TFc! i 7 iu?nmn , "K?i ! ?Kyf ',-, w KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER $, y- U.'h KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPIK Tsnth Year No. t,tW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916 JV,r Priee w OMMi V Mrrald TW&S- 7fV- --1 ?$'& '.. r KUT-EL-AMARA (GARRISON HAS SURRENDERED HELD OUT FOR OVER THREE MONTHS AH supplies Exhausted, and Effort! to Rtllcvc Situation Ware Defeated, Commander Destroyed All Quna and Munition! Before Turning Hla Nine! Thoutand Men Over to Turks Oth- tt War Newa Cnlii-il I 'lima Sen In- LONDON, April 29. It la nunouncod that tin IlrltlHh garrison at Kut-KI-Aniarn, constating of 3,970 British and 0,000 Imllan troops has surrendered to the Turka. The gnrrlson wns bo kIcrcJ for ovor HO daya, and thla la the flrt Instance In tho proacnt war of a Urltlah garrison' aurronder. Tho gnrrlaon haa long been abort of food. Efforts to run aupply ahlpa up tho Tigris have failed, and every relief expedition aont haa boon defeat cd. Tho Intent relief party la twenty toreo mile from tho garrlaon, blocked by flood. Ocneral Townaend aurrondercd be cause all euppllea were gone. Ho des troyed all munltlona and guna before surrendering. United Praia Service PAIIIS, April 19. The Germans re turned tbolr Verdtm Attack laat night, with heavy onslaughts along both banks' of UioMouao. Oronado counter attacks stopped the effort to capture Hill No. 304, the keystone to the North west derenaca of Verdun. Sarage fight ing ragcM at Douaumont and Vaux. East or Thlaurnont, the Oermana ad vanced, apraylng liquid flro. Later, shrapnel Are routed them. United Proas Service DEIU.IN, April 29. Today'a Tage blatt declares Germany's reply to America la completed, and will bo Beat to Washington early In the week. It Is announced that over 4,600 Rus sians, Including high officers, wera captured when tho Oermana took po sitions betwoon Stanaroote and Sta chowe. Mrs. C. M. Hunt Is Called Beyond Mrs. C. M. Hunt, wife of a well known a rand Army man, and herself n old resident of Klamath, passed j"ray nt 1:30 thla afternoon at her homo on the Weat Side. She waa 69 leuru of age. Tho funeral aervlcea will be held Monday forenoon at l o'clock. The unices will he from Whltlock'a chapel. Head of Big Sawmill Co. Writes of Pelican Road Tbo following concerning the need Of tlin OI.I....I . ... .. I - "uiyyiagtan rOBO 18 Dy H. V, Mortenson, president of the Pelican ay Lumber company; The project for the construction of road from the residence end of the Paved atreot to the water front at Ship Pinston, together with branch roads "teh would serve the Bueu VlsU w landing and the Pelican Bay Lum Mr company'e saw mill, la a matter or extreme Importance to the residents "Klamath Falls, and the voUng upon Z ?ue"Uon "111 also be aa expres won to the outside world as to bow i.. , K,ath Falls la la supporting its industries and encouraging tha en wy of oth,rs, W)! wU, tlw dtmonitMt m ' energetlo the community is la lm- K tatwMa u The proposed road aois as aa artery Tom Pence's New Successor I asanas? V, vj ffl$tj$ir m siaw-'"';'-. st ra laaHDaaLanaLai I MbBQJglWJMMgHMMMMJ W. H. Holllster W. II. Holllster of JefforHon Ciiv. Mo., clerk to Iho HPimto committee on foreign rolatlonH, of which Senator Btono Is chairman, bns been acting secretary of tho democratic national (cmmlttce nJnco tho denth of Thomaa J. Pence. Ho wna appointed nsslHtnnt by Mr. Pence, nnd hnndlod tho ofTlco under Mr. rondo's direction for several weeks. Mr. Holllstor has conducted two campaigns for Mr. Stono, was with tho Clark prc-convontlon forces In 1U12, nnd nftor tho convention help od to elect Prcsldont Wilson. It he lloed likely that his present position will bo made permanent at the demo cratic convention In June. Mr. Hoi llter la unmarried. LOVE ARRIVES FOR SHOW WORK MAN WHO WILL PRODUCE "A NIQHT IN BOHEMIA" IS HERE. REHEAR8AL8 WILL BEGIN MON DAY AFTERNOON Rufua K. Love, who Is to produce "A Night In Bohemia" for tho local Elks lodgo May 17 and 18, arrlvod last nlgbt and Is today hopping around, making arrangements for cast, music and other csBontlala to a successful bow. The first rehearsals will be held Monday. Twenty-flvo Uttlo girls aro to bo used In tbo show, and theso Bhould apply to Mr. Lavo or to Dr. Wcsterfeld at once. Tho children ulll rohearso after school afternoons, and not nt night. Tho cast will also include twenty high school girls, a chorus of thirty two singers and several other char acters. of trado to tbo following outlying dis tricts: Pelican City, Shippington, the homesteads and farms on Upper Klam ath Lake, and by affording a propor entry into the city by a county road will facilitate the connections botweon the city and Algoma, Ft. Klamath and tho Lamm Lumbor company. Klamath Falls haa two pay rolls, the Ewauna Dox factory and Ackley Bros. Tbo other pay rolls which would all be tributary to tho city ovor this artery would aggrogato over 170,000 per month by combining the Algoma Lumber company, Pelican Day Lum ber company, Klamath Manufacturing company and the Lamm Lumber com pany. Hardly any working community aaves oyer 25 per cent of Us earnings, so .that onthls basis nearly 60,000 Concluded on Page 8 Shippington Shows City Tho biggest di'inouNtratlon nnd rally ever hold In Southern Orogon wns tho wlndup of tho campaign for the Ship- Plngton road, and lost night big Umo' ' , , bi ought out a majority of the rcaldents nmi inxpayers or Klamath Falls, Marshall, pastor of Sacred Heart In the parade wero over 13S auto- church, and Charles F. Stone, inoblloi, and besides tho cars, tboro! All of these speeches wero brief, wero ninny motorcycles and a good , 'iut right to the point, and ns n result many maicbers. jthero nro many who wore "on the 'lliu blind, in a big truck bearing .fenco" yostcrday thnt arc now out the hIkii, "Oct in the Dand Wagon of 'working for the pannage of the meas- rrogrcxH nnu vole for tho Shipping-. ton liond,' headed n long line of auto-. moblloH, which moved out Sixth street through Mills Addition and through Hot SpringH Addition. Upon tho re- I turn of this section to the Central Hchool, tho marchers joined In and the bnml played, the pnrado going down Main Ktrect to tho bridge along a thor- J onghfaio lighted with dozens of red fuses, and further Illuminated by many , torches carried In tho procession. Following tbo parade, a crowd as-1 scmblcd In tho courthouso park, and FIREMEN TELL OF THEIR WORK HERE REVIEW OF EFFORTS DURING THE PA8T FIVE YEAR8 3HOWS THEM TO HAVE BEEN EFFICIENT IN THEIR WORK Editor Herald: It seems tbo present administration Is determined to place the blame for the present condition of the Fire De partment upon tbo old Volunteer Flro Department. Wo did not Intend to state our side of tbla controversy un til, "Tho To Bo Recalled" members of the council made a statement In the press, and tbls statement waa follow ed by n similar statement by tho may or, both tending to discredit us in the minds of the citizens, especially do wo regret this since tho city officials after bnvlng accused us of having sold city property, and upon investigation found this not to be a fact they decided to drop tho matter, while we were will ing to have tho matter threshed out and aro still willing to do ao, know ing that we wero In no way guilty of criminal intent. Aa an organization we have been serving the city to our best ability for tho past fourteen yeara. During that time our only revenue or benefits have been what we have collected from dances and a donation unaollllted from tho citizens, amounting in all to SI,- 701.01. Of this amount $293.00 was n donation, tho remaining $1,408.15 was derived from dances. Of thla total wo have paid out somo for ruined clothing, medical assistance, for mem bers and others Injured during ser vice; also for equipment, such as chairs, bath and toilet fixtures, stoves, tables, books and numerous other Items (some of which should have been paid by the city), amounting to 1701.15, and the remaining 11,000 was divided among the members. Tho money divided waa earned sole ly by our own efforts and we bad legal ndvlco assuring us that wo were well within our rlgbta ln doing so. who would begrudge men who have served the city ao faithfully, thla amount, since It was the only compensation they bad ever received during their long service? Should we be criticised for not caring to turn this amount over to men who failed to meet us half way and turned ub down so uncere moniously T Wo have realized tor some time tbat thoro could and should be some Im provement made in the department. When Invited by the city officials to meet with them and offer suggestions nnd aid to Improve the fire depart ment, we appointed a committee of three of our members, that met witn the fire committee of the council on two occasions and framed rules and regulation that were agreed upon as being satisfactory to both the council and the fire department Tha plans Concluded oa Pats t Road Rally for Progress despite the chilliness of tbo wenther, a throng was present to hear and cheer "10 rcraark8 of Chairman E. D. Hall, ItXTl'Tr?' J?!; President W. J. Roberta of tho Dual- ne8B Men-a Aaaoclatlon, Rov. Hugh J. ur- The speeches were all convincing.; So, also were tho -signs and banners carried by marchers, and fastened to' the sides of the can in the parade last! nlaht. These were all full of rood In. 1 'formation, telling In a terse manner I he absolute need of the Improvement. Tbo employes of the Pelican Day Lumber company nnd the Klamath Manufacturing company turned out 'en masse. They arc anxious to trade hero If a road is constructed to make' 4hls possible. CRfSLER'S VIEWS : GIVEN 10 VOTERS - 'MAYORALTY CANDIDATE TELLS ' THE PUBLIC WHAT HE THINK8 THE CITY EXPECTS OF ITS 1 NEXT MAYOR 1 To the Electors of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregen: I take It for granted that "every thoughtful citizen and taxpayer of the city who Is olive who Is alive to the city's Interests are agreed that the ohe fundamental, paramount requisite to tho prosperity and well being of the city Is a conservative and business Uko administration , of its govern mental affairs. My candidacy for the office of mayor is based upon that idea and If elected It will be 'my ambition to give tho city Just that sort of an administration. I shall take my seat, if elected, absolutely unpledged to any Individual, or faction, free to exercise my best Judgment in the Interest of the entire city. I am cognizant of the fact that wbllo the government of the city is committed to three branches or departments, the mayor is not only executive head of one department of tbo city but Is primarily and actually responsible for the character and ef ficiency of the administration. Ba peclally la thla true of the mayor as head of the street, fire and police de partments of the city. In the manage ment of theso departments, I shall, If elected, employ tho same business pol icy that has enabled me to make a success of my own affairs. Respectfully yours, C. B. CR1SLBK. STONE TO ASK MANDAMUS WRIT ACTION TO BE FILBD LATB TO DAY OR MONDAY TO COMPEL COUNCIL TO ORDBR A RECALL ELECTION HELD Steps to compel the recalcitrant city council to call a special election oa the question of recalling Councilman Matthews, Miller and Doty will be takon in the circuit court today or Monday. A peremptory writ of man damus will be asked for. Attorney Charles T. Btone has been engaged to take tha legal action. The plalnttf will be Ed Waketeld, former chief of the volunteer lr department. Hunter Bavldge, formerly a local business man, but bow of Frank P. Dee Lumber company, la bara frees aa Fraaeleeo oa a bailaeai trif. First Photo graph Taken of the Presidential Couple wmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmm avHHv$SrMmLVM ' bH sbbbbbbbYbbbbbbIH - fBJaBJBBJBBJBBJaHlaiBJBBJBB H IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlfBxBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi -BBBBBBBBBBBBHf9l&QffBBBBBBBBBBHB bbbbbbbbbbHHiVbbbbbbbbHI BjjBBjjBBjjBBjjBBjjBBBBBjBjBMRf BBBBBBBBvfsBJBj J11IbLILLLLLBLEb1H I sbbbbbbbbTBJbV llfflfflBI bBBBBBBBBBJBBIBj bbBBBBBBBBBBBhBBJrBb bm VH fgBPHI WfwM HbbbbbbbbbbbbMHI Wf IllP'l bbbbbbbHI IHr ril obBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVI sjflBJBHBje"'BH BLtHLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIsbI ""F - lvBBTiBTiBTiBTiBTiBTiBTiBTjBMB tBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBJBBjPJBJ i SjaBDfSBJBBBBJBBBJBBBJBBBJBBBJBBBBjBH BBBKriiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJsBBBBBBBBBBBBiBB BBBBBBBBBBBBeBlaaawWI This is the first pnotograph taken of President and Mrs. Wilson together since they were married. Heretofore, for a reason photographers at Wash-, ington have never been able to learn, I ever-zealous secret service men have, always walked in front of the camera when thoy tried to snap Mrs. Wilson. This picture waa taken as the couple left D. A. R. hall, where the president i had just finished his address welcom ing the delegates of the order to Waah ington. IYLE TELLS OF HIS PLATFORM CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR OUT. LINES WHAT HE WILL SEEK TO ACCOMPLI8H IF HK IS ELECTED CITY EXECUTIVE TO THE VOTER8 OF KLAMATH FALLS: Aa a candidate for mayor of your city at the election to be held next Monday, it is fitting that I outline as briefly as possible the principles for which I stand in the administration of your city affairs and upon which I am seeking your support at the polls. To begin with, I believe that Klam ath Falls la at the parting of the ways. We-are now at the end of a long period of business depression that has been felt all over the United States. Cap ital, which was withdrawn from pro ductive enterprises following the be ginning of the great war In Europe, is beginning to seek new fields for In vestment and the Weat coast Is due for the moat prosperous development In Its history since the rush for Califor nia In 1849. The Klamath country abounds In natural resources that will attract capital to the development of this section, provided the people of Klamath have enough faith In their iUWU VUUUIIf WW MU IU IU0 UB15WJT ment. The proposed oregon-cauror- nla and Eastern Railroad that will give us a new outlet north and east Is only an Indication of what is coming to Klamath. You might ask what has all thla to do with city affairs and the coming election. It haa jasf this much to do with Jt: During tke hut' few yeara our city oalclala and our whole city Coaeladad aa Fat I - ANTI-MASON MEN TO PICK A MAN MA88 MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE PAVILION TONIGHT TO CA8T A 8TRAW VOTE ON LYLE AND CRI8LER With a view to organising more ef fectively those who are opposed to; $lpp,nlon By ROBERT A. JOHNSON President Klamath Manufacturing Co. in connection with your request for us to submit to you inxormauon in connection with our operations here, we beg to submit tha follewing: This company was organised and began operations in Shippington on July 1, 1912, purchasing tha box fac tory that was formerly owned by the California Fruit Canners Association. At that time the company employed between twenty and twenty-Eve mea. Since then, the pay roll haa been in creased to include an average of '119 men per day during the year 1915,' making an average pay roll of about 18,000 per month, with a total of about 1100,000 for tha year. The company'a operations have steadily increased from tha time that operations wera commenced la 1912, materially enlarging tha plantaad in creasing the outpuL-The property bow consists of one of tha largest box fa tories on the Paclio Coast, and also a modern band. sawmill. The foregoing Igures do not laclada labor that is indirectly employed by this company, aa wa kava other a paniea to carry on our logging paara tloaa for us, but which araaaUraly dependent upon thla, company for tkelr empioymeat. n aiao nugat aa wanay of apte to mention that toadditlea ta tha aawaat ac lumber that this aaa Gives Interesting Figures REVOLTING IRISH OEFEATEa AFTER ; FOUR DAY BATTLE MANY KILLED IN FOUR OAV COM FLICT Troops Drive Rebels- Out ef SevenH Strongholds ef Sinn Fein Thla Mam. ' " r . lno,.But Determines! -Btana Is Beta ' Made at Another FelntOver Om Hundred-Are Klllee rMleelii"M Result ef Flftrt.' .- f i-JTir if k Ts, , , . X& i-t By WILBUR S..FORRCBT ' (United Frees 8Ug-Cnrrsspsrteeit DUBLIN, April I.-Aaid route flames which threaten the wtaw ' city. British troops and Irish rebate engaged, In aH furious haad-to-haa struggle, lasting four days, aa4 eo4ia yesterday 'when the rebels, routed. fleil as dawn broke on theblakraM ruins, of the Sua Fein stroagkeMata the heart of Duktta. ,s ' Aa they fled, Maxims and riles nww- ed them down. It is estimated that orer 100 persons are killed or mlseiag f's a result of the street igtlag.r I The troops are apparently la beatrei though the disorders are sot lyeiuelld. Heavy .igatiag 'around the Jacobs Biscuit tfactory, a strong posiUon still ia the rabssB beads. .&' Thursday, as the treats tofafc-t close in upon tbeaa. the rebate atarti edaumer6s BrasF Tlw Baatst jjalgsw'''- mz oflceaad "?; . , United Press Bervlea - ' LONDON. April H. It is that .the troops an nowakte t- trolvthe Irish altaadoat withe, rov lnforcemeatx. Rebel sgsals sllesaptsw to cause other ctkreaks la Cadc-aaat In .other cities, and they .ware awaaat-, ly arrested. , the "candidacy of J. B. Masoa for mayor, a mass meeting will be held at the pavilion tonight to consider the merits of C. B. Crtsler and A- J. Lyl. the other two candidates. A straw vote is to be taken, with th aadasv standing that the- man wtnatas; oat will receive the support of all at the meeting: - - Tha meeting will begU at "8 otlaak.. All veters are invited. Lumberman pany produces, of its owa, have been contracting for tha aarskass of the mill cats of a anmker at attar sawmills, thus eaabUag tkesa tore. erate, wkera otkerwtse they teald mat - We pay the regular elty taxes, the same, aa all other property-owners as .Klamath Falls, but tt might beat ti terest to, you to meatlaa that we not receive aay of tke beaeAis asaaUy afforded -to Industries withla tha av. corporate limits of tho city, Wa f, . not. have the advantage of elty water," and the eoaseaueat Ira proteeUaa ra suiting tberefroav neither "aa wa kava police protection, nor tha advaataaaa of a sewerage system. Tha roaaVa'V Das sable. ' T -rl A ' In connection with "thle i f .-. A operailons, wa might state tbat! ftlTUaWVr paVi OS U1V UMM1 pWPaH 4 the' money waa iMrmmMtMsVt'm chase and' the .dayalepaiaatjag,; profany, vbm a aaaaa waa aw spaa ''7 at.aay.tlavs from iha city, oer, ,; nowaskt. Bar,,waej1w'aBlBtaV'f kiit-MA laeaeahA aaeelsis&fl'4sai aaatfhAAaV asafe .alsaaaat VH WW fHiTW m TBffBB? wWVBEww) ew,Tsawaw-. naa.. A..A, AtA I'mtM. Ate $akaM vi tasati mmr-1! payers, that taardtaair pnruetes,f.:ta any at;i,tra'Waway ab; so that to tha af Uoa of ev baataeea It la aw k sWHaBrli BsBBpas". saaasw ssrssaj WWJNlBJHp . ' aV Jam s C5 4 3 1 .&ei . 1 ! y th t 'M i.m ..L'r:, U WMatmaaafl