fi-itphZ .. f,M? aa - tPj lEumng IteraU. 4b ' Ai tt&KW KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL rTOrVtM ;- T f . WMl- Ttnth Year Ne. 2,W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1916 PrfM FIVt lK AMERICAN MIXED VOLUNTEERS ARE IN DUBLIN RIOT ' A6AIN GUARDING IS BEING HELD CASEMENT TO IK TRIED TREASON FOR Sir Edward Carton and John Redmond Appeal to Offlolala for Moray for tho Rink and flit of tho Irish Rtbtla. 9omt Will t Doportod, It It lltvtd, tut Majority Will Oot Light Stnttnctt i nlicd I'reaa Service LONDON, May i. Jamct Sullivan, the former American minister to San Domingo, baa been arrostcd In con nection with tho Irlih revolt. He has ben brought to England. It In announced that liaron Heading will pri'nldc at the trial of Sir Roger Continent, who ww nrrestod attempt I iir to land munltlonx and German forcoH on tho Irish coast. lit Ih chnrg id with treason. Unions Caseraont escape on tho ground of Iminntty, ho will be hanged. If no, ho will be executed with a silken rope, a privilege of the nobility Sir Edward Canton and John Red mond, Irlnh leaden, havo jointly ap pealed for mercy for the rank and flic of the rebel. It la believed that the majority will get light scntoncc. al though aomo of the rlngleatlorti will be deported. AGAINST EIRES WILL SERVE UNTIL DEPARTMENT 18 MADE I Following Yttttrday't Fire, Matt Matting Wat Held at City Hall, and Btvtral Had Talktd, Old Flrtmtn Wtre Atktd to Serve at Until Such Time at the Maktt Some Arrangement Trial of These Men Stirs All France WarJ Bulletin? of Yore Council EORMER KLAMATH WOMAN IS DEAD MRS. FRANK LV0N8 PA88E8 AWAY AT RENO WITH HIR HU81AND, SHE RESIDED IN THIS CITY FOR SOME TIME Mrs, Trank Lyons, formerly of this t ity, died last week In Reno. Word to i Ills effect waa received yesterday by local friend. Mr. Lyons waa for somo tlmo con reeled with the Faimore Implement & Supply Hour hero. In charge of tbo harness denattment. Mn. Lyons waa a alitor of Mm. A. C. Wrtnn. editor of the old Klamath Chronicle. Chlloquln Store Changtt The deal baa been Anally closed whereby A. C. Qelngor has aold tbo store and property of tho Chlloquln Tim old Volunteer Are dcDartment memboni are onco more guarding tbo city against flames. At a mass meet ing last night, they were asked to act! In their old capacity until such time ii k the mayor-elect and the council hnvo an opportunity to make some permanent arrangement regarding n fire department. Pollowlng yesterda) 'h fire, In which n lioiiMfi belonging to Martin McAn- diWH was practically destroyed, and much furnlturo and effocts belonging to W. M. Ilenner and others wtre des troyed, tho meeting was held at tho city hall to consider tho question of prnxldlng nomu arrangement to man the fire apparatus until such tlmo as the mayor and council could work out i permanent arrangement. Somo six ty or Hovcnty of tho representative business men and citizens were pres ent. L. R. Robertson was elected chair- mun and the situation was discussed nt length. After going over tho sub ject fully, those present voted for a resolution, proposed by I P. Willits, to nsk the old volunteer fire depart ment to offer their Horvlces to tho mayor and council until contemplated pluns were more fully developed. Quito n number of the members or thn volunteor department were pres ent, and they agreed to comply with tho request of tho meeting, and L. R. Itnbertson waa chosen to present the offer to the mayor and council for ap proval. A meeting of tho council will prob ably bo hold soon to consldor the sub ject, and it Is anticipated that the of fer of the firemen will bo accepted. PARIS. May 4. It la officially am- nounctd that the French bare extend ed their lint, thereby consolidating so as to hold ytttardaya galaa on Dead Man'a Hill. The French hare Improved their positions throughout the whole Mouse section. , The German losses at Dead Man's Hill yesterday were heavy. Bombard ments continue around Vaux, but there are no important Infantry attacks.. ' East of St. Mlhiel, the French re pulsed a strong German reconnoia- sance nartv. French artlllerr -in Northern France haa destroyed Oer-.' man worn ai uranium, on ia aaj coast COMPACT SEEMS SATISFACTORY TOj BOTH NATIONS Withdrawal -j- OF '-TROOPS' IS FORECASTED .v i- ! . Mexico la to Revise Mining Lawe Proper Permit Proper Development, ami ' ft UnlUd SUtea la U Aeeltt the Car- do-! ranza Government In SeeurlRf Nee, aiay t. nussiou iiuwi , . , -" r tionlsU have aUrted a great fire In .Vplnancee for ftoeenotruetlett Moscow which spread to the admin- t , Istratlon buildings and Is still raging. Li. of tht Nation according to Stockholm dispatches. -L ; 1 -j BLUE SALMON ARE RUNNING IN LINK . iJ r (United 1'reta Service Seoul No. 1 Dr. Lombard No. 2 Dr. Labord 8uptrvltor Vltlta L. M. Holt, district supervisor of irritation for tho Indian Reclamation Service, Is hero from North Yakima to consult with Engineer H. W. Hlncka at Chlloquln. . m i .it ,i . . . .. ... i.. ..,. h mi.,U 1 sttT knnnt rorty-Huten persons somo or mom uiluscu or Having boju inese papers ai u uraiuj sic "" - no-..., very well known und heretofore be-jsums varrylng from 20 to 1,000 franci. which he persisted in wearing in the llcved to be patriots, nre now on trial to persons who wanted to shirk mil- J prison dock. In Paris on the charge of having sold itary sen-Ice on tho wound of til Seven women were among the pris- "medically unfit" service papers. health. loners. They were defended by Mile. Among them are Dr. Lombard (No., Ore. Lombard and Labord were said Gerraalne, well known In Parts as an 1) and Dr. Labord (No. 2). Thoy are to be the chief Instigators. Tho latter I attorney. BIGBEE MAY BE ON TEAM AGAIN LAST YEAR'S STELLAR PITCHER WIRE8 FROM TACOMA KLAM ATH TEAM TO BE FA8TER THAN EVER BEFORE Flag Desecration Is Now Punishable Oftense Here t v ,u th teachinc of Datriotlsm and ."thing, or substance, being an article the veneration of tho flag are cardl-'for merchandise, or a receptacle of In from Dairy n n u.vmi in in todav from Dairy store and property of tboChl oqu " - t0 bU9lneM lon. Mercantllo company, at Chlloquln, to auonning w i.rin tiw. rx T. Honlev will bo aiarun uros. u. u. nmw " -- .fc.i.j manager for the now owners and ho """""" ritered it now at ChUoauln In charge of the R. Melv in of Ashland is registered k.i... at the Hotel Hall. Ex-SenatorLorimerFreed efBankWreckingCharge: nal principles of the Women's Relief Corps, the Oregon statute in regard Lyle Blgbee tho big University of the desecration of tho flag might be Oregon slabster who starred in tho of interest. The law, published at the box for last year's unbeatable Klam-' Instance of Sprague Chapter, follews: atb Falls baseball team, may bo a1 Section 2091. United States Hag. member of the local aggregation again Desecration of, Prohibited Any per ,1.1. .... nioKoA urni. uivon r trv. son who In any manner, for exhibition auto j vaa tiQwv w n. -- ( out by Portland In tho Coast League. 'or display, shall place or cause to be and was then turned over tho Tacoma piacea any woras, or injures, m "uj-v-n.n..ncirn Tannin tnm. Ho has bers. or marks, or Inscriptions, or pic- Just been released for tho season, and tures, or dealgn, or device, or symbol. bo has wired here to ascertain pros- or toicen, or nouce. or arewmB. ur au, pecU for a aummer'a Job. advertisement, of any nauro or kind The matter haa been taken up by .wnatever. or wno snau expose iu yuir the baseball club managemont. It Is lie view, or shall manufacture, or aell, known that Blgbee hurt bis arm In a or expose tor brio, or u m y,--football game at the university last ' slon for sale, or for uae, any article, or fall, and some say this haa affected his pitching. Others say there la no truth to this, and tbey say that Blgbee will be ns good as over, plus some big i league experience, in a short time, j A telegram has been sent to Blgbee, asking him as to his real condition. Blgbeo Is a heavy atlckor as well a9j a f.ood outfielder, and oven If he can not pitch, he should be a valuable ad-i ditlon to tho team. ASSISTANT Another likely lad who haa Just been merchandise, upon which shall have been printed, painted, or attached, or otherwise placed, a representation of any such flag, standard, color, or en sign of the United States, to advertise, or call attention to, or to decorate, m- to ornament, or to mark, or to diatJn milsh the article or thing on which so nlacod. or shall publicly mutilate. trample upon, or publicly deface, or defy, or defile, or cast contempt, either by words or act, upon any auch flag, color, or ensign of the United States, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than twenty dollars (120.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). (L. 1901. page 286. Section -1, Oregon Lawa). 8TRANQE GAMEY FISH PROVE8 TO BE THE BLUE-BACKED 8ALMON LIBERATED HERE BY STATE COMMI88ION " ' At last it has been solved, this mys tery regarding the strange gamey fish anglers have been catching ot late In Link River rapids. These are-en- tirelr different from the usual rain bow trout, and they hare puzzled many an old angler. Deputy Game Warden Stout an nounces that these fish are young blue- backed salmon. Last year the state fish and game commission hatched out 100,000 egga of this species In, the county, and liberated the fry In Crys tal. Creek, near "The Cedare.", ..The fish are now eight and 'ten lnchea Ion, and they put up a mighty barf fight before they are landed. , '' v. NO PREFERENCES IN CRATER GATES United I'reaa Service CHICAOO, May 4. At'mldnlght, the Jury hearing the evidence In the trial of ex-United Btatea Senator William F. Lorlmer returned a verdict of acquit tal'. Today Lorlmer announced that he will devote bis life to tho payment ot the dabta of bit bank. Lorlmer, together with Charles B. Munday, his partner, and other offi cial of the L Salle Street Trust and Savings bank, waa Indicted following the failure of the Lorlmer-Munday banks and Institutions throughout Illi nois. Munday waa convicted and sen tenced to five yeara In prison. He la out on bail, pending an appeal. Throughout hit trial, whloh began late In February, Lorlmer contended that he waa Innocent ot irregularities ot the details of tho management to Munday. Furthermore, ho contended that sooner or later all who lost through tho failures would bo paid in full. His principal dofenso waa that the fulluro of tho banks waa unnecessary, and forced by a clique or oppoaiug hankera to accomplish Lorimer s nuan- clnl and political ruin. Lorlmer baa had one of the mosi rfranmtlc careers In the recoroa o American doUUcb. Born In 1861, in Manchester. England, ne cam- America by ateerage; waa bootblack, street car conductor, contractor, con gressman, and finally unuto ow annator. Elected to the senate in 1809 by the Illinois laglslature, Lorlmer waa oust ed in 19U. when chargea were made I... i.i. .(...iinn had been bought. . -- . .!... rianled thlt. dtclar- Ing bla political ruin had been brought released by Tacoma la Maher, who played third base tor Yreka last year. Maher Is on bis way to Klamath Falls to play on the local team. Johnson, also an outfielder on the Yreka team last year, and one of the club's heavi est hitters, la here now to play. A valuable addition has been made by Manager Watt in "Ginger" Green wood, noted throughout California as a Blueeer and an out-gardener. Ho will be hero from Chlco In a couple of days. Herblir. "Pinch Hit" Palmer, Bow. den, and Catcher Clark ot last year's team are already here, and Cook and Peterson form tho nucleus of the pitch- in staff. So far. Vernon Motchen- 8ECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR WRITES 8ENATOR LANE IN RE8PON8E TO KLAM ATH FALLS PROTEST MORE STRIKES ARE DECLARED OVER FIFTY THOUSAND MEN ON 8TRIKE8 IN PENNSYLVANIA, M08TLY EMPLOYE8 OF MUNI TION PLANT8 MRS. MANN DIES! CLOSE TO SALEM ? FORMER KLAMATH COUNTY WO MAN PA88E8 AWAY AT CHE MAWA LEAVES RELATIVES IN THI8 SECTION ' According to word received by "to; cat relatlvea. Mrt. Harry B. Maaa. formerly of Klamath county, peaaed away at Cbetnaws, Oregon. Toeaaty. She waa burled there. Mrs. Mann la survived by her hus band, two daughters and ion.- She Is also survived by the following. eU ten: Mrs. E. H. DuFault of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Joe Coburn ot Bontntt, and Mrs. William Crawford of Fort Klamath. " ? WASHINGTON. D. C. May 4. No preference Is Intended to be shown by the Interior department between the Medford and Klamath Falls gateways to tho Crater Lake National Park, de clares Assistant Secretary Bo Sweeney In a lettor to Senator Lane. Tho senator had received a protest from the manager ot the Klamath Com mercial Club and the county Judge of Klamath county concerning the condi tion of tho roads on the Klamath side nt thn nark. Mr. Sweeney says that bacher. who caught a majority ot tho,Ut fall the road, from Fort Klamath '. . .. . t ' iririr wam faunil In fair condition. AMAt viai nnii Hnuarni. id m.ud , .. -- Ijnwvn v f EL. PASO, May t. General and General Funaton were both ed today when Informed that tkVprea ideni' haa 'officially approved the Scott- lObregon pact. No ratifying confer ence-will be held until omdal notice1 j of 'ratification Is received from both! Kovernmenta. ..j American aid in rehabttttatlmr Mex ico ,4s expected to follow ratiteatloei Developments indicate that aomethtng oeaiaes military aaaira waa outcntaea at Tuesday's conference. Authorities believe the iaw nil the official statement wlU'Shthria grad ual, retirement ny .tne. Anenoaa ex-i sedition .In.-Mexico, the , '" ' .-- meanwhile using the Mexican. raUwaya. Tne'troopa are act to at aaaaeei with-the Carranzlstas genuinely oneratlnaC ' . ? .America, It la understood, ia.alao to I uae her good offlcea la obtataiai' I eiai aid ror tne Mexican core; iCarranza will also rerlaa th Mexican ..mlnlnr. lawa. to. nenalt-ithel . - ." . ' ". " -I reopening or minea ny Americana, aaai we nitfjiiijitai. ec fcueaaa federal Ohnaaax told kta the pact la' entirely aatlaibatatr nail ut news waa coauaaateaMtl, Wl troope. . The iwiiiimi am Meaata I iday hall this aa a great Mexleef vto- i TAtMar hf -n I & United Presa Service . f WASHINGTON. O. C. May .-4ee- retary Baker today transmitted to the president a long meaaage from 'Oaa- eral-Scott. Aratyaaea are com that withdrawal la near. , It Js expected that Carraasa, annmva tk want I la ankaaa President' Wilaon la aaUsftedwlUi a KMawiaMt Kttt Itaa will maVat aaja fftttH aa(a oviuvuw "fH mm ewaaa iiieaai aan av announcement ubUI aftftr C acta.. . J .- BRANDEI8 MATTER I STILL UP IN THJ;AII - u i.. -i.-.,. - t?ll? il vvjuninuivn, u.'i.,'mm aaaata tudlctarr coaaaatttaa, aaaln eoatnoaed aetloa racardlaar uominauoa 01 uomm a. inaj associate Justice of the pram Opart. ;' tnd Man Here t. . : Earl RHouitoa ia here troaa BtSai FremontProeramReady la the alalrt of the banks of which he about by 0"W.n;,I??tPSl wm as oter, aad that he had toft all with other tottmtt aaaUut aba. out of baseball, but it la generally felt that he will come In If really needed. That Klamath Falls la noted aa a good baseball town, with ateady em ployment In the mllla for ball players In evidenced by the floods ot letters from playera received by Manager Watt of the team. Several of these applicants are college students who neek to earn money thla summer to hnin them tbrouafa school next term. The Klamath Fallt team will make Us first appearance Sunday at Modoo park In a practice game with OUver't Bctueadoa. from Medford was much it waa practically recon- The road worse, bo structed. n n. Marshall, superintendent of the national parka, will soon vlilt Ore gon, it Is stated, and will confer with the supervisor concerning road repair and plans tor the coming season. Funds appropriated are expended un der direction of army engineers. Mr. Sweeney tayt that visitors to the .park are advised by the depart ment to go In by one route and out on the other aide, aad nothing la done to discriminate between them. United Preas Service PITTSBURG, May 4. Forty-Iv ihnuBLnd munition workers began a strike late yesterday. Simultaneously, several thousand employes of the Pressed Steel Car company's planta at McKee's Rock struck, and a general walkout of 12,000 people there before night Is anticipated. Tho First Pennsylvania Cavalry haa reached Braddock, the scene of yester day's fatal rioting. Large bodies ot strikers are today reported moving toward Braddock. The Eir.hth Pennsylvania Infantry expects to be dispatched to Braddock or Swlssvale. Several more troopa of cavalry have been ordered to the strike zone. Martial law haa not been declared, but It la virtually In effect Denton Eurdlok Here. Denton Budick ot Redmond, who la a candidate for the republican nomina tion tor' representative from thla die triet, la here matting the people. He ia aecomnanled by former Congreta- man J. N. WUllameon of Frlaetllle. for Saturday's Exercise a Miinti win k naiit the site where river waa c rotted br memorv of General cnanea Fremont -"- . , - a j.j h-s .:. by Klamath county people Saturday, '" t , kus'le' the seventieth anniversary ot bla ex ploration ot the Klamath country, es pecially around the Upper Lake. All city and county officials, school chil dren, patriotic soclttlet, etc., have hoon aavui in nartielnata. and the com mittee in charge wishes aa many horsemen aa possible for the procee tion. " . The program arranged for the com memorattve exerclaea follewa: , i 9:80 a. m. Forming of parade am Mala atreet, beading up Ith ttreet Horsemen, autoa, Motorcyclee, ' ij 10 a. m.-Parade to atart, reacatag bead of river at 19:M. 10:50 a. mBaWliM at taTOcatloB JKar.-M. 0.- Opening Remarks .W, A. Recitation ....4.- .;.t .Whittlert -. MltaHaaeTrrr Address ."Fremont the rati Captala O. C. Apptogata m ASspOsMsWW . i, -frr Address "Fremont a NaUaaat "aeter,V..W. B. Wltoy tar" Bar - Settlur'ta MettMtttH JZ- nt WUath Halle. City. BBa I ' "noiirt oaeera.'aaalttaa tar Oi A. and .Vetera of tatMaMt'-ag , . - .i-.--i'-. -MutW j. j.-.Tmafj, avaacttaw i aVeetla- the aum ntH -aeaatieti e at jp tsWt'PltaiSajaamt... . ,-r . r.maaaii'ft,,. m1 tiatatJllia" ' "mfT fEtfJiT