KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'inijiumn-y-T -r- - -. r..lrl-n-, - -, f t wuhVrw-: v.a,owi KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916 Price, Fire OeuU Wilson-Congressional Dispute Is Unchanged Conference With Leaders Fails to Break the Tie-Up WASHINGTON, Feb." U". Tin dlffeteme of opinion lift (won the pn-s. Mmi mt memlMT of lh imi lioiiw or i-onur otrr the rlulii of AmerlfMi l take piissnKe on nrinrtl ttit'iclMint iik-ii. in (In- (me or Ger many's di-iree Ihnl llii'M Mill ! lotpeiloeil Million) uiimlnu lifter .Mini li I, l lll I tint liMigeil. Ilolli lile me ili'lri mined, mill n (onipi-omlse h um Imikiil nr at present . ,Srnktr t'liiuup ('kirk mtil Oiuuwnt'ii I'looil anil Kltililn i unfit ml ullh Wilson till mnrtilnu. Ui'r nn hour's session, tin-) were -till ills. Rgrrril in it I tit quest Inn, A Iiu.iipiii- rslnii of the rnblui! Him held fit mushier the iniilli'r. ThA MlJiltlltJ!. (.to., ntftlllllft Im.1,1,1.1 l'll.ftl. ttl.Jk Ih ll.ll.t Mlllll'll llltl III ,'tfttil. 1 the l.usltmilii llirlilt'ilt ulille the nriiit'il men hunt men ilci-ree lliiejilcn H Inmllitili' pun Inns German pmiiiliua. In the sennit Gore Intnxliueil n lilll umkliiu ll lllcuitl for Aiiierli-mis In Iravrl iimiii iirniril c.el or iH-INiteieiit mil Ion-. In time or tun, ninl 11 iwwlutloii Miiinlnu Ainerlrniis lo keep off smli ships, ( Tlicvt'irif tabled, no mum Ih revolution of loin-,, leqiiostiuu lln-i arrtklrnl nut In eer relntinns Mllli mi)' count r), or plan- Ainei-icii In j i potltlou ulicre kn could no! mold mir II limit honor. 'liflliimiu Stone of the scimte fort-luii iniumltlee slate Unit lio doe not credit reports Hint Germany wlH postpone (lie ilnti or mil It) from Murrh I lo prl I. Speaker Chirk tolit Wilson Mil forenoon tlmt the Imiise Is oit MholmliiKl) In tinnv of twiriilng Ainciliitns to ki-ep oir mined ships. In rrp7, Wilson declared emphatically Unit hi immiIiI not hiulite from Ills pUti r IiisImImk Hint Germany fully reiojuile eery American right. "Til,. pltll(kllt NtNlttlM llNI n letter In ui-oto .Siuilor SlOIIC," Mlill I1rk. "I Hihik the Mimic matter will remain In stntus quo. I Informed Wlloon tlmt llii lion U In favor of issuing u hiiiiiIiik ' l I" "'' "I lMt." Chirk toiUy stated flint ho hml licniil Germany Intended lo poslpom Ihr uN-riilliiii of her decree until April . iiV Doc Cook's Wild Man of Borneo l'.t'l,i: HAM KEEIW SUPPLY j containing $20 worth of gold ami In- !' MKRALH FOR HEROES nrrlliod with IiIh mime. i Tim nreKontutltiii Inscription rondu, WASHINOTON, Vol). 2C Tlio ktite dciuirtmoiit spetidu about 1200 yr ror watcliea, modiils and uthor tcMtlnionlalH It kIvch to forclgnerH who vo thu llM of Ainnrlcnru nt boii. if tlio rcHnuT U n common Hoummt "From tlio I'roxlilont of tlio Unltod 8tnt'," If mi olllior of a uhlp llsuroa In the rt'HCiio ho gctH u handsome gold wulcli mid chnln or u pnlr or tlio finest lilnociilurrt inniiufncturcd. A Biippl)' of mudulu, wiUcIich, cliiilna V . tfe f , $M Win ENLARGE COAST NAVY YARDS IS WINSLOWS PLAN iTKl.NHI'TK OF KKSKKVK I'LVHTj NOT AIM'ltOVKI) ! MMMMAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAlVWWWSA5VWV- Man Who Tried to Poison Archbishop Sends Finger Prints to New York Police VERDUN FIGHTING SLACKENS, AFTER BLOODY CHARGES (CRONE'S FINGfcR POAMTS.; t I'oIIouIiik Stephens' HM'(ih on thrl Doffiici'leksiirss of the I'mlllc i Const, Onlni; to tin I'annnin Citn ill's , i Impiissnliillt), Ho Much or tlicTlnn- Snvy Men Tnlk or IJetter Vwteiii Fleet. I'nlted I'reca Service WASHINGTON. Fob 25 Hotter naval protection for the Pacific Coast lit. receiving serious attention, follow I inK the recent speech of Congress man Stephen) of California, In which lie pointed out the defcncelcssness of tin' coast, owing to tlio obsolete ves sels In Pacific waters, and the fact 'thai frequent slides In the Panama icuimt mako It Impobslble for large h 607 Jean Crones, the anarchlse who put mailed JJ L XrtaC .Btapvi IJKKBKEl I I i - Mm- - J III thf hnrt if hZ KiiaTwSc 'GERMANS CLAIM MORE CAP TURES THERE I I LoMea by Both French sad Ocnmn i Arniles Are Admitted by Commaad i ers to lie Largo Germans Claim ' the Capture of Ten Thotuaad French Soldier German Raider South American Coast. L'nl ted Press Servlc- PARIS, Feb. 25. Today's com- ' raunique states that the German of fensive, which has been raging around Verdun for several dajs, is slacken ing. There were no attacks last night and the artillery action is less viol ent. 1 The French artillery is holding its iown along a twenty-five mile front, r Although French positions have been lost, German positions of suf- ships to pass throuKh from tho At- !gon ,n t,)e fQOd . at tw ban. 8ectlon of New york Thousan(l8 of'hcient importance to offset these loss- lantle, Stephens today before tlio naval l",ct at the University Club of Chlca- pollcemeu were Instructed to find him es nave been taken. Hero In I'oc CooK'h wild mnn of Borneo, who ho found on his recent trip lo that wild land. Tho doctor took many pliotogiaphs, but most of them were spoiled on tho long trip bucK. This wild man, tho doctor says, Is a fair specimen of the savages ho found thcro. committee suggested the transfer of tho best ships of'tlig Atlantic reserve Jlleet to the Pacific. Admiral Wlnslow, however, held It to be Inadvisable at present. He urg- ,ed the enlarging of the coast's navy t.Mird fnclllttos Wlnslow favored tho better prepar ation of Puget Sound navy ynrd. Ho questioned whether Mare Island) would over make a first class navy ynrd. go, given to Archblshod Mundelelu, ist any cost. Both sides lost heavily, according ho -ucnmiilUhea tho rcscuo through 'and binoculars nlwnya Ih kept on hand '"own nutlatlvo and Individual horo-jln tlio odlco of tli !!? '"' lw presented with u gold medal mate diipartmont. Reservation Opening Is Considered by Indians Loc1 tt(,rk toward tho throwing Pn of th Klomuth Indian Reservn "on, after tho nllotment of land to ' of tho ludluns, has resulted in " matter getting ueroro the Klam 8h Trlbni o,..ii n,i .!.i . r Mi.lli llio lUDBVIUII Ul H mV0mont on the nart of thn In. n was debated for noarly threo y by tho council momberH this "Hit. th0.eclB,0n WR8 roftched regarding ttltude of the Indians. While VJorlty heartily in favor of Ywropo,,t,OD' u.w" deemadad. whh !u UUcUM the tter further tik. ,J ,n(,lv trlDwraen and ..!. raatter u" w,n t ltr L,ytou Kirk and Joe Ball, two niomboia of tho council, wore horo to discuss tho matter with Captuln J. W. HlomeiiH and other members of the Commercial Club who nro working for tho oponlng. Superintendent Froor, Forester Bedford and Indian Farmer McKcnn woro also hero and discussed tho mutter with local poople. Tho oponlng of the Klamath reser vation Is considered of prima import ance to Klamath. A great deal of our prospects for tho early coming of tho Strahorn railroad depends upon the settlement of this matter, and the opening of tho reservation will mean n material lucrease In the area of taxablo land In Klamath county, thereby making a reduction In the tax levy. WIFE SEES HER HUSBAND KILLED wiiii. i: iioimn ii:i woman ih LOOKING ON, lll'UGLAH STARS SAN .lOSi: MAN I'lVi: TIMES IN Virn.M'S HOME RAIN ROBBERS i. mud I'leab SorvKe SAN JOSL", Feb. 25. George A. Jones, aged TO, a wealthy retired banker, 'well known tluoughout tho Santa Clura valley, was murdered at h o'clock this morning by a burglar he surprised In the kitchen of his pallidal home. His ugod wife, hearing a uolso, thought hor husband won a victim of somnambulism. Going to luvostl gatv, sho found her husband strug gling with tho burglar, who plunged u knifo tlvo times into Jones' neck and body whllo Mrs, Jones watched, frozen with foar. Jones' jugular vein was sovored. and his noao silt almost to his mouth. A trull of blood Indicates that the burglar was wounded before ho Hod. FLETCHER IS NOW THE MINISTER TO MEXICO United Pi ess Service WASHINGTON, Fob. 25. -The 8enito today confirmed President Wil son's nomination of Honry Fletcher iib United Stntes ambnssador to Mex ico. ' Wnv n while it was thouKht that a tight against .Fletcher would be made. The difficulty was apparently sottled before the voto was taken today. About 10 per cent of the people of the world speak English. MAKN)IG HAUL OVER SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF VALUABLES FROM TACOMA ALONE TAKEN FROM NORTH XMST LIMITED His second letter rnntnina nn.i. to the commanders of the French has startled the Now York and Chl-j8CrIpt , wn)ch ne defled the CnJcago troops engaged In the fight. cago poIIciTby writing letters to a 'police. It read-ita-fotowg' , New York newspaper. His latest ex-1 "r am glad that the spies from Chl-.,-,n'ted PleM Service ' plolt was to send a long letter con-j cago are coming, then I know better' BERLIN, Feb. 25. It is announc talnlng crude finger prints in a letter , t what time to let 'ergo." od officially that the Germans cap- - ftured six fortified French villages 'near Verdun yesterday. These include Champ Neuvilie, Co- jtellette, Marmont, Cbambrettes and Ornea. I It is asserted that tho French loss 'es have been heavy. The German , losses, says the statement, are "only what were expected." Ten thousand French prisoners have been taken thus far in the en- SKI PARTIES GO COLLIERS PAID TO CRATER LAKE! BRANDEIS FEE i mmm PARK RANGER MOMYER RE- WITNESS TELLS JUDICIARY BODY gagement around Verdun. Pom's THE SNOW IS SOME WHAT LIGHTER NOW THAN IT WAS LAST SPRING TACOMA, Feb. 25. It is leurned today tlmt over 10,000 worth of ne gotiable paper and registered mail sent from Taconia ulone, was taken by tho bandits who held up tho North Coast Limited last night. One man alone sent $4, GOO in negotiable paper out on that train. Tho sheriff's ofllce heard today that 1 ossea have the robbors located in Maple Valley. Bloodhounds were sent thero to aid in the work of track ing them down. WILLARD WILL START TRAINING CHAMP TELLS FANS HE'LL BEAT MOHAN AS SOON AS HE CAN. CROWD OF FANS MEET HIM TODAY United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 25, Jess Wll- Inrd arrived today to begin training for his ten-round bout with Frank Moran Inte In March. A large crowd of tight fans met him' at the station and cheered him. "I will beat Moran just as quickly as I can," said Wlitard. "I begin real hard training tomorrow," Snow in Crater Lake Park is melt ing fast, and there Is not quite as THAT MAGAZINE PAID ATTOR NEY 2S,000 FOR WORK IN THE I HALLINGER CASE I'nlted Press Service WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. Mark great a depth now as there was last Sullivan, testifying in the Brandels j ear, according to word received from 'hearings before tho sub-committee of Park Ranger H. E. Momyer, who is ( the state judiciary committee, stated now stntlnned In the nnrk Unless Hint Pnlllni-a nnlrf TlrnnHola t9R find severe weather sets in the park will for work In the Balllnger-Plnchot con- be open to auto travel earlier than troversy. Inst year. i Tna jee covered services for live Several parties in sklis und snow- months according to Sullivan. shoes nave gone into the park irom the Fort Klamath section, according to Momyer. Five parties, each of three United Press Service TENERIFFE, Feb. 25. The Ger- mi'ti cruiser Moewe was raltUng Brit ish commerce off the South American coast between January 16 and Febru ary 9, according to the captain of one of the Moewe's victims, who arrived today. GERMAN VESSELS ARE SIEZED BY PORTUGAL United Press Service LISBON, Feb. 25. The Portugese government today ordered the slexure of eight German steamers In St. Vln- 'cent harbor. The dollar slgu came from the let- j These are to be held for transport ,,.,i ,i ......v. f iv t,nv i. Iters "U. S." In monogram. service it so needed. 'rw(iv vmv ! if ji. iiuiv - . . ready made tho trip from this side. tho snow is said to do unusually aeep on the Medford side this year. UNPAVED STREETS BEING LEVELLED CITY HAS MEN AND TEAMS AT WORK DRAGGING THE STREETS WHILE DIRT IS IN CONDITION FOR WORKING Lumber Prospects Best in Years, Says Johnson Taking advantage of the present condition of the ground, the city has men and teams employed In dragging and grading the unpaved streets of Klamath Falls, As a result, chuck holes and ruts developed during the winter months are being eliminated, and the streets are getting Into good shape for all kinds of travel. Osaka is the greatest Japanese toy unking city. Toklo is next, Lumbermeu have reason to expect the most prosperous season In years, according to Robert A. Johnson, head of tho Klamath Manufacturing Co., who Is here from San Francisco on business. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will leave in a few days for Honulula, and upon their return, will reside In this city. "Thero Is a material increase in the demand for upper grades of lumber, and the priecs offered are $5 to $6 per thousand feet better than they were in tho fall," said Johnson. "In the past few days, I have received telegraphlo Inquiries for Ave car loads, at ) 5 to $ 6 more than was of fered a few months ago. "It Is the same all over the coast. The lumbermen are moat optimistic, and none are attempting to sell ahead, and In this way, keeping In position to get tho top prices, which they do not believe are reached as yet. "In tho box lumber, there ts every reason to look for an over production, owing to the desire of all mlllmen to get out as much upper grade lumber1 as possible for eastern shipment. The demand for box uhooka of course regulated largely by the fruit, crop conditions on the coast, but even if there is no increased demand or price for box shook, the good demand for the upper grades will offset this fact, and mako general coadt tlona tho best In years." 'J' Germany baa more pork than aVi other kind of meat. - WM I m -.''I I "V ' (' & '!& - m --. m