-vc'V-f; ., VCf, 4 m.wW - V 1 "'' "V T..i'3A! nti Mfer ,.AMATH COUNTY'S v KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Jff. "' . i T OFFICIAL. NEWSPAP1C && "' I 2 ' iW 'vS;Jr,' -r-liM mmk t KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1916 .;.-.- Mi Price, Flreceata -Ssml 9 f MAN EDITOR TAKES A HORSE WHIP AFTER MAN IVrKIIKKIIKH IlKI'OIti: roiu'K BLOWS HTIU'ttK ' FUkrolnK l",', "r '!" by Kbunslh FH inl Merrill Pnpei, Hfcoril Kiiil'l")"' " Thrwiiwirrt nt Mmlll. and Kdlmr of Hii-oril Marc llUtiiw for Till mi Hie Pub tfchrr r the Time. "Tin ulil Cullicrliie I'rvhin In tlio Hy of Klamath Full", Oregon, l ITtfa day of March. A. I. IWIfl, then mi there being, dlil " ","1 ilMrt' fetsrb the !" " ' n''' '' '" ",'"! Tt said Catherine Prelim pulled tilT brr rest nnd tlnvw'lt In ! rtrwl iiml IoUowmI gmy-luttml Krntlemnit Into J uVmatumnt, nml Iiml n whip nilel 10 strike the uniy-luiliiil gentle-! tot rarcRoliiK In the.KlNt of tt com. pUlnt (lied In lh,jiollco rourt thin nf MMon by I'ntroltunn McCarUtr. Aldlbtrci))' naiiRH a into u jimrnni- iRle warfare brpnkliiR out aw thii rv - .Hii t ih Lnwronpn trial. Citbcrlne I'rchni Ik the villtor or the Merrill Hccord. Thti "tiny talred gentleman referred to In tbo eonplalnt li (leorgo Drndnnck, ndltor of the Merrill Time. Ten minutes after tlio Jury'n ver dict wa nnnounrcd Maturdny nlebt the Herald Uiuvd nn extra edition. Some time Inted the Merrill llccord Inurd an extra, containing aomo of, tpeecbei of the attorneys ns well ns the verdict. Tom Wllion of the Hccord went to Men II I on n motorcycle yestorduy with tome of tlu'HO pnixtrti. He wit met by n crowd of cltlxonx who told him to "move on" with his pnpprx, ud the Record has received not Ire. from a number of Merrill Htihscrlbers to itop their papers. An extra was also issued by tlio Merrill Tlmcx. This, In addition to telling of the verdict, also stated that I me Merrill llccord mlostnlod tho slt uitlon. In declaring there was a double armed guard around tho Jail (o prevent a mob of Merrill and Dodd Hollow peoplo from breaking In the Ml. Therefore, tho cool reception rfren the Record. M1m Prehm declares the Merrill trouble U duo to Dradnack, who, she !, took a copy of tho Merrill Rec ord extra to Merrill with him, cut off tho headlines, and showed these to pwtofnee patrons yesterday, there X Inciting a riot, and causing hard feelings against tho Record. Bradnack enmo to Klamath falls todsy, and whllo ho was In the Jowel we, sixth and Main streets, the wo jnu aent for him to come outside and Mk. The two papers were produced (CoDtlaued on pax 4) Lawrence Is by Verdict .j- " A " tr. "one hour and thirty-eight Wnutet of deliberation, the Jury In ' -tbs Uwronr .... ....-. .... ..,.. t aequhtin. a . J ' 1.HIU A, K. Lawrence Of thai hire oi ,...,.::: :::. .z: - ...H.ucriua nn, ai"i ' KuihtiB in.. ..-. . . .... . The Jury retired at 9: 60,1 tnrnorf ,. . . .. " -. IBHI DIA S1L V o returned Into court at 11:28. Whan thn !....,. .. .. ... . - tvtf m varuiet was reuuituru, nuu ihuiw nwv ... . - "f rde Kuykendall. thnrA . n nf .nvnrai of the tiilesmen as Uj.' - "mubii, tuare was Uiut butcioi u, vhv ....v....... . 2?.0fnPlauielu th court room, I ronce wrung their hands and spoke Jt" ' "lUnoed only after repeat- his heartfelt gratftude. 2 "PP'ngB of the gavel by the Judge, j A story was spread around to the ftMkL' nBer the defendant's effect that n double guard was placed H " arose to thank the Jury'around-the county Jail that night to In Command oi Cavalry After Villa snanajjHfeA- asREslSsij-' v?JW'KPBB H gF I ggEfr?9PI&3gV a assssssssssssssssnm iJK'Tfi-iiti'.i't'-"?-- JI roi.o.VKi, iii:nni:itT j. macvm '.'olonol lU-rbfit J. Slortun wuh In cmtfk'ed from IiIh i.lonil llvrbfi't J. Klnruin wuh In j,.nM,nn( of (, AUr(.n (ruoM uf ...... ............ ithf ThlrlwniH fjivnlry at Columbus, N M., whew ramp wa attacked by tin Vllln bandits. Colonel Slocum's revolver was shot from his hand ns he SAYS POISON IS SURE GETTING'EM I'OISOX MIXKIt lOlt I'lXi: CSKOVK Cl.flt HAVS (JLAlSVi:it'S FORM- l!,A PROVES TO Hi: IIKADLV El'KECTIVE Once n vnrinlnt cuts a llttlu of the ball prupureii according to tho gov- crnment formulas furnished the farm- tTS CUIUS Uy UOUIliy Agriculturist n. ,.. ntni ..-.. i,. iu .tnnniAil in n .-..!.... .... tl quick d'eatlrT according to Uoy Kins- ( man. the poison mixer of the Pine Grove Farmers' Club. Mr. Kinsman' wbk in on biiHlness .Saturday nrter- noon. , "I first tried the ball on mice," said Klnsuutti. "I found eight dend mice within six Inches of the poison. In a Held. I found oile grny dlggor, a kan garoo rat and several ground squlrrolx dead within four feet of whoro the poison was placed," Kinsman suyH several Pine Grove rnnchors carry the poison with thorn whllo they plow, and then put poison nt ovoy rodent moiintl they see. Ho snya thoy ore-getting tho best results by putting tho poison to one sldo of tho hole, where It will not bo coverod up if tho rodents are ongngod In nolllng operations. Acquitted of Jurymen and Andrew Kuohne and his mother for Its verdict, and tho court for lts'ou tne otheriUde A dispute over the fnlrneaa to tho prtaoner. I ownership arid possession of the prop- Lawrence hugged his uttorneys, orly brought on the trouble. onnor nnd W. St. J. Wines;, nnd thej .. .... k. ..J hi. hnnlhari " Mtw? ".."wrr after the veraici vmuicuieu mm, " .. .....i.... .........oh htal pathetic. Ho then oxpreasod his . . .. . .i... i...un.o.. in isratltudo to each of tho Jurymen In a ,u... .u.mi tun,. Ill Ihn AVAR rmtrKed from IiIh hcaUquarters to leant what the firing was about. Colonel Slocum l now lit command of Him pnvnlrv fnrrn which will I in lIKPcl n tt, J)Ur8ut of thc bandtg ,n lhe,r Htrongholds In thc mountains of Northern Mexico. prevent violence uKnltut Lawrence by 1 ipHldcnts of tlio Merrill Bectlon. This jIh denied by Sheriff Uw, who says there w.tx no nccaslon for such a ihtory, rtistliiK such nn undeserved re llcctloii upon the peoplo of Merrill. "Thoro were n number of Merrill men arouna tne court nouse mat night, but these were personal friends. or one of thc Jurors, and were waiting to see him on Important business,' j euld Low. tleinnn. "They loft with this gen- "Wn took ordinary nrocautlons, ..I when wo took Lawrence to the Jail again. It must be remembered that ho Is still under an arson charge, fol.-'anj vilejki on the railroad used by lowing the disagreement of the Jury tll0 rtussians for supply shipments. In the first trlnl, and that he hud hisj Tj,ere u no important fighting In bondsmen roieaseu wnen ne was jiiiiuu uiiki ii"3 miuuuuB. Ml.wrnncn's brother, lust as a lire-' 1.... - J ... ,k. nl.nnln caution upon his own account, hired a man to remain in the vicinity of the j Jail from midnight until morning, but j tins anerwaras proveu to u rainc, unnecessary.' (From Saturday Night's Special) Members of the Jury were: S. P. Short, Frank Denton, L. W. Copelaud, T. R. Patterson, Charles Polndexter, B. 11. Vau Sickle, P. W. Synder. ( I). R. Doten, C. C. Brophy, Champ McCollum, C. I, Wlnnek. The Jury left nt 9:50, after ro tun-'C0V,ng tno instructions of Judge Kuykendall. At that time, Lawrence and his brotuor, Thomas Lawrence, of Springfield, were confident of ac ulttal In a short time. L.iwronco hns not nt any time dur lug his trial apponred til at ease re garding tho outcome His optimism I was manifested -from the very first. i Trial of the caso began March 14. Lawrence was tried tor the killing of Mrs, Alma Kuehno, In a-battle at JDodd Hollow, in which Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs, Hunter were on one side, Tho gtate contended that Lawrence ..... .-... !.. U.s Vnalm Tho rto,ueroio.,y.8r:"r",.,:rr. .i::is;F;wda on business. Mr, mo- Lther Mrs. Hunter, or young Kuohne' j . ... Hh aotense uenieu ii, "" oi w ; - :u.. .,-. i. ni . ... .. ...- . n.... if unhna'myer states' that there is still t caused the woman's death. ml., .nnm vaaa firnwriAfl Saturday nn u... ... . .-- -r Law-,Kht. when Attornoy Onelll mB,do his closing statement. In this, he excoriated Lawrence as a red-handed murderer, seeking to escape hla merit- (Contloued on. Page S) SUSSEX SINKING IS CAUSING A STRAIN ON RELATIONS AGAIN I 'lilted l'rcB Horvlcc DOVKIt, Knelaitfl. Match 2 -The coroner's verdict today wax thut the i steamer Suxxex was wrecked by a tor pedo. United I'rexs Service WASHINGTON, D. 0., .March 27.--Dlplomatlc relations between the United States and Germany will prob ably be severed If the Kovernntent finds that Germans submarined thc Sussex, according to a high adminis tration ofilclnl. He snyx the presi dent Is awaiting all facts In the case. Tlio administration's view Is that if it Is established that, the Sussex wax submarined, it will bo unnecessary to Inrjulrc Into the submarine's nation- allty, as no Turkish or Austrian divers are operating in the British ' channel. There will probably be no Inquiry directed to Germany, as America's position has already been made clear. Tho" administration wants to be positive before acting. All circles rmrnrH th citiiition ns most Krave. It is known that President Wilson has been Informed that If he severs War Bulletins United Press Service BERLIN. March 27. Athens re ports say a French transport, carry- Ing troops from Salonika, was mined yesterday, with a large loss or lire. on... 73 men escaping. . ... .. - It is officially announcea inai me Ocrmnns have repulsed the Russian . .a v-.-l..Jt ifl ft nnntininlta assaniw ai jswuwui v..-.-. losses. Aviators bombarded Dvlnsk the west. ,, , , . - .. SHAW FUNERAL HELD TOMORROW; SERVICES OVER KKMAINH UK" -...... ... I I PVLAR YOUNG ATTORNEY WILL BE CONDUCTED AT ELKS' HALL AT 2:80 . . .1.. lutr. William Hi ,. lne """".:: ,r""v who1 anaw, ine "" amiJ mimen were drowned when a pleasure. dleQ IS81 wees in "" . , be held at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon,""'"-" " v " . . r . at the lodge room to-toe Blta Tm-. pie. The service !s pu Wlc,to the many i friends of tho deceased. , The servlcos will he conducted 'by ( rv K C. Richards, pastor of Grace m m church, nnd Klamath Falls. i.o.ice No 1217. Benevolent and Pro- tectlve Order of Elks. The remains and Jerry O'Connor. Jack Mahan of Mr, Shaw arrived last night. A 'was the only one of the crowd to es lorge numbor of Elks escorted the cape. i body from the station to Whltlock's Tne jBUnon Wft8 returning from parlors. ( i Crockett when something went wrong , Mrs. flhnw arrived on last night's wth tne englne The Coalings failed train, and friends. is the guest of local Down From Crater Lake.,. H. B. Momyer. chief ranger of Cra- ikA National "Park, is In the city myer states that or fourteen reei twelve or fourteen feet qTjnow near the headquarters In tha WM Campbell Is Hoaae. D. B, Campbell baa returned from Southern California polats, where ha spent several weeks on a pleasure trip, telatlons with Gerntuny, the kaiser '"III unquestionably declare war. United Press Service DKIIMN, March 27. Itcports that a German submarine torpedoed the British liner Sussex arc generally disbelieved. The admiralty has un officially denied thin. - lly C. V. 8TBWART (United Press Staff Correspondent) , LONDON, March 27. Several Americans were seriously Injured, but none were killed when the Sussex was damaged, .according to the em- bassy hero. It is believed that 100 perished In the accident. British newspapers call this attack n direct challenge by Germany to the United States. A niece of bronze metal, similar to .that used In German torpedoes, was found In the, Sussex wreckage, one official has Informed the American consul at Boulogne. , Throe more vessels have been sunk within the last twenty-four hours, These are theBrltlsh steamers Khar- toun and Cerno and the French steamer Hebe. -. It is announced that eleven were killed in the torpedoing of the llnefi Minneapolis PARIS. March 27. German forces coutinue to bombard the Verdun sec tlon. There are no Infantry assaults. The allied war council met today It was learned that Germany has tried to detach Italy from the allies, vainly ... ... hoping by propoganua ana me gt- i-nntlp nfformlvB nt Vordun to create - - - Jln.ll.f..HAn nmAnv thjl Itnltnn nwl. ,,, -nilM r.nn. ... l 0 MU ev 8 , ww.. v .. slder Joining the allies. xite commanders of most of the nl- lied armies are here. A huge fleet of aeroplanes is mobilized to prevent any Zeppelin attaeks during the coun- ctl. SIX DROWN WHEN LAUNCH IS STRUCK ..- -- ONLY ONE IS SAVED WHKJI B1U. . i STEAMER RUNS DOWN SMALL LAUNCH IN DARKNESS IN VAL LEJO BAY : United Press Service VALLEJO. Calif.. March 27,-Slx .., . ...ht.i, ,,,. anVan mnn was ' , Jo B Mb t ,""'"' "' The dead are. Unidentled sailor from the collier Saturn: George Reynolds, Edward Breslln, George Kelly, Lewis Toland to see her. I , Thomas J. Peace Dead United Press Service WA8HINQTON, D. C. March 27. Thomas J. Pence, secretary of the. democratic national committee, died this morning after a lingering Illness. Meeting TosBWixm. The Pythian Club wil) meet tomor row afternoon at the. borne of Mrs, R. R. irewbaker en Craaeent ave nue. Imnortaat matters will reeelve attention at this time. ?' Von Tirpitz' Successor "iiiKm M&fyti-mtr 'aHHIHillllllllllVm JgsgsgsgsgsKaW! iiIgWiPaflfgP feBrgfJkJkji,'JBglaBsal iaaiiHMl .gHBfllgBl alllllllllllllHsSaW' aHHwSK gUmmiiHflSB t lgggggggggggBggggggggggtgggggS LIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHhB! gggggggg i alllllmallllllllllllllllllllllllllH aaaPl B BllllllllllllllB I'L.I. J Admiral to OapeUe AlfmffafWnTapeire' ur therucces - sor of Grand Admiral von TlrplU. who has quit office In Geraany be- .... ... . cause the kaiser did not believe In . . . his strenuous submarine poUcy. He has been chln interested In naval - ". resusuwiou w ou Tlrnltv on rlo fhA riiarl halwaan film ,"- ., -'"'"" nnd Chancellor von Bethmann-Holl- cfr MAIN STREET - REALTY SOLD 1 .CHARLES RILEY PURCHASED tOBfbave "canteened tip a bit FEET FRONTAGE BETWEEN EIGHTH AND NINTH PAYS I CASH FOR LAND a aeai nas just oeen cioseu wuere- by Charles Riley becomes the owner of the Blebn property, a 103-foot frontage on Main street, between Eighth and Ninth sereets. He paid a cash price for this to the owners, George Blebn and his sister. Mrs. George Humphrey. The purchase by Riley Is Indicative of the optimism of local business men In forecasting the future of Klamath s. Riley has not as yet decided Fire at Merrill Burns Up Two Business Ho Fire nt Merrill last night destroyed ,the store buildings' occupied by Henry Anderson's store and the Hawxhurst tt Stukel meat market. The loss la the neighborhood of $10,000. I The cause of the fire is unknown, although some suspect an Incendiary. During the time the townspeople were engaged In fighting the flames, some ana took advantage of the excitement and robbed the Kandy KKeaenYtahkag about $17 from the till there: " ; , All Sot the' goods were: reateved from the Anderson store and tMHSt the VILLA SAID TO . BE AIDED BY A CARRANZA FORCE llKHGHT TO HAVK EtfC.IPKD THROCOH LINES IVikIiIbk. However, CoBtlnMs ! Advance,, and In I'Mtstag HI Men, Predicts VIHa Will Be Orertakea Within Korlnlglit Talk That . '; : ''', t Villa U Reins Aided by Carraw; Scouted by gome. s tty H. O. JACOBS (United -Press Staff Correspondent) ! WITH THE AMERICAN ARUY IN MEXICO (by aeroplane to Columbaa, N. M.) It Is reported that Carraasa t . has offered 140,000 for the capture of Villa, dead or alive. I General Pershing has loudly praised the spirit of the American troops. I? ' predicts they will outmarch, Villa la the next fortnight. Officers are confident that Villa's recent massacre of his couatryBMB at the Cases Corralltos ranch haa v turned the Mexican against 'Mat. iH' i t . rt.-v.A j PerablBg; has ladicated that vu ila OaaIm iIma ontilh tfTn .atfl "VaillW ,. - ,-.- ... r; I His exact whereabouts Is apparently 'MtiU UBkBOWB. (j United Press Service j .SAANTON10TeiHMarchi7,---' Though GeBeral FuastsirwUl aeither tilEria nor deny reporr'a'.to the effect lhftt Ci transits asf oaanly aldlBsr, Vlllit, headquarters today , owt n nprestoa 'that the sttHatton Mexico Is more serious today. , . .,-'- The aalataiBlar of coamauiBlcatlc-av .t. , nMnn .. ,f,n r-. A A erm,88,0n to use the Mexican rall- t i,IW SW JJS,Wa HWWf. VHBW - - road for th,g pnrp08e i8 ,tlll a vltar" toW, Funston today denied the. reporW that Villa escaped turouch theAsaer- . I.... II . IT. ..r. Villa 'tVAlr ) I1UU . IIUC3. : OCitu v wvnv .through the Carranxlsta lines. f lly H. C, UOEHMK, (United Press Staff Correspondent) I IiOUOLAS. Arli.. March'. X1.-4- viiia, villa; is iwcry-ur Jnstrn ,i -Wis so. Hers on the s-eets here whea tUy V'? Tim Yankee troopers want .to at VUln, but. t.hey. cheer foe hlsa. hewuse' he hat provoked the "little war," anil' Gave them relief f row the nMnotonjr ol camp life ou the border. ' Much as they have vowed, to klR him. "Pancho" Villa In patron saint , ot tht U?8. troops t the border; t Y..bb VaUey Vlttnor.' " r J John W. Logue of toe Yoanaya- ley country, Is a visitor In tBe'county seat, with ''business" as the main rea son for the Bojourn. t whether he will erects a Dusineaa -.-m building on the property right, a, way The deal was consuramatedtarough. ';; A. A. Bellman A Bon tf -X t . .v M$m& lsfiaTmaT;gl!iige IIXsHS'SKr rwmMmm;:. main building of tb.'meaf nUiWM fore the structures ewty$- 1 loss. The goods werr not:. ag,tfHaHyy -damaged bsfere' bng reawt. ''.-',1 -.1 A considerable tnantlty-;e; and bacon ht .the in.nMUrisM'aBsn lac Dlant war buraed'rn"Tas' lit stored away Vtbefe tor i was also lost at a nmH f Besides barntagtlM alar 1 thelre alee" W UakcleestetHe ... ki. cw 'e. and to teea : namtatt. ansyaaajs) ppa evajssfiBpanv ..a lC-- jei .lMlslJeti aasssr annwsaw P V ' -V;.. -"'W ?1 :'t?-r .-W.i 7. ..,1 v "i i) m A wft ' ""fl i,l : ' .,iK t i "Till V.! T :Xl .. v t r- ','eij .rsw '! vs-'Jl a Ol ?Jf ' ' . ."j);' ,v. ate BBsffTrtsSiSr Wk&i 'v v. 41 "ZW5SK! - nJ6 T T ffP&l ':Ad vv if" -Mil- wmmr t '-,. , '?!. ..t '',