The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 16, 1916, Image 1

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(Pji? iEutfnituj IteraUi
iMtb Vir-N.
I'rlcc, Five Cm
L '
VmIiv Into Court, Case Was Not
Hmi-Mi Until Late ThU After
.owi Hoik- to Have Jury aad Ai
(meat Cumplrted at Special Hw
lloa Tonight
BtlKtlon of Jurors for the irUI of
A. Ernest Lawrence was resumed at
I o'clock this afternoon. Delay on
lb prt of Hpcclal Jtirora In reaching
tht court house caused n poslpone
oiDt from 10 o'clock tlilt morning.
, lo order to sol lit" case uniler way
m iooii a possible a special night
MMlon will be hold this uvcnltiR. ThU
111 be beU for the purpose of getting
tat Jury chosen end the arguments
sua lu readiness for tho taking, of
crldtoM tomorrow morning.
The April Issuo of The. Windlass
time off tho preta today, and Is now
offered for sale at the Donbonlorc.
Underwood' ami tho Star Drug store.
Like toe preceding Issue, It Is filled
with stories and picture exploitive of
KUmath county.
Oovernor Wlthycombe, Stato Klah
tad Unmo Commissioner Charles F.
Stone, County Agriculturist II. Rol
nd Oltlsyer, Manager I.. R. Robert
eon of the Telephono company and
R. L. DeVaney, buyer for Albers
Bros., are among the coatrlbutora to
the April Imuo.
Irwin Opens Campaign
With Heavy Artillery
Hprcla! t Least Wire
Not by staff correspondent, as
woodwork was splintered ,by
LAKI. March 16. John Ir-
!' campaign forces (not the forces
Wrsd with the $3,500) last night be -
. . .
2 . Uck In a most critical;;, fomor Ju(,g0 ,lon80n nnd
wwpalgn In Irwin's defenslvo fight Judg0 KuyKondB, telling of, their
toretaln that much assailed rampart, crookedness, nnd then mired and
tho district attorneyship. Aa a re- i,nslod tho fort with tho statement
lt, Judge Denson and Judge Kuy t,nt u wnn prtrtly owing to such
kendall wore turned Inside out, Bhor- j judges that ho could not secure con
' Low'h ofllco Is a mass of ruins virtions.
'selling to the high heavens, with ' The sheriff's offlce was noxt storm
jw killed off, so far as election ' m& Oro long shrapnel, bombs,
twiiicoa go, and the Evening Herald ! canlstor and nil manner of missies
M Merrill Record well, If the own-! wero crumbling the walls of Low's
a and reporters of these public- platform, causing the sheriff and his
Jloni were not so calloused by their cohorts to retreat to the new vault.
i..w, inoy, too, would have sue- t yet, Low has not surrenderor
cumbed. As It was,, they were man- ju"t tho featuro attack of tho war,
WM, battored, p-ed aBdtransposedt,e intensive bombardment, was dl
y the broadsides of General John. VOCtqd agalit,e,Bvalnk Herald.
.Ki ,meU ot Pw,ir wm Boiiee-'it was trimmed, It was assailed with
' M soon as the candidates were ' broadsides from Battery V, using vl
iled upon for-peeches. Whenever I tuporatlon, venom and vitriol. Shells
lull occurred, John's forces could WOro exploded among its outer ool
JJ heard marching toward tht trlng 'tunns, nd In the gaping ruins, Gen
oil. plonty of cBP,aTt ammu-'oral John pointed out the Perverted
"t!8' I Power of the Press, used In this case
The engagement opened with n'tc- defeat the alms of Justice by
n rence cllmblna- exhibition. Ir -
Jta Uliing the spectators how glad
wm to be present, etc., but before
Big Revivals to
Start Tomorrow
The MothlN-VesNuy evangelistic ser
vices came to u close In Med ford Inst
Sunday evening Tliuy had bean In
progress there for nbom u month and
nri described by the MlnlHtorlal
Union of thru city an n great hiicccss.
It Is said thai tlm illy of .Mud ford and
Evangell! Mntliln
tho Itnc'ii) Itlver valley are richer for
tho coming of .Mr. MntlilH and his
parly, mid thai li iippe-im that every
body there wishes to bo counted n a
friend of Frank Mntliln, Tho party
Is matured f n wnrm welcome any
time they wish to return.
Mr. MathlH and Mr. and Mrs. Ves
soy arrived In this city yesterday,
nnd are superintending the erection
of the choir loft and tho Installation
of the platform nnd sonts In tho pa
vilion. All will bo In readiness for
tho first music rehearsal In tho pa
vilion at 7:30 tonight, at which nil
singers nro Invited to bo present.
Tho first service of tho scries will
bo hold Hero tomorrow evening. Come
and hear I ho big chorus. Everybody
Invited. Seats for all.
Motorcyclists in
Endurance Run
The Klamath Motorcycle Club met
in Its now quarters at tho Hunk Kx-
rhaiiKo building last night, at which
limit tenutlvu plans wore msdo for
tho annual Klamath county endur
ance run. I.. H. Decker, Charles
FaiiKht and Claude B. Coon wcro
named n committee to tako chargo of
tho arrangements for tho run, which
will bo held early In April.
tho usual formalities had been de-
t.. i .v.- .nmMa nt riUtnnt Klin-
iva.r..i. inn . -.. - ..----
i. ... hit Itnnrit.
IIM6 . " -
. ...... . n Im. ntlnpkeil was
Tho first fort to
.the circuit court. In this there wore infnntrv movements, but soon
'the big guns began to thunder, and
t words aluled nnd scalded tho, sir,
' ,. irwin d reeled his howitzers
i.iu.nin th minds of every pros-
(Continued on page 4)
iii:mi:vi:i tiiih means a new
I'lulillnn Cotitlmitw Hot nnd Hivty
.ioiiiiiI Verdun, Willi One Army I
(altiliiR at One Point and the Other
Torre AiltniiiinR at Another Jer
iiii.ns Arc ,mo Active In Yowicc
lt a'"" Onrc More
I lilted Pro Keivlre
itKRI.IN, March 10. Orand Ad-
mlinlvon Tlrpltz today resigned his
position an head of the Cierman navy.
TIiIh resignation has been expected
fir fiumc time, as there has been fric
tion between von Tlrpltz and Chan?
cellor llethmnnn llollwcgg, as well
iih with Foreign Minister von Jagow,
principally on the questions of sub
marining and the American policy.
A semi-official news agency says
many bolleve the resignation Is con
nected with tho kaiser's determina
tion not to extend the submarine Ac
tivity beyond the limits announced
lo neutrals before tho recent armed
merchantman decree, nnd not to di
rect submarine warfare ugalnst neu
tral ships.
uttcd Press Service
WASHINGTON. March 16. It is
believed Hint tho resignation of Grand!
Admiral von Tlrpltz removes me cuiei
obstaclo to the adjustment of German
American relationships. It Is also
regarded as n triumph for Amerlcnn
t lilted I'rens Service
PARIS, March 10. It is announc
ed that the French stormed German
trenches oast of Apromont nnd In the
forest south of Verdun last night, cap
turing many. There are no Infantry
attneks north of Verdun,
Bombardment continues along both
sldos of tho Mouse. The French yes
terday shelled German trenchea at
l,n Place. In Relglum, with deadly
Tho Germnns mado unsuccessful at
tacks on French positions near but
Hnupt In tho Vosge region.
Ry counter attacks Tuesday, tho
French captured several trenchea on
Hill 2CG, northeast of Verdun. The
French still hold Rethlncourt, Dead
Man's Mill and Cumleres Wood, des
pltn most determined German of
fensive. t uiiiil Press Service
RI2RLIN, March 16. It Is official
Iv announced that tho fllleMan regi
ments have made further advances
southeast of 1'eihlucourt, capturing
102G prisoner. Four Frcuch attacks
n..nini.t tho wtut bank of the Muese
hnve been repuUed,
r.itip.t Pre Srrvtc
ROME, March 16. Dispatches say
Austria has declared war on Portu
gal. Tho Austrian minister haa been
recalled from Lisbon, and Vienna has
given passports to the Portugese, of
flrlnls thoro.
Battleship Ordered
to Mexican Waters
Pulled Press service
WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 16.
Tho battleship Kentucky, now at New
Orleans, has been ordered to Vera
rn immediately." Secretary. Daniels
gays he wants a vessel with powerful
wireless apparatus stnttoneu in
lean waters.
Tho transport Haucock and battle
ship Minnesota are scheduled to sail
southward Saturday from Philadel
phia. All shore leaves have been can
celled, and the vessels are hurriedly
preparing for the trip.
Map of Territory
Gen. Villa
wmuggs- 'J JJsV.g-'-' I
Wt 3B jf'!'KW?iB'SkPBBr Baa
J jr.Bfiywp I
X jMtW" LwcdN
0;NE WI&V1 co
Z J COLUMBUS Nj-.-y...
i i lTVfXAS
kfiftRtZftL I I
?' L L
- - '-TnriSTJt.(
,r -. Hfc. i i a
MH cHiHUfWUflm
Panclio Villa
This map shows the territory sur rounding Columbus. N.- M.. where
Villa bandits attacked Americans and killed a score or more of them. The
upper photograph shows American s oldlers crossing the Rio Grande near
El Paso In the hunt 'for greaser ban dits. The lower photograph. Is that
of Pnncho Villa, believed to have been the leader In the attack.
ijiai nleht's attendance at Hous-f
ton's opera houso to witness the Mer
chants Carnival company present the
great Eastern success, "The Easiest
Way," a story of the underworld, was
larger than any of the three previous
Miss Donnle Bernard, the leading
lady, played tho exceptionally difficult
role of tho woman ot the underworld
In true nature. The other parts were
also well taken. 'v
Tonight Mlsa uernara win oe seen
a . ... l
Peg In tho company s leature piay,
"Peg 'o My Heart." her best wore
being dlnlect part, and as the quaint
little Irish girl she keeps the audi-
ence In roars of laughter. Judging J
from the advance sale, seats jwlll bej
at a premium tonight.
New Use for Ford.
,jEd Pope has discovered a new use
foAhe Ford and Is successfully us
ing his roachino tor the extermina
tion of ground squirrels near the Lost
River dam. By altaehing about 100
feet of hose be uses tie exhaust from
the engine in killing the Huirral tn
their holes. He says it to easier, aad
more successful than polaoa
Raided Columbus
The latest offer for coarse wool for
spring delivery Is 25 cents a pound.
This has been made to several sheep
men by Andrew H. Mclnnes, a Red
Bluff wool buyer, who left this morn
ing after visiting sheepmen here and
around Merrill.
"Twenty-three nnd 25 cents has
been offered and paid for coarse wool
this yoar, with a prospect ot a better
figure later, said Mclnnes. "I have
loffered several local sheepmen 25
cAntn for rnnrs wool, but have not
----- --- .
oontraoted any aB yet
j Mcinne8 hag contracted one lot of
fln6 woo, Rt 22H cenU ThU ,B at
,,, over lBit year.8 figures,
Chop nehearaal Tonight.
... . .. .v.ii.h
. mtln nd . who , t0 Dl.y .-
the orchestra are requested to meet
at 7:30 at the pavilion tonight. Mr.
and Mrs, Veesey will be present and
the first rehearsal will be conducted.
This Time, Ire Cream
An loe cream social will be held
Saturday at Mills Addition hall. Many.
of the candidates, as well as a crowd
ot Klamath Falls people, are expected
to be in attendance.
Carranzistas and
U.S. Troops Work
Together in Hunt
I'nlled I'ress Service
SAN ANTONIO, March 16. Gen
eral Funston today officially announc
ed that American troops had entered
Mexico below Columbus at noon yes
terday. He said the Carranzistas
made no resistance, as was reported.
United Press Service
WASHINGTON March 16. A race
Is on between the Carranzlata and
American forces to see which will
capture Villa. Caaas Grandee will
probably, be the scene of battle with
Villa troops.
Fifteen hundred more Americans
are believed to have started, or to be
ready to start south today from near
The situation opposite Douglas Is
regarded as serious. Whether there
will be clashes there with Carran
zistas depends upon the control ex
ercised by the Mexican officers.
It is understood that General Persh-
lng's forces and the Carranzlst troops '
are working in full co-operation. i
''lilted Press Service j
SAN ANTONIO, March 16. Gen-1
eral Funston. today announced that!
General Pershing had reported, out-,
lining the forces he commands, and
h! disposition of these troops. Fun-!
ton refused to make this public today.
It is reported that forcesrsaany
limes" larger than those under Persh
ing are soon to be Involved In the
Mexican campaign.
United Press Service
EL PASO, March 16. The main
division of the American expedition
camped last night In the vicinity of
Palomas Lake, nine miles from the
border. It is reported as advancing
again today.
General Siocum's cavalrymen yes
terday crossed the Chihuahua desert,
following Villa's line of retreat from
Columbus. Dead and wounded VII-
listas mark the way.
Colonel Dodd's troopers from Cul-
bertson's ranch expect to rush to the
aid ot the Mormon colony at Chi-
tlhata. The movements of troops are
being kept hidden behind the most
effective censorship In the country's
Despite the rumors of threatened
rebellions, Carranza officials all an
nounce that all men have been or
dered to co-operate In the hunt for
Troops going south from Columbus
will reach Guzman tonight or In the
Warrants for
Shippington Acceptable
If the city issues warrants up te:
$20,000 for the construction ot a
ood road to Shippington, Pelican
City and Upper Klamath Lake, these
warrants can be sold at par. This
report was made last night by the
ways and means committee named at
a previous .meeting of those Interest
ed In the proposed highway Improve
ment. Last night's meeting at the city
ball was also well attended, and all
present showed an active Interest in
the Important work under considera
tion. Several different plans were
advanced, and many good sugges
tions were made.
Members ot the ways and means
committee are Ed Martin, W. O. Lan
don, J, A. Gordon, President J. W.
Siemens of the Commercial Club and
President W, J, Roberts of the Busi
ness Men's Association. They are
also to make an Investigation of va
rious kinds ot road constmeUM,aBd
submit data regarding these at
morning. American colonists at Na
cozarl and Torreon are fleeing toward
the border.
Unconfirmed reports of travelers
yesterday that Americans and Car
ranzistas had clashed below Colum
bus have proven unfounded.
The militia of Texas, Arizona and
New Mexico may soon bo ordered to
the border by the war department,
according to reliable statements frost
Fort Sam Houston. The call stay
come before the end of the week, the
troops being stationed for the pro
tection of Brownsville, Laredo, Dove
las, Tucson, Blsbee and otber bor
der towns.
United Press Service
DOUGLAS March 16 Eight troops
of the First Cavalry have been placed
on the border, facing Agua Prleta.
There is much excitement here and
In tho Mexican town.
American troops at Naco, Arlsona,
are reported digging trenches. Cen
sorship is expected here soon.
WASHINGTON, D. C. March 16.
Lands of the Oregon ft California
land grant will not be thrown Into
forest reserves. This can be safely
predicted from a canvass of the house
committee on public lands at the
close of the hearings.
The committee will take up the
Chamberlain-Ferris bill today for
consideration by sections in secret
session, aided by representatives of
the departments of Justice and Inter
ior. The lines of the Chamberlain
bill, with suggestions made by the
attorney general, will be followed,
but the amount tor Oregon schools
and roads is in doubt.
S. W. Williams of the department
of Justice was the final witness.
Speaking as an Individual, he opposed
any limitation on the time for cutting
the timber. He suggested that the
limit of the timber allowed on land
allowed as agricultural be' raised
from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 feet. He.
opposed the plan of the forest service,
pointing out that at the present, rate
of sale from forest reserves, twenty
years will be required to .secure
enough money to pay the taxes on
land from the timber sales.
Highway to'
another meeting to be held April IS,
when the matter of deciding upon th
type of Improvement will be up for
At the last meeting, Judge Leavitt
suggested the building of the road
by the city, payment being made la .
three warrants, redeemable one year,
two years and three years front the
time of Issue. The ways aad means
committee has since then taken up
the matter ot disposing of suoh war-
nrnfa ' ft
Now thai a market fer the wavr
rants baa been found, walea laeares ,-, .1
liruutyi. ymjwn ww. w - &
Steps will e uiaen www niw g
the plan into execution.- AeisMrttffgiy.
tAA Minkistin of j. HOaTrett.:Perar''. H
Evans and J. E. Swansdi,- iilMi(rVj '
view all of the Iawyer,l-Itlasalv'K. ,
Falls on the legality of thai
and If decisions are.favofaMe.
will be started Uwert.aertslaJK
question ot ftijminf mm W it
y r.' 1 '