3, rj rgi-. A( i,.u 'V. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON TKUBSDAY, Ainu, ig, I " fr - mfrnWe YsUSKA, Calif., April It later wu gtvea U tke eKy eteeUea hr CMtUOK f A boa Ism of llf.N for a etty kail aad Sl,t99 for paraaIac property to allowtag tea wMeJag of Fourtk street. Tkeforaa- r had av wm rotes tkan tke re alre two-tklrd aad tke latter tkre or tkaa huhiit. ,. To aak room, wo arc clootie oat oar 11m of travallag bast, lt eaaaa ami truka at coot 19-tf BRADLEY HARNESS CO. The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Editor PakUaha dally exeat Saaday at Th Hrald Pabltehlag Company of Klamath Fails, at lit rourta street Entered at th poetoflc at Klam ath rails, oregoa, for traaianawoa through taa mall aa scoad-clas attar. Subscription Urau ay bmUI to any address la the UBitea states: Oao year ...... 95.00 Ob aaoath 10 KLAMATH PALIA, ORBQOX THURSDAY; APRIL 18, !! VaMsQmkikhs. WANTED: A NEW DECLARATION' OF INDEPENDENCE . Scattered Shots . THAT FREG SUGAR CLAUSE re- pe t look like a atep la tka right dl rectlon after tka felaader mad br .'re listing the swertttuph In the tin' ilrrwrrd bill. M W THAT TH2 registration perl- ol I about closed, thre'a quite a rut.i on. These are the same people who full to do their Chmtmaa shopping before December S3- INDIAN'S IN THE United SUtea number 320,000, we are told. And men who will stoop to tell thorn liquor number at least that many. to vat-jr faatBtar ward la the kaaaraaoa SeML Chile repee. Mti aM of taw -Xmrn" coaapaales. 11 A long Una of ladles auto store Juft received. S9.tr BRADLEY HARNESS CO. l WillSKl A Necessary Tonic Yoar eterag battery a aaeat- LINK RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Klamath Falls, Oregon Fr intpection of mny hmttery ml mny time POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff I uke till mtana of announces my candidacy for the republican bob. ination for sheriff at the primaries. I bellevo (hit my work aa deputy sheriff speaks for Itscir, ana I anau greauy npprcclttto the support of the voters. It. R. DREWBAKER. gum I hereby announce myself as a can dldnto for the offlce of sheriff for Klamath -aounty, Oregon, on the re inibllcan ticket. 1 respectfully ask the support of the votera of the coun ty at tho primary election for tbla offlce. JOHN II. COLLMAN. FOR SALE FOR SALE Work horse for sale cheap. Roberta ft Wnltaaore. ?-t FOR SALE Fire passenger Over land 1913 model; two 8-foot floor showcaaee. Apply Sugar Bowl. 11-tt ONION SETS 10c per lb., at 3-S Mill ing Co.. 1S4 Sixth, street. 19-St FOR 8ALE At a bargain, lasack. Box 696. city. THE FOLLOWING by Charles F. Warde, in "Warde's Words," contains a lesson that Is of as muck Importance to such a community as Klamath Falls aa to the whole coun try. It's good straight dope, well worth reading, preserving, and read ing over again later on. lS-St FOR RENT MRS. DR. HEMXNWAT 139 TklrC. Kooaa wttk or witkost hoard. -7t SITUATION WANTED WANTED Position by a Srst-slsss atockaaaa-faraaar; wUl rn Idar atraigkt salary or parcoatsga; earn taka entire ckarge, or will work aa hand. Have aoaa oaak make me aa offer. W., care of Herald. 7--t PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.' ABSTRACTS INSURANCE TMa Maa DR. 1. M. WUITJC BTB. KAB, NOSH as THBOAT Expert Plisubiig SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, SINKS, Complete Ltao of Bappll Pad & Lorcnz 7M Mam St New IssflesieHt Httse Wo Handle tke INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY? IMPLEMENTS AND OLIVER PLOWS, KENTUCKY DRILLS, WEBER WAGONS, KEYSTONE SPRING TOOTH HABBOWS AND DISOB ' REPAIRS FOR ALL MACHINE8 FboaeS IDs&ISh C0FF1I FOR TWO. ? It's is taU jut far tws, A lJUm far me aal a flat far fa a7 trie sail. Wall at ker kaait to tke detk between, Bright as kar eyes tka ailm'a akaea ; Jkaalfawaaltrf T aalaretial aal to cakatoto WkflkaTawaaMauukfreaiFate, 4a aha wis gases wttk eyas el Mae Aanaa the taklaaet tor twe. VrafyaaMe'aaw'rtiaBMkMftet, What fcaat the ara aow, wklck la hattf BrSBB)B 4V wSBW BMSpBHj BflBV SJSBBJBBjaj BjfBRjBj Bat aa, that aalfffraai tke ara'abrlgataoae 'V 'J9JbBwwST saSBa ttJQ aBaaT"W fMg VbBRBbW aP WST Iwfl Van Riper Bro.. HI BIXMUI OP g7ALRT -GET THE HABaT" I have just been reading a book on Art. It was printed in France. I reached out for a s'heet of drawing pa per. It waa made in England. Hast ened it dowa oa tke board with thumb tacks made ia Germany. I picked up a peacil that advertised lta Brltlah graphite and the fact that It waa made in Austria. Then I rose up on my hind legs aad said out loud, "What the devll'r. the matter with this coun try?" Why this inveterate slavery to the commercial tyranny of the other side of the world T Why haul thumb-tacks four thous and mllea to Pittsburg when on of our steel milla wastes enough good metal in a day to make thumb tacks for the whole solar system for ten years? - Why flavor our cake with coal tar vanilla aad perfume our handkerchief with coal tar odors, and print our books with coal tar colors, all made in Germany, when ererr morning there's enough coal tar let loose in Pittsburg to supply a thousand dif ferent needa for-jiynthetlc chemicals for six months? Every year at the first frost some body cornea around to collect money for the unemployed. And we donate the money that keeps tke. unemployed further unemployed. Instead of find lnc the employment that would riv 1 us products that we buy in Europe. When I was'a kid I discovered that the price of a sled ride waa pulling the sled up hill. No pull, no ride. Some thing put this country pretty near the top of the bill at the beginning, and it haa been sled-riding ever since. Life la too easy. It Is so easy that we have gone blind to the future. An accident four thousand miles away has just made us rub our eyes to our myopia. It's time to wake up. The alarm clock Is ringing, ringing, and the only way to shut it off is to get up and get busy. It's time to pull the sled up hill again. The reason why I buy English water colon and Italian hand-made piper is because nobody will make them for me -over here. It isn't be cause they can't be made here, but just because we won't make them. I'm fair. When it comes to such things aa tin and manganese I admit w har to go to Wales and Russia for them, and even to Austria-Hungary for magnetite. 'If our foreign trade were limited to the exchange'of what we have that somebody else wanted and couldn't get at home, for what we wanted and couldn't get here, it would be all right. My only kick Is against sending half way 'round the world for the things that ought to be made In our own back yards. A hundred and thirty-nine and a half years ago we made a Declaration of Independence from England. Fifty yeara ago we had a little home made quarrel that resulted in the Emanci pation Proclamation, and washed our skirts of slavery. Today we call this a free country, but It isn't We are loaded down with money, yet there are things we need that money can't buy. We need commer cial freedom. We need a double-barreled combination of the declaration of Independence and the emancipation proclamation to set us free as far aa possible from all other nations of the world. It must be home-mad, and now la tka time to make it The growth of a nation, a stat. a city, or an individual is determined by its independence. Aa long aa I can get clothes of the right kind at the right price la Pittsburg, there's no reason why I should want to buy them elsewhere. To keep good tailors here jt'a my duty to patronlt thm. If there were a paper mill her I should buy lta product, provided it waa good atuC at th right prlc. It would alaiply be a question of quality. If w aaa't make aa food things la tbla eUy or la this country aa ara mad Js ether citls or countries, we ought t h aahasMd of ohm1tm. THAT OARRISON at Kut-et Amara will get tired of waiting for a relief party some of these days, and just fight Its way out. KLAMATH FALLS needs a chil dren's playground and a dtr nark. Somcthftig should be done this year. A FEW OF THE more daring male dash forth In straw hats, realising at the same time that they are threat ening the country with more rain. PORTLAND ROBE-FESTIVAL ISIS QUEEN CONTEST GOOD FOB ONE VOTE VoM After Satarday, April IS. Name Organization This coupon will count oae vote when properly tiled oat and sent to Portland Rose Fasti val Contest department. No. SS7 Northwestern National Bank building. Coupons must b Beat- ly trimmed and put in a package j with number of vote written on ' top Ckaner spark plugs Your epark plugs will keep cleaner if you us a straight-distilled, refinery gasoline. A ariaed or tatpetftctlr t6ned rolin breaks up sad deposits carboa Uuttad of uplodtog Red Cro ike Gasoline ofQuahfy It the all-refinery i-'aoHne not a mixture. ,. I'tfttaastvrfftwtit rtATOva SERVICE STATION STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1 K!tr.th Kill -JrV CO I t m n AkiWmJmmK WW I WmtfATjLXEi I I Iioreby announce mysalf a candi date for the democratic aomlaatlon I for sheriff at tho coming primaries, ' nnd I respectfully ask th support of the voters ol Kiamstn county. OKOHOK L. HUMPHREY. I hereby announce myself as a can itldato for rcnomlnatlon on tho repub lican ticket for sheriff. I Invite a I careful Investigation of my record as sheriff during tho past three years. O. C. LOW. 1 hereby announce myself aa a can- I did to for th nomination for sheriff 'on the republican ticket at the prl- . mnry election to be held on May 19, 1916. CAREY M. RAM8DY. I UGHTEN YOUR FARM WORK I By Using John Deere Implements If It's a surface to be painted, var nished, enameled or stained, we have the kind to ft the purpose. The Acme Quality. Aak for book of In structions. It W1LLIS-JOHNSTONE CO. A growing library requires a grow ing book case. Can be bought by the section as you need it. Wlllis-John-stone Co., agents for Qlobe-Wernlke company. , it Wehave juatrcehred a car of John Deere Goods. ) sach aa light Draft High Lift Balkey aad Oaag Plows, Disc Harrows, Drag Harrow, Spring Tooth Barrow, Grata Drill aad Chatham Fanning Milk. Call aad Inspect our 11a. We offer special price oa Stadebaker, John Deere and Scfaattler, the Standard Wagoaa of America. Place your orders- for machine repair with us, and receive the best attention. Baldwin Hardware Co. "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY M I Ink this means of announcing my candidacy for the republican nomina tion as shorlff at the prlmarlea in Mny. My record as a cltlsen and as a police officer In Klamath Falls Is open to all, and I respectfully ask th sup port of the voters who seek an ad ministration of efficiency. WILLIAM HALL. I hereby announce myself aa a can dtdat on the democratic ticket for the nomination of sheriff, subject to th will of the voters at th coming primaries., J. A. MADDOX. I lake this means to announce my self as a candidate for sheriff, subject to the will of th republican voters at the primary election. - JAMES D. MOORE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the republican nomination for tho ofllco of sheriff at th primary 'election. V, C. ME8SNER. The undersigned announces his can. jdldocy for the republican nomination for sheriff of Klamath county. It I am nominated and elected, I will, dur ing my term of office, construe my oath of offlco to mean a complete and efficient enforcement of th law. I will have uo Interest to serve but th public Interest. I will glv th pro tectlon of my ofllco to all persons aad nil classes alike. I will personally conduct my offlco with strict regard to ' economy. I win at all times serve all 'official papers with promptness. I will 'give all prisoners In my custody hu mauo treatment, wholesome food aad clean quarters. 1 will appreciate your 'support. B. W. OOWEN. mmmmWfirvmtmmUsm '5-r?n--ag--gAsSr Ufukt!mitdBSSSmA I ,&lmlmlmTmmmmmsW i wpi jt--TgJSa fiJBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBwJaBBBBBBtirWa r- ggTP-iw assBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE-SBBBBBBBBJlfja, fKyKmtmtmmmSmx! mmmmmmBmm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWTBjSBjABB fHrvannate H!Kw? bW"4"bVBBBb5?97 mm " "-SS!M BRBBBBBBJBBpaSjBBBB) .SaaBBlBBBBBBBBflBBBW AMkBBBt VBBUl Ut S gjpjgy II TmWmW SbbBBBbYLbBBBBBBBBBBW WsBCBbV H7w& K r-JBBLii ,,,,. U VLB mmXLWemWmmmlOmmmm BX$t$K B fciiMuj" 4j r,r taBBaMBBfifiBBBSlBKlBn PzBM.aBjSa'liin'Bat t Bn 'n'l!1 lii i h i" r ," h-1 't j"3-1 j. u ;' ii rpaaaaaaaaai aivsaac-sa5siiii,BM ,aai,i!ji!tiii m m ) f gjjsVr ' 'h i - "ji '"' t-t!-! BAjpaBpBBsgariBBj m iflBjaf ssf 19 j . TCsFjL'm m't'imimm c f w ,. r. i fti.irir. wjrrr-"1"!. rs tx,m MBaBss ggggjM I herewith announce myself as a candidate for the nomination aa sher iff, aubject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the primary election. It. K. HUN8AKER. To my friends, and 'especially the democrat voters In tho coming pri mary: 1 trust you will glvo mo your Hupport (or sheriff. I stand for hon est werk: not too much alttlng on tho Job; nnd a wjuure deal for everybody. If elected, I can and will earn a part of tho salary the ofllco pays. Don't -forget my motto nt tho polls. Thank InK you In advance, one and all, for any favors shown me. I am, Yours very truly, J. "ft OAKTREL.L, The Watklns Man. -',''AAWWWWWWW Kor District Attn-. I Iioreby announce my L.AU for the republican noaiiSiJftg proaecutlng attorney ,t uft&S' in May, and 1 rcspocttuiw V-wV? support of th voters whSJ?k clency In th. upho Idlng "of u,'!'. of Oregon. ot " Uti HAUOU) C, MEIlRrBAM 1 hereby announce my taMM?" for he republican nomlnatiS.'4 dlatrlct attorney for Klatn.thL Oregon. JosKI'ii $& "'i I hereby announco mjielf AtW ,or K"'Mh county oJf subject to the action f the a22- to be hold on May 19, ism. w. M. DtiNniu - - i", w,',-irvoAjj. For AkKiiir I hereby annouiico my mimm.. for the republican no&wffft assessor for Klamath couniy, Mfcfi to tho approval of tho voter, it tS coming primary In May l " JOHN Y TIPTON. I hereby nnnounm m (..m. th renubiiM- n;:r..::."",H aaaaaanp ttJ ITI.u.ii va "''"' mi mwinniu for tor countv rilKI) I'KTKnSO.V I hereby announc my candldu. for the nom nation as OMeasoroitS republican ticket at tlm prmurralaV tlou to he held on May 19 llii C AUSTIN HAYDEN. I hereby announce myieif t eaaai. dale for renomlnatlon at assessors the democratic ticket at the coalu primary eloctlon. j. p. LK1 r hereby announco myulf a anji. date for assessor, subject to tha urn of the democratic votera at the nri marlcs. JASI'KIt BKNNBTT. III. , ,.1-!- U(J For Circuit Judge The undersigned annuuDces alt candidacy for democratic nomlu tlon for circuit Judico of Khuaata county itOI.1.0 c. (IUOK3DECK. I hereby announco myieli si a can didate for the republican nomtutiot for circuit Judge for the Thlrtsaitt Judicial district, coniprUInt KUaaU county, at the primary election to U held May 19, 1816. P. V KUYK ENDAIX. I announce myaelf aa a cindMit for the republican nomination for tkt offlco of circuit Judco for KUaaU county, atate of Oregon, subject to Us will of the voters at lbs eoalu primary election. C. M. O.VEILU 1 hereby announco myelf u a can didate for the republican nomlaitlon for circuit Judge of Klamath county, at th primary election to be had May 19, 1916. Wll.BO.N 9. WILET. For Couaty CoiiinOasloaer 1 hereby announce mrtelf u a candidate for the democratic nomina tion for county commlaalonar at th coming primary election. nuitltKI. flliORT. I hereby announce myself u a cnndldnto for rc-noralnatlon oa the re publican ticket for county con sloner, subject to tho Mill of tbs vot- cih at the primary eloctlon. JOHN HA0KI.STE1N. what Studebaker COMFORT means! Just look at that illustration a second time. Look at tha roominess of this new Studebaker SERIES 17 FOUR the individualized COMFORT that a built into'th car for every one of the SEVEN paaaengera it carriaa. Not a detail has been overlooked that will make tha car easier-riding. The front seats, for example, art divided and they are also adjustable that is, they can be moved fore or aft to fit the passenger's wishes. In the tonneau, roominess is especially evident lots of room for five full-grown people. The rear aaat is wide and deep and luxuriously Upholstered with tha finest straight-grain semi-glazed leather. And every where roominess, convenience and a host of COMFORTS have bean built into the car. 9 This new Studebaker is the most powerful 1 m Malar car on th market within hundreds of dollars of ks prist the biggest car that any such pries as SS75 tvar bought-but on COMFORT slona if sUnd a s tha GREAT value of the year. Tnt in and sss far lnmr Stif What ftfaejr COMPORT SsmI White Pelican Garage For Coroner I lim-hy nunounco myself as a can ill. Into for the republican nomination tor coroner nt the primary election in ho held on May 19, 1916. DR. A. A. SOULB. 1 I inko this means of announcing iiiyieir a candidate for re-election to the office of coroner, subject to th wilt of the democratic voters In th inlmary on May 19th. My policy win he to uphold my former record or efficiency In offlce, with th least (Mt to Klamath county. KARL WH1TLOCK. 1 For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself a Candi da ie for tho republican nomination 1 for treasurer of Klamath county, sub vert to tho approval of the electors at 'tin rxunlner ! .I.tl.. vwaiissiB) IMIUICM OIWUUO, A. A. MEHAFFKY. 'the I hereby announce my candidacy for the offlco of county commlatldBtr of Klamath county, suujtct (0 the ap proval of the voters in the republican primary. JACOli RUECK. I hereby announce ray candidacy for tho democratic nomination at county commissioner. WILLIAM L. WELCH. I For Circuit Court Clerk hereby announce my caodiutf (or (he republican nomination as eUrt ot the circuit court or Kiamam wi ly at the coming primary election. . C. K. DRANDENBUSO. VVjaejssJaMM For County Surveyor 1 hereby announce myself u a on- dldnte for re-nomlnatlon for the of fice of county surveyor on the repnn llcan ticket. ' B. . HENBT. I ! ll.lu muni nt unnOUnCUl my candidacy for nomination on lt republican ticket for the offlj county surveyor. F. o. mwwft I hereby announco myself a candi date for the republican nomination 'for treasurer of Klamath county for 11 second term. 1 QKORQK A. HAYDON. For Couaty Clerk I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offlce of clerk for Ilntnnili a . i'"""""1 vuumjr, uregon, on in re publican ticket. I respectfully ask jthe support of th voters of th coun ICy at the primary election for tbla omce.K. u. uuwmy, Hlldebrand. SERIES 17 FOUR 40 horst pdwf rpafaWiftr W5 I hereby announce myself aa a can didate on the democratlo ticket for (he nomination of clerk of Klamath noupty, subject to the will ot the voters at the nrlmarv alaetion tnr tfcia iiiiico, uuitT a, HAWKINS. Vnr ItMuvaentativ I hereby announco myseir ABMillili na Um. nff1fA flf TWVTW sentatlve for tho 31st reureseaUtlw district, comprising tho counties m Klamath, Lake, Crook, Grant and Jefferson, aubject to the wuM-. the voters of the republican party. ALBERT B. ELDSS- "l announc myself as a c" for tbe democratic nomination r rpraenUtlr of the 81st Wg" tlve district la the legUtL f sembly. FRED W. HYNuaw. at,i 1 1 1 nerony announc my."r-, s.r. lata oath republican . ucas m repreaentatlv of th tw?;rt4 district, comprised of the coujw" MJ5 Crook. Jefferson, Qrant, Klamath W Lake. VERNON A. FORDE8, Band- I hereby announce myself a candl date for renomlnatlon nn th nmiit lean ticket as county clerk, subject to the wishes of the voters at th coming "" wiowhuu. v, n. ueuAr, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmm Via too busy to run for oMc. and ,vea if I did, tbe other fellow would iiaejy neat in. If yoa'll com la aad I buy a house, a lot, or a raacb, aad let line take care of yoar taaaraace, I ... ww w worry aioajr. ,CWlcoe. 1 1 m , Whan you really want sometblag use a Herald "want ad." . .'.' ,..ir a a san 1 Brny announc S"" iSai tor dldat ea the, republican ticket w r.prnUUve of th 1?"$ district, comprised ot the countw 1 w Crook, Jefferson, Orant. Klamath M" lk. .,. -iii. WESLEY O. SMITH. " :rjr: 1 for school county For School Superintendent . hrby aanounco nr,Er& tka waukllcsn somlnrtka ' supenntenaeni u BESSIE B. APPLKOATS- t k.nhi) annnnnea myieli CaSOl date oa tk rwubllcan ttekeUPB. ' laatlea as eouaty school "PVhBilS. at, aad solicit tke support of w