:!r ' i i t 1I ice m I'l hit a m . InlfsCkiflMiAifs. FOX SALS 1 eleetrle heater. A.OeUr.UISveata street Mt 90ft UIM Stadsbahor "K," S pae- r artosaobll. la good coadttioa. i for cash. SeeCalkote. J rOft SALE-Cheap, town lot. well att- anted. Way nay comsstsslna to raal estater? fianmiiilratii direct with own- or. cere T1TM, Herald. Mt POX SALS Two thoroughbred Pol and Caiaa boars, serviceable age. Will W. Adams. Merrill. Ore. FOB 1ALB CHEAP Caawra. Blanott atHarald nPOI. SALaV-Faraltare cheap; waste sasjsena aaaa. Catt at U Wasaagtea. C. E. Wlddoaa. Mt POft Sal-eaa THREE SPEED ariay-DavMaaa, ia Al shape far r trad far raal property, UK. Mt sKHTsTSBOLD GOODS far sale, tit street Mt HELP WANTED MHXL waaU poslUoa at light aoase- -werk. Write B, K, aaa XMt. city. Mt FOR EXCHANGE "HAVE SEVERAL 8BT8 team harness aad eoUars to trada for oats, wheat -avaarlty. Addraaa Keller Broa, Bo--aaaaa, Ora. Mt MISCELLANEOUS -MONEY TO LOAN Arthur R. WU--saaa, tit Mala. IJ-tf AUTO FOR HIRE Phone Stft-W. SMf -LOAN WAXTaP -Frees fSN.M ijSi ef C. C. Mt v CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS ' INSURANCB viva PJen Expert Plnbiig Laneef Puis el Lorwtz 7N Mala St Riper Bros. SKMUB OF QUALITY V 4UVC Sit-". A . Large battle ISO ON p taa human system tR4MNBS--MSeslers Yacht Club" SHIItB Martin's New York. tanaaano m prtaMt at anetaea ef e vt ; -c-e at.1 WHITE WXm, HAH, BOSS aal WamOAJ A 1MB PrPSRS "Plmentes." .11 PASTRY FUHR--twaasOew.- V Staffer TR4NC MMNeW, e W, 4tCTTftt HABIT The Evening Herald W.O.tMTTH Editor PebUeaed tellr mnM Sanaa? at The Herald Pnbllehlag Compear of Klamath rails, at 111 Fearta street Entered at the postoflce at Klam ath Valla, Oregon, for tnuuaUarioa tareaga taa aim aa oeeoac-ciaas attar. Subecrlptloa terssa ay mall to aay aacreos u taa uaitea states: oaa yaar .... ge.oo On KOBth 10 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 4, 191s OLCOTTS REPUBLICANISM A FEW democratic papers through out the state are re-printing an iirtlcie from the "Oregon Voter" re garding Olcott'a republicanism Hete are oae or two facta that are not con tsined in the, article. Olcott was ap pointed to a position in Portland by Governor Chamberlain. When Oswald West made his campaign for governor Ben Olcott was his campaign mana ger, and it is said he contributed to the fund that elected West A little later. Secretary of State Benson died and West promptly appointed his henchman to fill the unexpired term, overlooking the capabilities of Sam Koser, who had been chief deputy in the offlce of the secretary of state for The boasted efficiency in the office of secretary of state under Ben Ol cott ia no greater than it was under his predecessor and both conditions are due in large measure to Deputy Koxer, who Is a sterling republican and therefore stood no chance of re ceiving an appointment from a demo cratic governor. These are some of the facta regardlag Olcott's repub licanism which voters Bhould not over look. THE MEXICAN SITUATION By VERNE S. HeCLELLAN Klamath County High School Student NE OF the most lamentable and far-reaching results of the pur suit of the "almighty dollar Is the in ternational disputes in which we are constantly engaged. It has .been said that all wars can be traced to a love for gold, and certain it is that the pres ent trouble with Villa can be definitely traced to this cause. The deplorable feature of the case is that American citizens are guilty of this International outrage. American citizens have in cited Villa to murder other American citizens aad attack American towns, so that Uncle Sam would occupy Mexico. This, U course, would entail the sac rifice of hundreds, and thousands of American troops, bat what difference dous that make to these men, so long a? their property is safe, and they can extract more money from the already Impoverished Mexican people? They have continually sent out false reports as to conditions in Mexico aad on the border, and have made a great vyroar about the murder of American citizens and the certainty of war with Mexico. Although no certain evidence has been brought to light It seems very probable that Americans have supplied Villa with money to carry oa ha depredatloas, aad It Is absolutely certain that he has received maaltloas of war from taa United States. President Wilson has recently warn ed people not to believe reports from the border, an account of i the false ruasonfbelng circulated by the trouble makers. Senator Lewis in a speech la congress, said that the names of many of the men Implicated la the' plot are known, and that most of them are noisy champions or preparedness. Although no names are given oat by the authorities, most of us can gaess what seme of these naasee are. These men cannot be too severely censored. If a miserable criminal commits mur dwr, the whole country Is aroused aad cries for the punishment of the mur derer. What excitement there was whan potaoa was placed la the aaap at a Chicago banquet! Are wa to let the men go free who are Instrumental In the murder of hundreds of men, wo men and children, and who seek to plunge two nations Into warT And why all this sacrifice of life aad property? Simply to further the Inter ests of a group of men who already have more moaey than aay .'. Scattered Shots .'. e e e A WINNING BASEBALL TEAM; A KLAMATH OOtL for Ross Show QBttt; A CLEANLY KEPT CITY; A CONTINUATION of sueh pre sire steps as the Salppugtoa road. A GOOD SIT of bitcblag racks for the ate of ranehers vlslUag tows; the farmers' A METHOD (or healthy recreation for children during vacation; A WKLL SUPPORTED BAND; THESE ARE THE THINGS to put Klamath Fallsla a favorable light with the world aad a little "home towa spirit" can bring them iato being. Moving Pictures Blanche Sweet, the gay. captlratlag star, supported by Carlyle BlackwelL will be seen at the Starr tonight in the Lasky-Belasco superb photodramatic production of Edward Locke's famous drama, "The Case of Becky." This un usual drama dealing, as It does, with dual personalities and hypnotism, is considered one of the most sensational playB of the decade, and ran for one entire year in New York city. That Blanche Sweet should play the title role for the Lossy company was sug gested by David Belasco, the original producer of the drama. Klamath Falls Steam Laundry uses bleach that prolongs the life of tho material Samuel J. Dickson, ager. SMt FOR SALE Pure bred, Rufus Red Belgian hares. Write Theodora D. Young, Midland, Ore. 20-th-4t Wood SLAB, LIMB AND BODY Sawed to aay length. Oar, beat block wood to delivered direct from sheds, aad to always dry. Oae load will convince job. KLAMATH FUEL CO. O. Peyton, Mgr. Phone) 187 tint acwoauaodatloa d ! and daagatin: BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW it jSmSSanfraaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM IsaHSBl rsasBBBsfJBBBBamB CAN YOU BLAMF HIM? HENRY KIMMEL WHO JUST CAME BACK FROM NEW YORK SAYS IF YO WANT TO KEEP UP WITH THE 400 YOUVE GOT TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOJ SMOKE. HEfe SO PARTICULAR NOW THAT HE TURNS HIS BACK ON EVERYTHING BUT A VeS. ($i Also Fashes! T """i t & cSsES--' a aBkaaaaaT enaaaaaaaaaar v AsaaaiiaWjgSr (SOLMani as WsaanVaTaw miPVt ' aaaaVaaT TCS w eaaaw N. PV THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Standing ef the Clubs Won Lost Pet. Los Angeles ....... Saa Francisco ... Vernon ............. Oakland Salt Lake Portland 1T 16 IS 14 11 9 11 14 IS 16 IX IS .tor .us .600 4.83 .471 .376 Results Yestsrdsy At Portland R. H. B. Los Angeles 4 10 3 Portland J 6 X Ryan and Boles; Kelly and FUher. At San Francisco R. H. B. San Francisco 9 16 1 Oakland 8 11 1 Uaum and Broolts; Klawittcr and Elliott. Perrttt replaced Baum In the fourth. Chabek replaced Klawltter In the sixth. Steen replaced Perrltt In the eighth. At Los Angeles K. H. B. Salt Lake 2 6 0 Vernon 17 1 Fitter and Hannah; Qulnn and Spsncer. Notice All persons engaged for night shift, pleaso report at our offlce Saturday, May 6, 1916. Applications will be considered at that time. Night shift will commence May 8th, at 7 p. m. 2St EWAUNA BOX COMPANY. Card ef Thanks Wc. the undersigned, take this op portunity to express our thanks to our nany friends who were so very kind during the illnenss and death of out late husband and father, and for the many beautiful floral tributes and kindly expressed sympathies during our hour of trouble. MRS. WM. WHITLOCK, EARL WHITLOCK. Phone ate-nlne for the best In elec trical work. Promptness my hobby. Cecil Weeks, electrician, Klamath Sportsman's Store. Eighth and Main, m-th-s Farm Implements Complete stock McCoraatck Bladen, Mowers, Reapers, Rakes aad Headers. Weber Wagons aad Logging Trucks. Impleneate aad J. S. KICKUPTHEDUST From the floor, and let It aettte on 'the wall, pictures, curtains, and everything. Than brush It down again, and repeat. Why net use the Electric Vaeuum Cleaner, and remove the dust "the sanitary way." T The Franz Premier Cleaner Link River Electric Co. Corner Seventh aad Mala Streets FALLS. OREGON IcHINIST RiPRiSINTATIVIS HISS TO MIND 11,000,000 IN TOOL FOR THE ORISNT United Press Service P1TTSDURO, Msy 4. With author ity to spend 11,000,000, N. C. Chu and Geo Sing Sam, Hongkong brokers, ar rived In Pittsburg today to buy tools, hardware and builders' aupplles for use In Chins. Becsuse of Hie war It Is said, China has been unable to get needed steal goods delivered. It U believed one of the reasons for the mission of the Chi nese to secure contracts direct that will carry better delivery accommo dations. a Harness and all other leather work repaired; first class M. Salinas, 1X1 Sixth, between Main and Pine. 4-cod Any Block Head can see tbst It Is impossible to sell goods below cost snd stay solvent and honest. It Isn't common aense. We use no nuch stupid scheme to Induce people to buy our WOOD knd HAY Uut we do sell as close to cost as ood business will permit. You can buy horo with full confidence that you are getting tho beat and most posslblo for your money Seehorn GETZ Wood Phone 72 622 Main Street Mills & Sons POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For BhcriS I take this means of announcing my candidacy for the republican nom ination for sheriff at the primaries. 1 bsllsve that my work as deputy sheriff speaks for Itself, and 1 shall greatly spi-roclnto the support of the voters. 1 R. It. BRBWUAKRR. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offlca of sheriff for Klamath county, Oregon, on the re publican tlckot. I respectfully ask the support of the voters of the coun ty st the primary election for this offlce. JOHN II. COLLMAN. I hereby announce myself e candi date for the democratic nomination tor sheriff at the coming primaries, and I respectfully ask the support of llu voters of Klamath county. OKOIIGK L. HUMPHREY. I hereby announce myself us a can dldnlo for renoinlnntlon on the repub lican ticket for sheriff. 1 Invite a enroful Investigation of my record as sheriff during the pnst ttire years. C. C. LOW. J hereby aunouueo myself as a can didate for the nomination for sheriff on the republican ticket al the pri mary election to bo held on May 19, 1916. CAREY M. RAM8BY. I take this moans of snnounclng my candidacy for tho republican nomina tion ns sheriff at tho primaries In Msy. My record as a cltlien and as a police officer In Klamath Falls Is open to all, and 1 respectfully ask the sup port of the voters who seek an ad ministration of efficiency. WILLIAM HALL.. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate on the democratic ticket for tho nomination of sheriff, subject to the will or the voters at the coming prlmarlss; J. A. MADDOX. I take this meaus to announce my self as a candidate for sheriff, subject to the will of the republican voters at the prlmnry election. JAMES U MOORE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho republican nomination for the offlce of sheriff at the primary election. WM. C. ME8SNER. The undersigned announces his can didacy for the republican nomination for sheriff of Klamath county. If I am nominated and elected, I will, dur ing my term of offlce. construe my oath of offlce to mesn a complete and efficient enforcement of the law. I will bavo no Interest to serve but the public Interest. I will give the pro tection of my office to all persons and all classes alike. I will personally conduct my offlce with strict regard to economy. I will at all times serve all official papers with promptness. I will give sll prisoners In my custody hu mane treatment, wholesome food aad clean quarters. I will appreciate your support. E. W. OOWEN, i norewith announce myseir as a candidate for the nomination as sher iff, subject to the will of the demo cratic voter at the primary election, f R. L HUN8AKER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate tor the republican nomination for sheriff, subject to the will of the voters nt the primary election, May 19, 191C FRANK N. FRAKE8. To my friend, and especially the democrat votera In the coming pri mary: I trust you will give me your support for sheriff. I stand for hon est work; not too much sitting on the Job; and a square deal for everybody. If elected, I can and will earn a part of tho salary the offlce pays. Don't forget my motto at the polls. Thank ing you in advance, one and all, for any favors shown me, I am, Yours very truly, J. T. OARTRELL, The watkias Man. '--' "-"iTmYYiwnftvwAiwm For Coroner 1 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the republican-nomination for coroner at the primary election to be held on May 19, 1916. UK. A. A, SOULB. I take this means of announcing myself a candidate for re-election to the offlce of coroner, subject to the will of the democratic voters la the primary on May 19th. My poller will be to uphold my former record or efficiency In office, with the least cot to Klamath county. EARL WHITLOCK. For Coaatjr Treasures I hereby announce myself a caadl date for the republican nomination for treasurer of Klamath county, aub Ject to the approval of the electors at the coming primary election. A. A. MBHAFFBY. I hereby announce mvaalf nniii. date for the republican nomination for treasurer of Klamath eountv for a second term. QEOROB A. HAYDON. .......--.-- iiviniinniuu'uuuuuuui For County Surveyor 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-nomlnst!on for the of flce or county surveyor on the repub lican ticket, B. B. HENRY. I take this means of announcing my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the oSee of county surveyor. F. Q. BROWN. For School 8uuHi.tMitau I .hereby announce my candidacy tor the republican nomination for school superintendent of Klamath county. BBeSIB B. APPLBOATB. 1 hereby announn mnuii r,i. date on the republican ticket for nom ination ss county school supertatead- ai, aauiouut the support of the vet- TMUMOAV, MAY 4, tlu For DlMrlrt Attoraer 1 harahv ann... . lor the-rVubllc," prosecuting attorney Bt 5s iiSJf T&iv- !!s"' Was HAROI.U 0. MKIUtYUAM 1 hereby announce m cbhsi.Z for the republican nomlnttiSJ'H'-' district attorney for KlamSfc Own. J08EWiFk. I hsreby announce myiit . J Uldate for the nomlaauoa to tASS1, At ornsy for Klamath coung Sam? subject to the action of n, -22: crstlo electors at the prlmarr .liSR?" to be held on May 10. ini r 'cUoa ". m. UUN0AN. MAAMAMWwW l'or Aunu I hereby announce my candMae, for tho republican nomination fol assessor for Klamath county, M-fiJ to the approval of tho voter, it tE mining primary In May. l ,l" JOHN Y TIPTON. i uereiiy annouucu my cndldat. for the republican nomination f0', assessor of Klamath county FltKl) PHTKriflON J hereby auuouuce my candldau for the nomination ns nsaior os S republican tlckot al tho primary ale? tlnn to he held on May 19 lii 0AU8TIN IIAYUEN. I hereby announce uiysolt a caadl. date for retioinlnatlon as assessor oa the democratic ticket at the coals primary election j. p, LM. 1 hereby announco myself a caadl. dale for assessor, subject to the will of the democratic voters at ths firi. inarlea. JAHI'KIl IIKNNbV nrfartarsaTWWWWaaa " Fwr Circuit Judge Tim undersigned announce, bis caudldacy for democratic noalat tlon for circuit Judgo of Klamath county HOLLO O. UHOK8HKCK. I hereby announce myself at a oaa dldate for tho republican nomlutlea for circuit Judgo for the Thlrtstau Judicial district, comprising Kliauua county, at the primary slectlon to b held May 19, 1916. P. V. KUYKKNDALL. I announce myself as a candidal, for the republican nomination forth offlco of circuit Judge for Klaaats county, state of Oregou, subject to tt will of the voter al th coatlof primary election C M. ON BILL, I hereby announce myself a a can didate for the republican nomhuuloe for circuit Judge of Klamath couty, at the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. WILSON H. W1L17 For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself u a candidate for the democratic noalas tlon for county commissions st th coming primary election. HUIUIEL 8110RT. I , hereby announce myself a a candidate for re-nomlnatlon on ths re publican ticket for county coav sloner, subject to the will ef tbs vot ers at the primary election. JOHN HAOELBTE1M. I hereby aunouueo my caodldsc; for the offlco of county commletloaer or Klamath county, subject to the ap proval of tho voters In the rspablleaa primary. JACOU RUBCK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination at county commissioner. WILLIAM U. WKLAJH. I hereby announce myself a a can didate for the republican nomination as county commissioner. R. W. TOW1B For Circuit Court Clerk I hsreby announce my csadllM for the republican nomination as awa of the circuit court of Klamath conn ty at the coming primary Jfrtto"-- C. K. BRANDENBDRO... For Ooauatv Clerk 1 hereby announce myself " dldate for the offlce of clerk for Klamath county, Oregon, on the re publican ticket. I respectfully art the support of the voters of the coun ty at the primary election for thw offlce. R. C, COWLEY. Wideband. I hereby anuounce myeir as a can didate on the democratic ticket ' the nomination of clerk of KUum county, subject to the w S! voters at the primary election for uus Office. BURT B. HAWiune. I hereby announce myself a eandl' date for renomlnatlon on the rep lean ticket aa county clerk, aubjactw the wishes of the roters at "ggfiT n SlaaiMiaaatatlve I hereby announce. nT,,,fJBUI candidate for the office JfiSL sentatlve for the list wr"!, district, comprising the c01un,Jfl Klamath, Lake, Creole, Orwl Jefferson, subject to tho wlrtai the voters of the republican party. ALBERT B. BLDS. I aanounoe myself as a f'M! for the democratic nomlnatioa r representaUve of the list rawjJJRMJ. tlve district Ib the MM&iV1 sembly. FRBD W. hi-. I hereby announce myself u date on the repub lean Uck representative or sue g"ri7im0t district, comprised of "SfflfyS Crook. JeffersoB, Grant, Klam a -al A a. ruauiLi'ait'- VERNON A. FORBM, I hsreby aanounoe Jut,kft05f dKrwm?rlie4 of tnjowjWM, Crook. JsfferseB, Grant, Klaauta s Vfl A m eoauas pnaunes. DNA I. Wl ILBY O. iMITH. Kiantath raW i ., i"i WELLS l t Yti i COMPORTABLB rest far