tf--'r' - ( - i8F &ty? Ewmtig fteralft " tW' ..3 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' i4 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tend) i'ir N. KLAMATH. KALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916 I'rfce, Fire Curt 0. S. TROOPS TO ENTER MEXICO AT ONCE MOREVILUSTA ATTACKS ON BORDER L'ultril l're Service COI.UMI uh. .. ., """ ' Border mid by tho Vllllsta boudltH, rm.UMIlUH. N. M. March 10. "continue i.nii. iitvmlliiK American territory, Vllllma ("I morning crossed the lluo, at several )olutu between Columbus and llnrhltn They looted many hniincn, aiido cattle and horn and dtryeil many bridge. A ranch limine wtl of Columbus wan raided by the bandit this morn InK nnd the owner, an Amorlctth nairnd llojipo, wan murdered. Two mure unidentified oodles wore found Imrc ttilri morning. Thin maken n total of neventeen Amerlcnn known to be deml n a result of bandit raldn of the pant two day. SPELLING BEES EN0IN6 TODAY CI II KCIIOOI.H HOLD OONTKKT, 1HIH AFTERNOON, AND OTHLR DIHTHICTS .TONIGHT FINALS HKIIKTHEIMTH Ton I Kin the final Inter-dlatrlct spelling cimtostH will be held, and the Latest Get-Rich-Quick Operator Was in Klamath County Jail ami ,11 ii iMmmmmmKmemmimmm -'-vZVPVHmRHHElSpH MI&&eZnSS&iv. DR. J.QRAN Ur. j. cirant Lymaa, the latest get-rich- quick operator, who, tn the opln ' of the Unlted.fUte oficUls who nweclwrge ot hla elsK tot kout joo.oop from willing Ttetlws, dosed w igki Pkrtotrapfctrt rned their batterlea on blm. This SnnJ,gra,lh how" h, l Federal "iWIng In New York City after be M been taken from his yatht la "orida, Lymaa once was a member MVMMMfMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAVMVAiAVAAAAV t .i ...Hi .11 .. . . . - .. wmiMJib win an men ut iiNiu mr mu content for llio clinmplonittilp of Klum nil. ...H.titi. In Iw. I...I.I ti. fiMtli ." UHI "V IIVMI MKIU ..,ll(.lt 24. I Ik.' Klittiiiitli Fulls itehools nro holding it content this afternoon to dctormlnn thu two pitpllH to loprcNuiit the city hcIiooIh, At lloniinzii tonight, Dairy, Hlldo-I brand, lloniiuzn, Lorella and Upper LuiiKull valley will hold a contest, and at Honlcy, tho Henley, Fnlrvlow, Hprlnic l-nl(o and Mt. I.nkl hcIiooIh I will meet. In the content at Merrill, between trams from Merrill, Dodd Hollow, a 0 um, WhHo Lake schools. Audrey ()f 0lJ, ow xvcru l)u, wnl,orii. HERE TO BEGIN LOGGING WORK MUMMER OF FIRM CONTRACTING THE HANDLING OF LAMM TIM. HER SAVK EOL'II'MENT IS ON THE WAV Cuorcu Nlcollo, of tint III m of Nl colle Bros., arrived last night from Eugene to make arrangements for work ill tli U ncullou. The Nicollet have the contract for logging the thirty million feet of timber owned by the Lamm Lumber company. According to Mr. Nlcollo, tho equip mont Is now on tho road hero. Lou ting operations will start ns soon as possible. Tho Lamm mill will begin opera tion nbout April K. Fred O. lirown miho down lnnt night from Cryxtnt on a business trip. T LVMAN of tho New York stock exclnango and had .a good position .In society. ,., .,' ... . f.yman will bo remembered by lo cal peoplo owing to his sonsatlonal entry into Klamath Falls five years' ago, following his orrost In Lake vlow, by foderal officers. An accom plice, who assisted Lyman In escap ing from a hospital .prior to that ar rest, broke Jail here. 8.000 Men Wi Cro i in Pursuit of Villa s i J 5jvtx-? ',;.4('i"'' ' -f v, :i "',;' '',,. ' "ISSBillfcit ,'n " ""' ISSPlF .Viui'ilrnn Miirlilnv Cun DeUii'liiuent, United Press Servlco WASHINGTON, March 10. Prosl- dent Wilson nnnounced this after-, Unconfirmed rumors say that Car nooii that Amorlrnu troops will ontor j rnnza 8 cither dead or Imprisoned Mexico Immediately. , aa a result of tho now uprising. Those "An ndequato force will ho sent ' nro discredited, over tho lino to pursue Villa, with General Scott. Secretary Baker and tho sIdkIo object of capturing him ofllcers of tho general staff conferred litid ttopplng his ropeated forays," , snhl Wilson. "This will bo dono en- tlitlj In tho friendly aid of tho con- ntltiitcd nuthorlty of Moxlco, with a scrupulous respect for the soverolKn-' ty of that republic." Tho cxiwdltlon will consist of about S.oOo men. This will bo chiefly In- fnntry, nlfhotigh thcro will ho at least 2,000 cavnlrymon In tho expedition, and several machine gun crows and mountain batteries, Somo field nr- tlllery will also accompany the party, A flying column of the cavnlrymon wlll scout ahead, nnd the other forces will advance In tho manner deemed best to effect tho surrounding nnd enpturo of Villa Wllson's announcement of the use of troops followed a cabinet meeting this morning. It Is believed that u mossago to ... ...lit I,,, miifln lilt onAll mil ,.,.,. , Jrn lining Wilson's reasons for ordering tho ntovo, nnd asking the npprov s approval of that body. General Scott, who has been acting ns secretnry of war, Is In active chargo of tho sltuntlon, Secretnry Baker lenvlnc theso ntnttora up to 'Scott owing to tho gonernl's familiarity with conditions, Cnrrntun hns boon notified of America's intentions. . Six thousand completely equipped. American troops can bo concentrated nt Columbus, N. M. within a day's lime. This forco Is now stationed along tho bordor botwoen El Paso,1 Texas, nnd Douglas, Arizona. ' Altogcthor there are nbout 19,000 troops along the border, but nt least ' 3,000 must bo held where thoy are; now ns resorves until volunteers aro obtainable V heated dobato waged In the sen ate this afternoon. Senators Stono nnd Fall asked that the senate bub luid action until tho military activ ity Is completed nnd full Information available. ( The McCumber resolution, reciuog the murders of Americans during the last two years, and demanding ac tion, was referred to the foreign com mlttoo. Sonator Ashurst charged that hn ndmlnlstratlon five days ago was planning the removal of the troops n Iti-inrli of t ..... iiiij ,, ,to rjin ROnler. from the border. Excitement Is tense In both'houscs of congress. .Ii ,i,a afternoon to map out tho plan to bo followed. General Funston will command tho Mexican operations. Ho has not yot ocoll ordered to cross the border, Nnval officers do not expect to par- tlclpato in tho movement. They sny this Is not necessary, Some officials say at least 25,000 troops may be necessary to catch Vllln. They fear an Invasion will rally ignorant Mexicans to .Villa's standard. Former War Secretary Garrison ar- rived from Now Jersey this afternoon nnd ofTored his services In any ca- paclty to Baker. Dctalled Instructions mny be sent,10 they forced a Teutonic retlre- to Funston this afternoon. secretory uaKor saia mo armys activities will be carried on "over a largo area." Ho added that troop movements will probably bo by small bodies over an extensive territory, ... . .. . h. nn... hv . . . leaders In congress, LOW LEAVES TO GET N.SIMPSON . REQUISITION IS ISSUED FOR THE YOUNG HORSE BUYER, NOW IN CALIF., WHO IS WANTED LOCAL AUTHORITIES BY Shorin' U C, Low left this morning ' for Woodland, Calif., with a requlsl-!ln tlon for Norman Simpson, who Is un- dor Indictment hero on a charge of Off for Bonanza larceny of n horso. Simpson prevl-j Mrs. Nnto Ottprbeln and her daugh ously announced that he would light ter, Mrs. Robt. Sloan, her son, Louis any attempt to return him to Oregon. Hoagland, and Ted Harteel, formed a Simpson Is charged with taking u party going to Bonanza today. horee belonging to Hans Stersl of Dairy whllo lio was buying horses In Mill Starts Tomorrow. Klnmnth county.jast summer. i Tho Pelican Bay Lumber com- ! pany's sawmill will start with a par- Dr. J L. Harris la tnfrom Bonanza JI., tr n h,ialna aattan attending to buslneaajMtters tn HfiAfiA Itv. & Bandits iKurc Prominently in 0Kr.itlon Across tlie Mexl- FRENCH RETAKE GERMANS ADMIT IX)SS OF AD VANTAGE, BUT CLAIM THEY HAVE CLOSED IN ANOTHER VERDUN DEFENSE United Press Service BERLIN, March 10. The recap ture by Frenoch troops of Fort De Vaux Inst night Is officially admitted. This fort' was ono of tho most im portant lit the chain of Verdun do fonses, and tho French lost many men In their determined assault be- ment Tho nssaults around Vordun con tinuo with unabated fury. German forces have advanced southeast ot Damloup. This means a closing In on Fort Trnvennos, also a Yltal strong hold in Verdun's defense. . Fountain Is Home. P. L. Fountnln returned last even ing from Southern California, where ho has been for tho past month or more. Hero from Ranch. Marshall Orr, who Is ranching in the Pine Grove district, is hero today on a business trip. Merclmiit Visits. 15. A. Wilson, who is conducting a morcnnttlo establishment at Chllo quin, was in town yesterday. , I'Voni Dodd Hollow. J C. A. Winnns, whoso ranch Is north ot Dodd Hollow, is a Friday visitor tho county seat ' tlal crew tomorrow, to get the mill In I falinnn tnr full nnnrattOU Monday. ' shape for full operation Monday, IHP0RTAN DAYLIGHT ROBBERS MAKE I ' UAVli AFTER SHOOTING il'mtcil Press Service PHILADELPHIA, March 10. Two ' bandits entered the Germanla Wors ted company's mills at noon today, shot and killed one man, fatally 'wounded another and escaped after' securing $2,000 In cash from the safe.! r Dr. K. D. Johnson returned last night after a trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and other Coast cities. Another I'le Social. A pie .oclal will be given at Mt. I.akl Wednesday night. BIG FRFNCH SHIP SUNK BY A DIVER.! MUST OF THE CREW SAVED, AC CORDING TO DISPATCHES THAT REACHED PARIS BRITISH LOSE TWO WAR VESSELS ! l.;. i'rui l v W'- PARIS, March 10.- 1 The Transit- luntic liner Loutsiane was torpedoed upon the bandit leader, last night by a German submarine.! Objections Anally stopped the ex Most of the crew were 3aved, say dis-' citing debate. patches. ; United Press Service LONDON, March 10. It is an inounced that mines sank .the British 'rdtroyeF Coquette -and' torpedo-boat-No. 11. Forty-flve men were lost in 'the two mishaps. ii .,.,..., T FORTjNew York Preparing tor Big Convention of Women ' nlted Press Service NEW YORK, ilurch ij Father! Knickerbocker will tip his three-cornered hat to twenty thousand club women while two million others .. l throughout the United States and Its possessions watchffqm afar the opeu - ing of tho biennial convention of Fed- eratod Women's Clubs of the United States, in Now York May 23d. Scarce a city in the United States,- The art, civics, home economies Hawaii, the Philippines or Panama 'and conservation departmentaaroVr but whose most prominent club wo-'ranging special meetings of their men win Journey to Gotham for the own. Many smaller conferences aad, monster feminine meetings In the1 big and small exhibits of all kinds mammoth' Seventh Regiment armory. t will be housed In the Hotel Astor. Tho convention is looked forward to ' Some of the "small conferences" wHl ' as one of the biggest' and most im- Include luncheon for parties number-. portant held. gatherings of women ever Evory feminine and many a mascu - line problem will be considered from tho moment Mrs. P. V. Pennybacker of Texas, president of the general fed- oration, bangs the block with her sll - ver crusted gavel, until the last argu- mentatlve fomale yoIco is stilled at the closo of the sessions June -2d. Tho list of subjects will include tho price of peace and petticoats; thelthing to make the convention .;, , length of love and lingerie; women's spheres and women's tears; chops and chowder, paint and powder, ba - Dies, Dauois, civic improvement uuu how to avoid crows-feet; manage - . .. . ..-..-, i ment of husbands and other hired hoip; war, divorce ana nats or course, ihuhui town rney- are ou7, y.. ?n To ho sure, this does not begin to. Hundreds of society malri of i- approximate tho length ot the Ust,,ory description win nii'Hie oawnsjar-sjju but whon you pause to consider the number ot things one woman can think ot to talk about, then multiply that by twenty thousand and 'Start ll' them all up with the avowed purposot of talking why, no "wonder The women want President Wilson to open the convention. WHUini Howard Taft. Miss Jane Addarns, Mayor MItchol and other notables will speak. Mrs. John Hays: Ham mond is chairman of the convention's AAMMAAAAAMAAMAMMAAAMAAMMM BANDITS MASS FORCE NEAR U. S. LINE United Press Serrlce EL PASO, March 10. It U now estimated that there are at least 4,-. (000 Mexican bandits camped near the border. The entire border country, from El Paso to Nogales, Is In- a state of terror. Fearing new raids, men are sending their wives and children to Northern pobsts. From Columbus it is reported that ,'illa, with 2,000 followers, is pre paring to attack that town again. As a result, the people are pale stricken and many are m biding., Colonel Slocura, commanding the thirteenth cavalry at Columbus, re-' ported that the bandits raiding In that t vicinity this morning have all been driven across the border agafn. WASHINGTON, March 10. Con- gressman Lehlbach, In a fiery speech' In the house today, spoke In favor of "hanging Villa to the nearest tree." others demanded Immediate revenge Cooked Food Sale. The Camp Fire girls will hold a cooked food and candy sale tomorrow at Virgil's furniture store, beginning at 10-o'clock.- Thejiroeeedajare.tOii be used in buying clothing for destl- jtute children In Europe. advisory committee. Mrs. William Todd Helmuth Is honorary chaima of the convention. Mrs. Francis D. Everest of Chicago, hi chairman of the programme committee.- Mrs. WU- uam Grant 0f New York", Is chairman ot the local biennial board. i A merry, merry session is fully. ex pected when It comes to the election of a new national president to sue ceed Mrs. Pennybacker. Ing a more 1,200 to 1,600 women. r The world's leading specialists In ' everything feminine will flock to New ' York, either voluntarily or by inrtta-. tlon. The finest physicians will talk exhaustively and exnaustingir - p? n. t "what's what ana what's not wmiv about babies, from the first squall to the last tooth; what to eat' and, driak. iwear and think. Tho local committee Is doing every- u cess. About tho first thing It dM & was arrange for a big beauty parlM&W .rMht spang in the convention hattSi Ji,.... ...,... - 1..,MM ...Aa;7 r'J iiviuiBeiuaiivca ui iwiuiua vv-"-' .and nillllners, with samples, will lm itbpve tp save tho delegates.: riiaalag ,.aflp. day and night. There won't. be acr tuui; oi mo iweniy-iour inai m '.sjss-.-. gate ivu not get up and plajpa. VlghtFi Into tho social whirl If she-waato',..;S- Probably the most lmoriMtMM0mp ablv the most lmsortaat of.tkaa ' rccoptlons will be tli..Qavt.; MetrotwllUa'ArtMsliffMt That this InsUtution taMuansm sm .v. . . .- ' '"- . . .- a,v ' ' ;-, riai--V uoprs tov ?onvmipoa-f snnsMstsissftvi was .brought fJMtt gK.yJl - J (CaAmid'S Sv. X i TsU - -. f fHI Vi,i iiA,$4 -V. i-w "'X,. j -i . " ;,t! .- -fv . '. - ,y, 'J,V,-h u . t-?..-!'&, aiN-TrVft 'V-rt - , it-w-f,-"l t