? "N lEuroma Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER & mil, "- WM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916 I'rlcv, Five Cent b GERMANS CRUSH FRENCH FRONTS AROUND VERDUN TKUTON" eitkxsivi: ins citY THREAT-' ! .jr,till'-- Regarding Hie Fighting An- 'iu". "" 1-''1' '" mii Mnleiiunl liullnilc That All of tin- I'miiiIi Foiit Defending Tlml Region Have HiM'ii Ih'Ui'ii lUrk mi l-'iirlitw t'nlltit l'rt Hi-rvim I.ON'UON Feb. 'if'- Hi-illii ilalniH I bo t.llituic of DikmiikmU, il htruiiK tortus foil miles noithenni nf dun, TliU In believed to have fol lowed tlionilliipio (if till! French fi out from Cnli-ilii-l'olvrii through licon taut. Imllratlmin nro t tut t iliu wh do French feme which linn been defend Ins Verdun mi Iho north huu been ilrlrrn Imcl; toward tho fort rem) by the overwhelming Herman offiMinlvo. Thooffetwlu. In now seriously threat ening Verdun The knltt-r Id believed to bii'tmliig ill lilt forces In thin titanic offensive, hoping to blunt u way to Parln, mid Ihui shorten t lie duration of tho war. The I'ariK ntiitPinent regarding (bin activity In mikuv. It follews: 'Tho buttle mirth, of Verdun con tinues. ArordliiKttiinnl Information, the (iertnmin were not counting their Mcriflcc-M. hut wem lonliiK ntnny men. Artillery In replying to the German bombardment, shell for shell. ' The ntuteniKiit nUo nays tho French have tnkcu mw pnnlHonn, bucked by the M111-W) til IIm. The viiKiiunenn if tho Pnrinluii itslenieiit. in uw of tho German clslrns, lm ciiiiM-d iiuenMlnens In l.on Jon. Tim statement Hint Dounmout linn been tnken by tin. Germans Is accept id rautluiiNly by tho iwimth bent. Uouainoni In thu key to tho north ern defem-im of Verdun". Unlfed I'rnitn Service LONDON, Fb. 28. German iiowb pawn urge von tfngow to demand thu prompt release of tho Interned Ger man ships recently Belied nt Mbnon. Madrid wlren Hint I'nmiKnl frnnkly admits expert lug (lermuny to declnie war. United I'reKR Service nOMK, Feb. 20 It was announced ' hero today Hint Durnuo hod bryn Macuatcd VoKi-lhiiug (.'oniirmcnl WAHHlNdTON, I). C Feb. 20. ." a- .-i-i-iiifii- Tho senate him coullrraed tho nomlua- Mm. O. C Applegate loft for Sacra ln of Alexander T. Vogoliuing of 8ni.iiifiitn.on Friday's train to visit for n Francisco an Millcltor of Hut Interior ttontb with relatives :it Satinmonlo apartment. 'mid llerkoley. Strahorn Survey Party Close to Summer Lake The Siiahorn surveying party linn I noved to tho north end of Summer 'e and will mnko tholr next cntnp ,J '10 Cftrll ranch, nbout four mllos 't Of Almn Ilium. n. nt.i....l Jhit Hiirvoy 'nt presont lias been wi,?, .l0(' ,0 t,1Q WMIowoy nmtos, "nicii it rroHRAu t,i.n.. ..,..-. ,i r.i n , ""i nmim mo iviib" ' A .L d mw Rboa- p-n the" tho t r V1" rolIw tho rim around tho Tjynd north sides of tho lnko, mnk- t.' "I"'11"1 cllmb to tho summit bo- ' T- 8unmor Uko and Silver Lnlto. Three, aurveyTvVerfrmlrfe pit Pal- . ' "H"ro tne ernw rfAnnt-iaH Th rt one i I UfiaaA. mI... i. ,. '-- uuuut one ana a ounr- ,..' ,." eat of town, nnd follows a I.H ii.. ,rora th0 Nrrows toward Mile Butte. Tho second ono " the first a few miles north of LAWRENCE IS TO BE TRIED HERE, COURT DECIDES MOTION to change v,m ; ovehui'led IS Tilol nr .Mini Charged Willi Killing i Mr. .Mum Kii-Iiiii In Doild Hollow Shooting Affair In hiiciiilii-i- Will lie Plnci-d mi Tiial lletc Munli lit. Hlllllt'lN lit' - Tlli-it Just llefOIV Tlilt Cum-. A. KrucHt Lawrence will 1;U tried heio on rlmrKi' of killing MrH. Alum Ktichiu. mill (lie wounding of liny lllllili-r Tim inntliiii fur n i'Ihiml-c 1r Vor-lv,,,,,,,. 1lll(U, ,,y A,llm,y w. II A. ltenuor for Law rem o, wan ovi-rruli-d by Circuit Judge ixuykoiidnll. Lawrence's trial' has been nut for Mitich Kith , Mr. Iti-nuer In to lm an-nlHti-d In the nine by a prominent at-, toruey from Hprluglleld, 111m. Mr 11111I Mm (luy Hunter, who are' In be tried on tin- Maine charge, will be In miii 1 March flth Their enno wan h"t for trlal'nomi) time ago. . RUIN CAUSES TWO BOOMS 10 SPROUT jasper in:xxi:rr nn:s orr as ASSCSSOU AM) WILLIAM l)f- r.s si:i:ks ihstkut attu-' 1 VKVSIIII1. i Two now caudldaten for democratic nolulnatloiiH ntepped Into tho arena today. Theno nro .Iimper Ilcnnett, who In out for nnneiuior, and William M. Duncan, who In out for prtisi.-cutliiK at toruey. Ileinit-tt In an old renldent of Kliim nth, and Iiiih htirvcd two termn us an HcKior. On thin hooio, h and Captain Lie, the other rnndlilnto for the Jnck Hniilnn party'H itomlniitlon, are "tlfty llfty," and Hut wise ones look for a mighty clone raeo, with campaigning galore. Duuciiu In mi far unoppoud for thu democratic nomination. Slnco he camo! to Klamath Falls four yoain ago, Ho1 ban entnbllHhed u good law practice, I mid him been deputy piosecutor for! Rome 1 1 mo. Duncan studied the legal profennlon at tho law schools of liar vnrtl and Chicago universities, and him Uiindled with credit sumo compll r.ited 1'iiHi'ri. thu Narrows nnd from thero comes In n strnlght lino towards town and crosses through tho onstorn portion of town. Tho last survey raiiilo was run tinilor tho direct suporvlslon of Chief Dogito, tvho wns horo nt tho tlmo. This runs botwoon.tho othor two, and t-rossos tho Moss ranch nnd tho west ern ond or tho TowiiBlto company innrsh eighty, ft crossos tho rlvor nbovo tho lower dam, nnd Insldo of tho Moss Hold, It Is, porhnps, tho most Ulenl route connldorod from nil points. To those financing tho rond It offers n routo nearly as chonp as tho direct lino first run, whlleUt Is not bo far from town as to bo Inconvenient Of course, It Is Impossible to soy which lino will be chosen until tho report Is mado from the Portland office. How Germans Sought the Control of Caribbean Sea I "'' i" j. 'S "ws . 'i (A 1 1 '' r ( Je u h ".rssSL , - . j- r B B E A W S R A HO H DURA 5..? h. S ni? fi CANAL ROUTE S0 , WLA ?Zm&?.&KiK&gc!& ?C07't'" PANAMA f!MWl Mt-J-: fel?WM qckan S SOUXHl Mi R ' WMm Vo. I St. Tliomas, ulierc they ihii itiniiuil for coiling station. No. 'J t'iil'l.tucliu, uheic tbej soiluht In pun lnisr naval base. N. -Muiiuuiia Canal Itiuile Ibey tiled In buy. No. I tiiei Mi le St to Icusc Nicholas, ihcic they a naval Ihim-. NIT. EAKI AEFAIR A ;iti:sni:s of.hatf. on IVK I SSI' I.', (WMHUATKS AND MADI-: INTi:iti:STINJ LAST Vlf'HT OTHI'US TALKS One of the bent attended meetings of the ML Lnkl Improvement Asso ciation wan hold Inst night at the Mt. Lnkl church. Tho church was crowd ed, and in addition to the pcoplo of I but MH-tloii, there wore many Klam ath Falls people present. Among the candidates In attendance wero C. It. Do Lap, Harold C. Merrymon, Carey M. ltainsby and Fred Peterson. Coun ty Agriculturist (Hnlsyer. K. L. Klllott and Clarence C llrowur also attended. The debate, 'Itesolved' That city ui-iuwil nr Htiiierlor to country and Ullage M-bools In training scholars for u useful life." was of Interest to all, and both sides brought out somoj splendid facts for consideration. ThO decision wns In favor of tho ntflrinn-, tlvo side, Messrs. Klllott, l'eterson nnd C.lalsyer being tho Judges. In addition to othor numbers, Mr. i fllalsyor miulo a well received talk on! tho need for pest control measures, and ho also favored tho audience with n vocal solo. Musical numbers worn also well renderedNby Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Schubert. L. A. West wns In Klamath Falls Friday, and brought homo his daugh ter, who has been III. Miss West Is better nt this writing. Itolllu Stltzer, a prominent high' school student, Is spondlng tho week end with Austin Cnse. The play, "Flfteon Miles to Huppy town," to bit given by tho Ladies Aid, will bo held next Saturday night. The Ladles Aid will hold Its an nual election of otllrers at Its meeting Mnrrb 8th. DALLAS HAS A XKW MUNICIPAL Fl.AtJ NOW United Press Service DALLAS. Tex.. Fob. 20 Dallas It has In to have a municipal Hag. bars, two blue and a white, with star In tho center. lj.was de- three It red signed by Oswln K. King, a news paperman. A public christening Is planned when the Hog Is first raised on the city hull. DRAWS CROWD Kvldciico has Just been produced before the foreign relations torn tnltteo of tho I'liited Slates senate that bclore the war In Kuropc (!er tiiany planned naval bancs which nilBhl hnc given her control of the Caribbean sea, at least enabled her to dispute control with tho United States. It 1h huid the Haniburg Ainerlcan line has leased from Den marl; a large area of ground at St. : WILSON'S PLICA HK1XGS POItTII "TFHHITOItlALS" ' I ulted Press Service IIBAVEir FALLS, Feb 2ti. As an answer to the widespread plea for preparedness an or-, ganlzntlou was under way here today for u company of men, nil' native born Americans over 45, for duty at home In case their bervlcos are needed. Thoy In tend to call themselves "Terri torials" as their duty will be In their own territory. The Hi st company will be formed at Xew Brighton and other branches of the organiza tion will then be taken up in other valley towns. The com panies will not bo Identified with army organizations, but will pre pare to take up the work of the younger men in case they are called away. An entire ,iegl ment of "Territorials" will bo formed In the county. DELEGATES WILL MAKE A REPORT ,t.GS OF TUB STATF. CUIUS TIAX KM1KAVOK CtXVHN1IOX WILL Hi: KF.COU.VIHD TOMOR. lv)V HVKXING An Invitation Is extended to all who may be Interested to be present at tho Presbytorian church at 6:30 p. m. Sumlny to hear tho reports from tho delegates who were In attendance at tho Stnto Christian Endeavor conven tion recently held In Grants Pass. Tho young people of the Christian church will Join with tho young people of tho Pi esbjtei l.iu church In this meeting, which Is to bo hold at tho Presbyter Ian church. ' Tho delegates who will take part in this service nro Miss Vera Houston, Miss HutU Hall, Miss Augusta Parker and Miss Mini do Miller. lufaut Dies. Word comes from E. C. Lyon, Co- ..vote. Calif.. w "J ath Falls, that their former resident of Klam 2-months-old iiiiiiKhtur. Margaret Grace, passett away yesterday at 4 p. m., at San Jose hospital. Sh"e has suffered from erysipelas for two weeks. t Thomas, which could be used as a naval babe. Other evidence shows another attempt was made' to lease fronf Colombia a base at .Cartagena. Hut the moat interesting evidence is that which wjb declared to be an attempt to buy the Xlcaraguan canal ' i route at a cost of $9,000,000. The Only one allied nation lias responded to America's suggestion for the 1'nlted States offers only $3,000,000. 'disuniting of merchantmen ns a humanitarian measure. Which nation an To complete the circle of the Car- Mered has not been announced. It is believed to be France. Ibbenn, they attempted to buy a base a the Mole St. Nicholas' In Haiti. WHEAT AND FLOUR HIT THE TOBOGGAN i.OWKIl CA11LES AND A DF.TF.H. MI.VFI) HF.AK ItAll) CAL'SF. A 11KOP AND NFAV LOW COST FOU ji.'Asinv tu npsiiTir . I'ulted I'ress Service CHICAGO, Feb. 26. May diopped ii. cents during the closing ol the day In the grnin pit here, The closing price was $1.13, tho new low price for the crop. Lower cables, and n determined bear raid t were responsible for tho drop. j I'nltcd Piess Service ; PORTLAND, Feb. 26. Flour took a tumble of 20 cents per barrel to day on receipts of the news of the ' slump in May wheat on the Hastern . exchanges.. H. S. DEBATERS TO MEET HERE MF.IUTS OF SWISS MILITARY SYS TKM WILL UK T1U3 QUESTION' ARGUED ItY MEDFORD AND KLAMATH STUDENTS The debaters of Medford high school will meet the debating team of Klamath County high school here on Monday evening, March 6th, to settle tho championship of tho Southern Or egon district of the Oregon High School Debating League. So far, Med ford has beaten nil other teams in tho district. The question for debate is, "Ro solved: That the United States should adopt tho essential features of the Swiss system of military training.',.' Klamath high will support the affirm ative side of the argument. Emma Honzik and Charles Dorr, with Hilda Hensley as alternate, com- prise tho Klamath County high school team, Here- Front City. Mr. ana Mrs, win woou nave rc- turned from San Francisco, where Mr. (Wood has been attending college, ' They will remain here until next fall. Germany Expects Congress to Make Wilson Back Down Ily CARIi ACKKnMANX (I'nltr-d I're.sH Staff Correspondent) IIKltlilX, Feb. 20. Xlic pcoplf of Germany ciM.-ct congittw to force l'i olden t Wilkin to buck down from III prcxent stand in regard to file (jermaii armed merchantman decree. Ollltlubi will not comment upon thin, but the general: feeling is that if the question In referred to congress, a reso lution warning Americans to avoid traveling on unned merchantmen will Iass. li-.p:iUlies suggesting a possibility of Wilson's asking the recall of AmbasMidoi- ou llernstorrf caused much surprise. Foreign Minister vou .lugow and AineWcnu Ambassador G'eraiil .say no such intimations have been nllicially received. Feeling uguiiittt American-, is growing. I'nileil I'ress Service WASHINGTON', 1). C, Feb. SO After cauvassiug congress, Represen- "fve Lewis, the democratic whip in the bouse, told Senator Stone today Hint opposition to Wilson in the German decree could not preTall, and he ' ccomincnded an early vote on the Gore ami Jones resolutions, warning Americans tokeep off urmed merchantmen. l.cwls cpcct to seek a showdown Monday by introducing a resolution endorsing the president's stand. Surprise was caused when only one period by the administration. The state department indicates t lint 'this does not affect the Genua n dltllrulty. A climax is near. The udmiulstrutiuuwijl not ask Austria and Ger many to postpone their armed merchantmen decree, which is effective next Wednesday. The German reply Is expected Monday. The administration l con vinced tlutt it will be unsatisfactory. -Secretary Ionising and Congressman Flood conferred today regarding the possibility of a comnroniise in the "warning" situation, .as .it .bow St,s congress, iris not believed that congress will force the issue !w'"' Wilson until an actual break is imminent. I (Jerry D. Cozad, formerly of Klarn- ath Falls, but now located at Mar - I ttnez, is here to give attention to busI-.Umpqua county (now Douglas) in Iness matters. ;1S53. From his father ho learned I surveying, and for several years after A divorce decree was granted Ruth! reaching his majority he followed 1 1. nugues, luiiuwiuK a uvaniiK Ji iuu evidence In hor suit against Joseph Ejer and s"ll later assessor of Jackson Mf Hughes yesterdny. W. H. A. Renner appeared for the plaintiff. Was Well Known Here Peter Ogden Applegate, who died suddenly In Central Point, Ore., pre sumably from heart failure, was theisentative youngest son of the old Oregon plo-jtrlct, comprising Crook, Grant, Jeff er neer statesman, Jesse Applegate, and, son, Klamath and Lake counties. Sand HoDow Survey Is Explained by J. G. Camp The following repani'ug the pro posed co-operative survey of the Sand Hollow pumping project was prepared by Project Manager J. G. Camp, U S. R. S.: In order that there may be no mts - understanding, I wish to make the fol- lowing statement in regard to this matter. A number of owners of land In tho Sand Hollow country requested the reclamation service to take up tho work of supplying tholr land with wa ter on a co-operative plan. The reclamation commission re- plied that It was necessary to have a. final location survey, and estimates of' cost made in order to determine If It could bo built for a price that the land ownors could afford to pay. They offered to do this work provided the land owuers would put up cash for half tho cost of this survey. The cost of the survey Is estimated at $400 for the first lift, or lands un der the H lino, $200 more for. the IM nnd $200 for the H-2 lino, or a total ot $800, if all three lines were sur veyed. Ono half, or $400, would have to be cash raised by land owners and deposited with the service before the surveys were begun. This was tho proposition which was put up to the laud owners at Malln last Saturday. A joint note was ex- i was the last of Jesse Applegate's sons. He was born In Yoncalla Valley In , " -.'. -... .. .- .VHVHW bounty. Fred W. Hyndman of Klamath Falls has Bled with the secretary of state his declaration of candidacy on the democratic ticket for state ropre- from the Twenty-first dls- After considerable discussion It rvnii unanimously decided to request Hie service to make the surveys for all three lifts, aud apportion the f40i) equally on all Irrigable lands undor t these surveys. As some of the land owners did not feel able to pay cosh now, Mr. Dalton and Mr. Adams agreed to pay for them, taking an agreement from them to pay later. The result of this meeting has been reported to headquarters, and as soon as authorization Is received and the money deposited these surveys wijl bo commenced. I wish to make It very clear that ally replied. thU agreoment and the paying of this money does not bind tho United states In any way to do anything but' make these surveys and estimate. If the results of this show that a system ' can be built for a price that the tov-s, ernment deems feasible, then they '. will be willing to negotiate for the building of part or all of ttaie wateisit? on the co-operative plan. Juat wlMti (.hare tho government will be willing to do I am unable to state. Undoubt edly the land owners will nave to '-. ganlze and do a Urge HK fiU work themselves, but -Ifcef fvim -well? afford to do UU rather 'tka tw tlnue to dry fam In ie4 lhlew. -. ' I rs ', u t - ' 1 mi M & I Si 11 1 I R!1 tSM ii ?.( im m m 'N J-'. w . 4