- " yLA -w V1 Strati Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAK NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER y'f KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 Price, Five Oenla en? nn h Vmr-No. 18,080 All Is Re ady for Move Mexico CARRANZA GIVES CONSENT TO THE U. S. EXPEDITION m mm m . .- -- . . . ARTILLFRY ROARS ALONG THE WEST FRONT III EUROPE civ US?1 ftillnl I'le-sHi't'lr" WASHINGTON. I). 0.. Mnrcli 13. Setrelary UnsliiK iiiinouticotl Into thin itteraoon (lint the government lins Mtbtd an nEit'viiiuiit with Currniuu rfftrdlw Unltul Mule troops ontor U Mexico In Ncnrcli or Villa, with it reciprocal provision for the Cunuiuii forcei. later, biiinliit; made it ittnlutnutil formally aHiurliiK tho Mexican pooplo tint American nctlvltlne are not for Ihe purpose of Intervening In Mexico, but on lil bo Htrlctly confined lo the ' tipture of Vltln Thre was n hot debnto today In Itliftinlc over tlio president's policy. ItularCtiftiuberlnlii, hold of the son it military committee, predicted that 10,000 Mexicans would nupport Villa. Preeldeat Wilson believes ho enn net without awaiting action by tho sen-' H. ORclaU are tim-iay, however, re-, ft'dlnt the ftliiirttlon In Moxlco. It Ik fared that Villa wilt spread reports' imonr. the uneducntcd Mexlcnnu to' the effect tlmt tho expedition by the1 United States U otio of conquest and tttreiilon, and will thereby rally tho Uexlcaoi to Ms defenne. Secretary of War linker Insists tlmt ! hedo not plan upon calling out tho Bllltli. Army omcore, however, admit thMiuch action may be necessary. Owlni to the Rcnrclty of regulars,! KilLnnni n. .-..i... a I "Hiuuniiiuii iiiiu Tuiuuieurn Mr b called out to gunrd the border. NEW ASSAULT8 ARE EXPECTED AT VEHDUN I. illlo Inland) Arthit) Notiil Vtor tin) French tlitlni the Cn4urit of titer Tvto IliimlroO VnrtU of Treticli in Cnrine I'ormt Iiiiciihu Artil lery llomlmitlmml In Going on All AIoiik ''" 1'lnu. I iiitnl l'n'(.s Sort lri LONDON, Mnrch 13 Tremendous nrtlllory botuhurdmeul rugea all nlong the lino to the northeast and south east of Verdun. Iloth cotnmunliitiuH nutu thin, uud both Fronch and Herman ndvtcoa Indi cate preparations for now usauults at different points. Tho Kronen are eon lldont or saving Verdun lulled Press Rervlro MEXICO CITY, Mnrch 13. Prcal nt Carranza linn Hiiinmoned the cab inet members to moot at Quoratrlo No tetlon will bo takon until Secre tory Lamlne's reply to the reciprocity propocal has been received. It li believed hero that the crisis HI toon pais, jt l U-il I'tt'-n ! tin- I'AKIS, Mnrch 13. ll la announced that tho French Imvo captured ovor 200 inrdH of trenches In tho Cannes forest, taking llfty prisoners. An InteiiNo bombardment Is In prog ress In tho regions of Dntmumont, Ilothluchlrt, Woovio ud tho Lu ptorlo forest, but there havo boon no In fantry attacks north of Verdun I'slted Praia Rervlco 8ANDIE0O, March 13. AH naval "Mela in the harbor ore coallni to 4)r. na ln other wnys gottlng In fMdlnen for sorvlco. It Is roportod U the gunboat Annupolls loavoa for "?outh tomorrow. nr troops f tho First Cnvalry. "t oned at tho exposition, left today f the border. Artillery so lnrgo and powerful that It will bo poislblo to bombard Eng land from tho continent Is tho certain product of tho near futuro, according to Professor Fritz ItniiHCuborKor, co dlroctor of tho Krupp yorka and In vontor of tho famous 12-contlmetor guns. Tho Phlllppluo bill, Including tbo Clark nmondmont ns passed by tho sonnto, providing for Independence any tlmo between two and four years In tho president's discretion, was fa vorably roportod by house Insular af fairs committee. Trial of A. E. Lawf ence Begins in Circuit Court iiinannsgas 1 mmMffxmi Twelve Thousand re Ready to Over Line Men A Cross SLIHGSBY CIO S DECLARED 10 BE GHANGLIN6 Hy H. 1). JACOBS Press Stafl Correspondent) . ZZZjiS3r,.JS!33&. I 'H to I lulit Itenr Admiral .In--pli Stiutiss, t-hk-f of tho tnirvmi ir oriliiiinc ; Itoar Athninil W. S. Ucnsoii, bureau of imiiil iiperntioiis; Captain Hhllry .Mcl.csui, judge ndroc.tle Kcncml; Civil Engineer A. Ij. l'ai-sons, liuieau of jmtU mid ilockw; AHNlslnnt Secretary of the Xnvy FrnnkUn I. Roosevelt; Paynmster General Samuel Me Cottuii; Secretary of tlie Xm jr .Tosephus Dnnicls; Commamler 1). W. AVnrtsbaugh, aide to thcrseci'ctar-; Itenr Admiral 1). W. Taylor, chief bureau of construction and repairs; Itear Adiuli-tl 15. S. GriWn, bureau of steam cncltKvritiK; Hear Admiral Vlt tor lllue, bureau of iinigittlun, and Surgeon General V. C. Uralstetl, tiiirejiu of Mcdirino and Surgery. These nival olllclulh mcot weekly lu wlnt Is knern ns the council of the secretary of the navy, to consider i.iunl plans. All of them except tho secretary and assistant, Mr. Hoosovelt.havo technical education and training. GOING TO RAISE HERDOFOURHAMSl? L. S. TLUWILLIGKK GIVi: HIS ATTKXTION TO HAIS IXG OF 1'IXK llliOODCD STOCK CATTI.U tho fleet, "Infanu" who havo plunged their notes into the sea without cwe mony or publicity Tho shipyards from whence they came are turning out sister ships as. fust ns men can put metal together. I No time Is being wasted veneering the, officers' cabins In mahogany or to put-i ting thu painter's touch on the hull I CLOTHING NEEDED FOR CLUB WORK IF.CIi:s TO and aupcnstructme craft nro Just plain ugly, but they These newest I ALL GARMENTS HERETOFORE ombody all tho latest kinds of effi ciency for which naval constructors havo the expcrlenco of tho war to thank. The make-up of theso fleet "babies"; nothcr Klamath county rancher must remain a mystery until after tho I war. In tie meantime tney are tno. secret pride of tho Urltlsh navy. DE- I GIVEN PHILANTHROPIC ! PAITOIEXT HAVE IJEEN DIS- TRIUUTED TO NEEDY PEOPLE EERA who has decided to spoclnltzo ln tho breeding or thoroughbred cattlo Is K. S. Terwllllger of Merrill Ho will dovoto his attention to raising blooded Durhums. Terwllllger has Just sold COO head of lino beef cnttlo to J. C. Mitchell. Theso cattlo havo been feeding ln tho Shasta Valloy, and It is Mitchell's in tention to ship tho stock to his ranch h at Willows, Colusa county, California. i This salo prnctlcally cleaned up alt . LITTLE of Tcrwllllger's cattlo with tho ox- ceptlon of his sixty head of uurnams, one of tho finest herds of this variety to bo found anywhere. L UNDERGO OPERATIONS E NEW SHIPS FOR BRITISH FLFET Hao you any clothing you are willing to give to persons in need? If so, pleaso leave this at tho li brary, and you will thereby earn tho everlasting gratitudo of tho Woman's Library Club. Its philanthropic de partment is unablo to fill any more requests for clothing owing to a lack of garments. Last fall and winter, many people responded to tho call. As a result, many men, women and children were warmly clad through the winter. This stock has all been given out, and more is needed. Now that summer approaches, and j warm weather rniumout Is soon to be .donned, this should bo an excellont Mrs Llzzlo M Fitch underweut a time to take an Inventory of last serious major operation at the hands jtiru uuus w ucimui.no ui tun uo of Drs. Johnson aud Cathey today, (United EL PASO, Tex., March 13. Tho expedition to enter Mexico in search 'of Villa is 3tlll awaiting the order to start. Infantry, cavalry and engin eers are bains rushed to different ' points on the border in special trains. It is expectfed hero that tho Invasion will start Tuesday. General Funstoa's inGH EXGLISH COURT REVERSES determination to bo fully piepared for RULING any eventuality may, however, force a further delay. i It Is reported that CarranzUta ofll- jSnn Francisco Woman's Four Year cers have been having difficulty ln j Fight to Obtain a Portion of British restraining some mutinous soldiers. j who seek to Join Villa, feeling the Estate for Child is Lost Her Story Lnlted States seek, to capture Mexico. Six Americans arriving from Chihua hua say Carranzatfflcers there threat?" en to hang all "gringoes." There is apprehension here lest i the deplotion of the local garrison en- 'courages Mexicans to attack El Paso. L'nlted Pi ess Service !As a re3U,t many AmerIcaDi nave farmed. LONDON. March 13-Teddy Slings- j A tomm Carranza offlcla, prealcU by, the 5-year-old baby who has been that nil Mexico will oppose an Amer niuch ln tho limelight owing to the lean invasion. It is feared by some suit over his antecedents, was de- that if Carranza makes an agreement clared a "changltng" today by tho with Washington regarding crossing court of appeals. 'the line for bandits, he will be unable This tribunal reversed tho lower to control his Ignorant soldiers, court. It ruled that tho child is not Twelve thousand American troops the legitimate offspring of Lieutenant 'arc being mobilized. It is expected Charles Sllngsby and his wife, a San that tho first American invaders will Francisco woman; but was a child detrain at Guzman, and the second de substituted in tho hope of gaining attachment further south, share of the vast SUngsby estate. . Washington officials have notified Tbo child's mother has been fight-, Carranza Consul Gaviar here that the ITF.MS COXCERXIXG PA- TIEXTS IX HOSPITAL MRS L, M. FITCH UNDERGOES AX OP ERATIOX TODAY ffW Of A. l!rn.. I IPeh 'omciivo vu u W f k""nt Mn- Alma Kuol.no 4- -v ,. Crcut Judgd Kuy. "' torarrow morning. Jury J2 beglunlng to arrive, and sub " lvo beon served es nany wit "" for both aides. UwrWw u chlrgt- wUn inootlBf " Kuebne December 20th, la bat- ranch owned Jointly by Law- tUu'niMr- Kuehne. .la this bat- Ku'tW u,hne Rnd ner . Andrew w' M Mr, and Mrs. Quy Huntsr. Many shoU were fired, and Hunter wns wounded, while Mrs. Kuohne re relvod a wound causing her death, In her dying statement she charged that Lawrenco shot her, and the coroner's Jury blamed the murder to.blmr1 MfT and Mrs. Hunter nnd Lawrence stat ed, however, that Mrs. Hunter fired the fatal shot, fearing that Mrs. Kuohne was trying to shoot Hunter. W. II. A. Rennor will conduct the defense. He will be assisted by W. St. J. Wines from Springfield, Illinois. In the prosecution, District Attorney John Irwin will bo assisted by the law Arm of ObaIU ft Manning. Sho Is resting as well as can bo ex pocted this afternoon, according to roports from Blackburn hospital, Mrs. Francos Williams wns oper ated upon Saturday at Blackburn hospital by Drs. Hamilton and Merry man, and sho Is Improving nicely. Miss Jardine, who underwent a sim ilar operation a short tlmo ago, has iccovered sufficiently to be removed to her homo. """ Ucorgo Morluo Is on the road to fulled Press Sorvlco lecovcry. Recently he fell from, a AHOAKD H. M. S. TORPEDO building In Lungoll Valley, and was BOAT NO. 00, (somewhere in 4ho rUshed to tho hospital for attention. North Sea), Mnrch 13. Visible proof w j, Wunccr 0f Algoma, who nar tbnrthe British shipyards hnvo not row,y c8Cal,0li death a short time ago, beon Idle since the war began,wns lwlian a inrB0 stouo dropped Into a WITHOUT POMP, NAVY YARDS ARE LAUNCHING XEW VESSELS WHICH ARE MADE SERVICE ABLE, XOT COMFORTABLE used again, and what you can give to help clothe othors less fortunate than yourself. i SWEDES PLAX TO MAKE SEA GOIXG TRAIX REALITY aeon from the deck of this llttlo craft today. well 'ftT' which ho wns digging, is do inc ns well as. can be expected. He Steaming slowly past a long douuie j v08 Jn n precari0us condition when lino of warships, observers aboard flrst taken (0 tUo hospital, wore oblo to look upon a new typo of) sen fighters, many typos, In fact, built for war and not for looks, Theso ugly colorod craft with mottled sides and daubed plates, were the "babies" of Oonornl Alext Kuropatkln has been appointed commandor-ln-chlef of the Russian armies In the northern front. l'nlted I'ross Service STOCKHOLM, Mnrch 13. Having practically completed plans for a rail toad car ferry sorvico between Goth enburg, Sweden, and an English North Seapott, presumably Imming ham, tho Swedish board of trade Is considering establishing a similar line fiom Stockholm and Abo, Finland. With the system In running order, a cur, or even a train, might make the mn from Vladivostok to Abo, cross by boat from Abo to Stockholm, go by rail from Stockholm to Gothenburg travel again by ferry from Gothen burg to England, and unload in the latter country for tho flrst time. The Was That Uie.CWldTWas theSon of Lieutenant Slingsby of the. Eng lish Army. lng in the courts for recognition her son for the past four years. of.. Carranza government will be held re sponsible for the 500 American Mor mons Imperilled In Northern Mexico. The house has passed the bill to re-. vivo tho right of action on claims ag-i According to statistics Just issued, grogatlng $500,000 for Southern 10,395 Irish emigrated in 1916, p property seized during the Civil War, 'proximately half the number the prs- amended to require proof of loyalty Itlous year. Only 25 per cent were of claimants to the Union. 'of military age. Beck Has Narrow Escape From Death in the River Otto Beck, telegraph operator for.se'ii i oiling over tho bedrock. TUs the Southern Pacific, had an almost feavctin: were directed from the bank miraculous escape from death In tuobovc, and Frank and Al McCarter ..,,. x reached tho body, which was at that swirling waters of Link River yoster-' ,m. nt ,Maf . nrt A. . m,u -. dny afternoon. As It Is, he Is now in ' jow wuere Beck had fallen in. the hospital, badly battered and! Deals, the McOarters and 'Others bruised by the rocks that line the carried tho bruised and apparently bottom of this treacherous series 0fllfeleS3 fom from tho water- nd a I doctor was summoned by telephone rap from the California-Oregon power Beck was Ashing at tho Intake of housa Resuscitation methods wsrs of tho Keno Irrigation canal. As tho adopted with no delay, and as result water was siut out or the canal, more Beck soon began to breaths' again, water than usual was going over tho.nnd later consciousness returned, wing dam, and Beck was caught lu ' When Beck fell ln the water kt ' i Pj ' nronosltlon is to run 10.500 ton boats abovr. directing others who waded on the Anglo-Swedish line dally In' about ou tho bedrock Just below the tbo current and whirled away. wore a coat and hip boots. Wns s Mrs. Beck was on tho hank, and was rescued the boots and coat ware saw her husband go Into tho water. 'gone, indicating that Beck, walls Sli'j at once gave tho alarm, and Glen ! partly unconscious. Instinctively Mil Boats. Al McCarter and others nearby od these off. or that they wsrs Jsrkse) '4j! at onco took spread the word ormon all along watched tho water from tho bank lying, although he Is stttly j: i u If S5y VSr 5. up tho search, and j from bis person by ths powerful ,. 'f$& I of tho mishap to fish- rents. '.?'- .SrVy '$il$'2 ng the river. Men. At ho hospital 4e4s, jfyJim$frpl1' rater from tho bank j lying, although 'he Is ,-iffefa A4 j earhjllrectlon, old mill site, and Inally the body was is suffering from, his b'rsWiss -- ."--" . " be closely watcnea w mania.