r'f initting IteraUl KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER T1)"' Tenth V Nh. u,a KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1916 Price, Five Ceatt EV XJW,..,.-Z L. -" i, VJTr T-- -1iyy-y-rB Wilson and Congress Differ Over Decree WOULD KEEP ALL AMERICANS FROM t Millions in Goods tor Allies WW 110 MILL Burned in Great Brooklyn Fire I SCENE OF RfAL ARMED VESSELS' t0mmmmmmtGSzmaaosimBkiiir iii.im si:vmm miadixo ix tiii: tight (lore .U!init l Tnlk the Renin Hun, llm objection MukiH it Itu. K),llilc fur Him M l mi Appeal tn Mtiflmll l IVImi, Hi' llitlil StcmlfnM in tlii KeimleV. Rule In hf ('AM'. mmmmwT'': wxjsj I'lilli'l l'iii Mv1r WAHIIINllTON. I'eb 21 I't rtl Jtnl VII"ii hn won hit II ml nlilnnlHi In comlmtlliiK tln cffoitw of etuiKroK to paw hw prohibiting Amerlcnun lo Mil mi armed uutrchiutmou Thin wm IhroiiKli thc Mipprcinilnii of ur SJUifiilH In favor of tlu lilll today An olijoftlmi by Senator llrnudn r.tt of Coimi'rtlciii prevented Senator liore of Oklnhoiim from getting hrorlriK before tho Hunrilo on hi hill to nroTrnt Amerlcntm from travnlllm; ninoit were nun on irmcd merchantmen, which nc- frolchturii almir rAmmtfttml liv n rttujtlllt Inn nnbfnir . - AmtrlcnnH rlw of Hi fklpi. sp 1&. S'MVWT'W.yJAi . , ,.jaJJ I 4 m I V .''HUwTifrlTK'' EYf K&uj &t -U k ' Ir- iVji b!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Kf, 4m v 'vvttftP"'jjC-.LjBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaTfl BLOODY MA I Inflated Wtiistcoat Saved ' ffim on ffee Persia WILSON CHANGED IS NOT ABIT &ttlBHGB!IKtt&2Sl!3SHGSZn XZ&:2EX3&3iWZMfSartEt&'l iiriiM.vc or . inf.- stkamsiiip .Million of ilollum worth of good, tluil tills lire wan inoru damaging to supplies iiinl munition of xviir for the "I" ll" "y other Incendiary nllloH with burned ami Ihroo big "lllit0 " w",c" American property huh with more thnn l,fc,ii destroyed. tho Tho photograph show a general 'ncliu-iirl.iv' view of the lira on n costly Dlcr filled niortrTiiK, Fobrunry IK. It In posfllhb with oil and provlslonx for the allies. d merchantmen, which nc-jfro,K,U,rH .,, wtl morp l hy a rraoluilon tuklnx ,tflr ,,,nrK(.H wcr ,)llriu, ,, ih to ahntnln from tho exor- rw)lj.n w,or rro), Wcilni ln-lr rlKht to unit on armed .,.-.. Kobrimrv lit. II 1 nos .The bill prevent the IriHiionro of- (imports for any nucli voyniceii. , The sennto rule Ih that uiinnliiioiiH ( conicnt would ln neccsnary to ennhfo Uorc to enk. Hrnndagco'ri ohjec-1 lion tliercforti blocked mntforR. lloro ilien appealed to Vlco Pren Went Mamlittl. Tho latter ruled tho! bill not mlinlKHlhln after UrnndnKeo'H objection. !iin-..i: Followlnir IIiIk Corn IkhiipcI (hn fol- ' lowlnir utatement to tho prenR! ! "I do not hcllnve public opinion would Jimtlfy the declnrntlon of war Mth (Sermaiiy on account of her rnncd morchnntmen decree. Amrrlrnnu linvn nMtitilni rlfftir t lct, to xali on that ciniw of veu nl. Thoy oncht to be wllllne to QUAIFS BOUND TO LORIELLA GOING THE GRAND JURY! AETER THE PEST i n'l'i.i: .cti:si:i ov vii)ii.Ti.it.viiinT dhivks kii.i. ovv many I'HOIII I.WV AUK IIKI.Il HOTII ItDTII SIDKK AUi: l,OSIX(J MANY i. ' HOM)li:itS Uciiiiiiiiti (Join hi Some I'uliits. anil I l.csc nl Olhei-M, Ai'i'iirdliiK to the l-'irnrH IHHpnti hi". Airmen arc Itiisy Aiikll'lu Aluj Declare War mi PiirtiiiciilTurkey See Rlota. Other Vnr XeWft. I'lilli-d I'rrim Service I'AIIISKoh. 21,- Thi French evue iinteil the village of Uniliant-Kiir- .MuesM. ulght mllcii north of Verdun, i liixl nlKht. and' also lost a part of the CaurcH wood. EUewhure, though, they repulsed tho (.urmun, according to lodny'x official communique. It in uuucited That, the enemy met a decisive defeat attempting to storm Snmognoux, nix miles from Verdun. Thero was continuous fighting within, n ten mllo radius of Verdun. Furious Infantry action was almost constant at Home point aloag tbo line. - - Both sides havo lost a tremendous number of men. .. French airmen raided Metx last night. The gas works was fired hy homhs. I TltXISII IIONDS MAItltlAOi: IX VltKKA - . ' ! Mr. and Mrs. K, Quiilf, who wore .l.(;KK. AXD MOUK DHIVKS AUK PI.AXXKD-I'OISOX 18 SRXT TO Till: CI.L'll TIIKHK According to II. U. Shldler of l,or olla, l.anKcll Valley ranchers killed off over r.,000 rabbits during Janu- .1... ..,-..,..1 Inrv voHlonlnv l.v JllBtIc UrV and UlO loropan ui r... of the IVnco K. V. tlowon. Aftor'ThlH was acconipllshcd by organized sovernl wUiichk had been examlnod U,V0!) ru0,i by appolntod captains, T which flunlly combine In one general uln i iv li At nniuiiivii I Until aro out under bonds. Qunlf's I'l""" are being made to hold Circuit Court (Jlcrk Chiwtnln hns'hond Is J000, and Mm. Qunlfs $100. another big drlvo In April or May, completed tho removal of his office During tho recent Knnuiii hearing, W),en tho roads aro In good shape n tlio upper lloor of tho conrthouso.jln which the Qunlfs were tho prin- families. Klamath Falls people will Hl new locution allows tho use of clpal wltnesaes for tho stale, thoy , invited to participate, anil movies the new vault for tho nnfecunrdlnir 'wore uuestloned considerably rognrd- wm i,0 taken by C. It, Miller. of court rocords. lug their tnnrriugo, nnd their stories 2 .Vy ,.'B"t ,0 wn,,B"-.l1 nrresled a.Hl.on tlmo ago on a charge rorcKo that though, for the public mulllllllllK n llMM,C0 under the "M ' fi a time as Jhls." ,llohlhltlon law, were bound over to """" "" tli.. irtktl Inrv vitufnnltiv v .1 II Hi lw Circuit Court m mm hy tho sMte. W. II. A. Rentier, for I IALr HflrAai .. , ,...' M Mm. IIIWTVO 1 no IIOII'llliaillN, w.-uvru imi nt'iiiiiiH rnlted lros Service niCRLIN, Feb. 24. It la officially announced that German forces cap tured nabrant-sur-Meuese, Hamount, Samogneux and Herbe, near Verdun, also tho wooded district northwest of Verdun. United I'ress Serlc LONDON, Feb. 24. It Is estimat ed thnt 60,000 men havo been lost by both sides in the fighting so far at Verdun. Tho German crown prince has been appointed commander In chief of tho troops In the Alsace and Meuejo regions. Hulled 1'ress Service COPENHAGEN. Feb. 24. Berlin ndvlces say Kaiser Wllhe'lm arrived ai Verdun yesterday, and addressing (Contliiiied on Page 4) , did not lit well together. The Sncrn- Tho Lnngoll Vnlloy Stockmen's Protective Association, organized a m , i ii not in wen uK'i m--i . no oji-iii- I'roteciivo abhuciuiiuu. uikuiuhu Japancs wood prints nro made on.monto lleo prints a story under n H)mrt time ago, with tho help of Coun- eagthwlHu sections nt rimrrv wnmi ' Vrnlin ilnto of tho umrrlngo of an iv Acrrlculturlst Glnlsyer. Is preparing uiiei l0 ,IC ;rnn. i Krnest (jualf there bnturuay Trees A re Offered at a Very Low Price Just Now an ty Agriculturist Glnlsyer, Is preparing for nn effcctlvo campaign against coyotes. Poison has been sent to Poison Mixer Alfred Kollor of tho club, nnd ho will propnro bait accord ing lo government formula, nnd dls trlbimto Hhla to tho forty or more ranchers who nro members of tho oicnnlzntlon. I -. . ' U campaign for tho beautify-.from fivo to twonly-tlvoitru purchased, ' of Klamath FJU by the planting and In hundred lotH nt 17"i conts 01 trMB ii.. .. . r .. . . i .i,.uar in yarns or aiong ino ircot imrklngs, tho civic department Of tho Kl L n ...,. . Schools Prepare For Spelling Bees I. in i-ommorciai uiud nas " Z , g0Ocl MPPwt '""a o own- r" Of mirsory Stock. Thuu nnnnln JM furnish the trees through the erclal Club nt a yery low figure. ho"Vaiw ot tho 'ltock vtlable " there are 100 poplar, 376 iPM, 800 mapMaeo Mb and 830 uf lm 0M ht,d r,ht ow- T imL . 'urn,ihed through the Com- Sl l 0,ub Rt 8B ti in lot. 'of n ono to five; 20 cents where each. Tho Wonuin'a LlbruVy Club la ex pected to tnko nn nctlvo part In tho work, and to oncourago tho planting of trcos whorovor possible Tho matter of caring for trees nlniAed on non-resident proporty Is If. posslblo nr Much Interest Is manifested In all of tho schools of ho county In tho coming spoiling contests for the Kamath comity championship. In the different districts contests nro be ing held ns preliminary practice, and i,. am rflaultlne In Imnroved or- i M II M0M0WmmSmSB mtesasMJMiWilHIi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHsbsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHLiiiiiBspIi9smLiiiiiiiiiiiib H BKflaBIBHBBaKHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW m I WitiJBkBBBL, ' I BY SENATE ACT IXTKItXAL DISPUTE MAKES MAT TER CRITICAL President Still ImtUtw Upon the ItecoKiiitinn of the Right of Amer- ' leans to Sail the Sen in Any Vcs- ! sel The)- CIioohc, and Will Fight on That Line Bernstorff Is Await ing Instructions. t ultcd Press Service LoiifMontatoi ,MiirHnnlterCfr This peculiar coat saved Lord Mon tagu of Beaaulieu, who was a passen ger on the steamship Persia, which was blown up In the Mediterranean. When he was thrown Into the water he blew up tho coat and ho floo.1ted safely for hours until rescued. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Preal- dent Wilson's determination to Insist upon tho recognition of the rights of Americans to sail upon armed merchantmen, It is understood, is In no way shaken, despite the seri ous opposition by congress to hlapro l posed course. t Several influential senators, who 'oppose Wilson's course, plan to tell lilm privately. In this way they hope ,to bring about a change without an outbreak on the floor. The present situation Is" admitted , ly the most critical since the begin- Ing of the German dispute. , As yet von Bernstorff baa received no additional Instruction from Berlin. MEDEORD TO GET GOOD BALL TEAM llt'SlXKSS MKXW ASSOCIATION OF JACKSON COUNTY EX DORSES THE PROPOSITIOX OF AX ADVAXCE SALE In tin o-llrnti mlitnnHnn. .nmuninnlo will llfl TinHn wlill tllB tlinVriUlllV. Callfornln-Orogon Power company to I)cal stores have, offered valuable MrnUh free water for the Irrigation of those trees, providing the neigu boring water usors will do the sprink ling free of charge, nriiea to the winners. Superintend cut Fred Peterson lias named special announcers for each district, In or der to facilitate the work. BERLIN THINKS WILSON LETTERS ARE FOR EEEECT It) CARL AOKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) llERLIN. Feb. 24 -It is hinted that AmiMKsador Gerard may campaign for President Wilson If tho republicans attack his submarlno policy. Gerard plans to visit the United States In tho spring, nnd If ho finds the presi dent Is under tiro for German 'deal ings, ho tuny stump the country In explanation of Inside facts. It Is given out hero that after Ger ard had tried to impress upon uer mn., officials the gravity of the situ ation, ho learned that Bryan had told Former Austrian Ambassador uumoa that Amotlca would not take strong action against Germany, and also that this Information had been convoyed to Gormany by Dumba. It Is also reported thai a certain man from Illinois, bearing creden tials Issued by Bryan, came here and nid officials that Wilson waa writing his notes mainly for home consumption, The following excerpt from an uc count of tho Jackson County Business Men's Association, printed in the-Med-ford Mall Tribune's columns, should be of Interest to local fans, who as yet are still In tho unprepared stages: "H. L. Ewlng stated the organiza tion of n good ball team for this year had been started, and that thoy would endeavor to sell enough season tickets at 5 each to help flnanco the proposi tion, Tho association voted in favor of the same, and agTeed to lend all the support posslblo." Local People at Mt. Laki Meet NEBRASKA STATE HOUSEJNMNGER FOUR FOOT IIOMB IS PLACED IX THE FURNACE AND IT EXPLOD EDBAD FIRE PREVENTED BY PROMPT WORK United Press Service LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 24. Officials today Admitted that a four foot bomb, which was enclosed In a steel casing. Several local people are figuring Was exploded in the furnace ot the on attending the meeting ot the Mt. wosit wing of the state house last Lakl Improvement Club tomorrow J night. night, when a debate will be held, and . The blaze was extinguished by at other matters ot Interest will receive taches before it became serious, attention. I The motive prompting the attempt is not known. In on Business. County Commissioner John Hagel- Viscountess Gage Is vicar's warden steln was a county seat visitor yesterof Flrle parish church In England, an day and today, coming In from his office held by her husband before bis ranch at Algoma on business matters, death. BOSTONIANS WAR AGAINST BRANDEIS ATTORNEY, IX BEHALF OF FIFTY OTHER MEMBERS OF THE MAS SACHU8KTT8 BAH, ACCUSES HIM OF KNAVERY Better Babies Exhibit , Attracts Much Interest United Press Service "WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 24. Austin Fox, representing fifty-five at torneys of Boston, preferred new charges against Louis Brandela before the committee Investigating Brandela' fitness for the office of Justice of ttte supreme court. Three new charges were made. These Included the deserting or a client and double dealing. Interest lu the Better Babies Health Exhibit to be held March 2 and 3 under the auspices ot the civic depart ment ot tho Woman's Library Club is growing, and everything points to a large entry and big attendance. Ow ing to the number ot inquiries being made, It has been deemed advisable to hold the exhibit at the council chamber in the city hall. "Better Babies for Our Town" is the slogan adopted for the coming show, This will not be a contest, but the youngsters will be examined and Judged by a committee of competent I physicians- and nurses, Lectures and demonstrations ot luterest to mothers will also be apart of the program. A meeting of the various cosamlt- jtees in charge ot arrangements for the exhibit has been called lor .to morrow afternoon. ThU meeting will be held in the library club rooms, and, win uegiu m a.v. '!- Vl VU HnrUK ' fi'-ijfl invitations are out for a candidates' ."1 nla onnlal in ha arlVAn At Villa AbbAw. itlon ball ruary all on Saturday veala. ? t 16, A special lavitatlwi; to - f lu" t? tended to all candidates aadwi'wss' be present and get acquate.;v vvv; Y -Ct-f ' v,..r m Eftl 3, -V