KLAMATH COUNTY'S OIWCIAI. NEWSPAPER YroiN-.Ni. U.''M Tfiilli NATION-WIDE PLOTS ARE UNEARTHED RUSSIA REJOICES OVER CAPTURE OF IKS' CITADEL uhiinsivi: into Poland riu:i: i,v i'kcricted Xirrlt Alt' iiimiIiiI Willi NliiKorw, ud Hg 1 1) I" ! HuMilim f,n,,iTiirk Sn) ItUMlntm l.-( lmr Men In it Frontal Alt ink. Mnn IiiiixiIk I'IkIiIIiik on 'i cm Front other War Xen. Uillfil l'lci .Si'tUro 1'KTitOOItAl). Fob. 17. The IrrcU of CUT) Itwnttlan town it it (rowilnl, tlnKH i" flying, and the poo fir ro iIiikIiir hymnn of rejoicing mtr llio (nil nf l.'rzeriim. Over u thoiwitid pariUlpiiU-d In n Joyous "to Jeura" nt Kutan Cathedral today. Newian'ih prcillit u awt'i'pInK nonlin oiiriniicht Into Poland mid (Ullrla before mi miner. Iktwceii 10.00" and 100.000 Turk ar.J a brKu number of kuiih worn cap lu'dl, arronlliiK ( unoinclnl advice. H li unilvrMooit Unit tliu city wm LurnlDK w hen t!i cinr'K bout entered. I tilted I'rctH Hun Ice AMSTKUDA.M, Feb. 1 7. Cuiuilnit- iinoplo wire Unit no, 000 HumlniiH rtr kllli-il nml Hi'Vorul thousand loumlcd In tin. Iiihi throe day light Inj before Crzcrum. Tho iIIm ialchu ) the KiiHilttiH 11111110 ii fron HI attack t UdIUiI I'rnm Service I'Alll.H, IVIi 17 Violent hluruiH W Flanders last iiIkIiI, Impeding the artlllcrj. and IioIiIIiik tin: infantry- men In their trenches. In many plates, HholteiH were blown Join ami trenchoH Hooded, In tlio : Arlols ri'Klon. tin. rniiiln nn now im-1 I'mmMo l-ONDO.V, Feb 1 7 l.orU Kitchen er today declined In the ho una of lords that tlm (IcrmuiiB lost two 7,op Nlin In their InHt English raid. Nxtlnl Agent IH-jwrtN. 0. L. Davis, special agont of tho flerman-Anu'rlrnn Inhurnnco company departed on thlu morning's out-going J PMiengor, with Him FranclBco ns his objective point. Deposed Senator's Trial tor Bank Wrecking Starts I nlted I'resa Sorvloo 0HI0AQO, Fob. l7.Formr Hon Mr William I.orliuor was plncad on jflal on (i,0 diiirgo of bank wrecking J today, otiated from tho United J' teunto lifter a bitter light In t,..V .'?r,mcr t0lny faced the second re trim or Ills career. He la uccuBed, with, others, of con C8 ? ,00t ,mlt tt d0,en ,,,,nota Unb ' K" 8K've, former itato CLS"llInor' ttnu w- ,,utt, lolS! 'iw,lh I)r,mor' Way were iSii??"0"' in-bnnker- wh - now i. . tlle '""tUutlon., and who nt.nP!eaUnBBfter conviction and 'a off,n!e'"!n0 WVp yem fbr th0 M?S"!S.,Udi- Denver WB" t0 wZ W toay' B' J' bw M"Mtitate'. attorney, I. In charge Cb "Ice Bears" Fighting in Snow I! r - ' n SSbks 1 WW ' V '-ymt i.jHyl tm bTfrt1'W. AMftr ..HBfcAS -:. 'srw: oiiANrii.vn cr.xit "Iro HourH'' Ih tho nnwoiit torm In vonloil tills winter for hcoiiIh unit Hliiirprtliootorn who tntiKt ko out on wlUn Btrotchos of hiiow whoru thoy inlKhl ho Heun by tho onuiny Niur TTAlt end Cliautauqu. Itov. ClnirloH T. llllld left til 1.1 niornliiB for OrantH I'iisb, to nltond tho GhiiiittuiiiiM inoctlnRB. which nro noon to bo held thorn .of tho piiiBocutlon. Tho dofonilnntB ' linil ii nctnblo urrny of couneol. l.oilmer'a Indictment, with thirteen other alleged conspirator, followed the collapso of tho Lu Snllo bank of, Chicago and' Its subsidiary bnnlis, In Juno, 1014. Thomas McDonald, tho J Ln Sullo's cashier, and Churlos 0. Fox, vlco president, both Indlctod, ten tilled far tho state, and will not ro to trial. William Lorlmer Jr., boh of tho former senator, also was Indlctod, but Is not on trial today, -- Tho Lorlmor-Munday banking pro jects were launched two weeks after' tho fomoiiH confession of Charles White that lod to Lorlmer's being ousted by the senate on an Illegal eec.( tlon charge, Tho bnnku woro to open May 10, 1910. White confessed April 30 I.oilmor'a frlonds contend that the expose was planned by his ene mies to break up his financial pro-, Jtcts. ( KLAMATH '" 'aw3- .. .V. . n i:.it iiiicims lllllenis the (icrninn t-nldlois uenr honvy ulilto fnr coals iih wlilto im the hiiow. In tho Voskos tho aharpBhoot oik, who nuiiit iiiovu about iniicli, wenr Wiltu HiiltB. Thoy fiirnlah an Indis tinct tin (jet for tho enemy. JAKE RUECK HUT FOR COURT JOB i ' WKI.Ii KNOWN ItKSIDKNT OF I Till: IIOUSKKIiY KKCTIOX HAH THItOWX IIIH HAT I MX) TI1K K'I;AM.TH ItlXO The latent aspirant for tho post of county commissioner la Jacob Rueck, a prominent rosldent of the Uonunza Dnlry country. Mr. Kucrk has con sented to niuke. u light for tho ropub llonn nomination, according to word from llonnnza. Htoug support from Uouauza, Dairy nml Illy, ns well as from Yonna and l.ungell valleys, nro ulrcady ussured llueclt. Ho has proven himself a ii.n n of Initiative ability In his work iih houl of tho Horsefly Irrigation dls lilct, i,iid in othor activities of 1m portiiuco to lCnstorn Klamath. Opposing Utiock for tho republican nomination Is U. W. Towor. I3oth nre well known as consistent business men, and the race promises to be in teresting with lino timber In sight, no matter which one Is nominated. , . Nearly half of the employes In the (oubU bureau at Washington are women. , - JKtVK" n, T"J"' tat. .- ' r .' :ff' untng FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916 iJANVVVVWWWVVVWVVMVWV WILSON REPLIES TO ATTACKS ON MEXICAN POLICY, mvs hi: kxitcis se.mi: i.m I'HOVIl.M i:ts 1 I'lclilcllt in Itopoit In Semite, Sil ( iiniti.ii ('outruN til f tin a Few Itilliilll Itllllti'll .SeilioiiN, nml Hi I'll till 'M Kllil nf'Stilfe Vpm ltoii- iiilloii.")) .Moteiiii'iii sulil in Him sini'to 1 In Ainoriiu. ' u tid I'h'sr Scrl'e WASHINGTON, l f Feb 17 r ulileni U'llKiin'H iinsuor to tho nt iiicKh iikiiIo ujion his Mexican policy .no embodied In the report he made to the H'liite today, in response to Seiintnr Fall's resolution In tlilx. he admits that Cnrranz.i's Ko;ei nineiit In military rather than criiMllutlotKil, but he prophesied im pioM'tnent Ho Inslnts that Carranra (oiitrols all of Mexico hut a few ban dit ridden hottlons. The war department has sent Gen- at runston unofllrlnl Information (.lcnued from letters, of a plan for a new Mexican uprising, mnturlnp in his country. It Is paid to nnv reach ed i definite stage. Munitions nro Mild to ho already smiiKRled over to Mexico and the con Idintors expect to slip across tho lino lu small parties I-os Angeles, El l'n-o and San Antonio are said to be the headquarters of theso people FIREMEN TO TALK i OVER THE EDICT! mi:ktiv; or tiiij voi.uxtki:h DEPARTMENT IS CALLED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT TO COXSIDER rorvrii.'s HILL A meeting of the Klamath Falls Volunteer Kite Department has been called for tomorrow night, by which Unto tho department will give consid eration to the louncll's plans for the reorganization of tho department Into u paid orgiiubntton, as outlined la tho ordinances introduced at Tuesday's council meeting LAND GRANT CASE UP TO COMMITTEE CONGRESS TOKAY BEGINS INVES TIGATION OF HISTORIC LITIOA. TlOX, WITH VIEW IX) A SET TLEMKNT United 1'ioss Service WASHINGTON, D, C. Feb. 17. The lioiiRo committee on publte lands today tool; up tho Oregon & Califor nia hind grant bills, Involving tho disposition of 2,30O,0O acres In Western Oiogon, with a view to frani iiic snnio legislation in accordance with tho supremo court's decision. Representatives of the deportments uf Interior, agi culture and Justice have been summoned to testify. Moio than Sfi.OOO girls have be come members of canning elubs In the South. HraUi A Lady Congressman? iMifflAfcUBM Dr. Ka HardluK Or. Uva Harding, a physician of Topcka, Kans., is a candidate for the ( emocr.itlc congressional nomination In the (list Kansas district. Besides opposing militarism. Dr. Harding's platform Includes national prohibi tion, nation wide suffrage, mothers' pensions, recall of judges, old age pensions for those who deposit money fur this purpose with the government, u national rural credits law for farm tenants, a tariff for revenue, govern ment aid in road building and the con struction of public works to control the i'ood waters of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. RUSHING WORK ON BUILDING LARGE CREW EMPLOYED IX CO,. THUCTIOX OF BUILDIXG TO BE OCUP1ED BY 1XTERXATIOXAL HARVESTER REPRESENTATIVE Contractor R. E. Wattouburg, who 'ii superintending tho construction of i the frame building that Is going up at I Sixth and Klamath, and is later to be occupied by J. S. Mills & Son, Imple iiieiit dealers of this city, Is making splendid headway, and providing good weather continues, he expects to have same completed within two weeks. PAY-UP WEEK TD BE BIG AFFAIR STORES OFFER SPECIAL INDUCE MEXTS IX MERCHANDISING TO THOSE WHO SQUARE UP THEIR ACOUNTS With Pay-Up Week Just a few days away, interest In the period of Bquar ' lug up acounts Is Increasing. All ot 'tlm local business houses are giving publicity to the plan through posters, i window displays and other forms ot 'advertising, and many ot these con terns uro offering special Inducements to those paying cash tor their pur chases during that time. i. . Au old belief la that a Christmas I bride will be fond of novelty and ax-cttemsnt. im sa 'I ' iflaHsBBW' I ' .gBBt 4flPBBBrSBBBBBBBBBK B - Pw BP-?WgLaaaga H H ISmA2feilSSM I iElis?5sl I & & $&&$$ i I if frsfw-m i REIGN OF PLANNED ENTIRE United l're Sertice CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Federal engaged In the Investigation of a national plot against American govern ment," carried on by an organized anarchistic society. It is 'reported that the evidence dhiotered in the Investigation of the eircits of G. Crones, the chef ho recently attempted to serve poisoned M.iip to all attending u University Clidi .'..m.iiiet, has Indicated consflr acie Htfecting cities from San Fi-ar.rico to New York. A reign of terror was evidently the plan. Federal officials and build inns and public buildings in the larger cities were the objects for attack, Kiy Hie dctectlietf. Itnlds upon the anarchistic headquarter in Sau Francisco, Chicago, X'u York and Pittsburg are planned. The plots have evidently been hatched out In Xew York. Blackmail iiiK s the method used for financing the dastardly project. The police today raided a house on the' South Side, and arrested Fritz Schoenfeld, assistant chef of the University Club. He denied any afllia Hon with the anarchists, but said he could give information regarding the plotters, providing he was assured protection from their vengeance. NEW PHONE LINE MERCHANT DIES TUEraON; SUDDENLY TODAY 'si'lHXG LAKK AND Mf. LAKI UIS - I THICTS WILL BE PART OF IO- , Al. EXCHAXtii: BY MONDAY i MORXIXG Work ou the in. I.akl and Spring Lake Telephone company's lines is now nearing completion. Unless the mforseen happens, all Instruments will be Installed, and all connections made with tho Klamath Falls ex change by Monday morning. There nre over twenty subscribers on this telephone company's lines. rhe farmers in these districts are the tlrst to make use of the poles ot the reclamation service, and their lines run along these poles from the Grif fith ranch to where the wires run over to tho poles of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Tho Needlework Department ot the Women's Library Club meets at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in Library Club hall. In addition to the instructions lu needlework, the committee In charge of the Better Babies Health Exhibit will attend, and will outline the plans for the exhibit, talking over the work with all In attendance. All women interested are cordially invit ed to attend. Fish Are Biting, Farmers Plowing; Springtime Here Evldeuces that this balmy weather we have been enjoying for more than a week past Is really spring, the sea son of gardening activity, resumption of baseball practice, laziness, spring poems and Increased jtruancieB at school are coming In rapidly. Plowing has already started lit the Olene and Pine Grove sections, and south ot Merrill, farmers are said to be getting ready to turn the sod. With a greater snowfall than in any other recent year, the dry farmers have ev ery reason to look tor good crops. Trout fishing In Link River Is ex KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Five Cent TERROR TO HURT COUNTRY oflleluL. today admitted that they axe W. H. IIUTLF.lt, PKOPKIETOK OF THREK-S. MILLING COMPANY STORE, SUCCUMBS TO AX AT- TACK OF PLEURISY W. H. Butler, proprietor of the 3-S Milling company feed and grocery store on Sixth street, died suddenly at bis apartments this morning. Pleu ' risy was the cause ot the demise, and Mr. Butler had been 111 for five days. Deceased has been in business here for four years, and Is survived by a wife and two children, a son and a daughter. No definite arrangements have as yet been made for the funeral services. Indian Agent Here. Superintendent William B. Freer ot ) the Klamath reservation, and his son, jure hero for a couple ot days. Mr. Freer Is giving attention to business matters. Hubbard Is Back. - John B. Hubbard returned last night from a business trip to Rogue River Valley points. While in Med ford he witnessed "The Battle Cry of Peace,'' and says that words cannot do justice to the splendid production. ceptionally good right uow, and this is usually a sure sign ot the return of spring. Every day anglers repair to the banks ot the short but turbulent btream, and return in the afternoon with trout of monstrous slse. Many newcomers mistake these fish for salmon. The court house yard is again be coming peopled with birds, and the songs ot these, as tbey flit about their f work ot nesting, do aot Indicate a lapse Into winter. Buda.M trees art beginning to swell, ud tfce, return ot. J fajr weather activities seems lapi-J: DWlt . ' V ml Ml ''13 Ka bskw i a K m 8yj