te r.,lAy. MAKOii , ItM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "m I'AQK 9MUIE ranee Squad of the I airon stmdai Need of Credit by Farmer Accurate Information afcewt Use Klamath country. Ask Chltcete. 16 trdinals Begins toTrain Harley Davidson on Project Is Real Vital m: ii.i i'f" Servile Murch 2, I nt Hut HI . Bniiiiii " " ATM" "" ,iS ANTONIO, Texas ,.. HQtinil of tl nii ncliedulcd (l I.011I nrrlve The HI. Louis umuiigiil will not nelld III pill) el m (IikiiikIi I ho IKKIlllll nullum WO(OIIM III! Kid, I trio llllllll vork In Ui ii enily ki-iikoii tended i UltlU M " , ., l"ll HlO llll)TH Hlllln bofniu l)i. rtlodir. PM-n in"--'"-'" " ' unison vwin Imlf i,i(. Mo pi ornlvod Lr, of U"-Mound Cliy lim nn- , ,,,, , 1(IW , , , " -.. Unnnimr Mlfir HtlK-'ci.,. ..mi ... .ik.winK'" :" i tun iiiiin inn ui 111 1 iiiriiiiKH on ' " . . .i. I...II urfft..! f.. fir... .... . ... ,, irotIM irM"-"'" jiiKiu worMiiiu while in il.. Hoii'I. '' .. Tim n.l nt Mm i i w. .......... Mil 0''"" liiiiiu .mi vxiiiijiiioii games imvii lieen b ihOuW rrimil lioi liner ...no birrb ' I'l"11"' """" ' ' '!" p floijl It'll cnr, "" """ Wrl (lrt,ii" ""l " "'"" '"" lm iMt olnjril "' " nilnwro M ,aM v0,r ,f7T-Tnr ff i ottee j.k.ii.i'i jut nj liiyiM'- Do you punish your self with poor coffee because of price -per - pOUQcI ? Price-pcr-putiiul doesn't mean economy! i mc economy is in such coffee is Schillings Best its favor developed to such richness and fullness that it goes further: less will favor the cup. Alwi)i evenly i; round and duff uUn-imt; ala)i KM iwlcd to )(u In air tifht tin that protect all tbefUtor. Schilling's Best JAAAW MWMVWVVWWMWMVtf A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL WHY HAtUKATK VOUB HYBTKM WITH MKKOUItV? Cirri Liftle Liver Lifters Out to tu tablets at night cor itcti Stomach and I.lver disorders. c Bottle s Bottles for f 1.00 Postage paid on mall orders STAR DRUG COMPANY " --i-niriniinnn j"'"".'.., ' ' ."WWWWvwwv wuig a Banking faction lerloug nmtter und ought to btoto as the result of n careful "uldiratlou of nil tho quslMca- uo of the bnnk Booking bust " 'We realise that the prln ll Inducements a bunk bai to Jj I0? aro """'"jr and the Wl of personal iittentlon to WwhulBHi. Wo know that our ' capital nnd surplus, together "J ,trlc,et Uovornment Super. ,08' thto Institution b "'"lysound.hlletheefflclen. 'of our equipment and service "" 'he other requirements of ' bank, u l8 ,ult0 worth "'for any person to buildup ( on that will .ntmt BtB ,1? "l ,h0 bonk' We Invite ' account; we can be of .er " 'o you. first National Bank nrriiiiKod anil the Hi l.ouU uniting uul will nut lliiouii In ii rcunl.ti i-iiiin until It rnilii' Ml I.hiiIh Mnnli 2 for llii opening i;uini of spiliiK surliM with Kli-lilrr Joiius' IVil-lliown nu Kri'giitloii y noxi WViliicHclny I lug. CIIiM' MIIJIIIll l lXpl-llll til llllllll.' I tlility-nlni) nu'ii i: I IOUAVS OIHIKhT sllt - I'nlti'il I'rcKH Korlri MILWAUKCi:. WIm.. Mnnli 2. With tho pulfitliiK of Queen Vlrturln nninril from lt plucn ' of honor In tho auditorium nnd Mtored In tho liiiHomont for tho week, l In: WUconsIn AiiHtro- Cirninn Aid Kodety mutton to nilHu fiinilM for win Hiiffcnirn opi'imd lien1 todiy with life Hire oIIn of KnUer Wllhelin nnd ou lllndenlien; ntitnillni: about. The nrtlflcx to Im. nuctlouid Includo round trip North Cormnn Moyd nnd HiiiiihurK-Amcrlciin line tlcketM to Curopo which cannot , bit UKed until after the wnr be- tin i mi tho linen nro not In oporn- tlon; halt n doion Rinnll WlHcon- ! filu fiiniiK and a thousand HprltiK ! hutrt for women, mndo by Mil waukee German Klrln. Ono booth Is a hiiKi! ropllra of the sunken German sea rnlder Kmden sbbHbD9bbbBLm V.lf 4-&' .LIbLB I? AaaaajaanavflppjHIPPPpi iisx Jfa BkmB w geBBBBBBDaaSBBVBawsQBBKv1 'Ba geaBBBeBak. Sr J''r BE (f'ontlruit'il from I'age I) 'United BUtcs, tho Interest rate could - , be lowered somewhat. i Kon, HOirir- piovlslon must bo mado for "T,,e pl,bllc crod,t ot approximate-, IlKhtcnltiK the burdens of those who '. 000.000.000 Is lying dormant .ire wIIIImb to pioneer In this Held. a'"' unU8Cd- Through Its proper use, , , tnwa can be reduced, by Increasing1 Private capita! will not undertake mxablo wealth. A local market for this work Tho smaller and cheaper our lumber can be found on the lrri- projects have all been taken up. Many gallon and drainage projects to be laiKe projects remain to be built. The built. Labor can nnd employment state and tho United States have been The merchant can nnd markets for his co-operating In the preparation of fi00()H Railroads will prosper and' plarm and climates of cost for the iiiu competing lines to the new ter- construction of many of those nro- .im,,, . v.- .. ... ...... I abound. Held, we' iiiuiij in uiese pro- rltorv tn h nnn,l m CIH ,..m Jects. Only one or two of the most imve a healthy growth through ad-' feasible projects should bo undortak- C(,uale producers m the country dls-! ... l t......iBVi.. , iiierganizauon trlcts. Prosperity should Is perfected and the administration riut like pioneers In a new machinery tried out. other and larger Hhould move mtitlou.tv. projects rould bo undertaken. ..Untn a greater demand for frri- "If this work could be carried out gated land exists, through a proper by the state In co-operation with the rural cicdlt system, we should only' t'nlted States, we would thus divide "attempt at the outsei in nrmrMo ihJ the risk, and secure the benettt of an ' neoetsary administrative machinery, i Senator J. T. Hobinson of Arkansa experienced organisation Independent 'and thoroughly try It out. so as to be has charged before a meeting of tbo,of und,le '"""ence by local demands.Jln a position to meet the needs of the' j UUII.IU6 me nui.eiiur wruuii. 01 me eiure as experience aictates.' uillliary uffalrs committee of the up- per house that the management of tho Lieutenant Colonel Hoinucl Itelicr Senator J. T. RoWwkhi ind Indian AGENCY at KLAMATH EARL VEGHTE Main near Eighth l)i:.MO.NSXKAT10.V AT AN TIME WRITE FOR CATALOG t'nlted States army aviation corps, under Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Ite ber. Is "contemptibly inefficient " Not mil) has the committee decided on an Investigation, but General Hugh L. Scott, acting eecrctary of w-ar, has! ' " '"AllSTRACTIST COIOR MUSIC directed an Investigation for bin tie-. , TOLLOWS THK PAINTING FUTURIST MUSIC t, IS LATEST BUG 'color peculiarly Its own," said Berger today, "and sometimes more than one may be obtained, according to the different registers employed." We're Holding Oar Own inoUIH.K HANGING TO BE HELD ! IX CALIFORNIA TOJIQRROW liartment i'nii Von llont It? A big I'rlncesii Dieimer value, quur-tei-Niiwml oak effect. Golden Dull Mu lsh; French pitturn bevel mirror IHx 30 ruche, reinforced top 20x3r. luchfH, for till. rW). l-2t WILI.I8-JOIINHTONE CO ! Because He Taught From Current Papers, He's Out n.TRA-ARTISTlC. I lilted 1'ieiis Seivlce ' I'ORTLANI), Ore.. Mnrch 2 J iWIIIIh Jeffries believes formal giam- mar and rhetoric text books should ho discarded from public schools. This belief, and tho fact that Jeffries taught his Kugllsh classes from the popular novels, constituted "evil In tluence. Imompetciue nnd liihiibor dlnallun," in the e)es of the Portland tchool hoard Today Professoi Jef fries Is out of n Job, but his Influence Is still felt In Portland school circles. In tho midst of his hearing beforo tho hoi m! whlc1'. i unanimous vote had dls: .pi' v i irf ue'Iodb, Ji.'wlei. tf slgiiud .iiinu reiguing Jeffries hus LEGAL NOTICES .Vmlif of rM'ltletnent of AilmlnlNtmt iir'n h'inal Account nod of Hisirliig of Petition for DUctinrge In tho County Court of tho State of content' of current magazines and Oregon, for the County of Klam ath. In tho Matter of the Instate of Annie M. Richardson, Deceased Notlco Ih hereby given that J W. Siemens, as administrator with tho will annexeiliif tho estate of Annie M. Rlchnrdsou, decoasod, has render ed nnd proicnted for settlement, and llled In this court, his limit account of tho administration of snld estate, nnd ii petition for his discharge, nnd that tho 3d day of April, A. D. 1910, nt 10 o'clock A. M., In tho court room of said court, nt the court house. In1 Klainnth Falls, Klamath county, Ore gon, has bocn flxod by said court as tho time nnd place for tho settlement of said account nnd tho hearing of Raid petition for discharge, nt which tlmo nnil plnco any ponton Interested In snld outnto may npponr and lllo exceptions In writing to tho llnnl ac count und contest tho same, and show cniiHo, If any thoro bo, why n Una! distribution of said est n to should not bo ordered, and the administrator discharged, Dated this 1st day of March, A. D. 1010. J. W. SIKMENSt Administrator with tho Will Annexod of tho Estato of Annlo M. filch- ardson, Deceased, 2-9-1C-23-30 V nlted Press Service CHICAGO, March 2. Lucy can take pa's crayon portrait off the par lor wall, put it on the piano and, by gazing at its vivid colorings maybe be inspired to compose and dash off "Tho Green Whisker Sonata" or fcomethlng equally lurid if violinist 'and composer Isadore Berger's pre snent most of ills vvenlngs lecturing bentatlon of " Abstractlst Color about town on the subjject of reforms Music'' at Orchestra ball with the In thu teaching of English In high Chicago Symphony orchestra tonight schools. "Forget your" text books on is n success. Berger's idea has the grammar and rhetoric and learn J futurist painting fad faded. Berger t'nlted Press Service SACRAMENTO. March 1.' Unless i op Governor Johnson grants a reprieve ) or commutation, there will be a dou-l SOUNDS AND NOISES HY THE'ble hanging In California Friday. ine men sentenced to die are i Charles Oxnam, at San Quentin, nnd Glen Witt at Fo'lsom. Both are In their early twenties. They were sen tenced to death for the murder of William Alexander, a Los Angeles millionaire. Their cases have been Investigated thoroughly, and clemen cy was recommended by the advisory1 board of pardons. Dr. F. W. Hatch, superintendent of the state lunacy commission, made another examination of Oxnam sev eral days ago, and says the con demned man appeared brighter than on a previous examination, when it w as reported that he had the mind of ryilf-v ri M fibs&sj -yvC jWki 1 an R a ill II II llMr HllllVjBpflt IHli-' IllinisTH llt miuliJfBnl II iiV7Wr U J 1 ill IP i Ml ma I' I !Wt: leBjrlfti ' ! i sswaitf .. At.lM TIT I A. - A IL.i S English by readlnir Stephenson, mod- says he has discovered the missing " ;""" . I""1 "" "" ....u' . . u.i, -',...,. .. , .... Jl induced htm to go to the Alexander home for the purpose of robbery, nnd Oxnam says Witt was the leader. ern authors and current Utreature, (link between music and painting. To says Jeffries. "Mo great man ever prove It tonight he will play two condescended to w;rlto a text book , compositions ho has woven from a and tho authors of technical texts on couple of Abstractlst paintings. The grammar and rhetoric nro penny-a-liners compared with authors, whose work la published in popular maga zines." Formally charged with "evil influence. Incompetence and Insubor dination," Jeffries publicly referred tt his .iccuscrs ns "crustaceans'' nnd troglodytes." After this tho hostility of other pedagogues against lilm was Nintey-three per cent ot the lumber produced in 1914 in the Northwest wns represented by seven species pnlntings are known as "Tho Wedding March" and "Moods." They were so full nt rnlni. TtnrcrAt cnlit nftar oaalnc ., iii ...... i .v . , . Douglas Hr, Western yellow pine, red- them at a local exhibit, that ho de- , . . ' . ' . ,. , ' , ,, . . . .t , . i wood, hemlock, cedar, white pine and decided to set them to music. After1. ' , , . j .. i. . j .u .laich, covering In amount 7, 600, 000,- hc composed them he found the re- fl ' ... suit so daring that only an orchestra, ' J ho declared, could give them worthy Interpretation. "Every Instrument possesses a tonal I An Aetna Usability policy protects )our Income. See Chllcote. 2 JUST GOT BACK FROM rfYPRR The advertisements In this paper , i each the entire community. nnd more In the selling of high grade WOOD and HAY We are glad to say that our busi ness never was better. Every day sees an Increas ing demand for our WOOD AND HAY. There are reasons, of course. Come and see what they are. We are particularly anx ious to add your name to our list of customers, and we know a look at our HAY AND WOOD will do it. Seehorn GET?. Wood Phone 72 622 Main Street Preparedness Siifegmuil your health. Ualld the.s quickly these told mornings by using Peyton's Dry Blocks KLAMATH FUEL CO. Phone 187 kw AND ;AY THAT ANVlSF LITTLE TOWN . .WEMT INK) A CIGAR STORE FOR A PACKAGE OK. CIGARETTES -"GinriE THE 8EST YOU GOT. SAYS I --MOT'CARIhG WHAT' THEY, COST YOU riEAN PIEPMOHTS MISTER. .SAYSVTHE.CLERK AMD ,HE WAS RlSHT Wood Buy tho great big blocks. They nro ulonn nnd economical, Good body wood cut fiom live trriH, mid well seasouod, A. J. MANNING Leave oi dors nt Ward Ac Olien huln'c. Phono 31, ING AWAY;? .. u" u ' re of your baggage and casts. IWE Mffn a . . RCau. '" -- TRAINS ANU HUAIS fr ,. . v ouSto for rvSlghl PAY OR NIQHT SERVICE pHON. Wettern Transfer Co. N-Offlce 117; H4tMMMg2N.il. BB Br sIbIbK .bbbbbbVbHPVb ttl M ' "jJJfTHSCIOARiTTI w T Z i C Jr BBBBiiBgBV. J indH . nBnBnBnW. .MHHH IgPffAkk BMitfltf. lB VHUafafafafafafafaBBBBlBBKf lim TH. bbbWbSbbbbHHbHMIiM K rABBBBVsBVBBBBHBnBHB&KVBrsOlHkJBH m BkB.HHI..HH.I.B j" v IO on 5 VAtUAtLB , COUPON IN iACHMCKMK AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF CESSORIES IN SOUTHERN OREGON. AC- AN UNUSUALLY LARGE SHIPMENT OF Tires and Tubes Have Just Arrived IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW STOCK YOU OUR WHITE PELICAN GARAGE i m Bd i fei p v I f'l ... ; fsv.' W5 L BBBK bM .bbbbLV . BaHklflaflaflaHflBieiaBW m bbbbmIII bBHbbBbi AIm !Vskc4 20 or 10 1. li BSi-L.""-Ul Vim V rrtn w ic j-t i. ijh-f. s v ft I -r ' J .W . "1 I .'jfifjf'f ifh j V . SQpHHSHflaHfllHpHPHflaliV' -