Tt "v j -.1 - . it Jj? Sunning Hrratfi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 01 Tanth YearNe. 2,t77 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1916 Pries Fiva ffwato Col. Dodd's Troops in Battle With Villistas TWO AMERICANS ARE KILLED AND OTHERS WOUNDED IN BATTLE COLUMBUS, N. M , April 26 Two American soldiers ware Uin andi several wounded In a battla with a Vlllleta force Saturday, according to ad vlcti Juat racalvad. A column undar command of Colonel Dodd, consisting of a part of the seeond cavalry, waa the engaged force. It defeated 300 Vllllttaa In Weatern Chihuahua. Meagre raporta Indicate that the Villista force wa compoaad of several guerrilla banda, concentrated undar four general. Their loaaea are unknown. The Americana routed the Mexlcane, and puraued them until nightfall. y H. D. JACOBS (Unltad Praaa Staff Correspondent) NAMIQUIHI, Mexico, April 29. 8lx Vllllataa were killed and nineteen were wounded In a three hours running fight between the Vllllataa and one ef Colonel Oodd'a datachmanta near Machlc. Colonel Dodd reported today that two Americana were killed and three wounded. Twenty-five Horace war captured and the bandlta were acattered. First French Prisoners Taken at Verdum 0tallamimmmmr XVWSaWaiai WILSON OUTLINES AMERICAN STAND ON ARMED SHIPS LMwti! &Xf&4&JUteM&&&2fi!lS Tlicse tiro the first Fronch prisoners taken at Verdun. Thla picture a rows them on the way to the railroad Htatlon to be shipped to the prison camps in the Interior ot Germany. All the French soldiers in the trenches now woir metal helmets to protect thorn against bursting shrapnel. IL PASO, Tax., April 20. Carranalata officials aay Qeneral Obregon will latitat upon "a aptady Amtrlcan withdrawal from Mexico, upon Obregon'a own ttrma. It la understood that ha will plead that the de facto government can. flat pacify ataxia while the expedition remalna. i Obregon reached Saltlllo today. It Is not known whether he will meet ' "teeK it Jaurex, Laredo er Eagle Paas. BALL TO HELP KLAMATH QUEEN BRITISH TROOPS TO SPECIAL SERVICES AT I THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH RUSH DUBLIN TILCQRAPHIC LINES ARE STILL OUT, ANO THIS MAV MEAN THAT REBELS STILL HOLD A PART OF CITYOTHER NEWS There will bo special services held at the Christian church this evening, beginning at 7:30. The song service will be a special feature. It will be followed by a sermon by the pastor, the subject being "Rcconclllatlollp, or Making Ood Your Friend." There havo been a number of addi tions to the Christian church member ship recently, and tho church is plan ning to render greater norvlce to the Matter. TODAY'8 ODDEST 8T0RY United Press Service SALEM, Ore., April 26. The e mysterious disappearance of 320 mites of highway in Lincoln e) count, as shown In the biennial e BIO TIME A88URED THOSE AT TENDINQ DANCE AT OPERA HOUSE MI88 JACOBS NOW STANDS EIQHTH IN RACE (Herald Special Service) PORTLAND, April 26. Following CITY NEEDS NEW FIRE APPARATUS WASHINQTON, D. C April 26. Belligerents should presume that armed merchantmen are peaceful un less "there is conclusive evidence 'to the contrary." This la the position of the American government. It was officially declared today. Merely because an enemy merchant man is armed does not constitute suffi cient reason for a belligerent to de clare It a warship, and attack it, re gardless of the rights of persons on board. These points are announced. to the world today in a memorandum. In tended to clear up the American posi tion on the general subject of armed ships. - A warning Is to be Issued to Amer icans, asking them to refrain from traveling on certain armed ships, ,as soon as me aaminuirauon leama wnat vessels are under mandatory orders from the allied governments. -- MEA8URE ON BALLOT AT MON- DAY'S ELECTION SHOULD RE CEIVE THE 8UPPORT OF ALL OF THE VOTERS road report of Oregon, caused the .department ot agriculture at e Washington to wonder. When Malheur, the biggest countv in the state, showed an e Increase of 2,000 miles of high- way In two years, the department e ' demanded an explanation of State I'uslneer Lewis. . e if Klamath Falls expects to secure Today Lewis madethis expla- e lower Insurance rates, the city must was the standing In tho Rose Festival naUon t0 Washlnrten: The 1911 provide more modern fire apparatus. Queen contest wbon the votes were counted at 9 o'clock thla merning: Mnud Oilman, Portland, 68,681. Louiso Taylor, Portland, 66,428, Kdol Fraasch, Eugene, 64,679. Jewell Carroll, Portland, 64,682 toad report from Lincoln county An opportunity to do this without extra war made when the tide was out. coat to the taxpayers presents itself When the 1916 report was made at Monday's electoon. the tide was in, and 320 miles of There Is on hand in the city nail roast highways were under water fund a total ot 16,610.60. There are onJ couldn't be counted. , two questions on the ballot relating to Rose Uptegrovo, Oregon City. 61.478. this. concerning the transferring r-XUISTRATION Or VOTERO NOT FINALLY REPORTED Muriel Sating, Pendleton, 61,301. Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls, 66,654. OeorRla White, Corvallls, 61,079. Klcanor Jackson, McMlnnville, 39,766, Marian Anderson, Albany, 29,787. Uoltwl I'ress Bervlce LONDON. April 26.-aovernmonl i HAI.KM. April 2C. Estimates were roc-PS, hastily transported from Eug- nm(i0 nt tho offlco ot the secretary ot wmd, have been rushed to Dublin. They1 ntat0 lojy tiiat tho registration for Anna Allen. Portland, 20,608. occupied St. Stephens' and Liberty hall thc prmary election would be approx- Mlldren Pegg, Vancouver, 18,360. In the heart of Dublin yosterday. Innately 226,000. Tho registration re- Myrtle McClarkln. Portland, 309. The government Is taking prompt I p0,tctj' up to tho present time In 217,-, Christine Haach, Foicst Grove. 14 jwd energetic steps to suppress tho 77!)( DHl n nUmbor of countloi havo not insurrection. Tho telegraph lines aro ' yot forwarded their completo lists. All Indications nro that there will bo still out, and this Indicates that the! nr n. mtni mimintr rnnnrioii t the.a big crowd in attendance nt tho renew still hold a part of the city. It l believed that serious fighting con tinues. Secretary Blrrell is going to Ireland. Offlclal dispatches say the government casualties are 19 killed and 27 In Jurtd. Lord Lantdowne announced in the nouae of lorda that the crew of tho airman raider involved In the attempt land troops and ammunition In Ire land blew up their ship after they were Mptured. I'nlted Preaa Service necretary'8 offlco 146,000 are repub licans, 54,261 aro democrats, 1,169 aro progressives, 5,134 aro prohibitionists, 4,900 aro socialists and 6,326 are miscellaneous. Nearly all tho Paris newspapers ato now gotten out by women. ocourt wood and Hill No. 304 by tho Germans. Thoro are no infantry moves around Verdun. A French aoroplane this morning at tacked a Zeppelin off Zoebrugo, 13,000 feet aloft. Tho aviator throw nine in "ARI8. AnHI 5fl , An Ittiak... Kami. hamiII.iv Immtiu ilnmnfr(iir llin dlrlfir. jydment g being directed against Av-1 IMe. Cleanup D lay to Be Held Here at an Early Date danco to be given this -evening nt Houston's opera house, far tho benefit of the.cnndldacy of Miss Waive Jacobs, Klamath's entrant In the contest for' queen of tho Portland Roso Festival. . The Poerless orchestra will furnish music, and it is understood that many of the candidates for county offices will nttnnd In order to rat better ac ot this money Into the general fund, and the other concerning purchasing automobile fire apparatus at a cost of not oxceeding 6,510.60, Jthis money to ne taicen irom me general iuna. The council has advertised for bids on an nutomoblle fire truck, a combl- 'nation ot hose cart and chemical en gine, with and without a pump attach- 'ment for Increasing water pressure. Such an addition to the present equip ODD FELLOW8 HAVE BEEN CELE-'mcnt will s"PPly Klamath Falls, Are- v I fighting apparatus needs for years to BRATINQ THIS DAY A8 THE AN- come. By CARL ACKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent)' i BERLIN, April 26. The United l Press today learned authoritatively that America's demand that German submarines rive consideration to ) freighters, as well as to liners, teems .loe raosi serious oc-siacie in the way joi settlement, other points can be , settled, but there is strong opposition ; here to any safeguarding of freighter crews, as virtually every freighter Is egnaged in the munitions traffic There Is a growing feeling that there will be no break. Apparently the ait- -uatlon depends upon the firmness of Wilson's stand. Chancellor von Bethmann-Holweg and Admiral von Holtsendora? arrived at the kaiser's field headquarters to day to confer with him ngardtag the American situation. Holweg will re turn at the end of the week, probably with a rough draft of the German re ply. COMMITTEE ASKS; A BIGGER NAVY - REPORT WILL ASK FOR NAVAL BUILDINO TO COVER OVER TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN MIL. LION ARMY PLAN UP FOR NEARLY ONE HONORED YEARS NIVER3ARY OF THE TION OF THE ORDER FOUNDA- WM WMTLOCK On April 26, 1819, Thomas Wlldey, John Welch, John Duncan. John1 qualnted with the voters of Klamath Cheatham and Richard Rushworth, in 60RIED TODAY Falls. Fan. the com,n ". Klamath " will observe "Clean-Up Day." rO.M0U.nca wwabera thla week eS . ?f mthod, fop bMt uc' y, occasion, and following Jgr report, and auggeaUou Monday vivo,. d,y W,M 0UtoUy M uSSaE""?. wUl ,,,ur Uin.. T'Vo or, three days will probably bo set for the clean-up period, As usual, tho city will hire teams to cover all rittitH of town, hauling away from the city limits tho traBh raked up on that occasion. Since "Clean-Up Day" was instituted by the Women's Civic League a few yeurs ago, it has been practiced every year, with good reaulU. BLY POSTPONES DANCE FOR FORT AFFAIR TO HAVE BEEN HELD FRI DAY NIQHT IS PUT OFF A WEEK TO ALLOW ALL CANDIDATES TO'perty Rebekah Lodge, with a general no to POUT Reed time and get-together affair, in' .1 tho city of Baltimore, at the Inn of the "' Soven Stars, organized what is today, many FRIEND8 OF DECEASED AT. known as the first lodge of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows of America, and Wlldey is recognized as tho founder of American Odd Fellow ship. Each year the recurrence of the day is recognized by the different branches ot tho order all over the country. The members ot Klamath Lodge No, 137 will celebrate the occasion to night, assisted by members of Pros- TEND SERVICE8 AT CHAPEL. PALLBEARERS ARE MEMBERS OF W. O. W. Tho funeral ot the late William Whitlock, who died Sunday evening, was held today at the undertaking chapel. The service was attended by many friends ot the deceased. Rev. Chas. T. Hurd, pastor ot the eluding banquet, dancing, a short pro- Pi esbyterian church, conducted the gram and other amusements. i borvlce, delivering an appropriate and According to word received today Whllo the affair Is strictly an Odd comforting sermon, splendid musical from Bly. the people in that section Fellows doings, it is customary for the selections were rendered by the Elks' havo posponedthe candidates' moet- members of the Rebekah lodgo to in- quartet. The pallbearers were mem Ing and ball which, was to have beenlvlte their husbands, and for the Odd bers of the local lodge of the Wood held Friday night. The Fort Klamath FoIIowb to bring their wlvet, and tbo men of the World, affair is the same evening, and the usual custom will hold good tonight ' There were many beautiful floral uosponemont 'vu "made In order to , i tributes, both in aet pieces ana in bou- make it possible1 for all of the candl- Supervisor Leaves. dates to attend the Wood River dance. Supervisor M. L. Eriokson ot Crater Tho Bly dance will be held the fol- National forest, left thla morning for lowing Friday. There will bo a big headquarters at Medford, after a so delegation ot Klamath Fall' people at Journ of several days in Klamath Fort Klamath Friday night (county. quote, tendered by those who knew Mr, Whitlock in hit lifetime. Miss Florence Chaplin, sister ot the Marchioness of Londonderry, ha served aa war nurse under four tags. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, April 26. The house committee on naval affaire today reported a bill for two battle ships, two battle cruisers and a 12,000, 000 appropriation for the naval avia tion corps. The bill also provides for thirty aub marlnes, fifteen swift destroyers and three fast scout cruisers. The total la $217,500,000. Leaders among the house-senate con freres on the army bill expect to agree upon a bill tor a regular army of 176,- MEDFORD RAILROAD ."'.i WITJOP TOtVOTEIM- The Medford city cetmeU baa the proposal boa taaaj fartlt- stractiom or a railroad ie tke. Ledge oesmtry n to taw-tote city. The election will be held May Bonds to the extent of ISO .MS wlH Issued should the people ' favor proposition. That wild-burroria the Graaa Caa yon of the Colorado are laenaatacr" rapidly is the report from a ranger oa the Tusayan national forest, who aays that-the Uttle animals, in their aearea for forage, are finding their way to the top in such numbers as to coastltate a nuisance. Acordlng to the forest ranger,' there are already thoaaaaua of the 'animals in the Oread Caayoa from Supaii to the north of the Uttle-Colorado. Mrs, George Harrison of Cleveland, Ohio, runs a goltlub. ' 000, a reduced federal reserve, with the militia granted about all it demands. Bonanza Meeting is Well Attended by Candidates The candidates' meeting held at Bo nanza last night waa a most enjoyable one, and was profitable to all. The candidates were under the direct charge ot "01" Hamaker, and were ex hibited In order, and most ot them were In order. The meeting was well attended by Klamath Falls and Bonanza voters, and about the usual number ot candi dates were present The meeting was held in the new hotel, which Mrs. Etta Kilgore gladly placed at the disposal ot the visitors. A little different arrangement than at other meetings waa used, the can didates and entertainers being placed on the balcony overlooking the lobby, with the audience in the lobby. Solos by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Harris, Professor Burke, and a trio by the Muues Kil gore, Harris and Hamaker were inter posed between the speeches of 'the candidates. After the speeches, rofreehsseata consisting ot sandwiches, salad, oake coffee and ice cream were aerved, the proeeeda going to the ltsmia Yeaag Peopled Club, te all ttf waa laaliaed from the supper, the club members aw ing the work and Mrs. Kilgore donat ing her dining room and help to the cause. , This club Is the only oae ec Its na ture in the county. It la a aeeaaJ eaab, J with club rooms In the new fcaist building. It la under the charge ef a 4 board ot directors elected by the oMs members. It has for its purpose tat -entertaining of the young people of Bo nanza, particularly tho young mea sad ' the quarters are fitted for card plsyV ing, chess, checkers sad pool No; smoking, swearing or other than-gaa-'fe tlemanly conduct Is allowed, aad.tas V club Is self supporting. Jean- TsarSr has the front part of the room reatod.1-"1 and acts aa renreaeatatlva of the atvV, tP rectara. rollaetlnv tfca raalala k4 1 ',' wi!'. After a lata how the iii.i-'mWlH! ? ml for the Falls, all expressing tbissistosiy" " bwbs ausBiy fw waBW,at ,, f S..V. JW ...J.A,. -. l.A ' JaA '" '"P- cumiuuuBitutu at mmmjMWW mvutiWm.j -jv courteous treatmeat fresi ttk'mm.i ment and the ecawslttos aB'iamaw. V"'' menu, tad gratified at Use isltalMii -,-and taterost taJtsa'nso sfffW' Iniasaa "2 &ttMLt)' . , sj3tcsi; l t . "; !. St?