,: ir-ji- " - "j: a Mi. J3t .?.Y& -1 ." , Sf, - ly 'JjftM Mf? 3umttui IteraUi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ttnlh Year-No. 2.079 Prto Five Cento KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916 OBRbGQN SAYS HE WILLDEMANDTHE U, S.WITHDRAWAL OBNERAL AND STAFF REACH JUAREZ TODAY Populace Cheers Wildly as Ont Armed Leader Enters With Olltterlng 8Uff and the Finest Troops Ever Seen In Northern Mexico It Disappoint, cd That Penhlno Not to Be at the Conference United I'rcjs Borvlce JUAREZ. Moxico, April 28.-Gon-era! Alvnro Obrogon, Carranzn'n repre sentative, arrived this morning with , a flittering staff, In readlnoos for hla conference with General Scott of tho American array tomorrow regarding the status of tho Amoilcnn-Mcxlcnn iltuatlon. Two hundred of thn flnost Boldtorn , eror bccii In Junroz accompany Gon-t eral Obregon nH n bodyguard. Tho I div cave tho party a most enthusl-' astlc welcome. i Generals Trovlno and (lutlorrcz, , Mayor Ilerrcrn of Pnrrnl nnd other of- j United Press Service flclals accompany OhrcKon. These of- LONDON, April 28. The British fleers nro nil covered with the gold nttleslilp llussol struck a mine In the braid of start members, and this 'ndl-! MwUu.rrntlcnn nm Hnnk Tuesday. Ad catcs Hint Obrogon expected to meet. not only General Scott, but also Gen-,'"'" '"'antle. Captain Smith, orals Kunston and Porshlng at El twenty-two ollleers and C7C men were pM0. 'rescued One hundred twenty-four are ObrcKon was surprised to lonrn that missing. Pershing la still at tho front. , The vosfcel was of 14.000 tons, was Tho genornru right arm was nm-. built In 1900 and cost $5,000,000. putatcd below tho elbow last summer, ( A Gorman submarlno was sunk oft nnd thli Is his first nppenrnnce hero u,0 C0U1,t 0f England yesterday. Tho slnco then. His mien Is very serious. cnnv 0f eighteen nurrendered. Today ho told tho United Press that ho Uritlsh steamer Industry, en Mexico will demand tho withdrawal of ,oulo l0 America, was sunk In the At American troops. This morning he jnnt0 Uy tt submarine. The vessel telegraphed Moxico City for further In- waH unarmed. atructlons. nnd until these nrrivo no is not nt liberty to talk. Indications are Hint tbo situation in Mcxco s rapidly Dcconunp, more .. ' Tho latest reports aro that Villa is not dead, but Is sprlously wounded, his ... w., ' . 1 -..i.i. IVH Hl'tUft " KIUVU WUIIUIWUI. While horo today, Obrogon will con suit with General Gnvlra, Consul Onr cla nnd Ilnmon Iturbe, the Moxlean envoy to Japan. United Press 8orv ;o 8ANATONIO. April 28. It Is an nounced that twclvo now noroplnncs, each of a hundred and sixty horse power, will bo avnllnblo for duty nt Columbus, May 6. OREGON'S WAR RESOURCES ABOUT TO BE INVENTORIED! (Herald Special 8ervlce) UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. E - Kii'. aprii as. a mooting oi .v "" trnns.)0rtatlon mntcrlal and other es- ccntly appointed Oregon commlttco of18cnuns tho naval consulting board, of which . consulting "u maclu" u ,u'""""' .'iinnrd of the United States, of which mnn and O. F. Stafford, professor of . W" or " """ ., ,, chemistry In tbo state university Is a member, will probably bo hold in Port land this week.' At tho meeting a sur iou uiis wecit. At tno mooting sur- vey of tho state's "war resources" w... probably be arransod for. A state's war resources are tho things It can turn out, preferably at short notice for military uso. A survov of war resources would .. ,Z. '"'?' .. """:..:,"": "u mi uu inventory 01 0BiuuiiBuiu:uin that do now, or could In emergency, make guns, ammunition, army equip - Flood of Peace Messages is Deluging Congressmen United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. April 28. Over ono hundred and fifty thousand telegrams, containing peaco messages, havo Hooded congress thus for this week. They aro still coming, too, from nil pnrts of tho United States, Although the daily arrivals are les sening in numbers, it Is estimated that the cost will be close to 1850,000. Birthday of Palmer Cox "You Remembor the Brownlee" i United I'rois Borvlce CHANDY. Quoboc. Aurll 28. This i tho 70th birthday of Palmer Cox, Icing of Urownloland, ! tho tnnn who crcnloil tho brown- , ion and tnndo mnny a winter's , night by tho lliesldo a vorltnblo ndvanturn for littmlrnitu nf thnii. hiiihIh of American "kldH," who tiro not "kids" uny more. Cox in uui ui uniwniu uasuc, mm w groat, rambling, mysterious Htono pile ho enmu Imclc to thin village ' and built after hu won fmno and forluno with IiIh saucer-eyed and i npluillo-loggcd olfs. Cox In at bin Now York residence: and hulc and hearty as over, ho says, ' ! ' ! mom SHIPS ARE SENT 10 BOTTOM BRITI8H BATTLESHIP STRIKES MINE AND SINKS TWO GER MAN SUBMARINES REPORTED DE8TROYED BY PATROLS . ,.,...,,-..... CI0W lcft ln 0Den bontt. They were picked up later by llm olnnmnr llnlntlil ., m, Amsterdam cables roport that a "rlll-b patrol vessel sank another !' unr io Apr! 7 between the Shetland Islands and Ireland. J oo Voso is down from Fort Klamath attending to business matters. Mrs. Clyde Hoffman has returned from Orovllle, whero she has spent tho past year. Mr. Hoffman returned soma timo ago. Mrs. E. II. Hall returns tonight from a fortnight's sojourn in San Francisco. J. Frank Adams, Will Adams and J. Frank Adnms Jr. wore Friday vis itors in Klamath Falls. Ilent( BUch nH blankets, food supplies. TimninH A. Edison Is chairman, Is first to nrouso tho wholo country to the need of making Industry tho basic lino ----- ,,, ,i,nPV thnt the na- ; dc enscs on ho thco y hat thea iinn la likelv to win which can sup ply most munitions nt grcatost spood to tbo men at tho front. Mnvimum orcnnlzatlon of Industry Is accordingly necessary for success." i :,..,, twr Stafford. "Tho national i j commlttco Is undertaking an Invent 'ory of 30,000 Anna. 0..... tinuimi in determined to mnko somo sort of an investigation of tho matter. Ycstoruay "- that the telegrams wore , wing - - -. rin-mnn funds, ana no iur iiuiu v. ...--- - .,,.- catod a congressional Investigation. Todoyhowantstoknowwnou.u-,- -- - , mado for th6 ed .the flood of tolograms stopped. Ho rt5St rf the guesU at the Mil has demanded an Investigation of the enter tu n w tnat source of tho funds. i"" " Big Parade in Behalf TWO BANDS, SCORES OF AUTOMO BILES, RED FIRE, TORCHE3, MO TORCYCLES AND MARCHER8 j WILL JOIN IN BIQ PAGEANT TIMS EVENING 8PEAKINO IN UtIHALF OF THE MEASURE WILL BE HELD IN COURT IIOUCC SQUARE AFTER PARADE A arndi that will ecllpsn any previ ous (f:o:t :.Ioiir this lino In Klamath Falls, n big tally of citizens and ad dresses by prominent Klniuutli Falls taxpayers will bo among the features of thn big demonstration tonlRlit In be half of tho mcasuro for constructing a Municipal Highway from Klamuth Falls to Shippington and Pelican city. Tho Klamath Falls band will lead the procession, and the new Pollcan City Free-Heed band will be In tho van of tho Pelican City section of tho parade. A long lino of marchers will be in the parade, to say nothing of the Klamath Motorcycle Club and strings of nutos, carrying the people ot Pelican City nnd Shippington, as well as Klamath Falls people. II. C. Shipley has cbargo of the transporting of the Pelican City nnd Shippington people. Persons wishing to donate the uso of their cars for this purpose should see him without delay. Tho Central school is tho starting point for the parade. Promptly at 7:20 this evening tho automobile and motorcycle sections of tho procession, Including tho two bands, will start for Mills Addition. They will also pass through Hot Springs Addition before returning to tho school. During tho time tho auto sections are parading the Mills district, tho marchers will bo formed into proces sional order, and torches will be dis tributed along the lino. Tho parade will then move down Main street to the bridge, doubling back and circling tho court houso block before dis- banding for tho speaking. Tho illumination for tho pnrado will include special red fire all along the line of march. All business men, members ot the Klamath Commercial Club and nil others working for tho success of tho road aro asked to bo at tho school not later thnn 7:20. In tho courthouse BQuare. Chairman H. D. Hall of the Citizens Mass Meet ings will act ns chairman, and speech es will be made by Police Judgo Leav Itt, School Superintendent It. H. Dun bar, Chas. F. Stono and others. MEADOW LAKE RANCH IS SOLD SHORT AND REEDER PURCHASE BIG TRACT FROM HORACE DUN LAP PLAN A NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEM THERE Horace Dunlap has Just disposed of bis ranch at Meadow Lake to U. B. Reedor nnd R. C. Short, two progres sive ranchers. Tho ranch contains tKC nnres. The new owners will soon , begin Blowing with traction power. They also Intend to build a big reBervolr nnd Install an irrigation system. Tne ranch will be used In growing alsyke clovor and timothy. MILLER HILL SOCIAL TO BE HELD MAY 10TH reeentlon for candidates to , - be(m u . - -- -- . . .. , . .... nnnod It Will De neia ybubwu Pwd. u mi and Rally of Shippington Road Such a road as this is Impassible no other means of transportation than points close together might aa well be communlcatlona are concerned. Tht 3ity re aa bad or worse than this de the city limits, and pays taxes for the tion, and other advantages It does not Quch a road as this should be Villt to Shippington, at a cost .of not more than $20,000. It will enable the emplces of the factories there and In Pel ican City to come to town to do their trading. We have all been praying for more mills and more payrolls why not get the advantage of the large pay rolls already here. . Vote YES on the Municipal Highway question Monday, and thereby help in a material way In the upbuilding of Klamath Falla. LEAGUE TO WORK iCHANCE TO JOIN EOR NEUTRALITY1 AVIATION CORPS s THOUGH FORMED Y GERMAN-j NO CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR AMERICANS, NEW ORGANIZA- TION HOPE8 TO ENLIST ALL IN1 ITS OUTLINED WORK I lilted Press Service PORTLAND. Ore., April 28. A now factor will be Injected Into state and national politics when a state con- ..i rfiomtoa from the Amori- can Neutrality League meets hero on jajr i The organization is anU-Engllsh. it. avowed -purpose Is to "maintain the supremacy of American interests against the insidious and now doml- Z Urrmore tZ ToO volel i. ,..niBrt In Its memberah D in Oregon alone. Although tho nucleus ot the Amerl- cau Neutrality League is formed byj Gorman-Americans; Its membership In this state includes the Robert Emmett Hocieiy, me rneuuo u uhh ' Thompson toaay. 'rne purpose m the State Alliance ot German-speaking the new BCn00i iB to build up that par Societies and soveral other smaller ticuiar une, a class ot 100 young groups. Organizations of Swiss ana Scandinavians have been invited to participate in the convention, and it Is probable that some of these na- tlonalltles will be represented. The American Neutrality League Is for enrollment; Tuition will be ab frankly political in nature. Announce- solutely without cost to the student ments mado by Its officers state plain- The opportunities In the United States ly that its Influenco will bo thrown against rreBiuem nuu. """"".ana aavancenienv w ububh - U....& IITII.i.. VMIA.f Kroner Is president ana rreaoncK Gronnert secretary of the league. The convention May 7 will be held In the German House here. ' Tonight the greater portion of the year. With by a road In this condition, two hundreds of mile apart, ao far aa roads to Shippington and Pelican -plte tha fact that Shippington la in lighto, ctreets, police and fire protec enjoy. INSTRUCTIONS IN FLYING AT THE TRAINING CAMP NEAR THE . CLIFF HOUSE IN 8. F. ' United Press Service , SAN FRANCISCO, April 28. Any American youth who wonts to learn tho art of flying with the object of lolninu the army aviation corps may havo free instruction at the new camp I to be esiaousnea on uuu nuuao uvavu, ' according to the announcement of Captain Fred A. Thompson of New York, former member of the British aero force -re Recovering from injuries he re- uu wu" u" "" v' " '. When he is able to be about again Ks rin hn tnatrufttor of the new 8Chooi, Tne wnr department is apparently C0UVjnCed that its army is weak In the MvM department." said Captain men wllj bo instructed in the use of tho biplane as a Btarter. Later the oaujpment may be enlarged. Any young man between the ages of 18 nnd 30 wih good references is eligible anny for young aviators are numerous a - m A I. ......11m .lll Mr, and Mrs. Charles Shelling and Dr. B. C, Bennett aro ln from Yalnax j today, TODAY' ODDI8T STORY United Press Serrice TOCOMA. Wash.. Anril ! Charged with criminally libeling George Washington, Paul R, Has- er, socialist, went to trial today.' In a newspaper letter he alleged Washington drank and swore. Colonel A. E. Joab, local at- tornev. filed the comnlalnt. say-' ing that oa Washington waa the "father of his country," all Amer- leans were his children, and any ' of them had a right to demand re- . dress for insulta directed at their national parent. . Defense Counsel Pendleton re- ! piled that If this were logical 1 reasoning, Adam was the father of all men. and anyone could start t criminal proceedings If some per- son maligned Adam. 4 The court said Adam had no. standing In law , and ordered Hafferheld. - - '. TURKS CLAIM BIG BRITISH DEFEAT FOUR SQUADRONS OF CAVALRY ' REPORTED ANNIHILATED' .IN BATTLE NEAR SUEZ CANAL, MORE RU8SIANS IN WEST United Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE. April 28. It Is officially announced that Turkish . fcrcee annihilated and routed four. squadrons of British cavalry In an at- lack upon Qwata. twenty-ilve mllea v. as sent to Berlin Americana appear east of the Sues canal. The survivors ing in public have been made to feel fled toward the canal. !trtoekared'tnatr.BrUlah airmen have bombarded a hospital flying the red cross and red creacent flags. MARSEILLES. April 28. The third . convoy of Russian troops arrived day. HEPPENHEIM NOW HAS TWOOWNERS E. M. HEPPE, KLAMATH COUNTY HOMESTEADER, MARRIES IOWA SCHOOL TEACHER WILL BE AT HOME AFTER 16TH "Count" E. M. Heppe is a single man no longer. This week a friendship started nine years ago was "brought to a happy culmination in a marriage ear emony. whereby Miss Bertha Edith Farnsworth became Mrs. Heppe. The bride was formerly a school teacher of Maauoketa. Iowa. Of late she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Otto ot Miller Hill.. The groom has a fine homestead in the Midland section, and be has many friends in Klamath county. The Heones will be at home after May 15th at "Heppehetm," the Heppe homestead. Irish Rebellion Assumes Real Serious Proportions United Press Service i t.ovdon. Anril St. General Max well arrived tn Ireland today, and as sumed command ot the troops there. The nolnt at which he landed has eeen kept a secret, and all news from Ire land, is rigorously censored. What news has been allowed puhli r.tinn. however, admits that tho rebel lion Is the most serious eriaie Bngland has faced since the outwrted of ue war. It is reported that U the eewUea el HOPEFUL VIEW IS TAKEN OF GERMAN SITUATION TODAY GERARD'S VISIT TO' KAISIR SIGNIFICANT IS cerr.apondent In Holland Hear. .That If Break Doea Come It WIH Not Be Before Next Week, But In the Meantime All Preparatlona fr Flight From Oermany Have Abandoned by Americana By WILLIAM Q. SHEPHIRD (United Press Staff CorreapoadMt) THE HAGUE, April 28. It U learn ed reliably that positive auanukeaa ihave reached Ambassador Gerard at 'Berlin to the effect that there will be no break ln the present crisis. . Attachea of the American embaaay ,ln Berlin Saturday began packing thclr belongings- ZTZ nnces were received the nature of j whlch , unknown, which caused an abandonment of tneae preparatlona for departure. A Dutch business man elalnvs to have received a dispatch saying that if the break does come for some ma forseen reason lt will not occur be- fore May 6. There are no demonstrations ln Bet- lln. However, since the American note Uncomfertable: United Preee Service WASHINGTON. D. C. April w. Kaiser Wllhelm has determined oa n.m,n,', rontv tn America's note. to-'and has given Chancellor von Beth- m.nn.uniiwee anal Instructions re- ' garding the phraseology. This is the Interpretation German 'officials have placed upon the kaiser's invitation to Gerard for a visit at the kaiser's field headquarters. It is declared by the same sources that the reply will In all probability be favorable. Cooked Food Bale -The ladles of Sacred Heart ckweh will hold a cooked food sal all otor tomorrow at the Bolvin building, on Main street, between Fifth and Suctn. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Anderson. Dr. o. F. Damorest and daughter. Mta Ruby Demorest, are among the Wy residents visiting the county sees ta day. m. j. Treaster. who has bought aaany horses in Klamath county during the past year, is here from Denver leak ing for more steeds. He shipped two carloads of horses to the Denver market Yesterday which were purehaa- ed through the county by Boh Htlav saker. O. B. Peyton of the .Klamath iMal company made a business trip te Al goma today. Needless to say, he wilt return In time to participate in the big parade tonight. . MffAth. Louth and north of centers, where the Sinn Fete are'ieV i... . ii.ul mauaamr. aamiaa Wk i, tm uw.. r - ,"s-75r -JK been restored. - ?gf ? The public is demanding the .eejie tlon of Sir Roger :caaeentr a4 JB newsnaners report watr.ne si .swav; h.., .hn.it hi Mil la. the TewaVev,-i ... - ..-.. va .-- London,' boasting m aw iiswr, starting Ute.DnWhiwveM., . f&fy Case-ent has 1mlim$mfJ i Mhui to mass ses aeUeW eMBaW' .., . v-,'v"iV.wjl,;. iJwtvTJ'j.ia LhK.TL- VJ.ni ft y K Sr'?tT jP ',. . f i 3 t ig ' ftWfri.