V Aill 'H '. j. ' eVrAf,ta Oil? Cunning Herald , AMATH COUNTY'S a v, T -tt. fr V KLAMATH PALLS' 3 & OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t'xV-1-'"' si-ttv fthyw,Iw.No.,04fl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1916. I'rlcp, rive Ohm ,:v. .ife- iV"i STATE RESTS ITS j CASE IN TRIAL OF ' LAWRENCE TODAY Mountain Battery of American Troops on the Road After Villa, and Leaders Xtt prosecution In tho trial of A. Kraut Uonco, on chargo of killing in Alnm Kuehne, rostod at 3:16 iMi' afternonii. Tho dofonso thou nortd lh court to Instruct tho Jury to return o verdict of not guilty, on the iround that tho stato hod not proten sufficient incis in m unr 7 tiUblUl) Lawrence's guilt. Thli wns oTtrruled b' Jud0 Kuykon''"'!- E. B. Henry wan tho first wltneia called by il' defense and ho tcstl Hi regarding making n nuip of tho Kuehne ranch, n'uh AdntiiK, who owns a much wulhaeM of thu Kuohno homestead, via Ihc tnst ttltnemi examined Satur day, llf MMcil Unit ho tint) hi Hon 1n tho garden of their ranch tho morning uf the trouble, and that they Itnenncd the HhootliiK. Adam elated Mint their iitti'iitloi) ta railed to tlu homestead hy tho rapid rate nt which Hunter wuh driv ing along tlic road, nml ho Hiild thnt be alio noticed YoutiK Kuuhno In- t'de the fence, nml imw him begin ihpollng as Hunter opened tho gates. M the Mine time, tho witnoss stated, Leiaw I -n retire nml another person begin shooting nt Kuohno from tho orch of the liouno built by lawrenco. In doncrlblng tho nourno of tho team, Adam Insisted that it took the wagon and Hunter nround bask of the houtie Ah tho team noarod the home, and Jut boforo It passed out of tight behind tho building, A dona , u;i Lawrence nnd tho other person lth blm on the porch went Inside the houic. Lawrence .Immediately ranio out again, unld AiIiiiiih, Ktoppod down to the ground, turned nnd fired a shot due north, nml then ran In that di rection, was inoinentiiilly ahut from Adami' icw mi account of a knoJI, and then rnu buck to tho house again. lacroKii oxaiiilniitlon, Rcnnor ques Honed the witness ronRldorably about hli antecedents. At n couplo of points the spectators laughed, but Judge Kuyknndall Hlloncod thorn with hli gavel. "Thla Is no comedy matter; It's a lerloim occasion." Bald tho Judge "A mnn 1a on trial for hln liberty, "d I'tc noticed several tlmoa that rou have seen lit to laugh. If any thing of tho kind occura again, wo IH proceed with tho trial without pectators." In answer to n quory aa to whether he was friendly with Lawrenco, Ad mi replied: "I don't hnvo nny lovo for him, af ter the way thlnga wont.'' "Isn't It a fact that you are ao unfortunately situated that yotr gen wily boo something. In caae Iaw fence Is ny kind of trouble, that "kea It necessary for you to tostl fy against him In court ovory timet" "ed Renner. Tho witness attempt ed to mako an explanation, but Ren Mr Insisted upon an anawor of elthor " or "no," ho Adnma nnaworod n the nfflrmatlve. "Why aro you no perilstent In toS Wng ngalnst him?" waa the next jwry. "is it became of hatred for Jwt" Again rtonner Insisted on i "flnlto answer, nnd again Adama an ered "ys 'lin't It n fact that you havo nn 'ntenie feeling of hatred ngalnat Law "?" nennor persisted, and again tailed for either nn affirmative or wgatlvo monosyllable.' Tho atato'a Jltorneys objoctod to this, and tho "Wt ruled that tho witness could "wer ns Itcnner dlreoted, and then me any explanation he aaw fit. might bo stated that there baa "n a most wholesome lack of bicker, , ' beten the opposing attorneys, a the personalltlea which usually J!!? ,0 free,y ttt "uch tr'ala are moat "otleeablo by their abaaaoe. Both "H stem going into the difficult and tangled rase with a seme of "oiuto fairness, and the example iM,1! ,oman,y' f,p demeanor aet Sartii ln the bjr " ". """I and Manning for the etate, and :""; "anner and Wlnea for tho de iia . on" weU worthy of emula "Ma future trials. 'Uk is .....' wa" Adams' anawer, "not a rfi u .toMe natr1' but l d0 hve ,htly 111 feeling against blm on account of thlngit ho liaa dono " I Kemethlni: now wna aprunK In the cnao when Itonnor asked Adams If' ho had contributed to n fund boliig uilucd toward paying tho linn of Out-Ill & Mnnulne for aHslHtlng In tho prosecution of the case. Adams said In had not, nnd also Hint ho hud never liKtrd of micli a fund holng rnlscd. Uciiner dwelt to some length on the condition uf AdnuiH' eyesight. He- naked the witness to reml soino figures on tho mail of tho Ktiehno 'tnnch, ' which wnn nailed on tlm.wnlt mid-' mi" between tho witness stand and tin' Jury I'nx, hut Ailntns said lie could not Itvnner then brought nut tin fn l that AdntiiK nml his Hon vlov ed the hIiooiIiik from n illstnuro of nearly (liree-quarterx of a mile. AdnuiH nn Id tlinf he hnd been a farmer nnd u entile mnri nil his llfo, nml wns blessed lth good eyesight out of doorH ij, a result. Ho win itlno miked iih to meteoroloKlcul con-j dltlonv Hint mortiltig, as to whether he iiaw Mtnoke from tho kuiik. I Kuohnc, according to Adams, wentj to the AdnuiH ranch two days before j tho ahootlng, to get n tenm to moo his mother's effects to tho hnmestend, nnd ttnld he was going to move on tho place When asked If Kuohne lied If ho tcstllled thnt ho did" not any such n thing to Adams, Adams stated thnt ho wouldn't say positively, that ho wu testifying to tho host of his recollection. Renner sought to hIiow tho witness Interested In any movement against Lawrence, nnd asked htm many quoa tloBH to bring this out. Adama de nied any activity In this direction. Aaked why ho did not go over to tho Kuehno plnco nfter tho shooting, In stead or going to Merrill for his matt, Adams answered There hnd been trouble between Lawrence nnd me, nnd nt that time Lawroncc hnd gun with him, ana threatened me. He told a nolghbor later thnt ho wnH sorry ho hnd not killed mo nt tho tlmo. I've kept away from nis mm me ivucunc puitun. nnd havo kopt off tho road In front of those plnces slnco." Adnma wn posltlvo thnt ho saw Lnwronro on tho porch, nnd described his. clothing ns u dark suit. Ho said ho could tell If tho other porson on tho porch with Lawrenco during the shooting wiih n mnn or a lady, but "thought It was a woman of somo kind." Adama Insisted thnt ho snw Law- ronco como uown mo meia hoiiBe, nnd fnco north. Ho anld ho wnntcd It to bo understood that Law- ronco killed Mrs. Kuehne, and aald he would bo -.cry much plensou u tno Jury would find tho dofendnnt guilty. On ro-dlrect examination mis morn ing, Adams stated thnt ho had scon ii mnn ho bolloved wns Lawrence ai tho Kuohno plnco descond tho steps nnd llro a gun to tho norm, no muu ho waa fnmlllar with Lawronco's np pearaneo from thnt dlstunco ns ho had Heon him many tlmoB In tho pre ceding three yenrH working about tho Homostenu. Aakod regarding his testifying against Uwronco whonover ho could, us alleged by Ronner Saturday, Ad- niiiH' roply wna: "If thlngH enmo undor my very en I nnw nnd lilllllli.i iimv stood thorn, I'd glvo my ovldonco, of course 1 'never wont nut of my wny to gotlt. How could I holp It? If I'd have known anything. of tho kind wub going to hnppon, I'd havo gone In and ahut tho door. He alio stated that ho couldn't any positively the color of the clothing worn by Lawrence, but knew It was not white. .The defeme aaked the witnoss If he had not conferred with th atate'a counsel alnce he had testified Satur day, nnd If hla testimony thla morn ing waa almply to rollevo him from un embarrassing condition of mind ho hnd found himself In after his testimony Saturday. Tho witness aeomod to be puxzled, but answered in tho affirmative. Irwin then asked the wltnesa if he know tho meaning of tho term em barrass." He replied "no," and he stated that ho wanted It understood '4vVaAni Baitefi '-3 ' m - i if-amria WKKt Wkfi -'&- , General J. J. I'erslilng " iwgii i ii iii ' i" r an r iir ii TROOPSFORMFAN TO CLOSF IN ON MEXICAN OUTLAW KXC1RCLING MOVEMENT 18 WBLL UNDER WAY v..'' yA ' i ti Convinced That the Mexlcaa nipssll Hon Will Xot B Ended In Week or wo, Army Officials Are Now M Work Arranging for the Transport. Ing of Hupplie to the Forces Under ' t'ershJng. I ulleil I'reas riorvlco SAN ANTONIO, March 20. Half n dozen detachments of American troops are spread out, ranllke, and are comblug the country south and southeast of Casas Qrandea. Persh ing's dispatches show he has left the main expedition, and gone west to assume command of Dodd'a cavalry column. ' Seven aeroplanes are scouting In' the hills to the Bouth of CasMOran- des, and auto trucks are carrying the supplies of tho expedition, which now seeks to encircle the mountainous 'district. t With indications ofva long purault 'far into Mexico, the problem of sup- - 'plying the men is uppermost fa the minds of army officials. Carranxa, It This is one of Ueneral runsions mountain oauenes now un iu wojr . ,cected. will Brant the use ot toward the Sierra Madre mountains of Sonora and Chihuahua to catch Pan- Mexlcan railroads for transporting . ho Villa's band of marauders. General Persbing ts in neia commana, wniie 8uppiieg and possibly Uoops. (ieneral Punston, who has been left In supreme command by the war de-, imrtment, will attend to the shipment oftroops and munitions in the J'Kto' United Presa Service ' k. war the Ignited States Is making. Gcucrul Frederick Ktinston that ho suw n mnn ho bollevod was Lawroncc como down tho stops and lire u gun. Tho defense objected to thu intro duction of tho testimony of W. T. Adams, son of tho preceding witnoss, on the ground Hint his name as a witnoss did not appear ou tho Indict ment, nnd that no notice wns given that ho wns going to bo usod, Thla( wns oerruled by Kuykcndnll ' The younger Adams' toitlnionywas conoliorutlvo of his father's. He slid' he was on tho well platform at his I fnilmr'n nlnrn tln niornlnc of tho shooting, saw a man come out on tho1 porch of tho Kuohno place, heard a- ahot nnd saw tho man run north, re turning in u fow momonts. Ho wns not cross examined. W. H. Todd, ulho a lesldetit of tho Dodd Hollow section, told 6f reach ing Mrs. Kuohuo'a cabin shortly af ter sho was wounded, and half an hour before the arrival of the doctor, SHEPHERD SAYS HE WON'T JELL SCHEME VOH HIS HAS A .NEW MUSIC STORE, RUT HE WON'T SPRING IT FOR SEVERAL DAYS YET Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Shepherd re turned to the city Saturday night, af ter an absence of about two months, Tho Shepherds spent over a month with ngenta of Eastern music houses, In San Francisco, and E. T. says he has a scheme, lu his mind that will surprise the people ot Klamath county . . I .. . ... .. t. ,nn Whli. !. will Ho said tho woman was in intense wnen ue mms u n". i " " pain, nnd said sho could not last long.' be ready to do in a short time. "Mrs. Kuehne'a story of the shoot-' The balance otme time they apent Ing to me," said Todd, "waa about as jn Roboburg, vlsltlii6 with Mrs. Shep follows: 'Lawrence camo out on the herd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. front steps nnd turned and deliberate-(Schoenfeldt. y shot mo. About that tlmo, Hunter ( hollered, "Run, unwronco,run aim got thnt gun away from her," and; Lawrence ran and took tho gun and sttuck mo on tho head, saying, ''von .. ... -- ..A., ft, S or n I) , l muruer juui- Tho blow knocked mo senseless.' ' SundayjjServices -at the Pavilion War Bulletins i f LONDON, March 20. As the re in spite of the wind fn tho morning api the rain at night, largo audiences greeted Evangelist Mathia at the pavilion yes'terday, about 1200 people being in at tciuli.nce. The mornins service waa .'on the subject of Abraham's at tempted sacrifice of his am Isaac and Un staying of his hand. The evan gelist spoke forcefully upon the ne-1 cesslty of complete sacrifice to the service of God and the, church. The singing is becoming a most prominent part of 'the service, and Mr. Vessey is much encouraged at the number present in the choruses and is most liberal in bis praise of the quality. About 100 were in the chorus ln the morning and 125 at ( night. At the morning service he sang most effectively, his clear tenor voice revealing a heart message of sincere gospel lite. In the evening Geo. Haydon, Vernon Motschenbach- ler and Marion Taylor sang "The Inii.i.Al. In ln Wllrlu.AA.1 " onH no on VUUItU III IUO ,T.WWW, MUM i enchore "Sometime, Bomewnere.' ,Thl8 proved to be a well balanced 'quartet, and tbe numbers were en thusiastically received, as was also n duet, "Blessed Jes.ua, Keep Me 'U'lilto" V.v Mr Vaain nnri Visa All. , .1 IW, WJ M. . Vrf .-- FREERREADYTO ISSUE PERMITS DOUGLAS, Arts., March SO. Per ' bistent rumors'to the effect that Villa 'has escaped the trap set for him by tthe Americans and CarraasJatas have not been .confirmed. It Is also' re ' ported" that Gntlerres'e scoots bare 'lost the trail. Meagre reports of the ! American expedition are to the effect;, that Pershing's forces have Joined' Dodd'a cavalry near Galena. -( $ 4. .1,1 jJeiiter b Back. 1 Glenn Jester, who left here some INDIANS REQUIRE THE ISSUANCE months ago to recuperate from a seri- i . - - . .... ous illness, came ln last nignt ior OF A PERMIT TO ANY WHITE l FISHING ON THE RESERVATION. HEREAFTER a short visit. According to Superintendent W. B Freer of the Klamath Indian reserva tion, the Tribal-Council this year in- North on Business. f Chas. J. Ferguson left yesterday ) morning for a week's business trtt i to Portland and vicinity. , pie fishing there, and tc prevent any wanton destruction of property, sue a a was carried on a. few years asM.t slbts that no whites be allowed to fish j TheM permltB can cured from on tbe reservation unless they haveMr. Freer. All aanlleaats tm these t permission from tho officials. aThlsj permits must show a 1916 angler's? Is in order to keep track: of the pecM license at the time. a; Size of Army Is Matter VI iSSr 'fcifc-i r, - Vjfi '" j;.fti( "2i 3T V .?&L ..&.:. rUp in Congress; Todafl United Press Service WASHINGTON. March resolution, 4 & T&J2B n4t &s;j .W.Z I I . .. - - f IT.kV-H 10. The ln lne nouse, Bpsaaer umnaip j.;; 1 strength, but this was defeated. i. The I Clark advocated , equate defense. He endorsed the Hay " !.. v , mMjiSXJT' to Increase the'v"ur ' "'ZiT&lim PVSlWf TSIi'S, . M i.J.i irU- 1 ,f.f4i ... . , -WW 1.1J I w.. --, , Todd stated mat Mrs. jvutmuo iuiu . . . , bv four German aero- susta Parker, him that her satchel, containing all .l)nneB wnlcn dropped forty.elgbt In spite of tho rain, the evening Kann ill iiu i iitiiM in, o ...w. ..-- ,--- i l nmha ewaf i invor. Lwni. maritTU ih gun uuuidiiud ncao tuv latfevov wa iuu uoj - .. A a and thnt sho wanted all property to . . h con8t Sun(,ay e,even werftj Mr Matbu 8poko from tho text found standing army to ".". w" "". bill, holding that the-AmerJ(niU;;: go to Andrew. Sho nlso mado tho . . t, ,rt lnJurodi Orltlsh'ln Daniel 5:27, "Teckel," "Thou art cu ny a voieonoa so oa mine nouae are against conscription W or jf$f. rrui I.JlAiH AMham. naoAA 'hut fovni thfl IP inilissslslsl I ! i f , ii I i IllB illUIWIlW UU UltnuviUI- i'vuvn, mmk w , wwMw-wt "3 i if i V T3 Hay, in the house, urged the IsvPjtfO ... . . . .- W'T1,V creasing or tne armya strengin to ft & l.lt . t .. aaMVd not -- . it i A IJ 1.1. JtAlAVn1H Mn A A n A V111 H t rft t IOIIOWIIIK luiliiuov. 'nvlntnra rlnfontPM nn SllOmnC -IO THia Wl'IMUBU 111 IUO UOIIIUWD ou Ull "" luu... ,.p ...w.- . -.. ., .. , (1 wnnt you to help Andrew see Westgnte, nnd Hrltlsh relator chased ' wanting." Thla was the first sermon ing sentlnient against a large stand- time of war. thnt Lawrenco is nunmmu m iu ,,(0 lnjdK noroplane1) thirty mllos In tho series on Bin; nno was oaseo. mg army. wav for this.'' .,., .. nr unon the sacrifices men make of fam- The house convened an hour earlier m nn cross oxnmlnntlon by Wines,, , .. ,. ii... Phnrch. Hoclal life and general than usual today, to consider the, 140.000. He admits that he expects, $& Todd stated that he has worked fre-1 -."JJJjS leropianes atUoked Zee- culture. Tonlghi Mr. Mathls will give, measures for Increasing the army. J considerable opposition, desette tttigj quontly for lawrenco. unu ui m nerman submarine baso. " second Berraon on Bin, speasing ana acuvuy is repurwm rui van ,m i- ? - ..--w- .rjv, u.n,ii- n nntnto dleeor from'"'"OB ' . . . . . ,. v. mainim, air nnmmnnrt. ha whnrA tho Cham berlaln bill was: noor or lne nouse uaturaay in rree-j v?,v',:.' onco. Mrs. Kuehne. he "ttcd, JJ mBC tho theme being our duty to introduced simultaneously with the.ldent Wilson has domdktabWW ,d at his place fpr several months Jmbs. JJjr bo-JJJ JlJUtt. . introduction of the Hay bill In the .ltt.jnnJ 111.1 ' virtually the predeat's' bill, and tt-i, War. Secretary Baker. agrsr wHh tbe g hnd him stnvod aftor sho loft tho homestead, and ro turned there when ahe came back. from town two days before tho .""IJgTS.Kft reported ing. Todd Tom Taggert Gets a Job United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, lnd., March 20.- house. Chamberlain's bill, which was re ported In the Senate Saturday, pro fides for a regular army with a max mum strength ot 264,000, a federal- pi esldent In thtt. SfiV -jj $$m& Congressman Mann sirenuoasiy.out -? ..'... ,.. ..H.nn.i thnt the Herman assaulU on Pepper. ,tuwl"4""'' '"'' "1 ZIS Rlllioil n" " """"'""""" I. .iu. i... hann raniilaail fntar. UOVemur huiowju wiuij viu,uu that Mrs. Kuehno nnd her son planned """ b"ombBrdmeBt around Vaux'Tom Taggert. the West Baden Springs lied mllltta of 280,000, and a-federal -jqctea to mm isn, ,rm, ltSfr '"' to go over to tho homeir PdleEnD rb" u o senator to succeed Sen-'reserve force of 261,000. HayVb.lH, wholly Inadequate" Tfi'MtLA j trespass signs and take possession of PJJf" J '," repVrte I i7tfc Ttt -tor Shlvely, . which was simultaneously reported "TOl. m&S!f 1 ......... u vnininnH Mi trln i nonaoing is nmo jiuriu uum v. . w,liaJ nnnnaad tha formation for times of tease. bt?tt?miMain ' i m im asaw mwmwi w a-a- -- - ---. ., . - m ,r . - i , S 'L4 t . r v. .. ...... i. Mnllncourt over to soe Andrew at tno tana nuuBU - on tho homestead Saturday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock by Baying thla son roturned saying Andrew had no dinner, that Mrs. Kuehne wlihed (Coutluued on Page 4) Seventeen aviators attacked con- flans today, ln an effort to cut the Gorman communications, aviators bombarded Meti bombs were dropped over n Mr0 drome at Dleuie. Guild Meeting:. Membera of Grace Episcopal guild i,. Fourteen! IU meo tne Wrry club hall ts (ikd ten I Wednesday afternoon In an Impert ..' ti,. .. ' ant session. The meeting will be- ant session Igln at 2:80. nt tArm raaervaa. t Congressman Kahn, in the house debate, declared for universal train tag. Oardner sought an amendment In favor or, an addition of M0 to the present Coast artillery eerse j v Oclent for Tea Wisfnf C.msW" ', laid Mana-' "ttrWoiM be iK Mhf , cheaper to prepmwfteHy 0 trouble, weh ma eema. jjji, nofcome.' wVtt be MtJaHst t n menes sjm- nssjanv ?Ltt ay-.t''- t 2S?'l -VI fl Jtl 4 4? 'jt -,: 1 cl "il "i m tt i I 5T . V"iTl,' i.- "M V l ' ' iV V l't " C r ,- -