etc., Plaintiff,
B. J. Evans, Defendant.
To B. J. Evans, defendant above
In the name of the state of Oregen:
You are hereby required to answer
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled action, on or before the
16th day of May, A. D. 1916, that be
ing the day of the last publication of
this summons, and the last day with
in which you are required to answer,
aa fixed by the order of publication ot
this summons.
If you fall to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you for the sum specified In
said complaint, and that tho real prop
erty hereinafter described and attach
ed herein, be sold to satisfy ssld Judg
ment Said action Is 'brought to recover
the sum ef 1116.00 due from you to
plaintiff, for rent, together with In
terest thereon from the first day of
September, A. D. 1912, lawful money
of the United States, disbursements,
costs and expenses of this action.
That the defendant waa at the com
mencement of this action, and now is,
the owner of certain real property,
attached In Klamath county, Oregon,
and described aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot three (8), block two hundred
live (205), Mills Second Addition
to Klamath Falls, Klamath county,
state of Oregon.
That on the 8tb day of March, A. D.
1916, and after the filing of said com
plaint, at the instance of the plaintiff,
the sherlftof said county duly attach
ed said above-described real property,
and now holds the samo in his pos
session by virtue of said writ of at
tachment. This summons is-published once a
week for six successive weeks, In the
Evening Herald, a dally newspaper,
of general circulation, printed and
published In the city of Klamath
Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, by
order of Honorable D. V. Kuyken
dall, Judge of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for the county of
Klamath, aad dated April I, A. D.
1916, the first publication of this sum
mon belag made oa the 4th day of
April, A. D. 1916.
Attorneys fer Flaiatiff.
g Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
.- ---'
m Mi
To look one's best and fool one's
best U to enjoy nu lusldo bath each
morning to iluah from tho system tho
previous Uuy' wnute, sour (omenta-
tloiik ami poisonous toxins before It
Is absorbed Into the blood. Just as
coal, when It bums, leaves behind a
vortulii amount or Incombustible ma
torlnl (n the form of iuIios, so the food
and tlrlnk tnken uncli day leavo In tho
alimentary organs a certain amount
of Imllgostlblo material, which, if not
eliminated, form toxins aud poisons
which uro then sucked Into tho blood
through the very ducts which aro In
tended to suck In only nourishment to
sustnln tho body.
If you wnnl to nh the glow of
healthy bloom In our cheeks, to we
jour skin gut clonror and clearer, you
aro told to drink every morning upon
arising, n glass or hat water with n
tenspoouful of llmestono phosphate In
It, tthtrli Is a hnrmloni menus of wash
ing the wasto material aud toxins
from the stomach, liver, kidneys nnd
nottoln, thus cleansing, ttwoetonluc
and purifying the entire alimentary
You'll Have Both
Dollars and Sense
If you dcpOMlt our funds here In,
Htcail of In that decrepit safe that
any burglar could open with east,
An account here menus absolute
safety for our cash And pn)!nn
tfy chock In a convenience both to
)ou and those whom you pay will
surety appreciate.
iJEfSJW'S&asJx . -ammmmmmmmmmmmmmamjai . ,"nr
!bL 'VaaaaaaaaaaaaaePjLwr' ? M t
lr.aaaaaaaaaaaTii4aife"v m o
WeareageuUforUalklae A Hamilton's mall, isiwmgif anil
ru-lstlit Ixmu u the Upper Klamath lkf. Muse lee this
prcry morning erept Sunday, at 7 1 SO.
Western Transfer Co.
oils correctly refined from
asphalt-base.crude "distill
without decomposition" (do not
break up and lose their lubricating
value under cylinder heat) ana
"are much better adapted to motor
cylinders, as far as their carbon
forming proclivities are concern
ed, than are paraffine-base Penn
sylvania oils." Jf
Motorists who use Zerolene, an oil
scientifically refined from asphatt-
btM crude, back up th xp.rts with reports sucn s.
these: "Covered over tt.Nf milee without djufi
tog vtlvee or cleaning out carbon. "-"The carw
taken out of this car In 51,000 miles aniountefl w
less than an ounce." Zerolene Is for sale at jjjw-j
everywhere and at aervlce atatlona and agencw"
the Standard Oil Company.
Uk Standard OU fir Motor tors
' TUMDAY, MAY I., ,.
aamal -ZZfl
, $wy
Unci, lieroir putting nmm tooj hid,
tho sloiunvh
till I uiiiI "union uli gitllow ikln
Ihoi spots, plmplim or pallid com!
plexlon, itliio IIiohu uhu wnko up with
a contod touicuo, hud tntto, nitty
breath, othoni who uro bothcrtd with
headache, IiIIIIouh spolla, acid itom
iirli or constipation, should begin, this
phosplmtud hot uulur drluklag na
are assured of wry pronounced re
sults III ii n i) or lvu weeks
A ijuiirter pound of limestone phos
phate costs ery little nt the drug
utoro but Is xnlllcli'iu to tlcinonitrat
thitt Just no neap and hot wattr
rleunses, purities und freibtni tht
shin on the outside, to hot water asd
organs, Wo must nlwai couldtr
that Internal sanitation In utly more
Important than outside cleanllntu,
becnuso the sklu iiures do not sbiorb
Impurities Into the tilood, lillebol
pores do
Women who ilonlru to enhance the
bcuuty of thulr complexluu should just
try this for n week nnd notlco results
lmestotn tihosihato act ou tho Inside
- jB. . MTUtVT-a
e ME
Sf V-
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