Gtfn lEiummg Herald " c s j. -r-i KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL!' ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEX y Tenth Year No. 2,971 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916 fHee five CewM German Officials Positive SPECIAL ORDERS ARE ! ISSUED SUBMARINES, PENDING SETTLEMENT By CARL ACKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) ERLIN, April 27. The United Press It able to state upon most authentic authority that tho crisis In the American controversy hat virtually patted. There will bo no rupture predicated on developments to date. Pending negotiations, all submarines will operate under explicit instruc tions. Tho naturs of these Instructions Is not given out, but assurance Is furnished that tho acta complained of by America will not be repeated dur Ing the period of negotiations. The crisis was passed Tuesday, when Foreign Minister von Jagow re ceived Information of Amerlca'a attitude. Opinions differ here as to whether the chief credit goes to American Ambassador Gerard here, or to German Ambassador von Bernstorff In Wash ington. Gerard goes to the kalher's headuarters today for a conference. Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg It expected back tomorrow. He will then prepare Germany's reply to Wilton's note, which It Is expetced will reach Washington by ths end of tho week. Hollweg, Kalssr Wllhelm, General von Falkenhayn, chief of the army staff, and Admiral von Holtzendorff, chief of the navy staff, are In conference at the kaiser's flleld headuarters. It Is understood that the German reply will not fully most tho American demands. Today's Tagsblatt declares that Ambassador Gerard Is convinced that Germany Is honestly striving to avoid a conflict Ambassador von Bernstorff has basn ordered to seek a more definite statement of tho American position. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 27, German Ambassador von Bernstorff is doing his utmost to prevent a break between America and Germany. One high official today stated that the work of the ambassador Is greatly appre ciated hers. Aa long as von Bernstorff Is trying lleved likely that the president will action whatsvsr to embarrass him. War Bulletins l'AUIS, April 27. It Is announced i hat the Germans, after their terrific bombardment, attacked along the line from Avocourt to Pepper Hill. Fronch (.rtlllery chocked their advances. Unimportant engagements aro re ported In the Vosges region. A Gor man rcconnolssonce east of Lameaall lias been dispersed. United Press Sarvloe LONDON, April 27. Tho British mbmnrlno E-22 has sunk in tho North Sea. Only two of tho crow cscapod. Thin was one of tho newest subma Shippington Road Rally Will Be City's Biggest Considering the plans being made for the big affair, the Shippington road rally tomorrow night bids fair to be the greatest demonstration ovor hold In Klamath Falls. All of tho support ers of tho proposal to improvo tho road and they are legion will bo out In force, so the parade and succeeding rally will be well worth seolng. Tho big Kelly truck of the Western Transfer company lias uoen donated 'or use as a band wagon, and this, with the musicians, will head the big pro fession. Local automobtlo men are Knlhg up their machines for the pa rade, and some of the men who have machines for rent have placed these at the disposal of tho committee, to be ued in transporting tho Shippington nd Pelican City crowd to and from town. I The Klamath Motorcycle Club U composed of good roads enthusiasts, nd this live organization will be much 'a ovldence in' ths parades Thtre will to meet Wilson's views, it Is not demand any greater haste, or take any :i rines, and carried a crow of twont two members United Press Service BERLIN, April 27. It is announced that a Zeppelin last night bombarded Margate, eighty miles southeast of London. 'Tho Germans captured a portion of today by the majority of tho senate lm tho advanced British trenches near I migration committee. It Is understood that the committee Glvcnchy. ,ttR told Japan would be seriously or- A German submarine torpedood a C(J ftt any enatment de8igned to British crulsor of tho Arctbusla typo I kceDtheJ apanose out of America, and Tuesuay. Home From Trip. W. H. A. Ronner returned last night fi am a business trip to Salem also be long lines of automobiles. Bed fire and torches will furnish the Illumination. Tho parade will form at tho Central school house at 7:30, and from there the nutomoblle and motor cycle sections will traverse tho Mills and Hot Springs additions. Upon the return of theso sections to tho school, tho marchers will form in lino, and tho procession will march up Main street, to tho music of the band. All wishing to participate In the parado should be In front of the Central school not later than 7:30. After parading Main street, the pro cession will break ranks at the court Iioubo park. Hore tho rally speeches will be mado. B. B. Hall, chairman of the citizens mass mootlngs which ovolvod the high vray Improvement plan, will preside at the Friday night meeting. 8chool Su perintendent B. H. Dunbar, Attorney Chas, F. Stone and others will also make short talks. President Telling U shI! llBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJy ftJv'iJ3rJ'TTlr rWslSEBB9fBE9M&Sbfe$?'r Ar J ss " ? v1 .& bbHbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ?? Thlh photograph was taken at tho beginning of the address of President Wilson to the Joint session of the house of representative and the senate Wednesday. Vice President Mai shall Is In the chair with Speaker Clark at bis left The president is at the reading desk in front of them. lust COMMITTEE BOWS TO THE JAPANESE be-'CHANGES ASKED IN BILL ARE RE PORTED TO HAVE BEEN MET IN EVERY DETAIL BY THE COMMIT TEE TODAY United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, April 27.- The requests of Japan for changes in ine immigration uiu are repunuu iu have been completely mot In an amend ment to tho bill, which was endorsed would feel the law as now framed n icllectlon upon Japan's honor. IRELAND UNDER MARTIAL RULE REBELLION 8PREADING TO OTH ER COUNTIES, ACCORDING TO A8QUITH SEVERAL PLACES IN DUBLIN ARE 8TILL HELD United Press Service LONDON, April 27. Premier As qulth announced today that all of In land la under martial law. 7 be sit urtlon Is still Horious, and tho rebelt continue to hoil somo of the Impoit-, ant public buildings in Dublin. . Tho indications are that the disorder it. spieading in Western Ireland. Street fighting in Dublin continues. , ' Asqulth's statement came like a thun-, derbolt In the midst or teports indi cating that tho rebellon had collapsed. It Is understood that the government Is hurrying more troops, as tho rebellion appears to be spreading In the coun ties of Llmorlck, Tlppornry, Clare, in tho province of Conneaught, where tho Sinn Fein organlzors are active, After Asqulth had made his state ment, Carson and Redmond strongly supported the government. 'Redmond denounced tho Dublin rioters, and was wildly applauded. Congress What He Said to the German Government Officer Reprimanded for Neglect of Duty f, General George P. 8criven, chief of; tho signal corps of the United States army, has been reprimanded by Secre tary of War Baker "for his failure per sonally to supervise the disciplinary features of the aviation corps adminis tration." This action grows out of Secretary Robinson's expose of the in competence and Inefficiency of the avi ation corps under Colonel Samuel Jte ber, chief of the aviation section. ATHLETIC COURT FOR Y0UN6 FOLKS For the benefit of the ypung people, Itev. Hugh J. Marshall, pastor of Sa cred Heart church, Is having a tennis court and a handball court arranged on tho church grounds. These will bo completed the latter part of the week, and will be open to all of the young people of tho city, There are many good tennis players iKfAsJHsfST-FaTTTSBal 1 1'-i-flkjMlMBeTaal i,: iilBkSJE5.JSBBBSBJBSBH 1 &FK233isMi nnn?!&HtfI I BBBBW'JBTS'VVf Iv YBBSn.3 aTM'fKtWI wSMSRWKmnm aaMsBBWaisw ? 1 fsiBrevllt jS HmCPssflktSflll , bKp-;":wI-I L vSbwi1 BannnnnnKanK. ttABsnnnnfeAW' 19 fBTMiiM "j gSSfci?sBBrM5 saBiSWIBIw i . nvw vaftt&v -sSfSBBB ;; x s& a ) sls-'Vi&?s,3StS i Crisis ACCUSED LADS TEAM TO PLAY ARE OUT NOW! DORRIS SUNDAY W. H. A. RENNER ASSUMES RE SPONSIBILITY FOR THREE LADS, ENDING REST OF HEARING ON MONDAY The three lads who have been ac cused of "a scries of thefts, and who hate been under examination by the ju enile court, are now at their homes. Following their apprehension, they were turned over to Police Chief Bald- v In by County Judge Hanks, and theyl have been detained in the corridor of the city jail. At a meeting of a number of men held last night, the question of the ' boys being held was mentioned, and as u result, they started efforts to secure their release until the hearing is re- sumed Monday. An order for the re- lease of the trio was made by Judge' Hanks after W. H. A. Renner aDDeared i before him in behalf of the boys, and agreed to have them on band Monday ! morning. i In tho meantime, the police and the; I sheriff's office force are Investigating i i a npriOR nf thefts ehnreed tn tha bnvn. Among these are the burglarizing of the office of R. S. Moore on Main street j and the residences of J. H. Carnahanj and Clyde Hoffman on Seventh Btreet. The losses reported aggregate close to ' 1500, and even Include a motorboat. j Tl e question of whether or not there arc borne older people implicated with the youngsters is now receiving atten tion from the officers. in Klamath Falls, and many devotees , of handball. The lack of suitable pub- Mr ,.iitta iaa Innif KoAti fait tirA and J the new courts will undoubtedly prove popular from the start. 0MWAHTm APE ums IR IM PUDUC EYE TUcMUtiOtBTC h2?r w IBUcTCJOCRby tha CMncthaLaaKuri inrf h is Now Over MANY OF THE FANS ARE. CONSID-, ERING MATTER OF ACCOMPANY ING LIVELY YOUNGSTERS TO BUTTE VALLEY a hh,ll ,, of itret to msnv is to be played at Dorris Sunday after-1 HmdUB CnmlI. mUBt ,,.,,, noon, between the Dorris team and aror a ,,me at j-, lne CMte ay-ttgsi. team of "Yannigans4 organized by Cale' Sherwood Eddy, tuted worker Iu Ori- Oliver. Many of the fans are planning accompanying the team, providing on It makes the trip by train, thereby as suring a reduced tar. Members of the local team are as follews: "Sharkey" Clark and Thresh- 'er, catchers; Karl Hilton, Bostwick, 'Foster and Brown, pitchers; Simmers, Montgomery Steiger, Arnold, Marvin Hilton and Peterstelner. with one of the extra battery men, for the infield '. d 0UtfleM Local Women Asked to -4 Form a Relief Branch Klamath FallB tnajj soon have a branch of the French Relief commit tee, the organization which la working all over the United States for the prep aration of bandages, etc., for the re- lM of the wounded treated in the hos pltals of the entente allies la Burope. A meeting will be held at an early date to take this matter up. The question of an organization in Klamath Falls was brought up by Mrs. Casserly, president of the Sao Fran cisco committee. Aa the larger towns around the bay are taking the work up with great success, Mrs. Casserly has written Mrs. W. Paul Johnson, asking about forming a branch here. . Mrs. Johnson will take the natter up with the heads of various women's organisations hore, aad will call gen eral nesting Inter, to tons ortmnJan. DODD STILL ON : TRIAL OF VILLA FORCE N SOUTH ANOTHER BATTLE I EXPECTfD ! y" A HOURLY - Coming Confsrsncs Between testt and , Obregon Is Awaited With Intersst Both Sides Thought to Have Tws Entirely Different Views of ths Mat ter Meeting Opens Saturday, and Lasts Several Days. Untied Press Serv;e EL PASO. Tex., April 27. After a brief halt at Minaca lor supplies sad : fresh horses, Colonel Dodd's cavalry men have resumed the chase of the VII- j llstas they engaged In battle Tuesday. (News of another battle lseexpected , hourly. It is believed that Americans work- ing from Providenda aad San Antonio, Mexico, are hemming in the bandits. i It is officially stated that General Ob regon will confer with General Seett at either aVlto or J log will open 'Saturday, and Willi ably last for several days. Indications are. that the two sides are coming to the meeting with differ ent viewpoints. General Scott is seeking a final solu- jtlon of the entire ViUista border1 raid question, and the matter of safety for Amtem m Mexlco. Carraa. It Is understood, may demand a withdrawal ! of American forces. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES MUST NOT SCOFF AT HINDU RELIGION I , United Press Ssnrica s WASHINGTON. .-. C, April 27.To uu 'ivr&siiu win .jut ry wurit i eutai felds, told the Men's National j onary congre be today. niuuus ui una gabl wjii uuv w(n religious advice from another, he said. But If the Christian religion could have sufficient teachers who are saembers of the lower strata of society, 60,0tf,SM converts would-be obtained in a short time, Eddy predicted. He had found in China, he said, that the educated classes were the hardest to reach: but that la India It waa the uneducated mass of lower caste HIadu that was hard to get at tlon. In the meantime, the arrange ments here are progressing. r The Bolvln building, on Main street &j . tuui. .-.J m-v. h.. - -" Ja. 49 irameeu mu iuiu nuua, mmm mw ,a nated for the work By Henry soma. ,: Ijirrn tables are belnar installed, and .Vl a - - w -j - n lha ttMltABnut nltin feu tans Wennnsnrtn ' r" : :rzr.' ziz iTZjztt meet vwito m wni, rau "" j " J" f bandages. -jf, i The work to entirely There to dire need for these snrgltsjl aids, and the bandanes prepared jnte M .iV. 4h. nu uJ ir'---t- mM-J-C 1 well as for the allies, as';ihey'nfe'nH: used In the alUea' aseta wnete M ., wounded are attendeeV: mrilin . .ii-.utw i untuwt iuwwf. - i lf,',ti'jff; The call la issued for.v wish to help reUeve n weU orssjOsed !! lit Ul thatjannwtn rtm sir SJMHBJBV assBKsn WtMMsl VfleHnV' I , JH 9 .