Ehv iEttptttitn Herald , AiiATH COUNTY' KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tenth Vwr No. '-', II KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1916 Price, Five CraU L . ----- - r PLOT TO BLOW UP , I BATTLESHIP REPORTED FOILED ,1UK INFORMATION IS AVAIL.' ABLE i C,rrniUW Hiilil l l Informed j VMhlnK ' Attempt Mr. km inl Amerlrniw l lwirjr Hie Ketiturky, X I" Vera Cru Hr borKrnili"ii ' VIIIIMn lletwts HUilr Gala Event Today. lulled l're Service WABIIIN'OTON, I) 0. Fob. 15. U U reported hero that the C'nrrntiin Kowrnmenl luu notified lhu United .StitM of the frimtnitloii by "the Car raniliu sxciits of an attempt to blow up the battleship Kentucky. The Ki'Miick) It In Vera Crux Imr tor .Vu Information regarding the tumor In available Jlulran Auitiiuituilur Arredoudo In uldtohao 111 oil nltlUivltri roticernliiK tie affair with tho secretary of Htntu It li reported Hint Mexicans nuil Amer trim arc rlinrged 'lth tlm plot, nl though the Identity of tho suspect U withheld. KlI'ASO. Tex, Kb. If.. Thrmi tormff VllllittaH, nccuiwil of theft. r Mfcultd nt Jnuri today lu the trcimce of S.000 ioplc, Includlnx tri hundrrd Amvrlcnni. Tho nf- tilr rni madi. a cola wont, and the death rarrli wn hi-adrd by n band fljlcj iwptilar nlrn. A KKWHiT or i.iiutAitv von tiii: MONTH UV .I.WIIAItV HIIOWH MtHIK THAN TWKXTV FIVK mXIMIKh VISITOHS There wore 2.G27 vUllorn nt tho public library during Juuunry, occord Imtothe report of tho librarian, Ml Knob HawklnH. During that time l.W booki wBro circulated. Other fcatnroH of Mian llawkltm re port follow Book dnimtfd by Mm. Krama Onell "LuwIm lUnd," Mary Jolin ton; "Llttlu nrown Jug nt Klldaro," Meredith Nicholson. Hookg for rent nt 3c n day "Baby "lae." Marnnrct Mnys; "Prudonco of 'lel'arsonngc." Kthcl Houston. The library lmB a few back numbora the American ThcoaophUt, about 'Tee years of the Amorlcan Mothcr "ooa, and a number of Saturday Kvc. Posts to ho given to anyono do rln them. The librarian wishes to attention, ,,8( to the fact tntt fan uio tho back numbora of your B'aiMinog. IR THOUSAND IKS CIRCULATED About One-eighth of the Voting Strength Registers A tow of C97, or about onc-olghtl. . Kllmath conty's voting strength, "now registered for tho May prl Z,. "nl tho Novmor general eri , ' Th reUtrt' ooka close ihr k Apr!1' romRnng closed until tobilS ePrlmar,e"' " ftU wh0 hoP" i toJS!' !)arty nom,noea mu'rt h- lh'0rro,ftheyWU,daVOM low8,' Wn,M' th,B rettrAtlon fo. "t. IV Ha 8i WMMUii, 8; social. 5.r.fV.adKaT.Bin0aPftrt,, Former Pantry awassTTi Hilt WII.I.IA.M It. Sir U'lllliim It Itolxtrthon, once n imntry boy. In billncd to huv.. sm. rrwiM Lord Kltelifiior In i-linrRf of , . tho oiu-rutlonn .,f nil llrltlnh i.m.lcH In tint llold-ncniimi tlu Teutons. Kltrli- I'licr, It In bolli'Vud, him virtually boon il'"t,l tlioitcli tint rablnot In rclnrt- nut toiulmll It. 8lr William In a Hcot. Ilo lioRnii bin tinny rnrror n n prlvuto OREGON'S PEACE DELEGATE TALKS TOOi: SAYS TIIIP TO KI'HOPI. WAK FAH FIM)M A FAII.llltK. hi:i (iitKAT xkkii or Pin:- I'AltKDNKHH United I'reat Service KUOnNH, Oro.. Feb. 10 The J-'ord pence junket had n xx;ullnr ofi'n t on I.ninnr Tooxe, UnlviTMlty of OtoKon delegato, who Iiiih Just returned from tho trip. IiiHtead of Increasing IiIh fnlth In an early ponre. It convlueod him of these things: That tho United Htatvs lu hygrnvo dn n go r of becoming embroiled in the Kuropoim war, Hint the country Hhould prupiiru for wnr, nnd Hhould back President Wilson's prepnrcdncHS plntiu to tbo limit. That Mine. ItoHlku Schwliuni.ji' wi.n "well moaning but Incnpabb)," ami that her Icndmshlp of tho ponce xpo dltlon wob 'a Had fenturo." Tho slogan "Out of tho tronclien by (llirlatnins" wna disastrous to the ox- Ro far, not a votor in tho Spruguo Rlvor or Worden precincts has regis tored. Tho registration In tho other nroelncts follew: . Klamnth Falls Product One, C0; Precinct Two, 46; Precinct Throoa; Precinct Pour, 42: Precinct Flvo, 47; Precinct 81. 30: Precinct Sevon. 3(1; Precinct Might, 27; Precinct Nine, 35; Precinct Ten, 12, Langoll Volley, 6; Malin, 2; Mer rill,' 18; Tula Lake, 41; Midland, 6; Plevna, 6; Mt. Lakl, 36; Poo Valley, 11 j, Lost River, 8; Dairy, 46; Hlldo braai. 8: Swan. 8; Pine. Drove, 18; Algoma, 6; Klaasath Lake. 8; Wood SHi'i? tiatfsakkkkEkkpN LeiH s 1 1 LMiKPgw!5issMre nBM L -1 0?SHHB sFrnvBkkHL1?' "4V o 3iHbibmhMbibibibKibibibibiF &U ? AmVJUmMBrMmmmmmW' p &nrHPskUi nBIliSmmmmmmmwl,l$. mWa$ 1 1 Boy Rules Armies lTaTWHBBmistTnpw rroar si ii i si mm y sbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbi - 1 1BW T - 1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1BB ft ItOltintTMtN or ilniRooim In ISttS. Tradition miyH I"i wiih a footmnn. it ml boforo that a l"" '"V " 0',k ",m ' c!,r8 t0 win IiIk toininlHrtlnn. Ilo Ik known ir0llK,10ll, tll0 lmn. ,' niorclleM wr((.r. n nworii incmy of rod tnpc nnd "frlllx," tuul pohhohkoi- of u mnr- vnllomi Rift for KcttliiR work out of otlinr"icop1it. Ilo In flfty-tlvo yoarn of nKi. . it'l!tlou, wild Tooxe. The or.1) re deeming fenturo of the junket was Hint it attracted the publicity m be jhnlf of poaco which Ford wanted. ITooxi" believes ' "I feel unens) whun I think of tho .little nrmy the United States main tains," ho snld. "Holland hns an army 'of : 00,000 men, nnd I sincerely le illcve Holland could lick us." i Tooxe said his trip nnd what In xaw ' in Kuropo convinced him th.u thoro 'ousht to bo military training In the coIIokos and UnlvorsltleR of tho I'ulted Slates. iTALK IRRIGATION NEXT SATURDAY Ihaxd HOLLOW (JHAVITY-PUMP- I NO PUOJKCT WILL UK HIS CUSSKI) IIY SKTTLKHS AX1 PHOJKCT MAXAGKIl A meoting of tho settlors in tho Sand Hollow country will bo hold Sat urday afternoon at Malin, when tho proposed Sand Hollow project will bo discussed. Manager James Q. Camp of tho Klamath project, will attend, and ndvico tho prospective water users regarding different points In connection with tho proposition. Tho Snnd Hollow unit, If construct ed, will Irrlgato about 6,000 acres. Part of this land will bo Irrigated by canals Into which water will flow by gravity, and othor acros will be wat ered by means of a high line canal, supplied with wntor by a pumping plant. . WILL XOT ACT OX SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT UNTIL WINTER United Press Sorvlce WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb, 16, rim lionso Judiciary committee, by n vote of 9 to 7, postponed until utter ii,..-..mhnr 14th. next, the considera tion of any suffrage proposal. This moans that congress will not vote on the Anthony amendment. PoKweod is made Into n composition o tako place of bone for handles of( cutlery. fW&jF BlllletinS l lilted Press Hurvlce LONDON, Fob. 15 Tin.- Dally iTck'urnpli's naval experj declares Qcr-1 ji.mny has Invented n new. monster I suumnrine. Tins, no hujh, resembles tho Amerlcnn monitors, except that It Is submerglble. The hull is ylln- lrll,,' " I nlled Pi cis Service IlKHMN, Feb. lfi. It Is announced Hint the dormant) captured over 800 ynrds of Drltltili trenches in a sudden ' KiniiHli Houthcnst of Yjtres yesterday. , This Is the most Important German1 Kaln agninst tho' Itrltlsh slnco Loos. (Icrmnii onslaughts are spreadlne nil nlotiK tho western front i tilted Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Pel) 15. Tho state department U still consld- erliiK the attitude to take toward the Teuton decree regarding submarining Mined merchantmen, it is hinted that a formal announcement of this attitude Is possibly unnecessary. It Is realized thatm protest will I FARM LOAX BOARD MEASURE AI'PltOYKO i : fulled Pi ess Service WASHINGTON. D.f Feb 1." The Ilollls rural credits bill, pro posing tho creation of a non-partisan fnrm lonn board to loan money to farmers at per cent Interest was" favorably reported upon In tho sennte today. II DORRIS PEOPLE WANT TOE GATES MARSH LAND OWNERS WILLING TO Hi:iMY l.MIKII RTATKS'riircj PEHMAXEXT COSTS IF GIVEN CONTROL OF HEADGATES If Uncle Sum Will give tho owners' of marsh lands around Lower Klam nth Lnko permanent control of the Kites at tho Southern Pacific ombank- ment. by means of which the flow of ( water into tho lako can bo regulated,! the marsh land owners will bo willlngi to sign up to repay to the government nil monoys the government has spent lu Investigations, etc., In connection with this project. This was the sentlmont expressed nt a meoting of Innd owners hold at Dorrls Saturday. Project Manager J. G. Camp or tho reclamation service was in attendance from here. Tho same attltudo is tnken by tho Klam ath county owners of Lower Lake marsh lands. Tho cost tho Innd owners will pay if such nu nrrnngemont is made Is tho cost fixed by tho board of review last summer. This would be paid under tho reclamation act, in twenty annual lnstnllmouts. CITY REGISTER NOW OPENED PERMAXEXT SYSTEM, SUCH AS ADOPTED IIY THE STATE, IS USED FOR REGISTERING KLAM ATH FALLS ELECTORS Registration for the city electlou May 1st is now open at the omce or Police Judgo A. L. Lenvltt. The books will close April 16, The city has Installed the' perma nent registration system, such as the state adopted last year. This Is of especial Interest to the women voters, ns they are not asked to state their ages. A recent official estimate gave New Zealand a population of 1,164,715, icauso a Uelieut,. xlttmtloi. with ti.r. I Teutonic powers. On the other hand. " there is an acquiescence, there will ' ue a protest, undoubtedly, from the I J -.--.- v .nines. , i',,ltcd Press Service I L0ND0N' oPb- 16. Parliament Jienssembled today, and for tho first' tlme since tho reign of Queen Vic- torla, tho sovereign was nbsent. It Ik understood that the king Is still suf- ferlng from a fall with his horse. The king's speech, urging heavy ap propriations for tho proper continu ance of the war, was read. United Press Service ' WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 15. ' 'Senator Sterling introduced a resolu-) J Hon in the senate today, protesting the recognition of Germany's in ten-; tlou to torpedo armed merchantmen without warning. "This is a more serious menace to commerce, particularly to American (ommcrce, than any other act of the' war," said Sterling. K L H M H l II ClllCKo AT WN MEDFORD 'PEN OK SIX RHODE INLAND BEDS a! SENT TO POULTRY .SHOW BY KLA3IATH MAX TAKE THREE MIUMR Dryau Hawkins, who is ranching on the Merrill road beyond tho Altamont, was nwarded three second prizes on a coop of half a dozen single comb Rhode Island Reds, sent by him, to the, recent Southern Oregon Poultry show' nt Medford. Hawkins was the only1 Klamath county fancier to make an (entry at the Jackson county show. The entry consisted of three roost- crs nnd threo hens. Ribbons were ' won as tho second best trio, the sec- 'nd best cock and tho second best .cockerel. . SCHOOL CLEARED IN HALF MINUTE I IRE DRILL AT CENTRAL SCHOOL TODAY IS THE SPEEDIEST YET HELD ALL ROOMS ARE OlIICK- " LY EMPTIED A new record in clearing the Cen tral school was established today in a tiro drill, suddenly called for. In thirty seconds after the first tap of ithc alarm, tho big building was en tirely cleared of children. . All of the Klamath Falls schools, have highly effective fire drills. AMBASSADOR AT PETROGRAD WILL RESIGN, IS RUMORED United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 16. It is roported that Ambassador Marye will resign his station at Petrograd f eon on account of ill health. No official information regarding the report can bo obtained. MINE FIRE CAUSES DEATH OF NINE; TWELVE MISSING United Press Service flUTTE, Mont., Fob. 15. Accord ing to the latest availnbln figures, nine are known to have perished last night In the lire In the Pennsylvania mine. 'ivelvo moro are niUsliig cut It Is bllrvcd they aro uttli alive In the walc, It la believed that tho urn 'a ncv uuder control. The orlklu of the fire ir unknown. There are about 86,000,000 .ter man speaking people in the world, and about 88,000,000 speaking Spanish., Morgenthau May Be in Cabinet MKBmmm r:;OrmmmmmmX PHsssI WWS0mmmm &fi-fty'Ma8FlBtsssssl lkVBkr2MHN19ifkkm WBmfMmmm K -: ryr'JmmimT BgHfcV .ZMMmmmW mFmw. &Dfflmw mmWffVUkmmXmmm mJ,'r'jZ"immmW mH0mmmm KSBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf aBBBBBVBBBr kkkV kkkkkkkkkkkk iHkW mmmW ''' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH m mw mwmmmmmi Henry Morgenthau ! United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 15. lit is reported that President Wilson Is seriously considering Henry Morgen thau, minister to Turkey, as secretary of war, succeeding LIndley M. Garri son, resigned. Morgenthau Is now on his way here from Constantinople. ' Judson Harmon is also mentioned as a cabinet possibility. HENLEY PREPARES TOFfGHTGOPHERSl GLAISYER AND ATTACHE OF BIO- LOGICAL SURVEY TALK OVER inE MATTER, AXD ORGAXIZA TIOX TO BE MADE Copher extermination was the sub. ject discussed at a meeting of farmers ' of the Henley district held at the I Her ley school last night. As a result, ! organization of a gopher extermina tion club Is expected soon, In order to gUe the district the full benefit of government co-operation In this work. County Agriculturist H. Roland alsyer and R. A. Ward of the United I states snrvev u-arn tho bpeakers. Mr. Ward has been sta tioned In Crook county for two years In pest extermination work. A'ny community wishing- to organ i7o to fight pests of any kind will re ceive the full support of Mr. Glalsyer. lie is also in a position to furnish re liable polcon formulas for this exter- mlnatlon work. Better Babies Exhibit!! Plans Wen Under Way The Baby Week campaign, which Is sweeping the United States, is to' be fittingly observed In Klamath Falls. The matter has been placed lu the hands of the civic department of the Woman's Library Club, and ar rangements are already under way for the observance to be held March 2d, 3d and 4th. The local observance will be known as the "Better Babies' Health Exhlb - ,. II - m , ... - . it" Local physicians and nurses have volunteered to assist In the work, and a most successful campaign Is ex pected. A eugenics "contest Is not to be held here. Instead, all babies will be judged, and their ratings prepared for their parents. The Ides, of awardlag prises to the babies scoring highest has 'been discouraged. SAYS BRYAN IS GOING TO FIGHT WILSON FACTION Hi MILL XOT HOLT Till: PAiUY HOWEVER Man Who Made Nomination of Wll- I sun Possible nt the Baltimore Cos tent Ion Will Take an Entirely Dtf. fereat SUnd la the Coming Cam puiKn and Convention Hlagle Term Sticks Brjam. United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 16. The Wash ington correspondent of the Evening Post, in a copyright dispatch, today says that: "William Jennings Bryan, who mado Wilson's nomination possible at the Baltimore convention, will In 'all human probability oppose his re nomination. "This is the fixed opinion Bryan left ' In my mind after two long talks with him recently. The fact that the pres ident's renomlnatlon seems assured will not alter Bryan's conviction re garding a single term." Bryan, in this article, Is said to be lieve Wilson needlessly alienated the German-Americana from the party. If Wilson Is renominated, Bryan will not bolt the party. On this Bryan is quoted as saying: j "The Lord does not require i to ; win; he simply requires us to do our . duty." MORE MONEY FOR THE JEWISH AID i ! F0 III MOKE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE RECEIVED MONEY LEFT AT STORES WILL BE FORWARDED TO COMMITTEE I Klamath Falls' donation to the fund being raised for the relief of the starving Jewish refugees in European countries has been swelled to $169.60 ' by the receipt of four more donations since the last list was published. These follew: Jack Petersou 2, Frank Staff $1, j A. A. Mehaffey $2, cash 60 cents. Any other donations for this worthy j cause can be left at the banks, the K. K. K. or Sugarman stores, and will be promptly forwarded to the com mittee in charge of the relief work. The Royal Astronomical Society has just had Its charter amended so that Momen are eligible for election as fel lows nnd associates. Miss Marie West of Chicago, a graduate nurse who has given special attention to children, will prolong her visit here In order to take a part In the local work. Mrs. Warren Hunt and Mrs, George I. Wright, also grad uate nurses, will be In prominent J work, and Mrs. Charles F. Stone, who l is a physician, will take an active part r In the welfare camnalen. Th chair. 1 man of the committee In charge of the I exhibit is Mrs. Paul Bogardus, who, t... ... .. - . '. like many of the others connected with the affair, Is also a graduate nurse. , Lectures, demonstrations In caring for children, and thedtscusse1tj I topics of Interest to;sotters;irll j held In connection with tlMMMMtd' All KAlkan ,-. A-J - --- ' - further particulars frees W , 'f s" . j committee la,chaJe,( River, C; Odell, 81. . - -T',,. T $$ rt y". M! !... 'A