" ,1- !l SHy Sunning Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' v OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .t s lr nail, Year N' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916 Price, Five CmU Plans for Campaign Against Villa Are Now Well Toward Completion; Strict Censorship Is Started Today CAHBA.VM IM KVAHIVK IN HIH ASHWKU TO KHQUKSTH IIY AMERICA OVaeral l"untii ' Cliarg ' l,p,P ntlm. nnil ll l UmleTBtood That Ocnrrul Pendila Will lie l IVr ,0,1 1'oiuiiHtnil of th KspertiUoti. f .0rc- AcrupUuaee to Be Used la the Campaign. I'ulltJ I'reia oerf lee WABIUNOTON, D. C, March 11. Bhlod a ell f censorship, General foniton in proceeding with tlio mobll Itttlon of force, preparatory to tho American troop entering Mexico to capture General Villa, mid thus bring to an end tlm mnny depredations and murders nlonK the border. AH de tail! are up to General Funlon General Pershing, In command alone the border, will lead the forafa Into Meilco Ho li an old campaign er, and mciwmfully quelled many fn turrcctlona while in charge of the de partment of Mlniindau In the Philip pine. In iinUr to minimize losses, Gen eral Fuinuon has ordered tho Amor lean forces to strike hard and quick. H hopes tlm to crtiah Villa with no Mar. Hum molding a campaign no- ceultMliiK tlm calling out of militia and volunteers. Mati fmr there will be many cou altlw Secretary Baker, former war Secretary (lurrixon and General Bcott are nil working together. President Wilton In yachting, but he keepa in touch with developments by wireless. Jlomlnj tlio president will probably annoumo whether or not ho will nd drci congress on tho matter, and powllil) imk for moro monoy or au thority The KoiuiUi oommlttoe of foreign re latloui Iioh niiiinlmoualy consented to all itcpa taken, utter Chairman Stone Care tho member official Informa tion. Aa a reault, General Funaton has been Instructed to use freely any forced In IiIh department. The wnr department haa recom mended tho use of the military aero plane now m San Antonio. Carraiiw HhlcNUns a Dellnlte Ileply to U. B. United Prosa Sorvlos WASHiNdTON, D. C, March 11. Jtiu Acuna, Carranaa'a foreign ssc retarv. Iihh ulmri Unlink aininu Pnn. ul Blllininn In responso to America's 'Queat for permission for troops to nter Mexico In search of Villa. In this Carranza Is Indefinite. He evades cither approval or disapproval nt tk.. .... . . expeaitlo.. , H l.co.,. .!.. u- 1 ...III1-- mo expeaiuon -ii -"00'",,l ' ow American forces, to enter Mex- Americans Endangered; Submarine "lied l'i ess Service . I WASHINGTON, D. 0 March 11. "" nved' . , The Am,i.. . . .. .. The nation whoso submarine Is re- Ill'Tua,wlSi for tho ,0M of h0 Ye8,,0, " the Btatn llltuWnun. h ihnral ' . I... lw. lt..lnH -r-" -" -""".Jg - seven Americana aboard he un- ned Norwegian bark Blllus, which w torpedoed without w.rnlna at B. i VLiIia m& . . . 1 - joaiurniiv -"nisi isa ma niwr yesterday. This Is the drat hip carrvlna- Am..... . k. ...k --.. nwvilMtwl 1U W SUV- ""ned since the armed merchant wn decree became etectlvs. Tnrse members of the Slllui's cre.w "'' HgfgfK fr VMiiiNVVgfaSlgfagfagfaV la V ,rV4 l'TKt'K PffiJRagB if ? i Jj MgHPcfc w"SBgfT VtK nACHr3agfaLII& l?t " J2flflgK&?lslSlW V!SffigfflgfagfagfagB i jTV 1jHjraim''t UlfgfgfVligfagfagaV C ii!AgigfaHlgfa&l t i&KBBmSBKm hi 2 i'Kll - , iVWilW:,i2agMgMa '! SaaaAacBgnngngnnnnnnHgnnV ''' '?Sr' MgSgBLIIIgilllllMgW C&" 'rglglHHlgB Vi:.l-STI.X.l I AIUUXZA fouMltulloi.nl Piesl of Mexico. Win. KudeH tiriintliiK Peinilloii for iiiciinin Tnxis to Swk Villa Uo In case the fntnl Columbia raid rnpttln Undor Fnrlns.n wounded VII "Bhould unforliinntel he repented" lit detained Iiore, today snld t'lnewhero "An American Invnslon of Mexico Cnrrania also asks for permlsalon would mnke Villa a national hero. His for McxicntiH to enter America In pur- forces would Immediately bo strength nil of bandits, should on occnslon ,.nol a hundred fold." for such action arise in tho future. Cnrrniun'H proposal that atrranzlrt tu forces get the right to enter Amer ica If noces'Uiry In pursuing bandits, Mi-mwikch are Censored. will probably bo granleu Tho administration favors tills hii)H InxaNloii Will He jlleiiclliiiil to Villa. liultcd I'lens hurvtm COl.UMHUS, N. M. March 1 I. g Tallrintr piCCp 1 aiKlOg May Hang Him BACRAMKNTO March 11 1 -Unless , Charles ("Silent") Carson ceases talking ... 1,1- h eep ho ,m. have to Vo to his death on the gallows. Word has reached the . itn.e . . naw ; 8 of tho ...mmlealnn llillt ClirSOll. COIlVlCtOU Oil"'""""' . ..... . -" "" ; . - power of speech or was le.gu.ng in- murder, but spired froinjho noosoll fMt that hjj wm heard Sinks Vessel ,t HM.o Aninrlrnnn wore' were drowned to 00 IIOIU to iievuum uf i..u u.,,., atntcB. It Is bolloved thnt it was a German diver. Secretnry of State Uiuslug Is tiwnlt- , m.in..iu fvnm mamhnra or tlio llllf llllllllll 1LD K B IKVin w " " crow and from passengers oi mo, ...... l,l....n.l.nu,hnlnm u asonablo doubt that the vessot was torpedoed, the United States will take, action. wrecaeo vessoi. n.w...- -v 1 nll.il I'rubH Servlie XKW vonK, March U -Caute (ompaules today anounced a censor ship on nil messages to Mexico. These must all be written In plain English or Spanish. tiecatise of his apparently unbalanced tnontil condltlou, has boon detected talking in his sleep at the Stockton state hospital for tho Insane. Up to 'I. I- limn tin linil lint fillokpll 11 Word ' W Stockton - I ,,,,..-. who dd not know to talk while asleep win cause iur ther Investigation. If It Is decided jCnison Is sane, he may have to pay tho death penalty. Will Consider Many Subjects uiled 1'iets Service l,M lORNO Hllllf.. March 11 -Good crntlvo marketing win ue consiuereu 'at tho quarterly meeting of the Cal Ifornia Development Bbard, which began here today. gan here today. Tho prlnclpol address of the llrst M-sniuu " " w...-- - . . ..n,nM wnu tv I nnr.HH p. oiBrn ui iuv . ,Wn -nmmaaion. who dls- " "" ' rinnl Harris cussed good 1 roads. . uoion narrn. Wolnstock road a paper on Co-oper uuve raruiiua. FRESNO. Calll.. m.- ;,,, ln favor of the defend roads, dlvorsllled farmlug and oomp.jJJJ"1 B troops moving TOWARD BORDER ALL DAY 0DAYiBandilPlannedtoKillOft5OOMormonRehlgees AltMV IIKADH WOliKIMi OUT CAMPAIGN' I'l.A.N I ! ! or HlinulUiieoiit Inruxion Kx-IK-rted All Along the Itordcr The Mlllllit May He Called Out If Mcx-' iiun l'e)ple Rnlh to Support of Villa First CuMilr) tioo Sou Ui From Monterey I'residlo. I (tilled I'raa Service EL. l'ASO, Tex., March 11. Gen eral J. J. 1'erahlng, who Is to conw inand tho forcea entering MexIco.Js all In rcadlncM to begin work, fol lowing the Issuance of marching or der. These hae not been Issued as et, but they are expected today. It U learned from reliable sources toihiv thut the troops stationed at several Wjomlng garrisons have been ordered to the border. Tho war department Is maintaining j strict censorship. Troopers1 Jere and elsewhere along tho border or firing farewells to their relatives. Tho army's' plan of attack Is being kept a secret. General opinion Is that there Is pro posed a simultaneous series of Inva sions, with troops crossing the line from Kl Paao. Columbus, Douglas, Kagle Pass and Brownsville. -The t inttil l'ie Service SAN FRANCISCO. Marclfll. piri fHvnlrv. stationed at Monterey presidio, started for the border on a special train today. A detachment of ambulances and attendants from the hospital corps ac companied the cavalrymen. I n .ltd Press seivlce WASHINGTON, D. C, March 11. "American troops positively have not entered Mexico yet,'' said Secretory of War Baker this afternoon. In iae tho .Mexicans generuu juiu Villa, Chairman Hay of the house committee on military affairs thinks tho National Guard will bo called to In case tho Mexicans generally Join service. Ho siys the militiamen would be used to patrol the border, while .he regulars go Into Mexico. t uiled l'ie Sorwic SAN ANTONIO. March 11. The departmental staff worked all night in the preparation of campaign plans. Gonoral Funstou will probably re- main at Kl raso to aireci uwuuwuw from that city. ,t..i....i i. .wo cun in HUAC l70A. Arl... March 11.- . ,. .,....1 Qt.to. Pnvnlrv Rta- llieiiiiiiuui.v- -.. tloned nt Fort Huachuca, left here llOUHU Ul -- . . ... .- ..nHnA Iia by special tram. i iwuwiw ; B - rtson on tho Mexican iiuo near Co-'a. lumbus fulled i'loss Service nnnrsi AS Ariz. March 11. Thehrought 3.65. This was taaen Dy Fim Sat tauon eventh Infantry. U. I Miss Esther McAndrews. the efficient1 first minim"". ." - . .. a a Mn tor John B. Bennett com- S. A., Major juiiii o. uouuvi. mnndlnK. ns uulered to Hachita. N. M. The First Squadron, Ninth Cavalry, r.s ordered from Fort Bliss to Co lumbus, N. M. Colonel Kodd this afternoon uis patched two troops of cavalrr to Slaughter's r.inch .eighteen miles east of Douglas. Three troops also are sta tioned nt Hnchlta. Called "Mathlne" an I. lilted l'.e-.s Sen ice ha i. KM. March 11.- "Automobile" "This is a suit to recover a Ford machine, called in the complaint an automobile," said ,i. enrnmn court. In deciding & re- ti... oi.niiriireadnought Pennsylva- nit. In Us standardization teats on tne ... f Mntne last month, made 21.75 I liV w- - ,tnot8 n hour, exceeding the contract ' by three-fourths of a Knot. m n, It aA Km. AnntvlhtliAti ,.. , mjJM JMW !yflla Murder gnsPPpSsF -PSSbliglgM taassFilnssHBsBSBv ft y,t7BSlv''-,'''3sl! vi Jt j- &44L4's vm tMISss 0s ?92k3ssS .V7.rin.oT r m'wZjr4X's ', ' si. -ww '2&z glBJ-! HIvMsK GEXERAL FRAXCESCA VILLA Hy H. D. JACOBS (United Press Correspondent) EL PASO, Tex.. March 11. A plan . ... ... . MA, wnereDj- vina sougnt to massacre ouujsmi 01 viuaa movemeuu, more American members of a Mormon Villa planned to Intercept these 'colony has been tolled, according to'tra'n at Cuzman, and to kill all. It ,, .., , ,w 0,'has been learned, making a etlll more i today by Jesu Garcia. Carranza's con- sul here. Learning of the plot, Carranza offi- ORINDALE HAS BASKET SUPPER . u KAB K ynHUt ATTENDED, AND MONEY IS RAISED FOR FITTIXG"staKe8 oi me pi. -" uo SCHOOL HOUSE UI FOR COM MUXITY MEETINGS school department organized at the j penitentiary by the University of Cal ,, (Herald Speilul Service) I Ifornia extension division. ORINDALE. March 11. The has-. There are now sixty-two different ket supper at the Orlndale school classes at Folsom. all under the dl- ',.... " . i.i, w vrv wn t- , U HOC ... ...O"- ." . . tended, and was highly enjoyable. A 'iroo.i uroKrum woa iuuudicu. v,,j number being splendid. Imnnr thA crowd nttendinK Were o- - two candidates for county oraces. - ivnr-lrpt.Af. ...awa Ga.I PAtArann itnfl nAnfETA iitaD -. -... - j Haydon, both of whom gave snon . . .talks ine saie 01 ui uuwu uwcu . "The most populnr young lidy's cake The sale of of baskets netted $14. - ... ...osi .upum. ,u ..-, - v-- teacher of the orlndale scnooi, ana (mmm.uv from Douglos'tho cake for the horallest man was "taken by Mr. George of Plevna. I ' . . . . The total proceeds amountea to 121.65. Thla will nicely furnish out the school house with lights, and our literary soleety with some funds for oil and fuel, thanks to the attending ' I Lloyd Underbill, the carpenter that built the school house at Orlndale,' was In the neighborhood yesterday,1 renowlnir acaualntances. He also at .tended the basket supper, as did H. S Fox of Klamath Falls. formerly of this community. o... i,nrnMArlxai1 tlm t40.000.000 rlv - HaiirnsanriiTivn 1 rfttLT Ul nuwu' er and harbor bill before the house as VIvlOUB UUU ffCWlUllll. v D,u MU,,U the last forty years about 1850,000, last iorty yer uuuv f .,,- 000 had been expended by the govern- ment in waterways. Ambassador Page advised the state department that Great Britain will permit the shipment of two cargoes of .-.IJ, at ,5,( . t0 th. u.i x - oou.uuu, iron United States. Plot Foiled tfL '"? ' f'M I - dais ordered the stopping of all trains 'on the Mexican Northwestern rail- t.,-1. i i.. .! roau, oil wuicii uieuiuern ut ui wi- 0ny might be riding, pending the re- t ,lll. . A 'cnrloim IntRi-natlonsI comnllcatlon than that brought abour Dy ,, mur- der of nineteen American mining men at Santa Ysabel. Prisoners Study Hard at Folsom ! United Press Service BERKELEY. March 11.- -Deslre to , . achieve in new surroundings a new j career which should make up for the 'mistakes of the oast, seems to be j for 217 of them have enrolled In eigh teen different Spanish classes at the rectton or m. j. Jacoos. as me repre- rectlon of M. J. Jacobs, as the repre- sentauve or mo university ' . liUtfloInn TIia iifal anrnllmont 1b 5KK uiiioiuui mv hwM . w.uwMh www. "". w -i .otSTl7o ZTZ'Z' l " tm bMl 0t tUe i-itV m rea aun6 reu iats. . mnrv . 1.7B6 were works of fiction. i !!. thnt ft ratFAiiirmnorv nmr ci,iid ....., ..-. i.ntt no, tlio lVlnnrncrtmn pnvarnmAlir had been fomented at New Orleans --- nud would be launched soon,. with the ;, MfI ii""' .6 ". .""" - . , : " " , .y '.a flcntlon by the Nicaragua, congress', board. Secretary McAdoo announced ., . o win. tho TTnltArfihla rpiillnesa to nrovide for the re- " "" . - aoA i-. miiAd tn h nttpntlon of states, were catiea to tne auenuon tne state department recently oy u. ..., ri,,.rn tl,o Klraramin mln - .. -... later - Medford Gets Funds tor Its Crater Lake Highway SALEM, Ore., March 11. With the. ,.., w.w., ww.-. --. .,.. 1 rnnwnl. of Jackson county, the State j Highway commission has decided to I divert $8,000 from the amount a- . '""" lu lw" w" "" 'or "e making a survey of the pro- posed road from Crater Lake to nolnt connecting with the Pacific highway near Medford. The actios was taken at the solicitation of Wil liam o. Steel, superlnUadeat of tae Crater Lake National forest reserve abatement ih FURY OF BATTLES CLOSE TO VERDUN FIEItCK CAXXO.NAUIXO COXTIN- L'KS IIV 1KXTH MDBS German Offensive AipiliMt Fort Hoax and Village of Vuux Are Halted, nut at Another Strategic Point the Frenchmen Are Forced to RetJra, and Lose Important Positions in the Woods. United Press Service v PARIS, March 11. Todays an nouncement says the Germans again directed a heavy attack against Vattx& and Fort Haux. The fort repulsed 'all attacks upon It, but the Germans 'captured a few houses In the village t Heavy fighting rages along the west I bank of the Mouse. Near the eastern end of the Corbeaux woods, fighting Is specially Intense. The French have recaptured some (trenches to the southeast of Bethln ' court. Heavy cannonading continues In the Woevre region. United Press Service BERLIN, March 11. Today's com munique states that a surprise attack in force by the Germans against the French forces in the vicinity of Khlems resulted In the penetration of the French lines for two-thlrda of a mile along a 1,400 yard front, sooth east of the Vllleux woods. In this engagement 737 men and twelve machine guns were captured. The French were also driven from the Gorbeaux and Gumleres woods. MEXICAN REBELS KILLED; MYSTERY EX WERE RELEASED FROM CUS. TODY YESTERDAY, ANB APPAR ENTLY WERE WAYLAID AND MURDERED United Press Service rm.1TMRITR M M March 11. . ., ,,.... ,ian.-d m tHA .- tauwHw. u . vwwb -- ,Ustodv yesterday, were found dead a ... , rt n 9 tnwti itila ttftaivnAn ,.,,! OB81 W m " . h...Vw. lets. Civil and military authorities are imestlgatlng. Tho guilty persons, if found, will be charged with murder. ' , - lB,ter to the federal reserve - - --- tlrement during the present year o """"-" , I. tt-itli , v,v, ,v u. . . -. - IStntpa bonds used bv national DOMCS L"".. 7... ...,.... (to secure their note circulation. and tho Representatives of I COUnty. Hffli Qaa1 aatd with thA VUlXtM IHVUiJl veyed he was confident he eoul4 '-rlTp tain the aupport of the JtoereArfyyl, . WfcW aWBH -i - --- , -,w-r WTjn.fJi' appropriation for the tmMbMtito&rj ajtlon. '0 Th road will be sboat latMel tm"' miles long. la eurverhMf HmW-'S th nlan for. State WWF24 to work to'epeMfc-lPWrr RMIHpMSr., ,!S' V.rtr 1 t t K-i ' A.W IJt as r L'i SrMi ?('. rift ,ts-.VT..7.t .,V.. -.'i . t (i i.