?i i r M v ., "tjt$K t, Cj i-rr Sty? Itintna Iterate "nfll?; KLAMATH FALLS', . aUATH COUNTY'S 'U-,v OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fr OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER '&; Price, Fife Cents pHi Year " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1916 CARRANZISTAS WOULD ACT ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNf Bandit Villa Sends Body of Armed Men to Exterminate Mormon Colonists jUiAnrWVMV'i" ----- . - 1 , -yy MEXICANS HOPE TO HAVE VILLA lrWWrVMWWMA'WMMMVW a VVMVWM'VS WITHIN A WEEK gOOVTC AKK NOW ON TBAIL OP UANUIT , (brraau Forces Arc Already' la the yield In an Egort to Apprehend tlu Noted Outlaw and Bring an End to HI Guerilla Warfare Mexico CKy ConJIdeat That The la No Danger of a Break nn.nnnnnm in PIV 1110(100 IDE Old General Who Defends Verdun UtBdUKullir Id OIA dUHUI0 -ni. ESTABLISHED ON CHOSEN TO HEAR BORDER BY U.S. LAWRENCE TRIAL I'nltsd I'rsss Service feL PASO, March M. Ooneral Qutlww, Corransa's commander In Nertbtrn Mexico, today made the fol lowing statement: The Csrrauilsttu will have Villa t prlwDtr before the end of the week W an take care of him. . ."We are now In touch with Villa. Hv scouts will fool him until all rolnnns can participate. "Villa baa only a amall retinue of dbwenU. We will'draw a ring com. pletety around him. General Ca tuoi will move from the aouth; Orntral Hcrrera will cloao In on Vlltn frdir the eiut: General Onria from the wut, and 1 wll command the column from the north. "We will shortly evacuate Palomnn We live ordered 8,000 troops .con minted near the towna where tho VlllitUi are." Outelrres further forecasted an at Umpt by Carranxa to prevent Amer ican troops from entering Mexico. Carrantlsta'relnforcoments are on route overland from Ousman. This Moxlcan faction la more active la Northern Mexico now than It has been for several months. rKit,, -- - - Jt ,M feir'.:r fl&si- Jtt V 'V WM M& mm mmt jtm ;?$?V Kl ' Yl-HKtm "Tj. Gewrnl Petnln General I'otnln Is In command of tho defending force nl vermin. Hitherto tlio coinmuiidlnR general's iiuroo him beon kept n secret. Ho dln- tltiKiilnlied himself In the retreat from Clmr)nrol In AugUHt, 191 . and bo- ciimt In rapid succession ornrauiur general, general of a division, general of an army corps mid general of an nrniy, General I'elnlu Is In his 00th year, nnd In extremely nctlvo. It In tnld tlHft ho hna spent tlio last ton days watching tho battle ubout Ver dun from tho seat of tin armored mo tor car. t. fiJTrfl , M I -' " - --yjWf lafl iTKOOPS STILL UKIXO MOUILIZKDj THERE I Troop Look for Adtance Order by Tliurwlay General I'enhlng Xow at Columbns, .Making Arrange- inejiU for the Start of Expedition. 1 Kl Ioao Thinks All of Regular Army Will Be on the Lime i I.LFENSE WILL USE SELF DE FEXSE BASIB Up Until 3:30 Thi Afternoon, Onl One Peremptory Had Bees Used. Several Men Excused by Com Af ter They Stated They Had Fixed Opinions Regarding the Case Ac cepted Talesmen Are Under Guard United Preas Service WASHINGTON, March 14. Secretary Baker this afternoon asked congress to Increase the ' army by nearly 20,000. to make the total 100,000. ' United l'rsi Service MEXICO CITY, March ). All augtr of a break ha pasted, say mb ef tho nowspapera today. Many bslltve these article were Inspired. Kltmath Falls to Have . a Municipal "Jitney" A municipal "Jit" Is noon to be PWt of the clty'a equipment, as the council last night Instructed tho po lice committee to look Into tho mat 'tvr of securing a conveyance for the of tho oollce. and for othor municipal needs. c LOCAL DEBATERS! MEET JEFFERSON AH CHAMPIONS OF SOUTHERN OR EGON, THEY GO TO DEBATE IS-i SUE WITH WILLAMETTE DIS TRICT WINNERS i bale will bo woll along toward tho finals for tho stnto championship. Tho local debaters will moot Jef Now that they have won tho chain-. for8on high school March 25. Should ...-,.,. .....nrnOroitonDls-iW win from Jefferson, they will Mui.Bi.ii.wi w.v ---- - , affirmative of the trlct of tho Oregon High School "HjStlme against the North hating league, Charles M. Door and , j h)gU Bcnooli champion of tho Emma Honxlk, tho Klamath County J CoOK Bny district. lilKli School dobaters, aro w raeei IjefferBOii High School, winner of tho Wlllamelto Vnlloy District, for nn In ....tuirlct contest. This will bo hold at Jefferson In a short tlrno. . Tho local dobaters will again havo tho affirmative sldo of tho question,) which concerns tho adoption by tho. iti.,i ntntn nf the essentials of tho .Swiss systom of military training. The winner of tho Klamnth-Jelterson de- By H. D. JACOBS (United Preas Staff Correspondent) COLUMBUS, N. M., -March 14 General J. J. Pershing arrived this morning and has started organizing for the Villa hunt. Colonel Slocum, commander of the .Thirteenth Caval ry, will command tho cavalry ori- rado, which will probably be tho prin cipal part of the expedition. PcrshlnE has arranged for a con ference with General Bertanl regard ing tho mobilization of Carranxa forces at Palomas, In line with the contemplated pursuit of Villa. The Renernl belief Is that the or der to advance will come Thursday. Engineers nnd aviators with six aero planes "are reported on the way here. The army has detailed officers to Rcruttnlzo all messages correspond ents nro filing at the local offices. As n result, tho correspondents have been telephoning their stories to El Paso, but lato today the censorship was extended to cover all. mall, ex press, telephone and telegraph business. iCITY MAY HAVE A MARKET PLOT ? Another Mexican War Threatened in Congress REOOMMEDNDATION IS MADE BY COMMITTEE THAT GROUND BACK OF CITY HALL BE USED FOR FARMERS' NEEDS ' t I United PieMgervIre WABHINOTON, March 14. While tbt latest move of the Carramlst gov rnucnt to cause a postponement of lot American expedition Into Mex ico may bring about complications, Pmident Wilson alio faoea war from IgOther n.iartM nlila mvaII hv Mreas, over the Mexican policy of " anntnutratlon. Tae senate it expected to severely criticise the (government's agreement ttft Carranxa, whereby the Mexican wUsr'a troops are to be allowed to "OM the line lato the Valted States Pursuit, of basalts or revolution ists. Some say this weans Mexican factions would do a great deal oi ,i.i. fitiinv in the United States, to the danger of American llfo and property, . Tho principal grievance, though, Is uuld to be tho fact that Wlliou en tered Into this agreemont with Car ... without consulting congress. Sorao opponents fear that the agree ment will result as nanoiw n.nu,- adlng as Carranslstas in Ari, thus carrying on their depredations with apparently some degree of li cense. MM , . Delay In sending the expedition In to Mexico Is also causing criticism. Tho orectloa of hitching racks along tho north eldo of Klamath av- i..nir nf n.o courthouse, was last night sanctioned by tho council. The Klamath Commercial Club and tho Buslnoss Men's Association ,...i.. noi,n,i to bo allowed to erect Iron racks along this strip, and the ttreot committee's ropon wu ..- lowed by tho granting or Periu.-. The Btroet commlttoo in Us re ort nUo stated that then Is a . ault nhio place In tho rear of the city hall property for hitching racks, and also ;t ' -. mnrket nlnce. for the ben- t of the ranchers. The committee. rccommonded the erection of Iron hitching racks on this property, the gravelling of the lot. No action was taken by the council. i Womeu members of the Maccabees 'number over J00.000. United Press Service EL PASO, March 14. It 1b be iinvn that practically all of the reg ular n,rmy will be either on the bor-' der or In pursuit oi vuia wnuin fortnight. Before night there will be fully 15,000 men mobilized. Tho railroads and light ana water nint lmre nro being-guarded. The quartermaster corps Is working day and night sending supplies io mo a rlous camps. LOCAL FIRM'S HORSES 60NE KLAMATH MEAT COMPANY LOSES THREE HEAD OF HORSES FROM ITS STABIiB, AND NO TRACE OF THEM IB FOUND At 3:30 this afternoon, the follow. Ine had been accepted as Jurors to determine the guilt or Innocence of A. Ernest Lawrence: S. P. Short, rancher, Oteae. Frank Denton, rancher. Fort Klam ath. L. W. Copeland Stockman, Fort Klamath. T. R. Patterson, rancher. Swan. Chan. Poindexter, rancher, Klam ath. Falls. B; H. Van Sickle, i cher,-Swaav Charles I. Roberts, Ai a. wooey, Ed Bloomlngcamp, F. W. Broadsword and A'W. Southland were excused hv tho court. All of these stated they .tiad flxed opinions regarding the guilt or innocence of Lawrence. J. H. Hesslg was excused by the defense. The prospective Jurors ore kept un der surveillance, Sam walker ana Wm. Hall being appointed special hnUiffs. C. M. Onelll Is examining the pros- npetlvo talesmen for the state. W. H, A Renner and W. St. J. Wines, de fendant's counsel, are both Interrogat- tnr these men. The questions pro- nminrteri hv the defense concern the attitude of the talesmen regarding tho right of the Individual to aerena his life, or the Hf of his family or guests against attack, even if it be necessary to take life, and th right n rnnnl force with force. Lawrence Is on trial for the killing nf mm. Alma Kuehne. In Dodd Hol- tnw December 20." He was indicted vilth Mr.nd Mrs. Guy Hunter, who were recenHy freed by the dismissal of the indictments against them, fol lowing Prosecuting Attorney Irwin's unwillingness- to 'try uiem oeio Iiwrence's trial. Lawrence Is still somewhat weak from his recent Illness,- but he takes an active Interest in the questioning of the Jurors. To a Herald repre Kontative he expressed himself as highly pleased with the class of men nmimnelled as prospective Jurymen, and commented favorably upon tneir franknessln stating their disqualifi cation if they had fixed opinions. 'With such fair minded men as Jurors, both sides can rest assured of a fair and impartial trial," said Lawrence, "and this Is all I want. BANDIT SWEARS TO KILL U. S. CITIZENS, IS REPORT BROUGH IN BY DESERTER United Press Service v EL PASO, March J 4. A deserter from Villa's forces reaching bet today reports that Villa's men are marching against the colony of Asaetiv can Monnqns. These men have orders, to kill off every one of the ' colonists. Villa, according to the deserter, was enraged when he heard a. reetert that the 3Iormons planned to .act os guides for the American saiMnrf t expedition. He then swore to kill all Americans, men, women and child ren, he should find. ' . t An order was then given for 'the extermination of the entire Mormon colony. - The deserter denies the slory that Carranzaist troops are snrroaneV " ing ViUa. Instead, he says, VUU-has reached Casas Grandee, and has demanded the surrender of ..the-Carraniista troops as weH as the Assert- can colonists there. ' Many bridges along the Mexican Northwestern railway have been fawn ed by order of Villa. , It is reported that General Carranz has requested the United States to delay the start of the American expedition into Mexico for. a .ott- nlght. General Gutierres refused to discuss this report. $3 TRENCH DREDGE TO BE BOUGH A trenching machine for use In ex- . i the smaller drainage ditches atta imuph lower cost than the 'two large. dredges; and more quickly than they . could be dug by men and teams. The reclamation service ls'also la the market 'for eight horses, to be used In hauling, etc. The horses are , I IU IW IA UU W 3 m w, w . J weighing from J.10Q to 1.30Q pounds. T cavatlng the smaller drains on the; Thirty-two girls at Barnard College first unit of the project is to be pur- recently beat a similar group of men chased by the reclamation seprlce. at the New York University In a war This will allow tne construction oiiest - J '- . Vf FormerKlamathAttorney Is Now Under Indictment ff mL . i.. r.iifnnioi Nw. KiAtinnl that hn nald detectives 1400 Advocate prints the following story for gathering data about her husband, -I of the indictment of H. S. Crane, who and later on she learned that he na j was engaged In the practice oi law ilea, to nor ana oy bucu iuw bv- . In Klamath Falls several years age: 'monts persuaded her to pay over the ., Following an Investigation cover-' money to protect her name from slatt ing several weeks, the grand Jury of der. which ho said her husband was this county on Monday last, at 2 going to charge against her. o'clock d. m.. returned an lnaictmem: Auer aim. ..oyi.v . . - WESTERN FUEL OFFICIALS HELD Three horses belonging to the Klamath Meat company have been mlrslng since Sunday. So far, no trace of them hsj been found, -. They were at the company's stable In this city, and had been let out into n,A corral, the gate to which was in.ved at the time. Later the gate was found opes, asd the horses were missing. story to the grand Jury and that body bad probed the matter thor-! oughiy ana examinea numeroua wmr,,k-a nessea who gave most sensational A. lmnn.. n JYITAV1 nftAf PraflA ktfli " .. 1 LI. l,nAaAa fta4 ttAAM IIAb roil uu ...n iiiwkwm w - ;i fore the Jury and given their tettt- 1 mony behind closed doors, the jary promptly indicted Crane. There are numerous rumors about. the streets concerning Crane to the,; effect that he Is the same Crane Who against one H. Stanley Crane of thel law firm of Light & Crane ot tnis city. Three counts are contained in tne indictment grand larceny, obtain ing money by false pretenses and em bezzlement. Attorney Crane was a member of the law firm of Light & Crane with nfflcM tn the Halo building on Main street. He was Immediately placed .. ... b oftoi tliA hnnn had uuua. uiinov - -- i -- ,iC . -a. ma avai. . ami innimftt, riifTAPAnr nitmH ana una custody of the sheriff's office and se- such ns "H. S. Crane. ' Herbertii.- ,ii nBM Wnif. E. L. Wrlsht and Crane." etc., had been laTOlTMttsW -. san FRANCISCO. March 14. The Federal circuit court of appeals late yosterday sustained the decision ot Federal District Juage uoouug cuu vlctlng officials ot the Western Fuel company on charge of defrauding the government by false weighing or coai. a. & result. Frederick Mills, James cl.u .-J ?AmrA UaVP SSUSt SSTVe I DU1IIU tun i - - the prison senteacss tmpoeea ey I nnAllnv cured David Wolf. E. L. Wright and Dr. Cashatt as his bondsmen and has been at large ever since. The Indictment grows out of a dl vorce case In which Mrs. Kleppel went to Light ft Crane for legal ad vice and not finding Mr. Light ot the Arm In his office, she dealt, with At torney Crane, who Is alleged to have told her that as her husband had con siderable property It would cost her nothing; but later on Mrs. Kleppel ... inituead br Crane to pay him the sum ot I486 (165.00 as divorce fees ai 400 as alleged detective comsj Crane Is alleged to hare told Mrs r.nAstlnnahle affairs In JOPllB, sour!, nnd other plsces tat uwwsjbjj a..,.. 0-.1 hn hla raAiird aa aa'ai-:.'- torney was questionable 1 miWesmt cases, and that bis preeew,feBiaisie it mnnt i hut ono of many saaor traaa - actions and charges that isJlklt brought against aim; ihwi a uM that tf but one-hundredth mH4t' .. .. -.l.VjAta."lv1 tue aiiegaiions .w ' "r this and other sutef wew WW the cr!raliMrt,iawa"4eftare 'M t.im. he wouirnroWiWy hat the balaaeeHfl.'hie atel W-' u.,iiv.vi.' .. : swne immimmsHmr? i-vi.,v !&, 'W. M 1 ',-t-o ,' K v 1. V. t'.H ..?.' V