The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 13, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"TUHOAy, HAV ,, W1
For Assessor
To the Voters of Klamath Ceuaty:
it 1 am placed In the omce of assess
or by your votes I pledge myself to the
following standards and Ideals:
1 I shall give all my time aad tkt
best of ay ability to tho work of the
The Evening Herald
W. O. SMITH Editor
PttbHahad dallv tlttrt &
Tht Harald Publishing Company of
Klamath rails, at 116 fourth street
I shall do my beat to place upon
the tax roll every piece of taxable
property la Klamath county, ud will
mm each piece equitably,.
I The "Umber baron" aad "Small
taxpayer" will look alike to me. I
ctaad for a square deal for alL
41 wui not use the once to re
ward friends or punish enemies.
51 will not use the opportunities
afforded by the. office to promulgate
aay "Ideas" or "Isms." There Is work
enough In the offlce to consume all the
time and energy of the most actlre
Entered at the postottoe at Khun.
ath Falls. Orecoa. for traasmlsstoa
through the malls ae soreaa class
"Baptizes1 Jttemv P saw"
My Rot. U. C. iMshsrda, Beater Graee M. at Chare
Subscription terms by
address la the Uait
One year . . .
One month
mail to aay
tea matea:
6 The peace and prosperity ot the
county depend upon a Just and intelll-
"Srea though we aavekaowa Christ
after the flesh, yet bow kaow we aim
so ao more." II Cor., 1:1.
Brawn and boat under the domtaloa
of brain. Brala aader' the domtaloa of
mind. Iliad under the demlaka at
moral creative power, lack la the se
cret of the upward climbing race of
men. We tank today la terms at dy
namics. It is a question of power la
thought, science and coadaet Natare
Is no mere picture. We are more aad
more conscious ot subtle forces la air
and Plant and animal -life. The mm.
TOMORROW will be fittingly cele- tlon of right aad wrong as related to
bratedln the various churches of Hfo sums Itself up In three questiens:
this city In common with all ot the What Is the nature of the good? What
churches in the United States aad I Is the standard ot moral Judgment?
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1918
many all over the world. Jt has coma
to take a large place In the thoughts
of men at this time of the year, until
the second Sunday of May has become
gent administration of public business. the recognized day ot its celebration.
7 Tour support In the Primary and I The Idea originated in the mind of
In the Election Is solicited upon the
above declaration of principles.
Respectfully, W. S. SLOUGH.
(Paid Advertisement)
Herald's Classified Ad vs.
Advertlswiieau la the ClaaeUedl
colaauw are printed at the rate et
Five ceats a line, iavarlable la ad
vaace. Hereafter ae advertise
seats will be accepted aaleaa ac
companied by the cash.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred young
cockrels of the famous Bradley
train of Barred Plymouth Rock, se
lected eggs for hatching. 15 eggs,
$1,75; 30 eggs in one basket, $3.25.
Can ship eggs most any distance and
they will hatch well. R. P. Clark.
Weed, California. s-tf
FOR SALE Studebaker "25," 5 pas
senger automobile, la good conditio,
cheap for cash. SeeChllcote. S
at Herald offlce.
ffa Anna T.Mfl. n9 Dktl.jAlMVIa i.
a desire to commemorate the anniver
sary ot her mother's death, and It
occured to her that it would be a
beautiful tribute to motherhood if all
persons showed their love and loyalty
in some way, too.
The white carnation was selected
as Mother's Day flower. Its whiteness
stands for purity; Its form, beauty; Its
t abundant and large field of growth,
charity; its lasting qualities, faithful
ness; Its fragrance, love. It la univer
sally held that among the-many vir
tues of motherhood these purity,
beauty, charity, faithfulness and love-
are the most notable.
The custom has grows for people to
wear a white carnation on that day,
and to send a picture, or a letter, or
flowers, home to mother. In recent
years many people have honored
mother, if dead, by wearing the white
carnation, and if living by wearing a
red one.
ODLDNT it be a good Idea If
those men who are backing the
recall election of three members of the
council, would appear before the coun
cil Monday night and ask that the ordl-
FOR SALE Sewing machine, heater nance calling the election, be laid oa
aad bed. 816 Jefferson street -6t the table Indefinitely?
Business is Improving; conditions
FOR SALE The two-story brick store are favorable for a prosperous sum-
building, with full size basement. mer, and there are so many things for
known as the Lamb block; located In all of us to do to build up Klamath
dfjlA BaAM M ldk ttAA aiAaA tarn. ' .. -
.- vv vi. ujb uusiucbb uumci unrolls ana make it a peaceful commun-
AHUU.UI m, vn oi teas uu ny, that It will pay better If we all
e.wu casn. balance, terms, would forget our little differences and devote
take In exchange some good farm land our energies toward blggeT" things.
rtniutiwwHinc. rarer- There can be no satisfaction In put
tber particulars, address a A. Lamb, ting the city to the heavy expense oi
Agnew, Calif. -n-gt another election, simply because It can
.be done.
violin. Could use good motorcycle.
Enquire Herald. " 8-6t
THE people of Klamath county are
particularly Interested in the se
lection of the proper man as a member
of . the Public Service commission.'
Heretofore all members of thin Imnnr.
MONEY TO LOAN Arthur B. Wil-'tant deoartment have been ..Wfrf
bob, 61 Mala. SS-tf from Western Oregon and were men
j who naturally felt a greater Interest la
" wsw cjuMlrlnv MIm valtma.1 ..u
- wv .wiiwh, ntriw
Arthur W. Wilson, 517 Mala.
m Portland and the Willamette Valley
FOR BENT Two and 3-room furnish-'than thay woald for the territory east
, ed apartments. Jackson,
apposite White Pelican.
FOR RENT New modern
Inquire 219 Jefferson.
of the mountains.
By an amendment passed by the last
legislature. Eastern Oregon will this
year have the privilege of selecting
its own man as a member of
: the board. Last year the factories
FOR RENT Nicely furnished five-,, and. shippers ot Klamath county were
room moaern nouse in gooa location given very tardy consideration when
neighborhood. Enquire between they complained of the shorten of
-t a, to. aad 2 p. m. at 1028 Jefferson '.cars and other-lack of servlca from
12-Jt the railroads, and if we are to secure
WANTED Young woman to learn
nursing. Apply head nurse, Black
barn Hospital ' " ii-st
1 i 1. 1 .
, A feed let aad fair 3-reom house fer
$400, en easy terms.
Oeed 4-reem house, nicely furnished,
twe big lets, all fer Sato, cash. ,
Three-room house with some furnl
tare, three blocks from Mala; only
8SQ0, en easy terme.
Nice 4-reem bungalow, with bath,
.ealy three blocks from Main. Price
81,050; terms. See ChllcoU, 833 Main
street ' 11
Grand Union Tea Store
Special Portland pricee oa
Ten, Cofeett Spices
A Trial will Cearuee Yea
' ' B. P. LEWIS
any better results this year, we should
unite In securing the election of a man
who is both capable and whose homelood.
location would place him In sympathy
with the needs of this end of the state.
J. W. McCullocb, of Ontario, Is the
only, candidate for this Important po
sition from Central Oregon, aad na
turally the shippers of this -county
could expect better attention from
him than they could from any of the
other candidates, who are all located
In the extreme northern part of the
state. With the selection of a man
from Umatilla or Baker county, -the
shippers of Klamath would be little
better off than they are at the present
time, in view of the fact that there
are no candidates for this office from
Klamath county, the people here could
not do better than supporting the man
I nearest their home, especially when
J that man Is probably superior la flt
ness and qualifications of aay of the
others la the race. J. W. MoCulloch
Is entitled to aad should receive the
unanimous vote of the retabllcaaa la
KUmath county.
What la the motive power for moral
action? These questions apply to the
individual life, to the social life, to the
state, to the vast aad complicated at
tain of diplomacy and International;
life. Life from this standpoint be-J
comes a great fascination, the fasci
nation of nothing less than the con
flict of the ages. j
If you would test a moral Ideal, you
must do so by looking- at the motive,
which It Inspires for its 'realization,
ir my moral Ideal compels me to lie
to attain to It. there Is something
wrong in the Ideal The Ideal Inspires
the act, and If the act Is dishonest, or
crude, or low, the Ideal that Inspires
It Is dishonest, or crude, or low. The
great question, then. Is, what makes
me do things? Plato, loag ago, recog
nized the power of the morally beaa-
tlful, but he failed to answer the
question, "How shall a man bora
blind to the morally beautifully, re
ceive his sight?" In other words. "How
shall the sinner be made to see his
sin and so have his sight healed that
he rhall hate the sin and forsake It?"
What are the elements that sack a
power must have If It shall be equal
to the task? These are three. It mast
appeal to the heart Itself to be a re
demptive and creative power inslnful
humanity. Does Christianity give this
power? look first at history.
If we would study, the Bible .rightly,
we must reckon with this power which
is ever present No other ancient peo
ple ever gained such power la moral
leadership as the Hebrews. The exU
of their Uvea Is laid bare, together
with the good, la.Old.Testameat his
tory. Against- these -base'deslrea. the
moral power of Ood Is always work
ing. When we see them bowing to.a
golden calf, we also 'see a Mosea coat
ing down from a mountain fresh from
his talk with Ood, aad bearing 1 hfe
nanos the moral law ot the ages .Whose
first command la Thou shalt have ao
other gods before me.". .' This moral
law and all the great prophets always
worked against .the' base aad aaaat-
ural tendency of the people.
mainspring of the wonderful pro
oi this wonderful people was obedi
ence to Jehovah bV this moral- law.
They stood out separateyand dlstlaet
from other peoples In their, ideals aad
moral lives. No other nation obeyed
its gods because it was right to do so
or from a sense of duty, but always
selfishly. This religious moral motive
was a social force that moalded hath
the Individual aad the social lastlta
tions and national character. Witness
the wisdom of Isaiah aad Hosea aad
their curslngsof sin and their fair pic
tures of the beauty of a Zloa which
should follow moral parity. Hear the
seer in Deuteronemy: "And what aa
tlon Is there so great that hath stat
utes and Judgments so righteous aa
this law, which I set before yoa this
day?" . '
But If the Old Testament breathes
of creative moral life, how much more
the new. The limitations of Judea
are cast off and the gospel Is present
ed In a direct personal appeal. to' the
heart of humanity from the heart of
Jesus' Idea of maklac aa aood
was to bring the love of Ood to oar
hearts. And this love was Borsoalned.
Jesus did sot talk of .seme abstract
love of a distant, Ood. He gave aim-
self and personified the' Jova, He
planted the moral power of a sew
affection. Dr. Gunsaulus says: ' "It" I
a great thing to know that along oaew
pathway are such thiags as great pria-
clples and eternal right and' .valid
trains; bat It u much more whea a
man cannot look apon a great prind
Whea the aealea at hU Hebrew aar
rowaesa had faUea from his ayes he
saw the whale world la Its aeed, aad
became himself a world persoaallty
aad teacher ot all time. Secoad, the
Holy Spirit wheaee comes all power
Is the spirit at wisdom and love for
commoa work and every day life. The
Christie motive power is aot aloae
tor those rare soals who may always
have a beatific vision of Ood. But It
Is the dally power of the Spirit for
life's commoa dally usee. What then,
does the text mean? .It .means that
Christ died In the flesh, having raised
humanity a step, that ho might live In
the Spirit and raise them another step.
Seeing him Ja the flesh, they lived oa
a fleshly plane, but seeing him in the
spirit, they rise to a spiritual plane. v
Roads are ear best asset Row la
the devil would you get anywhere It
we dldat hare roads.
t am galas to be bigger thaa te feel
spiteful toward any ae, Bad If the pre-
eeceseers ta essee have made mistakes,
the logical thug te do la te rettlfy
them, the same as la aay other bael-
Remember that your prosperity Is
measured by Klamath's.
Republican Candidate for County Com-
Ne. T.
first State A Samp Bank
At Klamath Falls, In the State of Ore
gon at the close of business May 1,1
1816: I
Loans and discounts 94G4.S2119'
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured . 201.38
Bonds and warrants .............. 37,056.66
May t$iml 14
Sanitary acleace has of late made
rapid' strides with results that ere ot
untold blesslag to humanity. The 1st
est appllcatipa of Its untiring research
to the recommeadatloa that It to sj
necessary to attend to Internal sani
tation of the drainage system ot the
human Is to the dralaa of
the house.
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull aad heavy whea we arise.
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, add stom
achs, can, laataad, feel as fresh aa a
daisy by opening the sluices of the
system each morning and flushing
out the whole of the Internal potoos
ous stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, -sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, ;drlak a glass-ot real hot
water with a teaspoonful of llmeatoae
phosphate la It to wash from the
stomache, Uvar aad bowels the previ
ous days ladlgeetikle waste, soar Mia
aad pcesoaoee toxies; thus cleaaslag,
sweeteaing'aad purifying the satire
alimentary caael before puttiag mere
food Jnto. the staaaack.- The aettoa
of hot, water and llmeetoae.phosphate
oa aa empty stomach la wonderfully
laTlgoratiatv ' It eleaaa oat all the
pur fenaeatatioas. gases, waste aad
acidity aad gives oae a spleadld ap
petite, for -breakfast -'-While yoa' are
eajoylng your breaJrtaat the pkespeat.
ed hot waterto quletr extfaetlag'a
large volume of waterfroar the blood
The4u Settiag ready" for a thorough
flushlag of all the laatde orgaas.
'ioe -millions' or people whe are
bothered; with coastlpatloi. " bilious
spells,.' stomach trouble, rheumatic
stiffness: -others who have sallow
skins." blood disorders aad sickly com-
plexiona:are urged to get a quarter
ppuad of -limestone phosphate from
the drug store. Thir will east very
little, but far suBdeat to' make aay-
oae.a.&roBouaeed creak oa the sub
ject of -internal saaHatIoa.-Adr.
Stocks and other-eecuritlca 3,239.16
Furniture and fixtures .......... 8.1S6.9S
Other real estate owned ...... 26,653.07
Iud from banks (not re
serve banks) . 4.70.47'
Duo from approved -reserved '
banks GS.760.68
Checks and other cash
Items ....... ..... 691.18
Exchange for clearing
house 17,386.33
Cash on hand . 36,668.97
Total f6S5.616.0S
Capital stock paid In I C0.000.00
Surplus fund .. , 10.000.00
Undivided profits, less ex-
penses and taxes paid ...... ' 3,999.60
Individual deposits subject
to check 429,676.70
Cashier checks outstanding 1S.Z66.34
Certified checka . .
Time and savings-deposits ..
Notes and bills redlscounted
Bills psyable for money bor
rowed .. ................ 45,000.000
Total 1666,616.05
State of Oregon,
i-ouniy or Kiamatn. ss:
I. John 81emeas Jr., cashier ot tbs
above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statsment Is
true to the best of my kaowledge aad
Correct Attest:
J. W. SIEMENS, Directors.
Subscribed aad sworn to before me
this 13th day of May. 1918.
L. W. MEHAFFET. Notary Public.
My oommlasloa expires March t,
Aayeaadldate'of aay pelitlea) party
is cordially extended theprlvUege et
aaaressing the people, from, the ahtt-
rorm where I speak la4hto,campalga.
. 6f C. hL OWJSLL.
Phone ata-alne for the heat la
trlcal work. Promptness gey bobby.
Cecil Weeks, electridaa, JClamatb
Mpcrtsmaa'a Store, llghth aad Mala.
auh" '
the authority of Ood over the abal
Don't put yourself off wltiaiytilig
(nat goes less dees, thaa this. Infor
mation is ao subetiteta fer expert
The same fruits areppareat la the
lire oi tae cnurch. Twe markei'traks
are seea l;UUs Christiaa ; moUve
power. First,, the eoasclousaaM of
power which fill every tree Christina
life. Saul objected to the new reliatea
of Jesus because of Its apaareat weak-
ness. Men do that today, but they for.
get waat it has dene for the world
through these same people. Whea the
unnst in a aiaae of glory had eee
quered Seal of Tarsus, thea Seal dto-
Say, voter, what's the market vales
ofyour future? .
- We all UVe la Kkmath. keaoe kiim-
a tb. county.
United we stand, divided we: tall,-' to
an. old- truth, 'aad 'every day It gets
older. f - rt'
Every person la KTeanrh eoeaty
sbpaidJitaad fer itobetUnseat, waleh
means. malatalalttg what -ire already
aaveaad doing semethlag for Its' bet-termeat.every-yeaf:'
J " '
-Tea rears age,' whoa 1 came here,'
there were roads ,'sueh aa taey were,
aad in that -time they have' cost as a
lot .of .money, aid they are solas to
costaomethiag every year, aa few
tausavtaet .are-bullae etoert start to
Nettoe of Peundmaewr's Sale
NoUce Is hereby Urea that the aa-
dei-signed,' pottndmaster. of .the dty of
Klamath Falls did Impound la the
pound of said city, .the following de
scribed animals:
One gray mare, breaded C. A. oa
right sheulder: one buckskin horse.
no visible brand.
And. that unless the owner or own-
era of said animals, or other persoa
aavlag aa Interest therein, shall, be
fore the time limit ot sale stated be
low, claim possession of said animals
and pay all costs aad charges for the
keeping and advertising thereof,, to
gether with all fees provided by ordl
aaee of said etty for such cases, said
animals will be sold t pubUe auction
for cash at the dty pound at the hour
PM o'clock a. bl, oa Friday, May If,
1916. . '
' Dated May 13, 1918.
" aR. T. BALDWIN, ,
' 18-St , ' - Pouadmaster.
S: -n"
. 4 'Mi
1 ' " raiW,
See VBUH lii her serlss of .remarkable:and 'daring novtltit. A tern
piste clianae of prog ram each night Something new svtry mlnutt.n Ftatur.
Ing her famous Water Sensation. Reeerd breaklnaJ.sValght Jacket sioapt.
VSUR will expose Just hew one oeen'hand cuffs at each performance.
In Connection With the Usual Feature
We are agents fer CelkJee HaaUliea's
rrright hoau on the Upper Klamalii Lahi.
every mnralat? esrept Baaday, at 7(M.
aialli peteruger maA
lluees leave ihU oOlce
i'HitSti twit
Western Transfer Co.
Treaeurer'e Notice
There are funds la the county trees-'
ury ror the redemption of all Klamath
county warranto protested oa or be
fore June 30, 1911.
" laterest will eease from this date.
.Dated at Klamath Fals, Oregoa, this
13th day of , May, 1911.
U-3t Couatr Treasurer.
Absolute Individuality
depreciate as soon as they in Baiai
pie without seeing aad heariag a itt w vltolly WtereeiM to lOaatath
as. moat of yon -froai tiiretarty owa
aaataadselat Wheal aa;ram''ge-
i " iae io -auaaaata-eoaary, i
meaa progress, oeoaomy aeed reads
aad a buslaoss sitmlslstratloa that la
for.tM,aplMl,ioaeSf of all wo tax-
paTosaj,, i .iss ;7,'. v
I deal have to eeaae wat aad aeddle
yoa a tot of buU about the -evamtr. as
yea lire here, and et'eaMaed':tv!t
Jsbh tho saaai aa.l'agt,
;.fW feel th I am right I waat
your juepert for the essee of eeeaty
If .am.etoetod as eaeef the eeaatr
oMtt I skU tasett tae4 V'aort'tflho'
oaey bo espeaded to' iJm axabtst'jBV
Netlee InvHlng Blee
Bias Will BO fDmirmA h tlia VaII..
Judge of the city of Klamath Fails,
Oregon, up to and lncludlaa Moadav.
May 18, 1918, at the boar of I o'clock
p. at, for the repair of Sixth streeL
from Klatock. avoauo to tho city limits;
Third street from Mala to Oraat-
Eighth street from Mala to High; High
street, from Eighth to Niath: Nlath
treat from High to Prospect; Pros
pect to Upham; Upham to Orofoa are-
aue; oregoa avenue to Delta, la ae.
oordance with the speelfleatioas of tho
elty engineer oa file with the Value
Judge, , Bids, to be submitted separ
ately for Third stmt aad Sixth street
Mgftth. Niath, High. Preeaeet Uahem
d Oregoa streets as aMatloaed shall
be eoaeidered oae aalt aad a seaarato
bid Msesitted therefor.
right to reiott any aad all bids.
, A- UUVTTT, PeMee Jadge.
.'MX'- .
Your choice of hundred! irf .Iwoolens
,Vlp ',
I ' J
The Patterns Ybu Like
The Style You Like
The Fit You Demand
reserves the
Come in and pick any one bf the
smart styles on display, dictiite your
own tailoring instructions and let us
measure you. Result Satbfaction.
?". . '
-.. ". 5 i
coveroa it te ae a rawgloa of