r ' Vi - Herald , aMATII COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WHh Year-'. .'"4 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12; 1916 I'rlcc, Five Cento I jp Wholesale Poison Plot Unearthed ARSENIC POURED N SOUP SERVED AT BIG BANQUET 00VKBNOK DUNNE AMONG THE TIIHKATENKD Cmployc of 1'iilverslty Cluli nl Chi cago Make. Doling Atlrmpt Pola on KwhikIi to Hill it TIdhmmihI, mid Qmt Ouniiilty of Nltrtofllyrerlii Found In IIU IIihiiii Wlicn Police Make nVarrh. AAAAMAAAVWVWWWMWMV Abraham Lincoln, Five Days Before His Death, Compared With His Son Now 73 Years Old 1 UsIUd I'rsts Sort loe CHICAGO, Krli. 12. A deliberate attmpt to Milon Governor Duniir, ArrtihiaficKl MuudclHn and oilier nolo bkr at a I'nlveralty Club banquet TlwmUy nlitht nan made by the club cbtf. Maimjtrr IMterty lolil Hie po. live today Hint arsenic a placed In llwionp, inl uaa dlacoverrri Jut be (on tbe soup was served. TIk- iurcti'il niaa la miming. !. , lire hare Marled a uatJou wide ftcwrch. Ihc chef's room contained enough roUon to kill 1,000 people, and tnouith nltroglyrcrlno to demolish a iVywraper. Many niinrrhliitln pamphlets wept alio found. Tbo miming man lit clawed by the nlice an ii "plottor against socloty." KxpertH aro ranking teata of tlio polion found lu tho chof'a room. Arnlc has been found In Abundance THREE MORE ARE FOR OFFICE OUT aU'IIMNTH TOR CORONER, AH. MM)ll AND HCIIOOh HUPERIN Ti:.NDKT MAKK THKIK AN NOUXCTMKNTH TODAY ' Tfaaatttll Gw .bb- : bbbbbbbCssbW aaaaaaaaaaallaW aKgHI MhttjL TttJaaaV. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 S iaaWjy5 f W ? LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbY IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 'v'flH fftl SlftfiB "T 3k. W' Tt " v Jl -v i. . , - .bV&SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI V'A'- "y HbvTiHmIVk A-t ii. . 'im a " SbbbbbbSSbbbpbbV V r Rir jfei' 2asslSa,... Ilk t'TwBft SbbbbV ,. ,VL i'l fc " JtcILbbbbbbbW bbbCsv; A i'ife-BBM. bbbbbbbbbbbbbmI iY 7 ' k X ivbbbbbbw avy vy ' "sjri iiltBVuK 3BBB9BvaBBW BBBBbTOHH 'l' ' ''VJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY SfaB flBki&1iVOKal4aBBBBBBBBUiBBBBfBBBV M Y-V"W V ' affrrnfaBBaBBBBBBBBBlBBr "T BtSKSaBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBVl BBBBWaW B 2r jJBBBBBBBTCSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bV ,BBBBBBBBBf 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBNVl'lT4BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBbV lBBBBBBBMMWiHiBBBBBBBBBBBy iv .BBBBBBBBBbV IbBBBBBbV S-'ifi ' t"Mf BBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf Il.y y 6 -i J. TjilBPPIl ''IbBBBBBBBB "H!!HHBBBBBBBBVBBf;V k' Jl -.ZSS2KiB BBBBBta '1 S "f?5 jT SBS A'1t l Z. JeSSr aHfelBBL-BBBBBBBBBBB J 'iSiV'' V , r" uSJrO0lBBBBBBBBBBB HOIiKItT T. I.INCX)I ABRAHAM LINCOLN' Tor tlio llrnt t into lu ninny yoam It comp-niy, before tlio Induutrlul Hela Iiiih become iiohkIIiI.i to miiko a. com- H commltwlon In Washington ....I..-.. ... ..... ...i.... '.Kobort T. I.I illl iniiu of tlio foaturca of Alirnlmin Mncolu mid hlu hum, Itobort Todd Lincoln. TIichu pliotoKrnplm xhow mem. mo one live ny ooioro i'",,lc,ire(, hcforo tho commission, and witHRhot to dunth, nnd tho other when tlioy Kot it clenr full view, showing i Tho photograph of Abraham Lin coln, which la reproduced from tho was taken April 9, Alexander Gardner. Tho Tho picture shows Lincoln saddened and aged by tbo Civil War. Tho con traht with photos taken two years earlier is startling. In fact, most of ..coin has not often per- H?!,1 ncfl,lvo- lllltteil photORrnphers to take him. ,.,.,,,.,..,,, ..,,,.. ti, noniilnr nlcturps of the creat lib Few of them have had such nn oppor-'Tlu prim ,iS obtained from Fred- erator show him as he was at least tuiilty n was presented when he up-'crick Hill Sfersorvo, who has the best two yoars collection of Lincoln photographs. Mr. Meservo is the highest authority before death. But as a ' ...., ... aa..1 rn ,1.. rl t f&ra nha there had come over him a most re- he leritllled iih head of tho Pullman , uvory lino in his face. lilt tho world on that subject. markable change. Th balmy spring wonthor Is cor lulnly heiieilrlnl to the hatching of Political boes, for three mor candl ;tatiH wen. definitely launched today, fhw mo ull republlcina, seeking tho onices of coroner, assessor and school utn;rlntomlont. lr. A. A. Soule Is the man seeking n offlco of coroner. He has resided 11 Klniimth county several years, and nl iiructlco here and at tho Fort has acquirod a host of friends, "1 v.ll mako u fight for him. r'red I'ctorson. wlm ! rntn,iii w "- -. second chnnco ut tho school suporln tondency, has his eye on another alike. Toward that end, ho nnnouncos himself a candidate for the republican nomination for nnHctssor. Already J. M. Tipton, who Is homestead Ing lu tho Mnlln country, and who In woll known hero, Is out for this nomina tion at tho hands or tho republican voters, and Captain J. P. Ico Is out again on the democrat ticket. Miss Kdna Wells, who has long been connected with Klamath county T KlamatHHasRaisdOverifc Mi-n n i i -i i- - AT THt MEcTINb ;jidu ior iveuei 01 jews tGllANl AUMV, RELIEF CORPS i AND CONGREGATION OF THE More than 150 in cash has been land tomorrow by K. Sugurman. Any; schools, has llnully decided to run for dounted by Klamath Falls people to j further donations can bo left at the' cchool Huncrlntondent. and sho will, tbo roiior or ine opposo Miss llesslo Applognlo for the Jewish refugees republican nomination. Both of theso areas of Europe. young ladles aro known to bo efficient, both have resided In tbe county a long timo, nnd an Interesting campaign bo tweon tho fnlr candidates Is predicted. (1.000.000 starving. banks, tho Sugarman or K. K. K in tho war-swopt storos, nnd will bo forwarded at once In addition to tho! to tho Oregon committee. ' n.aiiB.ltlll. , I. n AHnttAHn tMOftA tlf llUKUHMUb iHU UUUOUUUD AUIU W this extremely worthy cause, Mr, CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO AT TEND PRESBYTERIAN SERVICE More Clubs to Organize ior Eradicating Pests Following the successful work of 1h 18oU VUer Stockmen's Pro wilvo Association since Its organlia- orBf,t..Weok' the We ' ranchers' !l"n'WUon 'or mutual bensflt has JPrsad over tho county. Bonansa Is '"next place to take up such work. nan.. ?tlnf wm be he,, the Bo WM church Wedne,dBy nJght whJ)n "organization win be formed, This Sb ttp th wtsmlnatlon of Ml ViZ fow' M thB L"" WlVaUsy AMosteuea. vnaf AcrtwKufct H. Rolaad fllaUyer will attend tho Bonanza mooting, and will glvo what sugges tions ho can toward making the work effective. Glaisyer Is working In con junction with tbo LoroHa olub( and la anxious to assist all such proposed clubs In organizing and planning cam paigns. I). A, Ward of the federal biolog ical survoy, who nas been engaged In rabbit and coyote extermination in Crook county, Is here conferring with OJalsyer regarding ths campaign to tw carried on la Klamath county. $C1 turned In to tho Commercial Club and banks by voluntary contributors, an additional fill. GO has boen raised from donations within tho Inst three days. These contributions, nil voluntary, fnllnw? Klamath Hardware Co $10.00 Van Riper Bros 20.00 B. S. CJrlBBby 5.00 Oscar Larson 8.00 doorgo Walton 5.00 WIUlB-Johnstono Co 5.00 C. B. niloy 5,00 Golden Rulo 5.00 K. K. K. Stono 5.00 Evaus & Son 6.00 Oscar Bhlvo 2.50 Underwood's Pharmacy 5,00 Roberta Whltmoro o." cause, FiiRavman undo tho following state' ment teday: "On behalf of tbe stricken Jews In the wnr-rldden countries of Europe, 1 wish to thank tho merchants and people of Klamath Falls for tbolr lib eral donations to alleviate suffering among tho people of my nation. The responso has been generous, and I am suro that the prayers of the women nnd chlldrcu who will be thus given food will nrlso to God to bless those who have helped them. "It Is not often that the Jews of any land havo called for aid from the world. Wo aro accustomed to taking cure of our own poor and unfortunate. "Howover, at this tlmo, out of 10,- v re !,...(.. r.n ri.iiii n- A-.h " " 2 00 000,000 Jews In all the world, prac- Chas F. Stomwoll 6.00 W. E. Seehorn 2.00 Dr. O. V, Fisher 5,00 By Cash . . -0 By Cash .00 Dr. Qeo. II. Merryman 5.00 By Cash 100 H, Offenbacher , . . . 2.00 This fund will be taken to Port- UciUly 7,000,000 ore destitute becauoe they live In the warring countries. Tho aid so genorously given by the enlightened, liberty-loving people of America will not bo forgotten by the Jowb of the world," California of women, has a court composed A special .Invitation lias beeu ex tended by the pastor of tbe church to the old soldiers of the G. A. R. to the Woman's Relief Corps, the Indian War Veterans and the Spanish-American War veterans to attend the even ing service at the Presbyterian church tomorrow evening at 7:30, when the subject of tho address will be "Why tho World Loves Lincoln." NO SERVICE AT L NIRRIl SUNDAY REV. FATHER McMILLAN WILL CELEBRATE MASS AT USUAL HOURS AT ' SACRED HEART CHURCH TOMORROW Services will be held at Sacred Heart church at the usual hours to morrow. It was announced last Sun da) that Father Wm. McMillan, S. J., the pastor, would go to Merrill tomor row, but this plau has been changed during the week, , HEAVY FIGHTING ON THE EASTERN AND WESTERN FRONTS United l'res Service PARIS, Feb. 12. The French hnve captured :iOO yards of Genista I'fnchca lu the Champagne region. Ah the result of a violent and sudden hand grenade attacks to the north of Mensil, German positions totw.rd LaHurc Heights have been tak en. The iKtsitious taken dominate the Important Sominc railroad, over uhidi the Germans have been obtaining their suppUes. The Germans hnve countered vainly at U1I9 point. L'nlted I'rews Service PETROGRAD, Feb. 12. The entire Une from Volsynia to Beasarabl Is the scene of the most bloody fighting of tbe winter. West of Toniapol, General Iranoff is leading a violent offensive. Near Ccrnoultz, the Russians nre making desperate efforts to cross the Dniester. ROME, Feb. 12. Italy today issued a decree forbidding the exporta tion by Italians of anything to the Austro-Gernutn people. This closes the last gap in the nUies lines. "We have completed n steel wall around Germany now," said French Premier Briand today. United Press Service NEW YORK, Fe,12. A Buenos Ayres cable declares that two In temed German merchantmen escaped, after asking permission to exer cise their engines. It is believed they will join armed Merchantmen in the Atlantic. WILL ENTERTAIN HIGH OFFICIAL GRAND MASTER OF OREGON ODD FELLOWS WILL BE GUEST OF LOCAL LODGEMEN AT HALL ON MONDAY NIGHT LOCAL MAGAZINE IS ISSUED TODAY MONTHLY PUBLICATION DEVOT ED TO LOCAL PUBLICITY WORK IS PLACED ON SALE AT CITY NEWS STANDS . On Monday night Klamath Lodge No.' 137, I. O. O. F. will entertain Grand Master John X. Hall of the jurisdiction of Oregon. Grand Master Hall is making a tour or Southern Oregon at this timo, vis iting the various subordinate lodges, and the three linkers are making preparations to give his n royal wel come in Klamath Falls. The members of Prosperity Re bokah Lodge will assist in entertain ing tho visiting official, and friends of the order will be invited- to attend the open meeting after the official business is concluded. "The Windlass," Klamath county's latest publication, made Its first ap pearance today, on sale at local news stands. Tbe magazine Is to be Issued monthly, and the February Issue is of 23 pages, telling of local matters, and illustrated with cuts of local Interest. Philip J. Sinnott of the Herald la editor aud publisher of the magazine, which Is destined for use In following ui prospective settlers interested lu Klamath county at the exposition. The Klamath Commercial Club, Southern Pacllle and other concerns have takeu soeral hundred copies of "Tbe Wind lass" for outside distribution. Women chemists in Missouri num ber, fifty-five. Local W. C. T. U. Working tor National Prohibition The local W. C. T. U. will assist in tbe national campaign to secure an amendment to the constitution pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of Intoxicating liquor for beverage pur poses. Petitions are to be circulated to be forwarded to representatives In con gress, and an effort la to be made to secure the adoption of tbe following resolution by all the civic and religi ous organisations of the city: Resolved, That we are in hearty favor of national constitution probl- bltlon, and will do all within our power to secure tbe adoption of an amendment to the constitution for ever prohibiting the sale, manufac ture for sale, transportation for sale, importation for sale, and exportation for sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes In the United States, In accordance with the Joint resolution introduced ,1a tse',Us4teV states senate by Senators Mentis"';; Shepherd and Jacob H. GaUlafer.laiM In the house by RspresenUtrTW sM-lt win Y, Webb and AMtsWlgsHh. -, J y t ?. "W