m : I s f r5 ..Jc. Jl ".. H' ,1 J' . . -& iffi 1auatH COUNTY'S vi lbli-m arBaai OFFICIAL MKWtfll'fe' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ASVf 57srr3 " wv t teftth Vr-N. MH ,-,MM dgEPa-i " ' I KLAMATH PALLS' olioONrtATXlRDAY.fMAY 13, 1916 ;. ? - ! 41 ..'..": Prios IT - " GERMAN DIVER'S COMMANDER GHS HIS REPRIMAND OMMANV INDIONANT AT SUSSEX WRECKER OKtctf Who Attacked Liner Is Pun. Hint-Better Feeling Toward Amir la i Evidenced, and Tiutonle Plol. t, In Thli Country Will Pun- ItMd II They Ever Oo to Germany , sjyOMclale. 4 Louisiana Surpriie A7 o By CARL CHinwn , (United Pre Staff -orrcMpontienw BBHI.IN, May 13.-U I- gouerally tottered that tke commander of tho .uk.ri attacklne the Baoaex baa tow merely puaisaea, Mtort of thl. hM been pu I B B B B BKll'V ragi I ! I BBBBBE; f K iKVI H BBBHlBP'icM'BttVteM H H Beg gang rrK- , flMi H H I sBBBBBakT '' 'Mi a -H H I eLLLLLLHMIeLLBr'' r m I aSBBBBBjBjpYBBBj h I f BBBBBBBBBaBnABBBBBBBB IW Bf EOBRBB3CgH 13 I laV a7l United rress Service I UEltLIN, May 13. It ia announced that a Trench night attack southwest or Dead Man's Hill wan cruabed hut night by Onrinnn Infantry Are, the French kuiTciIiik heavy Iobboh. There 1 lively grounding In the fighting nroiiml Ai'Konix' nnd along the Muete. Two I'ri-nrh noriiplnnim were downed ntirdny. Ik strong Oerasaa. roconaolasaac party, near Sparges wb cheeked before It reached opra ground. United Pro iorylce 'LONDON, May :U.-aeneva report j ' unprecedented food riots at. Maane-1 ' Pavs $27,593 a Year to Support This Child E n ,.."M3 .. i t-vf ? .H&to. IK iui. hdueomUielndlgaUo.of:reS8. nut Mr. -Martin Is a regular Representative W. P. Martin Hr-preMirilnUvo Whllmoll P. Martin a nroKroBBlvo from Louimana, a gh no Hiatu which makes it tho Invariable TBlalnrnpiirii tn mMiit domocratti to con- Ulk oBcleJa over hi doooptloa. member of the houso from Louisiana, The report of tbla commander that 'and enrolls himself among the seven k rd a toroeao ai iwivaiuB . ---- - Htlrely unlike the as wa im- yHcltly believed unUI Arnertc presont ti conclusive evidence from Amen cue on the Sussex to dUprove the ttery. Now the Oermsn pyblle fcols BilUted and ladlgaaat over the de esetion, and all are Milotn tosvold a break with the Uslted iUtee. la order to Improve tke relaUons be rMMi tke two eoMtrioa, Germany la teletly squelching the Teutonic plot ters operating in America, and the ttU-Atnerican propagandUta in Qer- i...i. t.. BuiavJav Maphlnn raft were nadd to HU the riota, nnd over S90 were killed 'and wounded, accord ing t Massekflin fugitives reaching Daale. --I - ' BBRLIN, lUrJIJ. ': revolution 'ha niancsM'i .fii kwwu -..-- irenorts iky. OiK'trepe, mutinied, and I'lilitit ITchh Hcrvico 'hot fire tq tkaujatkenai at Lisbon. iiiiiiu Mai. it it i unnnunrad I ,Thi 'flarmaao'-Mv captured several ilutt Hi-rnl German altacka near KortjIlriu;h,.lrHjell.ieputheat of the ' Drtitnuniot.t nnd Thlamont were re- .HohcnxolUairMoukt. Over a tawi- puWcd with heavy losses yesterday. ' dred priaonewUad several machine Iho Krench not yielding aa tick ofUuns wer tfligCt: ., 'ground. i Dispaiehee aar.Xke Auatriaa passen- A (Jerinan attack aiong tho right, h-er user uwsrevnia, mmn w Unlit il I'n.'MM Hvrvlce LONDON, May 3 Odeesa wlrea that Culgarlu in withdrawing troops from I lie Rumania frontier, and sending i'm'M lo Salonika, anticipating as al- lli'il iifrcimlve. ''1 AllaTr ii:vip grVllgra si ' rtant von RlitelM. the German plot ter now held lo Lmdoa. will be court sMttlaled If ke ever returns to Oer- SLAUGHTER FOUND GUILTY BY JURY CHICO MINISTER ACCUStO OF WBONQINO YOUNQ OIRt IS'CON VICTED REQUEST POR iONDS IS OVERRULED hank of the Mueite is expected. wnk in the Adriatic. MOTHERS TO BE GIVEN HONORS SPECIAL SERVICES TO E HELD AT THE CHURCHES, AND CAR. NATIONS WI.L RE WORN RY EVERYBODY A aubmarinea.oaei 60THAMSEEKS PREPAREDNESS - .Efilc sieBOBifBBBgfaaBgfgggggfneM ' .gagagPgggggW BgagagagagagagggB ' .EagagagaMETBgsHnHSIoEK gagagagagagagaHsEagagaga ''.ggE.ggPPSipp IHiHKiililH' Kmm?.5h8KmKKKml gsEVfslHilsgsEfsEgsl ggEfMiilEgggggggggggggam gsEfsaEgssgEfsEfgsEsl sEfafjeslEfsEfsEfsEfggoA aEigsEfsHEfsvgsEfsEfggsl' I'BMHIh.1e1.B EgaEgaPSgaEEeW HEv&MHSWgf HSaEaEEgaH t BEgaEgfc'.'i''-SSlliiBEEBr gStrPEPbSHsBEgsEK aEgaE!.l&-'MaEr ggffMfisPElsEfggsV- ' 'EfsEfsKliPSEfr lVKBflBEfSBEfgSM EfaaEfaEfcwf EwkSrsbsbkHeIsbEbbH EfgggET naHEBPlSPiLfsHiBgsH - gggggggflMfiilk. SKHEflEKawslElEfsBEfR 1 BEfEsEEfloJIJ- ISBwtsEfgsSSSsKBEfgsEfgsVBnEi jEfsflePWS. BkHlsKPEfRggs9 .BfaBfaHssE?,-'..'-.- BBZs3nFZ!$&a&FffliBmm . f .EsEfsEfsEfslEfsflMir7-'?'f - '' W xS M KmWBmMJKKmmBn&Em IHHeI;' ggggoW :PEfgggH li.:--,-,-J HPlSElEgggH BBBBK&iinSBaBaSr.X :v.) :-r--ic!Ji: BBBBBalwS&rTSSBBBBSBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBfl mmm?mm mmmjmmm EfaWBP'Jf'v' HHtHiECgaEfsBBEsI EfslsEiS.' gflgfiKKPlBBlsEfsEfsEfgglv bbEEbtK'?- gflgflKEgafxggflEaEfaEfflEl EfaEfaEfaaEagadBi BEfaMEEtaflEflfiBBriEfaEfaEfR CONFRERES . ON A BILL FOR A BIGGER U.S. TfnUP .- ';! dS"-5 'f. .r CTt, A1" ffh a, A -ai 4 Vffia.V I i e. . 'i -un S ' ,l 't-i" '4rfi &'.' ARMY . ..4 i' ' . rt&, FEDERAL RESERVE PLAN IS NOT FAVORED Peace Strength ef the ..Regvlor Army - ... V , te Re Over ttn Hiwidre TMueowd Men, With a Militia S4raagtli Over Four Hundred emment Alee Empowered Mi SHI to Takeover Anna Faeterlea. M ,W1 ,' Jtl KM .itti Wi Jfi t !J il . '11 4-n.t i . 3. ' itnltsH PrtHB flarrlce WASHINGTON. D. C, May -A v.... jn.-. iu Muaaa im '. Iiow ww "V", ,f- Ib tke eeaato aad kooaa W.ii 4 T Wi u,(lT5: Rrssi .',.'- a f BALI 6AME WILL BRING QUI FANS SIQSEE WILL RE THE HURLER IF HE ARRIVES TONIOHT FROM SEATTLELAST OF THE PRAC TICB GAMES- ''' United Press Scnico OIIOVILLE, Callf May 13. Rev. ! Slaughter, tho Cblco minister charged THOUSANDS MARCH IN RIO DEM. ONSTRATW, AND A MILLION PEOPLE RATHER ALONG THE LINE OF MARCH ..-' !... kilt UW1VU ACE wM mm mm ---, rf "i ;confrerea reported te both mnm st-',, jm day." The" bill included aU of tka peo- l6ions adroeated by tha me artsy af9- eo. v la.aa- 4 The fans are muck laksreated in to morrow's game with the Yalnax In dians, and a big turnout la expected. Several Modoc families moving to the' reservation from Oklahoma recently have some good ball players, aad tho team coming dowa tomorrow ha has cleaned up everything fie its nock of the woods. if Lvle niBbpo mrrlveo tonight he will pitch for the locals. Lyle la a favorite, and ia euro of a big .reception. This is the flaal practice game of the season, and the fnaa are anxious to site the new players up. " . . ,.-...!.. T .n.nn with by lu-ycnr-oiu ucriruuc wu" .. a statutory crime, was today convicted. Itu tni-v roturned this morning With I ....- -. .. .it,.. , av ltluirt n veruici oi numy, - Ing slnco yesterday afternoon. Slaughter and his wife ahowed no emotion when tho verdict was read. Atmrnnv Srhoolcr for tho dofenso ask ed tlm( Slaughter bo released on bonda pendlni; 'an appeal, but Judgo Gregory ordered Slnughtor to bo takon in cua- iri.lv hv tim Blierin. ti.i. wnu Mm irronil trial or too case, tho first trial resulting In a deadlocked Jury. Tho cbbo has attracted atten tion all ovor tho Pacific Coast NEW SPEED RECORD IS MADE AT SHEEP8HBAD Tomorrow la Mother's Day, and ap propriate sermons are to bo ? at the various churches, ib aouuew, many letter Vift Klapatk IWlo.thJo morning, diapatcaea u uwwn -'. ing elsewhere, mailed. oo they will reach them tomorrow, and caraauoaaf . will be worn by an who can secure . k.. itttfiP liliratad lo Otlt Tne wenfif watwa "-v- '- : zz . .r.T ;...,,,. .' ......i .t. ..h mv. deooratosi eat cc now. iosmi "aw"uii wTtb : clrnatlon;: ' wklcTwUI bo oaed naval aad yUtm . .. a4A, e- Til r oeglsnari ttelei AaURfFT " in de iveriea Of oer- w -m-----,. ,.Un. y m ; marchers was seat oof Ra way wttft tao - 'NiutBBaj-uoareBBMsr losBBiew um Qsavai KraeSH Srjsrf march at IS o'clock at might lea aejoww 'win on Am troota. tko dUfsMOBt All Over RlttIlcl:delegaUons being seat at Intervale. ! RepreeeaUUvea of alxtrats tradea """ nnd Drofeaslona wDl bo tatho parado. United Press Servlco There are over JS waaMi fca ta SAN FnANClSCO. (roo. proceaaloa. Over a asittSo. people are Rui-sla Is so scarce that W ' mattered along tho llao of march to soldiers are fed on raw PoUtoMMd w,tBW Wg de-tMtnUlom, Mr. John Jacob Aetor i Mrs. John Jacob Astor, last widow' of the multi-millionaire land owner, rwho went down on the Titanic, kaslsts It costs $27,593 a year to support her 4-year-old son, John Jacob Astor Jr. There was allowed from the estate of his father' UOiOOO a year for his anp- Dort That la not enough, aaya Mrs. Astor. In her last report to the surro gate of New York county. She spent over $7,000 additional. The Astor es tate was worth between $801000,000 tinitMi mi Rewrlra u'' vinaisr' 11m --! at " wiu in - - m m m iiaie wma worm ueiwccu ,vw,w : this .asaasjOAg aad oadmg at WljmdiioO.OW.OOO at the death of John John Jtcob Artor Jr. WATER AGAIN ON A RENTAL BASIS RECLAMATION, SERVICE TO SUP- PLY SECOND UNIT AND TULEJ board to roport by Jawiary ajj o'doah-tjpaloldW?' W "Jacob. The major portion went-to hi alaajog-OOJL Qggoa.aaoai exiraonunary eWe8t 80n yinccot Astor. Daraeea.ai: aeaoasw. . y tao.aora aaaaoa, 1S0.OW LEAGUE TO GIVE SPECIAL SERVICE V -v o porter okoeot tao roaerai The soaoago of the pctei Monday. According to the bill tho ' .!.. Aam) UilKfl IMUMW W .WWiWW -i r dlers in oeace times, aad W.f0 : Uamen. The goreramoat cam expa&4 , the'regular force to 2C4.S'la tiaao of war. -i. - The goverameat is gtvea, epesiel, power to take over any muaf aariog , plaat ia time o war for atoaJUaae maklna.. The bill orevMos for aheojrd nt. on pitn&m BMd threeK eEteavSetO - . is inveatigate tho prcMieal that tho gor- ' l rameat mako an fc'Ti". i ,tt.,m LAKE DISTRICT RANCHES UN DER LEASING PLAN "" hn A. .iMoriiNM n OilHaO SB' W'-' made fw'itrato;it.i-of-ia ."$&& 'trato-froa tho air. kwki lWv5ffif C' JTtoitonsjacoC - - S. jl iM n.rMn.r'- WI. A B lMBM P . imrmmmmrmmrrmi ibhii .111 "- The laoal reelamabeai aorrlco eUeWstaVe0:ea0Uv.:r;Wet: ml Biiiar V flLaBomehhBMalggstr tXaaslBBVgMEfi-tMVRsl Etggfli .oUlaUr!- IX JBMsbSVmh. eggsrBiRm,iA - a t ! illnaaoi fFfME 'gMTBy.r. a ia . --riililiattitii-mvmt Waahtagtoa to lease water to au ", "TI : aj eaatoaai rooeaiaaoa cuBwm -m.- ... -- 'HOR-v 'A ijfi 'S$, S' ouUlde of the First unit vcratmr win thereiore oe restea v the rate of $1 per acre foot, payable la ",' trader tho bUL the rewskv ary,wtt ; routat lot Blzty-tvo realasents ;;f :hv. - - v - Tl the rate of $1 per acre foot, payable la ifaatlT( twenty-are regJmeaU of oar ANNIVERSARY OF THE EPWORTH ndvance, to the Second unit aad Tute .w .MTWI rectaeaU of isojanre 4 - '- ..L1I. 1Aa JB ttlA ...1 . Frem Yalnax. Benjaada Mitchell la la from Yalnax. United Press Service NEW YOItK, May 13.-Drlver Aiken .in, n Pont'ont cur made a new world's record In tho Shecpshoad Bay racing i..i... iin wnnt twenty miles In 11 mlnutcH, G2 seconds, or au average or lOf'mllea nn hour. Home From North. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matt aad aoa Cecil returned homo laat evening from Portland, after attending the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Matt Merrill Dance Brings a Crowd From All Points Twm a gala night la Merrill. Thoy were formed in a ,11 Ust night the Udloa Club of Mer-n round the hall, and each .stepped for- mi ... .u.. .j..... w.n -Uri nnit bowed aa hia name was U past oeeurreaeea were eclipsed by cnlloc by Mrs. MarUn. ,.. nrpordinc to the assertion of 8. KovlovBky. a Slav refugee, who la bow working aa a harbor horo. Food la scarce pitifully acarce.- .dL. .iu skjtnaaiaala Af he declared, ".-nero """" i ntarvlng famllleo that tod rat moat a luxury. 1 come.from the city or anee tomlr In the atate of Hollasky. It ta .. nnn nt tha niacea through which tho'cossacka have cut their blood aad j luat filled path. They cam oao aigat mu we slept "Their chanta' could be heard long wor thev reached us. and wo- cow. ercd In our little house, my wife weep-j Ing on my ahouldw. The Russian wo man known what the coming we Cossacks meana. They drove aa ahead of them for mllea. aad my wlfo and children are loat to me, proaaoiy forever. Only God knows what their fate was. and thev do this because deep ia hi. tmart tha Cossack hate tho Xtt? alan principles, and ha for hi ssdtto, If 1 can't bo rovengea on you It out on your dog." RE COMRINED IN RIO PROGRAM TOMORROW .-am.. Nn MorHCR'a iiay to W d8eded "d " for " .30.000 men riajhe coast artlllory eorp. --. "- - witi in4tinn Beaaan. . "" m M O PACIFIC IXA8T IliRAOrK- , o o WATCHFUL WAIT BEGINS AGAIN t ALL, TROOPS SOUTH OFTHr RIO GRANDE ARE CONCENTRATED, AND CARRANZA MSN GUARDING RIO RENO DISTRICT1 " ' IS If .05 US. 1 -MT taleeveaL Thlrty-tv eaadidatof, with their , Fords, aad otkor members of the family were prat, bld many vkdtors from Klamath Falls, Malln, sd other poUta. . Oao haadrod and (Nty UckeU wore aold. bat a too mea ,aly ware taxd, it Ua af estimate W uy that thro huadrod sooplo were Tha laalo doeoratad tha hall vary ftHfaff ith tag aad peaaaaU MM. hoae tho oaadUatee. : Me. . MarUa latredaeod punrh was served duriag th va ... mi... rAfifia or lam uiutuv Bulo of punch go for th bnit of th frco reading room and uorary ......i t... n,. lariim of Merrill. milieu ujr .. .--. -- At midnight sandwicnea, ca - coifeo woro served In th Rlvrld i..i rueantlv opened under themaa- nccmont of the Campbells. m- n...i... iiiwnirK uvui c,w. J HO rol !" w. 600DIER AGAIN GETS SCALDING aa FOLLOWINO RERIIIMAND FR.OM HEAD OF WAR DEPARTMENT, AVIATION OFFICER It SCORED RY THE PRESIDENT United Press Servieoc --" WA8H1NGTQN, D. C. May 1$. Fol lowing faUaro oC-4uo'-bBrfoa; Seott confiaacea.? tho Meaacaa attaa-' Uon baa. aaMiaod vtaaf atUtude; of, 'watchful waltlag." iw u f contractloa of ..tho Aasorloaa uaoa aoutk at Columbus haabooB eoaolet-' ed. Thl makes attaoaaoa mau par. Uea by VlUlsta lee Mholy. - Th. nansBalataa la tho Ha Bead eoaatry, aro avowedly ooooeratlag with. th Amertcaa ia rvauag ooraer trouble. , Hop of oatoalac Villa are not very bright From MaedeeU J. M. Frothlaahaaa aad L. B. Mlaard of Maodool are rootstorod at th Kotol Hall. esa HuMhin Slek. R. vaac Hutoala la out today after a severe "attack of tooth irattaa. a annolal nrnmm will be rendered at the EpwoVth League anniversary to' ....'.. ., -i i. Qin Prftnciaeo be new in ine ura.ee m. xw. cuureu, wiamath Palls. Sunday evening. May Loa Angeles 14. at 7:30 o'clock. - Aa thla la alao Vemoa ,- '..' .. t,... .v. i,..1!. Salt Lake jaouiera umy, mo iw6" .. V. . arranged with a view to honoring mothers of, every land, and will be Portland - MewM: n-utta Saturday n. T... M ion iTm Hurl. KpHMM "wr a. xminiA Haartad" Bv Consream-' At Portiaad Uon. S0 Frandecoi i r, n r ri.v.i. Portland rraycr ay .-. i- . iiii " -,. j u-w Special Song-"Awake. Awake" By uaam aaanmoi-i. ---- the Choir , Tea WataE game. Responsive Reading by League Mem-j At San Fimaclsco R. H- hers, led by Miss Carrie Wlddoes. . Salt Lake T Address of Welcome to MothersBy Oakland -- - -- . .,. - -,.... nttarv and Haaaah: Boar aad S3 j vinariea u. nanru i '. r- n unlii in hn n-- T.. liotL ayma no. i - w. --i --- -. . niaad Jaa ConareaaUoa --.-- , ": : r.. i and ahout'M.eo other men. The eral staJt is Increased by Sftywo oal- cers, adding four major fswralaaad . ii. -.. ' tr. Bine iininun a.w .. - 'ji i Hereafter. -UllUamea oaltotiar wia Standing ef tho Club jtake Mt)l, to aerve tho UaMooV . Woo Loot Pet! . State, aa well a tho atatov. Thla wlUtk ,m their service oatald. - tiimni ic o. .. --..- MS ; country, if the presideat eaUe fee "W -S- , ' ',. It - SI; v .TTyv.' 15 IE is -tit r"1' " "" TT t vif . .U .T - !lJ, X ! ..., . . . . . -HTv . " J! :Mit,?.,, .-.:.- ZSKw'S . ra Aaa&Ma-v - - a r -t. r. h: el .s s a .x si ' jtfS- v.-o-,t' Mea-411 ImMmrm -at. fTgll W-gaM T Blsswa " "ww , . ;T TTv,5?4 t yk BvenU"- at a,Chrtatlaalwawkxtv . -.-.-!';- .-. . h aiMs!: morrow eoausa ; ("n i?;ST3 general latereat. aad wlU bo . fflatt,. .W with Btereoptlcon view jh F .,, the .University oc, urogoa sneaw;, 15 service. . x NtoM I "U- Captain tHck'Nelaoa. who play d tho sack' for tho Klamath ran v s 1 '.: United Pre rvic p,'A8H1NOTON; D. O., May H.-Tao -uai.i.- tadav oaielally rriawadd From th Reservotlea,'. Brva Joha la a oovaity aoat visitor from tho rrrUoa today. r' , o .Mothers of the Bible By Miss Has! North Mixed Quartet "Tell Mother I'll Be There" By Mr. and Mrs. Conweii. Mis Calkin and Mr. McFerrta Special Hymn "Ottr Motbera' God" Choir N- Reaponalvo Reading by League Mem bers, led by Mm Came wiaaoos Solo "Mother Machree Miss Clara Calkins Some Famous Mother and Their In fluenceBy Rer. S. C. Richard Hymn No. 608 "Take the Name of Jaaua With You" Congregation The Youngest Upworthlan' Dream- By Anna Hackiaas Special Bong "1 Love to Boattor Baa ahlaa" Br Choir Aaarrorsary Day OCerlag for Loagao Work la Foreign Laaos Hymn No. SM "O.Bloa Maat" By (maToamtloa IaatallaUon of Loagu Oaleora, by Rev. I.C. Rlaaard LFraywr ;.Borf CooaooraUoa No. 34$. By 'Coagropatloa Vernon Loa Anxeles . Qulnn aad Spencer; Horatmaa aad Boles. Brant replaced Horatmaa to tho fifth. Scogglns replaced Braadt la th sixth. 1 )fM mtPJtffi. s: . : t: .... ... v?s:s year. as do innvi 'wawsiia TTalveralty of Oregoa babal toaai f& .i next year. -I -r -rWffSfS -. . . aa.M- ' ?Pi . ..-.?.. 1 up rrem maim. && J-fflm n. P.-Alexander, srtaoioalel 'Bgaasu : '?tX hwiaottrlB. v -- - , " Zm V1 " . ev,.k Vlaw m-B---l lal -a-B-gatt tl-t-HT aBa Ba ' .. . -,, .Snr.ti-ftWW,T'. 1 .t't 1 :7''ai WfrrTr.trrA etBusyiffinWal Win- mf-mmr2?'MV 'mm- Bv LB -B rBB iuc r nniinn man VtL W aP A tw A aKB-gg-nlAlflBMsaV ' '"r a . ..'-- ,..,. rr"-' w-'-j. '.-. nth Falls furnlshd th muic, aaa """'Au:, roMhtty toiwral Rharsl. performed In th. u.u.1 erdltaW laaa. "SrSaOT oral roaaaml Par , Mr. U to Pctd tfVJ " SSSfltolsi HIS1 oaually arg a turaout at Malla iJgyS--- . dnl&lilfto'U. "Hi Wtmt toaiorfo'f' la FroiviRsaeH; - -y Mr. aad Mr, Will swoaaaaao 'far hi "if vtaanat- B-lla axnaeta to alaet the oiioea of tho ForUaad RomiW Uval, or to at least hav a, maid of hoaor.lt to aa to tho aoooto to aat bmbv riaht today." aiMW. B. Crow of tho Qaeea Coatost detartmoaL who Is hero'fTom rrtlaad. . Av "Moaey brought lato tho Coa-Bor-clal Olub uatU l:4SU-rrw toato -lll haw. alw tli thai B1 ' Mir. ch'asla'g power, aa th ta thoiaeapo- 011 f.fOf TOM WMjeajaajaaaj. tan worth or aKLW ..' . 4MlHi: !' 'A -rf. r-Sjsaj----!-. i," t - A.Z' la th Uaw toataak MnlUr aa" a1 'lBt '. .irif". r-7r;, f-t. - jt ,-' t v r T ' . , "Jl KiaaamMasan,BnHaaaaik iMlaavllle.'PeadleioaorOai-varilg : a-a-a-I lBHIi. B1 , JMEJEBr o-EBFA . aBBal BMBji E4oTBREai BSoawrO . JmPm" a"sai, ar sum was ratood forth 'aljE) thitawaaaM potUag;fth:Pal 35 tA U4 ha-T-IS ' r'N IBHLgO-BBg spej-fiai-Wiiaaaaaaw.po;-BaaaaBBBBBBB waBBBBBHB-BBKOHMaBBB MiiiiiiMiiiiiMiwaaaTMjl ' U'?''-?if---HrSB'''lQi ! -we ojasjsaaioa to tho rtv t i. .,?' vlf v v l V i-. ,,$T' yj. '4 - aV'W)'""