lvs CiJje lummg Herald E ..AMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .,.- 1H-4MlttJ issiir WESTERN FRONTS HOST TERRIBLE KLAMATH KALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916 Price, Win Coats This Is One of Canada's Heroes UK AUTlMin used and n.woNirrs; I Tiwrlir l "' "'''')' ' JUcWonimliMl,l,"l'WiliyTfiiHMiN, .-.I Ijier Hmiiiliinsl li) GhiiIn. .,. . Iiuth Sll. '"-' M'vlly f-j 40.IMM) Turk" ltt. j United rr Service PAUI8, Feb -" "II ' Hlcinlly " nounfin) ttiul In l violent of tmilro K-'ii Ourirmii battalions car ried oi r half i I""" "f I'1" '''"""-'I' dm lino irmclii" and ! ' ' wl Una trenches In tho lloU Olvoneby rrcloti )otcnlii The Fiunih later made u counter itick and rcuuiliited practically nil of the K'coml lino trenches. Tlio (itutltiK for tliu ptwiiowtloii if Iheiio tontlnuw, with eiiormoun Iohhoh on both slilw. Tno (icrmsiw preceded ttiwlr In faotry nmili wltli long Kim and ar tillery attackn The nliollliiB I')' tho bin sunn was rnrrliMl cm with uiiuHiml tfftctlvuntM. ami In man)- placet! tli" Brit lino rU'iiclu wero blown to bin, nltli lilt; Iiihh of life. Summlvo attacks by Infantry lonrtjie narrow front resulted In tho uklnr of tho tlrsl lino tronchofl. Ileay artillery flro hos boon rn iiimcd around Verdun. Tlitu may In dicate a freih olTonslvo by Gormnny. Zeppelin raided l.iinovlllo Inst Dlht. Tho damage wan titlKlit. PROHI ORDINANCE COMES IN AGAIN I'vssw.i. or miuhuiu: last vi:i:k was invalid, ho it is, i.ntiiodi'hid i tiii: council' AGAIN Serbian Heroine Fought Barefooted Fy ' . 2 '.A.?. " -v h 'I In' iirolilliltlon ordinance, regard ing which thoro Iiuh boon much ilU (iimiiIiim of I rile, Ih not ur yet an or-j 1 1 ii it it t c It wm reintroduced luHt night after a technical error In Iih ' termor nsni;o wax discovered. 'I'lic ordlnntiui wax Introduced two' weeks ago and road tho flrBt and sce ond limes liurliiK that uook It wiih' tiiki'n from tlio olllco of tlio police j judi;o and limtcnil of tlio orlslual or-1 dlniinro (oiiiImk In, a carbon copy, wltli Howral cluiiKcn, wan read bo font Until imHHiici'. Tho tnlnulu hook ItiHt night fallod to xhow tho niiiondliiK of tho or illminct to compl) with tho chaiiKVH, ho to rorroct tho ovornlKht. tho or illtiuni'f wax Introdiirod again last IllKllt (ii'iii'lul haul lliiuhr TliU I hkM to bo dm limit photo Kr.inh of tionroal Sam Iltit;h(rt, om of Mho heroe of Cniinda, who linn worked lis hard an any In tho dominion to ulilp men to Diropn for tho war. I'alttd Vtttt fiorvtce I'lmUHAI). Kob. 22. niHimtch m to tho war department sttato that ovtr 40,000 Turku worn killed, wounded and capturod diirlm: tho flghtlnic for llrieriim. T. R, WILL KEEP IFT OUT I ROUBLE United I'ross Sorvlco WASIIINdTON, Fob. 22, Accord lug to a coiicroHMiiiui known to bo fkxto to lloosovolt, tho colonel will not participate In any of tho primary quabWoH of tho ropubllcnn and pro- hivmivo parttos, STOP FlSi IN Tl CREEKS PORTLAND ALSO AFTERJRY LAW i '.uctsimi-: to m: diuwx i;p ix : ItOSi: CITV SIMU.AU TO Til K I ei: t'AUsixcj so much com- ! MIIXT IX KI.AMATII KAI-KS 4 HV. 1 f. A LYYTV ,70 V WILSON ADVISED TO TELL NATION STATUS OF CASE I t ..- T r?sri .ir i.i j.'- .4 ij,',i liiij: .';A:'. u. '"-'- At , X" v A.'- r j M-i. A? IJflH M 'txssxisMjaasmmtmmmmmssattKKk IISII A.VI (JAMi: CtlMMISSlOX IS-. I'OHTI.ANl). Kob 22 An ordl- o.,.- .i..,i.i-u ,uiwiv- cm-v iio"'o iliipllcailiiB tho utnto prohlbl St!i:S .NOTICI.S ('M)hl.M. ''- bw wl 1)0 ,IIUJM,j y tho council Cirit CIIKKK AM) SI'ItAGUi: HIV- mi U.o rlty m.iy retain fines collected f f.,. itlnlritliitiu tt th nrnhlhtffnn law I lii tin court. I At tho present tlmo all flnoH col- i lotted ko Into tho county treasury Ab tho city Ib otiforcltiK tho ordl- I'.K I.N SPAWXIXC! SIIASOX Notliiw hovii boon ImuoiI by tho Statu KUh and Ontno C'omnilsalon clos- Iiik portions of '.Sprni;uo Itlver ilnd HpiMicor Crook to tioul IIbIiIiii; Ih (Ioiik to allow tho work at tho hatch- rutin e and has to stand tho oxpenso of malntnliiliiB tho pollco bureau and the T)ilH municipal court, city officials havo nr- MVOil at mo conclusion mm iu tuj -1 I.I !..... .1... Imnnflt ft I llrt fl tl AH ISIIOIIIU llil" HI" IJUIIVIIV ... fc.'v. ....V - -- IDIII'IIH lltliv ..... ..... v.. ... --. orlCH mid of-'K-tnldiiK ntntlons to pro-jcuy Attorney 1-aUocho has boon dl rcod unhlndorod. roctod by tho mayor to proparo tho mciisuro SMALL POX CASE AT PEST HOUSE Tho rleMm: order Iiihoiiioh offoctlvo mwisun Mnrili ICth. Tho, atrcunn will bo ro oponi'ii to ll.ihoriiiou Juno ICth. Tho north folk of Bprnsno Hlvor.j from ronlluunco with Sprai;uo Illvor , to tho IIhIi rackB, and Merrill crcuk from conlluuiico with tho notth fork' or HpniKiio to tho ilani ro cIoboiI. Hponcor Crcok Is cloned to llshhiK ' by tho oritur from Us conlluuiico with Klamath Utvor U a point f.00 foot lubovo tho ilaui and obb tnkliiK racks " ' inni Ho Wilt also rnfiiMii llm nun nf hlu , tv'tninnlli Itlver. "00 Tent llllOVO mill natno oh a proHldontlol cnndldnto nt bolow tho ronlluouco of Sponcor Crcok ny primary, says tho snmo sourco la also rloscil to anglers duriiiK the J Information. period Mot by tho cumnilRaloners. Fire Department Bill Is Laid Over tor the Week JACKSON IS MOVr.D TO QUAIITKIUJ IN Ol.I) CITY HALL TODAY, AND IM II.VlllMt T1IK CAHK OK A SMALL l)X NUHSK Mi-rV W i' ' Ml . ... ' t jfl yM. .-. This Serbian Gypsy girl fought w Itli the army of King Peter in many battles, disguising her sex with tho male attire she wore. When her shoes .iiv mil elm wont on barefooted untl 1 her health broke down. This photo graph shows her buying a pair of woo den shoes after she was taken prisoner by the Germans. " L'nlu-d PreiM Uwrrice WASHINGTON, Keb. flK-FrtemdM of IM-ldat Witoo are urging him to convey to the aatioa a clear idea or the itM of oegoUatioM in the LatlUmU caae, lo what U ileraABded, aad hew tlio adialBlstraUoB propose to poraue thU "diplomatic chaae" la the troTewy. WUno ooBferred with Secretary Laaslag for half' as hour this af ternooa resardtaa; the Laaftaala affair. It to naderateod that the ad-' mlAtotration la now awaitla Berila's reply to BenatoriPa laM coaa municatioB. . The adrateiatratlon 4t la uadentood, has practically decided to ead tho informal negotiations between Laasia aad Beraacorff. A aaal, formal note will be dispatched to Germany empltaaiataa; Awerica's re quest for unequivocal aaaaraaces regarding sabmartoe warfare. The only thlaa; that can Interrcae la the arriral of rtwanHc assmi ances that the torpedolas decree will aot be effective March 1. The ad ministration is beginning to reaUaa that the conmdeatial dascaaainaa have outlived tlielr usefulaeas. WILL CELEBRATE DEDICATION DATE ODD KKMiOWS WIMi RNTEBTAIN ltlvlU:KvHS TOMORHOW NIGHT IN CO.MMKMOKATION OK ANNI VKIWAHY OK NEW HOME ELEVENTH STREET PAVING UP A6AIN ANOTHER PETITION FOB IXNG-SOUGHT-FOB IMPROVEMENT UP TO COUNCIXJOES BACK FOR CHANGE TO FACILITATE WORK By CARL ACKERMAN (SUfI Correspondent United Press) BERLIN. Feb. 22. There la not the slightest desire evident to post pone be operation of submarines against armed merchantmen because of American protests. The feeling here is that Americana must suffer the embark upon on consequences if they armed ships. The decree becomes effective March 1. Impatient regarding the attitude of America, the public is awaiting aaws of the success of the submarine palgm. Wednesday ovoulng Klamath Lodgo No. 137, I. O. O. F., will celebrate tho dedication of their new tomple tho fifth anniversary of the dedication of I. O. O. F. Temple, with a Jinks and banquet. Tho members of Prosperity Ro boknh Iodgo have been invited to as sist lu tho celebration as guests of tho order, and tho usual good time Is anticipated. ASSESSORS NAME LEE FOR OFFICE KLAMATH COUNTY'S ASSESSOR IS ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT OF THE OREGON STATE ORGANIZATION Those who gnlliorod at tho city id, last night to wntoh tho dovolop " In tho ordlnnnco establishing "Paid fire dopartmont woro glvon u "inco to attond again, as tho raattor M ,al1' over until next wook. Thoso Pcctators woro ropnld In rt measure, , wveral mombers of tho council ok, occoloh of tho opportunity to Peak regarding tho recall rumoro. "Us ordlnnnco, regulating tho flro tin imont' f0,lwlng n veorganUa- u1i flRUrfiH Inrvnlt, I.. i. .nnnli ll. h When tho mntter was callod up lost "wit, Dty stated that ho would like "war tho ordtnanco road, but would wner not vote on Its passago until ".'Monday, A motion to havo It tabled for u !! ..W,B l)uol. nut the question w then opened again. ch2?ty arued that (hero were aome -UIHS neCaSMarV In Iha nlninnn Jd he alio stated that he was told tZ"Wr n! Are oommlttM had vnnuasd to meet the Are dpartsnt Fred .lackson, who Is suffering from 'small pox, Is today Isolated at tho old city hall A mule uurso Ib in charge of tho patient. Slnco Jackson was conlluod to bis loom near Ninth and Oak streets, there has been a porslstont complaint from people in that neighborhood for tho patient's romovnl. Quarters were thereto) e, arranged in the city build ing. .lackson has a bad attack of small pox, according t t( d' Physician. Ho contracted tho malady in Portland. regarding tho ordinance boforo It was IKIHHOd. Miller objected to tho tabling of tho ordinance anil moved that it bo nlacod upon Its llnal passago. His motion wna not seconded. HoBardlng tills, Mllor and Doty Joined In dobato. "Thoro Is n rumor over tho city .that tho city administration la Incompotont to oirry on Its affairs," said ho. "I'vo no yollow stronk. unit I want to put thin oi'illmincn throuah. rooreaulzo tho ' . ... . flro dopartmont and bIiow theso boys,mi hefoio goiug to mo uuutu they can't rim tho city." , "And you Hston to audi damnod na Hortloiw nu thoso regarding recall?" said Doty. "Pooplo will kick no mat tor what wo do. Who gives a damn? What do wo caro for rocall talk? What do wo caro for what tho news paper Bays?" und ho furthor display ed his concoru at tlio prospocts of u recall tby n lino of personalities re garding the editor of tbo Herald, iimiitiiir HiiiitH tlarly. Dnncliig will start at 8:30 tonight m Mnnsn hall, whoro tho Indlos Of Sacied Uoart church glvo a dancing party. This gives all an opportunity to nttond tho Colonial cafotorla din ner of tho Uollof Corps at I. O, O. F, REGISTRATION IS SLOWLY GAINING CLOSE TO DIM) ARE NOW QUALI FIED TO CAST THEIR BALLOTS AT THE COMINQj PRIMARY ELECTION Still seeking the pavement of Elev enth street, property owners along that thoroughfare last night petltloa ed the council to lmprovo the street with hard surface paving, and the construction of concrete curbs. Eleventh, from Main to Upnam, and Upham to the paving at Prospect street Is the Improvement sought. A 24-foot strip of paving along tho street Is asked for. I Tho necessity of constructing a bridge over the government canal to 'carry out the Improvement has al 'ways been the stickler, as the reclama- Hon service has so far failed to con sent to building this structure. The petition was withdrawn last night, af ter some discussion, to be altered to make the.lmprovement from Mala to IUO CilUUl, uuu iruui tug jyi'lD unuf to Upham and on to Prospect. DODD HOLLOWITE MAY BE DEMENTED B. W. SHORT FOR -COMMISSIONER RANCHER ANNOUNCES HIS CAN DIDACY FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION HAS A LARGS FOLLOWING Captain J. P. Lee has Just return ed from Salem, where he attended the convention of the Oregon Asses- ors Association. He was elected vice president of the organisation for the ensuing year. Pronouncing the present laws re lating to the levy and apportionment of general county school and dlstatct school taxes discriminatory, the as sociation, Juat prior to adjounu t, passed a resolution favoring that counties be made the units for the levy of such taxes. The first desdple of Jackseitan DrinclDles to come out for the oasce of county commissioner la Bttrrall W. Short. He has ajuMranced ala oaadl dacy for the democrat nomlaatlwi . Short la a proaUaeat Klssiath eea ty rancher aai dalryaaa, aad la alao active In the affairs of the Klamath. Water Users Association. Ho fa well known throughout the Baata, aad wftl make a good rua for aay oRee. One hundred thousand rainbow trout eggs were seat to Japes, from the United States. (Continued on page 4) funnel End Fatally United I'lonHSimlco SAN FHANC18CO, Cnl., Fob. 32. Aftor a quarrel with hU wife, who Insisted on working Washington's i.uii..inv Chnrloa Chauncoy. a team- stor, god 04, shot hor dond. He then shot iind killed himself, dying Into this nftornoon. A total of 882 residents ot Klamath ,.. o-.. iwim- roarlntered for the l'uu:u; u .." . - coming primaries and general elec-,j. a. COOK IS TAKEN FROM TRAIN tlon. There aro about 3,40ii ot.'.ers to j bo registered boforo April, If the coun-( ty Is to use Its full voting strength, nnniihiicuus outnumber all other parties In rogtorcd strength. Thoro , aro C7C members, of the G. O. P." registered, and tho other registrations follew: Democrat.' 261: progressive, 4; prohibition, 4: Independent, 6; non partisan, C; rofusod to state, 2. Ohio Already at Work on Its Preparedness Plans United Press Service i to organise a light artillery compear. r.T.tRVRi.ANn o. Fb. aa. Ohio Dayton la orgaaixtng a clUaeaa1 miu- k D' .- Wiw. tary company. A macbiae gua ocm- eillCB, uiutw u Bi """".,,, AT FRESNO, FTEK FIRING TWO SHOTS IN A PASSENGER COACH i According to telegraphic advices re ceived by the sheriff's office, J. A. i Cook ot Dodd Hollow, la held by the Fresno police and is believed to be J ...... Mt.Lnkl to Havo Debate. domontcd. He is said to imagine A dobato upon the question of the peopio aro aiiempuu io ruu u.w. rolntlvo merits of city or rural school, Cook wbb on his way to Klamath induing fr children, la to bo a tea-.Falls from Los Angeles, when he was .. n nih'a mntint of the. suddenly taken with this Idea. He . i.,.wi imnrovoment Club. Prln-,flrod two shots while riding la a pes- rlpnl Sexton of the Henley school and,enger coach tsL .Ual M do rn a r Italy has less tobacco thau any other country, nnv. Moruan will oppose rnnoipsi Ford of tho Spring Lake school and Mr, Schrolner. The public Is Invited to atend this affair. Mrs. Cook expects to leave In the morning for Fresno, provided ae her husband's improvement Is received today, preparedness speeches, are getting ready to resist the Invader, whoso ever the enemy may be and whenso ever he may come. Citlsena' mili tary companies have been organised, rifle clubs formed and endorsements framed by chambers ot commerce. In Cleveland arrangements are going forward for a monster military parade on Washington's birthday as m demon stration ot the city's support of pre paredness. A cUtsens' school, with 00 recruits enrolled, drills rookies at night in military tactics. 8. 8. Walsh has donated the use of eighteen acres ot'-tand la tho city limits- for use aa a rifle range. At Canton, O., a cttlseas' military school, conducted by O. N. O. oRcers, with 300 men enrolled, has been started. A rifle dubot 10,0 has beam formed and the defease committee, headed by Mayor C,.A. flWberg, w pleantag pany was recently established as part ot tho national guard. Younsatown has a cltlsens' military company of 350 men. The chamber ot commerce has endorsel preparedness. Steabea ville has a rifle club Just organised, and olana are under war to establish a county encampment similar to the Ptettsburg camp next summer. Na tional auard officers at Geneva aad1 Ashtabula are forming signal corps. ASnuiDUss nu emmnw yirNiuv and the chamber ot commerce ie try- Ing to secure a government munHoa plant. Sandusky has levrred its a. tlonal guard company and has formed, a cltlsens' military compear,' War- ,-3 .- . , . - -- -"" ' ! VI rea ta pissmss mm.ifi h j company. Fremont smhejwsjas;. M hr.uw mrmmir aadVsRW.?, rm " -" Tr" .;iT.1' t.J J.T-H.S Jl tdlse dab mm MAlftlKftW 4 seas' Paradise pear. AV If I . I... alUlHtf BaSSSVtt'SSSBM " i" - ."'!- tttz'-xfz.ay smv ?mm .tt' .V.J th Ofv '.'