&WtJRWtSC8?.t THURSDAY. MAROn SI, lifl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK TWO Yoa will never Sad yoareelf with- oat Insurance If your policies are writ tea by agents who make a specialty of the baslnew. See Chlloote, 2 Lelpslc and Dresden, Germany, al ready hare over 100 female postmen, most of whom are widows and daugh ters of postofflce employes who have been killed in the war. Three of the women act as drivers of large auto mail trucks. Heralds Classified Advs. FOR KEN-1 FOR BALE Netted gem seed potat oes. Fine stock, the result of sev- ! eral generations of hill selection. First prize at Portland Land show. E. I. j Applegate, Klamath Falls. 28-4t NICELY furnished apartments at the Oregon Houae, Klamath, oeur Sixth FOR RENT Eighty acre tract irri gated land. Call at 620 Eighth st, 8-tf FURISHED APARTMENTS. 110 Sec ond Btreet. 29-Bt FOR SALE FOR SALE 2,540 acres (old Langell ranch) in Langell Valley. No cash required, except Interest in advance. E. E. Ralston, owner, 420 Palm St., San Diego, Calif. 19-12t NU-BONE Corset (Formerly sold by Mrs. S. J. Bally). Mrs. Maude Zlnk Agent. Phone 380W. 25-6t FOR SALE Home grown poplar and bozelder trees. All sizes up to 12 feet. E. I. Applegate, Klamath Falls. 28-4t FOR SALE One mare, weighs about 1.360. Call Hot Springs rooming house. l-6t ) FOR SALE Body wood, thoroughly seasoned. Price reasonable. Phone I70-W. l- PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. AB8TRACT8 INSURANCE Members Oregon Association Title Men Expert Plumbing SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, SINKS, Properly Installed Complete Line of Supplies -and Equipment Pade, Pingle & Lorenz 706 Main 8t Ford Cars Repaired We do Ford repair work exclus ively. Satisfaction or money re funded. CARS FOR HIRE Klamath Falls Auto Co. 1157 Main St Phone 17 Van Riper Bros. Tfae Quality Store COFFEE "OUR OWN BRAND" Per Can $1.00 TEA"Orloff" FORMOSA OOLONG $ .40 PEELED GREEN CHILI PEPPERS Saudi Oaa $ .15 CHILI SAUCE "S. W. BRAND Large Size $ .35 CREOLE DINNER Special, Per Oaa $ .10 POTATO FLOUR Package $ .15 Fiae for Paddlaaa, Soaps, Grerlai, Bte. GRAPE FRUIT From Florida "GET THE HABIT" The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Editor Published dally except Sunday at The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year 15.00 One month .501 KLAMATH FALLS. ORKfSON THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 1910 MR. ROOTS BIRTHDAY H ON. ELIHU ROOT celebrated his , 71st birthday on the 15th of, February by taking the chair at the convention of New York republicans, uu mm u ueuny uiriuuu i greeting. The cx-senator replied w itb a speech of great power In which he depicted the errors of the democratic administration, and declared the only remedy to be the restoration of the republican party to power. In such event, he said, the country could look with confidence to the republicans to provide moderate but adequate pro'- tectlon to American Industry,' exhibit a foreign policy which leaves' no doubt of America's purpose and courage" to stand "for full and adequate preparation by the American people for their own defence." Here are some of the cardinal points for the republican platform of 1916. Here are to be found some of the chief defects of the Wilson admin istration which the approaching re publican administration must remedy. Here are the essentials of victory. These declarations are Mr. Root's birthday present to the party to which he belongs and to the country which looks to that party for deliverance. WHY SAVE? WHY NOT? LOS ANGELES savings bank Lj published this "human Interest" advertisement: "We know a young man who recently lost his position. He was steady and competent, but an unforseen combination of circum stances threw him out of a job. He had saved no money whatever found himself without work, penniless, with a family to maintain. Friends helped this young man. but he was two months idle, and had to wait another full month before drawing any pay in the position he finally secured." It will be a year at least before this young man pays what he owes pro vided he observes the strictest econ omy. That he had friends was un usually fortunate. What a different position be would have found himself in if he had saved some money when he had it! In this country it has been so easy for the average man to secure work that he has dodged the one great in dividual problem of making an effort to save, and the above story applies to hundreds of men and women in this country. Many times men have been called dreamers and reformers for strongly advocating Individual and national habits of thrift, because the subject of savings as applied to this country seems to be wrongly In terpreted by many people. Although the people of the United States lead the world In the total amount of sav ings deposits, they are really far down in the list when It comes to the num ber of savings depositors. Germany, Great Britain, France and Japan are ahead of us In this particular. Fourteen of the thirty- two principal countries of the world are ahead of us In the number of sav ings depositors per 1,000 Inhabitants. In Switzerland more than half the people are savings depositors, while only about 18 per cent of the people In the United States are savers. This being the case, I wonder what we, as Individuals, are doing to make that percentage of savers larger. Have you ever really thought what that 18 per cent have really accomplished for themselves and their country? They have turned back Into the channels of Industry about four and onehalf bil lions of dollars. This 18 per cent Is saying to the 82 per cent who are not savers, "come, help us emphasize the fact that the savings problem has come to be an Important element in the economic life of our country." Every Individ' ual who has helped to build up this four and a half billion dollar savings fund has become an integral part of that army of individuals who are building an economic foundation on which will be constructed the future world trade building power of this nation. A. B. Keller in Harvester World. THEN-AND NOW THE NATION engaged In a war is always the big bugbear (or oth er nations at that time. At present, How Henry Ford I iggglgggE!SuaB?Ay', ''VtSW "JC&jitT.y sOJ? v N Nggggfeitl f" fa fT rittv.iS:tWiESXB Henry Ford went down New York Bay in the revenue cutter which met the liner Xleuw Amsterdam, bringing back from Europe the last of tho peace pilgrims, Judge Ben B. Llndsey there is a cry for preparedness against possible European invasion. In 1865, at the close of the Civil War, It was different. A full page cartoon in "Punch"printed that year shows Britannia pleading for more adequate defenses against the war lord, lurking gloatingly and rapacious in the background. This "War Lord" was none other than our own Uncle Samuel, shown as "lusting for world conquest" after the victory over the Confederacy. Scattered Shots THE SONG Klamath likes to hear hummed Is that of the saws cutting their way- through timber. We'll hear it again In a few days, and things will all be humming thbi summer. IT'S A CITIZEN'S duty to vote. To vote, one must register. Registration closes soon. AND NOW Portugal Is about to hop into the maelstrom. Here's hoping her ally, England, does not leave her to share the same fate as Belgium and Serbia. SPEAKING OF WAR. It is also in teresting to note that now the French, after heavy loss of life, have appar- You Start on the Way to the Battle For fortune will be all the easier if you have some money behind you. Money is the ammunition in the war for success. The sooner you begin saving some every pay day, the sooner you'll have the ammunition that means victory. FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CR DEMANDS m ml y COLDS j V I WHBR ftMtTKlHAR KOHLS' II u IS3EESD " " oauaB VEEsMnsi Climbs a Ladder and his bride. There la only ono way to board a liner from a cutter, anu . . b f h ,adder Many j llr80ns fear to do this becauso It Is a little dangerous, but the friend of the j dove of peace did not hesitate. ently halted the powerful German offenslvo, J. Bull ls'just preparing to call more men to the colors. AND birds. IT'S a line time to feed the SOME MEN CLAIM they were able to keep their wives at home vesterday by not shovelling paths. m SISTER SEARCHING FOR LONG LOST BROTHER United I'i cos service SAN JOSE, March 2. After having been separated from him since baby hood as the result of a family quarrel, Mrs. Mary McGovern of San Fran cisco has asked the local police to aid her in locating the brother, Alexander Basford, 50, believed to be a rancher In the Berrysea district near here. Her father and mother quarreled and separated. The mother took Mrs. McGovern; the father, Basford. Accurate Information about city property and farm lands. Ask Chllcote. 3 The largest Spanish chestnut tree In the world grows In a forest on the slopes of Mount Etna. It is said that 100 soldiers and their horses once found shelter beneath It from the rain. COUGHS COLDS are plentiful at this season, bat yield readily if Kjrsl's Plae Bal am is need. It contains White Plae, Tar, Menthol and Baca lyptus, and Is also a laxative. Large bottle only SO cents. W aP 1 B0VCC LXPiaiUS UK LtUllUIIIV flllQ ! Efficiency ,1 n I let! 1'ioss Soivlco CHICAGO, ill,, March 2. An out- 'line or how hla proposed ocntlonnl army training school plnn, endorsed by President Wilson, may bo econom ically, efficiently and quickly stnrtod throughout tho country, hit been written by W. D. Uoce of tho BoycoJ publications In brief, Mr. Hoyco suggests that a vocational and nrmy 'training school be nddod to ouch state collogo under federal nld and guid ance. Concerning Hm plan, Prosl- dent Wilson, In his i cent Western 'trip, said In pari: m "Wo ought to hnvo In Mils country in great system of IndiiRtilnl and vo cational education, under federal guidance, niul It will Im perfectly feasible and highly do-" liable to add to that am! combine with It such training In the mechnuism and use mid care of arms, In the sanitation of the. enmp, In tho simpler forms of maneuver and org.inliatlo.i, as will mnko these name men Industrially and Individually serviceable for na tional dofensc. "Tho point about such a system will bo that Its emphasis will llo on the Industrial and civil sldo of life, so BICYCLE IS COMING BACK INTO COMMON USE AGAIN L H. Cummlngs, representative of tho Firestone Tiro & Rubber com pany, was In the city yesterday in tho Interest of his company. Tho Flro stone people havo just placed on tho market a blcyclo tiro mado aftor tho style of their automobllo tire, and this agency has been placed with The Gun Store. Mr. Cummlngs states that his com pany decldod to enter tho blcyclo tiro Held on account of tho wonderful re vival of popularity of tho blcyclo that Is being experienced throughout the entire country. Tho returning popu larity of the cycle can bo judged by the way tho East has taken to bl ejele rates, which came back In the frco of considerable doubt and made K". I with the spen loving public It ri od ronds mt.omenl Is another leason cn for : return of the cyclo to i vor. SAYS HOT WATER EACH DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY DRINK QLA88 OF HOT WATER BE FORE BREAKFAST TO WASH OUT THE POI80NS Life is not morely to live, but to live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is If one will only adopt the morning Inside bath. Folks who arc accustomed to feel dull and heavy when thoy arise, split ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach. can, Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glasH of real hot wa ter with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver, kidneys and bowels the pre vious day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary canal before "putting more rood Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach. Is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phos phate Is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, siomacn trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone nhos- phate from the drug store, which will cost very little, but Is suBclsnt to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of Internal sanitation. Ad. 1.bL 17 of His Army Hint men will think Hrnl or their liunllles and dally work and their sor vices In tho economic Melds of tho eumtry, mid only last of nil to thilr hoi vlcotblllty to tho nation ns soldiers and men at arum That In tho Ideal of America." Mr Iloyco In jmrf xnu "To start tlio army vocational nclioold. nil that U noiossiry l for United Slate army bnrmcki (for drilling and living purposes) to bo lidded to the ntato college, with a corps or military Instructors, equip ment, etc., nil of which ran easily bo provided by tho federal govern ment All tho expenses or this ad dition must ho homo by tho United Btalen. which furnishes board, lodg ing and clothing for the xhiiik men who take the course. Tlio govern ment does this In exchnngo for the student's Horvlccti while ho U bclug trained to be a lit soldier. The state rtirnlshoH tho Instruction In tho trnde, profession or occupation which tho student elects to take llo Is put to no expense unil ho rumalns In tho vo cational nrmy school two years, or more, going to IiIh classes like any Htudent In n collogo, but being under regular nrmy discipline and living In bnrracks. After his graduation ho Is subject to tho call of (ho United States government for military sor- vice, but ho goes Into tho trndo, pro - rosslon or occupation In which he has been Instructed and In which ho Is n finished product. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff 1 take this means of announcing. my candidacy for the republican nora-1 liiatlon for sheriff at tho primaries. I bollevo that my work ns deputy sheriff speaks for Itself, and I shall greatly appreciate tho support of tho votors.l It. II. IIHEWIIAKEIt. ' I l....l... l....... "'-- ......W......W ... .....U.M.W, i. ...'.. ;.i '..,-." dldato for tho olllco of sheriff for Klamath county, Orogou, on tho ro- publican ticket. I respoctfully ask tho support or tho votors of tho coua - ty at the primary election for this onice. JOHN II. COALMAN, I hereby announce myself n cnndl- ilrtfn fnr Hut (Tamnrrfllln iinntlnnlLtn ' - for shurirr at tho coming primaries, 1 hereby announce myself n candl and I respectfully ask (ho support of .date for reiiominatlon ns nsnonior on Hit. voters of Klamath county. tho democratic tlckot nt tho comlnc GEORGE I.. HUMPHREY. primary election. J. P. I.KE. ,i.iiTfV.w.n.??i W0" tt ' I I hereby announco myself a coadl- n UaJ , iX? r''?5 "V'i? r.e,,),,b" '" Mor. subject to tho Mill llcnn ticket for shorlff I Invito a,0f tilu .u.tiiorrjiUc voters nt tlio un careful Investigation of my record as !,,, JASPKII i"vn"tt sheriff during tho past thrco years I vww'wwwww'.. . . ". '. . . . . C. C. LOW. (cnndliUUi for IUirwtontntho on the I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho nomination for sheriff On thn reimbllcnn tlrknt nt thn nrl. nary election to bo held on May 19, 1916. CAREY M. RAM8BY. I take this means of announcing my candidacy for tho republican nomlnu- lion as sheriff at tho primaries In ' Aiiy. aiy record ns a cltlion and ns u pollco officer in Klamath Falls Is open to all, and I respectfully ask tho sup port of tho voters who seok an ad ministration or efficiency. WILLIAM HALL. I hereby announco myself ns a can didate on the democratic ticket for tho nomination of sheriff, subject to the will or the votors at the coming primaries. J. A. MADDOX. I take this means to announce my self as a candldnto for sheriff, subjoct to tho will of the republican voters at the primary election. JAS. U. MOORE. For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho republican nomination for treasurer of Klamath county, sub ject to tho approval of tho electors at the coming primary election. A. A. MEHAFFEY. I heroby announce myself a candi date for the ronubllcan nnminntinn ror trensurer of Klamath county for1 a second term. j OEORQE A, HAYDON. vw, i- - Mirxuumji For School Sunerintanrtont I hereby announco my candidacy lor tho ronubllcan nominniinn t omuui Hupeunienueni or Klamath county. wi BESSIE B. APPLEQATE. I heroby nnnounco mysolf n candl-, unto on the republican ticket for nom- inntlon as county school superintend-1 ont, and solicit tho sunuort nf tim vnt. i era nt the coming primaries. For Oonmm I hereby announen mvji . -. dldate for the republican nomination ror coroner nt thn nriman ai.iM to bo hold on Mav 10. ibis DR. A, A, SOULB. I take this means of announcing myself a candidate for re-election to the offlco of coroner, subject to the will of the democratic voters In the pr mary on May ltu. My policy Will be tO UDhOld my fnrm . or efficiency In office, with tbs least cost to Klamath county. BARL WHITLOOK. 1 Training Plan "Wo have, ficimcntly called nttu. Hon to tho (act that H5 pot lM1( Qf tho boys or tho United Ht(,, obliged to go to work to Hiiipnrt themselves ut tho llnuh or their iom- inon school education, goi,,,. win,,,,,," tho vocullmml (mining whhh thev want and need Tho vocational army school would glvn every ln lather IiIh pnruiitH tiro poor, well tu-iln or rich, mi equal chance to gi,i (, iriu,. tlenl education ami at tho mini.. ,M fit himself to help defend hi country "Tho fodoral government would tc doing only what It now dnon, furnishing military Insti union ii!mr,j and lodging, clothing mid eiiuliunont to Its regular olilerH, and at half expense, for It would not pay xalnrlet to tho students. Tint htnto'i would tie doing only what they should do, tu furnishing vdurntlouiil fading rr tholr citizens. Tho young iimn at tending tlio vocational army mcIiooU would not be kept out or productive work, ns tho regular Noldlcrn are. When tho soldier goes back to civil Ian life, his productive capacity Is not Increased, hut when the gradu ates of tho vocational army schools go Into their trades, occupations and prorcu.ilou, tholr productive capacity and earning ability will he lucreucd .ninny fold. "Under tho vocational ami) nrhool . plan, 00 per cent of tho vouth of the I United Htntes would become lit met) to defend tholr country In tluin of jnoed." For Assessor I hereby nnnounru my oamlldscy for tho republican nomination for nnHotmor for Klamath county, subject .to tho approval of the voters at the coming primary In May. JOHN Y. TIP TON I liir.itiv im nfin ti itiw fHfiill.laiif Ior " republican nomination for ,H,.MOr of Klnmnth county FKKU 1'ETKHSO.N j .roby announce my cnmlldacj for 10 nomination ns assessor on the 'republican ticket nt tho primary elec tion to bo held on May l'J. 191C C. AUSTIN HAVDKN itcpuuiirnn Ticket I hereby announce myself as si candldnto for the oMIcu or repre sentative for tho 21st representative district, comprising tho counties ot Klamath, Lake, Crook, Grant and Jefferson, subject to tho wishes of tho voters of tho republican party. ALBERT E. EI.DKR. I announce myself as a candidal for tho democratic nomination for representative of the 21st represents tlvo district In tho legislative at soinbly. FItED W. IIYNDMAN. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself ns a can dldnto for tho office of cleric for Klamath county, Oregon, on tho re publican ticket. I respectfully ask tho support of tho votors of tho coun ty nt tho primary election for thli. office. , It. C. COWLEY, Hlldehrniid I hereby uunounco myself iih u can didate on tho democratic, tlckot for tho nomination ot clerk of Klamath coilnty, subject to tho will of the votors nt tho primary election for this olllco. HURT E. HAWKINS. I horoby nnnounco mysolf n candl ditto for renomlnntlon on tho ropuo lean tlckot as county clork, subjoct to tho wishes of tho voters at tho coming primary election. C. R. DoLAIN Far County Commissioner I heroby announce mysolf us t Cnndldntn fnr thn rtnmncrntlfi nomina tion for county commissioner nt thti coming primary election. BURREL SHORT., For Circuit Judge Tho undersigned announces his candidacy for democratic nomlnv tlon for circuit Judge of KlnmaW pnnniu HOLLO C. CJROEHllECK. "wwwww ',v' For District Attorney 1.......1 . ..... ,,.luiiiincy for tho repubilcun nomination for 1 "" ""." "i'" . . m Himnort. or thn vntnra who dosliu effi ciency lii the upholdlug of tho ! or Oregon. HAROLD C. MERRYMAN. I horoby announco my cnndldscy for the republican nomination wr district uttornoy for Klamath county, uregon. JOBBI'If B. kk" www 1 liumwvwimjMvmwwwM1' For Circuit Oaurt Clark I hereby announce my candldao for the republican nomination as cler or tne circuit court of Kiamsin - ty at the coming primary election. O, K, BRANDENBURO. , 'J 1 11 M