l ,-, 4 - - - ' ' ..i,.j,JUJl,: 3ty ummg Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OPJVCIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Train Vu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1916 Price, Fire Cents JFi i- ii 1 1 1 ! GERMAN GAIN IS GREATEST SINCE MARNE FIGHTING WK1TKHN rilONT IH SCENE OF ACTIVITIES 7Ae Daring Sea i Rover lierlta I1l' ''' 'l'"iv "f 'Vwriy Mile o Tirmhr In Clminimgw, Mil 400 iinti In VKr Region. BrllWi I'liiimirlril .Mii Alt Called lo Settler Aiulrlaiw lUld MIUm. Other W'nr X-. Called I'rew .Service LONDON, Feb H An Intercept hi German roinintiiiluun claim tho upture of nearly 11 mlli of Pruned Irfnrbt yesterday In the Chsmpagno irflon. Ilonlilm, n gain of 400 yards ol trendies In the Vohrch region In reported. Tbli In tlii k rent en l Kit I ii by tier any In Die "cut since (hit llnltli, of Mirne, wild the pohhIIiIo exception of Ihr llrltUli (I ! f fin ut Vrpen liml May. Called I'reu .Soivlcu PAIII8, Feb H It In announced tail the Hermans captured S00 yard of French trenches cast of Beppoln In l'ppr Atare lute Saturday. Mont or ttH4 were rornptiircd before the Oer- bum could iIIk theninelvcii In stiftV flrtlly for protection. futility the French captured no vera I fiernun trenches n round Prise. Ue flcutlng nil along the western front U extremely .heavy, and tho Iwe of both French nnd German lrotiM nro considerable. lulled I'rtM Service lONllON, Feb 14. The first proc iiiuitlon calling iinmnrrlod men t military nervier under the conscrlp Hon ct, wnn pouted today nt Wnlln-rej.r-enr Liverpool. I'nlted 1'iesa .Service "t'Mh, Keb. H Austrian nvlalorj I '"I i.lht raided Milan. Six civilian J w killed, j H,f7ieTVirrt vdBKraM DEER ARE BEING DOYLE WAIVES KILLED OEF BY A ' HEARING TODAY PACK OF COYOTES' Wilson Will Run Again mint m MMtKD ii:ad, Ti:i,ioiti) SAY I AX ACCUSED OF THE MURDER OF MRS. WILCOX ASU MItH. JONES IX LANGLLL VALLEY LAST WEEK IK)UM OVER Writes Consenting to Use of Name on Ohio Ballot i Ti of Deer Win Ale Aral Kill Hun. llilnilii-il llrnil IVlim-il l't by Coyote, AulnuiU Wlienewr Tin-) l l-Miy Wiml,. ,,,. s-lt fiinii AkIiIiiimI to Make Win- AkkIiiM tin- CiiyotrM Nimi-.linn) Creek, William Uoylc, hold on iharKo of' niurdorlnK Mrs. Mnry A Wilcox iirnl Mrn, MagKlo Jones In the LatiKell Val ley tragedy Tueaday morning, wan bound over to await the action of the Brand Jury by JUKtlce of the 1'onco E. ' W. Oowen this mornliiK. Doyle waived IiIh rlglit to a hear Inir. W. II. A. Henner Is Doyle's attorney. I.leiitfiinni u,,, u.rt Thl In the only Reed photograph no fur taken of Lieutenant Haim llert. Clorninn navnl officer who brouRht tho captured llrltUli llm-r Appaiii more than 3,000 mile nrroH tho Atlantic, thiiM performluK one of tho moat re tuakiirknbli) naval fonts. That at leant a hundred deer linvo .been killed by coyotpn thim fnr, and i that at b-iMt twice tlinf iniintii.r an, llmperllled. In the wunl brought here' by lliii i. v mill Wilbur Telford, wlu re. turned yemcrdiiy fiom a tbreii dayH tilp to I'pper Jenny Creek, on the ICIiiimitli-JiicK'MDM county line. The deer have been puictlcally Hiir rotindi d by a pack of eoyotea, and ihcMi iiiiIiiiiiIh kill the deer at will, merely drlvliu: them from the trails Into the deep hiiow, where the deer i flounder and an- mmii killed. Sooni fri'Hhly killed cair-iMNeH were found be the TelfonlH. bcitldCM the remnlns about ino otheiK that had been killed loiiKcr. KLAMATH GIVEN ' $288.45, ROADS i MIX'ltETAItr OF STATE DISTJIIIJ L'Tirs FIl'E I'EH CEXT OF FED EKAL TIMBER SALE I'lUKJEEDS AMONG COUNTIES OF STATE ROOMING HOUSE LIQUOR SALEM, Fun. l.'i. Secretary of . Rttlfi Olrntl nnrwilitintu tlin, Itm . iui. of .... v wj ., ,,., cent received by t!io stnto from the pale of timber In forest reserves to taled $4,G97.12 for the year, and that ' "It in Heldoin thin coyotes will at- he has distributed It among the coun-' tack and kill deer," sayn Telford, tle"' Tho money goeH Into tho hlgh who ban attained note as a naturnl-i way nlul br,(,Be funda- - - "- ' - ,,::;: s;.:m rece,vo ,rom that by attacking In bauds, they can enslly kill the deer. "We shot HOtno of thu coyotes, nnd have never seen coyotes no fat "' GARRISONJEUTON ACTIONS KEEPIN6 OFFICIALS BUSY NEW WAK SECnETABV IS NOT YET CHOSEN Several Men Are Under Consideration, nnd Wilson Confers With Congrew men Stand for Lansing on Teu tonic Determination ItegardiBg the Sinking of Armed Merchantmen Is Endorsed. I nltcd 1'ress Service WASHINGTON', D. C, oa RAIDED MAX AXD WIFE COXDUCTIMi l TAIILISIIMEXT AltE UXDEIt AH IIF.ST IX CIIAHOE OF MAIX- ' TAIXIXO NUIS1XCE lie Still! rnte I "ltd I'resa Service VE.VICR, Calif., Fob. H.Hon-af-l'r hen IIohm and tlgera itt names' t'rem winter iiiartrs roar and howl, l"Y will imve an Injunction flashod ", l'm ordering silence. Judge ""Hei Wellb0r huued tho rostraln n order at tho r.H1Uet of Venice clt "mi. who nald tho noiio of the nnl nU Intcrfcrred with sleep. "orris Visitor. Charles (1 Twohy, mnBfW of 10 r Dox ni"' umbor company of "til, spent Sunday la thla city with J'm ni '"'Umlntnnces. Mr. Two- warncu on thu mornlng'g, local. iC. Qualf and wife are under arrest mi chnrgo of maintaining a common iiuU.inco us tho result of the Isstiunco of mi Information from I'roaocutlng Attorney Irwin's olllco Saturday, They will bo given n lieurlug before Justice of thu I'eiicu Oowen Friday, Tim Information was issued under tho provlsloiiH of xectlons IG and 20 of tho prohibition law, 'In tho search of tho Hot Springs rooming house, fol lowing tills, u quantity of liquor wna found, which, It Is alleged, tho Qualfs have been distributing. Qunlf isnt liberty under $000 bond. I Mrs, Qualf Is out on flOO bond. I these There were thick layers of fat tinder their hides, nnd they were big and strong, living on fresh meet. "We thought of poisoning some of the cnrcasseH, but thin would not bo effective. These, coyote.s kill n now deer any time they wish to cat, nnd once they leave u carcass, they do not roturn to It, preferring freshly killed meat." Deputy (Sumo Warden Heniy Stout ( promptly telegraphed District Warden Jim Drlscoll at Ashland, and Drlscoll linn sent men to the Jenny Creek dis trict 'to shoot the coyotes. PARENT-TEACHER CLUB ORGANIZED SPUING I.AKE SCHOOL FATROXS FORM A CLUB, FOLLOWING SPELLING MATCH AND BASKET BALL GAMS f party, I am willing to permit the use Feb. 14. of my name, that Ohio democrats may President Wilson formally announced 'make known their preference in re- hl. candidacy for re-election today. . .V "" DOm,Da l - - , The letter was malted today. The He wrote Secretary of State Hlldo-!whIte Houso made ,t pubUc but made brand of Ohio, consenting to the use.no comment upon the matter. of his name as a democratic candidate - at the Ohio primary. i United Press Service This Is a formal aetion necessitate! WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 14. 'under the Ohio Statutes. ' Congressman Sells, who recently saw Roosevelt at Ovster Bav. credits iha !., S 1..... . n. t " " nuaons letter to me unio ouiciiu Colonel with the following statement """'U1"u' ' "Wilson Is afraid of two men tho "While I am entirely unwilling to kaiser and myself.'' enter Into any contest for the presl- Roosevelt, told Sells ho favors any dontlal nomination of tho democratic J man who would defeat Wilson. Spelling Contest Will Start Soon in Schools UNA SCHOOL TO SEE MOILS FATS" IF CHRISTIAN CHURCH WILL ENTERTAIN "LEANS" AT THEATER TUESDAY SPECIAL III.OCK PRICE IS MADE Vlth tho Klamath countv .n.in., wnteitB ,ir... . . . ' Distrlet Nn 4 II,.tilnv VnlrvlAiv. ioniA..0 .... . - -- -- ' -.-. -. th. art ,n a Bhort tlne, " LaM Spring Lnko. rlrentpopartntlonbolngmndo Ulstrlct No. 15. Sui d ffernni .... " Hill MhHn.wl i ICIIOOIH, HAWammI I...... w... " "'ii mver- - con,esl hftV0 bon h-Wi and .eh.,.,:: lo"lw,lre also being th.. iToltmlnary training for bounty championships. it.!? CTly hM bwa "vldsd Into Un 1 "tr,CU by Soh00' 8P""- 01. n?" Pet0r"On M fo'low! "J 'ilZy' Pokewm' prk8. S'l,'0; 8-WrrlH, Whit. V'ntNOMouiMr,, 8hMU tumers, Miller Hill, Midland, District No.'U, Ft. Klamat'b, Wil low Urook, Seven Mile, District No. 7. Olene, Pine Grove, Lower Poo, Upper Poe, Swan Lake schools, District No, 8. Bonansn, Lorella, Langoll Valley, Dairy,, Hlldebrand. District No, 0. Klamath Falls, Al goma, Orlndalo, Sprague, District No. 10, Bly, District No, 11 Croicont, Howard, District No. 18, Odessa, Crystal. Local contests In the various dis tricts begin March 7, and the finals for the county championship VIII be T (Contlnutd on Pag 4) Tho "fat" division of tho Christian Sunday school will entertain the leans" with a tbeator party Tuesday uvoulng, when they will bo taken to nee tho Klamath county movies nnd thu Salisbury Wild Animal pictures at Houston's opera house, under tho uu iiplcoR of tho Klamath Commercial Club. 'Tito mombors of tho school nro asked to meet at tho church nt 7 o'clock, where tickets wll be given freo to all members of tho primary do partmont and to those of the "lean' dlvUlon who nro Identified by tho "lean" manager or a Sunday uchonl tcuchor. At the same time nil other member of tho school may buy reduced rate tickets from tho "fat" manager. The school will go In a body to tho opera house, whore seats will bo reserved for them. The Klamuth Commercial Club has made n special rnto of 15 cents on blooka of "seventy-five or more tickets, theso to be used by either children or adults. Thla blook offer Is open to lodges, schools or any other organisa tion, and blocks can be purchased tor either Tuesday night at Houston's or Wednesday night at the Orpheus. (HenilU SkvIu1 Service) SPniNG LAKE, Feb. 14. Tho pat- j rons of Spring Lake district met at ' tho school house Friday afternoon, ' unci enjoyed a spelling and ciphering match between the Midland aud Sprlug Lake schools. After the spell ing and ciphering match they were ' entertained by a game of basketball hot ween the Spring Lake team and a team made up of neighbor boys and Mr. Hunchens of Midland. Tho pupils wero then dismissed and the patrons held a meeting and or ganised tho Parent-Teachers Associa tion of Spring Lake. W. O. Folson was elected president; Mrs. Alex i Choyue, vice president; Miss Maud Schreiner, secretary; Mrs. Thompson, treasurer. The charter mombers of tho asso ciation are Mrs. Frank Stewart, Mr. nnd Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. Schreiner, Miss Maud Schrolner, Mrs. Gentry, Mrs.. Payee, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Alex Chcyno, Mrs. Ward Dolan nnd the teacher, M. B. Ford. INDUSTRIAL CLUB WORKERJO VISIT OFFICIAL OF STATE DEPART MEXT OF INSTRUCTION WILL TAKE UP DIFFERENT ACT! VI TIES WITH THE PUPILS YOUNG PEOPLE FORM A UNION EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH'S YOUNGER MEMBERS HAVE A BRANCH OF NATIONAL ORGAN IZATION NOW According to a letter received today by School Superintendent Fred Peter son, work of organizing the various schools of tho county Into Industrial clubs will be taken up in March and April. Mr. Seymour, field worker of the state department of Instruction, will bo hero at that time to take up the work. The Industrial club movement, nsj inaugurated here last year by Field Worker Harrington, proved highly! successful. In all of tho districts, a1 l.enllhy interest was shown, and still greater success can be expected dur ing the coming year. Washington pioneer, when Introduced to President Wilson this afternoon, warned Wilson that there will come a time when war will be fought on the Pacific coast. Meeker spoke In be half of his proposed bill for a military highway from St. Louis to Olympla, and in part he said: "Tho Japanese are a proud people. I beliove they are as good as any oth ers, and better than some. History will repeat Itself we must either United Press Serrloe WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 14. It was learned today that announce ment of Garrison's successor to the office of secretary of war will be de ferred several days. The cause of the delay is unknown. Wilson today began a series of con ferences with congressional leaders. These are believed to have a bearing upon tho appointment. Secretaries Lane and Houston are prominently mentioned. German A merican people oppose Lane because of his being a native of Canada. Col onel House, Joseph Folk and Frank !yn Roosevelt are all mentioned, as possible men for the office. The state department has received the official text of the German note announcing Germany's Intention of torpedoing armed enemy merchant men without warning. President Wilson is In perfect ac cord with Secretary Lansing's policy toward this plan. Contrary reports are unfounded. A high official says the president considers the issues which may re sult from this latest Teuton order as fraught with the gravest possibilities. The German note makes no distinc tion between passenger and freight steamers. Both will be sunk without varnlng. If they are armed. The Austrian note arrived late today. New Location. E. Qulllltch, proprietor of the West End Grocery, formerly located ia the Bristol building, has moved into the Murdock store building next door to the postofOce. This change gives Mr. Qulllltch a greater space for the display of his goods, and altogether offers much more convenience. Hrru to Stay. Mrs. Bertha Cuiumlngs Is here from Los Angeles to accept a position ia the Golden Rule. Mrs. Cummings is abandon our 'open door' policy or be an experienced sales woman, and prior prepared to defend the coast." ( to working several years at Bullock's ' In Los Angeles, she was employed by Expected Tonight. Syd and Percy Evans, when they con- Leo F. Garrich is expected this eve- J ducted a store In Kansas. It is targe ulng from San Francisco, to remain ly as the result of the boosting by the some time. Mrs. Garrich Is already Evans family that she came to Klatu here. , ath Falls. Formation of a local branch of the Baptist Young People's Union was ef fected yesterday by young people of Emmanuel Baptist church. The new organization has seventeen members, and has tho following officers:' Prsaldemt, Miss Prklns; secretary, Miss Lola Wilson; treasurer, F, Morrison. PIONEER PLEADS FOR HIS HIGHWAY lHA MEEKER WARNS Till: PRESIDENT THT WAR IS AL ONI HE COAST United Pross Service WASHINGTON, D. C Feb, 14. Et.ru Meeker, n well known Oregon' Says City Prohi Law Is Sure to Burden Taxpayer By Citizen Tho prohibition law, so far as it provides for penalties for Its viola tion, is a general criminal statute. The penalties provided for a viola tion of its provisions range as fol fel fol eows: For Urst violation, a flue of not I more than ?500 or imprisonment not more than six months, or by both such THEJfino and imprisonment. For the second violation, not less than $100 nor more than f500 or MOST CERTAIN TO BREAK OUT! by Imprisonment not less than three mpnths nor more than one year. I For tho third violation, two years ! In the county jail, I Under this state prohibition statute the sale and distribution of all in toxicating liquors Is absolutely pro hibited ia the city of Klamath Falls, except as therein provided. A glance at the penalties provided for ita viola tion would convince the most skeptl- , cal bootlegger that the state of Or- " cgoii meant business. ' The common council has no power to exempt the" city from Its provisions, neither has It the authority to enact . the state prohibition statute at an ordinance of the city providing there in for lesser and lighter penalties for . its violation within the city limits. If the council possessed that author- ' ity, It would simply amount, to a declaration that the state prohlWUea luw could be violated within the city , limits a whole lot cheaper than aay- where else in the state or county. -, . The good people of ta'ls city oer- ft.-. . 2 al. i ,,,. , ,1 tnmir appreciate me eet vui m k (Continued oa Page 4) wm ;m ' 1 n ,-, M 1 i i : jxa i.i ' -Ii LI "f