fag-'-fff .? WSS i n t i - .f i uetttna Herald 4 vj KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tenth V..ni-X. .IW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916 Price, Five Onto 4 1 if) Eht i TURKISH FIGHT IN EGYPT GETS TOWAROASTART i:XVi: I'lhllA AMI OHNKHAL AT .n:itUHAi.i:.M liifwitr) Aiiiiik 'nlliiin Ahum Hie UV-tein Fnml. lMi-llljf Awmiiil pouui H IIIToilt. r Hi' IVi'iitli in tl tlio Town l.M IjiI Nllthl "' ,,,,,, Hlorkitl TliU I'nr. Ollirr Wiir Xp I'lilUd I'lBimSolVlc- IIKHMN, Miiull I. -C'oiihliintl-iioilo ri'i't'HH Hint Iviivur I'nMlm nnd tlcneral Hyeinul Piishit hnvo reached Jerusalem Thin la hello oil tlio sig nal for tin- beglnnliiK of tin- TuiltUh cniiulKii aKnlimt EKXPL . Dyrinnl has been frequently ! iloucil n lender of tlio Egyptian movement UIIF4 1'iosa Hervlcu LONDON, Murch I.-Infniuiy ui lock iiromitl Doiinuiiiinit continue, acconlliiK m tllitpnlulii'it, but both llor lln mul 1'nrlB mlvlctw UKrfti tlutt tluTo hMi tern un Importiint t-liriiiKvt n rou ml ViTiluii. Ilcrlln nniiuuiicurt 1.UU0 prlHOUorn anil 27B tlulil plvrvo nml machine kuiih! htvo nlreiuly bitfii tnpturi'U about w "llb!uof DiMiiiumoiit, which tho (Jor ramn touk hut nlKlit. Tlio I'rt'iicli liVf trlKJ to ii'cnpturo the town, nml hate fnllotl ho far. KlKlilltiK In thu vicinity of Ver dun coiillniicH iih llerce nti uvcr. Tho tlcrmtuiH lire unrrlllciuK inuny iukI inciito lu nu effort to xmnihur the French dofonto. Lively urtlllury nclloiiH uro reiort c,l tun ill of Vnnliiii, I'ultcd I'laiiM Kurvlvtt IIKIU.IN, Mnrch 4. It Ik iiunouuc cd Unit a Ci'iinun Hiibmiirlntt Hiuilt two Kreitrli iiuxlllary crulHurn uml mi KiirIIkIi put i mI liont yeHtenlny I'AUIK, Mm ill t. MnklllK pub lic the fact Hint there were t.OOo aboard the i-rulsur I'roveiui) recently tubmnrliicit In tho Meilltornineuii, the admiralty todny Indicated thul there It no liujie of more mirvlvom than the W wlio Iiiivu reached Malta nml Melon, IIATTI.IUXi:i.H4NTO tii-T niveuci: itKcitKi: OIIICAdO, March 4. HattllitK Nel- on, cMUvhllu Idol of tho prize ring, wan IlKurntlvely tosnod buck into tho marring market, untl, fllRUrntlvoly, too, Kay kIiik NoIhou, bin cartoonist wl(e, became u matrimonial prospect alter -JiuIko Kemtcn, lu tho circuit court, hoard tcMlmony ot desortlon In Neltnn'H divorce milt, and Indlcntod that he would Brant him u decree. Tho teBtlmony of tho "Durable Dane' wub ciinllnod solely to charges of dcHcrtlou. Nelson tostllled In an- er to (lucHtloim of Kmllo V. Vnn- oover, bin attorney, tlint he was mar ried January 12, 1913, and that his Klfo left hint .tlirnn .lnvu Intnp Un 'aid that b)io later returned at Intor- Industrial Club Worker to Visit County Schools The Industrial club work, so huc c"S8fuiiy Inaugurated In Klnmnth C(nty last yoar, Is to bo carrlod on "nln this yoar. H. O. Seymour, ngont f tho state department of public In "fuctlon, will bo hero soon to tnko "P. tho work In the different schools. uriuy u sinri hob ncen ninuo, KDrlllir Kllln r.i.wnHll..M H Al..k ml.. .. afternoon, County School Superintendent Fred raterion will (accompany Seymour l hl trip through tho county, und no following schodulo has been nr rngd: Thuriday, March 30 City schools of Klaujtth Falls. French Guns at Map of I 1 ' v- I K ' ' L SI MA'i! H f, "L 9 B'A &' war ' k5--jiTi . 'J7 i.7- JTt rVfi s isja4 ft .. -ac.ifjjtvn5 WETWxr::MS AC. . . . .i'V Hi Wfc?iiSkvJ' v .T3fiUiftJi""' . AVcararv'f?r 7 j AlANHcf t vk iv ry a ... .v . 'WMmiMuot K is-rrTt. i vi -i3ii- !fV life jJv rLfi The French Hue north of Verdun at thu beginning of the present (Senium olTennlve inn from the Mcirse, at a pn'nt north of Conscnvoye, In a semi- circle Into the woods to tho northeast nun tinned southward wen norm oi Ile.uinont. continuing to tho south- cast, north of Orncs, to Hromozy nnd valfl, but loft hi in llnally In Novombor, 1913. Willi him N'olsnu carried a largo packet of "wooly lamb" letters, written to him by his wife. Sovcrnl of them were offered formally In evi dence, but no testimony concerning them was given. Mrs. Nelson did not contest the suit She Is employed as u cartoonist on n Kansas City nows pnpor. STATUS U'ATt'll IM-'Ull .MILK OltDINANCi: KFFKOT IN (1AHV ; (1AHV. Intl.. March l--Th!s cltyj todny took the lend In a crusadu for ...111. t.tl.n. I, ulfirf.iil tlio sine tu piuo iiiiiu iivu ii o. ....... j to enforce nn ordinance which nuilior Izes oiily the sale ot pasteurized milk " .., 1...1. ...,,. i , is ..'step tuai me u , . .,.. .. t0llny IUed for nom- llRi'lr Willi not llliie in inim iiuu"b" -----. - Z"ZL nnd the outcome here..;!lon as , rc,t . Tor the thl, Is being watched ihioitRliout tnu ami rdlnnnco will other stntes. The force every dairyman in tho city to provlde a pasteurizing process. " Friday, March 31 9t30, Suinmers; SUinuiers. ..... -... ti, i ii f local Institute. Monday, April 8 l:3, Pine drove; 10:30, OI...; l.W. 3:00, lllldourand; 8:00 p m, no- ,nz. with .Uustrated lecture. TUMn.yA a.P tZw. ?' 30 R a I'oe; 10:30. Shasta View; 1.30 la Un; 3:00, dale; :uu p. ..... ...u.,.. OU 1UUIHIU w Wn.lnnmlnv. Anrll D !)!30. LOnO Pine; 10:30, Mldlnnd; 1:30, Plovnu; 8:00 p. m Keno, Illustrated lecture Verdun; German Advance I J ,- 'if ,' Vft. .'W3R 'fiiftlftft "WswPv . j nS.xasc "-,rt,"K;. ff i - .JK3I ..... nl Xggvtoupr f Yl I ?-. win Tu Ih Four days of continuous llght- InR with heavy losses lmvo given the Cormnns Sousenvoye, Hrnbant-sur- Muse, llnumont nnd Snmognoux on the western end ot tho sallont. and urncs niruiur e.isi. in - way between Samongneux ami urues. still rcslhts the (lorman assault. TWO MORE MEN FILE JT SALEM (illOKHIIKCK AN1 MKIUtVMAX FIM-: T1IKIU I'BTITIOXS AT THH OFFICII OF Till: SKCUKTAKY OF stati: il'iilted 1'iess Service SALICM. Mlircil i. lioua u, umw )"" Hniold C. Merryman, republican, of Klamath Falls, Med for the nom- Inatlon as district attorney .or .v..,m- nth. William M. Duncan, domocrat, nnd Joseph S. Kent, republican, have nl ready tiled their petitions for tho dis trict attorneyship nominations for Ktnmnth county. XF.W FACTOKIKS MAY UK OIVKN A CASH ltOXUS SACUAMKNTO, March 4. With a view to encouraging manufacturing Interests to como hero nnd Jolu In the .---. ";- nnvnuiiiiiiuiiL in iv wmihh - - ,..,..,., m,i - horn in to- "" . ""' r'clin uo adopted J " J,t wlu bo urgod 0 2; for t w endorB. 'ed by the manufacturing committee of , ') Commorce moetlnr " " "ommitteo discussed several subjects of Intorost In the growth and progress of the city, street Improve- mont being ono of tho most Important. 1 L3 STATE MODIFIES DOG QUARANTINE; i lnoAiti ok m:;ini wimj now i .i-m)v ki:i:im.(; muzzm;i ! ihhih IN M)IM; COUNT1KH ' AND I.ASSKNI I I SACIIAMENTO, March 4. The Htutu board of health linn modified the Htnte iiiarantlnt In rubles stricken i ones In Modoc, and I-hshcii cuimtles, i ho that dogn properly ifTuzzled and .'coiillned may bo kepi by re.-tldents and Hlocktncn without fear of being killed on Might, as under the tcrnm of the original drastic quarantine, when rab ies were nt their height The mortifi cation was made at tlio tciiuest of State Sanitary limiiector IMward Rosa who lu In charge of the hltuatlon in the northwest portion of the state. 1'iidcr the new order of things muz zled dngH may be kept, providing they are under control at nil times and are always on private premises during tho night hours. Under no condition will dogs be allowed to run at large. The board of health refused tho applica tion of the residents of Lassen and Modoc counties to permit tho ship ment of canines to and from points within and without tho state. One violation of the modified quar antine will result in the revival of tho tl rustle regulations oncoming the killing or conflsentlon ot all dogs on sight ADMINISTRATIONS NAVYI.PLAI POOR . t T uile.l I'icas e)VJC WASHINGTON, Mnrch 4. "If war was declared tomorrow, our navy would be absolutely Impotent to check an Invasion of our coast," uald former Secretnry of War Meyer. "Our battle ship fleet now numbers fifteen; It was twenty-four when Daniels took ofllce. "Secretary Daniels has demoralized and disorganized the organization he found in working order wheu he took ofllco. Wo have not fully appreciat ed the condition the country has been facing. "The present navy has no organiza tion ready to act on n war footing. it has no war plans, no mobilization plan, no general staff, no resorves, and only n small supply of ammuni tion. "Tho government has not even started to lay tho keels for the two battleships authorized at the last ses sion of congress. Every worship launched since Daniels took office three years ago was authorized by a former administration." CLAMAN PLAYERS OPEN HERE SOON Klamath Falls theatergoers will again be given an opportunity to see Clnman's players. Manager Claman nrrlvod liore today and is arranging for another "merchant's carnival," with n bill of Btnndnrd plays, to bo given during tho week beginning Murch 12. Tho company to produce the week's entertainment is known ns "Claman's 'Tho Prlco She Paid' company." This Is tho original company presenting tho dramatization ot David Graham .Phillips' powerful book, with O. Knton and Uonnle Dernard playing the leads, and supported by n well balanced company. Dcsidcs "The Prlco She Paid," tho company's repetolro includes "Peg 'o My Heart," "The Girl from Laramie.'' "Within the Law," "Tho Spendthrift" nnd other late favorltos. 4 Colder tonight. Unsettled and 4 a .niiiinued cold weather, with a rnin or snow for Sunday, Monday nnd probably Tuesday, Winds I. riot strong. KLAMATH BABIES ALL SCORE HIGH i;ioHTV-TUiti:i: younostkiis k.v- AMINKI), AND Tlf Kilt TKSTS AV- KltAGKIl l7 1-2 I'KIt CK.VT lKR. FKCT The fact that Klamath county's youngsters are unusually healthy was foiclbly demostrated at the Belter Babies Health Exhibit, which closed yesterday. A total of eighty-three babies were examined and scored by the staff of physicians and nurses, nnd the general average of their M-orea was 97 1-2 pur tent. There were a good many bibles scored at 100, or "perfect." The Better Rabies Health Exhibit was given by the Woman's Library club solely to better the condition of the babies in Klamath Falls, through having them examined free of cost by local physicians, who volunteered their services without charge, simply to help out the work of tho club women. All expenses incurred were paid by the club, and If only one baby's condition is benefitted by the show, examination and lectures, the club women fee amply repaid for their efforts. In fact, the club is already planning to hold a still bigger show next year. The attendance at the sessions Thurs day and Friday proved the work to be one of Interest to all. Thecouncil rooms were crowded all yesterday af ternoon, nnd even the halls were filled with interested visitors. Miss Marie West, a graduate nurse, who postponed her departure for Chi cago in order to assist the local club In Its work, took an active part in the health exhibit, and her efforts were greatly appreciated by the club. Mrs. George J. Wright, Mrs. Paul Bo gnrdus and Mrs. Warren Hunt, also graduates of tho training schools of some of the nation's best hospitals, were also active, especially In the con ducting of the tests and examinations. The Library club wishes to extend thanks to the following for assistance: Dr. Nancy N. White, who gave the whole of two days to helping In the examining and measuring of the babies. AH of tlio local doctors and nurses and others who so generously gave ot their time for the success of the show. Mayor Mason and the city council for tho use of the council rooms, and Police Judgo Leavitt for the use of his privato office. Mrs. F. M. White, Mrs. Louis Van Bellcn, Miss Alice Duncan and Miss Roso Reed for their valuable work In registering babies, and in com puting scores. Virgil & Son, O. J. Eskelson and J. V. Houston for furniture loaned. Star Drug Co. for supplies and ap pliances loaned. Link River Electric Co. for electric stovo and cabinet containing "ske doodlo" light plug, which proved nn offectlve attraction. William A. Wright and Fred Hous ton for printing and mounting cards. Golden Rule for infants' clothing loaned. Baldwin Hardware Co. and Rob erts & Hanks for hardware loaned. Here from llonanza. A. D. Slack of Bonanza Is in the county seat on a business trip. DVK8TUFFS SHORTAGE IS A SERIOUS FACTOR PORTLAND, Marchc 4. Portland laundrles'are urging their patrons to use ns much whlto goods as possible, and are accepting colored goods at tho owner's risk, owing to the short ago of Imported dyestuffs, which as sure fast colors In fabrics. Tho following notices are being In cluded In laundry bundles sent back to patrons this week: "Some makers ot wash goods are alroady notifying their patrons that thoy cannot guarantee the permanen cy ot colors. "Wash goods In all colors are apt to be fugitive. Under these circum stances, and for tho further reason that there la no known method where by fugitive colors can be washed so they will not run, and no way of knowing whether colors will run or Local Pastor Has Praise for Mathis mi Bernard Vesaey, Choir Leader for Mathis Services "Tho Mathis-Vessey evangelistic services now being conducted at Med' ford are being thronged at every meeting," said Rev. J. W. Jenkins of : the local Christian church yesterday, who has Just returned from the Med-, ford and Rogue River country, and. zURICHMarch 4. Following the who attended the services while there. ',nUng of ..grave wireiess messages" "Mr. Mathis is getting the crowds. In from Amerlca In German papers, the his preaching, he Is quiet and unas-,Prankfort Bourse closed Us opera sumlng, not attempting any scholarly tlong Jn a panic yc8terday. discourses. Instead he gets right down to plain, every-day facts, and WASHINGTON, March 4. -A dl talks straight out from tho shoulder v,gIon among the adminlgtratIon sup so that all who hear him get every-' orter8 ,n the houBe ha8 broken out, thing he says. Ho understands hlslover the queation of endorsing WI1 audlence perfectly, and they seem to sonB gtand An effort wa8 made to understand him. He Is doing a great force a vote on the McLemore resolu-work-" ion warning Americans to keep ott Although invitations are not ex- armed ships, tended at every meeting by any means Later It was announced that the' considerably over a hundred conver- vote would be taken Tuesday. sions have resulted, and the meetings Differences between members of are Just fairly begun. Mr. Vessey con- the rules committee caused the delay. tlnues to charm his audiences with his solo work, also the work of his frlend3 are reported seeking the sup great choir. The party will begin a port ot the republican congressmen series of services here Sunday even- Ing, March 19th. not. except by washing, we beg to chantmen was resumed In the sen notify our patrons that while we use ate this afternoon. Senator Lodge every care In the handling of goods, we cannot guarantee colors of any na- England had warned its citizens to ture, and colored goods will be ac- keep off armed merchantmen dur copted only nt owner's risk." ing the Jap-Russian war. COOX IS APPOINTED Claude B. Coon wns today advised telegraphically that ho has been ap - lolnted agent for the Harley - Davld - son motorcycle In Klamath and Jack- son counties. A demonstrator ma-' chine, of the latest patent, Is now on the wny hero from the factory at Milwaukee. Coon has sold this make of motorcycle here for two or three years with good success, nnd with his enlarged territory he looks for a greater volume of business. Houston Is Speculation PORTLAND, March 4. Reasons I duction of lumber lu Oregon has been why Secretary Houston ot the depart- practically at a standstill. , .. . .' The mill capacity of the Pacific meat of agriculture Is opposed to the Ue furtUer p0,nta ou , Immediate sals of the timber on the 30 per cent ,n exceB8 t the output, O. & C, grant lands aro set forth Inland declares that the lesson to be his report to the senate public lands ' drawn from this condition Is that Um comralttee, a copy ot which has beener cannot be held In the enormous received by District Forester Cecil. Secretary Houston expressed the opinion that tho timber on tho grant He wants the lands to be classified lands should not be sold on a specu- beforo any are thrown open to et lativo basis, but should be sold gen- tlement. This classification, be attl erally with the progress of going lum - Dor operuuuiiB, luureuy, uo oojo, avoiding tho alternative ot tying up high priced capital which should bo'natural logging -units, Instead of By mnnloved In somo much needed pro- legal subdivisions. He la Ik MMff ductlvo Industry. Ho points out that the recent Inves - tigatlonby tho federal trades commls - slon. made In co-operation with the department of agriculture, shows there aro 348,000,000,000 feet of lmtA In nntvnia lianHa In HfoirAn and - Washington; that this timber Is not easily accessible to great centers or consumption, and consequently pro - HOUSE LEADERS NOW SPLIT UP; VOTEJUESDAY OPPOSITION TO WILSOX 18 IX. CREASING Backing of Wilson by Senators Said to Have u Signal Effect Broad. Humor That Wilson Would Resign Ih Denounced In Statement From White House Throe American Sail on Armed Vessel United Press Service LONDON, March 4. A firm stand by congress will force Germany to back down and remove practically all possibilities of a German-Ameri can war, say English newspapers and' ofllclals Betting and actions In In- isurance circles reflect this sentiment, in the meantime- the, president's f0r the president's stand. ' The debate on the question ot Americans travelling on armed mer- ' read a denial of the statement that If the three Americans who left xw Vni-V nhnftvil tlla nrmAfl TtrlMah i "' , Y.,,,"., v v Inner ionuiic uro kimbu uj marines they are victims of their own bravado and America should not make any fuss over them, according - to the sentiments expressed In the l senate today by Jones, McCumber. j Hitchcock and Clapp. J. B. McAllister returned last night from San Francisco, where he spent a couple of weeks. Edward H. Pike, also of tho Pelican Bay Lumber con- J pany, is now in a San Francisco hos- pltal and will be kept there for two (weeks. Opposed to inO. - C.Sales ijunuiiwva uaiowub u m w..r by capital demanding an annual re- i Ulru of G Hor cont or more 1 mates, could bo accomplished la on. A ji, . His Jdea is to sell the timber in ; with the plan, provided In the Choavj , borlaln bill, to immeaiawny rwas;r 1 burse the Oregon counties rer tsv . from taxes. i- t v i ... s m Tho 300,000 acres wnica are bow--i within the boundaries of natloaal fr-V. I ests, he says, should be iMtoWipMi 'of the natloaal Jorests, wW-tlMff.j similar cnaraoter to iae "I??- 'embraced In the nstlo.al fMl ' - h r' iLrt- nil m V- III I'll i?a m "-k . ?f'r '' V K"