.maiiaTII COUNTY'S OFPICIAI, NEWSPAPER wu.v-r-.vo. ,. Recall KhrUjAL Ur WLW GERMAN DECREE IS BIG TOPIC TODAY lly CARL ACKEHMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) I'BllM TrM Hot l ' HKIILIN. I'd'. Il. OfltrUln do mil .oiuuieut uMtn the fart Unit tmerira ' "ol re'Kni Germany' "'' " iredo armed merchant mm without wnniiilg. The official altitude U tlwil Gei-tuniiy dor not lie. litre America klmuld Interrogate her too rloMdy regarding how the m. tj UI be enforced. (ienmui)' believe UiU m purely military matter romemlug only htmlr ami nlllea. The method to he uaed U a tiavnt Min-l. II Mrongly Indicated uftirlally Unit Germany lm miIiI her lnt ord In Ihe l.nltanla affair. I'slted l're Service WASHINGTON, l. C, Kelt. ll. That Germany blundered (u Uulug hrrderre prot llliic for the torpedoing; of armed merchantmen, and real Ida the fart now, in attempting to II ml n way out, l the Interpretation samd unni the Ackerman cable. Thl l the llrt mini rnnn Berlin on Uow the Ameriran refuaal to concur alilhea (iernutny. The decree wna a blunder, In effect, It a nliiKM itn ulllmutuiu," Mid on i.mrlol KMlay. "Itn principal effect Oiun far ha been the Impair mrat of rrlnti-n Iwtneen America and the Teuton jMiwen.." Tlie nihnlnliralion 1 outllnliiK hje-llm to the decree for forninl traatmlttnl. "II tliU unfair penpagnniln lt not ended, a certain amhanaadnr lll be thlpped home." .1 lilgli official l rwrtwl to lue Mild this. By the logic of the all lutloo. Von llenmlorff U tlw ainbNwuidir meant. Allied l( he Imd any Intention of re-' ilinllig, Secretary l.nnslug nld ho niillon In (lerinmiy nccordliiB to Into rritrdod this retKirt as part of n long timptlin of misinformation rcKnnl Ing toe negntlntloiiH with Gnrmuny UniltiK did not attribute this to the Oermnn omliiimiy. but said he Ml it grew from a series of offenses tlnit propriety on von Hornstorff's J since King George was Incnpacl rt In the mntter of giving out In-' tuted by his accldont from his duties formation regarding prtvato confer-J of stnte, Queen Mary has proved a . wonderful assistant and n woman of i I fulled !'rs Service AMSTEHDAM, Feb. 19. Reports. tnt America wilt not submit to the. torpedoing decree has nrousod lndlg-1 ,, Breckenridge Tells Why Militia Plan Will Fail ' "lew of tho fact that It was over this question that Garrlaou and weckenrldge resigned their post a few daya ago, the following In ex reaiely Interest I iig. Editor. B IIE.MIY H. BRECKENRIDGE enner Assistant Secretary of War (Written for United Press) WASHINGTON, U. 0 Fob. 19. y l It Inadvisable to build upon itato militia an adequate mll "V Policy for tho nation can bo "My told. The Constitution '" contomplatos foopi; r(11. , of tho United two classes of troops and national tfdoh """I" mm imuwiii. i bm.. tato troop" tor "ute Pur- n.7.r n,lllonn troops for national Purpogegwllh ft Drovg,on nowoveP( oii.i trooD my bo used for eZ tlonnl Purpwoe In certain Pungencies. hM8,?0n8tUuUon "eU fortn ct,Jr and "ntlonal government can cannot do for tho mllltla. Tho ibM:.Under tho Constitution, must !P?lM the offlrnr. A I !.... the offlcors, and must have full .,k ;. "",lui In. i "' '"renege " of the mllltla. --...uriiy ror ,the government and nnriiu ... i . Th. .. . ". Us miin. ""tnwltles can disband I or l nna V my M; can keep 100 . ti -,.wv ur innnnA .4. A. . 1 or ion nan ... . .l out nu "v" irvojm wiih- Irtiof .Kferenco t0 tn Med or IH c,tt Pomt, and ofun do ap- GLl? of City advice. Tho Cologne Gazette, which Is close to tho government, declares that it will not curtail submarining rights because reckless neutrals Insist upon ' traveling on belligerent mIiIiw. exceptional discrimination, Tho Oiark Magazine Is ownod, nd- Ited and published by a woman, Mis. Anna Martea, ' - ... . - , point, to high positions In the militia man devoid of military knowledge or training. Tho forces for the Uofonso of the! nation must bo under tho control of, tho nation. Military organisation and , ... in..... nnai.ilinu uanhIim nliarlllt A l unity ,f ;torJi7bin77l control, To think of routing tho dofonso of tho nation upon an aggregation or lurij'-oiaiil limu uiiuivb mw ........ the national government has not and forty-eight llttio armies over wnieui cannot obtain control, is to think i Homothliig practically unthinkable.' False claims aro mado that tho mllltla can be mado a federal forco. These claims aro baseless In fact. It lu Impossible far tho national govern ment, by passing a mllltla'pay bill, to bribe away from tho states a Jurisdic tion Klvon to tho statos by the fodorol Constitution. Such bribery of Jurisdiction la Just as Impossible as It Is Impossible for tho congress of the United States to - ake an appropriation of 15,000,000 to the state of Kentucky for good roads, provided tho state of Ken- (Continued nn page I) Sunning KLAMATH Officials Is Being Talked of Governor Whitman and His Alleged Pt04i OQpriBm r. JVl, oui !. IWU7 ,W, Olittr An Lim- mho. la the) nartt viMtfaar. accepting yoxar and r ;a It la almost I liti-l i:iy QulKK. long nnMorlutf.it with Htrent railway Interests In New York city, the man who inado the word "accelerator" popular, lias been described by T. A. Olllosple. tho PlttH- burg contractor, as being "tho near- ...i ....... m Cnvnrnor-Elect Whltmun." 'nccordlng to n letter handed out by SMALL POX CASE ; PUZZLE TO CITY MAX RECENTLY RETURVh't) FROM PORTLAND HAH DISKARL. THE VI'ESTIOX OF HIS CARE CAUSES SOME DISCUSSION A Mr. Jackson, who recently came In from Portland, was discovered to bo suffering from small pox last night. Ho had broken out with tho malady, and It was not until he called iv iininllton last night that ho knew .... nntUro of the aliment. Jackson has been rooming at the Poland residence, corner Ninth and Walnut, and aa soon as Hamilton turned tho patient over to City Health Offlcor Hunt, ho was taken to his room and tho houso quarantined. Tho neighbors at onco raised an objection to the presenco of tho case iu that section of town, and asked j that ho bo removed. This afternoon tho council and mayor are In session to settlo tho mntter of Isolating Jack son, In nurse. charge of somo competent MORE LAKE LAND OPEN TO RENTAL1 W I" CKES WiLh "E LEASED TO FARMERS FEBKU- AU 80 LEASE FOR PERIOD Ol THEE YEARS i Auother tract of reclaimed luie Lake land Is to be loosed by the rec- . a. I..II..I.I...U Tilrln tarnation service w inu.vmuu... . will bo received at tho projoci ueu- .... , Q rvlnnlr thA af- quarters ueiw i -- tornoon of Fobruary sum Aimtit 400 ncr will bo leased at this time Tho lease is for a period ,.r. Thn ucrease Is of throo years .... . iiit h vlded Into bidding. ' m j Elght-Pouad Girl ' Born this forenoon; to Attorney E. t Euiintt nnd wife, an elaht-nound .., ,.... ... . . girl. FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 xURwlv BOTUr 19. 1114 V bbbbV-JffaC&i .J) I Xaisir : I M Qonf ldtntlally, I ! just. UlKrl to OortrnorsBltLO BtitjMn irritation, lit fafom of Jill ol'oteot adviaara imnosiiblo to set nofar tftl.tnMn. f6Y the ofrtce- with Qulgg yBote LEMUEL ELY QUIGG. Senator Thompson, chairman of the New York legislative committee in estlBiiiliiK subway com and construc tion in Now York city. Mr. Gilles pie, according to the letter of Novem ber 19. 1914, to his brother in Pitts burg, wrote this in answer to a re- nuest that tho governor-elect make a speech before the Pittsburg Chamber j Resigned Official George T. Murye Ambassador to Russia, who has re 8gne(j ,8 post. Ill health Is the rea- ,son given by Maryo for quitting rot- rograd, THREE MORE COME OUT TORIJFFICES KENT, ELDER AND COWLEY AN NOUNCE THEIR ENTRANCE IN THE RACES ALL ARE REPUB LICANS Three uew candidates for llcan nominations came out repub today. R B1(J R Q Cow- . Kent, ,v "'" ' Elder seeks the nomination as rop- I ... i.. ... ......( rwwntauve. no huh vwn mivw; ' '""" ,"" dl-ltton for several years, and Is also a' practising atlorney, so he Is well Is it urn ihrnilfpllOllt Klamtlth. rVH M..t " County Clerk De Lap will be op- pitted for renomination oy . u. yow- lew, a well known resident of the Hll - dobrond section. He Is said to be, very strong through the rural dls- BBHpyiHflKHr BHaBMrNM'XaSByfll bbbbE -rt "'"' bbtm14 BBHiBflliflBBBBBH KBBBBii MlBBBBBH BBjj JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI iterato "Nearest Man Gulg ana ho aAvitri against C30V. WHITMAN, of Commerce. T. A. Gillespie had an , important subway contract In Newt York, and he says in Ills letter to his brother that he took up with Mr.1 Quigg the matter of having the New governor or New orK go 10 rius burg. Mr. Quigg advised "that the governor was too ousy 10 Bo 10 ri- burg. 'REAL REASONS 1 RATt REVISIONS COMMERCE COMMISSION CON to iSTOsr SIDERS COMPLAINTS CONCERN-,t,e of ,iquor early m January. Joseph ( ' 'I denies this, but says he gave Bell a INti CERTAIN 'COMPANIES CAR- HYING COMMODITIES I'uited Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 19. Kates between Pacific Coast cities and Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho will undergo sweeping revision . as a result of an Interstate Commerce. Commission decision today. The decision upholds complaints from Astoria, Ore?., against the Spo kane, Portland and Seattle railroad and other lines. The commission found that undue discrimination ex ists lu favor of Puget Sound ports un der the existing rates. The decision places Astoria on a ' parity with Seattle, Tacoma, and oth- ,er Sound points. ! Commissioner Heilan read the ruling. BUTLER FUNERAL F1NAL SER1CES OVER THE RE MAINS WIIJj BE HELD AT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HERE Tliu fuucrnl of the late W. H. But ler, the Klamath Falls merchant who succumbed to irteurisv this week, MONDAY M0RNIN6 will bo hold at 9:30 Monday morn-l money toward the cost of engln Ing at 8acred Heart church. Rev. jeering and preliminary work. This is William McMillan. 8. J., will officiate. tne report brought Intoday by Project Tho remains will leave the Whit- Manager j. q. Camp of the reclama- lock parlors at 8:30 . . trleta, aud Mb mentis expect mm to uiuko u mrou run, Kent na8 iong been spoken of as a candidate for' district attorney, but a mitda nn imol orotnmnnt iSJifnr A I SIV IUHUV MU VIMm uvawwvai arvawav today. He Is a graduate of the Unl- vorsiiy or Hionigan law scoooi, snu iu the five years he haa been practising here has made a fine reputation as an attorney. RUSSIANS LAND MAYOR AND FOUR NEAR TREBIZUNDiCOUNCILMEMBERS i i LONDON BELIEVES THIS MEAN'S) AN AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN UMIKIt GRAND DUKE POSSI BLY AGAINST TURKS L' n I led Press Service LONDON, Feb. 19. With warships covering their movements, Russia landed troops seventy miles east of Treblzund yesterday. Feeble resist- ance was encountered. This force ' was transferred from Batum. It Is believed that Grand Duke Nicholas plans an aggressive new campaign In Armenia. This may be possibly toward Constantinople, or a plan to join the British In the Mes opotamia fields. ANOTHER BOOZE CHARGE IS UP ANTOMOBILE MAN ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF SELLING LIQUOR. DENIES IT, AND IS MAKING A COURT FIGHT . ' , Charged with selling liquor to Fred j Bell, Joe Joseph, of Jitney fame, was arreted last night. He is having a 'hearing this afternoon before Justice of the Peace Gowen. Bell, in his testimony, said that ho gave Joseph 2 to get him a bot-' drink out of a demijohn on New Years' eve. Just before 18. i I Attorney W. H. A. Renner appears for Joseph. Prosecuting Attorney. Ir- wln conducts the state's case. DRAG NET FAILS TO ,' CAPTURE POISONER ' i'utca' ire3a service NEW YORK. Feb. X9. The police drag net spread to capture Crones, wanted for au r.tempt to poison the entire party attending a banquet at the University Club in Chicago, has so far failed to land the man. The entire police force has received descriptions of the fugitive. Al churches and Important buildings and railway stations are being watched. More than 500 Jobless women, half of them with college educations, found work through the agency of the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occu pations In New York last year. Sand Hollow Wifl Put Up Money tor Investigation Sand Hollow land owners are suffl- I clently interested lu the proposed Sand Hollow Irrigation project to put tlon service, who returned from at tending the meeting. About sixty farmers attended the meeting held at Maltn yesterday af ternoon, and good Interest was shown by nil. Talks were made' by several of the ranchers, and Mr, Camp ex plained different features in connec tion with the project. At the meeting, the land owners agreed to raise a subscription to par KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBK Price, Fire Cent Today SAID TO BE "IT" RECENT LEGISLATION IS CAUSE OF MOVE Objections to Fire Department Reor ganization and to the Recast Pro hibition Ordinance Are the Caasea Behind the Proposed Recall, Ac cording to Current Rumor Peti tions Said to Be Out Next Week. Recall of Mayor Mason and four members of the council la the general topic of discussion on the streets to day, and it Is currently reported that recall petitions will be circulated early next week. Certain members of the fire department are credited with the movement. The Introduction of the ordinance for the remodelling of the Are de partment and the laying down of a most stringent set of rules tor the conduct of the members la one of the matters on which the administration is censured. j Others also take exception to the prohibition ordinance, as passed on Tuesday night. This, they contend, .places a burden upon the city which 'the county Is supposed to assume. i Although the proposed recall Is be- ing discussed today by many. It Is still in a somewhat nebulous state. Those behind the movement say they have been assured of much support. Lot8 of go-iai Dolnes The.week nas Deen one of unusual acttvIty ln socM dtcles. The Wed- j fisday Ciub spent a delightful after- 'noon as guests of Mrs. A. D, Miller at her home in Hot Springs Addition. and a needlework party with Mrs. ( Thomas F. Hampton as hostess was an enlivening feature Thursday. The (Tuesday Club met with Mrs, Fred Schallock yesterday, and enjoyed its usual bridge, and Mrs. G. A. Krause and Mrs. Fred Melhase were present as guests In addition to the club mem bers, Mrs. E. B. Hall. Mrs. Thomas F. Hampton, Mrs. Arthur E. Whltma. Mrs. Bert E. Wlthrow, Mrs. A. D. Miller and Mrs. Earl Whitlock. Thirty per cent of all the serum sent to Europe from this country Is prepared by women. Miss Gertrude von Petzold is the first woman in Germany to become pastor of a church. half the cost of the preliminary work. t The reclamation service will pay the other half, so In case the project r should prove otherwise than feasible, the burden will not be so hard on either the settlers or the service. , The preliminary surveys, etc., will be made by the government engin eers. It the project is found to be feasible, and can be constructed at not too great a cost, the goverMtent and water users will act further in ' the matter. i The contemplated project would i .. , water upwards of 6,000 acres. 'Part j-JS of this would be by gravity fresveg-'i" r: lstlng canals, and still bmmvmM t JS be Irrigated from high 1M dlMMir ' -,' supplied with, water hy a BamOii 4j.f Plant. . " T V M U?4 V S3'. i- HP M in ill1 ilili teal h A