i &F$fJ-&C " "-J- ---tfTC - .M a.- Li" WIONMDAV MAY , , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Ill r ic , i" fkalttQuMkin. Jmmmmm an aha Oaaashhea aatsBaaa ata friMti at aha mi af IMtMitllHhlmritUitaiii 1 wM ha atfsptafl If ae FOR SALE PMHITil Chata, taw tot, wall att. aatai. Wk ay ceaaMaatea ta real eataterT CoBMBuatcsts direct with owa tr. mm niM, Herald. Mt FOB BULB Two thoroughbred Pol- aad China bout. serviceable age. Aadrcos WtU W. Adams. MenilL Ore. TOKaUIJB CHEAP Camera. Slnnott t Herald office. FOB BALEFurnlture cheap; white Mon hoas. CaU at S19 Washington. C. B. Wlddoas. 1-Ct POX SALS AAA THBXB SPEED Harley-Davidsoa. la Al shape for sale or trad foe real piopetty. fU- See CmU Weeks, Klamath Sportsaaaaa Mt HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale, til Jateraoa atraat Mt POX SALE PlTa room hoasa to Hot Spriaga AddiUoa; farakkad or as fanlakad; a bargala. Addraaa box TO m-w-e FOR EXCHANGE HAVE SEVERAL SETS team harness and collars to trada for oats, wheat or barky. Addraaa Keller Brae, Be- Ora. MISCELLANEOUS MONET TO LOAN Arthur X. Wil aa. 61T Mala. il-tf AUTO FOR HtRBPhOBT"a8-W. iott LOAN WANTED From 6.9 SIMM. Eaamlre of C C Mt CITY AND .COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS IMSURANCS atimasrt Ore TWa Expert Plimbiig SMOWBBH. BATHTUBS, SINKS, Pi spoils laati t'oMpteto Ua f Pack Ml Lotbbz TMmataSt Van Riper Bros. THB STOBB OF QUALITY OLIVE OIL "B A W.w Lare battle S1 J0 VV Pj VV mmBM VjflH SARDINES Baaiars YaaM Club" OHEESE Martin's New York. -Sle RED PBPPBRI MHttcan -"Plmaataa." .He PASTRY FLOUR "wene'Dewn." Plaa far cakes. Paekase BJe STRINS BEANa . A W." Just Ilka fresh anaa, cane Mo -GET THE HABIT" STAR DRUG COMPANY Ooaattpatiea la a vary simple, aataral trouble. -bat aalaaa prsa rlr treated, It may daratop lata s mast eenobs aad eompueaCM i. Wa atviaa that Carl's LMtie Uvar Liftore be kept at ar art aama, w aaaaai niomwaad thaw ptUa.too aKaly. Wa aaa ttas amr aatraaa asatoat taa frae asal'1 lamlaaTlmJaata aaa af tamv ML W. M. WHITE TK, aUB. BOSK ami ULmvmafBfvmmmmitmi The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Editor Published dally oasopt Bandar at The Herald PubUehtag Oeanpaay ot Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth atraat. Eatarad at tha postoMea at Klaa- ath falls. Oragoa, for traassalasten through the malls aa second-class attar. BuhacrlpUoa tanu ay mall to amy addraaa la tha Uattod States: Oat year fl.10 Oaa month ................ .10 KLAMATH FALLS, ORBGON WIDNItOAY MAY 3, 1918 HOW smallJimports OKMORAL IZK OUR MARKETS r T IS ONE of the mlifortunes of the democratic party that its economic policies are framed chialy by man who have had no practical experience In business bat who form their opinions from aa. abstract study of economics. It is not surprising that men who thus fornf their opinions are impressed with the 'argument that since Imports of foreign commodities constitute but a small par cast ot the total amount of those commodities sold and consumed in this country, such Imports can hare no material elect upon prices received by the American producer. Mea who have had practical experi ence in baalaeaa know better. A Tory b'nuil excess of supply will demoralize a market- To take a local and easily understood illustration, let ua suppose that to a certain community there Is in the strawberry season a market for 10,000 crates' of strawberries. If the producers of that community have 11,000 crates to sell, the excess 1,000 crates, although small In proportion to the total. Is sufficient when rushed upon the market, to bring the price down below the cost of production. With- a market demanding 10.000 crates and a 9,000-crate crop, the fruit could be sold at a large margin of prow, wrote an u.vvu craie crop would be sold at a loss. Theoretically. 11.000 crates would be worth more than 9,000: practically, tney are worth less when the market is flooded. ' That Is exactly the situation pre sented under a free trada policy In this country. While It is true that the im ports from foreign countries are small In proportion to the total consumption, those imports, together with the stocks held In foreign countries ready to be dumped upon our market constitute an excess which bears down the price the J producer is able to demand, and forces him to sell at a It Is not a sufficient answer to this to say that strawberries, for example, are a perishable crop, while woolen goods are not From an economic standpoint a stock of woolen goods Is perishable, for the reason that the owner must pay interest upon his money, must pay insurance upon his stock, and is very likely to sustain a loss through change of styles. Woolen goods need not be sold so quickly as-strawberries, but they cannot be held over from season to season, notwithstandlnd they are not perishable. ' The manufacturer who has paid out his money for labor and raw material must sell his goods at a prott wlthto a reasonable time, or he must close his factory. He is eon fronted by a condition, not a theory. Under a free trada policy not only the goods that have been manufac tured, but those that can be manufac tured on the other side of the ocean, constitute a standing surplus constant ly menacing the market of the Amer ican producer. That surplus, small though it be, stands in the same rela tion to the entire output of the Amer ican manufacturer that the excess of strawberries bears to the total crop that la offered for aala on a flooded market The theorist cannot under stand this. The man who la experi enced in practical business knows only too well that It la tree. CLOSING THE ANKCNY CANAL By HORTENSB HOOUB Klamath County High School Student THE people of Klamath Palls are again preparing a celebration la honor of the closing of the Ankeay canal. As often, to the past, wa are being assured that that much desired event Is not to be far in the future. We sincerely hope that this rumor Is founded upon fact, and that this "un sightly blot upon the beauty of our fair city" will soon be erased. Wa always hope for the best and though wa have many times been disappoint ed, wew!U persist in retaining our optimistic viewpoint It la said that "the pleasures of an ticipation are greater than those of reaUaation." This U hard to believe to this Instance, but if so, the question of tloaing the canal has afforded its fall measure of pleasure to the people. Therefore, we are now ready to accept tae reauaauoa. Laaglivo the mayor aad aeaaeU who win axteraiaate this aaaaasto our fcatlth aad happiness. i o Els, math Palls Steam Laaadry fl'bleaeh that prolongs taa lift of tMmaterfaL 3. . HOW THAT THERM flood weathe r. some peeple aay Ifa tae dry, aad wa ought to hara rala. IT WAS A YEAR ago Suaday that the Lusitanla was torpedoed. Maybe, a year from then, the Uat aota may ha written. THE MUNITION WORKERS art- dently believe la striking while the or ders are hot IT IS THIS strike breaking duty, not a lack of patriotism, that keeps men and youths from joining the Na tional Guard. A COUPLE OF more days like this, and you'll find the school boys with the usual summertime burned back. SHTPPIXGTOX SIDELIGHTS The la grippe, influents, epUoodlc or whatever It's called, together with worrying over the county school super intendent contest, has Just about done for this scribe. Miss Hendrlckson Is here to visit her brother, W. B. Hendrlckson, who fireman at R. A. Johnson's mill. The young lady Is from Salem. B. R. Yancey, who has had a pro tected siege of asthma, we are now pleased to state, haa .almost tally re covered nis usual neaita. Mrs. Captain Wlckstrom has been on i he sick list with a severe attack of influenza. C. B. Clendenning haa planted sev eral acres to sugar berta. -'aptnin Tarker Is thinking of run nin the Fteamer Annie Laurie aa an excursion boat this summer. It is to to hoped so, for it would be appre ciated by many people in this neck of the woods. Guy Wayland of Los Angeles, and Elfin Carol King, were awarded tho jrize for being the mojt elegant wait- zers at the dance at Saint Cloud last Friday night This wai a highly novel dance. Miss King, be it known, s none other than the 'high soprano of the far famed Saint Cloud Mechanical choir, and violinist of the Suffragist orchestra. There is probably no more Indus trious man on earth than John Linn man. SInr'e handed and alone, he la boating dirt and making a fill the size of a city lot en his nursh land proper ty near Wlnema landing. John worka like a beaver and like a beaver, he knows what be la woralag for. T. A. Barton, the pedagogue, has constructed a fence around his prop erty on Buena Vista Heights. He says the "stock" ordinance U aU right, but be will take no cbancc3 in having his garden chewed up. B. V. Finntll la preparing to build .-. water tank for a water system for his house. The water will be sup plied by hli 140 foot well, bis wtod- roill and pump. Women In Massachusetts have an eight hour day to a few trades only tpographical, telephone, bindery, com I'Ositors and cigar strippers. S'M;,' ,,.:' U, ' Yll't -jU't .'.'I'! fc. i, &l.i? .i?iri :wA'3's . Scattered Shots .'. 1 .,?' rf", y 7h', 'it ' tr IK ',', tfl MP3 ,-X! ' v a Vr -ft $ .IM1 ! t't.'.l iA;1 J.A ( 'r'-fi, ' art i ,tH'X 'fi 'iih-przim Quality, WAiil .i,-! fiflVMi Cot 7,'a ' "..' i' J ji . fi't. "Li You can make better coffee with less M.J.B. to the cup than with any other coffee. Test it yourself and be convinced. f onrMot I B&PLB.HBVLHHLIHamLY ALagaBABBmBaf Bsr VmsbBBFP sw 4BsBaaBBW Social Alter Another ByARAMSUKR It waa pie at Lorella. Saturday night marked the end of a busy week for the candidates, aa moat of them made an eighty mile Jump from Fort Klamath to Lorella and back to Klamath Falls. In spite of Its bolng such a long and tiresome round of meetings, the most of the candldstcs were at Lorella, and a largo gathering of Langell Valley people were present. Fred Fleet, who has been out in that section of the country before, and who calls most everyone by their first name, acted as chairman, and after a well rendered recitation by Mrs. Oar tell, Introduced the speakers. Some one had to be a Ple-ln-ear as soon as the bill of fare was exhibited, but no one thought of being pl-ous. Miss Wells gave a reading, and George A. Haydon gave a vocal solo. lie and coffee were served, the pro ceeds of the sales going to the Langell Valley Sunday school. A meeting haa been scheduled for May Sth by John Irwin and C. M. Onelll. at which time the people of the valley will be Informed just what Is the matter with law enforcement In Klamath county. It Is regrettable that this meeting Is to be held on the samo night as the Spring Lake meeting, as many who would otherwise be present will not be able to be there. However, as a few challenges were offered, It Is expected that many people from here will go. Over 200 people were In attendanco at the candidates' meeting and ball at Fort Klamath on April 29tb. The meet- Case After Case Plenty More Llks This In Klamath Falls Scores ot Klamath Falls people can tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Many t happy citizen makes a public statement of bis experience. Here is a case of it What better proof of merit can be bad than such an endorsement? M. G. Wilklns, C38 Orant street, Klamath Palls, says. "I am subject to backache at times, and then my - kid - neys are more or less irregular in; action. After taking Doan'B Kitaeyj Pills a few days, my kidneys act per-; fectly regular and my back feels as strong as ever. I advise anyone who Is suffering from backache and kidney disorders to give Doan's Kidney rtlla'appiicuo,, of JtH untiring research is a gooa tnai, ror i Know tney are very the recommendation that it is aa neces reliable.' Ibarv to attend to Internal aanltstion of Price 60c. at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Wllklna bad. Foster-Mllhurn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Notice Ail persons engaged for night shift, please report at our office Saturday, May 6, 1916. Applications will be considered at that time. Night shift will commence May 8th, at 7 p. m. 2-5t ' EWAUNA BOX COMPANY. ? v 'r.imt "v- -imm 7. l'.e.S. wy l'7&r "Jt goca further" No other coffee is quite so good as M.J.B., no matter what price you pay.- Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for M.J.B. coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Always the same in Strength and Flavor fa Let llnp ina was held in Molhase hall, ami the S.U.O. sign was out long before the CMndldatss started speaking. lr. A. A. Soule, who Is regarded as n homo product by Wood River peoplo picsldcd. and limited tho speakers to one and a half minutes for reocra mouiHng their respoctlvo qunllflcntlons. Few vere able to tell even how tatls factory they regarded thcmsolves In pitch a short tlmo, bu.t none overlooked tho opportunity to solicit thcnld of tho voter. In the primaries. Thl.iy-ono candidates were prewnt .in.l j.ftcr tho voten heard from all ihe floor was cleared and dancing com menced. At midnight a supper was served at the Jackson hotel, whom 176 ncoDle partook of the fine chicken supper. , Dancing continued till after 3 o'clock in the morning. The Fort people turn ed out very strong. They saw the can didates, and now have decided to hold a meeting on May 17th for the purpose or discussing tho aspirants for offices. This meeting Is tor tho voters ,and not the candidates, and no candidates will be admitted under penalty of los ing all the votes of Wood River pre cinct. Many Klamath Falls people. In ad dition to tho candidates, will attend the meeting at Bly Friday. The other candidates meetings scheduled are as follews: Saturday night, Upper I'on Valley school house. May 12, Merrill. May 13. Malln. One at Hlldebrand, date to be set later. DRINK WATER TO AVOID SICKNESS, SAYS AUTHORITY GLASS OF HOT WATKR BEFORE v BREAKFAST DAILY KEEP THE noCTOR AWAV DOCTOR AWAY sanitary acinic has ot late made rapid strides with resulU that are of nntni.i hioaainv m hnminit n ud the dralnaeo system of the human hodv as It is to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid atom- ,acb, can, Instead, feel aa fresh as a daisy by opening tho sluices of the ays- tern each morning and flushing out the ! wttllA tt tA ,H.Atl w.luntn.... . ...mvbw w uv .u.vauaM yuiouiiuun stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, escb morning before breakfast, drink a glass ot real hot water with a teaspoonful ot limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; ' thus cleansing, jiukwuiui uu yurjiyiog we enure ali mentary canal before putting more food Into tha stomach. The acUon of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appeUte for breakfast While you are enjoying your breakfast the pbosphated hot water is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumaUo stiffness; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from tho drug store. This win cost very little, but Is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject ot Internal sani tation. Adv, EVERYTHING ELEaRICAL Hetpeint lrens,N Chafllng Dishes, Fuse Plugs, latteries, Plash Lights, Handy Lanterns, etc., etc, esti mates en Ilsctrlcal Installation cheerfully given. CECIL WEEKS. IttCTRICIAN At tha Klamath apertemans Mere Mi and Mala, Pheae ft POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff 1 take (his means of announcing my candidacy for the republican nom ination for sheriff at the primaries. I believe that my work as deputy sheriff speaks for Itself, and I shall greatly ''VfisiSaT 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of sheriff for Klamath county, Oregon, on the re publican ticket. I respectfully ask tho support of the voters of the coun ty at tlio primary election for this office. JOHN II. COIXMAN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho democratic nomination for sheriff at tho comlug primaries, and 1 respectfully ask tho support of tho voters of Klamath county. OKOKQB h. HUMPHRRY. I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for renomluatlon on tho repub lican ticket for sheriff. I Invite a careful Investigation of my record as sheriff during tho past throo years. O. C. LOW. 1 hereby announce myself as a can dldato for the nomination for sheriff on the republican ticket at the pri mary election to bo hold on May 19, lt 16. CAREY M. RAMSBT. 1 take this mesns of announcing my candidacy for the republican nomina tion as sheriff at tho primaries in May. My record ss a cltlaen and aa a pollco officer In Klamath Pal la la open to all. and 1 respectfully ask tha sup port of the voters who seek an ad ministration of efficiency. . WILLIAM HALL. I hereby announce myself as a can didate on the democratic ticket for tho nomination of sheriff, subject to the will or the voters at the coming prlmarles: J. A. MADDOX I tako this means to announce my self as u candidate for sheriff, subject to tho will of the republican voters at the primary election. JAMES D. MOORK. 1 horebr announce myself a candl date for the republican nomination for tho offlco or sheriff at the primary election. WM. C. MEflSNKR. Tho undersigned announces his can didacy for tho republican nomination for sheriff of Klamath county. If I am nominated and elected, I will, dur ing my term ot offlco, construe my oath ot office to mean a complete and efficient enforcement ot the law. I will have no Interest to serve but the public Interest. I will give the pro tection of my office to all persons and all classes alike. I will personally conduct my offlco with strict regard to economy. I will at nil times serve all official papers with promptness. I will give all prisoners In my custody hu mauo treatment, wholesome food and clean quarters. I will appreciate your support. R. W. GOWEN. I herewith announce myself as a candidate for tho nomination as sher iff, subject to tho will of the demo cratic voters at tho primary election. R. K. IIUNSAKER. 1 hereby announce myself as a cau dldato for tho republican nomination for sheriff, subject to the will of the voters at tho primary election, May 19, 1910 FRANK N. FRAKK8. To my friends, and especially the democrat voters In tho coming pri mary: I trust you will give roe your support for sheriff. I stand for hon est work? not too much sitting on tbe Job; and a square deal for everybody. If olected. I can and will earn a narl of tho salary the office pays. Don't rorget my motto at tho polls. Thank ing you In advance, one and all, for any favors shown me. I am, Yours very truly, J. T. OARTRELL, TheWatkinsMan. For Coroner 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the republican nomination ror coroner at the primary election to bo held on May 19, 1918. DR. A. A. 80UI.E. 1 take tbla means of announcing myself n candidate for ra-elaetlon to tho office of coroner, subject to the win or tne democratic voters in tha primary on May 19th. My policy will bo to unbold my former record of ofllclency In office, with tbe least cost to Klamath county. EARL WHITLOOK. For County Treasurer 1 hereby announco myself a candi date for the republican nomination for treasurer of Klamath county, sub ject to the approval of tha electors at tbe comlog primary election. A. A. MEHAFFBY. HAFFE I hereby announce myself a candi date tor the republican nomination ror treasurer of Klamath county for a second term. OEOROB A. HAYDON. isai- nYriVeYsTfu'lfVVWXfl For County Surveyor 1 hereby announce myself aa a can dldato for re-nomlnatlon for tha of fice of county surveyor on tha repubt llcan ticket. B. B. HBNRY. I take this moans of announcing my candidacy for nomination on tha repuDiicau ucaei ror tha omee of 99?"ty surveyor. F. O. BROWN. For School Bupariatoadaat I hereby announce my candidacy for tha raeubllean nomination for school suporlnteadent of Klamath county. BBS8IE B. APPLBQATB. I hereby nnnoune muif . aan4l. dataoa tha republican Ucket for boss. Inatlon aa county school sunsrintsiBii. ant, aad solicit tha support of tha rot art at tha coming prlsaarlea. DNA I, WBLL. For District Allnr... I hereby announco my csasu lor the republican aomlDiMa5 prosecuting attorney at the mBLmS In May, end I respectful, Vfw 'ft iipporl ef tha voters who dartre is? s,fo,i)cr;gonn.u,,, M,,,,,,,d,n wa HAROLD 0. MKIUtVMsu I linrchy aunounco my cmaiA.Z for the republic.,, nomlpifiSaiS district attorney for Klamath ooaiSf Oregon. JOBBPH H. Kim!9' I horoby announce laysolf iT dldate for the nomination" '," Attorney for Klamath county. Or22? subject to the action of the 5SK' crstlo electors at tho primary slSS?." to be held on May 19, li. Ktl0n w. M. DUNCAN. fc rriivAsnAnjtj 'For Aui'.uir I hereby announco my csnillrtM, for the republican in atlon f nMsessor for Klamath county, suhliw to tho approval of tlm voter at i5 coming primary In Mny. m JOHN Y. TIITON. I hereby announco my candldsei for the republics,, nomination for assessor of Klamath county PRKD I'KTKRSON. I hereby announco my caadlaict for the nomination as assessor on ths republican ticket at tho primary else. Hon to bo held ou May 19, li C AUHTIN IIAYDEN, I hereby nnuounc tnyislt a audi. date for renomluatlon as assessor on the democratic ticket ut the coauu primary election. J, p. LSI; I hereby announco mysolf candi date for assessor, subject to the till of tho democratic voters at tbe art marles. JAHI'KK IJKNNKTfY -rvvTrnnnrinnnrinnririrw w xi.iim.im Far Circuit Judge Tho undersigned announces tuj candidacy for democratic noalaa tlon for circuit Judgo of Kuunsta county UOI.I.O C. UllOKSKECK. I heroby announce myself as a ess dldste for the republican nomlaatlsa ror circuit Judgti tor the Thlrtaaath Judicial district, comprising Kliattb county, nt the primary election to b hold May 19, 1916. lhV. KUYKENDALL 1 announco myself as a candidal for the republican nomination forth office of circuit Judge for Khuastb county, atato of Oregon, subject tola will of tbe votors nt tbe coalsg primary election. C. M. ONBILL. I boreby announce myself as a eu dldate, for the republican nomuuuoo for circuit Judge of Klamath county, at the primary election to be stM Mny 19, 1916. WILSON 8. WILIY. For County Commlssloaer 1 hereby announce mysell u candidate for the democratic noatat tlon for county commlsslonsr at tbt coming prlmsry election. BURKKL SHORT. I hereby announce myself u a candidate for re-nomlnstlon on the re publican ticket for county esav sloner, subject to tho will et the vot ers at the primary election. JOHN HAOBL8TBIN. I hereby announce my candidacy for the offlco of county commlsstoasr or Klamath county, subject to the i ap proval of tho voters in tne rspasucso primary. JACOB RUBC. 1 hereby announce my caadUiey for the democratic nomlnauoa m county commissioner. .., WILLIAM U vmuum.l I hereby announco myself ss a can didate for the republican nomination ns county commissioner. R. W. TOWER vwwwwtjwvm For Circuit Court Clerk I hereby announce my candldsei for the republican nomination as ajrs or tho circuit court or Klamath coun ty at tbe coming primary JJfU'gu U. K. UUAriUBinav" i&iw0mft For County Clerk 1 hereby announce myseu as a - dldate for the office of clerk w Klamath county. Oregon, on the IJ publican ticket. I 'ft',JLl!S the support of tho voters of ths ooa ty nt the primary election for taU offics).R. C. COWLEY. Hlldebrsa. . l i ...... .nu.nif u s can- dldate on tha democratic ticket w the nomination of clerk o W county, subject to the " "JSJ voters at tha Primary election wis Office. BUnT B. HAWKPW. I hereby announce myse " data for renomlnatlon on the repss- lean Ucket as county c'r "DiSai tha wishes of the voters at aw""" primary tlt-H"" " ",p: ale I htreby annottnea mjriaii m- canaiaaie tor .""" r.iitiM ssntetlve for the 21st ropressatstiTs district, comprising tha "u""aa . . iL. .hias aia aaravwv Klamath, Lake, urooa, "rr'-g-c Jaffanp.. aubjaot to ft." me voiers ot " K---1vfTni! ai.MHiKi- au n " I announce iwlf'u JSoa'SJ for tha democratlo nomlnauoa fr represenUtlra ot the l1"liffuvtsi' tlva district In the lW&aW semblr. FRED W. win- - r hrhv announce mysslf M a dldata onthe wj"B.JS25st represeatatire of tha lS sf district, comprised of "&, Crook, JeffawoB, Grant, KWsiias--Laka. . . -.nnni Band. YBKNON iv"-'" I hereby oumoa yH ur' dldate oa tha wpublloan WW-, roprasenUUra, J AVawS9sij district, apmprlsad of theeousg,! Crooli, Jeffsrson, Oraat, suaa-LWIgLYO.iMITH,KlWMti