, -. . w& Jj? iEurttmn UrraLd vw KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -'i KLAMATH FALL' OFFICIAL NEWIFAFM A X Vi Tenth Yesr Ne. E.M1 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916 Prion Frew NEGOTIATIONS WITH MEXICO END WITHOUT ANY REAL RESULTS WA8IIINOTON, U. C, May 12. Fo. lowing tbo clone of (ho conferences bttwrcii Generals Scott and Obrcgon lut night, with nothing dodnlto bolng MttM, Oeneral Scott has boon order d here, and the administration baa cut the burden of further negotiations noon Carrania. No notion will be taken until Mexi can Ambassador Arredondo makes n requeM. Thon Mexico will bo Inform ed offlclnlly that American troopi will not bo withdrawn until tho border li entirely aafo from further Incursions by Mexican bands. -It looks like It's their next tnovo," ulJ a cabinet member today after it meellnR to consider the matter. Tint iltuktlou Is considered nioro scriouA now limn nt any time slnco the expedi tion entored Mexico. It i understood that Oonoml Ubr jon feared the political prrMlno of hlmnlf and of Carrnnzn would rulfor If ho cloned tho agreement wllh tho Unllnl Slate. United I'rcM Service EL I'ASO, May . Oeneral Scott expects to remain hero for Novornl days. Oeneral Punston return to San Antonio, his headquarters, tonight. Both Initial there Is still a prospect of to amlcnblo settlement. After tho conference endod, Oouoral jObrcgon admitted that he had erred la accepting tentatively tho agreement. ANOTHER KLAMATH IT MISS eLINOR COQtWCLL, HIGH SCHOOL QRADUATI, IS ELECTED TO THE NATIONAL SCHOLASTIC HONOR FRATERNITY That Klamath county high school's course Is by no means a poor prepara tory for collegiate and university work U being demonstrated by students' records In the coast's leading Institu tions. Prom Stanford comos yet another tala of achievement for a Klamath girl. Hits Elinor V, Cogswell, cUsh of 1911 of Klamath county high school, na been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor fraternity and tho goal of all ambltloua college students. Kits Cogswell la a member of this graduating clasa at Leland Stanford University. Sho la majoring In psy chology and English and has boen as sistant Instructor In the psychology de partment the past year. Sho has had n offer from the university as an as ltnt in English, following her graduation. STUDEH HONORED Practical Work of High School Students Shown The first glance tha passerby directs t tho spacious display windows of e Blawln Hardware company will cause a feeling of surprise, which will tlvo way to the thought that the "City! Paris" or "White llottse" baa moved "Me from San Francisco, and has dla- Waved In k. I... ... ji l I ... un wiuuuwb iia uuoat u "mlnlne apparel But a second glance will disclose owe placarda announcing the display 10 the work of the domeatlo act we department of the Klamath coun v Ugh school. And the unmarried ma who gaae upon the bewildering J register a resolve to marry a H. 8. graduate U thejr arr at display Ueludes erery type of "" SMtrsL fraia stay, dsiaty He told a friend Unit Cnrranza. In ro JoctliiK this, "saved me from myself." "Ho known I'm u fool," continued Obrogosi "Had liu accepted tho agree munt I would have bnon a dead cock In tlio pit so far as Mexico Is con corned." 1-.lln...l I... 1 I.I. - .. i. . , luiunillH MIU HI I'll III UK up OI UIO conferences, General ObroRon ordored General Trolno to send ten thousand men Into tlio refjlon opposlto Dig Dond, and to Pnrrnl. Tlio purposo Is bollev- ,ed to bo to provo tliut tho Corranzlst as aro nbla to control tho bandit situa tion, and to liuVo this established be fforo tho Washington nogotlatlons aro uponau i 1 nllnl I'riMK Sarvlev f'OU'MIUT.S. May 1L'. Withdrawal of tln mom mhimcoil forces In Mex ico Is now In full awing. Motor trucks aro bclnis med for trnnspoitlng the troopn, It Is bollowd Unit the (.outhcrnmoHt point of IVi siting's Unci will bn Nnml- j qulpa. Infantrymen tiro contemplating en trenchments around Columbus United prrss Bervlce rilOENIX, May 12. Thrco hundred militiamen started for tho border to day. It Is reported that Governor Hunt tins demanded that tho govern ment furnish more guns and ammuni tion for tho guardsmen. Hunt has hsucd a call for 1,000 vol unteers. She Tells How to Keep a Man t'nlted Press Service SAN' FRANCISCO. May 12. Mrs. B. P. Rollor, tho "physical culture bride," linn discovered tho way to kocp a bus Land. Hero Is tho rcclpe: "Wrestle for ton mlnutos ovory day. "Know something nbout all tho nportn ho knows about. Bo able to talk of tho baseball gnmo intelligently and outpoint him on plays If you can. This Leepa him from tbo club, where he Kocs to talk of nports, and lends an air of companionship which mokes a wife seem Uko a pal. "Keep In nthlotlc trim, so that he will ndmlra your supploness, and by conotnnt exerclso you will bo able to Inoulgo In eomo of his sports, such aa wrestling or boxing." Mrs. Boiler Is tho wlfo of Dr. B. F. Itollor, tho wrcstlor, formerly of Seat tle, but now In the East. Sho has just returned from a trip to Honoullu. Probing Qas Trust United Press Sorvlco WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. It Is Warned that tho federal freight com mission will report thoro has been much artificial manipulation of gaao llno prices recently. llnfiorlo to suits, dresses and coats, tho enual of any oioduct of the sartorial nrt in he found In the stores. All of tho woik was dono by tho students as nart of tholr course of study, and the exhibit provo that while acquiring n scholastic finish, undor tho direction of Miss Mabel Moars they acquired real knowledge in home making and pinctlcal cconpmy. But what have tho boys been do- IngT Forge work, wood work, wood turn ing, bench and cabinet work, mechani cal drawing and othor useful work, und"er tho direction of B. J. Mayer. In n short time a display of their work win ho made In the windows of the Virgil Furniture company, and this will be well worth walking a mue 10 see. First Photo of Russian Troops Landing at Marseilles ! . . Li I i ! .'iiiiii iim i r "" "y '.'-" .'.f ' ",' "g ? '..v.."..'.. ;v ' " i !!. . - ---. t llmTBmgrZgmnasnsnsmnsnsnsnsnsnsn wrung im fftf.y" vrMMI tpBviBHiBlgiiHBiiRflg ijG&w3wf9tjKfmMl 4fiBanaanaaaaEBnnnnnvoggBHBBflBBjBBBBBBBBBBjej T 3P V I SgflBgggggflggflrK'HBSr' ZJ StiB . 4 fe 9 fini I B'tT TfllfM lgii' if;iT8gMQffiiMHyNctrllKiiTftwKifl'--' !3 ThN is tho first photograph to reach hollies. TIiIh picture shows them marching from the ship in the distance from These men were sent to tho front at once. K. f. TEAM PIAYS AT DORRIS 4TH LOCALS WILL PLAY A THREE. OAM E SERIES WITH THE FAST WILLOWS GIANTS AS PART OF 10 CELEBRATION Klamath Falls vs. Willows at Dots ris, July 3-4-6. This Is tho bill for the natal day celebration as far as Klamath Falls and tbo local ball team is concerned. After falling In the attempt to get the business men Interested in a cele bration, n proposition was offered for n thrcoda; baseball tournament here. This also failed to meet with any sup- port and consequently the management U on tho eve of closing a contract with tho Dorrls celebration committee for ' three games in Dorria with the Wll-j lows Glanta as opponents- The Willows Giants have a phenoaa cnal record, having played 300 games and lost only fifteen, some of these be ing to professional teams. r Manager Watta today heard from Dunsmulr. That team will be here Sunday, May SI. This will he their first appearance on tho local grounds for a good many years. In the meantime, don't forget Sun day's game against the Yalnax Beds. Como out and look the gang over, and ieo If Bigbeo looks aa good aa he did last year. MANY GOING TO MERRILL DANCE CANDIDATES AND OTHER RESI DENTS OF THIS CITY WILL BE MUCH IN EVIDENCE AT THE BIG DANCING PARTY There will be a big delegation of Klamath Falls people at Merrill to night, when .the big candidates' ball, given for the benefit of the Merrill library, will be held in the opera house. Scores of parties have been made up for the trip, and the dancing will be Indulged in until the wee ama hours. The dance will be held In the Mer rill opera house. The well known Peer I less orchestra will play, and a supper will be served by the Merrill women. I The Merrill candidates ball Is al ways the biggest event of the year la Southern Klamath. the United States actually showing EZRA MEEKER TO DKRaTE AGAIN ; C nl ted frees errte WASHINGTON, jk C. May was the a "W rUssensise.'1 1J. It hat a ruodern ox-leas chassis, that the same old Esra Keeker. 85-yearosSHranscon tineatal traveler, kaaled out of its shed here today, to look over la prep aratloa for Ezra's fearth jaunt from coast to coast. Meeker calls Us renovated vehicle k "schoonermobile." It's all of that The top Is the saaae, label-covered prairie schooner top which Ezra's oxen have .dragged three times over the' mads:.between here and the Pacific, tinder it is an up-to-date, motor-drives chassis. Within a few days Meeker starts for Olympla, Wash., a distance of 3,850 miles. Meeker is the original triple exponent and proponent of a national. coast-to-coast highway. Ho expects to!each office except secretary-treasurer. drive over one before Old Maa Time gets alas, - LAKE EXCURSION IS CALLED OFF WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE THE BEST IN THE MEAN. TIME. VOTES ARK PILING UP FOR KLAMATH GIRL Owing to the unsettled condition of the weather. It has been deemed ad visable not to hold the excursion to Upper Klamath Lake points Sunday afternoon, as previously planned. This may be held later. The excursion's purpose was the raising of sinews of war for Miss Waive Jacobs' contest for queen of the Rose Festival ' Since Waive has Jumped to the lead, land votea this week have six times ! their usual value, Klamath Falls boost J ers are rallying to the cause, and aa ,a result there haa bees considerable over ivu nuaeo aireaay ror me juam ath girl. All contemplating support ing our candidate should do so this j woo, ma ovory a istai (or vows araws an extra o,vw vote, ana a leao slide can be let loose from here that will effectively overwhelm every other aspirant for queen of the big Portland fiesta. CaoeteJttry UnltedPress Bervwe OXOVILUB, May l.The SiaaghUr case want to the jny at UiM. the Russian troops landing at Mar- which ther have fust disembarked. JOHN HOUSTON IS H.S. PRESIDENT STUDENT BODY ELECTIONS. a 8ULT IN CH008ING A MEMBER OF THE JUNIOR CLASS CECIL AOAM8 VICE-PRESIDENT 'At the student body election held this week at the Klamath county high school, John Houston, a junior, was elected president for the coming year. Cecil Adams was elected first vice president, Wilfred Henry was chosen second vice-president, and Clara Cal kins was named as secretary-treasurer, -There were several candidates for The elections were held at this time owing to a constitutional amendment providing for the choosing of officers for the next term in May of the pre ceding year. H. W. Free contemplates a trip to Dorrls Sunday. Oneill ContmuesHis Campaign of Mud Slinging Dirty Politics The following Is a verbatim report of one of the epeecbe of C. M. Oneill, who with Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin, is making a mud-alinging cam paign throughout Klamath county, in the hope of gaining favor from "the voters. In the light of what is shown oy the court' records, and what la vouched for by other attorneys, It ap pears singular that a man, seeking as high and as dignified a position as circuit Judge from the people, should stoop to such muckraking practices in the hope of gaining votes by seek ing to besmirch Judgo Kuykendall. The speech follews: I would like to say to all you people here that I am obliged to you for com ing out to bear what I have to say and. in connection with Mr. Irwin, we would like to thank the directors who presid ed over this school, for providing means for permitting ea to have the opportunity to meet and speak to yen tonight - Aa you all know, I nave eomo out here for the purpose of securing votes, as Tarn s candidate for nomlasUoa in the samln nrtmsHee. jar jsdse of this FRANCIS OLDS IS NOW IN THE ARMY j. b. McAllister and -kijnq os- CAR" LAR8EN HAVE ALSO BEEN CALLED TO THE COLORS AND GO ON FIRING LINE Fired with patriotism, Francis Olds has joined the army. He Is now- the standard bearer. And Oscar, the cob-( bier, he is also a soldier, yclept a gen-' eral, and Alderman J. B. McAllister' of Pelican City is a captain. Penh-' Ings army? Nay, nay, the "Army of' the Lord." and the UtUe band of play- era wilt make the Salvation army, scene in "A Nlstt In Bohemia.." rial Elks' show, one of the biggest hits , , L of the decade. i' i Larsen Is General Misfortune. '" The "n,M t'" Servlee other charactersf -aside from the WASHINGTON. D. C. May ML mysterious bass drum soloist) are: Representative Dyer today iatrodaeed , Major Oloom. Austin Hayden- flag ,n' th houe tIon asking eoa bearer. Francis Olds; Captain Prunes. to formally denounce the Irish J. B. McAllister: General Electric (shocking), Clarence H. Harris; Sal- vation Nell, Josephine Van Riper; Rag Tlme'Ui. Helen Magulre; CapUIn Sal' Sapper, Waive Jacobs; Oeneral Round-, up, Mabel Martin; General Prosperity, lone Stelnman; Corporal Cigarettes. Mrs. Joseph a Brett; Major Key. Pearl Boivln. " The seat sale for tha Mr nhow hm. gins tomorrow morning at the Bon - boniere. An added attracUoa is a soecJal con- versatlonal song number, "Down Home In Tennessee." to be rendered kri'U admittedly more serious, asm a double quartet. Including Mr. and Mrs.) wiu immediately prepare for eoiart H. Roland Glalayer, Mr. and MrB.1mrtia1'' following his confer sea Vernon T. Motachenbacber, Lawrence !wlth Oeneral Maxwell and tho elvfl Mebaff ey and Clarence H. Harris. This promises to be one of the most' de lightful bits on the Joyful program. HENLEY TO HAVE COLONIAL PLAY SIXTY CHILORBN WILL TAKgi PART IN PLAY TO BE GIVEN ON MONDAY EVENING PLENTY OF SEATS FOR ALL Unusual interest is being taken in the colonial play to be presented at the Henley schoolhouse Monday night Many Klamath Falls people will at- tend. Sixty children will take part in the production, which is representative of American history from the time of Columbus' discovery to the present day. Adults will be charged 10 cents. Including lunch to be served. Arrangements have been made to! hav Mimfortahl aaat tar all attmmA. ling. district, the 13th Judicial District upon the republican ticket Now there has been more or lees said at different times and at differ ent places In this county, with regard to the propriety of a candidate adver tising and doing what I am doins in this campaign, and what I ahall con tinue to do with regard to the means and methods that I am using for the purpose of bringing the facta before you people, and I desire to call your attention to aome things that are tran spiring In a political way In this coun ty, and la the courts of this county. As you all know, I am eagaged in the practice of law la Klamath Falsi. and have been for the last seven years. However that may be. Ions " abort, I am now before yon as a candidate for the office of judge as I have jusi aald, and you may say that saving what I have to say Is a selfish motive, and' of course It is. I am solas to be' frank with you. that I am here for tho pnr pose and sole pnrpeee of nesrhn votesin hla district And la sayififf that I tnst yon win take H aa I moma it New I hallSTt that I aa tatte WANTS CONGRESS NONCE THE RISK EXECUTIONS DYER INTRODUCES BILL IN THE HOUSE ' . . . . u ,m . Am"'" A HerHies) at the Punishment Meted te Men Who, Fired With Patriotism, SotifM to Establish Republic Aeaultli fe Called te DuMlit, MiayillAtt tm WVHOTfvn WW Mere Soriano eu"ns, ana te: "Express the horror of the American PP over tne summary exeewtlee of Irish Patriots; who, following tho InspIraUon of the American revolution, dedicated themselves to their cow- tr s cause- M " conceivea it. aaa - attempted as an organized force a der forma of war. to erect a republic." ' 'Un,ted Press Service ( LONDON, May 11 Premier As- -utn Reached DubUn today to take charge of affairs. The sltsmttOB then . nonuea. Cabinet oBdals and others have re ceived thoasaads of aessagea pretest ing the execution of editor AmmMslateat:'toela3r tawTSragi' Diarmad and other revolt leaders wat executed this afternoon. He differ" on prcdieUeas aa to- Asqulth will estabUab partial rule while In Ireland. I In conformity with the and In a special spirit of helpfulness - to the new members of tne caurea. Rev. E. C. Richards of the Methodist church will begin next Sunday mors Ing a series of short lectures on Meth odism These will be from five to tea min utes in length and precede the morn ing sermons, taking the place of, part of the regular ritual. Ther will consist of the history, beliefs, lawn and scope" of the church in its nearly two hundred years of history. The first talk, given Sunday, will bo appropriate to Mother's Day, and wtH be upon the subject Susannah Wesley, the mother of Methodism. Those la- teres ted In knowing something of tbo scope of Methodism are especially la vitedto.be present conditions for you in many ways, 'it I am elected aa presiding Judge open tha bench In this district, If I eould not. there would be no object la yen mak ing any change whatever, ther la no object in changing officers nalesa yes c8n get one that can give yew batter rubllc servic, better than what now bave. There are many tlona concerning the Judge of this fifth trict that is of very grave and everyone of yon as cltiseaa be Interested la the matters wbieb; earn UNlaM llajkaaafAti AemilaaaVm . 4 . rVv i -. v .. ... .. -. . , v: nuw.u hi a mmtm, mvmum :mm jfc fore, there has keen same lnamonaea-'','l existing that was Istssdgfi for; sen, SS w .- t- , .. (H. cause' of the fact that I in for 'this nosltlon. there baa some talk about tbo, way I wae wMW about 'it .and tha-qnesUena te41lMk been briagmt p, ami It has I ed that because I was sagdmif to dm oflne'bf etreuH Je4seasjBrlmigmis I am asking year saffsriMl tf ,tft s ing'Oieetien. that. out aaeealli tf L' U. UJI I.JI! . rmamwmmuuniBr l k W.I tt ' 1 fl 'l &5J 5,rt.jA Jk i&'&KJiA 1?? v i ' n