. "),? rt ?? lEutfttmg Herald ...uaTII COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0BF?1CIAI.NKWSPAPER vl iS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1916 Price, Firs Onto Council Passes Ordinance, and IS city n M-:iifTHirri:i vou alarms mm: Ipimliilmfiil l .V-Mtiiil Chief mill All MfiiilxT- i'l llK' DcpuiUnelil I" t'iliillif .Mii)'f Dollar I" I"" Paid' rimnrii for AiiMirliig Alarm, nml lilt) tvm-. mi Hour Anr tin rirl Hour. At a K'Diilt 11 ( InvittllgiilloiiM being atifby Mayor J. II. Mason. mcmloin ol ilic cmmrll nml ilia wilunirer lint liiiartmi'iit. tin ordinance, pnivlilliiK lor a imIiI tire department, nml two dtitri relating to tliv llru IIkIuIhk iIiumioii uiTf introduced 'at turn night' council meeting. The ordinance providing for it t:ill Orpartluriit Mlptllates tilt Miliary of n rtilW nt ITS ii imintli, nml Hut pur vnr.i'l nf tin) department, ntcordlug id till, will ciuiiUt of "tlio chief ami HU.'l ttlllT Mll'll IIH llllt rlllllK'll ik'OIIIH i.Tntory." I'rdvltloit In imule (or tliu nppotii'. mini n( mi nsHlNtiiiii chief by tliu 9)ur, M mini to he. fixed later by ih foiiiicll 1 lie other llicineii ate In revel vo $1 vr mcli alarm answered, uutl where they nro engaged In Dro fighting for Rioro Ukiii tin hour, fifty rent for uili additional hour. -Ml appointments to tliu dopnrt lufni, umlur this ordinance, tiro to bo maili' by tliu iimyor, Htihjoct to tho tunfiimalimi of tho council. Persons Icilrlni; NPiioliitinciitH muul inuko ap plication to tho mayor. All position In tho department tiro lioU at thu pleasuro of tho mayor, 'r luiiiicli. Tho mayor Id nutliorUod tuspend any member o'f tlio do 1'ntlmcnt at any tlmo until tlio next ""Vll meeting, and If tho suspension J not disapproved by tho council, It becomes permanent, ncrordltiK to tho proponed ordinance. A long Hhi or rules for tlio con duct nf firemen Is given In another ordinance. TIiIb makes It tlio duty of ell firemen to attend ovory lire, mid l""lilbltn tholr leaving tholr qunrtois, .n- or other scone of duty, without W-rmlsslon of the commanding officer. drills an. to ho hold ovory. two ei'U, nml to ho reported to tho conn- (Coutlnued on page 4) pi FIREMEN PLAN OUTLINED MAYOR APPOINTS Carranza Government Crumbling, U. S. Is Told l'iiliti.1 ireh, service WASHINGTON, D, 0., Fob. ldi ' ' semiofficially stated that tho gov emme'iit hnii rocelvod Information that "i lovornraont of Currana Is rapidly "umbllng nwny, and that whatevor Mltlanco of order obtained earlier ' rilDldlv .,..,- ... t -r i-aoiiiK Him oouvion. T'"i Information states that the fuuta reKmo has lost much prea ' In the last two months, and Is Do YouftWant to Help Her Build a Battleship? wmsssBBBi .,- AiMmsBBssV msssssssT jsnnnnnn ssmsBsssv!!mnrikAri vi ! v fH ' i &. jfk' BRw m. yiJ' y MAlMOItli: Mnriorli. fiterrett aged HI. of 3rti Ims learned considerable about pro- I'nlted Press Service Mnrjorlo Sterre t. ngu ..uredness. So she started a fund with LONDON. Feb. 16.-Storm and St. John's Place, llrookbn. uants tho i Thc0ll0r0 roobovoII has not.rnlm hnve stopped arUllery opera children of tho United States, mpo- o(jJy wrttP1, l0r otlor f tom- lions along the western front. Furl dally tho girls, to glvo tholr spurn Iluinitlon, but sent hor 1 for four oiih Infantry fighting continues In tho dltnoH toward tho coiistnirtlon of grandchlldreit, nml for 'Vlx moroJVpros and Champagne districts, but crent blr Imttlcshlp for Uncle sni Brnnilchlldron who are not born yet." tho results aro not of Importance. Marjorlo." who reads tho newspapers, Many children have sent their dimes. Tho Rerlln statement aay: FORD FIGHTS PREPAREDNESS IH REPORTED TO RE PLANNING A CAMPAIGN AGAINST WAR WD RIGGER ARMV WILL SPEND A DIG HUM DETROIT, Mich., I'o'j. 1C Henry Ford has under preparation a nation wide cnmbnlKn ngnlnst war and pro parednesB for wnr, In which, It Is re- now looked upon through Mexico ub moro or loss of a furce. No obligations nro bolng mot, nor - ., ...mlo In tnut Ihnltl Tll Is any effort inado to meet them. -ine. govorninout officials nro not paia reg ularly, nnd all nro far In arrears In salary. Tho throe consuls In America nro far In arronrs for tholr office ox nnnaAi. """'- . .. ....... The letter further stutoa tnut tne entire country 1b soothing with revolt, : and tho threatened uprising needs only a loader to send the carransa government into chaos. STKMHKTT nortod. he Is contemplating the ex- nendltu.o of millions of dollars. Tho , campaign will ho waged through news paper and mnRusIno advertising col- " ',""".,"" "w " ' ' Tuhurv, and failed." uinus, Tho principal target for nttiiok will ,,1, lnM8 f,rvlce bo the program for huge naval and L0N,)0N Fobi i6. New orders military expenditures In bills now be- a gv)g Jw gfnmm fore congress. Announcement of tho contro, of pracUcaiy 01I mer plan was made today. All th. PWU of the country will bo reached by tho. propaganda, In tlio opinio" f Mr Ford. PAIR ARRESTED FOR POISONING TWO MEMBERS OF THE RUSSIAN COLONY ARE ACUSED BY OTH ERS OF PUTTING CYANIDE IV WATER TROUGH ... ....... u.. i., Charged witn puiuua cyuiu im " - ,:.'., . u . ..... ...!rhnRnn hv n council of Indians, to be the water trot.gn o. e - rnnd, nnd (hoTOby causing tho death o( tll,.eo horses, John Chernokoff uud Mlko-Pudoff wore urrested lato ye- . . .... r, .. (Innrni Iliini. torduy by Constable George Hum- phroy They are at liberty under bonds. 1Uie speclllc charge against the men lUO Hiuviuv wimnv ,.." TIIO Hll lVDl v " MW " - t.. ..,nnnn m4iiiv in nn iLlilliml. Thoi... .,.. .mnllflrt tn IntsfttArs. ftl t.M mj.m KAiviitlnii tat. ih wttuiuu " " C!UBU I1UN UWU UW4l vnwt""- . several days. ..oii.i bw - . - - l".Burlng a bountiful harvwt. a Stringent Liquor Remodels Fire Dept. RUSSIA CAPTURES ERZERUM,GETTING CLOSE TO TURKEY i jllltlOl'S FIGHTING IX THK VVKST IIINDKKKI) (iiiiml lul;c Mi'liolnt, Men, I-'IkIiIIiik in tari YViiillici', Open Way for ItiiKKlnn Hdvnnro Into Armenia. Allies Agree Not to t'onslili-r I'earei i l'roKMMtM Until lielglau Independ 'lire N Anmun(1. i mteil l'r-sH Service LONDON, Fob. 1C. I'etrograd dis patches this afternoon confirm the re ported IttiBBlan cupttiro of Erzerum. Crnnd liko Nicholas Is In command of this operation, which has paved the vj.y for ft Russian advance Into Arme nia In the spring, and may possibly force Turkey to sue for peace. Nine forts were taken by storm. Kiutiian troops -made.'furious bayonet charges along the mountain sides In j-ero weather, following effective ar tillery work. I niled Pi ess Service HAVRE. Feb. 16. The allies for mally pledged themselves not to con filler any peace proposals until Bel Klnm'H indepondonce Is re-established. newly gained positions south of Ypres nd were rcpu .sea .n no vT"" ill W ng French again tr ed to re- WANTS INDIANS TO RUN AFFAIRS COMMISSION OF THREE MEN TO REPIiACE PRESENT INDIAN BU REAU, IS THE PMN OF SENA TOR LANE WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 16. Senator Lnne today Introduced a. bill to abolish tho present Indian bureau and replace It with a commission of '.i.nn n.nn uninotmi from nve nominees - - drwl contro, of g, wth JnBtnictlonB t0 dose up the a0rvlslon over Indian af- '. l",r'' . . . , hlll ai80 W0Uld prohibit tho sale or n(oxlcnnU t0 ,ndUni. . i.ii. .wt.il Mt llvlntr la nit IllflrA i Dorano w i sst-.' .-.-- -. i . uMiaaa a IfiflA nit ces of 1886 and n rOIIinHMBUU ' F" Tl .... ...in i.. 1lili.lv vara on I 1U1D Will biiw"i !. - - I. . ....Mn in mahb a nnlltlll Rll. - .mw they were 46 cents a pound In "' . Dangor.lCe. IWtUIUlARI flfAVt SWEEPS OVER BIG wire nc fire pact I' lilted l'rehs Service XIAV YORK, Feb. 1U -The teaiii- Mhlp Holton Castle and Pacific were j ilcfttroyed late last night, and part of Brooklyn pier 30, between them, was' Police are certain that anarchists burned. A bomb plot h suspected, ' sought to burn the city hail in order, and the crew Is being closely ues.o destroy the evidence against tloned. Crone. A corked botle near tlie Itoth UsiU were recenUy in the blaze exploded when water waa ItusNlan service. They carried car- thrown on it, and emitted a ntost, goes of pnrafllne, gasoline and oils when they burned. The Iohm Is estl-J mated at 94,000,000. Twenty-llve coolies from the Pacific , are missing. It Is thought that they . lied. No loss of life Is reported today, l'r.lte.1 Press Service TORONTO, Feb. 10. P. I. Thurs-j'ng ton of Dullas, Texas, perished and two others were seriously hurt ulien the,. American Club burned today. An ex- plosion preceded the Are, and the po- lice arc convinced the fire is the re- (suit of incendiarism. I'tilteil Press Service CHICAGO. eFb. 10. A mysteri-. , . oiih incendiary lli-e started tills morn ing in the city hall, near the labora tory, where the poisons found in the MINISTER TO RUSSIA QUITS ILLNESS IS THE REASON GIVEN BY AMBASSADOR MARYE IN SENDING ins RESIGNATION TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 16. Tho state department today received the formal resignation of George T. Marye as ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Rus sia. Ill health is the reason given. Marye's health has been very poor for several months, and for the past two weeks there have been frequent reports that be would soon resign. He Is now on his way to the United Qi.ls, Inovlnff nhnrloa H Wilson OS I iim.vai vav.v ....-- . r 1 charge de affaires at Petrograd. NEW ORDER GETS IN OLD DISPUTE GERMAN ORDERING CONCERNING TORPEDOING OF ARMED MER OHANTMEN IS INJECTED INTO THE LU8ITANIA FVM United Press Senrloe WAtninuivn, u, v., rvv. .; Oermany's determination td torpedo ( I room of G. Crones, accused of at , tempting to poison the guest nt the University Club last week, were nai flyzed. Little damage resulted. stringent odor. ( A nation wide dragnet for crones 1 is resulting in the discovery of many plots in other cities, say the police. foiled Press Service NEW YORK,. Feb. 10. Mayor Mitchell today received a letter warn- him that the city hall may be(flll burned, It was signed "Canada." United Press .Service FALL RIVER, Mass., Feb. 10. An all night lire, started by an explosion In the basement of a store near the city Iiall, was checked this morning by the combined fire departments of New Bedford. Taunton and Newport. Tiie damage is 1, 600,000. The city hall just missed danger. The Lenox hotel is destroyed. armed merchantmen without warning has entered Into the Lulstanla contxo- I versy. America, will not Bettle the Lusltanla case until assured that fu ture submarine warfare conforms to international law. This was made plain at the contro- j cInl3 convicted of similar charges can versy between Secretary Lansing andDe fined from $50 to I'SOO. In addl Cierman Ambassador von Bernstorft ,t0n. their offices are declared for today. Had it not been for the armed felted. merchantman decree, the Lusltanla i The city attorney Is authorited to affair would probably have been set- j subpoena any person he thinks may tied today. I be able to give Information regarding Dernstorff presented Germany's lat-j violations, these people to appear at est proposal In the-Lusltanla affair to his office, or wherever he sees fit to Lansing today. The acceptance or re- j iptervlew them. In case of failure to jcctlon of this Is largely up to the. appear after a summons, or the re presldent. tfusal to give testimony In the matter It. Is understood that this proposal nt issue, any person convicieo. is iia is satisfactory to Lansing. M to a flue of up to 300 or three i months' Imprisonment. ! - Miss Ollvo M. Rlddleberger, an em-. Miss Funk Hln Liu, a graduate of ploye of the United States census ' Wcllesley college, Is head of the only bureau, is an expert statistician. I woman's college In China. Klamath Falls Merchant Passes Away Here Today George W. Henderson passed away .l. m n..i .h.i ill. ' . .. ness.. Pneumonia, and other compll- cations caused his demise. Mr. Henderson's death comes as a shock to his many friends. He was known to be sick, but his Illness was not thought to be very serious. Deceased was 61 years of age, and was a native of Indiana. He has long been In the mercantile business, and tor twenty-six years conducted a store with great success at Ellis, Kansas., Last spring Henderson met Major -v-m . Onarlea B. Worden, and became In- PENALTIES HAVE been increased IN PROHI ORDER ONLY ONE DISSENTING VOTE IS RECORDED Sbcets Holds That Ordinance la I- pratclcable, and PnU Upon the Shoulders of the City the Datlea of the County and State OflcJate. Penalties Run From Fines of $100 to Two Years' Terns. if lor tnnkinir ndlTin radical in creases in the penalties for violations of the ordinance, the city council last night passed the prohibition law. It Is now effective, as the ordinance car ried an emergency clause. Matthews, Struble, Miller and Doty I an voted in iavor 01 me um. ounu opposed it, holding that the measure unnecessarily placed on the city a bur den belonging to the state and county. Tho provisions qf the ordinance as passed were the same as outlined in the Herald last week, following tne Introduction of the ordinance, the i only change being the increasing of i. nAnnlMAu n Vina a aor nut In the l"u '7" a ic law Acc0rding to the ordinance now In effect, persons convicted of carrying i liquor to public gatherings can be fined $200, or sentenced to iou aays In Jail. Persons convicted of sailing Hnuor are liable to fines of from $100 to $500, or imprisonment from thirty days to a year. In case of negligence in duty by the city attorney, he can be fined t from S100 to tSOO, and other city oft- j terested In Klamath Falls. Four I muuuiB uu lie Miut uuio. uiu uum Hnndnraon'ii Cash Store, which tuts h-i.i h...tn. .lace been doing a thriving business since it opened. "' i Deceased is survived by nla wife., ,. , who is here, and a daughter residing in Ellis, Kansas. The daughter to on her way here, and' the remains will be taken to Kansas, after her arrival, . for Interment. .- , f "' K,1 Henderson was prominent 1 Matod sonic work in Kansas, oemg ,-,, jj,i ber of the uiue Loage, noysi rra Masons, the Knights Templar ejt. snrmers. V ll 1 iirt , h& i