" "t i Gun? u Hting UraUi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER s - - ftoth War X. 8.M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916 Price, Flte Ceuu Wlir IS DCClHrCd a Photo8raPh of Trenches Near Champagne V jcf9 rOTf PS on Portugal Today by Kaiser Wilhelm t)l'lTKI.N NATIONS ARE .VOW INVOLVED IX THB GREAT WAR Declaration s Germany Can X Muter I'nrbenr OwIrk to tin Awkward Po-dtlon of Portugal." (icmmii Drive Make n Sudden Hinath In Ihc Ontrr Mrs and Take Another Verdun ftrfranr. I'nlUil I'rcM Service HKItl.l.V. Mnrrh 9. Germany to ,'jy declared wr upon Portugal. For tuitl rejected the Oornuin domand for the surrender of Interned Oermnii ,M recently selxed nt Lisbon. Tliln makes u total of four toon nn thm Involved In tho war. The German statement-says thni th K'lxuro of Gcj-man ship Is vio lation of the German-Portuguese it At, nttit mliti: "Germany has been obliged to sur render her forbearing attitude main ulceil on account of Portugal's nwk mrd position with respect to ling Isml" AtiHtrin In also expected to Jcrj.ire wnr on Portugal, owing to wliiim of Austrian ahlpa. Many hint, that Spain might enter the tar on the Hide of Germany. I'nlleU Pi cm Service LONDON, March V. French ami (lernnn utllclnt statements Indicate ibc (iernian have captured Port Do m of tn Verdun defenses, with n mtden smash nt tho center of thi Hue. Thin makes two Verdun forta InGtiimin possession, and places Fort l Twenties In n dangerous posltlor. The Purls statement doca not win Urn this report, Jvi tho Paris report lim been alowor tbnn Berlin's In ur r'al here of late. Doth coniinunlqurs agree tluit :hi latl'e nt Verdun J approachlmc a ( bit. l'.irli estimates German's loss nt our isri.ono mor. Berlin alkies the French havo lost at least 75,000 men beforo Verdun. Intercepted Berlin dispatches to Amitonlnm say that several faat cruisers and nuxllllary ahlpa, dls fulwd with false funnela, reconnolt "(hV In the North Bea tills week, and returned to tholr baao without en founterlnB tho enomy. Thla explain ,ho rei'rt that a huge Heet recently left Kiel. Work Toward Securing Shippington Road Starts Sixty or more representative Klnm In Fnlla men wero In attendance at w meeting hold last night to discuss "'e ttor of better roads to Ship P'lWon and Pelican City, aad u n '"nit of the talka and auggeatlon. o tentative plana are under auggos "nn, and city Engineer Don J. 8um- will toon prepare data aa to ijAncea, comparative coat, etc, upon "I'lch estimatca can be baaed. Ihtro wore aeveral talka upon the '.Vceaslty of such ji road, antTlfwaa 'Ofttedod by aUthaTanch 'tprove " would be of more benefit to tho Jy of Klamath Falls aa a whole than ? " properly traversed. Therefore, yt toward the improvement as a "Wral benefit were dlacuaaed, Police Judge Leavltt auggeated that '" roid be Improved with oiled cln- q,r. oiled macadam, or aoa other ' M War Henri Sworn In rmietl I'M'- Xervir ' WASHINGTON. 1) t. Mnnh -J Ntiwtun I). linker, now secretary of wr, was given tho onlh of office! Into this afternoon. ! GERMANS PREDICT! AGAINST THE JAPS: HAYS HOLLAND WILL HELP THE' I UNITED STATES IN Till-: FIGHT Il altl. ACKKKMAX ( nulled Pre Stuff Correspondi'nt) IIKUI-IN. Mnrch . UermniiH be lieve thnt the next ureal war will bo b'ltweon Jupun nml America, with Mnllnnd supporting America. Tli en- Ih lively discussion of a prob-J ublu Ainerlcnn-Jnp war hero. Many U'llew wnr Ih Inuvltablc, boonueo Jl.pnn wnnts tho Philippines. One Ciurtimn ofllccr stated Hint (( nitiiiy will sell J (i mti nil tho muni linns rh wants In case of war with AiM.'Hcn Candidates Going to Bonanza Social Many local men who uro aspirants ' for county offices, nro planning to nt triul the social and danco to bo given rt llounuza tomorrow night. Soveral automobiles havo been engaged for the trip. It Is said thnt since tho war broko out tho French havo had difficulty keeping up the supply of good light wines, of which formerly they pnr took ho freely, and that tho alleged French addiction to alcohol is being disproved by tho unwillingness of tho pooplo to uso wines of Inferior quality. Miss Maltha Suddtith of Columblu, Mo., waa married recently with a ring which has been used by eight of her maternal ancestors, beginning with her great-grandmother. , lurmaiiont typo of pavement, and ; that thiLCoat bo pnld In city warrants, Issued In throe warrants, when the contract was complotod, and ono war- rant retired each yonr. Ho niailo n convincing talk upon this plan, and suggested that if It was found that .. u..Mn. wn..i.i hn rnidllv taknn AMERICA WARR I liv llnanclera. tho matter should bo'wlnos. Tho others drank whiskey ( ninred bnforo the pooplo nt tho Mnv and "hard stuff." o)ectlon , Asking tho men whore thoy got, n,.niimi.n M. n. Dotv of the Shin- their liquor, tho police found that .lniiondlstrlct, suggested ttpapa..,rooato( tholrunken men camo from lion of an Improvement district the ono of four saloons. 1 here are scores same nB for any other street improvo- of bars here, but closo tab ahowa i that nient, with tho cost assessed agnln( only four had a habit of sending forth thr property. As thla property Is al- helpless staggerers, ready heavily bonded, and this Is, of , Tho offending four wore warned not course a prior Hon, Doty would havo to sell to known drunkards or per tl.e city Issue ten year bonds to par sons ulready under tho Influence of . 'liquor. Tho avorago dally number or (Continued on page I) arrests decreased from 76 to 27, and : Klz 'wTTCmIiZ i From photo copyright Modem Photo Service. I CieniMin UrM line tn-iirlie. .1 Frcurli Wrist line treaclMM. 7 Space between Hint line trendies. mil French approach trenches. ' This diawJtiK was made from n re- tnarkible photograph of the German and French trenches In tho Cham- pagno district taken by a French pm-'are rer from nn aeroplane. For tho first time since the war began here Is given nn accurate picture of trenches. Tho small black dots scattered over the JOBLESS MEN TO BE HELPED HERE CALLS SENT TO PORTLAND FOR, WORKMEN' FOR KLAMATH j FALLS AND VICIN1TV TO HE RE.' FEUItED HACK HERE III order to bring about a better condition for day workers and em ployers of labor bore, tho Portland City Employment bureau has taken up with tho Klamath Commercial club tho matter of referring calls for men for work In or nenr Klamath Fulls back to tho "local club. This! (would glvo local men Jobs, and would glo quicker results for tho men seek ing help. According to tfio manager of the Portland free bureau, calls for nfon to work In this section are fiequontly received there. Tho fare to Klam ath Falls la more thnn mnny of tho unemployed can pay. JUDGE, MAYOR, LIQUOR MEN JOIN TO STOP DRUNKENNESS n led Pi oss Service LOS ANGELES, March 9. Los. Augoles, n wot city without a single i drunk! This is tho slogan of Judge I Griffith .loncs of tho sunrlso police! court, Mayor C. K. Scbastiani and the wholesale liquor dealers who are, working to banish tho reeling drunk-, nrd from tins town. " '" liquor situation oy " '"",,, i i .. o i i wm ininvinaifln i showed that out ot i. """-"v" men arrested, only four got In that condition by drinking beer or light map show whero shells by the thous- and havo burst. A striking fact shown! by tho photograph Is that the trenches t built with many curves and angles to prevent the enemy shooting down them Is case of capture. The German trenched are those at the op of the map. They show four the average number of men arrested i I Saturday night fell from 138 to 32. Judge Jones hopes to, practically,! 1 eliminate public drunkenness within' ' three months. I WON'T RUN, BUT I MIGHT RUN ROOSEVELT SENDS STATEMENT THAT HE IS NOT TO BE CANDI- DATE HUT IS AVAILABLE FOR CONSCRIPTION fulled Press Service NEW YORK, March 9. The New York Mall prints a statement from Theodore Roosevelt, who is at pres ent at Port au Spain, in the West In dies; In which the ex-president states that he does not wish the nomination and will not consent to the use of his name in any of the primaries. In the statement, however, Rooee elt makes clear that despite his personal deblre, he recognises the fnct that he must hold himself sub ject to a draft from the people in the event of a crisis. MANY PRAYERS HERE-TONIGHT UNION PRAYER MEETINGS ---- WILL Hi: HELD IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE CITY THIS EVK. XING Ten union cottage prayer meetings art- to be held In Klamath Falls this evening. All will begin at 7:30, and theywlll be held at the residences of the following Don s. Owena. Joa Moore. Mrs. Ida,"'" conouct or suomanne warwre. Fink, Rev. J. B. rlAtb, C. R. Miller, l J. 8. Elliott, Dr. W. R. Boyd, C. K.I llrandenburg. R. Brwttenburg, W. J. Stelnmett. "W. A Jerman linos, with many connecting trenches. Only two lines of the French trenches are thow n. because the aviator' vm i tliniA (ntntlt nn tmitlrxtr n ntir.tn.M..h lf lhe cnemyfg trenche8 for uge y the Trench. Tho photograph was so indistinct that the only way it could be reproduced "was by tracing, as done here. UPPER LAKE IS OPEN TO BOATS i I CURLEW - SPRAY CONSIDERING ! RESUMING MAIL TRIPS AT AN , EARLY DATE-ROAT SERVICE NOW IX OPERATION Uppjr R,amath Lafce Qpen to navigation, after being closed all winter by Ice. Calkins & Hamilton are now making three trips a week to i:pper points. Daily mail service by the Curlew, ?pray and Oakland will be resumed about March 15th, it is understood. The opening of the lake means a fcpeedy oponlng of sawmllllng and log ging operations. POLICY TO BE OUTLINED SOON FORTHCOMING STATEMENT BY WILSON RELIEVED BY MANY TO ALSO CONTAIN ANSWER TO GERMAN PROPAGANDA iniiied Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 9, A f tatement making clear the govern- i'ent's position in the new submarine Issues, Is to bo Issued soon. Some be lieve that this is Intended to answer alleged official German propaganda. It is believed that upon America's answer to Germany's contention that her armed merchantman decree is Justifiable as a reprisal tor English orders to merchantmen to attack sub marines, will depend much of the fu- I M Au ad in these columns will sell unythlng from a needle to an anchor. iWhat do you want to aellT Cross Border and Fight U. S. Troops I To Investigate Air School United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 9. The senate today voted unanimously for an Investigation of the aviation corps school at San Diego. I. WOULD SEN0U.S. FORCES OVER TO HUNT VILLISTAS ' a j LANSING TO ASK THE SANCTION, OF CARRANZA FOR THIS MOVE United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Mnrch 9.. Secretary of State Lansing will Vire' Carranza tonight for permission tp send United States forces over the: hlrlnl Itlint fAP itlA tlD TtH fist tacking Columbus, New Mexico. this;tbe clty-by the Mexlcan band,t. " morning. - ' cordlng to General Pershing, after he Officials say the case is more seri-.had received a report from Colonel. otis than the Santa Ysabel massacre, jsiocum, commanding officer at Co ns a peaceful American town was ftt-'iumbus. tacked without provocation. . ., , . fUnatar. Borah and Fall are nath-J Pe ?IeXlCa5B advanced under COV- orlns-" Information for a renawnl Of attack upon Wilson's Mexican policy, lit from Dairy. wiuiam weicn, wen Known uiutj-0 ite who seeks the democrat nomlna- tlon for commissioner. Is here today on business. RARRED FOR STANDING CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION TESTS k'nited PiessServIc? ., CHICAGO March 9 Because they, ,,,,. were seriously wounded, includ swam two lengths of a sixty-foot taik ) . n addition to diving and bringing up , ,nB one oraoef- a sandbag, to pass a civil service ex- w T- Richey, a hotel proprietor, amination to get Jobj as lifesaveca atjand four others Wire killed while swimming beaches here, a Central aiding the troops. James Gean sad Amateur Athletic committee riled rnliul that Walter Farrell, Hobart Olson, Charley Palicek and Lloyd Moft aro professionals, and have barred them from amate'ir meets. ' All four wen are powerful swim mers. Tho have appealed to tht rutional body in New York. i For the first time in history a wo- man Is candidate for vice president, of the United States. She is Mrs. i Kate O'Hara, a prominent socialist In tho West. Much Interest Taken in the Spelling Contests The spelling contests for the cham pionship of Klamath county schools is well started now, and Interest In these contests Is great In every dis trict. At Olene last night, besides the program and contest by the school children, there was a big supper, served by the women of the district. The contest at Olene last night was I between the spellers of Olene, Pine Grove, Uppor Poe, Lower Poe and Swan Lake schools. It resulted In two Olene pupils, Leonard Lewis and William Clarke, spelling down all the other entrants, and this qualified these two for county championship finals. Tho Olene school was crowded when the contest waa bold last night. Every district, interested was repre- I ', ItOKDKtt TOW.V IS INVADED, AXD A SERIOUS FIGHT IS THE RESULT Forty Mexican Are Shin in Battle, mid Eleven American, InclBdiag Civilians. Are Killed, in Early Morning Battle at Columbus, New Mexico Villa Relieved to Have ld the Attack. , United Press Service EL PASO, Tex., March 9, In a battle between VllliBta bandits, re- ported to bo under the personal com mand of Villa, and American sol id lers at Columbus. New Mexico, this morning, three American soldiers were killed and four were wounded Several civilians were killed and wounded, and many Mexicans were killed. ' The battle followed an attack upon er dark(gsrairo"set-1rrt'WtirWF- f jpot and neighboring buildings. Troops armed with rifles and machine gnaa , repulsed tho bandits after two hoars ughting. The Thirteenth cavalry then pursued the bandits until they ere driven over the border. Latest advices say that forty Mex- ' ans were slain. Tneir bodies were scattered through the streets. Pour soldiers and seven civilians were killed and fire civilians and eight aol- , wife v ere shot while they were de . . . . . fending their home. The Mexicans captured several cav alry horses. Eye witnesses are positive that Villa led the attack. Mortenson Returns. President H. D. Mortenson of the. Pelican Bay Lumber company is home, from an extended visit in Eastern and. Mlddlo Western cities. - seated by a delegation of pupils and patrons. At a contest held, at the Miller Hill school, in which Midland, Miller Hill and Summers school spellers partici pated, Charlotte Wright of MIller-HUl and Jesso Depuy of Midland were tho successful contestants. Returns are not In from all of the dlttricts as yet. In these contests there Is a gradual elimination until two aro left. These two are then eligible to enter tho finals, when the winners of all of the district aatehes will anall amlnat flph ntfear In Klam ath Falls, March 24th, '' &! Besides the spelling coateets, a SW gram is given at each of theia BMMK-f-' Ian nil in hem tiAlfivifurnlahad hr.SBwsl'' pupil, of all the ekMai.ta'iieWMI wet-. ... . S&frf0!jSl .- ',. i.-.'" . $: ssr "Si i-ft' ' B 1 W 't . M I m. mm r i "H m f. 1 .ft It el Bl M 1 m lfT 8J.al ""x Si'" C&y- 3