4 4w&& V.1 ,' lj iEumtmri Herald KtAMATH COUNTY'. OFFICIAL NEW1PAPM KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER r nati, Year Ho. , KLAMATH FALLS, OKlGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916 Price, Frfe. AMERICANS READY TO LEAVE BERLIN : ON SHORT NOTICE' UtTLK HOPE OK ALL tIKMAMMi BEINO MET bjffrvlew of Chief of (jermaa Naval , luff Regarding TeutoaJc Poaltloa1 Taken by Home OfllcUU to Mwn There I No Chance for Hrttlc rat ir Merlin's Merlin itir Hug. Mtiwu of America. llalteil I'rosatervlri) WAHIIIN'OTON. l. C. April 22. Apparently there In little hop hero tut Germany wilt fully meet the do andi of the United Statea In the sub Btrlnt controversy. The Interview rlTin by Admiral too Holtsendorff to tbt United I'xeM yesterday ia believed (a indicate as unwillingness to meet Aatricaa .demands, but a desire on tbt part of derma ny to shift the re tienilblllty for the break on America. Bom y that a modlcatlon of de udi U the only chance for avoid lag a break. The admlnlatration. severer, U not Inclined to modify Ike demandt, holding that If Germany urtw to follow the vlalt, search and unity provisions, America will accept Mr verelon of submarine warfare, let will Insist that Oanutr keg her Wit. ' f ty'sjtrd Press lenrlee Xftatfe, April 88. Neatral dlplo uu declare Auitrta will brim pree Mr on Qtrmany to prevent a break Tinted owt. t Nakdowa in the Ai By CARL ACKERMAX (United Preas Staff Correspondent) BERLIN, April 22. The United ftm bureau la beeleged by Amer kaai requesting newa of the Oermaa anmlcan situation. Wany telephonic queries have been received asking if atttrs are sufficiently critical to war rant a departure. Today's Lokal Annelger aaya: "We Insist upon our right to bit or foes In their -weak spot. Nov srtnless, we want peace with the peo ple across the water, aad aa agree wt with America aaoold be .aoa ilble." United Press Service THE HAdUE, April 21. Many. Americans are preparing to clone LI. ! . 1 wu auaira anu leave uermany upon two days' notice If relations are ser rsd. A number have already arrang es to coroo to Holland la that event. There has beea aw aaodlan alaea the crlnli. There are about 700 Amer icans In Germany, and those leaving IU probably concentrate at Berlin, taring for Holland on a apeclal train. w C" to Alaska. agineer A. H. Conner, wife aad Mghter, Miss Helen, former reel MU of Klamath Falls, but lately of AUnd, left for Alaska yeeterday for few monthn sUy, oa account of Mr. Conner's health. He haa beea la very NX health since last December. They ll remain unUl ata health improves. Waive Jacobs is Second in the Race tor Queen (HeraM Wpnelal Servke) PORTLAND, April II. Waive ''Mb, the Klamath Falls eaadldate (r queen of the Portland Rom fetl !. wai aecond la (tending when the wr counted at 10 o'clock thin J la a recent couat, Mian "Mb stood sixth, but since tna she " a big gala, aad bids fair to JJtta beja. the lead, for a time Ret UptegTov. the Oregoa J candidate, la la the lead today. m to working aard, aa are aU C the ""waa aa tkeir frlwaia. Two Husbands Die of "Her Fatal Beauty 1 nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH I p nan I nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf? ?'Jnmw ammm I I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbf '' awBmnmBeBeamBw H I H (SeHBi-l K lallllllllllBS8niiHi M . .zfsSKSBKEmR i lammmmmmmlmmmmK ' ', fmHMi $ I .. ' 2&&&m&Bl W I K! " $ SnMnKi ' aVBnny wfi nl&l aaaaawtncTi ''A BMaWgaawA-:-;- H 1Bl Wg $ CORA MA8HBW Ut killed Unas- Two eeUee- ran. - Oara ilneaaw atal:fraeaa.altgkt want tw anwaart on Inflicted. Her grit hnbaad waa Frank Ames, a Bridgeport theatrical ronn, trhr killed hlnvelf becauhi she I had taken up with the aecond, Louis , Wolter. Wolter found a letter from another admirer, and he triad to kill her. She ran away after being wound ed and 1 turned the gun on himself JAPAN IS A6AIN PEEVEO AT U. S. CERTAIN' CLAUSES IN IMMIGRA TION niLL ARE DEEMED NOT QUITE TO THEIR LIKING BY THE NIPPONESE United I'reea Service WASHINGTON, April It. Presi dent Wilson today discussed with Baron Cblnda, the Japanese ambas sador, certain provisions of' the im migration bill the bouse recently paaaed, which are objectionable to Japgn. Simultaneously, Jnpaa .sent the atnte department a memorandum covering her complaint. It Is understood that objection la made to the classifying alike of Jap anese and Hindus, and the restriction placed upon the number of Japanese Immigrant to be admitted. Th count this forenoon follew: Ron Uptegrove, Oregoa City, 60,594. Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls, 66,410. Edai French. Eugene. 61,811. Louise Taylor, Portland, 68,156. Jewell Carroll, Portland, 48,481. lira. Maud Oilman. Portland, 48,370. Georgia White, Corvallto, 45,164. Lillian Headricknon, Portland, iw.su Muriel Baling, Pendleton, 87,496. Anna Alien, Portland, 17,011. Elenor Jaekaoa, McMlnavlUe, 18,148. Myrtle MeClarkla, Portlaad, 809. ifitava . Vancouver. 181. vela Vaaderaeol, McMinavlll. 79. MlMHaek.14. AMRS WOLTER FOREST TIMBER SALEJULOSED imOW.V BROS. HUBBARD PUR CHASE SMALL TRACT CLOSE TO UPPER LAKE, PAYING gaUM PKR M. FOR THE PINE The district forester at Portland, , Oregon, has Just opened blda on two small sales of timber on the national j forests one on the Olympic forest In Western Washington, and the other on the Crater forest In southern Oregon. The sale on the Crater forest con sists of 390,000 feet of sawtlmber, most of which Is yellow and sugar Jplne. The timber Is on a tract of approximately forty-five acre bor dering one of the tributaries of Klam ath Lake. This sale haa been award ed to Brown Bros. & Hubbard, and the prices paid are 13.20 per M. for the western yellow pine and sugar pine, and SO cents per M. for the Douglas fir, white Or and Incense cedar. . PACIFIC COAST LEAGIT e e Standing of tb. CIMm I Won l,nt Prt. Los Angeles L.W 5 .187 Oakland 10 7 .611 Vernon ."00 Portland 7 9 .418 8an Francisco 7 11 .881 Salt Lake 5 8 .885 ReeaHa Yesterday No game at Portland on account of wet ground. , At Los Angelen; R. H. 89. , Vernon 4 9 1 1 Oakland 8 8 0 Johnson and Mttse; Prougb aad Elliott. Mitchell' replaced Johnson In the fourth. At Oakland. , R. H. E. Los Angeles t, .... 8 9 0 San Francisco . . , ...... 1 6 1 Zable and Boles; Cough and Sepul- veda. , . In From Bly. , , , Miss Elisabeth Lewis, principal of the Bly high school, In here to de some shopping and attend to bmliee mattara. - GERMAN LEADER OF THE TURKISH ARMIES IS DEAD I.S SKVKRK BLOW TO THK MOS LEM ARMS Mquirt Tire li Again l'ed in Uie Kialillsg Aruawi 'erliin llritUh Coauter Attack and ltccapture Trenrhes Takea ICarllrr liy the 7cr- -. ma Hoga la Romlwrtleil by Air J una Other News of the War. Mil. I iTess Sertke liKni.I.V. April 22. Field Mar jia ven der Oclti, commander of the Hm Turkislr army, died at army lichrtnuarteM after ten dnya' Illness r. lth spotted fever. This Is consider ed a severe blow to the Turkish arms. .it Colts practically .directed all Turk' lull mlliury aaoremenu. Marshal von der Goltz wa consid ered by many to be Germany's great est roldler. lie .; i: c first military governor of Oelglum, and he organ Ucd (lermany'a secret defenses along the Russian border. Untied Press Service BERLIN, AprU 12. It U officially admitted that the British recaptured a third, of the (reaches the Germane tool Wedaesday la tneir attack be tween, Ypree aad Laageamarck. . The Fteaca have fcalaed a foothold In the Oermaa. trenches m Caurette wood. United Preae Service -Parta. April . It la taatxtae Germans, attaeklag with lileald are to the northwest of Verdun. and ocupied the slope of Dead Man's Hill. French, counter attacks finally ousted them. Flame projectors are also being used by the Germans In a desperate flght north of Caurette wood. French artllery fire is decimating the advanc ing German infantrymen. United Press Service AMSTERDAM, April S3. An aero- tplane last night bombarded 8o0a. This Is tne nrst time it nas oeen raiaea since the war started. No casualties are reported. United Press Service BERLIN, April 22. It U officially .announced that the French penetrat ed the German trenches ia a heavy attack on Caurette Wood Thursday. Elsewhere In the fighting around Ver dun that day they were repulsed. French attacks In the vicinity of Dead Man's Hill were repulsed. United Press Service PARIS. Anrll 22. It Is announc ed that Thursday night tho Germans made a powerful attack along a front one mile In length. Near Vaux and to the south of Douaumont they took some French trenches, but were later repulsed. The French then advanced upon bpih sides of the Mun. IS ASKED IN SUI1 PARTNER IN THK SUPERIOR LAUNDRY ASKS A DERSOLUTION AND A SETTLEMENT IN ACTION FILED TODAY A suit for accounting aad dimolu tlon of partnership haa keen lied by Cora B. Smith against NeUle Halley and E. P.. Blttenger. The three are owner of the Superiorlaundry. Blttenger U manager of the eom cern. The ault wan Instituted through Attorney Chan. J. Fergaeoa. Car of Horeea aVjUeeed. A car of hone were seat out yee terday by the Walla Fargo Exprees eomgaay. Theamgre '( he tteed 'to Ueeoenaasye ACG0UNTIN6 The Comedy Pirate -gm-mm-KlHW"!! ami nmU''SlKSHHsBwawawawawl awawl nwawawawawawawaatafWI3Vi.I awaw! I wmmmmR-' I'fSSiB I MnPSI 1 I awawawawaW.r-VflSv awawaPSeTJ I msnwnwnwnwne lamV B&tJS&L I emu awnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwaW awani awnwnwnwnwn' .a?WMl'ewiBl'ni awam H nmiiiiiiiiCeV3BB - bwwwR& afcJ ' W-W3l nawaf awB LmK&mWlV Hnmaawawal H waaaaaKtv awmV t"1 J&mMg H K -flnmlllllllllKawHf nawawawawawawanaWam.-' awaw! awawat'Vtt:aW H awM awawawawawawawawawawawawaar-- tawaHnmBBBaawaaPm awawl wawawaWwinr' - W- ' VHewawawW St H Bwawawawarwnenawaa'IPM awaw! nmrnVnrnwaam; A aaHESr aw I -aaaaaaTiBPSSBl W&WW I I WKnmtlltiPH fmZA. 1 I K-l laHaBnBl WKkfmi laHll.ll.aaHi InawawawaaaSl" awawml ilawawawawawawawawawawawawal InamlHi t M lalllll..aiHH klnawawawawawftiie? wawawB :4awawawaBwawawawawawawawa! KnawawawHwawawawaw&nawmi awawawawawawawawawawawawai InwawawawawawawaHanawai ' Jawawawawawawawawawawawli nKmBi'wP-A- $ Rlrtti aw& awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawm Lawawawawawawawawl Ru wawawawawawawawawaaawaw Clarence Reginald Hndaoa Clarence Reginald Hudson, alias Ernst Schiller, and several comic Ger man names, captured the British freighter Matoppo, single handed, from Captain Bargner and his crew of flfty-lx, Jnst outside of New York harbor. Taken to New York he told detectives he and three friend had planned to board the Canard liner Pannoala and sink hec at sea. When Hudsoa, whose father Is Brittebr aid mother German, stnek his pistol In the face of Captain Bargner In the cabin of the Matoppo, he said the master of the ship waa almost aa scared as he was himself. WILL CELEBRATE BIRTH OF ORDER I. O. O. F. MEMBERS WILL HOLD REUNION TO COMMEMORATE FOUNDATION OF THE ORDER IN AMERICA The ninety-eighth anniversary of the foundation of Odd Fellowship in America will be celebrated by the members of the order on next Wed nesday evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Members of Prosperity Rebekah Lodge have been Invited (o assist the brothers in the celebration, and a general good time Is anticipated. The evening will be spent in games, dancing, etct and particular atten tion will be paid to the wants of the Inner man by the spread of a ban quet board of unusual attractiveness. w STANFORD WINS RACE United Preas Service e OAKLAND, April 22. Stan- ford University defeated the Cal- Ifornla University eight by six lengths tn their race on the Es- tuary this morning. The unoftV- e) 'clal time was 16:38 for the three e mile course. Makes Final Proof. Vernon W. Long, who haa a home stead near White Lake, was tatoday to make final proof. Tax Forecloaare. Suit to foreclose a tax Hen haa been filed asralnst Manr A. Sundermaa by the Klamath Water Users Asaoctatloa. ' The British munition factories are now employing three women to ev cry man. Mr. Harry Davie, wife of the mayor et Cvelaad. O., hake her ewm bread. and His Victim Captain Bargner of the Matoppo MIDLAND MEET WELL ATTENDED CANDIDATES7 AatDVOTKHB BT TOGETHER NEAR PANIC OS CAUSED WHEN OIL STOVE CATCHES FHtE 1 s The political pot is boiling In Klam-j EL1 PASO. Tex.", 'April 23.-Newa ath. Whether any more people axeiptthb execuUons ot'maver.ln a.revo- - now attending the meeting than atlictlbn. with mention of German mom the' beginning of the campaign. It Is'ey. came from the Mexican rumor fac hard to determine, but It is a fact 'tory today. These report were given that more candidates are present at so much attention locally that the ex cach late meeting than at the former, pedit ton Is almost overlooked. ones. It Is reported that Generals Blanco, Last evening at Midland thirty-' Xarreta. Torres and two other ex three "candidates met the voters of ( Carranxlstaa were executed this mon th Midland precinct. A short pro-,lng at Gnndalajara on charge of con gram was rendered l-y the students spiracy against Carransa. -,.,. .Jir'oni. of th.. .'iifiHct- finvl ' A mutt are helnr made'bv the IIMU l..M VU.O Wfc m v.F "- - - by six girls, a reading by Mrs. Slgford, Instrumental numoer oy airs, uoya ror tnis revounon are ww sua wow - and a reading by Mlsa Wllma Lloyd, busy in America. a little tot of five years. Consul Garcia say he ha heard The program was enjoyed, and that the German Interests flnsneed most of the speeches were well re- Villa to bring on a war with the Unlt celved by the voters, principally be- ed States, to Insure keeping America cause of tho brevity of the candidates. " out of the European conflict The A diversion was caused during the statement is unconfirmed, and Amer speeches by an oil stove catching on 'leans and Mexican secret service pffl- m fire, and a near panic resulted..ers are Investigating, through the impression of some that' Torreon arrivals report that Gem the fuel waikgasolene Instead of kerorjeral Trevino proposed to the British sene. The crowd was quieted soon a .i. a.mIh. nA mmwIa ji.tlit and the flaming stove carried outside Clth no damage save the destruction of the stove. Refreshments consisting of Ice crejm, cake and coffee were served. The proceeds went to the Parent Teachers Association for beautifying the school ground. SaxonMakes First Trip ThroughFromPortland To the Saxon aoes the record of be ing the first car to make the trip from Portland to Klamath, Fall this snrlne. The trio wan made by Harry Telford of Telford Bros., local agents for the Saxon. v The total distance covered waa 485 miles. The gasoline average was 18 3-5 mles to the gallon, and the car traveled an average of 77 2-8 mile on a quart of cylinder oil. Telford left Portland on the morn ing of April 11th. Between Portland and Eugene be averaged 25 miles aa hour, and reports the roads there an good. Athe Pass Creek canyon, nouth of Eugene, the road became muddy, aad near Comatoek a laaaV new Drum tic ntn iliuli id SAID TO HAVE KKPORT. HOWEVER, IS SI !LLCX. COXFIUMED AmcricJn expeditioa I at a SUadsUH, und Following Ccnfcreace Betweeat t'unstoa and Scott, Dispatch Bear ers I.enTe Kl t'nso for PerslUag'a Hendquarten Many Arresta ha Cnnnectiou With Revelation. fnittd Press Service t SAX AXTOXIO. April 22. Follow ing a conference between Generals Scott and Funston. secret riders have" by en rushed toward Pershing. Gen eral Scott's presence here seem the blgnal for renewed activity. It la not known whether Scott has agreed to a change of the expedition supply base from Columbus to the Presidio. Officials say there Is little likeli hood of a withdrawal. Guarded com ments have been heard to the effect that America is ready to meet Car ran ia opposition.- if necessary, to get Villa. WASHINGTON. D. C, Aprl 33. President Wilson is awaiting General Scott's report before he make any move in the Mexican situation. The big question seem to be "what Is Carranxa'a attitude?" Since the rlaah at Parral. there have been, per sistent reports that the Carranxlstaa are mobilizing somth of Parral. ''-- General - SeatBalE atemptJaarne'ee-- termlae whether thePami- who ordered Americans aot.te'e- vance beyond Parral are actageat their own Initiative, or upon from Carraaaa. - v . : ' . ! ,..w .. wholesale by the Carranxbtas. Agents ' j consul tne internment oj American nf tha Tfirrnn Anil Tjlflinft district of, the Torreon and Laguna districts In prison camps. This report la not officially confirmed! There are twea-ey-foiir Americans at Torreon. - Arrival say a Carranxa.pflcer.iati. pistol point-, prevented a Mexican meb: from attacking the American. coaeal- ate at Durango last .Friday. elide of mud resulted In the car be coming stalled. Th unrand dav'a travel hroaaht Telford to' Glendale, 'the read, he-. imun (him and rtoraatoek hala la EM MONEY fair condition, though, of eoarea, v A, "m muddy at that time. After a naen ,. 4pw stop in Ashland, the, Saxoat tackled -rf 'Qm tne BiBKiTuui, civaeuia wmwm,mws-. hie, although the road waa mvddy, some niaeeat before HorahreekvV raaehad. ."." -?'?: 'After peadlag the ale feVftm Wmiwjfii brook. Telfor,leH tlwreatlfaVte.; i aad reached Klamath -Falleatti; o'clock. Ha save thla ne4 tohmmreaH tfalr'fhae, alUough theeeafiewgeg -' rough aaou aae eene.anwa weeaa . - r i. 'y-.y-t-" lri" r I' ii 31 i -Ml ; ia tv rit: AI1 -$.. i fli i-UW) ! m t:traW,' a-dy,klv M ek.wn ; '( 1 V ' .fat , -ttjff-aiV"