"-!rT '""nrTrii 1 1 rii ...J 0Ll i AV ."& v limning HraUi i MATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER tietMAL NEWrrB ill ssa.saeassBan. 3 yJkr-.Nu. imbo KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916 Price, Five Ceata iZLZZ&H 3to IE ntroversy MINA6E WORK 10 B STARTED ON LOWER LAKE MfRHT ,K,,'IIIKM VOH ,,BA,J ACTION It' t'"1 u '" ,,c A"k'l, Nn" Vltirtr. l"",u w,u ,,4, ,M,,W'' (nJjrr I'urrltoMHl, Final Arrange mmu Will 1 Mode with HomUktb hcMr, anil Sptvlllcsilloitt Will I ggata) to Completion I big ttrldcrt uro not taken towortl lH rKUmatlon of the 27,500 acros if minh land In KUmath county Mk1d( on Lower Klnmatli lak, It fill not bo tlio fault of the Klamnth ilMie dlntrlct The director of Aboriinltntlun havo tho support of 1st other Iud'I owners, and thoy will jrttbe work under way as soon ai IS At a recent election tho members st tli district voted authority to the dUtrlrt for $100,000 to PWaf about the drainage. Tho dl- i will Ihup these bonds as need- Ai for the work, and will therefore H tU to proceed w Ithout unnece Nty delay. At the taut meeting of the director ft tu decided that a dredger, to bo I In tho cormtructlon of the dyke. I taMid be purchased. Advertisement hrtnchadrodKer will soon be Issued. The county court la to bo Detltlon- I 4 to appoint viewers, aa provided . w under tho drainage district law. 'Then three lower wilt ascertain n lands will bo moat boneflttod ty the different bond iesuerf, and tfcae will he aaseased accordingly If those particular Issues. Endneer Don J. Ztimwalt recently Mie his preliminary report and sec- (BBMndsllonii mi Mi nrntaot tin I bow getting out his final maps, wo tno specifications, etc., for the wrk, Another mailer to bo taken up iwn by tho drainage district's di lators is the perfecting ot arrange nuts with the Southern Pacific for (Cnnsctlnr Hi.. illiilii. J..I.-- . -....,, v Miauivia UJRVI wall, t railway embankment near the' m railway embankment near the low Uke. Thla would materially J ...... ... rcciamaupn cost, as 1110 u.B me tho cost of an additional- ilU Railway Employes Ready toPresent Their Demands "'' - Se.vlc. "' rWaSeivice: ruinir.,.. ; . . . i::."re""r0n,' . Iucr.'"l! " ' "V .. ""I;: m.ii ,-"" imimis auvcunn.ui me ihbhhu.o ...... ..-- HU ami ini.... . u.u - .I.-..I-.. i i. .. ...ii,. ,,f., in not boon -- i-uiiuiii meetings aneewng , .".mi ww iiqm uit mu i -r.. am, iauor. ever held an tho rlcan continent opened hero to- iillnent opened here to-1 "y. Tho fxenillvo committees of the.orondum voio would ho norossnrj. "f rSlllflllil lirntt..l.n4. -.- . oi.n. Li.ili,. iu.1.1... . """"""" " " - '"icu 10 verify Iha f.M.rii.tn rm 3B0.000 employee on the eight "Ur dnv ... . v . .. . .. . ' " i uours pay onu time i i. " for overtime. .- oniciai result ot the vote, which -- ...loo,, l0 ,, overwhelmingly ItVor nt II... . m- .... i t . -. mu uvniBuus, win not no "unced for several days. a28Dt agreements) provide for "-ys foraecetutloee ok ur Tr in dispute, so tke crisis in tho T"t hour controversy is not ex- Fla for uMnl .b ' committees, representing flre "J alneere, conductors and trtla ?. Probably will choose a Joint "Ktee to submit the men'i de- njMW-uyvwMiiririiri" y--"" -- Mrs. Pankhurst's Mrs Kmmollno I'liukhurst loider'were of the nillltnnt HUlTraKuttes of Cng - land, hliowoil thlH photocrnph of the four nr li'ihlim she hn taken to rnlso when hIki n.ih nt tho MrAlpin hotel In Now York tho other day. Th nro tho MlsHen Jean, KllxnboUi und Mnry, 1 mil nix innntlis. mill Kathleen, one yoar old. , "Tho fathcra of two were o Ulcers killed at the UarunneiieH. sain .Mm. I'nnkhurst "I am rnlaing tnem as nn rivo prommenco 10 tno movement 01, AmMnn d,8patcne 8tate a thous nxiwrlmont. anil am deopl) nttsftlicrt caring for this problem, which '"i,,. ynr(,B of nusslan trenches north to them. Koch hna Its story, and they vital" ' . . Tnrnnnnl hBT bMn tok.n SUGARMAN SEES HIGHER PRICES l.OfAI. MKItCIIAXT 8AYB Kll KCT l U'Alt OltDKIUi VViiS ASUIHI- ( AX Tit A AI.l7.IXfl ( AX TltADH IS MOST MOMOHAI.- - ,, ,. V0.1 who are able to ""; , wool '" wwwtocnotto fade-. Ip-run-down-at-the-cuff-or -wear out-ln-sU-n onll.H'- Ime right now an 1 look forward to n.forlor goods nt ho niinu price, .d- mo.it 1. frou .... 'lu,. nn llwr.VW.l II the HI IK'S Ofl """".. "".... .,. ..m.iiii. uxiruiih, n uni ih'"-i v.... rri'fiiiled as ataplo cm l.o oo-Mit.. mi "riling n K luBiirmnti, who re mmnllng n K luunriiinii. who - tu me I last night fr a lmlng trip ..num... I Co not ininK inor w. . .--.. n thins us .a. .i.l Ml ""it on u.e manda to ll. n.ll.. oMIc.nl.s A.- manda to tin. rallwio olllclnia A.- """" vw .. , ', a ot uir riigiiieurs uiui uuim "" Man ioiuj. u Htr nun iii'iiiij, m n...v. .. .. .- token, taken. To cull i xtriko, nnolhcr tef- - "' Tho ni,i iporlty of tho country, both ...,... . n.. . ....... tho outcome) m """ 1" "' " . .. of the eltht hour dny controversy, Droth.rhoo.1 offleluls .Irmly bollovo that this Is tl... time to forco a show down on the oposltlon. Howovor. all no for poaco and nro wllllnrTarbltiato, but they are not or-peace nt ony Pilco. If rallwayTeofWeilng ncrmnnenw, .... officials aro ndumnnt, a atrlke tying horo. " ,. n h Mnnnriniion system ot tno entire country, It probable thoy say. More than tweniy billions of cap.- tal, 600,000 stockholders,, 4B rail- waya and 280,000 mles or trnoK, ana 3.000,000 employes are directly In- Solved. Over "War Babies" -flfi toil iik tlu host examples ofinnccd west of Regnevlllc along the Ithelr I'lllHI The will he Riven tho sn.no ..nngmi; up that my own cl.Il- dren reecho,!, and when the time come, for the nation to tackle the unworn t tne uirRiumaio cnna. ai, It surely imiat do, this nction must urove n hcltiful nrecedenl HnRlnnd hH 10,000 such babies each year, re- KarcllosB of war conditions, and tho term -war nnoy was acioptca oniy o nut '.it next fall," ms Surtnrma'i. TI' foreign deni.iua has completely disrupted nil former selling plans, niul the American public must take what Is loft after the European or ilcrH nro attended to. "For Instnnce, I'll mention three ordors, lately plnccd. Tho Russian government has a stnndlng order for fiO, 000 sheepskin lined overcoats a voelt. and tho filling of this Is an enormous tnhk. keening several fac- torles busy, and depleting the supply of HiiccpBKin t an appnuing rnie. "Tho Mlshlwnukeo Uubbor com- pnny ha Just filled an order for flf- toon million pairs of rubber boots (or om. of tho ..elllgerents You can tromondous or- trnJo of tw com. AmcrCM Woo,e M, m) oner for flffj. mn,on - ,n maknR ' .. ... , i. nrltlslt army uniforms This Is the largest firm In tho world, and with ill ,f lis resources being used In tho o tho AmerlcaI1 fnco n 8,lortnBe. MiernmcnU are par- " - - f th0 " .., fhnv glioiis inej iivi' - --. ' pny spot cash, upon completion of i..oniimnnta of tho orders, This IIIO. ........ ..." imkos II lo8slhlo for tho manufac turers to soli at an immonso profit, obviating tho necessity of salesmen and tho other forcoi necessary to se em o a market, as In ordlnnry times. Instead of their seoklng n market, a market nt nn advanced price Is thrust upon thorn, and thoy aro too hnnv nlvlnc attention to tho oppor tunity to make fortunes from theso war mad people to rIt attention to """ ,'.'," tho noods of America "With tho wholesalers. It Is not folium to nlnco orders It a enso of failure to mi n can" in inn....- is n enso of Inability to get prompt nttontlon given to ordors. or to got doHvoTles" Mr and Mrs. unnnes r..... ...... , - i..ti.r nt Mrs. J. M. nod- lornu-. - 1.1,.-.-" rrom ..,, . ...-...- - - , motored as a -- T "T- their car no... ..v.. ."b. . jthusod with Klamath county, and are i . . i Mrs. H. Mathlas, an export tanner of Alabama, inakes a bus nes. of buy u poor ana o rose. .--. a ;.- - -, . maauiB mo. ;" ,-- after which she sells thorn at a hand- ("ne Proni' Submarining GERMANS CLAIM BIGGEST GAINS OF NEW A1TACK M:KltAI. TOWNH AND ll,l..(ii:s TAKEN , i'lt-mli ItvpoitN Slate Th.it (.itihiiii OixluuKlitx Around in-Mii" Hne i Died Domii in Itktcimll), unci Tliat I'n'nili HiiTf Retaken l.o-t Trench. In tin Cliamiuimif Region. Ilimti Report Sighting Wg Fleet' I luti'il l'lona Suivlce licit KIN', March 8. It Is announc-) d that the Germans hae captured Hcgnevlllc and Forges, and have ad a, .,-,.1, ,i, r1llu. .tnrminc v t s, utsii n ut iv . -- h thrce an ,mU w BcthInc0Urt for n depth of ralcfl .. . ,. ,,. .. slnee .. Verdun offensive started Teutonic forces have also captured Huben and Cumleres Heights. In this engaBcment nearly 4,000 men and n cannon wero captured. I'AItlS. March 8. Heavy artillery action raged all last night along both bnnks of tho Muese The situation around Verdun Is unchanged. It is believed that the Germans are about to attempt the Infantry capture of Goose and Dead Man hills. "Enst of Malson de Champagne we hne recaptured tho trenches taken by tho Gormnns last Monday," said the official statement. Tho German nttnek in the vicin ity of Frosnes has apparently broken down LONDON. March 8. Rotterdam wires a Dutch nowspaper printed hero that a duty lugger encountered twen ty-nine German battleships off Ymud- lilen. Holland, recently. These In quired the whereabouts ot the Eng lish fleet, and then steered north by northeast. i A flotilla of destroyers accompan ied tho dreadnoughts, says the re port. SELL THE GRANT GENERAL OOIWSEL FOR THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC MARES OF FER TO THE HOUSE COMMIT. TEE ON PUUI.IO LANDS I'nlled l,lo8 Servlie WASHINGTON. March 8. The i - .southern Pnclilc lias offered to ro-l ,ilnquiah all claim to the Oregon-Cal- 'ifornla land grant for 10.000,000., The offer was mnuo iu mo uuumj ...- mitte on nubile lands today by Gen eral Counsel nialr of the railroad. According to this proposition, the relinquishment would amount to About $4.40 per acre. . Attornoy General Gregory, how ovor, holds that the company is not entitled to more tnan i.&u per acre, with reductions for the past sales In excess of that amount. This would make the railroad's share about t, 000,000". " . ...2m. the only one Tne ornus" ""J" which bears fruit and blossoms at w . the same time. RAILROAD WOULD m Gary and Steel Firms Indicted i GL.H. GkR.r. t'n tid Pi ess Sen Ice YOl'NGSTOWX, O . March 8. 1'iesldent V. H. Gary of the Steel corporation and six large steel com panies were indicted upon sixty-two ( omits today, charged with violating tho Ohio anti-trust law by conspir ing to keep down the wages of com mon laborers. This Is tho outcome or the recent riots at East Youngs town, the jury also finding no foreign govirnment in any way responsible for the strike. Knltml I'ruaa Sprvlre U NEW YORK. March 8. E. Hrf Gary today characterized the Youngs town Indictments as an outrage. "There have been no acts upon the nart of the Steel corporation, the Carnegie Steel company or any ofj the other concerns or their officers j to Justify indictments," said he. HIGHWAY MEETING IS OF IMPORTANCE TURPI" UOCAU ORGANIZATIONS TIIRI.I. UOCAI okga.mziaiiu.v. AND PUnLIC WILL JOIN IN AR RANGING PLAN FOR SHIPPING. TON ROAD An important meeting will be held nt tho Klamath Commercial Club's rooms tonight, when tho city council, Business Men's association and com mercial club will get together In an effort to doso some system for tho Improvement of tho road connctlng the business part of Klamath Falls with Pelican City and Shipplngton. All interested aro asked to attend. Knowledge ot medicine and surg ery Is not enough to insure success of a woman physician, accordtng to Dr. Cornelia C. Drnnt, who claims (that they must nlso.be good looking land well dressed. in et ef st STATE OF TERROR REPEATED THREATS BY AN ARCHISTS AND OTHERS CAUSE THE SPENDING OF BIG SUMS FOR BODYGUARDS United Press Service NEW YORK, March S. Threats from would-be assassins ana qomo iilnt... .ci4a tArrnrlycwl tltA million- aires of thb United States. It MILL ONAIRES Is Revived Congress Back of Wilson in the Matter It) CHAS. P. STEWART ( United Press Staff Correspondent) IiOXDOX, March ft.- England's view of tlie German-Aniericmi sttua tlon, wince the action of the house ii changing. The bcMef is growing here that a break In relations Is pos sible. Antl-Ainericnn feelilg is increasing In Geuusny, according to rei ports today from Danish and Dutch sources, ft Is not known whether this is due to congress upholding Wilson. learned that these men are spend ing thousands daily In guards for the protection of their lives, families and property. The financial district is now honey combed with high priced sleuths, en gaged for the protection of these threatened men. Dan Reld, E. H. Gary, the Astors. Henry Clews, Charles M. Schwab and others are said to be constantly watched by bodyguards. MUNITION-PLANT. IS BURNING UP XI IAGARA FALLS FACTORY MAR INA POWDER INGREDIENTS FOR ALLIES SCENE OF MANY EXPLOSIONS TODAY I mted l'resb Service NIAGARA FALLS, March 8. Onoi u known dead and a score are miss- iI,lg as the reSUlt f a flfe l the PUmt vineara Electro-Chemical com- pany. Tho ontlro nro department is working to save the factory. .. An explosion In the peroxide build ing last night started tho fire. Over twenty explosions came at Intervals Murine? Mia mnrninff. As a result, the peroxide plant was destroyed, and a huge storage house, filled with ex - plosives, Is threatened. The company manufactures nitrates for nowder companies. It Is under stood that It had Immense orders for the allies. Dr. Garvath, head of the company, suspects an Incendiary plot. Firmon are unable to use water 'in fighting the fire, as pouring It on tho chemicals causes new explosions, Registrations Are Still ! Slow; 1407 Registered I Have you registered? If not, why not? A total ot 1,407 people registered up to Monday, according to figures compiled by the county clerk's office. The voting strength of the county Is over 4,000, and there Is little' oyer a month left In which to register for the primaries. By parties, this registration fol fel fol eows: Republican, 924; democrat, 4S?.; upiogrssive, 4; prohibition, Bi social Stands yesterday In ratifying Wilson's. stand WASHINGTON. March 8. Presi- ilent Wilson received asawroace of further backlne from congress last night when after four boors of de late the house of representatives vot ed to table the McLemore resolatiesi warning Americans to keep off aimed merchantmen. The vote upon this question was 270 to 142. With his hands bow niilf short by the action of Coneress. President Wil son is preparing to proceed with Ms negotiations regarding sabmarbse warfare. Prompt action la the cosh troveray Involving Germany sari Msjaj htnd is forecasted. An Investigation of the alleged se cret orders to Are upon sabmarlass Germany insists Great Britain loomed to commanders of merchantmen, Is to be made. Count von BerastorftV the German nmbassador, today handed Secretary of State Lansing memoranda giving a fnli explanation of Germany's reasons for tho Inauguration of the decree whereby Germany's submar ines are ordered to torpedo armed enemy merchantmen without warn ing. v Violations of international law by the allies necessitated such a course, according to this Information. Germany, in these documents, as serts that the British blockade is il legal. She reiterate her willingness to operate her submarines under the ules of naval warfare followed in the pjist, providing England will "cease her attempts to starve the 'civil population of Germany." ' This is believed by diplomats to be Gemmny's last word in the con troversy growing out of the issuance of tho decree. , , Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim, ot New , York has given $12,000 for the equipment of tho five hospital cars which are to bo used In serving the French soldiers in tho advanced i trenches. ,1st. 30; independent, 11; non-parti san. T; refused to state, 8. Tt e precinct regli'. ntl.ius lire, Klamath Falls. Precinct One 116. Precinct Two 84, Precinct Three 86, Precinct Four 89, Precinct Five 87, Precinct Six 69, Precinct Seven 89, Precinct Eight 45, Precinct Nine 79, Precinct Ten 18 j Langell Valley 18c Malin 6, Merrill 28, Tule Lake fi; Midland 29, Worden 16, Piers Sir Mt. Lakl 71, Poe Valley 17, Lost Hlf; er 72, Dairy 68, Hlldebrand 14, f;:; 13, Pine Grove 42, Algoma 8, Xkm- ath Lake 3, Wood River f Ft ueeu , ffi Spraguo River SO, t '"rT - K iyKf.s . V iS. i. K If f v S )