tmasiitaiamtsiBafssmKsxmxaxm7miftie!tt ""W8I V- cWmwbw 'V "f &ht umtftui Herald . utin'KIP KLAMATH UU u in o OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER w"" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1916 Price, Five Cent it Following Move At Verdun, New Attacks Officers and Men of American Legion to Fight for Canada mid CEMMXH HAI.Ti:i AT VERDUN' Jf iivnKiN',c,:Mi:NTH' "UT MAKi: UAIX CHAMPAGNE ,tul( "' Vnilmi U Helletid It) Km? to Prelude ilu' M"" OiI'hmmiI Afoul" In II'" Will Id IIM'T)'. (XUml WiihIiIiik fr Acthlcli". Arrlnl ml Xavnl I'nit-. Other War Nov... BETTER BABIES" SHOW WkL BE A RtALANRACTION 'c'.kil 1're sJ'i li- LONDON, l'l) 2S 1'iirln claims ih Crtan offensive iiIoiik tint tnntr-Bre mile front north mill toft-fut of Verdun In now crumb l!tl Into n writ- of uporadle local iklm'ibfi. The lull U brought lbotst by the nrrlwil of French ru Itfcfcttwat. Hilled At Verdun, tins kaiser's lorcrt m cxiviiiIIiik tholr offensive 119 th Champagne region, forty-live Bl!mrtof the Writ tin woods. Todajr' Merlin communique, vlr Itill; condrnid thu French statement rcfirdlrir thu luiHInc of tlio Teuton -rite nrar "Verdun, temporarily at Itu:. Slmiiltniiciiinly, iIioiikIi, Her la report the rapture of 1000 yards tllrtDclicn and tint Niivnrln furm lit lit ChtmpnKtio region. TheOumntis clnlni thu rapture of MO prls-oner there This Infantry .mtk followed heavy bombardment 1; artillerymen, which Iimm been In WVtt for amoral days I'arli admltH this Iom. It nttrlb .' It to n "surprise nttiirK." Many HpcrK believe the Verdun wit merely a prolmln hi the I'MlMt renernl offensive tlio world r known I1 Undon tcnmly watchful. It Ik PW by ninny thnt tho Gorman wti may emcrRO from tho Kiel canal w lb icppcllnii niny launch n now Muck. 'N I'rem Rorvlco lERMN, pt.i, 28 .(:,rmi,ny today Pwioitra ilmriily regarding Portu il'i ilwuro of (hrninn hIiIik. VIENNA, pc, 28 -It nnnounc- w ttial tWl'nl v.l 1,1-..,. ,....... .. in I,, ' ' ..- niuiiim nun n,- ,WrlHe worn raptured with Dur Miuruny Tho llnllnti troops M In a pnntr. "RttiXAXT (inVtillXOII 1' CAUIOItMA )K.I) 'l'llMI'reHBmin , I'IO. Cnllf,, F,.,.!8. l.lo.iu-11- Governor John Haimimnn died 1 ZT UR ftl lm' Homiiprn I'acinc ""bere. iY,n tM'JT w,,,1 '""to to R Contro tw!i. . a"Bl,,ckn "nd wiw inkcn iM irn It li- IT1 i.i a:. rnvsK i.s ..' r t;i. .WOK li livhltilt Will llo llrlil Tito llnjs TliN W'tfU ill Council Koi,ni of VUy lliUI lli'.lil l.tiiiuluniloii noil n. m Inu of X muiKtii'i"- TIumv Will Hi- l'lillili., I)i'iii.iiu.(rnlliiii mil Tnllix mi Cliililrt'ii lij l.xpottt. Klninnth I'nlU' ruturc pioalilouia who lirtvu not i't loathcil tho api- of Itvo nr aii! to bo tho bit; ntlrnctlon til tint council loom of tho oily Imll Tluirsilny inil I'rlitay of (lilt wook. Tluuo uro tho iluyi for tho Ifottur llitbliiH ll.allll Uxhlbll. to bu hobl uiiiliT tho illrccllon of tho civic ilu lurtmcni of tho Women' l.llunry club. Much Intercut Ik IioIiik vilten In this event. I'hyiilclnuH nud iuirnc.i have toluiitwetl their Hurvlccs nud several local Hi ore plan special window dln liluyxV) call nttontlon to tho baby hIiow. Tho oxhlblt will ho open to tho public between 10 a m. and noon and betwicii I anil .1 l. in. DurliiK tlicwii IXtIoiIk both dnyn an exainlnliiK board tif two or three pliyHlclniiK and a grinl unto nurim will be In altcudanc In tho iixiiuiliiliiK room anil will score tlio bullion iicrimlliiK lo Ibo iuIck Ufled In contestK, iiIho rIvIiik paienta prar- tlcnl tiilvln rcKiinlliu: their children. These oxainlnatlouH will be free Mothera wIhIiIiik their children ncoied nro re(iiesteil to resistor with Mrs. K. M. Whlto. phono Ulfi, mikliiK an appointment so there will be no do lays, Children from six months to live yonrH of HBO will be examined. In tho caso of Infants, mother? nie naked to hrliw baby blankets with them. Ilmldcs the examinations there will bo an oxhlblt of articles used In tho proper caro of babies, an oxhlblt of articles harmful to babies, views of tho kitchens of "Mrs. Do caio" and "Mrs. Don't Onto," and an etill;lt of proper clothes, bods and cnnlaKos f r tho youngsters. (Irnduato niirbcs will bo In nttond nnco to act as lecturers and to rIvo ilomonHtiatlous In the proparatlou of milk mid other foods for'ehlldmi up Passenger Ships Are Not to Be Sent Down By the Teuton "Sofas" DAIRY RANCHMEN ORGANIZE FOR A WAR ON RODENTS O.VLV IX CASK OF ATTACKS BY THESE SHIPS WILL THEY TORPEDO I Ah t, r, the o.Tiu.sand below a few of the men of tho American Legion, now 1.400 strong all citizens o the I i..t,..l States who have enlisted in Canada for the war In Europe. Tho men are now In training at Toronto It Is expected that tho leg ion will soon be 5.000 strong. Then It will go to the trenches In. t ranee. Citizen of the lulled States who want to fight nro welcomed to the legion. . . , . r CANDIDAT 1AKE fSH Till KS AND FAT PIF-' nLlU hr.J Lfll I IL Kdna WdU and Burrol! W CAMPAIC.V I'KD.MISKS (iAI.OKK Sri'.C.AI) OVKIt Mil. US ADDITIOX HALL SATL'KDAY XKJIIT IY OKI'ICK SMEKKKS NUISANCE SUIT WILL BE FOUGHT FOH QIJAIKS DKMUIIS TO ACTION IIY HtWIX TO HAVE slioilff, acci idinp to the tenor of the promises made by each mnn. Ceorge A. Uayden and A. A. Me- iiffey. both after the republican nom- cac.h made a 'eterson, Miss Short out lined their plans in short' speeches. Mayor J. B. Mnson. who was also present, was called upon for a talk. ATTOHXKV He told of I he alms of the present eitv administration, especially with regard to law enforcement. PROPKItTY IXVOLVKD AS PART IIILDKimAXD ALSO TO FORM A CLUB SOOX Tttciityllve signed Icnibccship at Dairy Saturday Afternoon nnd More Xnmrs Will Soon lie Added At tention Will He Directed to the Poisoning of Ground Squirrel). Olaisyer Assists in Work. The latest pest extermination or ganization to be formed 1n Klamath county through the assistance of County Agriculturist H. Roland Glai syer was formed at Dairy Saturday 'afternoon. This is the Dairy Farm ers club, with the following efficers: President, Dan Liskey; vice presi dent, William Wight; secretary-treasurer, E. B. Sedge; poison mixer, Ilos3 .U. Brown. The club now has a membership of twenty-five. Others will be added in the next few days, according to Glal syer, who returned from the meet ing Saturday. The Dairy ranchers will give their attention Just now to the eradication of ground squirrels. Poison will be prepared according to reliable gov ernment formulas, and will be dis tributed among the different mem bers by the poison, mixer. The pest extermination organiza tions have proved effective wherever tried through the county, and other localities are In correspondence with Cilalsyer regarding organization. A club will be formed at Hlldebrand ,thls week, the meeting to be held j probably Wednesday at the schoo house. Any Future Accident to Americana, Following Operation of Decree Af ter Tomorrow, Will Xot Be Con Hidercd Any Responsibility Upon Their Gorcniiuent by GermmiK. Austria's Position Ih Same. By CAUL ACKKKMAX (United Pres; Staff Correspondent) nrriMX, Feb. 28. Tho United Press was reliably Informed today that Teuton submarines will not tor pedo passenger liners without warn ing, even after the armed merchant men decree takes effect Wednesday. Submarines will endanger humans only If a steamer attempts to escape, to fire upon or ram a submarine. If future accidents endanger Americans, Germany does not con sider she is responsible. President Wilson's letter to Sen ator Stone regarding the decree and tho president's stand created a sen sation here. Officials admit that they believe America's attitude unfriend ly In pending negotiations. "We do not .know what Wilson means when he refers to German vio lation of international law," said ono high official. "Surely he has not re ceived any of the proofs we sent show ing that the allies first violated In ternational law." The German-American situation is considered serious here. iPEACE PACT FNOS Cook Brought in OF CASK (Continued on 1'iigo 4 ) Emm Files anuel Baptist Church Corporation Paper Hu,. , JwL... '".'"ration for th ;'lllit.u.. tat0 -hautho church ;.." 80curo ,5S p-W-Ortkip a """"Wo edlflco for Jlt-u!5iral0Tr?,aro th0 trU8l"B ""en, tib iin.,i i -. i vuiapoaeu V of n. 8. flrlgsby, (). P. Couchman mid Mary 10, Lozlor. Tho ICmmunuol church congrega tion Is at present holding Sunday school nud services In tho Library club linll, Tho congrogntlon Is of good nluve.Hpoclully h1iu' t,lu 't't'(-''t revival conducted MiHlor.thouiiBiilcoi of tho church by Hov, Black of J'orl lond, when eovoral now mombora wore rocolvod Into the conKregatlon. From Calif Ofnia A demurrer was filed today by1 ihur 150 poopio gathered at Mills I Will vamuiiuu J A U(mncr ns att0riiey for Mr. ii'dlllon hall Saturday night, when ami Mrs. Eamc3t Quaif. in the uul- caudldate. for ni'inty olllces wore glv- j. Cook, the Klamath county ranch- banc0 abatement suit brought against o- an r- .lortunlty to address the cr who buffered a mental aberrntion tl)em oy District Attorney John Ir-J niters of that precinct. Speeches v,bllo en routo to Klamath Falls from wn jn nehnff of the state. The de wero made by many, and all received .os Angeles, and shot a revolver In nmrror holds the state has no legal splendid intention. a passenger coach, was brought here cnpncuy n which to bring an action Following tho salo and mastication Inst night by Deputy Sheriff F. R.(n,i sets forth other grounds, ol tho pies Mild to dorrny the costs Mlnkler of Fresno nnd H. Bothering- Tho nct)on fllod by Irwin seeks to of tho session, Hollo C. Orooheok. ton of Merrill, who was sent to Fresno ,avo a decree issued declaring the who seeks tho 'circuit judgshlp. inado by Mrs. Cook. Quntf property a common nuisance, as i tall; and when ho had Unshed. John Cook's condition Is not improved. a ,.csult of the nnest of the Irwin Informed Chalrmnn Frank Ap- Ho will bo given treatment here for QnKs Q emrsv 0f selling liquor; plegnto that a likely candldato would seTeral days before any definite nc- tliat tUls by an injunction bo ordered be entirely overlooked If C. M. Onolll Hon l taken regarding his case. aUatcd, and that the state recover was not asked In spo.k. Onolll spoko ,', . ..v- n Judgment of 200 for attorney fees. r u candidate for tho circuit bench. FARMERS FKAH IOWA CORN Such a proceeding would pave the A thorough campaign will be made CHOP WILL RK FAILXJRK way for slezure of the property In through Klamath county by John Ir- caso of a second charge being made win In his efforts for n second term rnited Press Sorvlre against tho Qualfs. as prosecuting attorney, according to o.;S MOINES, Feb, 28. This Is H win's htatemont last night. In hla 8Ced corn woel: In Iowa. Following a 'DALLAS NOW HATCHES speochoi ho says ho will make plain Wet. cold summer, tho com crop was ITS OWN MOSQUITOES lo all that Iho fact that there have a partial fnllme, and examination of not been as many convictions as somo 8ceU corn has shown thnt a surprls DALLAS. Tex.. Feb. 2S. The mu noonlo expected Is duo to others, not ttlR am0unt of it will not generate. clpal ownership Idea has struck Dal ho nrosocutltig attomoy's offlre. so alarmed aro tho oxperts. bankers ins with a vengeance. This city now 1 ... , i.i ..,,,1 ...riruihiral editors that they con-, hatches its owu mosquitoes. William . """ """ '.,n;;r I vernor George W. Clarke' The hatchery was established In 'offlco on tho den oc. tlco a nd In ed wJ n cnm aga,nBt Joseph S. Tent, who wtl o mo Ir hat o wa f a anop,1D,e8, or malnrla-bearlng ,W,n ."""ns "Rd'Crt'lI wShh " . .lo oor'eod corn, and he mosquito. He can', be recognized In .speeches, as did ", ' NK,nrt' Bnated this week as "Bead Corn his youth, so the health authorities ""J" J S c" c yi o" n. J Carey M. Week." during which every farmer Is ro gathering mosquito lame.-re-Sherlff C. L. Low ami '"rl , (0 ,cst hh BOod corn gardless of podlgree. and dumping 'TlTn S"ow S r who " I So hi Vortheln Iowa counties It Is es- them Into the hatchery to grow up. ',!,; ,' is cam S for another tlmnted that at east half of the seed him in his lamp.ubii ..,,... j...ra , 1)oori and thousands of bush- To lloiintuti. RUSSIAN QUARREL PROSECUTION OF CHERXOKOFF, AM) PUDHOFF FOR ALLEGED HORSE 1-OISOXIXG IS DIS MISSED SATURDAY ' The charge of wanton injury to animals prefefred against John Cher nokoff and Mike Pudhoff by the Ev unikoffs was dismissed Saturday by Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin. United Pre" Service WASHINGTON. Fob. 28. German Ambassador von Bernstorff at noon today gave State Secretary Lansing memorandum reiterating Germany's expressed intention of torpedoing armed merchantmen without warning after tomorrow. Neither Bernstorff nor Lansing will discuss the matter today. It was later learned that the mem oranda also contained reports sworn to by Teutonic submarine command ers detailing a score of cases wherein it is alleged that British merchantmen crews used their guns offensively against submarines. Austria's position in the matter Is identical with Germany's. This In formation was officially conveyed to Lansing this afternoon by Austrian Charge do Affaires Zweldfnek. This followed the presentation of an agreement, drawn up by an organi zation of the Russian colonists, whereby the horses tho defendants are alleged to have poisoned were to bo paid for and the case settled out of court. There has been considerable quar reling of late among these colonists, but prominent members of the col ony say the agreement will bring about better feeling. Klamath County Register Now Has 1,080 Names ff-'i. h Iteelstration for the coming urlmar-1 registering or there will be some of , ., Jj??,& - I j. " .-, i- tho eleventh hour legion unable toiv ! qualify to cast their ballots this . &i y Tf, les and general election passed the thousand mark In Klamath county last week. The total Saturday night was 1,080. , Considering the facts that there are over 4,000 persons in the county eligible to vote who have not regis tered as yet, and that registration closes April 18, a decldod Improve ment must be made In the rate of spring, &A Tho republicans represent a gqod J 'Ms' ;fJ I1. 1 two-thirds of the registered strength of Klamath. There are 708 repub 'llcans registered and 319 democrat, I Tu.x . haw rjkcrlaf latifttitt faltnW progressive, 4; prohibition, f: rJ,i?s ciallst. 28: Indeuendent. 7:'PHI-.-di- zan, 7; refused to state, I. HI mfi Ktl . 88 11 I II rot if m ma m B $ ffi m f . M feS iff tf: 41 I m 2 m If i i . - I J A,' X Y'H,. f ..' :n - j" -.- X.