1 (V v . . A i, b ., 21V lEuimmg Herald 1 ft KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ftj S-35.T. KLAMATH FALfct UKHCIAL NEWIPAPW, ' J" "ws e. SISCl Tenth Vear N' KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916 J. ," I Wn Fir atari)' iI7."-V I DEFENSE SEEKS TO GET MRS. HUNTER'S STORY FROM OTHERS 6ERMANY IS SAID 10 BE RUDY FOR PEACE MOVEMENT TIIIH ItEPOHTKD AH THE ItKAHO.V OKHAKI) HTAYKI) i'y mean of orli of rioi Hunter with the 22 special rlflo Ho iinhn the ntt'H ivy for A K. I.inv- "l'l In believed Kuchn told him ho .uiihu. Trr,o m are attempting to .how .,u -t n"1 the 22 rifle, but could t.iicr nir i .,,,,, . not remember If the boy told him In , possible for Andrew Cut I,.. in drccfn ho wfc Uvo shot his mother while ho v,a'(r0 gu, ,hoollB Hi Hie direction of Lawrence' Tl, ,,, ,, WIW gUM. during tho battle cm the Dodd Hollow ( Honed regarding tho vision from the fcomcutrnd Into In Uecombcr. Tho do different points nt which photographs .. k also working hurd to Intro-' w" ,ftkin. nm' much objection ... . .(from the state. He also was called dues bv means of those who hourd , " "'" "" ,Mt"!U uu ...... 'ui"n to Identify tho twoploces of It, the story of the shooting of Mm.w,ndoMP BCreen ml r0Vt,red ,ho ,ower Kuobno im told by Mm, Hunter twoiimlf of tho north window of tho front houn After the mIiooUiik, while alio room of tho ranch house, through Along Hie IhtlesttT Are Driven llnrk l Ituiwtiaii. Nnvul Ibittlv In Itcporietl, but the Aln-c Modi- by Rustlan Force Tom ii til Austria und Gallcla Are l)ii) Moi Important Item ni greatly ngltotod. N Incidentally, there bus been more objections und similar Impediment.) to iwgreiw todny thun usual, with cuus tic co mm mi l from both sides, uud a pungent word of advice Uiulng oc casionally from the bench. The defense Introduced leu photo graphs, tukun at the Kuobno home itead, the Hpol whore ouch was taken bolog Indicated on a plat by Engineer Henry, und then naked regarding the vlow from one Indicated point to another. Ho atutcd that tho tloor of the front room of tho houae, from . vblrh Mm, Hunter aaya ahe tlrod at tin. Kuehna, waa 8.9 feet above tho pot a hero Mm. Kuehno was stand Ins when shot. C. M. Onolll briefly croaa question rd Henry on different deration! around the place and mnttera brought out In direct testimony. J. N. Ilolmon told of being at Mer rill with Henry Stout on tho morn ing of tho tragedy, and of going to the homestead upon bearing of the trouble. Ho told of soelng footprlnta and empty shells In the Mold whoro Kuehno said ho began ahootlng. Kuebne, the witness aald, told hlni litl he ran back or the woodahed aod reloaded It Ih Rutin, after empty ing both weapon. Ilolman aUtod that the following day he traced tho tracKu mndo by Huntcr'a wagon In IU courso to tho houao, and that tho vehlclo paased between the houao nnd oero ira. Kuenno waa found, or on tho nldo or tho houae oppoalte that , to which Kuohne ran along In reach ing tho woodahed. When a camera waa on the apot where Mm. Hunter told him Mm. Kuehno roll, Holman aa)d he waa landing nt the apot where he found the ibclln ahot by Kuehno from near tbe lowor gate. He aald he could a ponton al tho camora from tho knees up, declaring that a ralae In the ground made It laipo-Hiblo to see of n person from that dlatance. He also mated that tbe spot In dicated as where Mrs. Kuehne fell In almost direct line with the Porch, and tho position where Kuehne tood whllo firing nt Huntor and the homo, Holman testified Kuehne told him the day of the hootl-i that h ha twojfuns In the fight and that he ahot which Mrs. Hunter soys she shot nt Mrs Kuehno Ho stated that thcro wns n bullet hole In tho top of the screen, to the right of the center. Holman was nlso naked regarding the wounds on the horses hitched to Hunter's wagon and the 'bullet hole through the wagon scat. This hole, ho stntod, was nppsrently caused by a 22 rlflo fired from directly In front of tho team. The wltncsfi was then asked regard ing finding a hole In tho wall of Mrs. Kuohno's cabin. This called forth n storm of objections, much explana tion on the part or tho defense, and much Interrogation on tho part of the court. "If the witness is permitted to tes tify about this, ho will be equally well qualMod to testify as to any number of bullet holes, knot holes, etc.," said Onolll. "Tho purpose Is to show that Kuehne In shooting at tho wagon go ing west of tho houao might have shot the rabln. The defense would make the matter relermnfand material flrat before tho witness answers that ques tion. Af tor k further Interrogations, the question was re-stated to tbe satis faction of all, and then came the anti climax the witness stated that ex amination proved the aperture to be n nnll hole nnd court, Jury, attor neys nnd spectators nil Indulgod In chuckles. ' Tho defense then attempted to brine out the story Mrs. Huntor told of tho shooting, this story said to have been told whllo she was semi hysterical an hour or two after the tragedy. In tho presence of the wit ncss, Stout and others, but the state objected, nnd tho objection was sua ulned. Ronner tried to Introduce this In several ways, and It was finally dccldod that the testimony of all of these witnesses regarding Mrs. Hun ter's version of tho tragedy will be submitted In written form to the court and tho stnto's attorney for admis sion before being submitted to the Jury. After the witness told or finding somo shells around tho porch, and a 2T.-20 shell Inside the front room, ho started to tell of a conversation ho had with young Kuehne near the '1'nltcd I'reBs Service Ni:V YOllK, March 21. A special! from WnshliiKton to tho Kvenlng I'ost Mates that Gorman In seeking peace, nnd hnt Intimated to the Cnlted HtntcH that proposals nm be a ceptnble soon It Ih nlso stated that Ambassador Gerard had postponed his acatlon at tho request of German War Mln later Hollweg, In order that he might be In Berlin In case tho sort Ices of the I'nlted States wero needed. In tin hour's discussion recently concerning peace possibilities, Holl weg gave Gerard some Idee, or the terms that would be acceptable to Germany. Gerard has cancelled his vacation, and will remain at his post In definitely. UnlK-l I'ress Service UKHLIN, March 21. Vienna dis patches today announce that the Aus trian hac evacuated Usclrectve and Bridgehead and tho trenches to the northeast, Russian shells demolish od thopositlon. Bridgehead la on the" Dniester, about thirty-eight miles northwest' of Crernowlti. City (Continued on Page 4) Will Ask For Bids on Combination Engine In order to be In readiness to get 'he city an automobile Are truck with no lay, should the votera decide to Purchaao such equipment, the coun U lut night voted to adverttee for "Ids on such a truck. Theee bids e to be opened May I. Coun,cllM Matthews, who made e motion, stated that In this way matter could be expedited eon losrably. The city will aak blda on a com Dntlon ohemtcal engine and hose ', and on a combination of chem 'c engine, hose cart and power '- type or other will be nThVoter on May lit will ballot aEm qUMMoa o Purchasing auch aitional flrt Protection, so the blda will bo opened tbe following night. Such equipment has long been noeded by Klamath Falls. It may mean material reduction of Insurance ra$e. AtnitJteUatattMVtle Married: Una James Smith and Annabell glmmers, both of Klamath county, were married in tho parlors of the Hotel Washington Saturday afternoon, March 18. J, W. Jenkins, pastor of the Christian church officiated. Zunnvah to Get Per Mesa. The council last night voted to change tbe method of payment for the city engineer from M. voted last Moaday, to 110 par day actually engaged In the city's work. United Cress Service LONDON, March 21. It was an nouncod today that four British des troyers engaged three German des troyers off the Bolglum coast. Ac cording to reports, two of the enemy's ships wero hit, and four British sail ors were wounded, but the enemy'a ships escaped. Tho German admiral ty claims that the British fled. This is the first naval clash in several weeks. ' Am)fS4Xn f-4vSl f Alomknn ' nSrJaLaiHESS HHHiHginPfHa.H WKS9flmtKkfSSSmWKiWBXm wte,iMmakmMsmzfzzm&ammm'A9 I wBWAMdmBWBk I I av3J3Kai'jJ2fv ' , f HfJm'jWi Ail. iWWf W . .fVaikBiHH I h nmmhmm& i gggmmmm u u?1t--,4lMWA--''iBK 1 faAlaWjajaWsl n " wmf,0r . ivzmz A' - ? jtik2MlJBf0rM? fm '' -'r FI'fJaeBBo i y$M9mt of l.'tth Cavalnr MUZZLING ORDER MEXICO AND U. S CAUSES CLEAN-UP TO AGREE ON 1HE METHOD OE HUNT: TxtfA . V1u5i-f'i - - -' T w 9?$'! " if Xi Htpl " Vl '1 I'OMCf: HAVK KILLKD OVER 1HO DOGS SINCE THE RABIEH PRE CALTIO.V WAS ORDERED EF KECTIVK IX KLAMATH FALLS s ;l '& .'ikaicaas IlKrORTED FHIEXDLY TO TROOPS Morn Tnmnu 4 m Aakixl tnm k ms.i ?-"".;. . . S.3& ion to uive Better ProtectiOBiis) Pershing's ExBedltiea, Which BsSirlT; Gets Farther From the Border aeat The drdlnance requiring tho muz zling of dogs was passed by the coun cil with n view to preventing any out break of rabies here. It has also brought about an extermination or stray dogs. According to a report made at last night's council meeting, the police ,have killed over 150 dogs picked up without muzzles. This Included many ownerless dogs, following farmers or- Indians to town, and becoming lost United Press Service " t?- ... ....... - WASHINGTON. D. C, - .-..... ummomc is nun lit effect. Any dogs at lnrite without The cab,net ha red to Carrai muzzles are liable to rapture and Proposal that tbe hunt tor Villa shall Immediate Relief Cai Have Fight WMJi Baadtsa 58 I March 11. execntloa. COUNTY COURT IS IN SESSION be conducted under the terms of a , written protecol: A message an-" .nounclng this will probably go to" Carranza this afternoon. " ' United Press Service , SAN ANTONIO. Tex., March JL General Funston admlto that he has asked ahe war department for more troops, to protect Pershing's "danger ously thin line of communications." JSLS JLi"!5 '""" "Ut the number asked .mu, inran UUmEABBB, AMIf for AKr; JOW TACKLING A BUNCH ., . .. lU. . -C OF AOCTJMTOVATi BUSINESS ,;found th5 nat,Te8 yery Mt, ervwhere. . - , t i . The Marcn term of the county court began today, after a delay of .two Unlt p,.eM g . weeks, owing to the illness of Judge winniKniviM r n -u..-v Marlon Hanks and Commissioner T. carranza has made Inquiry as to'tai H. McCornack. The court Is now nnmber 04 troops the United State looking over the general claims. 'intended Bndi int ui. n. T Oultn n. tfvr mthri tnr ,'. .. . .. ' iS ---- wv.v .w. mvmmv fiiiui niifsiinnn thft amm m mk j have nllnd nn itnrlnp K (In, h . . - - .". ,. ---.-, .-- - .- proposea protocol unaer which the" s? two men were sick, so a. hnrr wmV'h i x m ... . . -. ..-- A - ..-'. . . : kuui im Vina w v proceea. tbo, TTrtttAll RtAtA rtnMt mi fm.mZmZl . w.. .V VIMVtVWW. Vl io wnora xne qaestions were aireetM , and br whom tlimr vrnw ' '-' V- -. , -. ... w-,. gave no explanation. work Is ahead of the court. Jsnr . - -f n. BRVAX TO CAMPAIGN FOB THE DRY8 Major TompklBs This is the flrat photograph of from their chase of Villa. There waa Major Frank Tompkins of the Thlr-.some discussion of holding Major teenth Cavalry, at Columbus, N. M., Tompkins, and Colonel H. J. Slocum, tho man who led tho first American j his superior, because tholr froops Invasion of Mexico, when he went at crossed the boundary line without tho head of troopers atter Villa and orders from Washington. But It was his bandits. The photograph was found in Washington that the sug- taken the day the troops returned , gestlon was not popular, United Press Service PARIS, March SI. It Is officially admitted that the Germans made further gains today on the west bank of the Mouse, and have occupied the southeastern Melancourt road. It Is nlso claimed that tbe Qerman assaults are losing power, and that the Fench artillery defeated the Oerman efforts to debouch from the woods north west or Verdun. United I'ress Service PETROORAD, March si. Accord- Ing to Teheran advices, tbe Russians entered Ispahan Sunday. Unltod Press Service LONDON, March 21. Tho Russian lctories at both ends of the eight hundred mile front In the east more than overbalances the gains of the Germans on the western front Kuro- ratkln has forced Hlndenberg to with draw from Salient, soutn or Narooi Lake. Vienna admits an Important Rus sian victory in Gallcla. This makes the Austrlans' position on the north bank of the Dniester most precarious, and forecasts the beginning of a new cnmpnlgn in Bukowlni. This may compel the Germans to withdraw from the western front and abandon the Verdun campaign. United Press Service ROME, March II. Russian war ships are besieging Trebtsond. which is being defended by a Urge force of Turks. A love and marriage class is con ducted nt Goucher college ror tn senior girl students. Girls arriving alone In Tokio, Japan, aro met at tbe railway sta tion by a chsperone. Over (10,000 women are now with the French Red Cross. ELECTRIC STORM IMWN PRINCE TO dfi CAUSES DAMAGE GIVE UP COMMANO TWO ARE KILLED AND MUCH PROPERTY IS HURT BY STORM SWEEPING PARTS OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON United Press Service PORTLAND, March SI. Two deaths and several" thousand dollars' damage were caused by an electric storm sweeping portions or Oregon and Washington yesterday. Water flowed In tbe streets of Stanfleld, Weston and Dayton. A fir tree crushed through a house near Portland, killing William Marks. Thomas Somwell, a farmer, was drowned in a cloudburst and flood in tho Blue mountains, and many others In the Blue creek region narrowly escaped doath from fljoods. DUNSAKER FILES s TO BE SHERIFF There Is still another aspirant for sheriff in the Klamath county cam paign. This Is Robert H. Hunaaker. Hunsaker yesterday died his pe tition for tbe democratic nomination. He Is an old resident, is well kaowa throughout the county, and promises to make a hard 4ft for nomination, to make up for his late eatraaee In the campaign. FAILURE OF VERDUN OFFENSIVE WITH FRIGHTFUL LIFE LOSS IS CAUSE OTHER DISPATCHES ' FROM THE EUROPEAN WAR United Press Service LONDON, March 21. Berne re ports Bay It has been learned positive ly that Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam Is about to relinquish command of tho army of the Lorraine. "This is a result of the fatlure of the German offensive against Verdun. I'nlted Press Service BERLIN, March 21. Austrlans submarined the French destroyer Renaudln off Tourche Tyhe Saturday. Vienna advices say the vessel sank within a minute atter being torpedoed. United Press Service ROME, March 21. Paris wires that Frederick Ivanoff, a Bulgarian postal employe, fired twice at Premier Radoslavoff while tbe latter was rid ing In an open carriage in Sofia yes terday. The premier was uninjured, but his coachman was wounded. United Press Service BERLIN) March il, French at tacks around Fort Douaumont anl the village of Vaux yesterday were repulsed. When Japanese women go to the theater they begin dressing 'for It the day before. LINCOLN. Neb., March 21. The annual Bryan birthday banquet, given each year In honor" of the former sec retary of state by his friends and ad mirers, Tv1li be held tonight and ar rangements have been made for the usual large gathering. It was fifty- six years ago yesterday, In Illinois, that Bryan was born, but the anni versary was postponed until today. Following the banquet Mr. Bryan will make a tour of many Nebraska towns where there are local fights on the liquor question, and following this tour be will make a general cam paign throughout the state aa one of the chief speakers for the non-partl-zan anti-saloon committee on behalf of the adoption of the proposed 'pro hibition amendment to the Nebraska constitution. ux In reply to the queries theeooMtr Informed the inquirers that the a4 pedltton would be large enough to accompusn tne single mission ofVll-, ' ms capture, ana that the president" and cabinet would probably" agree to the proposals of the Carransa proto col. TnltpH P ran am Lotw4AA J T ,,, . ,. ,i.H au rau, i ta jaarca.si. uesK A eral Perahlnr tod ------ - - Columbus headquarters that in 'a ytant, 'ti tle yesterday the CarraniletA fee ffafotittful X7I1I, ;4t ... A..a HVi lliam 4a ma4ak ,. AW. C?a - "its'' 1 uu ui ivmbki imw m Bmmim Mtmtm-f mountains. At noon General Oavlra Jaareev made the following statement:- ','It Is only a question of time wfeettVflla ,;fel Hi ifcl wr (Continued on pege 4)tj Would Cut One Man From PoGce Force If the opinion of Councilman A. V. Miller prevails, Klamath Falls will have but two policemen.. The chief. who will then ba the day man, will have little time for patrol duty, as his time will be largely taken up in acting as pound master, plumbing in spector and house sewer Inspector; tn replacing burned out street lights, Sftsl J9 A 1 tftf J zm ft V -L ifi. 1.. rPhla tfilftu strtAu nstw saaJ Asma.'"'? mm uv aawsj luimi fw?r- policemen today, if we have a ear'-'j ror tne day man," said Miller." ."TJsf,l would enable the chief to rna'ammsw- over tbe city, orenarlaa? a eard.iaussacVA of every residence bloek.ln, the 8etty an that in m. tew asAntha n miU'6. . ... , . 'Ji.'T-ts1 nave a spiesaia system to 8aow,tte;s'- condition of the town, besides saving ., in making a card index of the condl-jthe salary of a third peUee'saasu"",; tlon of every block in town, in seeing i "We might get along with tw pev1 to the enforcement of health and sani tary regulations, and sundry other duties Imposed upon htm by the coun cil. Miller brought the matter up early In the evening, when the matter of the dog muisllng ordinance was dis cussed. He stated at that time that he thought the city could dispense with the services of one policeman after the surplus stray dogs' bad been rounded up and disposed of, but the matter was dropped with no further comment. When the matter1 of the proposed purchase of a conveyance for the polios and other' city oSeials' mm came up lor a report on progress. Miller revived the issue as an argu ment in faver of the, oveyaaef ' 4 i -m "V,1 !' Ileaman. trnm ! " ! Mason, "but I cent iu'ka: esMi'aatfi' these can put up lights as wetlaa sW$) patrol duty, I belter that it ytsj '-'. I iect the polls to e'ali: tale; wr kb it's pretty surethy'isiBW' machla." i vf4tiP MUlersUttd tttItUasi4e. ' eraplary beharlbr hfraM,tk fjisji number of arrests mM'0)r i"$mm. chief for day werk H a gafjat man massry.' ,'!&id$rJX :You-.wo't hare a aMaf C oatehar, plasjhjfdj; r master 'MsjlTtl N tl was) MtM.psjwaaj H er JJ 9Q i ePPlsiBR s-lm 5fisww H b l m i- 3 r v .y 1. rV