'" I 'I fvr - j ii yK y : "Sfi 2ftj iEurmng Htmlb v ., ira3fa ' r V pSU r tl w. .-fc s KUMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,, . vl-s-V OFFICIAL NatWlPJfcMEl - .VI c J v?,i ? "V festli Vear -Ns. MH. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1926 . "At.'ii 22a SUGAR BEET PLANT I Afea. Leviathan of thAmerican Navy IS IN TOKIUT; A FACTORY MAN HERE! VA1 TIIT TO II MAOI THIS MASON WITH HIT SEED FURNISHED V UTAH COMPANY Alexander Nlsley, Secretary and Agrl MiRurlet fer the Oregon-Utah Sugar Company. Is Taken Ovar tha Valley y flserieln and FaafhL and Ha Pro seance Uia Sail m Highly Prsmls- lag-City la Elated. Tha delermlaed efforla of tho Klam ath Commarclal Club to aecuro a boat afar factory for Klamath, thereby adding a payroll and a market for tt eroatable crop, havs been rewarded by a display of real Interact by tbo Ore gaa-Utab 8ugar company. Tbe com pany la aoon to begla a teat bore, to ascertain for Itself tbe beet producing esalltlea of Klamath's vaat irrigated area. After some corraaposdance, Alexan ear Nlbley, aMraUry tad agriculturist at the Oregoa-Utah company, came Id Mcaday night to aaa for himself the eeailtioa la Klamath. Yaaterday be waa takaa over the Irrigated aectlon ey W. B. Faught aaa Cbarlee W. Kb crista, aad laat algbt ha discussed tbe attar of a beat aafjar factory wltb tbr Commercial-Club director and members. ' I He atatod that he found tbe aoll un-1 p der the project to be especially adapt able to sugar beet culture. In order to make a thorough teat, he haa arranged tfor a co-operative experiment. In which I with the aaalatance of County Agricul tural delayer and the club, fifty pounds of seed .will be planted In ex perimental tracts. These will be given care, and at the proper times, experts of tbe company will coma horo to look to thinning, etc. In the fall, a teat will be made or the saccharine qualities of the beets, aad If theae are found to be satisfactory, a plant will be built here to care for the beaU raised oa 7,000 acree. Considering tbe high teata stood by Klamath grown sugar boeta in the past tbo people of Klamath are oonldeat that the test will prove the beets i aired hare to be of avpertor quality, and cauio the erection of a plant bore. Providing It is deemed advisable to MHt here, Mr. Nlbley atatea (hnt hla company will contract for bert at $5 a ion for five oan ahead, anJ will p'.i arrange wM'i Die banka fur a' v.inces of money to the beet rul-.r during the tlmt of tblalag. Tha Oregon-Utah company la now operating la tha Rogue River vallay, and la building a factory at Grants Pass. MJM.M . . . t-r tansanWAnaB.&WJfiRl' &iB$iSmm!3mEbXS2E3Ub&xJ!BmBKBEamiA The Oklahoma. 27,000 torn dUplacu ment, G83 feet long', 1 tho new levla tbnn of the American navy, Sho has Just been commlHsloneJ. and In road v. The veftMcl carrleH ten 14-Inch guns like the NoW Vork, (lie Nevada and the Texas, thus making them the greatest battleships In the world with the ex ception of the fire ships of the Queen Elizabeth type, built by Great Britain. They carry 15-Inch guns. This photo graph shows the vessel as she steamed into Philadelphia. Captain Roger Welles Is commander of the vessel, and Lieutenant Commander Adolphua An tire v. a is tbe navigating officer. GERMANS ADMIT CALLING OUT OF SINKING SUSSEX ! MORE TROOPS IS AND ALL'S WELL! REAL EFFECTIVE ,, ! , COMMANDER ON OIVER ORDERED oBREOON MAKES MODIFICATION . PUNISHED : & Aa There Were No Americana Aboard White Star Liner Torpedoes' Yeeter day Off Irish Coast, There Is Little Likllhood of United StateeTaklnj ' IN DEMANDS t - Bandit Reputed u So Leader at fas .Spring Is Resorted Shot by Cav slrymtn Pursuit of Raiders WW i Take Yankss Trssps Ovsr Mm Bar Any Action In This Cass Consuls dor-eaat Artillery Will Ds InftttMy Are Alert I Service MEN'S RALLY ON , SUNDAY MORNING SIT ACQUAINTED MEETING TO FOLLOW SUNDAY'S SERVICES AT SACRED HEART CHURCH. ATHLETIC OROUND OPEN A ana's rally will b bald at Sacred Heart church Sunday foreaooa. At the 10:10 mass, Father Marshall's sei sm, topic will b "What Troubles Cir aad all mea ars Invited. Followiag the services, then will be gct-acqualated meotlag. There will alae be a handball tournament, well 'wsrth watching, aad the plana for tbe teanla court, basketball court and oth er athletic grouada being arranged aear the church for the frs use of tb WJc. will be dlacuaaML ' Early Tourists. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Partes of Los Angelee, Mr. aad Mrs. irK. Rogers of Walla Walla, aad Mrs. M. Ksllsy of Pittsburg motored her yesterday, to visit Klamath county resorts aad the scenle attractions They war here laat Oym-Claaa Poatpened. Owing to the Klamath Choral Club's concert, toalghfa saestlag of tho ladles' gym class has bssa poatpessd. Jtegardlng recont rumors about an approaching agreement or understand Ing between Ruaala and Japan, looking toward the future ooatrol of China, to the exclusion of other nations and a defiance of the "open door," the for olgn ministry at Petrograd aanonacee that Japan and Russia, as allies, ars constantly exchanging their views oa questions of mutual Importaaoe, bat that no formal agreement harmful to forolgn Interests' Is under considera tion. s A telegram from Berne, Swltsertand, crodttt Prlnco von Buelow, former Oer uian ambassador to Italy, with the Rtittemcnt that Germany baa con structed 250 big submarines since tho outbreak of tbe war for tho purpose of blockading Great Britain. FREMONT AFFAIR WAS OF INTEREST ltu one accord, do, on next Saturday, heartily and enthusiastically engage In the Mk of cleaning up our fair city. Put the rnhblsh In hniu anil Karrl or stacks, and aet it on the atrset or alley, where it will be easily accessi ble, and It .will be hauled away by peo ple who have been employed by the city. la order to avail yourselves of l the opportunity to have it hauled away IS FOLLOWED RY UZStMSS ATIVE EXERCISES, AND SETTING I hereby earnestly ask, and may I not Urge all parents aad especially jail teachers in our achoola to encour age and aollclt all of the children and y PARADE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON OF MONUMENT Rose Show Preparations Most Elaborate in Years Herald Special Service PORTLAND, May 10. The ataadlng the candidates for Rose Queen fll lews; While, U,i; flallng. snMtt; -rMen. 141,703; Crawford. 65.000: mob, U.000. All Qthera unchanged. The special otor of aa axtra 6.000 vM for each dollar's purchase of oloaea at 11 o'clock Saturday tvaslBg. Lwa than thirty days before the Htlng of tbs teeth aaaual Ross Fss val in the oregoa metropolis tads 7 "ny features of tbs three days, T. I aad 9, with tha crowning fjy of tho oventag before open y,wsUUiaad. Waal bualatts tut oa Us board of ". Uaathar with awrs thaa a gjjh oosaautteee, ars werklag to WM tha ahaw together, aad dsUy meetinga of oao or mora of tha various departments aro held. , Oovsraors of the United States have had the opening of tbe festival with tbs national dedlcaUon of the Colum bia River highway, brought to tholr attention as a result of the sending out of special invitations. President Wil son with Vice President Marshall and families have received an invitation through Senator Chamberlain. Every aenator and representative in tbs United States has bssa invited. Special invitations want to cabinet members, aa wall aa represeatatives of foreign governments In Waahlagtoa, and tbe crowned beads of Burope. Railroads ars offering attractive fares for tho round trip, aad ladles Uoaa ars there will as bis crowds la Portland the entire wsek of June 4-10. Tbo festival proper oomea Juae 7, aad a. with tha ssTSMaay of Juae I, when the queea la orowaad ruler of tha festival. , A commemorative exercise of more than usual Interest waa held yeaterday afternoon, when Klamath Falla aad Klamath couaty officials, members of patriotic societies, school children aad others Joined In a procession from the Central school to the head of Llak river, and there held a program In honor of General Fremont, who ex plored tbe Klamath country seventy cara agq. Just before he took Cal ifornia for the United Statee. A monument commenting hla visit. ind a sign calling attention to the ploce where Fremont crossed the river wero set up. In addition. Instructive talks were made by W. A. Delsell, Captain O. C. Applegats and Wilson 8. Wiley. Wblttler's poem "Fremont" waa rendered by Miaa Hasal Fry, ap propriate remarks were mads by Mayor Mason and others, and Rev. Rlcharda and Rev. Hurd opened and cloaed the program. stbdenta to assist in thla Important work. They have rendered valuable service heretofore, aad It Is hoped that they may be even mors efficient this time. (Signed) J. B. MASON. Mayor. CHORAL CLUB TO APPEAR TONIGHT SPLENDID PROGRAM WILL RE RENDERED RY ORGANIZATION OF KLAMATH FALLS LOVER8 OF VOCAL MUSIC War Bulletins United Press Service United Press Service WASH1NOTON, D. C, MayTl- Ambaaaador Gerard today cabled that Germany haa formally admitted Oust Germans submarined the steamer'Sui- sex. causing loss of American lives. It is not known whether the communica tion contained anything bat an ac ceptance of the responsibility. A full disavowal, reparaUoa and punishment of the aubaarlas com mander will all 'be gives, according to the German embassy hers. The nature of tho paalshrasat Is aot fore casted."' - American Consul Frost has cabled a confirmation of the report that tbe White Star User Cymric waa torpedo- 'rd yesterday without waralag. Bo j United Press Servlse I ,,JBLvPASO. May v. Osasral Seset ghat, seat to Washlagtoa assal 6a , regon'a aaggeatioa of so operative bsr- turr patrol by Mexlcaa aad rtmiriiia juvops, ca,coBuaaa u iu awa SBBOi At today's coafereace, ho hopes is conclude all aegotistioas. ' Both. Scott aad Fuastoa an SfU- jinisitoUc that thsrs will ba a 1 SVtl AAMAlnafjiM a u wvttvsesaatm holds the whip: -For the trst tlsse, the availablo American forces are aasBsrleaUy ss pei:or to Mexico's forces. By order lit; out the militia, It is believed that Obrcgon's blsf was called, aa ha at oace aought a esafersaes, aad atads his proposal of a eooperaUvs aatrsL $ Thsy bsKsTS Ssstt BERLIN. May lO.-tt la announced 1 8ajr V-Ml WM 10t that the Germane drove the French !not attempting to escape. further back in tbe fighting southwest , Indications are that the admlalatra- of Hill No. 304, and extended their, tion will take no actloa ia tha Cyante ; case. Lansing's ff.ao Immi a v poaltloa heretsfers poaitiona on,the hill itself. TVA ndar?rtain rnrnonn kwairsi mumh. it miwm jf asww vvs noltering oft Ostend Monday sagsgsd cam Jeopardise. Coasal Frost live British destroyers, sinking one of u ng u lareaugauoB. the Britons and escaping. m Unltod Press Sen'Ice PARIS, May 10. The German bom bardment northwest 'of Verdun haa slackened. Here for VielL -- i Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers aad children have returned from a visit l with relatives, in Jacksoa couaty. They ,were accompanied by Mrs. Xlla Mar- 'grslter of Jacksonville, who will visit Rogers aad Mrs. H Medford Man Named for Post United Press Service . WASHINGTON, D. 0., May lfc President Wilson today aomlaated William Cannon of Medford aa regis- tor of the land offlos at Rosebmrg. PROCLAMATION To the people of Klamath Falla: Whereas, Tbe almost unaccounta ble accumulation of rubbish la differ ent parts of the city, aad sven about our homes, renders It necessary to have a "clean-up day" la the aprlng, In order to destroy the breeding places for files, aad In every way poaalble make for better sanitary coaditloas, to tbe end that we may the better safe guard our homea agaiaat csrtala dla- eaaea which ars incident to the sum mer months j aad, W bereas, The Common Couaoil haa set apart Saturday, the 18th Inst, for such 'clean-up day"; therefore, 1, J. P. Masoa, mayor of tho city of Klamath Falla, do hereby make proc lamation, aad appeal to all psopls of the city, la all walks of life, taeludlag the chlldrea aad studeats la hath our public aad high schools, that they, A musical treat Is la store for all j those attending the recital to be given fiontgni oy we tuamaia unorai uiua, ! at Houston's opera house. This ia tho first annual appearance of the club la recital, and tbe program tonight Is the result of several aaoaths of atady aad practice. The musicals begiaa at 1:11 Whiskers, Whiskers Everywhere and Not a tlado In tight From the Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph down from the Agsmcy. umiwu rreis oeriiw iner daughters. Mrs LONDON, May 10. Copenhagen p,H rntmr wires mat Norwegian vessels sigmea a large German squadron on the North Sea. The squadron was accompanied jby submarines, and the flagship crew I stopped the Norwegians and examined I' their papers. Tho Press Bureau announcea that over 700,000 Germans have been killed I to date, 1,783,000 are wounded, and 334,0000 are missing. These figures are based on the official German lists. Replying to Berlin peace hints. Home Secretary Samuels today declared Eng land will not consider peace until Ger many la decisively defeated. S. Ball are Tbe Norwegian ateamahip Ranat, in the banana trade between Barrios' and Galveston, mads a rapid tara-arouad at tbe latter port laat wsek. In leas than twelve hoars after croaalag'the br 7iiu cargo, sbe had discharged 21,000 bunches of bananas, takes on bankers, and was speeding oat oi tho harbor toward the tropica. United Press Ssrvles WASHINGTON. D. C May leV Uncle. Saaa will take a sMMaaaaa 'from Carraasa. This kV tho iwat'Ban niacaaes placed apoa tha etvsrtai at the mSiUa aad satrarigsiar iMiga to the astwsr. "- ' ' Eleven coast artillery corps, as rs vlslonal lafaatry. aad Eva Asld batter ies have beea ordered to Saa . The reinforcements along tha are expected, to stop tho border rasas. and persuade Obrsgoa to absadoa his demands far a tiaaa HaaU aa tho i of tho.. f'4 H ,ti United Press Service MARATHON, Texas. May IS A Mexican arriving today says Deaeea trio Garse, a noted bandit, reported aa leaded of the raid oa Glen Spring. waa .killed In a Ight with two Assart can troopers near Dssasors. Texas, yaaterday. American cavalry will cress thsbor- der today In parealt of tho raldava. , To Dunamulr. Aimer weed lert tossy ar mulr; after a visit at hla the Wood River, VaUsy- John Irwin Teas What's Wrong With Klamath County's Arairs .A J United Press Ssrviee FIELD HBADQUARTER8. near Namlqulpa, May 10. The Unltod Statea army ia Mexico la tbe most! bountifully bewhlskered body of men on the North American continent. Tbe expedition carries no shaving equipment, you know. The boys have coma to cherish aad brag about their beards. In this camp may be seen every va riety of whisker known to humanity, and several kinds asver before clas sified. There ars carefully trimmed Van Dykes, fierce mustacblos, per Chailey Chapllas, bristly adornments of the Oeorgs Sldaey type, aad avsa a fsw good old Gal ways; rod, white, gray, black, pink, bay, sorrel, mottled, etc. The states ars due for a treat whan "Johnny comas marsalag home" aad! If there be wife or sweetheart whoj ess sis mr wt ino veaios im hlrauUe uadergrowta. it will ha a oaaa of pure man. following are some of the verbatim pontons of the jpocch of John Irwin I making through the county In hla cam paign for renomlnatlen: Ladles and Gentlemen, I am pleased at this time to extend my appreciation to the directors and cltlxena of thla not have had to say, had It aot been that tha lady la hero present, I refer to Mrs. Olds, and tha fact that Mr. Kuykendall haa seen It to aaad oat here a defenseless woman to take down thla speech, rsthsr than have enough backbone and manhood within district, and to Mr. yoar, himself to come out aad defend him-lad Kuykendall for tho district! teacher here, for the courtesy which laj self, , and showing, as usual, the old being shown, speaking for myself, me j yellow streak which Is la aim aad al In coming out thla evening to hear ways hiding behind the breataworks of what I have to say upon the political ' someone else. He has seen it not to VJ VWiK f Us standpoint of Jadgaalp. la tha sentlnc of trial matters aa li the way they saoaM ho wnsn i went into tao esses ot.asnnsirv i attorney. Heary L. Benson' was 'an' laav pt bench,' ha slaee has goas npUtifm.i auprema conn, ana aner i aaa. saaaa i VJ V ney'Sr.oalce. Benson' seat, hla represeatatltlvs, aad a friend of stating that the fact that I had m m '". Mr Issue which la bsfors tha people of Klamath county in thla present cam paign. There are maay things that I will not attempt to tell yoa, there are other things which takes time to de velop specifically the .Intent of tha political ring In this county, and I might say to you people that I will say things to you tonight which under oth er circumstances I would have to apol ogise to you for saying In a respectable audience. Wo have with us tonight, whom I take to bo the stenographer of Jadge come out and defend himself, hut sead Mrs. Olds, -and aa far aa aha la con cerned I have ao objections, hat tha particular Instance shows tha old yel low streak of Kuykeadall's. Aa yoa know ladles aad geaUemea, I am the present Incumbent la tha db trict Attorney's office la thla district and am now oat for reaoaUaatloa oa tho republican ticket aad I ant eesalag before the voters of Klamath eoaaty, asking your sufferance apoa tha ltth day of this month. When I wsat late "V.WEd ed KuvkendalL weald bow brian aaa hS'H'l v .... '.. . -;T3. UjBIV : y"fP,"T'A" i.. 4k. .- 1 1 lai & kJW. iu.u jw,i auk ,m,MiWwu cult judge, four years time I weat late sense it to pat mo la sash a Hght tat $7h j people In Klamath eoaaty.. tasdaaa ,,v 0' M ' W'V, Kuykendall and those who are later-igentlsmea, there waa thaa la offioe aahtp jWffe aad satsd la Kuykeadall's campaign, ana the circuit beach of this dmtrteL aadloaaoaad tha la thought of that I shall ho compelled with tha circuit beach of tlanensMt a ' kimm arhiMh ntkmvmtm f M1S 1 1 hra tka vrv utaiaat mamtmmimt. Smsi w wmj mtmm --. w w ..vwa ...-. . , -..., , . , 7 . .1... . ..r would 'not want" ma f or diaarjst asy. elrcuk jadfls, Jastka of a Jkak ab a - ivki waatepeUUoallytotrld By way of illaetraUoa asaaaaAESs dall west aa tha - ease ?f thf State va. BJsV laal fEjgt ta state tha facte Jaot Intmnv aa Jam "s will . a.i'a. " -Tir-TW .Jl x, su m mwmmi fT 's'wioxsnsnniafff - 1 JvW