A mlJl- 1 WWpie. '. 1 . .. w iOWVWv Pj? iEutntituj Herald HjfYV i--. & j KLA OFFK KLAMATH COUNTY'! KLAMATH FALIf ,1 flaV, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWIPAP9B ; ?& I i: i . .ft. .. t'!' & T' iai v KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1916 Pi Flv Ce : 1 Tinth Ysar-N. 8,9 CLEAN UP DAY TO BE SATURDAY AND! ALL ASKED TO AID CITY TO HAUL AWAY ALU OLD RUBBISH AND TRASH Meyer Will iMUt Proclamation Call lug Upon All Cltlitni to Assist In . Making Klamath Falls a tpotlsss Town-All Refuse Will Be Further Used In City Beautiful Movement by Filling In Park tit Saturday la officially designated an -Clean Up Day" In Klamath Falls. On tks comiot Saturday, all cltltens art) uktd to thoroughly clsan their prem iMf, mnovluf nil trash, rubbishy cans, kettles, stc making tholr bono yardn -both front and back attractive and sightly. Tht city council last nlgbl awardod a contract to J. T. Donnott to haul away the rubbish. Tho pcoplo aro uktd to place all or their tranh, etc., la boxes, barrels or sacks, and place tatm near tbe sidewalk line, so they till be noticed by the teamster In latlr trips through the residence sec lloas. la a few days, a proclamation will be Issued by Mayor J. B. Mason, asking all residents to Join In tbe movement, which means a healthier and prettier Kkaiath rails. EXCURSION ON FIRST UPPER LAKE PLEASURE TRIP WILL BE QIVIN FOR BIN- ' IFIT OF KLAMATH'S ROSS QUEEN CANDIDATI An excursion on Upper Klamath Lake next Sunday afternoon baa been arruged for tbe benefit of Klamath's candidate for Queen at tbe Portland Rate Festival. By a very liberal con cession from Calkins Hamilton a targe part of the proceeds from the ticket sales will go toward the pur chase of votes for Mlsa Waive Jacobs. As largo a portion of the tickets aa Possible will be disposed of before Sat urday night, In order to get the benefit f (be special sale on votes, which closes 8sturday evening. Tlcketa will ke sold at a low price. Owing to limited accommodations, tbe number will be limited to 100. Te OlsHlve Amerlean Can Company The department of Justice announces that the United States attorney at Bal Pore bad made a motion that Ut wrt enter an order dissolving the Ansrlcsn Can company oa tat (round that It lb a trust The government's It agulnat the American Can com Nay Is pending In that court now, Tbe court waa aaked to force the com Pny to submit to tbe federal trado gj-Mlnlon a plan of dissolution. COMING SUNDAY Water Users Ask for a Power Line Franchise At hut night's meeting of the coun- Project Manager J, O. Camp of rwlamatloa service, appeared la " the Klamath Water Uaera "McitUoa, and uktd for a franchise s high power lint through Klam "rubi, la return for tht aasoclatloa "fferwi its rights la Ut Aakeay It esptalM that Ut water users as i, GERMANS WRECK ANOTHER PASSENGERXfNER AMERICAN CONSULS ARE INVES. TIOATINO No Satisfaction Is Yt Qslned Regard ing Loss of Life, snd Whether or Not Amsrlcsns Were Members of the Passenger List Vessel was Tor pedoed by Submarine Today as It Trlsd to Reach Port. L'nilod I'ress Bervlce LIVERPOOL, May 9. Tho British White Star linor Cymric wax subma rined and xuuk ut 3 o'clock this mo ru in j; whllo It wns attempting to reach ' u n I r lull port. According to Lloyd's, m-nrly nil of llio 107 aboard were HllVCtl OtlllT itt'ltllllirH I'CHCUl'll tho ctew United I'rens Service WASHINGTON. 1). C. May U.--Con tul Front at Qtiooimtown cables Unit llw of Urn Cymrlc'i trcw perished, s If the Cymric wan torpedoed with out warning, this apparently Is it viola tion of tho now Oermuu agreement. The fact that no AtnorlcaiiH wore on hoard will not change the case, said officials. Tbe New York office of the White .Star lino today denied tho report (hat! the Cymric was In tho admiralty scr vico, which would mako It it warship. United I'ruis Sorvlc LONDON, May 8. All American coiihuIm hnvo been directed to obtain details of tho Cymric torpedoing. So far tbe admiralty and officials of the Whlto Star lino havo not learned If tho vessel was warned, and tboro la also a ooaslblllty that the attacking sub marine left Its but before the new Herman orders wcro Issued. It Is not believed that any Amer icans wcro aboard the ship. Therew landed at Bantry, and Consul Frost U on his way thore to Interview the offi cers. Despite tho first report, all othor re ports Insist that al were saved. , o Hospital Owner Visits. n niarkhurn rtvan. woll known In Southern Pacific circles, and owner of thn Blackburn hospital property and other local Interests, Is here from San Francisco, attending to business mai lers. m - To Look at Fire Equipment. No action was taken by the council Inst night regarding the purchase of Mitoinobllo Oro apparatus. Council- man-etieetH, who leaves soon for Salem in attend the rate hearing before the Public Sorvlco Commission, will In spect city Are departments as far north as Seattle, and final acUon will bo takon following bis report. . A suit for I7G0.000 for the Jobs of her husband on tho Lusltanla, which was torpedoed by a German submarine, has been filed In tho New York federal court ngslnst the Cunard Steamship company by Mrs. May Davles Hopkins, of l,oulsvllle, Ky., widow of A. L. Hop kins, who was president of. the Now port News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock company. pect at a later time to develop elec tricity for use on their farms, and that as they will need a franchise then, It was deemed wise to ask for this at a time when the rights In tbe Ankeny dltcb can be given as a consideration. -u- ... Mutint of the council a contract form for Ut transfer will bt presented by tnt waier usera " - approval of Ut ty. EN6LSH France at Last Has wmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm FRENCH 15. Hero Is proof thai Franco has at last Invented a great gun to compare with tho German 16-Inch, which battered tho forts of the French frontier In tho I'uropoan purchases of war material. In tho United States totaled $340,000, 000 nt the end of the first twenty months of tho war. Figures asscm-j bled in tho bureau of foreign and do Allies Call Aviator LIEUTENANT IMMELMANN, DARING GERMAN AVIATOR, IS CREDITED BY HI8 FOEMEN WITH BRINGING DOWN, SINGLE HANDED, NO LESS THAN FIFTEEN FRENCH AND BRITISH AEROPLANE8. GERMAN8 STYLE THEIR HERO "THE EAGLE OF LILLE" FOR HIS MARVELOU8 FIGHTING FOR KAISER AND COUNTRY FAR ABOVE THE EARTH By WILBUR S. FORRE8T (Unltod Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON, May 9. Tho war has de veloped tho "human falcon." Aorlal tighten nnd aoronautlcal ex perts throughout Europe today aro dis cussing Germany's supor-hawk, Lieu tenant Immolmanri. Advices Just re ceived In England from tho vicinity of Lille, Fiance, und from Germany, tell for the first tlmo of tho falconlsh methods of tho champion Teutonlo Fokkor Flyer, whose total bag to date la officially announced ub fifteen allied aeroplanes. Inunolmann's secret of offensive air flchitnc is extremeny simple. He sights his quarry, an allied aoroplano bent on reconnaissance duty or aenai photography, somewhere over the Gen man lines near uue. oe leavoB the ground and wings (io a great height, an altitude of 13,000 or more. When ne naa mauouveni uw his adversary, he seta his planes ana makes ono long,, terrific, aownwnra .u-nnn. The olsn Is to pass diagonally behind bis opponent at tba ratt of per haps 200 miles an hour. His machine gun Is primed ana reaay. vvoea aw a Great Shell, Too i 7.INCH SHELL beginning of the war. This great gun throws n shell of forty centimetres, or 15.7 Inches. If the French armies ever reach the German border forts the gun will be used to batter them to bits. c mes tic commerce show the heaviest month was March' last, when more than $50,000,000 worth of munitions left American ports. April totals havo not been compiled. - This Young "the Human Falcon" enters a. prescribed, area the bullots begin to fly. Just like the falcon, that member of tho hawk family which tries once and strikes its mark or misses, Immolmahn either bags his "bird" at one swoop or wings back to his aerodrome a failure. He never returns to the attack. He empties ono drum of bullets, nnd hit or miss, continues his dive until it takes him home. v In Germany Immelmann is a na tional hero. He is called the "Eagle of Lille." Moro graphic dotalla of Inunolmann's method of attack are contained in a letter Just received In London from Lieutenant R. J. Slade of the' British flying service. Slade is one of the Ger man Falcon's fifteen victims, and la now a prisoner at Furatenberg. 81ade and his pilot, Captain Darley, royal fly ing corps, were on reconnalnaaott duty over the German lines near Lille. Tho Falcon saw them. "Suddenly from somewhere out of the air Immelmann swooped down be hind us," declared the British oSJctr. "Ho opened fire wltb his machine gun before we, were aware of bis' pret ence." The stream of lead from tht Fokker riddled the Briton's patrol task. Ca ACTS ON THE RECALL .CITY ATTORNEY IS INSTRUCTED i TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE 1 CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELEC TION ON THE MATTER Aflor several weeks of delay, the council last night took definite actios regarding the petitions asking the re call of Councllmen O. D. Matthews, A. D. Miller and M. R. Doty, when the city attorney was Instructed to pre pare an ordinance calling a special election. Tho dato of this election will be set when the ordinance Is Introduced Mon day night As a result of this action, the mandamus proceedings contem plated by those behind the recall movement will not be necessary. CONCERT TOMORROW TO BE ATTENDED BY MANY The concert to bo given at Hous ton's opera house tomorrow night by the Klamath Choral Club will bo well attended, judging from present sales of tickets. The club Is composed of well known Klamath Falls women, i who have been studying choral music 'for several months under tho direction 'of Vernon T. Motschenbacher, and to morrow night's affair is the first ap pearance of the club. It Is the inten tion to make the club permanent, and rthe spring recital an annual event. t i Paper to Be Color of Pulp i All Pacific Coast paper factories have begun the gradual elimination of aniline dye from their print paper aniline products has been reduced 60 prr cent, and gradually It will be drop ped, owing to the tremendous increase I in cost since the war began. Tbe price I has advanced from 39 cents a pound 'to $15 a pound. The ultimate result of the elimination of aniline from the print paper makln. process will be to Utii out newspaper stock the natural color of the pulp. German Lieutenant Immelmann tain Darley, In charge of Ut controls, triad tn eaeaiia bv a audden nose dive. Tht Falcon followed wiU aeearaey. A steady stream of lead found Ita awrfc. Captain Darley waa shot Urough Ua Coacluded on Pas t COUNCIL fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9BE3$ ,SBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH6J&&&BJ 'ggggBBjaggggggpsH BiggriiliggggVB-i BHHBEBjBBBBBBBBBBMfiS EBfEBBBJEBBBR!EBBBBBJu gsKiilHKBBBlVeK ;tS3SBBBBBBJpr fjsj&jjj &RtK2rc&lSjRfSBBE BM MILITIA IS FOR BORDER PATROL; MEXICO GETS SASSY United Pre Bervlce WASHINQTON, D. C, May 9. Secretary of War laker mask the fMw Ing statement this afternoen: '" ; "The outbreak In the Big Bnllstrlcthaa so emphasises) tti tr of similar occurrences that President Wilson has called out the m!HMf Texas, New Mexico anal Arisen, anal has directed the commander t rspsrt to General Funston, who will assign them to stations along the border. "Two regular regiments have also been directed u'praceed teUt:ar der, and such further arrangements will be made as are neceeeary -to com plete the security of the people against similar ralde." General Funston has been given wide power in the disposal ef thpiwMNIS. He may use them for service In Mexico, If necessary. United Press Service PHOENIX, Ariz; May 9 Adjutant General Harris has trier M hu rried laU mobilization of thtmilltla. There are only 400 men available new, but the companies, It Is expected, will be 1,000 strong before the end ef the week. Two companies recently muttered out, will probably i-t-ftllt ' United Frees Service MARATHON, Tx May Seven American prisoners ef the Mexlemi raiders overpowered their guards and escaped across the border, bringing three guards with them as prisoners. . , . . United Press tfervloe WASHINGTON, D. C., May P. Most important development ar pected In Mexico, following the receipt ef cede metaage from Oenerai Scott. It is learned, that this Indicates the conferences between Ohregen and Scott are probably ended, and the offers made te eecure the aethiv all been scattered. ' It waa Intimated broadly te tht United Press that Oenerai Ohrege BM not actually threaten to u the Carranzlstatreepe atabtet the Americana If the latter were not Immediately withdrawn, but mad the statement: HTk aUnatUi. m M4 m mit J. r- &R " It it understood that Obrtgen demanded a time limit Upon tWtxpteH- tlon's stay In Mexico. At today's cabinet meeting. It waa decides! t pal- : wjt .' - tlvely refuse this. , , i Army officials have, secreted General Scott's report. Some think that Obregon has broken with Carraiua. Ambassador Arredondo today yteld. Secretary Lansing that the Glean Springs raid was organized In America; and that Anton Vlllareal.lt rtaptwtl ble. He eald Villareal tried but failed to incite mutiny at tht Carranaa ajar rison at Laredo, and then organized the attack. Ho claimed that the raid ers used American arms. v Russia Promised Dardanelles There la no longer any doubt In U Russian pubUc mind Uat the allies reached a complete agreement torn time ago to Ue effect that InNcase the entente powers are victorious, Russia is to have possession of Ut Darda-. nelles after Ue war. Professor MUlo-i' koff. the liberal leader, speaking in! theduma, made the assurance of such an agreement definite when he said: "The end of March, 1915, is a date which Is well worth Ue remembrance by the Russian people. That Is Ue date when a definite agreement waa reached between us and our allies re garding the future of Ut Dardanelles. MUlukoff la the creator of Ue "pro gressive bloc," tht greatest force la Russian politics today, and Is closely Affiliated wlU Ue foreign oSice. The public is urged to refrain from tbe use of meat every Thursday tad to abstain from alcohol every. Monday in Ue Interest of economy, la aa ap peal Issued by a committee of twenty- six, of London's most promlneat oSK clnls, scientists and writers. Georgia's new prohibition taw, oat of tbe most stringent passed by aay state, went into effect May laL War Bulletins United Frtaa Btrvle BKRLIN. May 9. It la oSklally aa nounced Uat Ut 0naaaa today stormed several tranche mtk tf Hap. court and ta Ut vicinity f H1U N. 304. AttempU Uat alght te taptart positions held hy Oerraaay failtd. United Prtat Btrvle LONDON, May 9,J today wnfttS la i Uat 14 i fc'sa CALLED tir .AAM Mlfllt MM!! WHIM tHUMbl?' BIG EXPLOSION,, AT POWDER MILL i AT LEAST FOUR ARS-DEAD.,AM THIRTY OR MORE BADLY IN- JURED WHEN BLOW-UP OCCURS MYSTERIOUS United Press Serylct . TRENTON.' N. X. May 9. At.Jtttt four were killed and H strieothr lav. jured. while a hundred etsptoytt wtjr moro or less maimed by aa tttotta which occurred at Ua Atlaa -Mwifttr wbrks at Hopatcoag Uta aftoraaaa. Fire' broke out after tat eaptttlf. and is 'still raging. It wU he Uapettl ble to estimate Ua casualUe aUl th fire is under, control. , - , f Windows were smashed ftraattta around. It la reported that thrt pow der houses and the mixing .taakwtrt destroyed. , it ?T m W. r 1I-KV BrIUsh seMltft wr woadd, aaa ait i aaa aw.: result f U Irish riliWItt w:i$w 'BB-PCW ; Uaittt Prtat Btrrtot PAJU8.May9.-7Ki 11 1 ' iiiais . 4m a tW as thta heavy uilm.i $&$ .T''0ra;'i iwUifrom' some f flM ty tun aH;nw .' ?.' J-: '" AAj-fidwffy-HV-- - m t' ;- - ft ' f-W ' X' '; 5 3, IS". V . t ' rfip v ci&nUi . "'Aj!.-rA ft& ml-TjUi5! v '-. ,5! ; t-mf: v if V" , ('. "v' 1 .r.-.' .. V frr-