iTTTT ' 1j- - . ;; r"j,-. ,. .7V ' T7r' . "., : '1: W$t iEurmnn .i . t' WV,1 is . i r.u KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPSJt ' ifcltol 2 TMth Voir N MH KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916 PHee nw HAaia r- -, &if$ii' . lis;. bt,t$4Mhl CASEMENT TRIAL STARTS; CHARGES ARE VERY SERIOUS ACCUSIO OF INDUCING UE. SBRTIONS Craws' Packs tht low Street Court ftaam, and Original Charge I Ri. itlndtd for On of Mora Serious Na ' lure Notsd Prleorter and Hla Sol. dUr Companion lath Smlla a They Art Haltd Into Court. By WILUH B. FORREST (Vailed Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON, May 1C The preliminary staring f Sir Roger Casemont, for "mr llrltlsh diplomat, on charge of trtuoo lu conuectlon with Hut Irish revolt, Logan today In llow street p Uc court. DanM Ualley, tlio soldier trrtitted with Casement, ncromimnlcri Cuomimt to the dock. Thu prisoners both smiled to loo crowd packing tin (lay court room. Attorney Ueuernl Hrullh rescinded IU (urinal chrnu on which Caseinont wan bcld, and declared that Casement m nithe In the Irish rebellion plot lint, lie declared that Casement plnn Afd to land several expeditions la Ire Und, and asserted that hu endeavored In wean Imprisoned Irish soldiers (run the allies' cause, convertlnR uaay to his belief. Casement and Bailey, 8mlth allot ed, ' reached Ireland on the Oennan subma-! rjas Ul. Teen Roblsoa, another Irish prisoner I la Germany, testified that Caaomcnl u irwaama IB ma camp auv j esse to assert, promising, in the event ( w wwnMuira arivai, wi conouct 10 Anwrica. Roblsoa aald Ifty men ac cepted the offer, aid onllstod In tho Oennan amy. Daniel O'Brien, aa exchange prla caer, aliased that Father Nicholson, sb American prisoner, aided Cajemant Popular in Capital OsbWjP iW$k' a mbI BIG MOB BURNS C0N0EMNE0 MAN BARRY LANDS A LARGE RAINBOW Burton Gaining Support All Over Beaver State FILLOWINU DEATH SENTENCE, ' FOURTEEN FOUNpER 18 SUCCESS SHERIFF 18 OVERPOWERED AND! FULLY CAPTURED BY HOTEL NEORO YOUTH DIES A TERRI. CLERK AFTER HALF AN HOUR BLE DEATH OF REAL FIQHTINQ I'll I tol I'iimh Si-rvicu WACO, Texan, May IC.A mob of Hovoial ihousnnd people stormed the court fioiiH.) today, seized Jesse Wash ington, a negro aged 18, and burned lilin lo il.'ath in the city ball square. WuHhlriKton was convicted of mur IcrlriK n fiirincr' wife, and aa noon as Jildgi) Munio sontenced him to hang, thn moll Mirroundcd Sheriff Plemlng, look the prisoner and dragged him to tlic xuuaro. The leader out a Herbert Barry, clerk at the White Pelican hotel, baa the season's record rainbow trout. Fishing at Bartlett Springs yesterday, ho landed a most beautiful trout, thirty-four inches In length, and weighing about fourteen pounds. narry was fishing with light tackle lie worked for half an hour before landing tho, big flsb. Yesterday was a good day for prac- miuaro. The leader put a rope.tlcMlly all of the fishermen, and re- 'fi round the youth'H neck and be was ports from different streams are to the 1 Jerked into tho air. effect that the, trout were never biting 'Dura him!" was the cry from tho .batter. g&v Mln Katherlnu Laming MIhm Ktitlinrluo I.uiiHlntf, nUtur of tbo Kocri'liiry o( utato, has spent the "Inter in WnxliltiKton, whciu, sho hat licroma u nodal favorite mob. Oil was then poured on a heap of cratCH and cordwood beneath the tree, nnd when this was lighted the; ropo was cut, and Washington dropped' shrieking Into the masM of flames. The yolls of the frenzied mob drowned the piteous cries of the tor tured mnn. HIh body burned for twen ty minutes. Marines Are knded far BulletlHS in Santo Domingo' United I'rvss Sonlre WASHINGTON, May 16. Admiral Capcrlon reporlrd today that ho has landed marines at Santo Domingo to KUiiril American property there, as there Is n revolution threatening. Capcrlon commands about COO ma rines. In attempts lo Induce C,000 Irish pris oners to desert to the German cause. Evidence was Introduced to show that the Oennan auxllllary cruiser sunk off the Irish coast when Cnue inent landed, carried 20,000 rifles, a million rounds of ammunition, ten ma chine guns and many bombs. Irwin Raves Again at the Kg Rally Held at Malin Many people bar been puzzling rr the "yellow atrtak" Is Judge D. V. Kuyksndall to which Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin baa made such freaUrnl reference In kla mallenlnv campaign for re-election, u Kuykon fell is known to hia frirada sad otoo tli enemies as a man who always Unds firm by hla guns, and whoa po sition on anv aueailnn la narftwllv Wa. However, Joka latoada to show -or tho lack of it for at Malta Saturday night, after ooa of bis usual Mnlngless verbose harraaguea about Mtblng la particular, ha sUtod tbat m would like to matt Kuykoadall on pUtform In Klamath Falls this week. Tht alalia rally waa tho Anal big "Meting of tho primary campaign- It "U held in National halt ami waa at. tded by a capacity bouse. Dancing - inauigea in until 11 o'clock, when John Irwin as auctioneer, disposed of r ioo lunch boxes. Following tho ncb, the speakers wore Introduced " Principal Btaaney of tbo Malta school. C. M. Onelll took tho occasion to In rm all present tbat tbo Herald's ro ewts of his speeches won garblod.tbat Merrill Record oven Ibbod about Ma; tbat all tbat was unholy and 2J In Klamath county politics, weked Judge Kuykoadall, and that Wnelli) was tbo only Simon-pure "WW of tho legal profession to' knock " aollathllko grasp tbt soulless "nwratlons bavo on tbo throat of th's bar of justice. Malta being T Dodd Hollow, and all of the prln 2 In tbo Kuebae-Lawrence case known there, Onelll then ac 2JJ Kuykoadall of assisting from the J" defense fa tbo trial of Law ? . aad ho again att up bis cry " Pretention waa jobbed. JWJOI faUtd to explain, however, w Wweeauoa haptoaod to lose tho caso o( steer larceny brought agnlnst Will Slmms and Love Chand ler, both residents of Malin, which was tried before Judgo Ilonson, with Onelll being associated with Irwin In the prosecution, nnd which attracted wide spread Interest through tho Matin-Merrill country. In fact, ho failed to mon tlon this, as ho did tho needless Im prisonment of Eugcnt Saxon for sev eral months, through two sessions of a grand Jury, boforo ho was cleared by n grand jury of a chargo of trying to work a forgery gnme In the Malin section. Tho announcement of Judge ICuy koml all's name was t greeted with ap pinnae, as was his appearance on, the stage Ho spoko briotly, stating that ho know that ho was being assailed by 'Onelll nud Irwin in their meotlngs over tho county, but that if he consid ered It was necessary to resort to such tactics nsV campaign for tho nomina tion, ho would refuse to become a can didate. Irwin's speech was to tho effect tbat lio'd llko to moot Kuykendnll, that Kuykendnll was anything but straight, nnd that hu (Irwin) did not want tho offlco of proHocutlng attorney, if Kuy kendnll wan roolected. Intermingled with tho applause following bis talk were cries of "shut-off tho hot air and bring on tho fiddles." Talks woro also mado by Wilson S. Wlloy, Prod Hyndman, Harold Mer ryman, Joseph S. Kent, William Dun can, Carey M. Ramsby, Jake Rueck, MIsb Edna Wolls, Miss Bessie Applo gate, Burt Hawkins, Burrel W. Short, William Welch, Jasper Bennett and Earl Whltlock, Owing to the latenosa of the hour, each only made a fow remarks. Following tho speeches, dancing was resumed, and continued until long at tor midnight. United i'resu Service PARIS. May 16. Today's com munique says the French yesterday cuptured the first line German trench near VcrmttV do Vlllleru.. A terriac bombardment Is raging around Avo court woods. SEAT SALE ISDN FOR ELKS' SHOW QIC CAST IS NOW HOLDING ITS FINAL REHEARSAL8 AT THE OPERA HOUSE CANDIDATES TO BE INTRODUCED With the seat sale now on at the Bonbonlere, and tbo big nights fast approaching, tbo big cast Is rapidly BbbbbLV' SafBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMlaELsf vc JfSBBaaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBLKirSionlB WILSON TO WRITE EN6LAHD TO STOP SEIZURE OF MAIL N yi?,-. .' I . jP.t: 'ri '' rk?1 -i.l .& rf.3.-.,J.:A A T ,:u $ ss , 4 ., 4 ft ? j EFFORT TO BE MADE TO SETTLE" -U MATTER America Holds That American Malt, Hac 'Right to Travel Unmeteeteel " ..." ' M!.4" Protests Received From Many Amor.i lean Business U.n ...l. " : -7J4 soring and Delaying of Their Euro- i penn Correspondence.. r " k -, i .rltWft risHaat-ir? vt rltrHf Press Service WASHINGTON: May IS. I Wilrcn la d re Darin e & vlrDi-niiH - i b iwiiwisW ! KAlff if tTntriantt craa-tfllfiy ika aaalaMata., .X ..-,. ., -. . -TrA " of American mall. Tbo state, departv, f incni Is, collecting flgureo to show bow'' rar this practice has gone. " ' Secretary LanBing 'declares tbo en-"' tire subject of malls is "under could- onition." and this is interpreted to" n;c:in a new protest will be made.. The .s ktep'was a British memoraaoaa indicating a willingness to concede sonic- points, but this apparently did iiot f.: tar enough. t It in expected tbat America will ia- tnii upon enure rreeoom ror American mail. Many American baslaoao asosr ( ure -making strong protests. Jt H United Press Service BERLIN, May 16. Today's an nouncement fays: "The British unsuccessfully attempt ed to recapture positions near Hal luch taken by the Qermans. What troops did not break down under a di Senator Theodore E. Burton, whose, monwealth, 'as he did here in Oregon, candidacy for the nresldent of the so that the neanla hav a. mafar attaining porfocUon in the production United states has assumetl such pro-! chance to know his mind on the mo-i w. . . , uu- portions that It may take the country' slcal comedy to bo given Wednesday Dy storm, has visited every state in andThursdar.nigbU.fortbabonottof.tae Union the past six months. He went Into Rovprnl nnrta nt ot-nrv anm: t - ---" , mentoua questions of the day than of almost any man who bas ever been withering artillery Era woro repulsed In hand to hand Sghtlng. tbe Elks' lodge, viWroctor Rafas I.ove has shifted hla rehearsals to tbo Houston opera bouse, aad each re- hearsal now shows marked Improve- moat On tho closing night, all of the can-' JCotchetts to Seattle. Mrs. J. o. Cotchett, who resaatly -'ft underwent an operation hero, and) Mia? '? - " wBvuue wiaox VkSimw " awajaii bnforc-them for the highest office la " . . ". 1ur VV-'f" WWK;, jpacsjng-iae uocneu esrects, propara- j - t tnnr in aktawtMwA a BmIiu . i .' ". ' dldates attending will be Introduced from the stage to the audience. As 'on added attraction of political Inter est, arrangements have bona mado United Press' Service u'tauiMnTiKr n r if is i l leaded lw 7m SOiJJiJr .i.w, i. .i.n'- f os,,vi.k ..... w lno evening neriia. wiu r.t rtlull.n. In ai TI.I. la ul. ! 8PpCh, . """"-""w "" "" " r lathf cd to surpasa all previous Armenian '. .. "T74fcl i I iuwh saoaiai0t wtwvfai a niiat vwuii palgn will be frankly handled not j , merely touched upon for the benefit; of tbe Klamath Falls Tatars. make a "What's the Matter with Klam- In this, tbe true significance of, atrocities. HEARING TAXES MANY TO SAlEMi" P ' , ITS LAST HERE NIGHT SHIFTS AT LOCAL FACTORIES PELICAN BAY LUMBER COMPANY SAWMILL IS NOW CUTTING 300, 000 FEET A DAY, AND EWAUNA COMPANY DOUBLES OUTPUT ttinir 11 rr , " " o-.- , .. xU. . . m iia.rv an ........... rnv , - .-. - ' Mr: Cotchett, a popular mombor dCthf' I Weed Lumber company's staff. wU be' raui v. mans, state leaaer in coop- j associated with C. E. Evans. U 1 vv sute Leader Visits. crative extension work, Is here to con-jsueprintendent of the Weed company. fer with County Agriculturist H.Rol-iin business. Mrs. Cotchett' will Tlatt and Olaisyer. From Klamath Falls be 'her sisters, Mrs. James Petton aad goes to Lake county, to visit the Lake Mrs. L. C. Slsemore, at Fort Klamath county agriculturist before leaving for Seattle. i1 True to tbe announcement mada,two days before the voting on the Ship- jplngton road, the Pelican Bay Lumber -company last night started operating OFFICIALS OF POWER COMPANY, CITY OFFICIALS AND OTHERS ARE CALLED NORTH IN THE RATE CASS , t I PAPER PERPETRATED B)Y LOCAL ELKS MAKES ONLY ONE AP its sawmill twenty hours dally. A night crew began work last night, and Bigbee Proves as of Yore Both in Box and at Plate A-'S a Jf 8 , Bcunng scion) ui awiocr eoauavs tbe ball in the grass. Bowdea ilaglsd. and scored oa Blgboe's slagto. aad Btr bee'scored after Clark singled, AHaa Attorney Charles J. Ferguson, ooun sol for tbo CaUtornla-OrogoB Power company, and Councilman ft J. Shoots left yesterday morning for Salem, to attend tbo final bearing in tbo power and water reU case before tho State Public Service Commission, superin-l tendent George J. Walton of the Klam-' Lyle Bigbee'a return to' the Klamath Falls baseball team bas been tbe . rniisp nf much relnhratlnn amnnr'lha ., . , J i MMH AAA f " - .. ..v ...VHD ..w ure sawmill is now turning oui suvyuw f and B, y. u(Ua bBCOnd M ,&& aHo, ?1 ie or tumoer a nay. giving employ- mUe t0 tho ,.. ,n yesterday's was passed on balU and', ment to a good many more men. I Mm. K ..n,., ., , ,i.!.i i... u.i..ii "Thft ISvAiinn Xlnir mmnanv fa altin -. -. ... ...i nr.ini, . ni.n h.v , !.. .v. nu,Bns lMWg " w,nmB T, Brown, who went in the best for. vfw-n - -? - bhm iiiwn- j.i- A .. immn ! In mm flmo . I .. ... ... . -.-V , -i 2 'ft- M a material addlUon to the local bv "7"" ru ' inr Bnwffen. IncldAntAllv. thin van1 M.u 11. .. alH . W inoivuiu ntui uuv bhui unmutrmmnmm, Ant takt mP lalM. aAa. m.. .- aL !... -. -- . -, J71 vuv uw uib uvius tutw iw iw i juggieovoroenwood's easy k0- , -(long enough to allow the PEARANCE, AND ITS EDITOR It payroll This doubles the Ewauna out (put of box snooks, and makes it posal -out or iwwrr- We for tbo company to fill Its " rush of orders. great ? ?:1 Q& I "The Elks' Oasoet." that Jearaal of misinformation and alaaw which aaade lti appearance Saturday, Is aot to be continued. Tbe libel suit foundations built by that one Issue would keep all the lawyers la the state busy, aad there are too many gunman on the utli division of tbe power company, trail of tbe editorial aad ropretorial other employes of tbe company, and 'staff. City Attorney Rollo C. Groesbeck wont Fred Houston, whose name appeared ' SHERIFF to Salem several days ago. Ins editor, has departed for parts un- Tho case Is one of great Interest to known or so tbe K. K. K. force tells tho peoplo of Klamath Falls, as It inquirers. And tbe advertising man means a definite settlement of the con-'ager. who transposed the positions of iroversy regarding the service and Captain Siemens aad Arthur Boleo at rates of the power concern. the First State and Savings bank, is e , 'not to be found, for Boleo tont at all Infant Son Dies. Richard, tbo a-months-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Timms, died this morning after a severe siege of whopp ing cough. Tho funeral services will bo held at tho Timms residence, oa Klamath avenue at 1 p. m. tomorrow, Rev. Cbas. T, Hurd of tbe Presbyterian church officiating. TWOARt CHARGED AS BOOTLEGGERS AND POLICE OFFICES PICK UP MEN, AND INDIAN SER VICE MEN ARE INVESTIGATING CASE OF SU3PECT8 tory the for the locals. first The came resulted In a It to 0 vlo- er to reach Erst Clark waa 'httibr-V K . - - I --.. . i"T i'-. ,f.,i The feature was . Brown and Alton and Johnson eiaaleev Greenwood and Clark seeriag. With two down In tbe eighth, lined another homer over the ureenwooo reached Brat oa lMtn. . .. v,--.. j shoved a homer oyer the fence, Green- ,wood singled, and was put out trying to stretch this to doable. Clark , cracked out bis first triple and Alton Barkley foozle, and scored ea ClarkB drove out one entitling aba to a round 'double. Clark waa retired trying ta j trip, this fusillade causing a raid on J stretch this for an extra ;base. '-."'.. -' I the club's treasury for baseballs, audi 'The Indians were totally emtelaeeeaV tallying up four runs. J Their only sbow to seoreVvanlohed la . Clark. Blgboe's battery mate, also the' seventh, when Hood, the laawaa' .4ft .-Wi .jf i-,.;l proved himself a devil with' the dubs: best batter and base runner, eraeked aB, be batted out two tbree-sackera, a a double that bit, tbe top of. the fenee. double and a single, in addlUon to stole third and became .eaetted aal scoring after being bit with a pitched' lost a chance to score whoa Hteka bit ball. He caught wel), too, and the, a fly to Palmer. '! i . m XSejZI 4 ; 'Vis $i fl ,ftl 'ti team as now, organized, will make 'em again InVtha sixth, when be;: pleased at tho efforts to feUt Siemens! charged with bootlegging. Henry all sit up and! take notice, as soon as teamwork is a UtUe better perfected. fm. 1...1- -. i, -f'.' S.t .llkil th. nMt mhi l,u. , ...,. . ..; -- -v-v.a,.u, -ww Ml . " r"T-w"' .'vu v J- wa irwm mo ih. fourth. ) when Clsrk trlnliul a-rt into Boleo Ipicard and George Wetherfleld aro In a laugkH-aad today evea Belee la'aoiJ'Klamatb reservation are Investigating scored on 'littv" Bnni t,rrfttnm. Ufled. aad eajeya the "ktialag." to see if they intended soiling liquor So! ? JobWn'a MbSt SS to Indiana. ' .i ...ij v.. . .i.;' i Qeoller la Better. Harry Goeller, who baa beea seri ously slek fer the put three weeks, waa out Saturday, feeUag greatly iav Max" VIslU Town. ! proved. Claude Maxwell, baseball' player, . ' ladies' favorite aad at preseat time-1 A perUele railroad baa beea taveat Iceeper at tbe Pelican Bay legging 'ad far tesnaerery ate, awie of later camp, was ta from Odessa fetuiy. lotting acettoaewl and Sunday. 'ot-la straight w ,u,. weni t n aanifa na hail waa Tbe two men under arrest were finally retrieved, stole third, and was observed when, they came in on the thrown out ajt tae plate, train last night with a suspicious look- J Th8 nfth "proved the fatal Inning for tag sack. Tbe police department and Mitchell, tbe Tainan twirler. Left ohrelff's office-co-operated In the case, fiejder, Sconebln of the Iztdfauw, took and the suspect., were arrested. To- mlPeterson'a ly la scTshaae. hit he day Sheriff Low and Police Chief Bald-, 'proved himself by no means si food a win dug up six quarts of liquor, alleged scout "as hla famous forebear of Lay to have been cached by the men near Beds famoi'aa Maker's two bane avrea . T , . ,.. ,- -- 7----- the Ackloy sawmill. 'into ale territory resulted la' reoibU thetd .A& swgled. J': aMsenWllBWBBP., Bazeml WVan-aaaanarwi' WO-jaaaa ,.tf5 &r went ta soeond oa aa stole third. , Tbe batters fatle-riBt aJat ln.i tfaiuima'eallaM.S- C& 1 MS I-WP" .' " Wta VT .Ki' Klamau' raJla-Wgaea p., Cearke 'sj) Alter, ,7b.. Oreeawot'-P.Maar. Sfc,' Bowden as., ,)t.YMmm,' , Petersoa'rf. ' ,'WrAii Browa p.. Hleks e.BarUey lb; F. ,- uti'm Brown le.,.BIeed lb.. chin K., Riddle of., feero 1 liMaage Ktaawth FaBsXd Jlt.l3.! 1 T-SBptE liaan'laeaaB'.t.rCttti 1 Yaiaax fi ?.v-a't.a!a a s m 7 1T.T - ,- W lO'i ia. 'JUUsU )'. 1mfm :d w.mmim a elm" rr sastsviaMuB V V -tarenefflBBl . i XlAjRaBaffaxBl t, 'vrrv V IW - ." '." . V- - ", H '